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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.78 MB, 2720x3300, PS2-Fat-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8706416 No.8706416 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some PS2 hidden gems.

>> No.8706429

Grafitti Kingdom
Shadow of Rome
Urban Reign

>> No.8706434

Madden 2003
Final Fantasy X
GTA San Andreas

>> No.8706452

Godzilla Save The Earth
Kings Field IV

>> No.8706454

every single Naruto game you can get your hands on, honestly each one of those is a great game to itself

>> No.8706474

Mojo was pretty good.
Rebel Raiders was an even more Arcadey Ace Combat 4.

>> No.8706489

Dark Watch
Mister Mosquito
Maximo games
A Dog’s Life

>> No.8706494

I love buying the games that are posted in hidden gems threads, shilling them on reddit and youtube and selling them for massive profits.

>> No.8706496

>Rebel Raiders
oof, no fucking way. are you crazy? there are several way WAY better arcade flight games to go for before that shit.

Air force Delta Strike is the only PS2 exclusive one though.

there's also Aero Elite: Combat Academy but it's more of an actual light sim.

>> No.8706507


>> No.8706516 [DELETED] 

kys pedo

>> No.8706527

Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil

>> No.8706535

Need a baseline. What PS2 games do you like?

>> No.8706540

Hey man, don't diss Rebel Raiders. It was pretty good.

Oh, and Thunder Strike, forgot about that one. Though thats more Helicopter. Thunder Strike and Fire Blade.

>> No.8706542

Devil Kings/Sengoku Basara

>> No.8706568
File: 186 KB, 256x363, The_Mark_of_Kri_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mark of Kri

>> No.8706587
File: 194 KB, 256x363, Neopets_-_The_Darkest_Faerie_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking loathe these threads nowadays because you will have shitters like
who spit out a random list or single game without any elaboration. I know talking is hard for you guys, but damn.
This PS2 exclusive Neopets game is a comfy 3D Zelda clone with more interesting world design than any Zelda pre-BOTW; surprisingly large, varied open environment. It's very action oriented, has a respectable length without filler, controls smoothly, and if you can ignore/embrace the fact that it's based off of a kiddy card game, you'll probably enjoy the simplistic fantasy world. Humble American dev team Idol Mind's lowkey magnum opus before they made intolerable games for trannies.

>> No.8706593

They made a Neopets game - is Neopets even a thing?

>> No.8706598
File: 346 KB, 375x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is honest to god one of the best games on the console. Play Sub Rebellion, you won't regret it.

>> No.8706601

What do you expect with a generic one line OP that didn’t ask for any specific parameters other than “hidden gem”

>> No.8706619

Tourist trophy
Urban chaos
Forbidden siren

>> No.8706632
File: 196 KB, 675x960, url(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of Route 66
Spiritual successor to the sega arcade classic 18 Wheeler, it's a great and rarely talked about ps2 exclusive by AM2. Very hard but very fun

>> No.8706665 [DELETED] 

>Forbidden Shit
>hidden gem
more like hidden trash, the tedious and abysmal gameplay and difficulty makes it an awful experience
the PS3 reboot is the way to go
and the far superior sequel is the real PS2 hidden gem you should've posted
>Reddit Fantasy X
>GTA San Andreas
>NegroBall 2003
>3 of the most popular games on the console
>hidden gems
this better be a joke
disgusting, kys

>> No.8706674 [DELETED] 

>Neopets: The Reddit Furry
>hidden gem
>good game
that's a tranny game and you should kys for acting like it different from the other Idol's Mind garbage games aimed at twitter and tumbler audience

>> No.8706684 [DELETED] 

Kek psdrones are pathetic

>> No.8706686 [DELETED] 


>> No.8706761 [DELETED] 

Tryhard nigger, please. None of those things even existed when this game was made, which is the best thing a once creative but talented developer made. A hidden gem for sure. It's time to ask mama where the meds are and stat.

>> No.8706817 [DELETED] 

>trannnies didn't exist in 2005
you need to go back


>> No.8706826 [DELETED] 

They definitely weren't the target audience. Faggots and homos and troons were the laughing stock of America during the Bush era. It's just a fucking game for kids.

>> No.8706867
File: 229 KB, 800x1135, 15097-the-adventures-of-cookie-cream-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dark Souls of the 6th gen

>> No.8706884 [DELETED] 

>The Dark Souls of x thing
kys /v/ tourist

>> No.8706908

Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff

>> No.8706913 [DELETED] 

>3 of the most popular games on the console
>hidden gems
That's the joke autist

>> No.8706920 [DELETED] 

>this better be a joke
Are you autistic? Of course it is.

>> No.8706929

You should talk less

>> No.8706978

You are right for calling out low effort posts like that. The OP isn't much better though.

>> No.8707212
File: 105 KB, 640x908, ps2_roadkill-110214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roadkill is what you get when you throw GTA3 and Twisted Metal into a blender. A really, really well made game. Good graphics, amazing soundtrack (lots of classic rock), fun gameplay, good graphics. I can't believe the game isn't more talked about.

>> No.8707374 [DELETED] 

>without any elaboration
The games speak for themselves

>> No.8707392

It's a real game lmao

>> No.8707434
File: 24 KB, 266x374, Samurai_Western.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samurai Western

>> No.8707443

Crazy Frog Racer

>> No.8707456 [DELETED] 

What a low effort, shit thread. Kys.

>> No.8707529 [DELETED] 

Christ, you people are insufferable.

>> No.8707560 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 498x280, 1643268213977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you dumb? You are replying to two people that are saying the exact opposite thing.
I said that these posts are low effort while the other guy said that they are allowed to be low effort since the games speak for themselves.
Are you perhaps schizophrenic or do you just not have a grasp of the language you are trying to speak here?

>> No.8707595

silent hill 4 and 0rigins - not the most unknown games ever but I like em

>> No.8707612

I heard that Origins is actually better on PSP.

>> No.8707629

This was pretty fun, but I feel like it ended as it just picked up steam when you obtained all the items. I have Rise of the Kasai but for some reason it didn't grip me as hard as Mark of Kri.

>> No.8707804

contra shattered soldier
r type final
shadow of rome

>> No.8707831

MDK Armageddon
Pirates: The Legend Of Black Kat
Dark Cloud 1 and 2 (Dark Cloud 2 has since been re-named in the Playstation store as "Dark Chronicle").
Shadow Hearts 2
Dynasty Warriors 3 and 4

>> No.8708076

>shadow of rome
The fact that this game is indeed a hidden gem hurts my gaming soul.

>> No.8708109

>Dark Cloud 2
not a hidden gem it's fairly popular and always makes it to the lists of best JRPG's on the PS2
>Reddit Hearts 2
you mean that overrated piece of shit shilled by everyone mainly because of Le German ginger waifu in WW1
at least have some audacity and name the first game or the third one because Reddit Hearts 2 is not hidden nor is it a gem

>> No.8708130

So you shit on SH2 because of waifu but recommend SH3, the one with the vampire loli and the naked indian girl? Ok then.

>> No.8708139

>Shadow Hearts 2
You have a shit taste my dude. It's easily one of the best RPGs on the PS2.

>> No.8708140

>recommend SH3
absolutely not i hated it but i can see the appeal those who liked it
OP asked about hidden gems and SH3 as well SH1 qualifies as one, SH2 is not because it's one of the most overrated PS2 games

>> No.8708150 [DELETED] 

I wouldn’t call this a hidden gem. This was well advertised back then.
>this better be a joke
lol you have assburgers

>> No.8708308
File: 2.25 MB, 2016x1512, Yes_I_am_there_for_the_mid-tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give Garouden a try. My friends and I had tons of fun playing the game which stays true to the comic source material drawn by the guy who did Grappler Baki (which was an awful early PS2 game which does not live up to the comic like Garouden does).

>> No.8708435


>> No.8708463

>Pirates: The Legend Of Black Kat
>Dark Cloud 1 and 2 (Dark Cloud 2 has since been re-named in the Playstation store as "Dark Chronicle").
>Shadow Hearts 2
>Dynasty Warriors 3 and 4
based early 2000s poster

>> No.8708480

They're hidden for a reason. Obscure games are universally bad.

>> No.8708705

Bull shit. Gitaroo man and God hand

>> No.8708747

This really is a good game, I wish you could go back down to Neopia after beating the final boss though. Great game to wander around in. I've got a copy with the exclusive Roberta trading card, still sealed too.

>> No.8708797

How about no
While the gameplay is solid 7/10, the story is so god damn awful and poorly told that it's just not worth experiencing
I played through the whole thing and only found out about all the monsters being radiation afterwards when looking at the manual, but that all happened like a few hundred years ago but Gackt is supposed to be thousands of years old but the bad guy is literally just radiation anti-christ but they knew each other before that and just what the fuck

>> No.8708828
File: 70 KB, 454x640, rumble-racing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty short and easy to get 100% on, but probably my favorite racing game on the platform. Still play it every now and then

>> No.8708847

Densha de Go! Final

>> No.8709401

Jesus christ, why?

>> No.8709540
File: 362 KB, 1600x1093, Pirates-The-Legend-Of-Black-Kat-PS2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8709556
File: 99 KB, 420x600, shadow_hearts_3_conceptart_z6nGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow hearts 3 gameplay was a lot better than 2 despite having less playable characters. Sh2 was way too easy and the final boss was hardly any challenge.

>> No.8709602
File: 144 KB, 256x363, Echo_Night_-_Beyond_Coverart[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if FromSoftware made a Fatal Frame game before Fatal Frame released and it also takes place on the moon. Spooky shit happens and now you have to find your missing wife because it was supposed to be a vacation and now all these bitch ass ghosts are ruining your honeymoon. This game also has nothing to do with the previous two entries on the PS1.

>> No.8709609
File: 28 KB, 336x445, 513AQYHC8YL._SY445_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I'm retarded, Fatal Frame came out before Echo Night Beyond did. I also recommend Champions of Norrath, it's like if Gauntlet and EverQuest had a baby.

>> No.8709665 [DELETED] 

>re-named in the Playstation store as "Dark Chronicle"

zoom zoom zoom

>> No.8709724
File: 173 KB, 736x1012, a8d499629103a1ec4ea16e460b580de3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to say this, but it looks like anon already posted it before I could.

>> No.8709770

Wish i never got rid of my copy anon

>> No.8709862
File: 59 KB, 512x384, Under the Skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8711590
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1920, ps2 182 obscure-hidden-underrated ps2 gaems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey pal I made an image, with some games recommended in /v/ searching by: obscure, hidden and underrated. (I checked 19 different threads) on /v/ archives

>> No.8711594 [DELETED] 

your brain runs on propaganda, please seek help

>> No.8711612 [DELETED] 

Name some then, faggot.

>> No.8711626 [DELETED] 

He's replying to a retard who brought up trannies out of nowhere

>> No.8711629

>Echo Night Beyond
boring and dull walking simulator, it's even slower than the PS1 games
this game is hidden for a good reason, it's fucking garbage
>not posting the superior CON return to arms
shit taste
shove that list up your ass and fuck off back to /v/

>> No.8711631
File: 274 KB, 594x400, ac721c14e6c31b1e198ba18f43355da8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to fix the blurriness of pcsx2? I'd like to try some old ps2 games without having to buy a ps2 and a crt.

>> No.8711654

okay faggot, i despise the r*ddit phrase ''hidden gem'' but i'll play along
>Forbidden Siren 2
>Gregory Horror Show
>Raw Danger
>Growlanser 5
>RE Dead Aim
>Maken Shao
>SMT Devil Summoner Raidou 2
>CV Curse Of Darkness
>Onimusha Dawn Of Dreams
>Chaos Legion
>Forever Kingdom
just to know some, those are actual hidden germs you rarely see r*dditors or /v/edittors mentioning them
games like Rile Of Rose, King's Field 4 or Haunting Ground do not count because in the last few years there got mass shilling campaigns by e-celebs

>> No.8711662
File: 41 KB, 311x445, 51Bni60beHL._SY445_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me.

>> No.8711674

>fucking Sims

>> No.8711696
File: 44 KB, 347x500, 51lmpNY7FoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admittedly not totally hidden because stuff like REZ Infinite is being sold on steam today, but I feel like it flies under the radar for a lot of people.
It's a 2001 electronica/trance rail shooter with interactive music, where your shots contribute to the soundscape.
It's short (~1 hour) but immersive. In fact, in japan you could buy a trance vibrator plug-in to better feel the bass. It's a great way to kill some time.
Bought this used recently because I remember playing it on a demo disc way back when. Was very surprised at the amount of freedom it gives you to explore. I've been trying to find more time for it, but that spider dungeon near the beginning was very cool.

>> No.8711704
File: 151 KB, 1921x1080, 1621777322297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Onimusha Dawn Of Dreams
>Chaos Legion
>SMT Devil Summoner Raidou 2
>Forbidden Siren 2
>CV Curse Of Darkness
Those are by no means hidden

>> No.8711716

>Gregory Horror Show
lmao no

>> No.8711725

no one knows what Chaos Legion is except few DMC fags who started bringing it up after DMC 5 was released and there was a bunch of similarities between them
but that's already over now it went back to being forgotten

>> No.8711754
File: 214 KB, 1000x665, firefighterfd18-1000x665w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firefighter f.d 18 is soo obscure to the point were there is no footage or images online about the three unlockable playable female characters for beating the game multiple times.

>> No.8711767
File: 864 KB, 900x1258, P1490176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember paying attention to it immediately after its release because of the cool cover art

>> No.8711771
File: 413 KB, 1200x793, jogo-dual-hearts-ps2-D_NQ_NP_612895-MLB40840310176_022020-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ps2 infographs need to be updated.

>> No.8711774

Part of why I got a PS2 is because my girlfriend wanted to play this again for the nostalgia but honestly its not very good at all. Its like the Zelda clone equivalent of Tak.

>> No.8711776

No it was designed for literal children who were playing Neopets which was at peak popularity when this game came out.

Your brain has clearly rotted from 4chan overexposure, learn some real words instead of buzzwords.

>> No.8711778

>hidden gems
>not translated/localized

>> No.8711780

Go upscale it to 720p or 1080p in the settings. It defaults to native resolution (480p/480i)

>> No.8711795

are you tagging this thread?

>> No.8711815
File: 107 KB, 800x1127, 501114-dna-dark-native-apostle-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not gem, but it is hidden

>> No.8711897

I blame mongoloid journalists like IGN giving the game a shit 7 rating when it was easily 9

>> No.8711948

It gave us dead rising, it's legacy lived on.

>> No.8711986

just finish god hand, darkwatch and gungrave for the first time this weekend

also, some games doesn't work with vmc. those hori are good?

>> No.8712031
File: 71 KB, 640x905, Stolen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8712075

Madden 2003 fucking sucks.
Madden NFL 07 is so much better than every other Madden on the console it isn't even funny.

>> No.8712078
File: 241 KB, 1141x1600, 1589194072-5848d10e-d932-45a6-ad03-60ae7bbd9c77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8712082
File: 109 KB, 400x300, colosseum-road-to-freedom-20050617030356610-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is grindy and it feels like shit while you're still on the junk starting equipment, but once you find yourself a good weapon and you can start clobbering slaves and elephants to death while the crowd is cheering on your killstreak, you feel like a fucking legend.
Fuck the tigers though holy shit. Even though this game has anime shockwave special attacks and bullet time mode, the tigers are a stark reminder that this game is steeped in realism at the end of the day. You will not feel like a legend having tigers obliterate your shins and ruin your career.

There's a DX version too but it's japanese only and never got translated, no idea how playable it is if you can't decrypt moonrunes, it's not a text heavy game but the inventory is text only which sounds like a pain in the ass.

>> No.8712491 [DELETED] 

Shadow Of Reddit is a mediocre game it does not even deserve the 7 score IGN gave it
Shadow Of Reddit is just a shitty side project Onimusha developers did after 3 and to no one surprise it was a failed project with poor sales it made the developers go back to making another Onimusha even though 3 was supposed to be the final title in the series
Dead Reddit is a garbage meme series, Capcom knew this which is why the Japanese developers of the first game wanted nothing to do with that piece of shit anymore and they handed over Dead Reddit to a literal who western developers (whom later became Capcom Vancouver)
ah yes now that's an actual good ancient Roman themed game, the PSP sequel is also excellent
shame about Clan Of Champions tho

>> No.8712514 [DELETED] 

Touch grass

>> No.8712516
File: 2.51 MB, 3264x2448, 20220313_192449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8712528

>Super Galdelic Hour


>> No.8712646

If we start judging games by what the Japanese publishers did with the IP...

>> No.8712681

The Suffering
The Suffering Ties that Bind
Psi Ops

>> No.8712745 [DELETED] 

>The Suffereddit
>hidden gem
lol nice one

>> No.8712790

Holy fuck no. This game and its sequel were the worst video games I've ever played in my life.

>> No.8712815

+1 to this; peak stylish button basher with cool cut scenes laid atop a story that makes no sense.

>> No.8712834

can anyone recommend games with similar art style and atmosphere to Chaos Legion?
no Square Enix/Soft shit pls

>> No.8712901

>space fishermen
Spumco and Soichi Terada. What a weird combination.

>> No.8712913

Wait til you hear the soundtrack, it fucking rules

>> No.8713061

believe me, the second I saw Terada I listened to the entire thing.

>> No.8713487

What the other anon says. Plus you have to experiment with the Hardware and Software modes.
Rule of thumb is to use Software mode for compatibility and performance and to use Hardware mode to upscale the game.

>> No.8713648

While there are some great games on there it is a bit dumb since a lot of these games have better versions.
Oni, for example, is terrible on PS2 and amazing on PC with tons of mods to make the game better.

>> No.8713703 [DELETED] 

shit game people pretend to like because of the R* logo

>> No.8713727

Although not really a "hidden gem" I want to recommend Odin Sphere.
It's a 2D beat em up where you control multiple characters who each add to the story as you play through each character's story.
What sets it apart from other games of the same genre are the art style, story structure, and item management. To actually beat the game you will need to carefully think about what items you are carrying and how you will use them.
The art style is very stylized and it's very appealing to me.
On the PS2 expect some slowdowns when there are too many enemies on screen.

>> No.8713751 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 480x477, 1624910450581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because of the R* logo
You are absolutely fucking retarded. Do everything in your power to end your life, please.

>> No.8713757

I also like Odin Sphere and Vanillaware games in general. I'd say that the PS4/3 remaster is the definitive version of the game though. So recommending it for PS2 isn't really fair.

>> No.8713767

Interesting. I've only played the PS2 version, although I was aware of the remasters. Didn't know if they were any good, but I'll take your word for it and give it a try on the PS4 whenever I get around revisiting the game.

>> No.8713821
File: 34 KB, 480x587, 1644639659383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To give you a quick heads up though, it plays more like Dragon's Crown for the lack of a better comparison. Best part about the whole package though is that you can just play "Classic Mode" which eliminates all the changes made and basically lets you play the PS2 game with better resolution and performance. Gameplay was streamlined a lot so there is a possibility you might not like the changes.

>> No.8713835
File: 32 KB, 480x336, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Ring of Red
fuck is wrong with this board

>> No.8713850

Dave Mirra BMX 2

>> No.8713908

Thank you for the heads up! Appreciate it!

>> No.8713947

>no footage or images online about the three unlockable playable female characters for beating the game multiple times.

then how do you know about it? and can't you just unlock and use them if you're on an emulator?

>> No.8714752

>A Dog’s Life
superb choice is really fun that game

>> No.8714897 [DELETED] 

imagine being the guy who forces the word "reddit" into the title of any game that shows up you dislike. incredible. also steambot chronicles

>> No.8714936 [DELETED] 

>Odin Sphere
kys for naming that coomer weeb piece of shit ITT
all Shovelware games are garbage with no exception

>> No.8714940 [DELETED] 

the truth hurts huh? if R* did not publish that terrible game it wouldn't get even 1% of the attention it got

>> No.8714948 [DELETED] 

>reddit chronicles
>hidden gem
maybe if you're a 8 years old child
no grown up men will unironically say with a straight face reddit chronicles is good

>> No.8714986 [DELETED] 

hi! what are video games for, other than our inner 8 year old child....

>> No.8715106 [DELETED] 

Listen, you dumb shit flinging nigger, Rockstar did not publish the game. And even if they did, retard, that wouldn't add one bit of sense to your statement.

>> No.8715303 [DELETED] 

>Rockstar did not publish the game
ignorant swine do your homework before taleking out of your ass

and Oni is still a mediocre game not worth playing, discussing or even mentioning it's name here, kys

>> No.8715326 [DELETED] 

Take-Two published the game. And since you posted a link proving it there is no need for you to respond anymore, double nigger.

>> No.8715327 [DELETED] 

those aren't obscure, every e celeb and redditor loves them

>> No.8715339 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 800x1129, PS2 Shovelware Garbage #84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go nigger
keep seething

>> No.8715348 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 456x502, 1622506886689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are still going holy shit you truly are a fucking monkey. Anyways, your picture also just proves me right. That logo on the PS2 cover, you retard, is there because they DEVELOPED the PS2 port. Not PUBLISHED but DEVELOPED.

>> No.8715361 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 371x353, 1645761994163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the PS2 port is developed AND published by Rockstar you stupid fucking nigger, see the game details on the page


the PS2 post was literally released 24 hours after the PC version came, if R* wasn't involved with the PS2 port this piece of shit will be one of the many forgotten early 00's PC shovelware trash games
go jump off a bridge you low IQ inbred mongrel

>> No.8715381
File: 166 KB, 600x420, 50700215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hungry Ghosts
Made by Tokuro Fujiwara himself.
First person horror with multiple endings. The game subtly tracks your playstyle similar to Silent Hill 2 and SHSM.
You reach items slowly with your hand to pick them up, and a ghost or a monster can grab you if you don't react quickly. Fatal Frame borrowed it in later entries.
One of the scariest horror games on the platform.

>> No.8715390

top notch choice, dave mirra mogged matt hoffman

>> No.8715397 [DELETED] 

>it's the Hungry Ghosts autist
this isn't the suitable thread to shill this Shadow Tower ripoff since it's a Japan only game and OP being the faggot he is cannot speak japanese
>The game subtly tracks your playstyle similar to Reddit Hill 2
way to make people lose interest in this game by comparing it to that turd

>> No.8715428 [DELETED] 

>it's the Reddit Hill schizo
When did OP hurt you so much?
>Shadow Tower ripoff
You have to be criminally, devastatingly ignorant to think that a) Shadow Tower is a unique game b) Hungry Ghosts is similar to Shadow Tower.

>> No.8715438
File: 162 KB, 800x1117, colin mcrae rally 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related plus a podcast and a beer is kino relaxation.

>> No.8715465

to the few people who knows that Hungry Ghosts exists it's nothing but a shitty Shadow Tower ripoff to them
this assumption may change if people actually play it but it's not gonna happen, this shovelware will remain stuck in Japan and no self respected translator is going to waste his time translating this turd

>> No.8715476 [DELETED] 

>this better be a joke
you know I think it just might be

>> No.8715481

That's the perfect name for a vehicular combat game. Why didn't anyone think of it before?

>> No.8715483
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Avoid the second one, the characters move like they're in treacle and it completely ruins the game.

>> No.8717408

King of Aces if you goofy ass minigolf

>> No.8717413
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>> No.8717416
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>> No.8717421
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>> No.8717441

I was very much into wrestling and ICP as a yoot and loved this game. Soundtrack was good too.

>> No.8717458 [DELETED] 

We'll find out if OP is a Youtuber
>holy snot guys! check out this totally obscure hidden gem!
>final fantasy x-2
Comment section
>DAE play this obscure gem? i thought i was the only one
>holy shit me too me too me too

>> No.8717515

Is Twinkle Star Sprites La Petite Princesse good?

>> No.8717562 [DELETED] 

People knew who Bungie was, yes, even before Halo was released. No one gives a fuck about Rockstar's tangential involvement, don't be delusional.

>> No.8717816

learly 2000s codemaster
based, I keep forgetting about their games, thanks anon.

>> No.8717838

Yanya Caballista Skater is apparently good.

>> No.8718932

I'd heard about BYW years ago but only got round to playing it in the past 18 months or so. Great game you can just pick up and play instantly.

>> No.8719774

NFL 2k4 if you're interested in one of the last vestiges of official sports product before EA had a stranglehold on it.
Different company, played a little different; Enough to matter.

>> No.8720695

top notch series, I miss colin

>> No.8721485

Shadow Tower Abyss

>> No.8721492

the psp sequel is better in every way

>> No.8721523

>RE Dead Aim
you wish it was good, has a nice atmosphere tho

>> No.8721571
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>> No.8721607
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Ignore all the reviews claiming it was bad back in the day, dumb JRPG fans couldn't comprehend a game being built around anything but a story.
It's micromanagement and stat building autism on top of S-tier battle system. Literally hours and hours of gameplay. The only tradeoff is the cutscenes are unskippable, but if you're emulating you can use fastforward.

>> No.8721821
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>> No.8722273


Anon, I...

>> No.8723182 [DELETED] 

2nd this one

It plays sort of wonky at first until you get used to it but it's near arcade enough to still be fun and worth playing I like the prequel to this one too

I dont care if I make run on sentences

>> No.8723186

Onimusha is great

Too bad it's sort of a grind. Still really enjoy the art for these games enough to play them anyway

>> No.8723190

Ooh ya nice thanks for this

Probably plays slow on my PC tho still fun to play

>> No.8723228

Red Star is a contra-esque game with melee and not sure if its multiplayer or not but it needs to be

Raiden III arcade style shooter

State of Emergency 2 - haven't played this yet but looks fun also arcade style and looks and plays a lot like dead rising. I'm guessing it was the inspiration for dead rising on 7th gen consoles

>> No.8723251
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>> No.8723256
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>> No.8723423

SOE2 is dogshit. First one is great.

>> No.8724259

Whatever happened to that company?

>> No.8725524

One of the must amazingly fun hidden gems I ever played. In the early 2000's ragdoll physics was a new fun addition to many sports titles. I had a blast playing the highway map and getting hit by cars watching the ragdoll physics toss my character across the map.

>> No.8725861

Did they forget to clean their template or something?

>> No.8725869

Do you get to play as a robot in Ring Of Red?

>> No.8725876

fuck yes dude, was about to post this. cant forget the fun coop play, the tricks are funs, lots of secrets in the levels, random hazards like tornadoes and shit. underrated af

>> No.8725881

I've never once grinded in any of the 4 Onimusha games.

>> No.8725890

It's a TBS where your units are mechs, kinda like Front Mission. But the combat switches to like a third-person mode, kinda like Valkyria Chronicles

>> No.8725918

Nice essay, nerd

>> No.8725935

Metal Saga

>> No.8725943
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>> No.8725952

Sorry your brain can't handle processing more than one sentence, zoomer.

>> No.8725962

Rez Infinite in VR makes all other versions flatout obsolete. It's the final evolution of a game which improved when it got rereleased multiple times with extra content (PS2), HD (360), and then VR (PS4). Infinite turned Rez into my all time favorite game.

>> No.8727045

Nice, I would also add Grandia 3, Grandia was good on saturn, psx and dreamcast, but forgettable on ps2, sadly.

>> No.8727228

>got the three pack for my birthday
that shit was so cash

>> No.8727238

honestly love you guys

>> No.8727412

Idk I played it for a while and it looked like that because you have to upgrade your sword

Maybe it wasn't that way for you

I'll go back and finish it when I'm done with sports titles for this same console

>> No.8727447

ok, this post is a pyscologycal one

>> No.8728469 [DELETED] 

a real essay would be about ten pages (5,000 words).

>> No.8729097
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I dunno about other anons but I don't recommend MX4SIO/MC2SIO. From my experiences so-far:

>SD card compatibility is a huge problem, most of mine simply failed to recognize even after being formatted to Fat32
>general game compatibility is so-so at best
>OPL shits itself all the fucking time requiring reinstalls
>often gives "Game is Fragmented" error or just fails to recognize the SD card until you reboot
>latest version of OPL doesn't even having working memory card functionality, and crashes when you try to create a virtual memory card

Just stick to burning ESR discs for now, or a hard drive if you have a fat PS2 and the patience to deal with current OPL.

>> No.8729219

under the skin is no longer as hidden as it once was, but i still recommend that people give it a shot. it's the most 6th gen game ever made. at least from a nostalgic point of view in retrospect. the graphics, gameplay, story...all of it really embodies how games felt in the era which it was made in. i played this game for the first time a few years ago, and it just gave me a really warm and fuzzy feeling. it was like i had just returned to sitting in front of a small crt in the basement of my childhood home.
nowadays, people can download the rom in 10 minutes and try the games out for themselves.
there's no point wasting time on real writeups for post-2016 4chan of all places. i know this because i still waste my time doing it sometimes.

>> No.8729410

Grandia 3 is overlooked and underrated, one of my favorite jarpigs

>> No.8729754
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I'm surprised there's anons that played this obscure game. The game is aesthetically y2k in its game design and soundtrack. It was a different era in the gaming industry. The control scheme are extremely dated when compared to other platformers in that generation.

>> No.8730816
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Second Sight

>> No.8730848
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God Hand


it takes a few minutes to get used to the controls but after that it's a lot of fun

>> No.8730928

I may be retarded, I burnt 10 dvd and only worked. Attempted to ger Jak and Daxter 5 times and game would always crash on the title screen.

>> No.8730932

Only 2*

>> No.8730935

I think God Hand is these days a better known game than many of the other PS2 games that sold many times more than that at the time.

>> No.8730962

One of the last times I dropped acid I played through Rez in one go standing in my living room with a DS4 in my hands and the Move controllers shoved up the sleeves of my hoodie. That was a pretty great time

>> No.8731098

top notch choice mate

>> No.8731869

Disaster Report
Raw Danger

>> No.8731873
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And rightfully so. Clover is gone but not forgotten.

>> No.8731956
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great little driving game which combines both racing and rpg into one. has an open world to explore and has lots of things to do. also has a great soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOZPOKkuSSA

>> No.8731957

highly replayable, so much fun

>> No.8731965

Reddit Hand is overrated garbage go kys
MK Shaolin Monks and Urban Reign, hidden gem beat em ups

>> No.8731972 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.8731980

The sequel Gadget Racers (PAL, PS2) is even better and even hiddener, since it wasn't released in the US. Not to be confused with Gadget Racers (US, PS2) on PS2, which is actually the prequel to Road Trip Adventure, or Gadget Racers (PAL, GameCube), which is an entirely different game to both of those.

>> No.8732459

Oi, thank you Nigel!

>> No.8733387

This is just conjecture, but wouldn't running a whole game through the memory card slot wear it out? Potentially causing it to not function any more?

>> No.8733392

Say I could only play one, which one would you recommend?

>> No.8733398

>SMT Devil Summoner Raidou 2
I played the first one a bit and just like any other Atlus game the aesthetics and premise are great but the combat is super janky. Is the second one any better in that regard?

>> No.8733730 [DELETED] 
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The Punisher
Spartan Total Warrior
Second Sight
Peter Jackson's King Kong
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing

>> No.8733872

I got stuck on the first lvl. how do I get down the elevator? Where is the code?

>> No.8734413

I've heard the combat is better, but I haven't played any of them.

>> No.8736110

if this is the game of which I'm thinking, 10 year old me hated this fucking game. at the end of the first or second level there's this submarine and you're supposed to escape on it or something, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to do it. I was playing it at a friend's house and we were all taking turns on it, trying to figure out what tool to use and what on. we tried that shit felt like hours, eventually gave up and went back to MK:DA. now that game fucking ruled. we eventually moved to Armageddon when that game came out for the roster, but it never felt as tight as Deadly Alliance.

>> No.8736124

I love rally a lot. But with long running sports series I always wonder which one I should play.
Is it safe to assume that I could just play mcrae rally 2005 and have the best expierence? Or should I play multiple?

>> No.8736127

Ring of Red.

That's my only one, it's sweet you get to use low-tech mechs with infantry support in a divided post world war 2 Japan and it still holds up

>> No.8736131

No they're not, they're more like sleeper hits that may have been before their time but never will go big now that the newer stuff is out. Some other games don't have mainstream appeal because they're a bit weird but they're still good.

>> No.8736135

>Gitaroo man
is the psp version better?

>> No.8736139

ObsCure 1 and 2 because I can't think of any others atm

>> No.8736143

I didn't read the thread before posting

>> No.8736147

Make sure you're not forgetting to patch them with ESR, FreeDVDBoot doesn't work very well with games generally if that's what you're trying to use. If you have bad DVD-R's or the game isn't ESR-compatible that could also be the problem.

>> No.8736169

Not any worse than running it through the USB or disc drive.

>> No.8736172
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kengo3 and garouden are the only fighting games you need on the psdouble.

>> No.8736178

LMA Manager 2007 is the only soccer manager game you'll need

>> No.8736180

>disc drive
You know, I always forget about that. Crazy to think that you are literally just waiting for your laser to break when playing PS2 games. I heard that when you play CD Roms instead of DVDs the laser wears out even quicker.

>> No.8736191

That is true, unfortunately. Also playing DVD movies (at-least from my experience) will put extra wear and tear on the drive.

>> No.8736197

Im disappoint this was such a pile. It has a neat premise for a Army Men spin off, all the different themed worlds I imagine the idea was like some kid playing with all their random ass toys together.

>> No.8736203

I haven't played any of these in forever, so I'm having an issue distinguishing games, but I'm pretty sure I've got it now.
If you can only play one, go with Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja 4. Not Storm, that's a later game and I've never played it. UN4 has a really fun story mode where you fight "copies" of every character on the roster, which is the largest roster on the PS2. Basic one on one gameplay is largely unchanged from previous games which is good; I like this style way more than the "open 3D area" later games used.
If you could play two however, I'd say the second should be Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2. The main gameplay is different than the UN series (I have no memory of this gameplay, but it doesn't look great). The main thing about this game is the mission mode, where you can pick teams and accept missions from the hokage. From missions you earn items which you use to boost your characters in a pretty neat upgrade system I wish they had brought over to the other games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMpShgOyu1I

>> No.8736609

looks good

>> No.8736668


Hi metal Jesus rocks.

>> No.8736704

>>Gitaroo man
>is the psp version better?

>> No.8736709

Not them, but what's bad about it? I 've played both versions but I've definitely spent more time with the PSP port

>> No.8738725

Odin Sphere is a horrible game and made me vow to never play another VanillaShit game ever again.

>> No.8738730

3 and Vice City are better.

>> No.8739037 [DELETED] 

San Andreas is too centered around blacks for me to be enjoyable.

>> No.8739605

The sad truth is that, with the exception of maybe two dozen titles, the ps2 library simply sucks.

>> No.8739623

You are too late anon. This whole thread disproves what you said.

>> No.8739641

based europoster

>> No.8739645

Idk if maybe the issue is that I was using DVD +R
But yeah I was patching them and all, cause I got MK shaolin monks working.

>> No.8739884

Fuck off MetalJesus

>> No.8740065
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The PS2 has more great games than the N64 has games.

>> No.8740207

There's a lot of well known good games on here, like Timesplitters, Onimusha, Tenchu, Oni, Katamary Damacy, P4, Zone of Enders, Dark Cloud, etc. But I just want to point out a few that I recall as being exceptional in some way or another.
>Okage Shadow King
Incredibly based. One of the best aesthetics from a JRPG I've played. I don't remember the gameplay too much, but I still recall the game with a positive sense of nostalgia.

>ATV Offroad Fury
Both one and two are very fun games. I still remember playing 4 way multiplayer with some friends. Instead of racing we would play tag on the free-roam maps. Mastering the art of maneuvering yourself onto buildings and hideaway spots was pure kino and I'd recommend it to anyone who still has gaming sessions with their buds

>The Bouncer
Very satisfying beat em up. Doesn't quite compare to God Hand, but still would recommend if you enjoy the genre.

I'd also shout out Freedom fighters as a pretty fun TPS, that goes under a lot of peoples radar. The multiplayer in that game is also incredibly fun as it gives you the addition of tactics with recruiting little armies and base capturing.

>> No.8742036

the maximo games

ford racing 1 and 2

The walee game

the obscure titles known as GTA.

>> No.8742049

He's not a bad person anon.

>> No.8742053


>> No.8742336

Okage is flawed but interesting for a one time play. Im sure there is no staff connections, but it almost at times feels like it was made people who were working on Mother 64 and made this as a spiritual successor after it was canceled. Unfortunately the dungeons suck dick and you can run away from every non mandatory fight because the stupid urns you have to fight in every dungeon and bosses will keep you leveled fine with the exp they give. The plot gets meta as fuck a bit past halfway in to the point you think maybe its some modern indie game.

>> No.8742589

This, lol.
I can count the worthwhile N64 games on one hand. meanwhile the PS2 is uncharted territory because of the sheer amount of good games it has
the last good nintendo console was the SNES, everything after that was dogshit.

>> No.8742890

>>The Bouncer
I agree with your statement

>> No.8743791 [DELETED] 

San Andreas is just about the only game with blacks I can stand ţbh, because it's genuine and not a story they've randomly been blackwashed into for the sake of marxism

>> No.8744792

Some loser faggot janny warned me for this post: >>8739037
apparently I hurt his feelings by having an opinion.

>> No.8745667

The tranny on this board has completely ruined it. I am a knowledgeable, contributive poster and I barely bother posting anything here anymore because I get warned/banned for completely innocuous posts every other day now. And I assume many other people feel the same way. Reap what you sow.

>> No.8745685

That's relevant to the discussion, directly tied to your preference of the game, I don't see the need for the post to be removed.

>> No.8746105

>still no english translation

>> No.8746198
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I'm not kidding. This is actually the reasoning given for my warning. I wish I was making this up.

>> No.8746201

Most likely 007 Agent Under Fire's first mission. You have to rescue Zoe Nightshade tied to the sub, before it goes underwater and drowns her, but it's very easy and straight forward, so it might be another game.
There's a mission in Nightfire that takes place in an underwater vehicle section half way through the game, where you have to avoid detection and escape a submarine at the end of the level, this level is disliked by a lot of people
I think World is Not Enough game also has a submarine level but I could be wrong

>> No.8746207

How long until they start warning and banning people for obscure references they don't know about.

>> No.8747130

Stretch Panic

>> No.8747725

Or if you're using a slim like me, use the Ethernet port.

>> No.8748673

>the maximo games
prefect choices

>> No.8748953

Keep posting more titles. I just bought a 256gb microsd for my android tablet to play these games.

>> No.8748961

You've got to be retarded to be playing on anything but original hardware, but you're double retarded to be using a fucking tablet

>> No.8748964

Why? It's a nice, big screen.

>> No.8748984

Get a real computer

>> No.8749003

I don't need one. I don't do any real gaming anyway. I've got a laptop for coding and a tablet for doing shit when I'm on the couch or in the bed.

>> No.8749030

Then why the fuck are you bothering with retro games in the first place you stupid bastard.

>> No.8749045

Because I like them.

>> No.8749053

>likes retro games
>isn't even trying to play them properly
Fuck off, pretender.

>> No.8749068

I played them properly 15-25 years ago. I find the games nostalgic, not the shitty CRT televisions.

>> No.8749079

In that case there's no point of you even downloading them onto a microSD. Go watch longplays on YouTube.

>> No.8749226


Crybaby bitch, find something worthwhile to whine about besides people recommending video games you sad twat

>> No.8749420
File: 204 KB, 451x640, 4734203364_c5bd37a02f_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to play the PS2 port of Deus Ex. Wish me luck.

>> No.8749445

It's the fucking zoomers who reply with this kind of crap who weren't alive or old enough to comprehend the gaming scenes back then, rediscover it in their late teens to 20s and come here thinking stuff like Disgaea and Darkwatch are "hidden gems".

>> No.8749449

This game sucks.

>> No.8749451
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>> No.8749474

>The Bouncer

>> No.8749486

>who spit out a random list or single game without any elaboration
why would you need to type in an "elaboration" when you can just google the title and see the description of the game yourself? Stop being a faggot

>> No.8749487

>ad populum
dont be a retard

>> No.8749502

Press F5 until it looks good. There are also deinterlacing patches for lots of games on the forums.

>> No.8749556

PS2 games were blurry even on the original hardware. Blame Sony.

>> No.8749635

Damn you must really hate yourself nigga.

>> No.8749651

Nah, I'm quite content.

>> No.8750292

rtype final
raw danger
we love katamari

>> No.8750630


>> No.8750720
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