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8694531 No.8694531 [Reply] [Original]

Is Soul Calibur 2 the greatest 3d fighting game of all time? Honestly nothing better comes to mind

>> No.8694538

it's my favorite. i had the PS2 version. heihatchi was a great addition because he was so different.

>> No.8694541

First Soul Calibur for Dreamcast was better.
Also Fuck Soul Calibur 2 for giving the best extra character to Shitbox.

>> No.8694543

Xbox represent. Can't say no to that HD. And Spawn was actually fun to use. Heihachi was broken beyond belief and Link was garbage.

>> No.8694547
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Still makes me seethe to this day that Cloud got cucked out of a spot.

>> No.8694548

It's hard to top transcendence of history and the world.

>> No.8695082

The biggest mistake Namco made was not releasing SC3 on the Gamecube.

>> No.8695089

A tale of souls and swords, eternally retold

>> No.8695091

>First Soul Calibur for Dreamcast was better.

>> No.8695094

>Heihachi was broken beyond belief
In what way?

>> No.8695101

no, the biggest mistake was not releasing SC3 arcade edition on any console.

>> No.8695109

no definitive version of 2.

>> No.8695112

as noted, he is completely different stylistically from the other fighters. his move inputs and cadence are more like tekken, and you can hammer opponents with chains if they let you get close with him

>> No.8695124

>PS3/360 remaster has both Spawn & Heihachi
Definitive version.

>> No.8695125

Yup. If Heihachi touches you and the player is reasonably competent with him you have very few options. Guard impacts are your only friend. He locks you down badly and can run you across an entire stage with 10 hit strings and make you ring out.

>> No.8695128

I wish they got creative and came up with a generic elf skin so they could put "Link" in the game too.

>> No.8695132
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>US version is dub-only

>> No.8695142

You could also just pirate the JP version if it means that much to you

>> No.8695143

Yes but then you have to navigate the story in moonrunes. There also wasn't a JP 360 version.

>> No.8695148
File: 218 KB, 850x1210, __sophitia_alexandra_and_seong_mi_na_soulcalibur_and_1_more_drawn_by_kawano_takuji__sample-26d921403a98063258b95b3f3b68077a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the best piece of the gallery

>> No.8695151

This would be perfect for an updated Switch rerelease.

>> No.8695152

Why did they change Seung Mina's spelling to Seong Mi-Na?

>> No.8695156

The absence of a JP dub is a dealbreaker for you but you can't read Japanese? You serious?

>> No.8695158

I'd probably buy that.

>> No.8695159

1 was better and fuck Link fags

>> No.8695169

This is the only explanation I could find

>> No.8695238

They could have just hitched up with SEGA or Sony for Alundra or a Phantasy Star protag.

>> No.8695248

It's an incredibly top tier weapon-based fighter. I played the hell out of it back in the day.
100%'d Weapon Master as well. So much fucking content.

>> No.8695257
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Not same anon, but I too have never been able to tolerate the English dubbing of Soulcalibur. Probably partly because it's not even my first language and I don't play or watch anything with dubs anyway.

>> No.8695272

I will show you...


>> No.8695286
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whenever i wanted to play this with my brother, i'd ask him if he wanted to offer his soul

>> No.8695362

SC1 Mission Battle mode mogs SC2 Weapon Master mode. A poor replacement tacking on dungeons that lacked engaging progression and creativity in the parameters of fights like poisonous rats.

>> No.8695409

It's definitely one of the better fighting games out there, and I firmly believe it's the best game in the Soul Calibur series.

>> No.8695417

Oh shit, it's Robert from King of Fighters

>> No.8695610

Guest characters were a mistake. They cheapen the whole experience and devalue the original cast.

Also, VF4evo is the best 3D fighter.

>> No.8695860

That's a little more understandable, I guess. My native language is English and I've always enjoyed the stilted English dub in these games, but I do play with Japanese voices when given the option to do so.

>> No.8695864

I've liked a few of em. I like all three from II, Darth Vader from IV and 2B from VI.

>> No.8695867

Last good namco game.

>> No.8695880

>Is it the greatest 3D fighting game of all time?
But only because it's my favorite.
I spent hours playing it with my cousin before he drank his life away
I still boot up my copy and remember him

>> No.8696224

Soul Calibur 2 is indeed a fantastic game, specifically the PS2 version.
Link was cool and all, but playing that game with Gamecube controllers suck. Heihachi is also my man.

>> No.8696232


>> No.8696248

2 has a good dub though, Nightmare especially

>> No.8696270

I heard that the PS2 version is the worst because it has slowdowns. You're right about the GC controls, I built an arcade stick just for this game.

>> No.8696316

xbox version was the best one, shame about not getting medieval spawn, but still the best one.

>> No.8696328
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For me no but I can definitely understand that. Best /vr/ 3D fighter is Tekken Tag or Tekken 5.

>First Soul Calibur for Dreamcast was better.
No it wasn't, although I slightly prefer the music in SC1. SC2 has the same gameplay with better graphics and the girls have bigger boobs, better round introduction screen, better character select screen, basically slightly better in every way. Only reason I would ever play SC1 is to marvel at what the Dreamcast was capable of with 1998 hardware.
t. Owns SC1 for 'cast and SC2 for 'cube It's actually most fun to play the GC version on Dolphin with an arcade stick

>> No.8696329

I'm more salty about Keith David not doing the voice. Especially since he was doing the "there's no power greater than X" commercials at the time.

>> No.8696332

Tekken 5 is still my favorite Tekken period. What a perfect game.

>> No.8696337

Why was SCIII such a dramatic downgrade? The series suddenly got real shitty after II.

>> No.8696374

>Loved SCI and II
>SCIV is coming out
>Figure SCIII will be cheap now, so I go out to my local store
>They call me a retard for getting III and not IV
They were half right, because III AND IV are pretty bad.

>> No.8696613

3's actually really cool if it weren't for that memory card destroying glitch. It was way better than IV anyways.

>> No.8697084

memory card destroyed that game, I don't know if pcsx2 or emulation fixed that issue or some patched ISO.

>> No.8697086

There was a reprint in Japan that officially fixed it.

>> No.8697118

Ignore butthurt seganiggers

>> No.8697121

Literally who and who?

>> No.8697146
File: 58 KB, 609x800, gelbooru_621210_742c689950923ebd781d477225eaf469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was the last SC game that came out in arcades before it was released onto console. The arcade versions of the games were full of bugs, glitches and infinites that they patched out (at least the more egregious examples and all of the more moderate ones. There's probably some very hard to pull off on a regular basis still in the game, but that probably always is the case) until they reached the final version, where like I said before, it was basically perfect. Afterwards, they would make this final version the defacto console version and port it to the consoles. That changed with 3 when they ported it directly to console without it going through arcades first. There are a shitton of bugs in the console version of 3 that are easy to pull off with 15 minutes of practice (there was an arcade port that fixed a lot of this shit and makes it reasonably balanced, but it was lost to time until a reconstruction or port of it to the PS2 was made recently). Ever since, the balance in SoulCalibur games has been a bit off.

Some guy in the SC competitive scene back in the day (I know esports are gay and he has a retarded way of speaking but he basically expalins the situation in a deeper manner):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_8XtFKhD1A (The whole thing is 2 hours long but talks about this in the first 10 minutes).

It's a real shame since SoulCalibur was Namco's sister project to Tekken. Now it takes a wide backseat to it, although it's far from kusoge. Just not as polished as it could be. At least it's not GG:Strive levels of mediocre or worse, SFV levels of awfulness.

>> No.8697453

>The whole thing is 2 hours long but talks about this in the first 10 minutes
christ, you can actually watch shit like this?

>> No.8697493

I usually tap out after about 15 minutes at most. Aris is very grating when he isn't commentating on something and just playing games. There's a reason why he calls his fans stoners.

>> No.8697597

I never experienced any.

>> No.8697701

>Implying people care about Spawn nowadays

>> No.8697730

>Tekken Tag
My man. Still the best Tekken game in the series. Although Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is also good and better than all of the other non-tag games.

>> No.8697750

virtua fighter evo on the ps2 is the best 3d fighter of all time

>> No.8697763

Fuck yeah I support this incredibly correct opinion

>> No.8697773

>I heard that the PS2 version is the worst because it has slowdowns
That's a cope from consolewar faggots. It plays fine.

>> No.8697794
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should I replay 2 for weapon quest mode or 3 for the tactical war rts thingy mode? they're both so much fun.

>> No.8697812

I genuinely don't know why they haven't, they could basically make a bootleg Hero's Shade, have Hiyama record a few spooky, halting lines about losing memories or some shit and have a free character, or at least put his "soul" into the custom character maker along with the other guests that have been dropped

>> No.8697821

you gotta stop taking everything you read online at face value anon

>> No.8697824

I like Aris but watching enough of him also got me to quit smoking weed if that makes sense

>> No.8697994 [DELETED] 


>> No.8698079
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Are there others as autistic as me who own all three versions?

>> No.8698926


>> No.8698937

You can beat nearly the entire game with links default throw.

>> No.8699343
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In almost every fighting game you can cheese the CPU in one way or another.

>> No.8699348

Fightcade has teased that ps1 emulation with proper rollback is about to come out, really hope they work on gc after that.

>> No.8699385

I did at one point.

Once I stopped caring about Link, the version I played became irrelevant.

>> No.8699418
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I don't care for the guest characters either, let alone Necrid, but since I happen to own all three consoles I might as well own all versions

>> No.8699485
File: 59 KB, 640x628, suengmina-2nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mi-Na was peak qt in SC1, however.

>> No.8699489

I remember staring at this constantly when I was 7. Good times.

>> No.8699953

seung mina best kilik

>> No.8700269

>dude, let's put cloud on this turd called err gays
>Hey, you want Cloud to be in SC2? Link is in it
>sure!...on second thought, no, we don't want Cloud in Soul fucking Calibur
Square has always been retarded.
how hard would it be to mod mishima and spawn on the dolphin version

>> No.8700283
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3 is my favorite

>> No.8701315

Both, you absolute dumbfuck. It doesn't need to be a "this vs that" ordeal.

>> No.8701504

>how hard would it be to mod mishima and spawn on the dolphin version
some people were able to put version exclusive characters' movesets onto other characters but not port graphics between versions because of different formats.

>> No.8702182

>Fuck Soul Calibur 2 for giving the best extra character to the best console
Ok. Sucks you were stuck with a zoomercube but I figured tendies would like Link.

Xbox version. Also that would be a poor reason even if it were true.

>> No.8702782

the Xbox 360 version (through Xbone/Series x for enhancements)

>> No.8702789

don't they take out a bunch of content in that version?

>> No.8702939

Only JP voice option and Link

>> No.8705121


>> No.8705206

souls... give me STRENTHGS

>> No.8705218
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>> No.8705220
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>> No.8705349

Why 2 and not 3? 3 seems like exactly the same but with more content but 2 being the best one is such a common statement that I'd like to know what does it do better than all other games

>> No.8705381

everything, designs, music, stages, voices, characters.

>> No.8705386

>exclusive, where 2 was multiplat
>no guest characters (besides being able to create KOS-MOS in the create-a-character)
>corrupts your memory card

>> No.8707783

memory card bug killed soul calibur III

>> No.8707784

also no necrid

>> No.8707841

Good riddance.

>> No.8707940

What's great about the graphics of Soul Calibur 1 and II is that in my mind I remember them looking like IV and V, if that makes any sense. Like the visuals weren't that impressive by today's standards but the design was so good that I forget that part when thinking about the game. Which has the ironic side effect of looking at the newer games and thinking that they haven't really improved much.

>> No.8707962
File: 288 KB, 1280x720, soul hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Necrid is in

>> No.8707970

I know what you mean. People often talk about lowpoly design tricks but not all sixth gen games look equal, so there are definitely a lot of subtle tricks they did with these midpoly(?) models and stages to enhance the game’s visuals. I remember the game looking outstanding.

>> No.8707998

I think a lot of the same tricks apply, lowpoly relied on great texture work to look good. Now draw your attention to how well done the texture on Heihachi’s face is here >>8707962

That’s admittedly an hd version of the game but I assume just an enhancement of the original texture rather than an outright replacement.

They probably spent most of their polygons on character’s faces and boobs, cause those look really off if they’re even slightly unnatural. Wouldn’t surprise me if they had multiple models of the same character, one for select/loading screen where it zooms in on their face and one for in game where things are zoomed out and details are harder to see. In fact I’d be surprised if they didn’t do it that way.

>> No.8708193


>> No.8708289

Can someone explain Voldo's idle stance to me? Why and HOW is he shuffling in place like he's on roller skates?

>> No.8708380

Any other fighting games that has a dungeon crawler mode like SC?

>> No.8708419

Ehrgeiz and Tobal

>> No.8708505

Judicious leveraging of your assets is so important. You see a lot of old 3D games that obviously just divided all their available polygons evenly and it would get the job done but not much more. Meanwhile Crash Bandicoot allocated 1/3 of the total polygons on screen to Crash himself because he needed to look and animate great and they could cut corners in other, less noticeable places.

>> No.8708629


>> No.8710772

Fuck off weeb

>> No.8711040

The characters they added weren't as fun to play as the ones they removed.

>> No.8713151

For me, its Bloody Roar Primal Fury

>> No.8714206

>Oh no. I can't play as shitty characters that are some of the worst in the game. Therefore, all of the versions are bad.