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8697459 No.8697459 [Reply] [Original]

They're gonna do somethin' stupid. I don't know what they're gonna do, but it'll be stupid.

>> No.8697474

They already didб 23 years ago when they decided to continue Chrono Trigger and released Chrono Cross.

>> No.8697476


>> No.8697494

>i don't like the original game
Yeah, this thread probably isn't going to be for you then champ!

>> No.8697518

Literally anything they do to try to improve this half-baked mess of a game is going to become THE DEFINING ISSUE of the month and we all know it. Instead of admitting the game was always bad and that the new version might at least attract some attention to the original, we'll all just bitch and fling shit like usual.

>> No.8697520

I like the original game a lot. It's one of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.8697521

I just hope the Radical Dreamers translation is decent

>> No.8697525

Is this different from the remaster?

>> No.8697536

You are in an extreme minority of people

>> No.8697539

I wouldn't say that. Seems about fifty fifty to me.

>> No.8697705

As a sequel to Chrono Trigger, it is nearly unrecognizable. It looks more like Final Fantasy 10 with the hakka hakka tropical island crap.

>> No.8697707

hakka hakka?
who doesn't like pretty tropical stuff?
yeah nah when it came out a lot of the people played trigger didn't like cross due to it "not feeling like a true spiritual successor" or something along those lines, which i totally get.
i had played trigger but i didn't give a fuck that cross was very different because i just liked the game itself a lot. liked the music, locations, huge cast of collectable characters you can play, colors, aesthetics, everything. i figured that all that shit would be enough for most people, but seems like about half people i met didn't like it at all. but fucking whatever.

>> No.8697745

Wouldn't it be very ironic if they removed all the funny accents from this one?

>> No.8697757

It goes beyond the look... over 40 characters and two dimensions is not the same as time traveling with a fleshed out party. They tried to turn it into Suikoden. I don't hate it, but just because a couple of people from CT show up at the end doesn't make up for all the pink dogs and weird clowns.

>> No.8697759

I didn't just mention the look though. I didn't mention it at all.
Yeah I know I basically said "not feeling like a true spiritual successor" because it isn't. I even said that I get that, so.
Yep. Everything seems to be understood here.

>> No.8697760

If the original is anything to go by, they'll add in a new island shaped like an incredibly thin sine wave and you will have to go back and forth across the whole of it sixteen times as Serge, Lynx, and Serge again. Each.

>> No.8697767
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I will NOT tolerate people talking shit about Poshul.

>> No.8697776
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funguy if he real...

>> No.8697780

admit that viper manor infiltration is awesome

>> No.8697838

Cross's roster is basically what you get if all the NPCs from Trigger joined you once their role in the story ended. So you beat the Guardian and get the bike key from Doan? Doan joins the party. You have to bring the rations to the soldiers fighting on Zenan Bridge? The cook and Captain both join you. Kino joins you. That Nu guarding the Epoch joins you. Norstein Bekkler gives you the clone and joins you.

Of course this means that joining the party indicates their role in the story has ended rather than begun. So their dialog ends up being boring after that and they contribute no emotional weight to the story going forward.

>> No.8697843

>They're gonna do somethin' stupid
The only stupid thing is releasing this.
It's a fucking psx game, it doesn't need a remake or whatever you fags call this.

>> No.8697851

people can play it without emulating it or playing it on playstation. what's the issue?
yeah but the benefits of having all those characters are pretty cool, like picking your favorites. what your saying is true, but i kinda like it

>> No.8697934

>what's the issue?
Because grrr me must get mad at company making remaster something something milking the franchise.
I never understand why people get their panties in a twist over this, it's not even a remake.

>> No.8697939

It isn't. The demo screens they've shown are already inferior to the Aeon Genesis translation.

>> No.8697940

Just emulate it instead of giving money to companies that milk dead franchise to consoomers?

>> No.8697945

We already know it's got the same problems as the ff7,8,9 rereleases - blurry backgrounds with sharper 3d models and a shitty font. Enjoy your new definitive version that will be people's first exposure to the game.

>> No.8697949

nah i wanna play it on my steam deck. i'm sure you'll have an issue with that too though. it's twenty bucks dude. fuck it. not like they use slave labor

>> No.8697963

>nah i wanna play it on my steam deck.
Steam deck can run retroarch I'm pretty sure.

>> No.8697970

yeah, well I can't. I'm troubleshooting my retroarch right now because it doesn't seem to detect memory cards, like it'll say it saved and then won't recall the save when i come back.

pretty annoying and can't seem to find a fix online

>> No.8698012

you still replied to him
maybe you don't actually care about crono cross and just (you)s

>> No.8698027

Yeah, I mean I shouldn't have said that. A few people here have said negative things about the game and don't like the game, and did it in a way that wasn't just "game bad. not like" "shit game". "bad". you see? I'm just used to the latter, where people don't actually fucking say anything about the game. They just say it's bad and vent about how shit it is without saying why.
That's more what I was trying to avoid. I've seen it here a lot.
And yes, I did REPLY to a person on a message board. Yes. I did.

>> No.8698030

>it's twenty bucks dude. fuck it. not like they use slave labor
That's the problem right here. Laziness. Do you order food deliveries, too?

>> No.8698035

Nah I do pick up. We done here chief? I'm more interested in talking about the Chrono Cross.

>> No.8698041

>They're gonna do somethin' stupid.
Who cares? Crono Cross was always mediocre at best. Nothing of value will be lost if Square Enix fucks it up.

>> No.8698053

I don't care, but I like Chrono Cross. It was more whenever they do a remaster or some shit they always fuckin doink up some shit, like giving Squall a dumbass reskin on his face for FFVIII rerelease.
Like yeah, I know Square Enix is gay as fuck and greedy, and yeah, I know that's the game. I'm gonna get this fuckin thing. I'm just wondering what the dumb shit I'll find is going to be. Like will they change some dialogue somewhere?
If you don't like Chrono Cross, fine dude. At least give me some kind of reason why you didn't like it so we can talk about it. We've had "Chrono Cross bad" a few times already, and I can't really say dick back to that other than "well I liked it".

>> No.8698056

>I'm just wondering what the dumb shit I'll find is going to be
They added an option to remove all combats.

>> No.8698057

Ah you are one of the reasons digital downloads are expensive

>> No.8698061

Not yet. Let's talk about you and your sausage fingers

>> No.8698063

i believe it. lol.
i honestly expected $40. It's $20
you can suck on my sausage fingers big boy

>> No.8698072

>complains about shitty remaster
>plans on getting it anyway
>At least give me some kind of reason why you didn't like
Boring characters, boring story, pages and pages of mediocre dialogue, slow pacing, the only good music is remixed from Chrono Trigger, the battle system is needlessly convoluted, and it doesn't hold a candle to CT in any way at all.

>> No.8698095

>the battle system is needlessly convoluted
Are you retarded?

>> No.8698096

not exactly. it was more of a way to get the post attention, and it worked.
I don't care about a couple little things here and there if the game is, as a majority, intact. I suspect it will be. I'm not one of these sticklers you find on here so frequently.

Anyway, good you'll save yourself a dollar! HAVE A GREAT DAY.

>> No.8698119

>Are you retarded?
What part of Chrono Cross' battle system makes it any funner than a traditional JRPG battle system? It's more complex but the added complexity doesn't result in increased enjoyment, hence it's needless convoluted. Faggot.

>> No.8698127

>noooo I just to spam fire magic like in my FF

>> No.8698158

The art changes are garbage but it's a bad game aside from the soundtrack to start with so I don't care not gonna buy it anyways

>> No.8698167

>they're changing the soundtrack too

>> No.8698187

>what's the issue?
What >>8697945 said.
Despite the game already being a polarizing mixed bag in general, this Remaster is half-baked at best that doesn't do much to improve upon the original other than maybe portability, but that's a luxury convenience.

>> No.8698197
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InSUFFERABLE post. Please fuck RIGHT back off to Reddit with your massive faggotry.

>> No.8698221

This is /vr/. Not /v/.

>> No.8698237

If anything the elemental field system should've been more Risk vs. Reward to make the combat less braindead easy adding just a bit more depth. Each subsequent element that gets added to the field increases the damage to the opposing color and resistance to the same color with each color on the field. Convoluted it may seem, but in practice it'd be a lot more challenging I feel.

>> No.8698242

4chan hasn't been "m-muh sekrit club!" for like a decade you stupid faggot, stop trying this hard to fit in.

>> No.8698248

Doesn't change the fact you're still not welcome here. Fuck off, nigger.

>> No.8698253

Should I let Kid die or not?
I like her as a bratty, upbeat character, but Glenn is really cool too.
I can't decide.

>> No.8698256
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>they're changing the soundtrack too
zoomers will never know what was stolen from them

>> No.8698258

that wasn't me bro. lol.

>> No.8698261

I always saved kid. I actually forgot you can choose not to.
You could just watch the "what happens if you don't save kid" video on youtube if you don't wanna waste a whole ass playthrough on it. I like her too

>> No.8698284

>Nooo you can't exactly replicate the original soundtrack but use real instruments it has to sound exactly like the original which is also literally an available option that will be in the game
Mitsuda literally COMPOSED the fucking original score and was tasked with recomposing it in a higher quality, stop being a faggot, if anyone knows how it should be done it's literally the legend himself.

>> No.8698286

>ya bro it's literally THE SAME GAME just in HD and updated for modern social norms!!!

>> No.8698291

Thanks for this. I literally just saw Chrono Cross on Steam for $20, and said done deal. I'm sure some people will just looooove to rip on that, but whatever lol.

>> No.8698292

>watching other people play your games
Do you also watch other men fuck your wife and play with your kids?

>> No.8698294

Man this thread sure is cancerous. Wonder if it's the same guy or a few people.

>> No.8698307

Be a crybaby bitch about it some more, pussy.

>> No.8698308

So what? It's a mod? I've played that one difficulty mod that was kicking around on NG+ and liked it a lot at least

>> No.8698310

I don't actually know that much about it. That's one reason why I posted about it here.

>> No.8698312

not an argument

>> No.8698315

That's because I don't want to argue with you.

>> No.8698320

>that's because it's true

>> No.8698327

Sure. We're done.

>> No.8698335

As someone who has had a weird obsession with Radical Dreamers (the VN) for years, I'm not looking forward to people acting like I'm only talking about it because of this remaster.

>> No.8698339

eh, fuck 'em. it's not like there isn't an endless list of dumb annoying shit people will do anyway

>> No.8698343

Oh wait, the Radical Dreamers is the name of the remaster??? Weird. They could at least translate the VN and add it to the game somewhere.

>> No.8698349

Nah, it's called Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers Edition

>> No.8698350

You don't decide where I am welcome or not.
Keep parroting "m-muh reddit" at things you don't like though, just 5 more years and you'll finally fit in.

>> No.8698352

Yes, yeah. Literally what you said.

>> No.8698353

I'm happy that everyone will experience the sadness I did when the Venus Bust dies

>> No.8698368

The VN is included in the remaster.
Yeah, but things like that are always frustrating, being called a "poser" or a "trendster" when you're not.

The whole thing is so melancholy and sad. The element of an old man reminiscing on the most important night of his life, where he lost the girl he loved, and still pines for all these years later even though he went on to get married and all that, he still holds a candle for Kid all these decades later.
Reminds me of the only good part of Dreamfall Chapters: exploring the house at the end.

>> No.8698373

>like picking your favorites
Every party in Cross is Serge (who can't leave), Fargo (because stealing), and whatever character you want to shove your dick into as the filler slot.

>> No.8698375

I like Fargo, but I wouldn't force myself to use him just because he can steal. I'm not a perfect playthrough kinda guy. Plus there's new game + anyway.

but stick my dick into yes mikki very easy choice

>> No.8698402
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Chrono Cross is a bad game.
It has excellent music and excellent visuals.
And it's a bad game. The most important element, the story, was completely fucked up. The 2nd most important element, the combat, is not altogether interesting or stimulating.

The happiest news about the re-release is that they still acknowledge the series exists, and that a Sonic Mania for Chrono may happen. It's a fool's hope, but there it is.

Radical Dreamers however is extremely dope for a text adventure. Precious few people realize that Magus got a lot more character development. It's an extremely well kept open secret.

>> No.8698459
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>tfw the chrono break patent is long expired and instead of a a proper sequal we got this

>> No.8698497

A good delve into Radical Dreamers.
Do NOT watch his other videos.

>> No.8698515

>continue Chrono Trigger

>> No.8698517

>Aeon Genesis

lmao, what should we translated Child of Man to? I know! Manchild! Pager? nah smartphone!

>> No.8698670
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I'm glad it is another game instead of another hyper-expensive symphonic concert for the rich or a kickstarter with tiers for any non-symbolic rewards starting at $250USD. The game deserves something for the people.

>> No.8698692

>CTfags still seething

>> No.8698783

The ff6 pixel remaster had the original sprite artist and we all saw how that went.

>> No.8698821

Can you try to record the music boxes, marble anon?

>> No.8698858

>who doesn't like pretty tropical stuff?

Personally I find it unpleasant

>> No.8698867

>the only good music is remixed from Chrono Trigger,

No way, this game had consistently good music. That's its only unambiguously good feature.

>> No.8698903

Glenn is one of the best and coolest characters in the game. I'd say let Kid die if you're only planning on one playthrough, but save her otherwise

>> No.8698914

Razzly it is then!

>> No.8698915

>I actually forgot you can choose not to.
You can spend the entire first Serge portion of the game rejecting Kidd at every opportunity and the game will go "BUT YOU HAVE TO CARE ABOUT THIS CUNTY GIRL YOU'VE TOLD FUCK OFF TO AT EVERY CHANCE WE'VE GIVEN"

>> No.8698924

To be fair, she was gonna die. That changes the calculus a bit.

>> No.8698970

>if someone doesn't like my favorite game they must be seething!

>> No.8698974

I think forcing the player to play as Lynx was a ballsy move that worked out well.

>> No.8698984

>I think forcing the player to play as Lynx
Body swapped Surge*
Even if the game tried to pass it off otherwise for some reason...? Then again I barely even understood what the fuck Lynx's motivation was

>> No.8699247

correcting someone with a misspelled name is also a bold move

>> No.8699270

I wasn't actually correcting him in a bad or trying to be a dick move way. I was more saying that whole section felt really weird to me because the game tried to claim that you ARE Lynx but...like obviously you aren't really. He just jacked your body.

>> No.8699495

No matter how hard you seethe, Chrono Cross will always be a masterpiece.

>> No.8699549

She doesn't die either way. You do get a cute fairy killed though.

>> No.8699590

The fairy/dwarf story is so annoying.

>"Look at what you humans did!" -Dwarves as they slaughter the fairies
>"Yeah, fuck you, filthy humans!" -Fairies as the dwarves slaughter them.

>> No.8699595

I never seethed. I hadn't even played all the way through Trigger until Cross had already come out. The more I got into Trigger the more I realized how weak Cross was.

>> No.8699631

Same exact thing FF8 remaster fucked up

>> No.8699634

"Radical Dreamers" is such a stupid name to begin with how can you take anything in it seriously. It's like they were trying to latch onto the 80s slang but it was already the late 90s and just felt pathetic, like a 50 year old man trying to fit in with his high school aged son and his friends.

>> No.8699662

>his dreams are not radical
Kinda sad desu

>> No.8699698

or they just meant it literally, like radical as in a radical idea, and their dreams are radical.
you sound like a horrible person to be around, like you would just be judging everyone with these stupid hateful thoughts. what do you even bring to any table man?

>> No.8699715

No matter how hard you keep saying that, it doesn't make it true.
The fact is: Cross is an emotional, inferior pseudo-sequel with great music.

>> No.8699735

They already took 20+ year old code and threw it in a modern engine, with absolutely no enhancements or improvements. How is it that paid professionals, with the source code, refuse to add widescreen or high framerate support, but nintendies were able to do so, for free, with reverse engineered code?

>> No.8699763

>"You humans only pollute and destroy!!" - Dwarves as they release giant smog belching death tank

>> No.8699939

>spends entire posts insulting
You sound hateful too anon.

>> No.8701129
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That's my point: lately Square-Enix focuses on premium products or experiences that appeal to the ultra-wealthy. I cannot afford the real things like: https://youtu.be/cgcdEk3LWzM

They recently delivered on the Chrono Cross kickstarter at the beginning of this year, it is the 2nd one here: https://youtu.be/4JVdbWvsxfI
The 3rd one is a real Japanese preoreder but the one in the previous image I have is a cheap Chinese bootleg one that's plastic which does not sound as crisp as even the cheap bonus, much less the official premium ones there

>> No.8701160

I am. I hate you fuckin motherfuckers shitting up my Chrono Cross thread with blatant bait and trolling bullshit. I"m sick of it. You'd think by the time we all turned 35 you'd be done being fuckin assholes for no good god damn reason, but no.

So yeah I am pretty fuckin annoyed. I am full of hate for people who deliberately piss other people off and nag nag nag

>> No.8701350

I'm around that age and you are not wrong, 4chan becomes more and more tiresome with each passing year.
I can only assume that the majority of people you describe are maybe 20 years old, maybe some of them are literal children but I also know full well that some are around my age too. Some people are just obnoxious retards literally all their life.

>> No.8701418

>You'd think by the time we all turned 35 you'd be done being fuckin assholes for no good god damn reason
Spoilers: They only get more bitter as time goes on. You better get used to this fact.

>> No.8701541
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>> No.8701558
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Cranky because you're not a Radical Dreamer aren't you

>> No.8701589
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>> No.8701607
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>Getting this worked up over a piss poor shitpost
I feel you to some degree, but for fuck sake, nigger, you ought to just leave this site for good if you feel that way because it's never going to get any better. The few Old/Newfags that are left are overrun by kids, 20-somethings and bots with the ancient shitposters providing them bread and circus.
Cross [HA!] your fingers that by the time we all reach 40 or 50 this site will be kill or new management give it such a facelift 4chan ceases to be 4chan.

>> No.8701681

That subtitle is a little big gay/lame. Should have just went with HD remaster kept it simple.

>> No.8701698

>Chrono Cross thread
4chan is a community. Your thread belonged to us as soon as you posted it.

>> No.8701762

Chibified 3D.

>> No.8701815

I know. And what's with the weird-ass name "Final Fantasy"? That makes no sense either. What's supposed to be the "fantasy" in the game? And what makes it final?

>> No.8701819

>Dragon Quest
>you don't play as a dragon going on a journey

Old RPGs were nothing but a bundle of false advertising lies

>> No.8701891

Chrono Cross will never stop being an absolute joke compared to Chrono Trigger. I'll still be shitting on it when I'm 90 years old.

>> No.8702626

No one would care about CC at all if it 1) didn't have "Chrono" in its name, or 2) didn't have such a stellar soundtrack.

>> No.8702923

Same. Fuck this game and what they did to Magus.

>> No.8702948

I've yet to see a screen shot that didn't look like shit. Why can't square just so a basic 9x scale for a clean 4k output

>> No.8702953

Legend of Legacy does it a bit better, but it's got SaGa balance so it's rocket taggy if you don't keep it in check.