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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 115 KB, 331x216, CHOOMBRBRBRBR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8697291 No.8697291 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8697331

Did no one ever ask why those icons don't look like a MP5 or SPAS 12?

>> No.8697357

It's an MP5 without the magazine and a SPAS-12 without the iconic foldable stock.

>> No.8697389

That is not a SPAS at all.

>> No.8697403

Yes, maybe if you are blind

>> No.8697429

And a real SPAS doesn't shoot from the magazine under neath the barrel. No one cares.

>> No.8697825

What is it then?

>> No.8697884

The 3d model doesn't look an MP5 either what's your point?

>> No.8698176
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x2160, dam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it does. It just has a grenade launcher attachment.

>> No.8698207
File: 14 KB, 530x353, 1646819492335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose from the side it looks like it. I don't know why but the jankness of the first-person model is seared into my brain

>> No.8698635

More like MP5SD

>> No.8698956

Valve doesnt know shit about guns and dont really care either.

>> No.8698962

Some made up gun

>> No.8698969 [DELETED] 

Half-Life ruined FPS, turning the old school FPS style to cinematic story based bullshit where you walk through preprogrammed set pieces

>> No.8698982 [DELETED] 


>> No.8698991 [DELETED] 

Valve has never made a good game.

>> No.8698997 [DELETED] 

Do you disagree? I mean it seems pretty clear that the entire genre shifted almost overnight to emulate Half-Life, with old school style shooters few and far between until the old school FPS renaissance that started around 2013

>> No.8699002 [DELETED] 

I agree but this board has a huge hard on for Half Life and I have been warned for making posts expressing the same sentiment.

>> No.8699007 [DELETED] 

It's weird, I've had the same thing happen. Not sure why you can't criticize Half-Life here, not even in a way that's clearly sincere and inviting discussion. The fact that Half-Life was such a financial success that the entire genre became emulations of it is simple fact.

>> No.8699059 [DELETED] 

>the products shouldn't adapt to the demands of the market
Because Valve forced everyone to like the idea of using your brain for a shooter.

>> No.8699064 [DELETED] 

you have to go back /v/edittor

>> No.8699069 [DELETED] 

>one thing was extremely popular
>then another thing became extremely popular
>then previous thing became popular again
>then other thing became popular, eclipsing previous fixation with some style
it's not about the board having a half life hard on, it's about adults having a dumb discussion about how trends work
mind blowin' shit

>> No.8699071 [DELETED] 

Why aren't alf, australia kun and the silent hill 2 schizo and others permabanned janny?
Do you want this board to become /v/?

>> No.8699073 [DELETED] 

Nobody imitated Half-Life, because a couple years later Halo came out and everyone imitated that instead. It was cheap, and easy. With regenerating health you don't even need thoughtful health kit placement, and with 2 gun limits you just have players loot enemies instead of thoughtfully place weapons around a map.

Half-Life involved intricate map design making players crawl through vents and narrow passages and leap into elevator shafts to grab ladders. That's hard. But Halo proved all you need is wide hallways and CTRL-C CTRL-V.

>> No.8699076 [DELETED] 

anon you arguing with a schizo.
He literally copy paste the same arguments everytime.

>> No.8699086 [DELETED] 

>wah wah wah don't delete my shitposts janny

>> No.8699098 [DELETED] 

Yeah. But the thought of someone passing by and taking his misinfo seriously bothers me. He may not learn from correcting, but just letting him try to browbeat a false narrative into people rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.8699204 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.8699212 [DELETED] 


>> No.8699279

I never really cared, no.

>> No.8699292

I don't see the issue

>> No.8699295

Based jannies

>> No.8699302

I'm tired of pretending the HD models are bad.

>> No.8699308


>> No.8699312

No one says that. They just don't fit in with the rest style-wise.

>> No.8699319

I'm European. In the 90s, if it looked remotely like 'generic submachinegun' or 'generic shotgun' then I was fine with that.

>> No.8699835


>> No.8699876

It just works.

>> No.8699884

>I'm European
Both the MP5 and SPAS-12 are European firearms. The MP5 is made in Germany and the SPAS-12 in Italy.

>> No.8699970

That means jack shit, really. 99% percent of Germans hadn't seen or touched a firearm in the 90s, save for the ones that did mandatory military service.
I didn't shoot a pistol or a rifle until I did my service at 18.

>> No.8700221


>> No.8700330
File: 76 KB, 900x273, Ithaca_Stakeout_Parkerized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The icon for the MP5 has the front-end of a CAR-15 with an M203 grenade launcher, rather than the actual model's MP5SD front-end with an M203 grenade launcher fitted to it. The icon for the shotgun is an Ithaca 37 'Stakeout' model, and isn't a SPAS-12 at all (that's a hand strap on the pump-slide).
The SPAS-12's actual model looks like it's from another dimension, the heatshield is all weird and incorrect, but that's nothing next to 'firing both barrels'

Of course, none of this really matters much, because Half-Life was never really about authentic weapons or die hard realism.

I never did, I always thought they looked much superior to the stock low def models. The pack as a whole also has a coherent style that looks nice, but doesn't look so high def as to not fit into the game.

>> No.8700401

looks most like a sawed-off ithaca with pistol grip

>> No.8701253

HD SPAS is fucking awesome tho

>> No.8701361

it's not that they're bad, it's that HL:Source in general kinda always sucked, and now in this post Black Mesa era is just completely irrelevant.

>> No.8701506

I played the PS2 Half Life first so I was always under the impression that the M16 was the default machine gun.

>> No.8701716

>he thinks Black Mesa is a replacement for the original Half-life.
No. Just because it's a decent example of a remake / reimagining, doesn't mean it replaces the original game experience.

>> No.8702071

Why isn't it tho? BM is better than the original in every aspect.

>> No.8702072

The HD models predate Half-Life Source by years.

>> No.8702082

Nah they've always been trash, not really sure why they just took such liberty and made the MP5 into an assault rifle either. Even Gearbox's own expansions look better with the standard models.
There's just something off about it when all of the other geometry and textures are so much lower fidelity than the characters and viewmodels, it's too amateurish.

>> No.8702129

Fucking Randy!

>> No.8702405


>> No.8702415

25 years later and they still havent removed the silencer from the MP5

Was a mod ever made for this?

>> No.8702649

There are many different model and sound replacements for Half-Life, if that's what you're wondering. In fact, so many have been made over the years that plenty have just been lost to time.

>> No.8703420

That's a MP5SD, fucking retard.

>> No.8703657
File: 31 KB, 363x222, MP5SD silencer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perforate barrel some in front of the chamber to lower pressure and velocity, so every round is always subsonic
>put what amounts to a cutout piece of square shelving around the barrel to act as baffling
>put tube around barrel to enclose this, hole at the front for bullet (important)
>put round heatshield with a rubberized handguard around this because standard ones won't fit, also silencers get spicy hot once you shoot a bunch
>probably replace the locking shoulder for the rollers on the bolt too
It's still an MP5, works the same and shares most of its parts with a regular MP5

>> No.8703745

While I prefer the originals, the whole vendetta people have towards the HD models is pretty autistic