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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8696094 No.8696094 [Reply] [Original]

People actually pay $300 for this shit game?

>> No.8696103

I got it for free from a friend. The plush is neat but not $300 neat.

>> No.8696105

Bit disingenuous to use a sealed collectors copy as your example. Everyday this board gets shittier.

>> No.8696132 [DELETED] 

A nigger, a jew, and a grossly obese Mexican walk into a gay bar. They approach a cum-gargling faggot with a 2 inch long, always flaccid penis using a laptop at a table sticky with HIV ridden gay semen.
"You wanna come back to our place?" The nigger asks the faggot. "You can choke on my Jewish friend's wart and pimple covered penis while tossing my mexican friend's salad while I cram my giant unlubed nigger cock into your gaping, oft-fucked asshole".
"Literally nothing in the world would make me happier" said the faggot, removing his fingers from his butthole and licking them clean. "But first, I need to make a thread complaining about the price of video game collecting on 4channel's /vr/ board."

>> No.8696137

Literally the best post on this board.

>> No.8696145

Filter to ‘Sold’ to see if people really are buying it for that much, or if that guy is just trying to sell it for that much.

>> No.8696150

I love when people say this as if people aren't actually paying this much

>> No.8696168

That Jack shortstack is worth the hee-ho!

>> No.8696171

It makes me so sad to see stuff like this honestly, this game will be locked-up tight in some fat nerd's collection vault never to see the light of day or ever even be played. People like this drive the price up for everyone else and make it harder to find old games

>> No.8696204

Sealed market is always here expensive than loose, get real.

>> No.8696228

Sucks but cfw and emus will continue to progress and make these games even more readily playable. If fat nerd really wants to blow $300 well at least it's not take out food or OFs.

>> No.8696278 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 974x998, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sealed collectors copy

>> No.8696293

Never said people weren’t buying it for that much, just that you can easily see for yourself if people really are paying as much as the asking price.

>> No.8696296

Great game, filtered, enjoy your fifteenth replay of Persona 5

>> No.8696472

And they are. The implication for bringing it up is that they aren't.

>> No.8696479

On the bright side you can get a NTSC copy of either Raidou 1 or 2 on PS2 for around $20 new still.

>> No.8696501

Its not a rare game. They made at least 50,000 copies. That was the enforced minimum print run of PS2 games at the time.

>> No.8696534

Had a second printing years later as well.

>> No.8696541

If you can't afford it, then you need to reshift your priorities from worrying about this shit to getting your finances in check.

>> No.8696630

You have to be mentally challenged to pay the list price for something. It's not even haggling on ebay, it's just clicking "Make an Offer" and taking 10 to 20 % off of the price listed, and usually the person will fold.
Hell, I saw something for $60, it was three rarely listed (not exactly rare) books and a figure, and I said "$15 for the books, leave the figure out", and the guy fucking shipped all of it together. Found out that said figure is some really rare chinkshit one that goes for $100 on the regular

>> No.8696692

Very nice will be stealing this.

>> No.8697569

It comes with a plush though

>> No.8697601

now look up Jack Bros

>> No.8697629

I mean, after inflation is taken into account you're basically paying the buyer for the privilege of having stored the game for the past 20 years

>> No.8697636

All the fatlus PS2 games are like 20$, they got reprinted. I bought DDS1+2 brand new for 44 smackers last year

>> No.8697637

They don't. Look at the sold listing, retard.

>> No.8697640


>> No.8697647

Yes the idiots took over.

Sometime around February 2020

>> No.8697692
File: 47 KB, 800x450, 1641441553341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the idiots were in charge from the start

>> No.8697696

Is SMT/Persona the most overrated series of all time?

>> No.8697697
File: 405 KB, 720x1251, Screenshot_20220308-234619_eBay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you trying to gaslight me, retard? All similar condition listings sold I'm the 270-300 range.

>> No.8697714

Are you against supporting local take out restaurants?

>> No.8697716

Brb, buying all available copies to corner the market

>> No.8697718

dangerously based

>> No.8697723

well... no, that would be Final Fantasy, fo sho

>> No.8697731

Persona died after the first game and became a shitty mockery of a series with the third game and all later entries. Mainline and most side Megaten tends to be good though.

>> No.8698764


>> No.8699103

Weebs are obsessed with trash

>> No.8699187

that would be zelda, just unremarkable on every aspect

>> No.8699201

It's still nearly impossible to get 99% of people to play an SMT game so no

>> No.8699205
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Meanwhile homos like you are wasting your money like this

>> No.8699389

I just sold my sealed copy of Delisoba Deluxe for 3979 Euros. Only two other copies currently on eBay. A gentlemen from France won the closing bid.

>> No.8699392

With sealed I mean the foil it had when it was given out. The game itself was never on sale in stores.

>> No.8699404

Jack Bros is mainly expensive because it's the only thing standing between them and a full Virtual Boy collection for a lot of people.

>> No.8700543
File: 167 KB, 750x397, 82FE07DB-6B90-475C-8237-8CD30E482C80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$299 is the new PS2 norm I see.

>> No.8700604

That money isn't being paid, it's being laundered.

>> No.8700670


>> No.8700685

I would pay $300 to commission mickey mouse being anal fucked by pluto the dog

If I would pay for that (and I would) then yeah, people will pay for anything.

>> No.8701257

No, 6th gen SMT/Persona are among the best JRPGs ever made and 5 of both series were great. I can't think of a single goddamn JRPG outside of the series with half of the appeal since 2003. They're all anime trope factories with god awful MMO tier combat.

>> No.8701284

thinking on it more, I guess Paper Mario 2 counts (?)

>> No.8701286
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This. I don't use auctions as much anymore because they're bid up high very early but with offers I always offer 30% off or so and nearly every time they either accept or haggle it slightly higher than what I offered. It also helps to check what the person sells. If they sell all sorts of items they're usually willing to go a lot lower but if they sell just video games then they're resellers and won't budge as much.

>> No.8703062
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lol where

>> No.8704216

I got it for $20 a few years ago because I'm not a secondary who got into the series once SMTV came out

>> No.8704219


>> No.8704281

again where i dont see shit.

>> No.8704297

Clean your screen

>> No.8704303

nah i think you're a liar

>> No.8704330

get a load of this poorfag

I regularly pay multiple thousands of dollars for TRUE and HONEST retro collector's items

>> No.8704341

Fucking kek, where the fuck are they getting those numbers from? Are they literally just cherry picking numbers from auctions of one-of-a-kind never-sold-to-the-public versions of games and claiming it applies to off-the-shelf 15-million-sold greatest-hits boxes?

>> No.8704729

Raidou 1 is a little rough around the edges but Raidou 2 is a great game, fuck you
Nah, that's true for Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 because they were reprinted a few years back but not Raidou
Mostly just specifically Persona 5, even with all the P4 milking that game still wasn't as ridiculously overhyped as 5

>> No.8704735

I'd argue it died after 3. Persona 4 is when the series truly turned into "wacky high school adventure dating sim with some JRPG segments". 3 had social links, sure, but it didn't shove the main cast's character development into them like the following games did

>> No.8704740

a PAL copy of 3 FES is a fucking ridiculous amount of money when the NTSC one is about 20-40 bucks at most.

SMT is fucked and Soul Hackers 2 will fuck the 3DS lemme tell you hwut

>> No.8704775
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Out of curiosity, I looked at their prices myself. What the hell has happened to their prices? According to my email history, I paid a total of 49€ for all PAL PS2 Shin Megami Tensei games in 2017 when I bought them all at once.

>> No.8704780

I need to correct myself. It seems I bought Demon Summoner separately for 55€. It was an expensive game even back then, however, Persona games were cheap and you could get fourth one for 10€ new in shops.

>> No.8704801 [DELETED] 
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, 1628347180630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy local dude...