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8692867 No.8692867 [Reply] [Original]

Write your honest opinion on Quake 2 in this thread.

>> No.8692869

It was fun when I played it back in the day.
Took me one day to playthru in basically one sitting with just toilet and food breaks.
Multiplayer was a fun change too.

>> No.8692871

Only quake game I have played. Sound must have been good since it scared tge shit out of me as a kid

>> No.8692884

I bought Quake on release and realized it was shit without multiplayer. Had nobody to play with because I lived on a farm in nowheresville. So I gave up on id games and most shooters in general until Unreal Tournament came along with passable bot AI.

>> No.8692890

I was a toddler when it came out and still haven't played it outside of the first level when I got my shiny new RTX graphics card a couple years ago. I've played through 1 and 4 and played a lot of Quake Live, funnily enough. Maybe one of these days I'll play through 2.

>> No.8692902

Unreal was superior to it in every way

>> No.8692914

It’s perhaps the most boring Quake game there is.

>> No.8692946

The first FPS I owned. Loved it despite barely being able to progress forward. Am surprised that people don't like it now.

It was the beginning of a lot of modern concepts - online multiplayer culture, mods, and machinima. I used lots of MP mods, like adding Simpsons characters, Mega Man, etc. For machinima, you ran the demos directly on your PC, it was janky but still kind of mind blowing.

>> No.8692948

>how to spot a zoomer
You would have played both and enjoyed it, since we didn't have 900 new FPS releases monthly to pick from, you played all the ones available.

>> No.8692956

I did enjoy both though.
Unreal is just more enjoyable than Quake 2.

>> No.8693020

Save me, Romero

>> No.8693148

quake 2 is a fun game that i like playing that has good music.

quake 1 is better tho

>> No.8693185

>Write your honest opinion on Quake 2 in this thread.
I'll let you know if I ever get around to opening the sealed box copy I've had sat on my shelf for over 20 years.

>> No.8693394 [DELETED] 

OP reeks of Alfo and his clones

>> No.8693420

Quake 2 is a good (but not excellent) game. Also John Romero loved Quake 2 and openly proclaimed it to be one of the best games he had ever played when it was new, even as he was having a petty bitch feud with iD at that time.

The multiplayer is fucking excellent.

You didn't like Quake 1's singleplayer?

>> No.8693430

Wait until you try 4. Better yet, don't play 4 at all.

>> No.8693436

Save me romero

>> No.8693438
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Liked it while younger, didn’t like it much last year, then it sunk its teeth into me after trying the expansions and mods. Now I love it as much as the original Dooms and the first Quake.

>> No.8693441

Romero is an assclown

>> No.8693475
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q2 has tons of custom stuff from its first 4-5 years with map architecture on par with modern quake maps.
And in a time where you had a fully working worldcraft, ArghRad and GtkRadiant to work on it like Q3A and HL.
Plus you have quakewulf getting shit done with his maps, and kmquake2 maps.

also there is a ton of stuff hidden that people never noticed it, that you can use doors to kill monsters if you manage to trap one dead body there the door will smash the monster in full build engine doors kill, said doors can also destroy ammo or items if it gets caught

>> No.8693490

>You didn't like Quake 1's singleplayer?
It was OK but kind of boring and empty feeling. Basically just a key hunt. Seemed like the whole game was designed around multiplayer and the singleplayer was just an afterthought. Other games of the era had more personality and interactivity in their single player levels. Take Shadow Warrior for example, one of the early levels had little remote control cars you could drive. Now that's a fun gimmick.

>> No.8693497 [DELETED] 

The very first HD remaster for modern consoles was Quake 2 on Xbox 360. DF Retro did a video about it. It came as a bonus disc with the first pressing of Quake 4 for 360. I bought it used and it came with a bonus disc. I'm like what's this, it's a making of documentary for Q4 and then a remaster of Quake 2. Hardly anyone even talks about it or has seemed to have played it but it's really good.

>> No.8693507 [DELETED] 

Shadow Warrior is so good, pretty much the pinnacle of Build engine FPS games, they really stretched the engine to it's limits.

It just sucks it's considered as horrifically racist now and will never get a remaster or rerelease. The new remake series that barely resembles the original is the best we will ever get.

>> No.8693526

Q4 if it needs a remaster, the models also needs a tessellation treatment like Doom 3 models, something BFG didn't do and made the game shit compared to vanilla doom 3, same goes to bones animations since id's Doom 3 skeleton is all over the place.
Also the textures needs some material treatment and rendering upgrades.

fact, these videos are from 2007 using a beefy Intel server to render all of this.

>> No.8693528

>It just sucks it's considered as horrifically racist now and will never get a remaster or rerelease.
Shadow Warrior Redux already happened.

>> No.8693739

Well, yeah. That hiroshima joke made me cringe and I must've been 12 or something. I think it must've been the first exposure to the callousness the Americans have to their own war crimes.

>> No.8693780

Q2 has the best CTF.

>> No.8693970

I liked it. The singleplayer was neat to me because it was the first straightforward FPS I had played up until then that had a more natural progression system (as opposed to just individual unconnected game levels), and I thought that the multiplayer was a lot of fun and had interesting levels.

The only thing I didn't like was that because the rocket launcher dominated Q1 deathmatch so much id nerfed the shit out of it for Q2's multiplayer. It's weak as shit and the rockets fly slower than molasses going uphill in January with crutches.

The PS1 port is weirdly good. It cuts out a ton of levels but what is there is a lot of fun. It also has four player splitscreen deathmatch that, although the levels are small, runs at a really solid framerate if you have a multitap and three friends willing to play a 20+ year old port of a PC game on a weak console.

>> No.8694214

Action Quake 2 changed games.

>> No.8694227

It's okay
I liked the soundtrack but if you told me to remember a specific level I'd be hard pressed to think of anything other than the first two or three, everything bleeds together
The Strogg is kinda cool I guess
Any level with human prisoners that spouted voice lines every second was obnoxious

>> No.8694230

Shut up man its a good game. Romero even says its pretty good

>> No.8694242

This game is lame compared to Quake 1's more Doom styled but 3D levels. I can respect that it's one of the first campaigns the way you would think of it today, but lazy bullet sponge enemies and uninteresting levels, this might be my least favorite Quake. 4 isn't that much better either though, if you could call it better at all.

>> No.8694248

Quake 2 and Unreal 1 are literally "Half-Life, but bad" (even though they both came first). I respect that they tried, but that doesn't mean it was great.

>> No.8694252


It was a dream come true for bench marking enthusiasts.

>> No.8694253

I liked Quake (and then QW) multiplayer way more than 2's

>> No.8694493
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I actually really like Q2. the Strogg are a great enemy for this kind of game and led themselves to the game having a wide variety of designs but still cohesive.

it's got a chill straight forwardness to it that I really appreciate. Quake 1 is largely carried by the Ogre and Fiend being used in certain ways. I feel Q2 has more enemies that are on that level.

>> No.8694503
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All true but the game is awesome anyway

>> No.8694508

The 64 version of Q2 is the most enjoyable.

>> No.8694518

you are one cringe, embarrassing autist

>> No.8695205

It had a better soundtrack than quake 1

>> No.8695236

Sadly I missed the boat. We had a 486 pc running Windows 3.1 still in 1997. By the time I got an upgraded computer in 98 I was already on Half-Life, CS, TFC, Diablo and Starcraft.

I'm playing thouh it every now and then. I still kinda like it, but not as much as Quake 1.

>> No.8695269

I thought Quake 2 was fine except for the peppershaker shotguns, but did get a little samey after a while.

>> No.8695324

look at those textures that look like an H pencil drawing on a white eraser. fucking disgusting, incredible this came out like 1 year before half life. Except wait, quake 1 was not washed out like this...

>> No.8695475

I like it, mostly out of nostalgia because it was the very first FPS I saw my dad playing and eventually I would play too — and only because Quake wouldn't run on our PC for some reason.
I think it's fine on its own, but it shouldn't have the name Quake on it. Even so, it's better than Wor.
I still play it every one or two years on Hard+. Despite going through it again and again, I never seem to remember where most secrets are.

>> No.8695489

There's a Q2 speedrun that bypasses the first Tank you find by putting a bullet box on the door that traps you in that room and it blew my mind.
For me, though, it's about the movement quirks. I couldn't believe it when I did a double jump on a ledge and found out online what it was, and then knew about things like strafejumping or rocketjumping when those were alien concepts to me.

>> No.8695697
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q2 had higher res textures in mind, but limitations fucked it over.
Also SiS probably asked id about updating quake 2 with the same treatment they gave to unreal and q3a with the S3TC textures.

>> No.8695865

>Had nobody to play with because I lived on a farm in nowheresville
he didn’t fear the reaper

>> No.8695868
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the game was meh but this map was cool as shit

>> No.8695874

for those who doesnt know, this was 3dfx scanlines and dithering in action.

>> No.8695895

It's my favourite entry in the series, both SP and MP wise.
I mean, Q3 might actually be better on some fronts, but I still prefer how Q2 feels more.

>> No.8695980

It was fun. It wasn't exactly what I wanted after playing Quake 1, but at the same time a change of pace was fine too. Felt more like Half-Life than Quake.

Quake 2 should've used a different name since it's practically a new setting.

>> No.8695986

I liked in that psx demo

>> No.8696880

I've never made it past the first few levels, it just bores me. The gunplay is fine tho

>> No.8696932

An okay tech demo.

>> No.8696952

Romero is a hack and has posted nothing but cringe for decades now. Yikes, Romero, why haven't you been canceled for that time you imported a teen bride from Romania? BIG OOF.

>> No.8696962

Save me, Romero

>> No.8696972

Loved this game!
Played this on Microsoft The Zone.
The Edge was my favorite level. Camping the water for anyone wanting to get the railgun :D

>> No.8698169

There is literally nothing wrong with its aesthetic design. Its shittiness comes from the clunky gunplay.

>> No.8698189

He released a new level for a game where you shoot and kill to show support for Ukraine. This is cringe to you?

>> No.8699309

I want to like it but cant force my self to finish it, 3 times now.

>> No.8699314

Play using the mission packs AI on nightmare.

>> No.8699324

>I think it must've been the first exposure to the callousness the Americans have to their own war crimes.
haha do it again bomber harris

>> No.8699329

I played its death match during some LAN parties. That's pretty much it. I never found its setting interesting but I respect id for the technology.

>> No.8699330

A fun game that lacks the mystical atmosphere of the first game.

>> No.8699332

Maybe in the single player aspect (I even kinda disagree with this since Unreal has a stellar campaign imo) but Quake 2 and Unreal absolutely btfo Half Life in terms of multiplayer.

>> No.8699359

HL multiplayer mods are better

>> No.8699365

Quake 2 is boring but Daikatana makes it look like the funnest game ever. Romero needed to be part of a team to keep him in check, not surrounded by yes-men.

>> No.8699367

Mods really shouldn't count. Especially with how complicated modding can get, What's to say that Half-Life itself isn't a Quake mod? Or just how complicated the lineage of Team Fortress is.

>> No.8699382

I wish it was more like 1 and it gets kinda tedious after a while but it's ok.

>> No.8699386

The only good Quake game

>> No.8699457 [DELETED] 
File: 569 KB, 916x888, quakeiitomshardware.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was a dream come true for bench marking enthusiasts.

I just want to say, from my point of view. This was a big deal back in the day. Benchmarking sites like TomsHardware and AnandTech were all over GLQuake and Quake II. Quake II was the first real PC game with OpenGL included in the box. All the major video card manufacturers patched OpenGL into their driver stacks, making GLQuake and Quake II the easiest way to benchmark videocards against each other. Before OpenGL was available in Quake, some of the most bench marked games were stuff like Tomb Raider. But even that was limited, because you needed to download individual drivers from each manufacturer. QII was really the OG benchmarking software for 3D accelerators and GPU's back then.


>> No.8699462 [DELETED] 
File: 569 KB, 923x882, qiigl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8694252 (You)
>It was a dream come true for bench marking enthusiasts.

I just want to say, from my point of view. This was a big deal back in the day. Benchmarking sites like TomsHardware and AnandTech were all over GLQuake and Quake II. Quake II was the first real PC game with OpenGL included in the box. All the major video card manufacturers patched OpenGL into their driver stacks, making GLQuake and Quake II the easiest way to benchmark videocards against each other. Before OpenGL was available in Quake, some of the most bench marked games were stuff like Tomb Raider. But even that was limited, because you needed to download individual drivers from each manufacturer. QII was really the OG benchmarking software for 3D accelerators and GPU's back then.


>> No.8699465
File: 531 KB, 978x783, quak2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was a dream come true for bench marking enthusiasts.

I just want to say, from my point of view. This was a big deal back in the day. Benchmarking sites like TomsHardware and AnandTech were all over GLQuake and Quake II. Quake II was the first real PC game with OpenGL included in the box. All the major video card manufacturers patched OpenGL into their driver stacks, making GLQuake and Quake II the easiest way to benchmark videocards against each other. Before OpenGL was available in Quake, some of the most bench marked games were stuff like Tomb Raider. But even that was limited, because you needed to download individual drivers from each manufacturer. QII was really the OG benchmarking software for 3D accelerators and GPU's back then.


>> No.8699954

It was cool. I had bad Internet so I played with Eraser bots a lot.