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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8690809 No.8690809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For years I saw the gen 6 circlejerk on /v/, how it's the best gen ever and especially how the PS2 had so many great games and hidden gems etc.
But I get the impression it doesnt even come close to the PS1 library.
I was lurking most PS2 threads since 6th gen was allowed on /vr/ and I have to say I'm really not seeing much hidden games, while I find new interesting PS1 titles I didn't know about all the time.

So is it actually not true? or is it just the fact that the old userbase still despises 6th gen so there is just not much interest in discussing those titles?

>> No.8690820 [DELETED] 

Yes, I'm afraid it's true - PS2 isn't retro.

>> No.8690826

>But I get the impression it doesnt even come close to the PS1 library.
You're wrong. I mean don't get me wrong, both are great, but I think PS2 is just as good and maybe better. Really depends on what genres you value.

>> No.8690830 [DELETED] 

PS1 and 2 are both overrated shit
PS4 is unironically better than both

>> No.8690832

Anon, please. Your bait is too obvious.

>> No.8690834

It's probably a generational thing. Both PS1 and PS2 have supermassive libraries, so one could easily surround themselves with games according to their tastes. Enjoy variety!

>> No.8690846
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>> No.8690853

Why would anyone read /v/

>> No.8690869 [DELETED] 

Dark Souls series and Resident Evil Remake alone rape all PS2 garbage. Not to mention the superior selection of actual retro game ports on PS4. There isn't a single original PS2 game above 7/10.

>> No.8690875

What are some PS1 hidden gems for you?

>> No.8690878
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You haven't played enough

>> No.8690880
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I get that people could prefer PS2's library. But to me, PS1's is so much more interesting, creative and stimulating. The 5th gen felt mysterious and captivating.

>> No.8690884

I grew up with a PS2 (yes yes, zoomer, I know) but I've never really liked the thing. To me 6th gen is when gaming really dived fully into the whole dark, gritty, serious, mature atmosphere. Bunch of shooters and story-focused nonsense with a palate of muddy grays and browns.
I prefer more lighthearted games that focus on actually being, y'know, fun, so to me the PS1 is far better.

>> No.8690890

For me personally it's been hard to go back to the PS2. I pretty much played everything in it and what I haven't doesn't really grab my attention.

>> No.8690958

what game is this

>> No.8690968

PS1 certainly has more experimental games which you can admire as an art form. By 2000s gaming got more codified.

>> No.8690970

Thats pretty well known though isn't it?

>> No.8690990

Both have gigantic libraries with over 2000 games each but that includes a lot of absolutely dire shovelware. And no don't think there's tons of hidden weeb gold we never got in the West because the Japanese PS1/PS2 libraries have literal mountains of shit VNs, licensed anime/manga crap, pachinko/Mahjong games, and non-game crap like dictionaries and horse betting software.

>> No.8691003

The dark, brown, and gritty era of gaming started with the seventh gen.

t. millenial

>> No.8691017

I think it’s semi true. I enjoyed my PS1 and PS2 at the time, but in retrospect, the PS1 has so much more interesting variety I didn’t even see when I had it. On the other hand, most PS2 games coalesced around genres that we still have today. Racers, first person shooters, third person action platformers, etc. There were unique games, but not much in the way of hidden gems— at least not wholly unique gems.
There are weird Japanese games like Mister Mosquito or Katamari Damacy, but what /vr/oomer doesn’t know about those?
I think there are definitely creative games that have held up, like God Hand or Ico, but the system is mostly filled with a selection of games that are early big budget versions of current established genres, whereas the PS1 was a transitional console with polished high-end games in old genres, and experimental releases trying out new genres, which keeps it more interesting, overall.

>> No.8691049
File: 22 KB, 220x325, Bleemcast_comparison_RR4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dreamcast is better

>> No.8691123

they have the same relationship as the NES and 4th gen consoles. the NES had more variation, more interesting game ideas while the 4th gen consoles were mostly just platformers and RPGs.

>> No.8691126

Artdink were the classic "niche experimental PS1 games" dev that disappeared on the PS2.

>> No.8691246


Watch both of them. Then you'll know for sure.

>> No.8691254 [DELETED] 

good morning sirs

>> No.8691260

>Really depends on what
..age you were when a certain generation was released.


>> No.8691265

It was the experimental era, devs were still trying to figure out how to get 3d games to work and because of that you have a lot of strange shit to sift through. 6th gen was when things started to become more standardized and polished, sort of like 3rd gen to 4th gen.

>> No.8691268

>To me 6th gen is when gaming really dived fully into the whole dark, gritty, serious, mature atmosphere. Bunch of shooters and story-focused nonsense with a palate of muddy grays and browns.
That's because you never actually played PS2, you dumb fucking lying faggot. I have a bunch of PS2 games and none of them fit your gay little strawman.

>> No.8691278

Except there are tons of great JP only games and alot of different shit you wouldn't expect to be good like Convenience Store Simulator, Baseball Games, tons of actually good licensed games, tons of good RPG's, etc...

>> No.8691338

I think PS2 gets over rated as a system, firstly just because everyone had one, and secondly because it has some excellent games like MGS3.
On the whole PS1 strikes me as more interesting. PS2 is when genres were starting to disappear, and when things were staring to get a little homogenised. Not nearly as many good sidescrollers, shmups, survival horror games, adventure games, and many other more niche genres.

>> No.8691363

ps1 games might have been more "interesting" or "unique" but it doesn't mean they were good. you've tricked your brain into thinking different = better, most of the "unique" ps1 games were shovelware crap, only a handful are worth replaying now. the ps2 has way more games I'd actually want to replay

>> No.8691370

>most of the "unique" ps1 games were shovelware crap
As for example Artdink games. They were "different" but not necessarily good and yeah I would rather play Battle For Bikini Bottom and Vice City over Aquanaut's Holiday.

>> No.8691379

>Battle For Bikini Bottom
This is literally shovelware, zoomtard

>> No.8691385

>licensed platformer and open world game, not to mention cross platform games
Fucking snore, man. The PS1 has the good Crash Bandicoot games, and Symphony of the Night.

>> No.8691402
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Even today, I just enjoy the entire PS1 and 2 library as one cohesive unit like every other reasonable person. The PS2 definitely helped move PS1 games back in the day. The backwards compatibility was incredible.

>> No.8691965 [DELETED] 

Ps2 will never be retro.

>> No.8691970

Symphony of the Night is a cross platform game too though.

>> No.8691975

It's either Twilight Syndrome or Moonlight Syndrome.

>> No.8691983
File: 23 KB, 264x376, WWESmackDownShutYourMouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 is the best console in history for games about fake athletics and nobody can ever take that away from it (or make a good argument against this fact)
So it has at least one entire genre of game locked down, that's pretty significant

>> No.8691993

I agree with the homoginization. Not as many games like Spider The Video Game, or Wild 9, or something like Galariens. Then you had the Strike series moving off to it as well, or something odd like PO'ed. It is more than just console limitations but that it was still the 90's as well so things were just a but crazier. You can just look at a lot of the cartoons during the time.

I still enjoy the PS2, probably my third favorite console, but it's behind the Genesis and the PS1.

>> No.8692134

>PS1 better? -- YOU -- tricked your brain into thinking that!
>PS2 is actually better because -- I -- like it more
What a banger of a post. Incredible arguments. Can't argue with that.

>> No.8692138

Lost Judgement. Not retro.

>> No.8692180
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They're both good, but nothing will ever beat the PS1

>> No.8692185

Do any PS2s still work ?

>> No.8692194

PS1 was my first console in 1997, got a PS2 on launch (well Christmas).
I think both libraries are absolutely loaded with “HIDDEN GEMS” and the feeling of PS1 games and PS2 games are distinct enough from each other where one isn’t necessarily better than the other, it’s preference.

>> No.8692197

mine kinda does, but it won't play any ps1 games anymore, but my ps1 works

>> No.8692217

6gen was new gamers further being brainwashed by a new era of gaming that style over substance shit "games" are good, and PS2/XBox/GC/PC games of the time absolutely doubled down on that. PS2 (along with everything else of the time) was loaded with shit games that are more about the "experience" and other intangible bullshit that modern gamers were tricked into loving instead of actual, solid, good gameplay which game companies didn't care about taking the time to do any more.
It's a result of the absolute fucking laziness of gaming and a shift to trash that started in the mid-90s with Nintendo and Sony, even as far back as games like Starfox and Donkey Kong Country (via Rare) on the SNES. Very subpar gameplay that dazzled gamers of the times with their graphics.

>> No.8692219

Uh... yes?

>> No.8692791

>For years I saw the gen 6 circlejerk on /v/
Stop complaining you faggot, /vr/ is a much worse elitist circlejerk. Literally no fun allowed in here.

>> No.8692818

>TL;DR video games have never been good

>> No.8693112

Everything has been downhill since the 2600
Just a bunch of flashy graphics to distract from their decidedly sub-par gameplay
With Atari, gameplay was FRONT AND CENTER. You couldn't hide it with trickery.
As a result Atari games have far more depth than anything else and practically infinite replayability

>> No.8693127

Everything has been downhill since Home Pong. Nothing but derivative nonsense, flashy “graphics” and drivel for zoomers came immediately afterwards.

>> No.8693183

If you want to play the broken Saturn version.

>> No.8693205

Buy a PS2 faggot. Of course it has a better library than PS1. Its defined the last twenty years of gaming. Games on it play like modern games. Gameplay on PS1 is JANK where devs didn’t know how to do everything yet. N64 > PS1

>> No.8693218

I can’t play Katamari on PS1. No Tomb Raider Legend. No Outrun 2006 on PS1. For every PS1 game there is probably an upgraded similar game.

>> No.8693359


>> No.8693369

360 also has a physical retail version of SotN.