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868823 No.868823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tetris Attack on Hardest mode is damned ridiculous. I've been on Stage 8 for literally more than 2 hours.

>> No.869000
File: 20 KB, 256x224, Tetris Attack-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be 11.
> Playing Versus w/ Friends
> Continuously dominating.
> Friend gets pissed off, goes to settings, sets second player to be hardest possible computer.
> "Beat THAT."
> Beat it.
> Friend stares at me for several seconds, then just leaves the room.

It's not actually that difficult. Just do nothing but counter attack.
Wait for the computer to drop a bigass block on you, then break it. Then, while it's going through the longass "converting into blocks" animation, arrange blocks underneath it so that when the blocks fall, they'll create new combos. Make sure at least one match is high enough so that when the giant block falls it will immediately be converted again into smaller blocks.
Repeat until the giant block is gone, then move on to the next giant block.

Don't even bother attacking normally. Your piddly ass little 5x match sets and 2x chains won't do shit to slow down the computer at that level. Just counter.

>> No.869026
File: 145 KB, 416x405, Kamek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing on this vein, remember that as long as blocks (large or small) are going through the "breaking apart" animation, the game won't count a loss. It takes about a full second of no matching before the game will actually count that you're over bounds.
Because of this, no matter how high off the screen your blocks are stacked, as long as you continue to arrange combos and chains, you'll never actually die, and can continue to play indefinitely.

Your only real danger is outright running out of blocks to match, which can happen as your supply becomes more and more towards the bottom of the screen.

>> No.869030
File: 733 KB, 200x144, 1354893804818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get to final level on the JPN version
>Fighting the final boss
>It goes on for over an hour
>Finally win

Pic related, was how I felt. Same way I felt the other 2 times it's happened

Also, pretty much you just have to drown them in combos and chains. IMO, one of the most important abilities you can have in this game is the ability to keep the game going even when your side is at the top. As long as you can chain things together constantly or be able to start a new chain at a moment's notice, you're very hard to beat and have a better chance at plain outlasing your enemy.

Good luck with Pokemon Puzzle League too, that game's a fucking beast.

>> No.869034

My grandmother played the shit outta this game.
I beat her. Only once.
She was a fucking beast.

>> No.869175

Thanks for the tips. I've been playing through the various difficulties of single player vs. mode and I just got to hardest yesterday. I will takethos to heart.

>> No.869210

You know that there is like, a hidden 'very hard'mode right?
As much as i prefer this over the pokemon version, that one actually had difficult computers. Tetris attack, the computers waited after the blocks disappeared and would pretty much die instantly. Just need one big chain and theyre gone. Anything over x7 should do

>> No.869235

I dominate the DS version of this game (Planet Puzzle League/Panel de Pon), but it's hard for me to make the transition from stylus controls to D-pad controls for this game. With the stylus you can be all over the screen at once, but with the D-pad it's hard. I can do a 50-chain on the DS, and struggle to get more than 6 or 7 on TA.

>> No.869960
File: 2.31 MB, 256x224, Tetris Attack Bowser dumb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Puzzle League. Always on the lookout for some Tetris Attack/Planet Puzzle League netplayers...

>Your piddly ass little 5x match sets and 2x chains won't do shit to slow down the computer at that level. Just counter.
Not true at all, the computer in Tetris Attack is shit at dealing with pressure actually.

>> No.869964

I'm just the opposite. I move like quicksilver on D-pads but I've never really been able to handle/get used to the stylus control in Planet Puzzle League with any level of finesse. I can definitely see how stylus would have a higher skill ceiling though.

>> No.869972

you are casual shit if you can't beat super hard mode.

>> No.871390

same, I've played Tetris Attack and Pokemon Puzzle League/Challenge and the DS one, but I can only play well on the SNES d-pad these days as my GBA SP is too small to use without hand cramps these days, and touch screen/analogue stick use is out of the question

>> No.871696

sermbody please post the link to the japanese panel de pon fansite that had extremely helpful diagrams illustrating the harder drop patterns and extended combos

>> No.871723

I don't know about any Japanese site but this guy has a nice little page dedicated to different types of chaining techniques.


>> No.871765

thanks, that has about 70% of the stuff I remember the japanese site having. It was ridiculous, he had examples of pretty much every possible advanced combination of those patterns you could realistically pull off in a match.

>> No.872332
File: 64 KB, 392x343, 1366725627091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm trying to get the hang of is starting a chain, and then doing another chain sequence at the same time. I can get the hang of it for a bit, but I always end up choking shortly after. Also, I've been trying to incorporate that technique when you clear blocks at the same time blocks are cleared during a chain which then lets you continue the chain from a different area of the board.


Wow. I'm a bit surprised that I was able to discover all of these on my own when I was a stupid kid.

>> No.872342


I should add that the first thing isn't really practical in versus, but lets you do chains so much faster and thus get higher scores. I've mostly been trying to improve in time attack.

>> No.872461

Guys, try this website.


Apparently it has loads of info on it. I don't know jack shit about Panel/Attack though. I've only played regular tetris over the years, hope this page will help out.

>> No.872517

>dat password section
Ages ago, I cracked the Tetris Attack password system. I have no idea where my notes are. This really brings back memories.

>> No.872690

>hardest mode
>reach to Kamek, no continues
>after ~6 long minutes I finally lost
>defeat him in 18 seconds

lucky skill chains

>> No.872803

If you find your notes any time, please pass them here on /vr/

>> No.872867

Fucking HELL. I remember waiting for my opponents to pile shit on me, then chaining huge combos, and calling it "my tricky move".

Guess I know how I'm spending my evening now, thx OP.

I'd be down for some netplay, would like to see just how much more awesome the 'net as a whole has become at this gem.

>> No.872872


I was 6 or 8 years old at the time...
p-pls understand

>> No.872875

Second this, always exciting to find obscure shit like this.

>> No.872879

the games easy bro

>> No.873113


I always just called it a counter attack. I mean... that's what it was, right?

It's okay, Anon. We were all dumbasses at that age.

>> No.873153

You'll need ZSNES 1.36 and either Z-Net I or Hamachi if you're unable to forward the port ZSNES uses.

>> No.873236
File: 31 KB, 1024x768, RetroArch-0705-132859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Tetris Attack is AUGH-tastic. Still haven't cleared PDP without using a continue so far, although I did do it on Tetris Attack.

>> No.873240 [DELETED] 

Ok, I have found in the wayback archives:

Panel de Pon and Panel de Pon 98 (Satellaview demo) roms

A savestate editor to make your own puzzles in Tetris Attack for Zsnes. (launches the game directly to the puzzle apparently)

and a password generator for Tetris Attack

Should I start posting links?

>> No.873656

The end results of my notes are mostly the same "impossible" passwords on that site. If I find the notes and see anything particularly interesting or freaky, I'll absolutely share them with /vr/.

>> No.873909

I wish I could contact you in some way so you could have my email just in case you did find the notes.

>> No.873924


>tfw tetrisattack.net closed

How am I gonna watch all those abusedrib record vids now?

>> No.873951

>Still haven't cleared PDP without using a continue so far
I did! You get nothing. The game doesn't care how many times you continue as long as you don't continue as Lip.

>> No.873962


Well, that's the same thing as Tetris Attack, then. Your partners essentially count as "extra lives", and if you lose with them, they go away.

I usually never make it because I get unlucky on like Stage 8, where I don't have access to the "extra lives" yet. My latest run had me use three continues, one on Stage 2 (where I supremely fucked up), one on Stage 9, and one on Stage 11. Still, I'm getting better.

>> No.873991

Don't worry, I got you covered, I can get all the files from the archives, do you wish for all of them?

In what section of the site were the videos? They did change the site a little over the time.

>> No.874019

All of the yoshis on the title screen have the same dumb face.

>> No.874085

Sorry no videos, Wayback archive doesn't allow them.

>> No.874102

Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. BLEEEEEEEEEEP.

swipswipswip. Bup bup bup. (Rii-ru) BUP BUP BUP. (Rii-ru) CONK CONK CONK. (Rii-ru) GUP GUP GUP. (Rii-ru) SWUIP SWUIP SWUIP SWUIP. (Rii-ru) ZAH ZAH ZAH ZAH. (Rii-ru) ZIH ZIH ZIH (Rii-ru) ZIH ZIH ZIH (Rii-ru) ZIH ZIH ZIH

>> No.874119

I haven't played this in a while, but Panel de Pon and all its variants are my favorite puzzle games. I mostly practiced doing chains, but I know countering garbage blocks is an essential skill I need to learn.

>> No.874136

That's one thing I always wish they had kept from the original Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon. They had supremely satisfying chaining sound effects.