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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 759 KB, 1510x2135, 15547-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8682652 No.8682652 [Reply] [Original]

Me in 2003: "i will buy your console"

>> No.8682654

this is literally the most 2000s game ever

>> No.8682663

I never really thought about how their titties look like they have implants

>> No.8682668

They really dropped the ball by not allowing actual nudity in this spinoff.

>> No.8682673


>> No.8682678
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thats what they were all going for i think

>> No.8682702

Genuinely fun game regardless of the coomer stuff
If I'm not mistaken they actually have nipples (or at least pasties or something) under their tops, I can't remember how to see them but I'm pretty sure the umbrellas in the pool area or something are transparent and if you move the camera so you're looking through it certain tops don't render properly

>> No.8682704

their boobs sort of come to a peak but there's no real nipple modeling or texture

>> No.8682707

There's a save file you can download to get naked Kasumi in the Japanese version of DOA2 on PS2 if for some reason you'd rather look at the old models instead of the mods for the new ones

>> No.8682827

If you have your girl wear a visor, and pan the camera to look at certain tops through the visor, there are little stars where their nipples should be.

>> No.8682832
File: 329 KB, 1273x1628, tumblr_prp52jsOKX1snhn1io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the glory days of ass & titties ads.

>> No.8682974

Ah yeah that's what it was, the visor. I knew there was something like that

>> No.8683040

I think it's just what CG could accomplish

>> No.8683053
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>dat MTV Tru Life episode where the degen AZN dude rushes home to play DOA beach volleyball on his lunch break

>> No.8683069

Me in 2003: "yahoo, show me porn"

>> No.8683083
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It's extremely cringy but self aware. It will never come back but we all have the memories

>> No.8683124

Me in 1993: "altavista, naked sailor moon"

>> No.8683154

>It's extremely cringy
maybe for zoomers

>> No.8683168

>It's extremely cringy
What's cringe about it? Cute girls sell games, ape women don't. It's not like zoomers aren't consooming porn at an unprecedented rate, either. Eventually AI assistance will put gamedev back in the hands of independent studios who aren't being censored by global publishing companies.

>> No.8683174
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I was talking about the ads, not the games. It's just a time capsule. I am not knocking it but it's a product of its time

>> No.8683183

Can't have ads in the first place when there aren't any gaming magazines left. And all the gaming websites care more about feminism and politics than they do about games so good luck getting any ad on any of those that even slightly portrays a woman as sexually attractive.

>> No.8683187 [DELETED] 

fuck off back to youtube you fucking faggot

>> No.8683190
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Seems like you are talking about an entirely different subject now, but alright. My only point was I thought vidya ads back then were edgey, cringy but charming. I like them, even for their "faults". They were fun. I feel like most (if not all) were tongue and cheek. I appreciate that. I am just interested in the culture war from both sides

>> No.8683196

I'd say gaming magazines not existing is pretty relevant to the subject of ads for gaming magazines not existing.

>> No.8683204 [DELETED] 

me in 2022 to anon: "have sex incel chud"

>> No.8683217
File: 161 KB, 752x1042, 1633029568077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about politics are culture wars. This isn't the board for that. I only care about the vidya my man

>> No.8683227

This game is unironically fun and addicting for the actual gameplay. it's also ultra comfy and great to leave on in the background.
It's a shame the sequel wasn't as good as the first game, the girls got cuter but the volleyball got worse.

>> No.8683230

you're extremely cringy

>> No.8683237

On a more serious note, are these games (fighting games included) actually good or are they just coomer bait (not that I care if they are both. I got nothing to hide and neither do these fine young ladies)?

You can't speak of such a cultured and exceptional gentleman and not give any video sourc. I have to see this for myself.

>> No.8683238
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THPS4, THUG 1 and 2 did that

>> No.8683310

I played the game in the OP and it's alright. The volleyball portion of it was ok but you'll figure out how to actually play and it becomes super easy. The hopping game isn't that interesting either. The casino is a casino with blackjack, 5-hand poker, and slot machines. One of the cool things is that Zack gives you vhs tapes of old promo material and adverts. You can upload your own music too.
I only found it really enjoyable when I was drinking beer with my friends and goofing off about the game.

>> No.8684780

these are lies

>> No.8684805

>dat reviews on the run episode reviewing DOA beach volleyball where the review score was *motorboating sound*

>> No.8684851

"AltaVista was a Web search engine established in 1995."

>> No.8684969

Truly a more based and civilized age

>> No.8685083
File: 61 KB, 353x500, 1615632374519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite

>> No.8685276

Game Informer is still around

>> No.8685539

gayer than aids

>> No.8685718
File: 72 KB, 550x777, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this is

>> No.8685748

>tfw you actually played the blackjack mini game and didnt jerk it to the women

>> No.8686237

> those fake people look like they have fake tits

>> No.8686334

somebody (probably itagaki) made a decision to model their boobs in that way

>> No.8686370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8686392

And it was awesome. Something about sifting through loads of irrelevant search results to find that one you really needed is quintessential early 2000s soul.

>> No.8686493

it got better for a while, but it’s far worse now

>> No.8686775

post it. find it on yoootooobe

>> No.8686783

i miss this 90's/early Y2k culture so much. Feels like not only ads but vidya in general is so far and beyond what it used to be/should be. I guess that's why we are all here on /vr/

>> No.8687493

If I could only get one of the Xbox DOA fighting games, which one should I get?

>> No.8687502

Xbox fags got beaten up at school

>> No.8687521

Not as much as gaycube babies

>> No.8687530

PS2 chads raise up. Xbabbies are fucking nerds.

>> No.8687574
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1646477718977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuck I used to crank it to art/screenshots of this game. You just had to be there, zoomers will never understand

>> No.8688206
File: 1.38 MB, 1551x1065, 1646517399777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was peak coomer material at the time. I couldn't even fathom how much better 3d coom material would become.

>> No.8688346

anyone else love the casino tune in the first game?


>> No.8688351

I dated an uglier version of this IRL long ago. She has since gotten truly hideous. She was a decent slampig at the time, though. Thanks for reminding me, and please subscribe to my blog.

>> No.8688409

The OP comment is literally formatted like a YouTube comment. Clearly zoomers do enjoy this game.

>> No.8688661

it its sequel any good?

>> No.8688739
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Me in 2004: "i will buy your console"

>> No.8689035
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>> No.8689080

Yeah...I'll pass

>> No.8689274

I cant imagine ehat it looks like now. Oh and as far as print game magazines, walmart has a little monthly thing they give away, like game informer its just ads and stuff for new games.

>> No.8689281

I kinda like the casino more in 2, cant really say much about gambling in 3 since i just cant recall anything neat about 3.

>> No.8689447

It might be cringy but I'm glad it was allowed to exist, meaning more modest media wasn't in any danger of being censored

>> No.8689513

melonpan owns one of these

>> No.8691606

Less retarded opinions than IGN or Polygon or whoever else, but that's not saying much

>> No.8691628
File: 248 KB, 603x378, the dark queen comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the 90s videogames and videogame magazines were made fo gamers. videogames are now made for feminists and social justice warriors. thats why 90s videogames were better.

>> No.8692547
File: 102 KB, 1200x900, gelbooru_4237852_56605206a235f83ff9fff6746bf40b88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you talking about this episode?

Being born in 1996, I'm grateful for being alive during the tail end of the Y2K culture and witnessing an era of massive technological and artistic ingenuity (and just missing the mark of being a zoomer). It's so weird how in 15 years everything has changed so much and pretty much entirely for the worse, not just in vidya, but in society as a whole. I'm not trying to get nostalgic over ads, but I love how they are more tongue-in-cheek and less in your face about selling you shit. It's a goof, but a goof to make money. I can respect that more than the moralfagging and the bombastic overhyping that goes on nowadays (which seemingly never end) and especially over the lack of actual technical innovation since fucking 2012 in terms of hardware.

>> No.8693708

might explain why the gameplay is also shit for a lot of games now

>> No.8693906

Bought an XBOX for Shenmue 2 and Halo, then this and I was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.8693934

If I wanna play DOA extreme on PC which one should I get?

>> No.8693941
File: 44 KB, 492x369, oriole_leifang4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not ashamed of shit

>> No.8693952

>this is literally the most 2000s game ever

No, that was "the guy game".

>> No.8693963

>I was talking about the ads, not the games.
The ads were part of the joke. It was a joke. It was fun. Everyone was happy to go along with because it was fun.
Coomer stuff is fun. It's part of the charm. The je ne sais quoi if you will. It's part of what makes the game the game. A genuine volleyball game might be functionally strong but it lacks the rest of the qualities that would have made the game fun. I miss when people had a sense of humor and we could all just laugh it off.

>> No.8693964

Christie was my favorite girl to play as.

>> No.8694097

something tells me you never really think in general.

>> No.8694146

rude and uncalled for my dude

>> No.8694151

>2 am
>start up my Xbox
>Adema's "Immortal" starts playing before the game actually starts
that song is shit but I have some nice memories of it

>> No.8694290
File: 2.75 MB, 3457x4961, christie bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty.

>> No.8694319

I think people have been unknowingly trained to say stuff like "cringy" before saying what they truly feel, out of pressure to give themselves an out in case their opinion is not approved by others, they do it so much that they start saying it in places where it doesn't matter.

>> No.8694326

She always had that Bond girl vibe going for her.

>> No.8694345


>> No.8694346
File: 61 KB, 512x384, oriole_leifang1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. It feels like for the past X years people have gotten this idea that they had to be "embarrassed" by their hobbies. I don't want to get into a whole "normies" thing but it just seems like for the longest while "gamers" have been trying so desperately to not be seen as gamers and all the cliche stuff that came with it. And while we never were above poking fun or taking the piss at the media, especially in the more dorky aspects, there wasn't this air of EWW CRINGE HOW EMBARASSING. It was more sincere, more willing to roll with the punches and just enjoy it without shame. "She kicks high."

>> No.8694419

>"she kicks high"
I love that commercial

>> No.8694489

It's just frustrating to see so many people try to dance around their games by saying things like DESPITE or EVEN IF or whatever else when those despites or even ifs are part of the games identity.

>> No.8694514

I wish games would have spin-offs like these again. Now we're cursed with gacha.

>> No.8694750

I definitely jerked off into a magazine featuring DOA titties when I was 12

>> No.8694772
File: 726 KB, 960x1280, BONUS-LeiFang2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude when I was twelve all it took was a hint of cleavage or side boob or whatever else to drive me wild. Finding out what happened when you stuck the game discs into the PC and getting a folder of secret bikini pics was like Christmas. People today don't even realize how spoiled they are.

>> No.8694802

have you considered the possibility that some people actually just don't like certain aspects of a game even if they are part of the overall experience?

>> No.8694838

Have you considered the possibility that the point wasn't that you have to like every aspect of something but rather a complaint that the entire industry is spiraling into an annoying trend of ironic self congratulatory detachment as more and more people they need to come up with excuses for every thing they enjoy rather than just merely enjoying them without worry of judgement from people who are also enjoying the same things? And that this attitude will only lead further down the road of post modernist detachment where so called gamers have stopped caring about games entirely, thus leading us to an era were the games people claim to love are being developed by and for the approval of people who don't care about them in the first place. Did you consider that? The actual point?

>> No.8695016

When I was 12, your pic related alone could serve me as a A-grade fap material for months. I had one with Kasumi in camouflage bikini instead and some desktop wallpapers. Shit was good.

>> No.8695157

retro videogames: made for games.
modern videogames: made for feminists and socuial justice warriors.
its your choice what to play.

>> No.8695165

I wouldn't even blame the SJW crowd. There's just too much of a desire to be seen as cinematic across the board. Games are desperate for the reputation movies spent years earning and just try to make themselves more like movies to show how cinematic they also are. There's also a growing trend to think MORE and BIGGER is always better so you have the ubisoft formula or shit like Dying Light 2 which boast about how big their game is when it's all just chuff with no merit.

>> No.8695195

Kind of a retarded thing to say when nudity isn't some insane rarity in modern games (even AAA games like Devil May Cry 5 and most first party Sony movie games), meanwhile NES games were censoring stuff as insignificant as cleavage or the nude statues in Castlevania

>> No.8695201

DMC5 got light bar censors on Sony. They're very annoying with what they arbitrarily decide to censor or even allow in the first place especially with Japanese games. They block Omega Labyrinth for the Vita literally as the game went gold.

>> No.8695218


>> No.8695271 [DELETED] 


>> No.8695307

I only took your post at face value anon. I do not care to presume. It's a strange complaint to have with me when you're the one arguing that people should be interacting with their world more at face value.

I get your point though, no need to sperg out further. It's not really a controversial sentiment on this board and I'm not in disagreement.

>> No.8695349

pretty much

>> No.8695357

You're misinformed. Light bar censor for Lady is there in all versions regardless of console and region. Capcom patched it in for Trish on PS4 shortly after release since they were worried, and then patched it back out later on anyway. The PS4 version is exactly the same as every other version

>> No.8695407

DOAX2 is a great jetski game.

>> No.8695413

that instance in one scene was only censored in the western playstation versions. it got patched out of the US version but it's still in the european version, even in special edition.

>> No.8695452 [DELETED] 


>> No.8695478

please tell me the one on the right is off some random 12 year old's deviant art account

>> No.8695487

Bought the game for the boobies
Stayed for the poker

>> No.8696026

I don't completely agree, there's multiple people, groups, ideologies, marketing, etc. to blame for how shit gaming became
The SJWs (especially those in games), Game Journos and social media definitively are partly to blame for some censorship for example. I wouldn't be surprised if DOAX3 never came here because the Japanese market is more lucrative for this stuff and the fact that they'll avoid a wave of blasting from medias
There's also the severe AAA budget bloating, you can see this in movies too nowadays. The budget is so high that they have to make the most focus tested bullshit
What I truly don't understand however is the mass virtue signaling and the absolutely failure of "expanding the market". "Muh women in gaming" bullshit and the various attempt at expanding the market that just isn't working and most people fucking hate it (which doesn't help because they're partly stepping on their current audience by doing so). I don't understand it because the corps are currently already constricting themselves by min-maxing the cash earned as much as possible and then they throw away millions into obvious unsuccessful bullshit instead of using it to actually please the current audience

>> No.8696191
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>> No.8696954

your confusion can be explained away with incompetence: they see a larger market and are just failing at their attempts to address it.

>> No.8696965

yeah, but it's just strange, here's the thing, it's pretty much every single industry that are currently attempting this, by force too. They're all trying extremely hard to just force it in somehow
I have a hard time believing that industries that are increasingly min-maxing their cash at every possibly corner, would all jump face first into this, all extremely incompetently

>> No.8697063

The western comic industry is just bizarre right now. NONE of what they're doing is working. Super heroes are at an all time high popularity wise what with the movies. You'd think it'd be a golden era but comic sales have never been worse even when Marvel was on the verge of bankruptcy. A single manga these days completely outsells the entire big 2 publishers. combined.

>> No.8697089

Part of the comic industry is also infested with these people and project. From what I remember, they literally admitted on camera that profit isn't even the main motive, yet, it keeps happening
What I don't understand is how they keep letting it happen. Exactly, as you said, with super heroes being as popular as ever you'd think they go and revamp the shitshow that is the comic industry. But nope, they just keep letting it rot somehow, have some of their biggest past talent keep fighting people on twitter and so and such
None of this makes any sense whatsoever

>> No.8697131

I remember when all it took was a cartoon on TV to punch of sales. X-men was a fucking phenomena and it got people into the shops.

>> No.8697226

If you are interested in playing the current Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 on a console, the best version is the PS4 Fortune version. It's pre-Sony censorship and the two girls added in DOAX3 Scarlett were ported back as DLC. The removed functions were a breast bounce modifier lotion and a fan that would put costumes in a damaged or slipping off state in addition to jiggle their boobs.

Otherwise get a VPN to an Asian country of your choice, and download Dead or Alive Venus Vacation through steam.

If you want the old school looks (Also 16 year old Ayane and 17 year old Kasumi,) your best bet without tracking down an Xbox 360 (no backwards compatibility) is actually the PSP game Dead or Alive Paradise. The PPSSPP emulator does a pretty good job scaling up the 3D models and you can download 100% saves so you can get straight to watching the pole dance.

>> No.8697263

I feel like culture in general is trending away from this self loathing/socjus trend, games like automata are selling gangbusters and people are unapolagetically going
>hey, this robot has a fine ass
in no insignificant numbers, gacha games are making more than the GDP of south africa on titty jaypegs alone, despite a few unsupervised thots abusing their power to ban "icky" games porn is making record sales on steam.
It's like the worst peddlers of late 2000s and 2010s culture finally weaseled their way to the top of every company they could while people stopped caring about this obsessive sex negative srsbzns war on fanservice so you're getting this bizarre disconnect. At best, they're still trying to peddle the myth that you'll somehow bait a massive market of girls into playing shit like DoAX if you tone down the fanservice or censor senran kagura because that will scare normalfags away from getting the console for FIFA somehow.
I dunno, I just hope that we keep trending towards people finally realizing that liking anime titties, and perhaps someday western titties again, is fine and the solution is to give fujos hot guy games if you want to tap into the female market so we stop getting shit like sony of japan of america harassing jap devs for doing jap fanservice for a jap market

>> No.8697312

bros I love boobs

>> No.8697315

I guess comics companies are owned by bigger conglomerates and part of a corporate strategy of raising an entire new generation of fans that are nothing more than consumerist cattle that'll buy more of their products in general instead of selling more comics to the current fan base.

Look at the free to play phone games, it doesn't matter if you play them or not, it doesn't matter if 95% of interested players hate it. All that matters is making a small number of "whales" engage and become addicted into paying over and over and over with every psychological trick in the book.

Imagine that kids are being raised into this shit, and all the other modern social and psychologic illnesses being forced upon them, most will like what they are told to like and buy what they are told to buy for a quick serotonin release every now and then, then on to the next new thing.

>> No.8697330

Problem is that neglecting current comic/vidya fans means that they won't pass the love of the IP down, and unlike phone games which are inherently skinner boxes normal vidya and especially comics don't do shit unless they're at least halfway decent or exploiting loyalty and rely on sequential releases to rake in cash so whales are much more finite since buying 50 copies of the same exact game is schizo behavior. They're basically IN the stage where the conditioned cattle vacuum up anything with the correct brand on it but since they don't have a way to further fleece them once they buy every femme thor or starfire's fat emo daughter issue the dwindling interest starts to sting especially hard and no one's stopping them for whatever reason.

>> No.8697392

Yeah, but on top of the comics they sell funko pops, darth vader helmets, streaming subscription services, phone games, all the data collected from purchases and interactions on social media, they even own the news that'll sell "the truth" and the fack checkers that'll debunk the "fake news" to these people.

These conglomerates have shares in seemingly unrelated stuff too like pharma, medical, transport, food, farming, datamining. The more predictable their customers act, the better they can be steered into acting in ways more profitable. These people are not mere customers like old comic book fans, they are cattle, like chickens, bred, selected and raised to a life of producing eggs in a cage at the lowest possible cost and effort

Low sales of comics mean nothing, these companies can't fail. I wonder if the comics and the bullshit that's happening to all IP's and alienating the fan bases aren't all just a demoralization strategy for intransigent fans to start consuming something else that's also owned by the same conglomerate, that way they won't be so intransigent. A new fan of games won't remember the days when you paid for a full game, it was released mostly completed, cosmetic skins and alternate characters and in game currency were just gameplay features that came with the base game, you only bought it once and could keep it stored to play again in another 10 or 20 years.

The next step of course is the end of the past, at least in the free form it currently exists in where it's very ineffectively monetized. I'd advise downloading all the software, music and film you care about just in case because something is going to happen very soon and you might not be able to find it on the internet anymore.

>> No.8697423

first game is the only good one, they ruined the volleyball afterwards

>> No.8697434

what about the switch version? It has none of the censorship I believe

>> No.8697441

These threads always tend to have less boobs than I expect.

>> No.8697445

You're right that this shit seems to be actually slowly calming down
I've also heard that apparently there's some smaller tech companies that asks questions during the interviews if they can handle jokes and a chill work atmosphere
Hopefully the corps are waking up soon. We've got around 10 years of this shit and they're getting no results whatsoever with it, sooo, it cannot go on, right?

>> No.8697458

You're not entirely wrong, but I feel like they've reached a tipping point where they've pushed the limit of these strats too far.
Look at star wars and how even with the eternal staying power it's tanked brutally into irrelevance and mockery, even the merch hoarders are a downgrade compared to the ones of old since star wars is an OG in obsessive fanbases and only make up the difference thanks to the more varied fleecing.
They won't fail, of course, but they have to see they're losing boatloads of potential cash over firing these losers over their failed promises to "expand the market" which was just cover to morally crusade.
Corpos are gonna keep hurtling towards a cyberpunk dystopia, but I hope they'll at least wake up and fire the stooges they have now who mostly got in during a moral panic (which, like all moral panics, was bullshit) so I can enjoy my cyberpunk dystopia with volleyball tits again

>> No.8697467

I don't know, the vast majority of people has always hated this shit and said kids are QUICKLY going to get a massive reality check when the world moves on from this stuff

>> No.8697473

I was about to write something about this, also citing Star Wars as an example, but you said it better
I can confirm. Barely anyone ever mentions Star Wars anymore. Star Wars was basically an invincible IP and they still managed to fuck it up. Nobody is going to talk about nu-Star Wars like they did in the 00s. And this is where the corps will have to wake up

>> No.8697481

Yeah yeah there seems to be a change in the public's general perception, a pendulum swinging back after straying too far, I'm commenting on their plans not predicting the future. On the other hand we have had a lot of backlash over video games and the publishers simply apologize, take a step back then two forward. After all the backlash against SimCity 2013 one could think they would just give up on always online DRM but they're just disguising it as something else instead, the plan goes on as usual until it becomes the rule not the exception. So that's why I'm so pessimistic.

Maybe a small number of people fed up with all the crap will maintain an alternative network with their own games and services and stuff. There is GOG.com after all, there is Bandcamp, archive.org still exists, there is still Linux and free software, there are still printed books, you can still install android apps from outside the google store, and there is still piracy and torrents, and there is still 4chan. You just have to step away from the big stuff.

>> No.8697551

god dammit

>> No.8697582
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>> No.8697602

I miss the animu old faces

>> No.8697610
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>> No.8697613
File: 2.34 MB, 1544x1524, 1618053730777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. Kasumi and Ayane look nice back then. I suppose the non-Asians look a bit better with the new faces.

>> No.8697616

Instead of making good stuff that will stand the test of time and spawn more good things from it, they use comics to set up future movies. Very narrow.

>> No.8697626

Thank God I didn't see this when I was 13. I would be dead for years now because I'd either drown in my own cum or die from exhaustion caused by dehydration.

At the very same time, I think it could be perfect way and age for me to leave this hopeless world, so I kinda regret I didn't see this when I was 13.

>> No.8697628

I have a soft spot for Tina from DOA1
Man, they butchered best girl Hitomi in 5
doa5 Tina and Helena are the only ones that still look like themselves.

>> No.8697638

someone's fishing for screencaps

>> No.8697652

For me, it's DOA2.

>> No.8697736

Why would I waste $299 to play softcore porn? Did Internet porn not existed yet in 2003?

>> No.8697831

Why the fuck is the last one a fucking gatcha?

>> No.8697839

>Did Internet porn not existed yet in 2003?
That you have to ask just shows how little you really know. It wasn't uncommon to not even HAVE the internet in 2003

>> No.8697916
File: 12 KB, 700x400, 1810966E-4C28-41F3-8192-82490610EEF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at static pictures or 240p video on the internet or buying DVD's of the same old sluts doing the same old scenes with weird dudes


>High quality animated fully 3d anime babes you could control and watch from every angle and get to know better in story mode and would just stay there posing for you instead of being pounded by some tattooed dude with weird facial hair

>> No.8697925

Also you could use the console to play Halo and Tony Hawk and watch DVD's so it's not 299 just to play this one game

>> No.8698372

Bandcamp has just been bought by Epic Games, the very ones that thought it a good business move to swoop in the Shenmue 3 kickstarter at the last minute and force EGS keys instead of Steam

>> No.8698565
File: 1.80 MB, 3840x2160, 24-01-2022_20-57-01-ktaylhj5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Ayane in her gym uniform

>> No.8698695

I would lose my boner by the time my AOL dial up downloaded something.

>> No.8699192
File: 207 KB, 750x559, FLASHLIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people from all generations are noticing it, they're effected by it everyday, but for some reason you still get retards spewing "no, everything is fine, nothing has changed" while quality for everything is on freefall. They continue downplaying everything forever and adjust to the garbage as if that's something to be proud of, while bringing everyone else down with them.
"lol, who cares? it's just 1 thing" repeat forever as shit keeps stacking little by little until you end up with a giant pile, current decade. It doesn't seem like a big deal when isolated, small stuff like those kind of ads, but it has ripple effects for the worse. it emboldens these people who will demand more and more and will never be enough.
>and especially over the lack of actual technical innovation since fucking 2012 in terms of hardware.
I think that's because averageness is encouraged everywhere and people aren't hiring based on skill in a lot of areas. Watching videos comparison to older games to new ones highlights how mediocre vidya has gotten. AI in games and gameplay innovation feels static, even rereleases, remaster or remakes of older, and already successful games, they somehow manage to fuck it up, but hey at least it has a new coat of paint, so that makes up for everything else.

>> No.8699318

Capeshit really hasn't been in a worse state ever, that's true, the prospector bubble wasn't THIS bad.

>> No.8699347

FUCK! Really happened to me in 2022

>> No.8699467
File: 619 KB, 479x601, orchid butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad fanservice will never return to videogames.

>> No.8699473

>too bad fanservice will never return to videogames.

at least not in the ones made in America

>> No.8699487

Time for WW3 to get rid of the professional whiners

>> No.8699723

Yes it will.

There will be no such thing any time soon, they will just fade from relevance as people get sick enough of them.

>> No.8699862
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, rainbow six vegas 2_villa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time I see this image it reminds me of the rainbow six vegas

>> No.8699906
File: 15 KB, 457x366, 1475469808322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based optimismfag

>> No.8700040 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 1024x768, DOAU_Fang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you two goofballs are reading too much into my post. I own most of the Dead or Alive games in the series. Dead or Alive Ultimate was the main reason I caved and bought an original Xbox in 2004. To this day, it's my favorite DOA game. I just meant, you can really tell the era it came out in. It's like a B movie film, very self-aware and playing into its over the top (and larger than life) characters. It has a very special place in my heart. Dated shouldn't have a negative connotation used in all contexts. It just means, you can tell the era it came out in. I am sorry you took the word "cringy" so seriously in my original post. It was meant to be a joke. That's it. [/spoiler]Lei Fang is best girl

>> No.8700050 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 1024x768, DOAU_Fang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you two goofballs are reading too much into my post. I own most of the Dead or Alive games in the series. Dead or Alive Ultimate was the main reason I caved and bought an original Xbox in 2004. To this day, it's my favorite DOA game. I just meant, you can really tell the era it came out in. It's like a B movie film, very self-aware and playing into its over the top (and larger than life) characters. It has a very special place in my heart. Dated shouldn't have a negative connotation used in all contexts. It just means, you can tell the era it came out in. I am sorry you took the word "cringy" so seriously in my original post. It was meant to be a joke. That's it. [/spoiler]Lei Fang is best girl

>> No.8700058
File: 298 KB, 1024x768, DOAU_Fang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you two goofballs are reading too much into my post. I own most of the Dead or Alive games in the series. Dead or Alive Ultimate was the main reason I caved and bought an original Xbox in 2004. To this day, it's my favorite DOA game. I just meant, you can really tell the era it came out in. It's like a B movie film, very self-aware and playing into its over the top (and larger than life) characters. It has a very special place in my heart. Dated shouldn't have a negative connotation used in all contexts. It just means, you can tell the era it came out in. I am sorry you took the word "cringy" so seriously in my original post. It was meant to be a joke. That's it. Lei Fang is best girl

>> No.8700103

Yeah lol, porn was poor too, no boorus or anything. Western artists sucked ass and you had to go in random Japanese website and follow the links to each others for new hentai

>> No.8700110

I have PTSD clicking those vote buttons that led to ads, 10 - 20 times just to see a fucking images. Good times

>> No.8700274

Can confirm. I have a modded OG Xbox with a cheat menu. Has a nude mode and all the girls walk around with blue stars on their nipples and over their pussy.

>> No.8700292
File: 35 KB, 350x500, 512RZ061WAL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOA doesn't even have Fred Durst in it.

>> No.8700303

I love Sad Panda. Gotten so much use out of that site for the past few years.

>> No.8700307

>sexy women in vidya means you ignore everything else and just jerk off.

>> No.8700689

I had forgotten about the voting. And all just so you could see a crudely drawn image the size of a stamp.

>> No.8700714

Yup I remember me and my pals accomplishing this. Working hard for your coom was so much fun back in the day.

>> No.8700734

DOA2 Ultimate or DOA3? I think DOA2 Ultimate has more content so that probably.

>> No.8700745

Also search engines back then were not as robust as they are now. Looking for porn online back then wasn't very satisfactory.

>> No.8700758

This, DOA2 ultimate is excellent

>> No.8700759


>> No.8700920

What a weird time. I remember fucking up the "voting system" so many times. I think those type of sites were around up until almost 15 years ago if you can believe it

>> No.8702086

I also completely forgot about voting
Any pictures of what it looked like? I have a vague idea in my mind but I don't remember what it looked like

>> No.8702090 [DELETED] 

How about you just fire up the TV or get a magazine like a normal person weeb.

>> No.8702971
File: 339 KB, 498x183, now-loading-sonic06.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8703192
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, lei.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2u is pretty much the peak of the series.

>> No.8703746

Never played the game. What's fun in it?

>> No.8704063

is this an honest question or a bait post to just say some variation of nah, it sucks

>> No.8704125

Honest question. I'm a fan of the DOA main series, but never checked out the spin-offs. People always wrote off the volleyball games as coomer material, and seeing others arguing that there's more than that to the game piqued my interest.

>> No.8704257

The first one was a kind of okay good volley ball game. Not amazing. But fine.

>> No.8704273

At least in the case of 1 and 2 you had Itagaki pushing graphics and at the same time having different minigames and a custom music soundtrack thanks to his love of Xbox.

As soon as he left due to sexual harassment allegations, the remaining team immediately returned to PlayStation and pretty much just cut actual game features and characters then made 3 all about buying swimsuits with real money (Japan or Asia region digital stores only) while touting their Soft Engine makes boobs and butts bounce more accurately and that they can get tans.

>> No.8704293


>> No.8704305

I just think the volleyball and minigames are pretty enjoyable to sit down and play. The in-game soundtrack is mostly music I'd never listen to but it adds to the general comfiness of the game

>> No.8704365
File: 43 KB, 1200x675, bmx-xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember buying pic rel thinking it was a bootleg/hack

>> No.8704570

It all became so soulless after Itagaki and the A team left
It's worth noting that he wasn't the only one who left. Developers close to him left the studio with him. Now most of them are in Soleil Game Studios.

>> No.8704580

>while touting their Soft Engine makes boobs and butts bounce more accurately and that they can get tans.
to be fair this is some primo TECHNOLOGY I could get behind, but not at the cost of the core game
also fuck mtx costumes, apparently shit tallied up to like 500 burgers or something

>> No.8704693

It's a gatcha/collector game with coomer appeal

>> No.8704764

>It all became so soulless after Itagaki and the A team left

For any fault the man had, and he had a few, the simple fact of the matter is that a series needs a person with vision helming it. You take that a way and you get nothing but corporate friendly focus tested mass marketed bullshit.

>> No.8704856

>As soon as he left due to sexual harassment allegations
Wow! I wonder if that is true... No offense, but he has a less than ideal face. I thought that would undermine your self-esteem to the point you wouldn't even try.

>> No.8704861


It was generally bad all along. Japanese people have bad taste in faces

>> No.8704873

Incompetence is long past. This is malice. These companies are massive and have execs who know how to make money. They don't care anymore because its not about money. Its about sending a message (no really, I'm not just quoting TDK).
Late stage propaganda isn't about influencing you or manipulating you, its about humiliation. They're not making this crap because they think its more "future-proof" and they're not making obese comic book characters and trans video game characters because they're "widening the audience". They're doing it because they hate you and corrupting your media and destroying your hobbies is satisfying to them.
I'm not even a /pol/ poster, you'd just have to be blind not to see it by now. But then again this board tries to live in the 90s all day so its hard to move past that naïveté.

>> No.8704938

>Wow! I wonder if that is true... No offense, but he has a less than ideal face.
Well, he was acquitted in a court

>> No.8705348

The soundtrack was pretty good for Xtreme 1 & 2. Listening to it is like opening a time capsule back to the early 2000's with it's Pop and Ska it was just a fun atmosphere. 3 was pretty abysmal with using just stock beach music. What really grinds my gears is that you can't even customize the sound track.

>> No.8705739

>itagaki makes fun games with sexy ladies in them
>corporation makes sexy games without fun gameplay
SHOCKER, they think it's just coomer shit and that's it, oatmeal cookie man got it, they didn't
Where the allegations just allegations? or is there actual proof of it? cause in the west that's all it takes to ruin your life.

>> No.8705990

I don't blame him for not knowing. The guy game has been scrubbed because of its shit sales and underage tits.

>> No.8706018

it really isn't

>> No.8706536

Sega is the only reason why Xbox exists. From controller, to advice, to all the exclusives

>> No.8707047

When the original box launched (God I hate the xbox one name) it really did seem like it might be a follow up to the dreamcast. Shenmue, PSO, DOA, Jest Set Radio, Gun Valkyrie. Sega was going hard. And yeah I know DOA isn't technically a sega game. But it was a big deal on the Dreamcast.

>> No.8707264

I just call them the xbox hueg or xbox original and the xboner respectively
Marketing subhumans who name shit "Title" were already bad enough but naming it the "one" takes the cake (the hitman games come in at a close second)

>> No.8707425

My 12 year old self got this console just for this game. My friend's dad got me the game. He said, "I know EXACTLY why you want this game, just don't tell your mom I got it for you".

>> No.8707447


>> No.8707473

DOAX2 is Wave Race 3

>> No.8707531

The new Battletoads has some ugly amateur art. Dogshit game.

>> No.8707552

He's married with children you know

>> No.8707562

The fact that the new ones are called "Series X" and "Series S" is even worse. I have no idea what the difference is, unlike the PS4 and PS4 Pro where it's obvious based on the name. It's really fucking annoying that it's nearly impossible to search for the original though. Even searching "original xbox" will still give a shit ton of results for the other consoles
Hitman is pretty bad but at least the first three had subtitles so you can still search for them with relative ease

>> No.8707574

x for xtra s for standard? I have no idea if that's true but that's my totally blind guess, and if it's reversed they're even bigger retards
for all the MANY faults sony has nowadays, at least they never strayed from the simple and fully understandable formula of
>playstation [number] [feature (pro/slim/etc.)]
As far as I remember the only things to be even slightly cryptic were the vita and tv, and by slightly cryptic I mean they don't spell it out for you by being the playstation portable 2 and playstation portable 2: now not so portable

>> No.8707670
File: 70 KB, 760x338, duke and xbox s controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the S thing is something they stuck with since the S model controller on the og xbox, and evolved from that.
360 has an S model console, so does xbone.
The X version is something they started on Xbone, and the Xbone S console has a similar look and design to the Xbox Series "S" console, but is the cheaper model of the two Xbox Series consoles.
They should've just called the third xbox, xbox 3, or the xbox 720, and the fourth xbox, the xbox 1080, or more fitting, xbox 4k. or just Xbox 4. Idk why the refuse to name it like a normal console. or just xbox: subtitle, but a subtitle that's not so forgettable, Xbox Series, or creates confusion, Xbox ONE. Yes we get it, it's ALL IN ONE, but you made it annoying when talking about xbox consoles or searching for them.
They had a good thing going with their project nicknames, Xbox Durango, Xbox Scarlet, Xbox Scorpio, Xbox Lockhart, those are way better than the final names they went with.

>> No.8707678

also, S probably stands for Small since it's always used on smaller versions of xbox things.

>> No.8707679 [DELETED] 

TIL: xbox the celibato console

>> No.8707702

At least it wasn't WiiU bad. But man do I wish they just called it PSP2. I love the thing dearly but it just....I mean goddamn Sony.

>> No.8707703
File: 166 KB, 1024x768, doax1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the game when I was like 13 alongside some random ass bargain bin trash to act as a distraction so I could carry the bag around but not actually show what I bought. Well that plan didn't work when I put the bag down at the food court to come back and find dad reading the back of the box. He didn't tease me or nothing. Didn't say anything. The car ride was dead silent on the way home and he took my game, threw it down in front of my mom and I'll never forget what he said to her.


>> No.8707713

My aunt wanted to gift me something, and my mom asked me what I wanted, I just said this game and she got it for me.

>> No.8707852

So how's OG Xbox emulation coming along?

>> No.8707884

Based dad

>> No.8707987

>It's really fucking annoying that it's nearly impossible to search for the original though.
Xbox 2001

Using the release year can help.

>> No.8707989

Guy climbed a mountain there, I won't deny. I wonder if his kids would like to partake the game business.

>> No.8708287

Wanna meet that dad

>> No.8708297

damn kasumi
I didn't know you had special moves like that

>> No.8708301

I don't know about that, but I do know that Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword exist or the reason he gave why it was made was so his kid/kids could play something he made.

>> No.8708342

That's nice of him.

>> No.8709086

One of her signature attacks is diving her crotch into the opponents face

>> No.8709480


>> No.8710919


>> No.8711438

I miss this shit anon.
how i miss it.

>> No.8711451

Has anyone EVER noticed that Helena still looks like a Aerith Cosplay?

>> No.8711660

How the fuck are those girls so beautiful? I've seen my fair share of good-looking women, but it's as if DoA has set an unreachable level of beauty, like a pantheon of godesses.

If any anon has a pic of similar real women, please post here!

>> No.8711695

we all have that one artstyle or character that seems to tick all the boxes, possibly even more boxes than you thought were possible

>> No.8711705

The only game that could technically be considered contraband in the US.

>> No.8711724

That's right, anon... Thanks for your understanding!

>> No.8712481


>> No.8713870

I remember going into MS Paint and trying to 'photoshop' the bikini off. Good times.

>> No.8714480
File: 133 KB, 900x900, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck are those girls so beautiful? I've seen my fair share of good-looking women, but it's as if DoA has set an unreachable level of beauty, like a pantheon of godesses.
>If any anon has a pic of similar real women, please post here!

>> No.8714518

Don't stand in front of my pajeeting, fucker! Leave my girls and I alone. We're partying hard today.

>> No.8715452
File: 303 KB, 1180x1200, cammy_qbee_morrigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8716658

I really liked his work on the marvel characters. Would have loved to see him even do a comic at the time.

>> No.8717000

thats akiman

>> No.8717005

My bad then, I still love both

>> No.8719013

What makes this better than X2?

>> No.8719023
File: 95 KB, 817x591, FEWXeWZXoAwf9zf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game was pretty comfy

>> No.8719063

Volley ball works better and it's just a more focused experience. Honestly it really never should have been more than the one off gag.

>> No.8719137

volleyball is superior in 1, at least get wave race boob storm in 2. Really fun, but very underdeveloped.
>one off
nah, the sequel had tons of potential to be much more. They could've let you walk around the island and explore
real time day and night cycle
discover beaches and new spots to play volleyball, or photoshoots.
Visit other ladies through out the island, each at different times and locations depending on the time and day, like hitman were npcs have a path or cycle they go through with different destinations in the map.
A Wave Race tournament through out the two week vacation, have it so you can improve the machine, or even win a new one from another opponent, which you can keep for use, or sell for money for the casino and other stuff.
Have a room you can customize, with progression that carries over.
Meet zack and niki at different stores depending the day, and at the casino at night
Have them doing different things each time you see them going into the store, like arguing, being silly and dressing up, have them sing or play an instrument at the casino, stuff like that
Have a friendly sparing mode where you can fight DOA style with other ladies at different spots in the map, or actual fights if you make one of them upset, like bothering with too many gifts, or gifting them the wrong thing, or becoming friends with a different character mid vacation.
Coop mode
A non shit controls for pool hopping and water slide.
So much they could've done. They still can, specially on that gacha version, easy update they can do and add all of this, and be able to play volleyball, so dumb that they removed that. You'd think they would add a playable volleyball mode to entice you to get more swimsuits to use during play, like getting new characters timesplitters

>> No.8719148

when I wasn't playing it, I used to leave it on the bg during summer time, it was so relaxing, I used to sometimes match the time of day to create a nice mood, sunset was the best.
Wish there was a mode where you could just visit a beach and play the animation of the character doing whatever, and have it loop and just stay there as long as you want, like the pool menu area. Would've been a nice option have that vista on screen when you're not playing.

>> No.8719185

>nah, the sequel had tons of potential to be much more
Yup. Could have been an incredible multiplayer party-game franchise with fanservice. Sex appeal aside there's so much you can do with the set up of a cast of characters having fun on an island resort.

>> No.8719228

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8720086 [DELETED] 

>Nearly 20 years later
>OP is still a virgin

>> No.8720126

There's just something appealing about early 2000s DOA designs, sure the newer ones have better graphics and nude modes but it doesn't have the same soul.

>> No.8721032

i just played DoA X1(>>8682652), i can say some characters feels really different if you compare old game characters to doa5-6,
especially kasumi, in older games she has a looks of "peaceful shōjo(少女) with a kind spirit" ambience thing going on,
but if you look at newer game she has more aggressive, willed looks, and looks exactly same with ayane.
i can see why some people find old designs appealing

>> No.8721565

breast game ever

>> No.8721740

for me the best versions are
doa2u Kasumi
doax Ayane
doa1 Tina
doa1 Lei Fang
doax Helena
doax Hitomi
doa4 Christie
doa4 Kokoro

>> No.8721825

I agree with most except
>doa1 Lei Fang
>doax Helena
>doax Hitomi
all three looked best in 3

>> No.8722258
File: 66 KB, 458x650, dead_or_alive_xtreme_beach_volleyball_421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they dropped Hitomi as the mascot for the DOAX games?
btw you can play doax3 perfectly on yuzu

>> No.8722260
File: 50 KB, 578x1066, hitomi_doax-figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8722262
File: 194 KB, 779x1000, 911802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8722458

it is interesting they used Hitomi instead of Kasumi, Ayane or Tina

>> No.8723004

>doax3 switch version
is it worth it?, it makes me hesitate to play it because it's the switch version

>> No.8723056 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.66 MB, 1892x4248, 1647494467348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8723070

I remember my friend talking about how he knew a 'friend of a friend' who had a cracked Xbox that showed nude characters for DOA: XBV. Always thought he was full of shit, but sure enough, it was 'real' in one capacity or another.

Fuck, man. 2000s really were a good time.

>> No.8723129
File: 828 KB, 200x189, 1433699664353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK, that doesn't look so bad.
thanks for the info anon, i needed this.

>> No.8723147

People rip the models and do hardcore porn with them too. Varying results, but a few people are talented.

>> No.8723209
File: 1.05 MB, 400x286, 1415932435022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know, there's lots of them on the internet, even i make coomer shit with doa characters just so i can fap to it.

anyway here i go yuzu

>> No.8723280

A shame they do it of the worse looking nu-DOA models

>> No.8723348

hoping one day the og xbox emus gets good enough to enjoy doax again

>> No.8723353

It's not already?

>> No.8723405
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1080, doax water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I checked, this is what it looked like, water effects look weird on one emu, and both have slow downs randomly. Not sure if they've improved it since then.

>> No.8724064
File: 44 KB, 256x256, 1427122295043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any one who interested in play doax1 with xemu

if you select "take a rest" in poolside your entire game gets corrupted.
you will need to delete "Pre-built Xbox HDD" completely(yeah goodbye to your save file).
I found out this in a hard way

>> No.8724332

The girls look better and better with each generation.

>> No.8724397

Not from 5 onwards
Don't bother replying if you have shit taste

>> No.8725001

DOA3 just came out so she was new hotness. Frankly I'm just annoyed at how much they push Marie and Honk now.

>> No.8725061
File: 323 KB, 925x1153, Results of the voting for the nine playable characters_lol lisa last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should've stayed the mascot of DoAX, and Kasumi for the main games.
I don't mind Honkers, she's all about those extra fat tits, fits perfectly in DoA, she's just not that interesting compared to the other fighters. Marie Rose just looks like a Tekken character in DoA, or a guest character from Tekken, even her clothes just screams Tekken. She also has no tits, which goes against what DoA is about, imo, but she's a fan favorite, so she's going to be in the spotlight for a while.

>> No.8725063

Fuck, that's brutal...I will keep this in mind, thanks for the heads up.

>> No.8725245

yeah I really don't get how these two became so popular, especially Marie Rose despite me finding her cute sometimes. Honkers at least has DOA proportions and they tied her to the main plot (horribly)

>> No.8725460
File: 348 KB, 830x440, ayane then and now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll reply as much as I want, you bitch.

I understand enjoying the games on their own merits, I understand the nostalgia, and I definitely understand still finding the girls in the older games, even the first ones, attractive, but people who would say left is prettier than right are fucking liars. Right is a perfectly sculpted goddess who real life women would have basically zero chance to compare to.

>> No.8725898

Oh well, I'm not going to even really worry. I still have my Xbox and copy of Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball.

>> No.8725956

>tfw still have the nude mod version backed up

>> No.8725973


>> No.8726137
File: 74 KB, 751x749, mademebreakoutthexbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8726140

Wait, is the nude mod not online anywhere anymore?

>> No.8726160

I would also like to know where i can get that mod

>> No.8726202

the comparison between left and right is like Japenese and Koreans
left is soul
right is soulless (plastic koreans)

>> No.8727794

Old Ayane is best Ayane