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8680626 No.8680626 [Reply] [Original]

Is Shenmue's voice acting and dialogue really that much worse than was typical for video games at the time?

>> No.8680637

It’s on par with dubs of kung fu and Japanese films.

>> No.8680646

While I think anybody that wants to take the narrative seriously should play it with undubbed/subtitled, I do think there is a certain charm and aesthetic that Shenmue hits that a typical bad dub does not. Shenmue's performances fit the source material even if they are largely not good.

>> No.8680647

No, it was exceptional for the time.

>> No.8680649

It was okayish for the time. Which still puts it far behind some of the more beloved games with a dub before it like, Mega Man Legends, Metal Gear Solid, or even Ys Book 1 and 2.

>> No.8680664

If it wasn't, why did they make a game so heavily reliant on voice acting and dialogue?

>> No.8680732

It was released after MGS1, which though cheesy, set a standard. A better question is "Why do voice actors turn completely retarded when you put a mic near them"?

>> No.8680746

In the case of these older Japanese games, they were often asked specifically to perform that way. Japanese people directing English voice actors to speak English the way they think it should sound, when they don't speak English as a first language, if at all.

>> No.8680849

I played with subs on the PS4 remaster. Not great but still much better than the dub. The sound quality was kind of sub par and scratchy though

>> No.8680879

>the sailors meme

The whole looking for sailors thing lasts about 5 minutes when you actually play the game. Between this, the yakuza comparisons. I can't stand it when people talk about this game. Also how the fuck did anyone think Shenmue 3 was an acceptable sequel (besides shenhua, she can stay)

>> No.8680934

>A better question is "Why do voice actors turn completely retarded when you put a mic near them"?
In terms of RE, it was the actual direction the creators wanted to take, because English sounded "cool". I think there are a handful of classic games that show off some early great voice work (Snatcher, MGS come to mind)

>> No.8681006

it's not going for "intentionally campy" and sounds like a sincere attempt to make the game as good as possible, but it's such a colossal project that it came out shaggy. it's got a lot of personality, and the particular sound quality gives it a unique texture.

it's lightning in a bottle

>> No.8681007

I was going to make a thread for this but it fits perfectly here.
Have a look at some of the tutorials on the Shenmue Passport disc to see how hilarious the voice acting can get. Also shows off just how stunning the graphics were for the time[/spoiler

>> No.8681013

Acidentally put the video in the spoiler, here it is again for those who missed it. This video's worth it.

>> No.8681015

Is this game actually good and is it worth playing, if afaik there is no conclusion to whole story? Is it any similiar to some of my favourite games like Bully or Dead Rising?

>> No.8681027

>really that much worse than was typical for video games at the time?
however, because of MGS's pretty high quality voice acting, and how much Shenmue was hyped as a next gen immersive epic narrative game, it was very disappointing.
Most fans say to play it in Japanese, but I kind of like the stilted awkward english version. Adds to the game's charm

>> No.8681030

It's brilliant if you like immersing yourself in virtual locations and slow games. It's not really like Bully or Dead Rising, the time is important in a different way. It's hard to describe because there's really nothing else like it (no, Yakuza is really nothing at all similar)

>> No.8681372

no Shitmue is a boring walking simulator
play Yakuza instead it's basically Shitmue but actually fun

>> No.8681397

>Why do voice actors turn completely retarded when you put a mic near them
because they actually don't really know wtf is going on on the game, they just have a script but no footage of the scene

>> No.8681579

No, but it didn't match the serious, grand scope of the game. That's the problem. It was time to be a movie-game. This immersive experience, but the acting sucked. Most games could skate by on some iffy voice work.

>> No.8681685
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I played it for about 2 hours around 5-6 years ago and MAYBE I SHOULD GET ANOTHER is still stuck in my head.

>> No.8681727

>Mortal Kombat 4's voice acting

>> No.8681764
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>> No.8681848

That never occurred to me but you're completely right. Kungfu movies from the 70s and 80s albeit

>> No.8682021

I see.

>> No.8682053

>Why do voice actors turn completely retarded when you put a mic near them"?

Honest, its because of bad japanese direction, and bad localization as well, is there anything worse then having japs speaking engrish, its having caucasians speaking in badly translated english from japanese.

>> No.8682098

Resident Evil 1 was recorded in Japan with the voice actors being local "gaijin tarento" that they usually use for TV and radio ads when they need an English speaker. From RE2 and onward, they started outsourcing the voice acting to a Canadian.

>> No.8682801
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I have heard the extremely weird stories how the dialog in Resident Evil was made. It's pretty entertaining to be honest. It seems like a perfect storm of bad direction, ignorance on the English language and very green voice actors. The best part (IMO, if true) is they originally planned to do Japanese voice work for the game, but Mikami thought it sounded lame. I honestly think the cheesy voice acting in RE really is one of its biggest charms

The Sonya one might be the best of the bunch. I do not know how anyone approved of this crap. It's so horrible that it's almost a parody of itself

>> No.8682804

Derp, I forgot to link it

>> No.8682808


>> No.8682874

The Jax one has all the Sonya bits, all the Jarek bits and all the best lines
Fucking genius.

>> No.8682916

I can only think of one scene in Japanese media where someone spoke fluent English, but the actress was already fluent in English.

>> No.8682918

The Sub-Zero one always gets me. How did anyone approve this crap? Did they purposely make it this bad? I have so many questions

>> No.8682924

>still much better than the dub
KISS OFF SCHOOL BOY. Dub was kino.

>> No.8682929


>> No.8684219


>> No.8684262
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>> No.8684310

Did Shenmue 1+2 HD improve anything?
I have it for PS4 but to be frank I hate playing anything on new consoles, so yeah would rather emulate the game on PC.

>> No.8685728

The Dragon and Phoenix collection are coming which will replace the game engine with Unreal Engine 4 and the code has been reverse engineered to run through the new engine. One version will be more like a traditional remaster while the other version is planed to be more of a reimagining of the games complete with QoL updates such as time skip in Shenmue 1 and some of the enhancements from Shenmue 3 (particularly the FREE gameplay having analog stick movement) implemented.

>> No.8685736

I'm not sure there's any point in a remake like that. Shenmue still looks great and waiting around being bored looking for things to do is an integral part of the experience. The improved controls will be nice but it also means we'll likely be seeing the combat system from 3 which is nowhere near as good.

>> No.8685757

No, the game code is in tact so it will be the same combat from 1 and 2. I'm sure with improved camera control during the fighting segments. With this being ported into UE4 it opens the door to potentially implementing mods to transfer 1 and 2's combat into Shenmue 3.

>> No.8685759

That's exciting actually. 3's better than it gets credit for but the combat is just a chore.

>> No.8685978

The Japanese VA is pretty decent for the time.
The EN not so much.

>> No.8686323

What in the absolute fuck are you talking about, anon. Why lie on /vr/ about Shenmue remakes of all things?

>> No.8687284

Who is lying?


>> No.8687303

people make fun of voice acting in older games like shenmue and in shenmues case it certainly isnt great, but at least they sound and talk like human beings to some degree. everything nowadays is people overacting and trying to oh so witty and cute and clever like the latest whedon capeshit quipfilm. so cringe inducing and ingenuine

>> No.8687321

The Shenmue voice acting is charming af.

>> No.8687341


>> No.8687479

>but at least they sound and talk like human beings to some degree
I wouldn't go that far.

>> No.8688034

Kino. Only Tekken endings come close to this level of awesomeness.

>> No.8689401

>No one said RE1 yet

>> No.8689438


>> No.8689470

The ol' switcheroo.

>> No.8689476

It was bad for the time.