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8680487 No.8680487 [Reply] [Original]

Why capcom decided we not longer want the fucking psx RE inventory when it was a big appeal of the first ones?

>> No.8680507

Just play the remake OP and have a great day

>> No.8680510

Ask them

>> No.8680512

not talking about remake thought.

>> No.8680515


>> No.8680521


>> No.8680619


>> No.8680645

it's a mixed bag. when you know the game already it's a fun puzzle in and of itself. when you're playing blind, it amounts to an endless stream of noisy thoughts going on in your head

"how much longer should i hold out with this puzzle item? is there going to be a chest closer to where i'm finally going to need it?"
"if i leave the shotgun behind i'm going to find like zero launcher rounds and vice versa"
"do i still need this crank? the game didn't discard it like it does with the keys. and... nope"

>> No.8680657

I found those noisy thoughts to be very fun and engaging, speaking as someone who just played this game for the first time this year

>> No.8680680

when you have good luck/intuition with the order you do things, it's fine. if not it can really take you out of the experience if you have to backtrack through a shit ton of doors

>> No.8680729

Because that inventory system only works in a game with a largely-open world like RE1-CV, but is worthless in the action-focused 4-6.

>> No.8680731

i should add, chris ("hard mode") is actually easier in this respect because so much of his shit is gated in the beginning. so you almost have no choice but to stumble onto the armor key for example, while jill can potentially scour the entire mansion before getting anywhere

>> No.8680735

5 has the exact same inventory system

>> No.8680748

5 was more like 4's, just without different sizes.

>> No.8680757

5 is 9 slots with each item taking 1 slot
1-CV is 8 slots with each item taking 1 slot
they're the exact same

>> No.8680759
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Honestly, games (and the RE series as a whole) slowly became more accessible over time. That's basically it. I prefer the classic innovatory system and tank controls, but RE4 was the final nail in the coffin for it. RE2/RE3 (and the forever rumor of Outbreak series coming back) gives me hope we could have a return of the classic style innovatory. We'll see

>> No.8680760

>A door key occupies the same volume in your inventory as a shotgun
No idea dude.

>> No.8680771

>muh realism

>> No.8680843


>> No.8680858

And don't even get me started on the zombies! Or the giant spiders, the giant snake, the sharks in the basement... this game is so divorced from reality that it is practically unplayable

>> No.8680908
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This is some high level RE satire

>> No.8680932

And the worst one: player characters don't become zombies no matter how many times they get bitten or scratched. Zombie farts in the general direction of an NPC, and they begin zombification *tic toc* *tic toc*

>> No.8680941

never bitten is canon

>> No.8680969

Realism can go fuck itself but there's a minimum level of common sense to be had here. Jill can carry a fuckton of weapons and ammo just fine and I love it, but don't fucking give me that bullshit where an item that's smaller than the palm of your hand needs an entire inventory slot all for itself.
Do you have an actual argument against this or not?

>> No.8680972

so basically you want the modern casual cancer of RE4 inventory?

>> No.8680976

Yeah, my argument is that the game is designed around that inventory management. You are supposed to feel burdened by the keys. It's an abstraction in place purely for the sake of game design.

>> No.8680979

RE4's inventory is one of the only redeeming things about it.

>> No.8680981

which turns the game into easy mode.

>> No.8680984

That game is great and your opinions are doodoo.

>> No.8680985

your gay

>> No.8680992

Nuh uh. Bitch!

>> No.8681014
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>You are supposed to feel burdened by the keys
Yeah dude, using one key and then backtracking through 7 screens to get another key sure sounds like something a trained Special Tatics And Rescue Service officer would do.
Here's something that's not retarded: Finding multiple keys adds them to the same slot, and shows them together as a ring of keys. Let me guess, "muh realism"?

>> No.8681018

Yes, muh realism. Are you retarded? It's okay if you don't like Resident Evil.

>> No.8681019

game would take 10 minutes to finish with muh realism solution, retard.

>> No.8681021

grrrr the game should just roll over and let me walk from point A to point B without having to survive any horrors

>> No.8681026

backtracking literally made the game longer when the space to put levels and models was 300 MB.

>> No.8681028

RE7 and RE2make both had that style of inventory system.
There have been more mainline REs with that inventory style than not.

>> No.8681034

I am beginning to suspect that the people that complain about games on this board don't play very many of the games they complain about.

>> No.8681040

the games are only 5-6 hours long even if you're exceptionally bad at them. They're arcade games at heart. You're supposed to learn them and gradually get better and better to where the tedium isn't there anymore because you always know what you need.
Like people use "fake difficulty" as a buzzword for anything now, but the RE games are actual fake difficulty. They have no actual challenge once you've completed them, because you'll know everything and it's an extremely static game. The difficulty is actually just how willing you are to deal with tedium on your first playthrough of running back and forth, since even if you come unprepared to a room with 3 hunters you can immediately leave and go back to get what you need, and the supplies are actually very plentiful.

>> No.8681041

That applies to most of the boards on the site.

>> No.8681042

And the game was designed around it. I played it recently and the amount of backtracking wasn't really unreasonable. It felt like it was an intentionally designed part of the experience that was put in place to make me feel like I had to manage my resources and plan my movements through the mansion accordingly.

>> No.8681048

Then don't bitch when the franchise gets rewritten by RE4 because that game has much more unrealistic inventory space, you double-standard-having fuckface.

>> No.8681050

Is part of the appeal, having limited resources is a big reason of why it was scarier than 4 or more modern action games.

>> No.8681051

...? I'm this guy: >>8680984
You ARE retarded.

>> No.8681074

this motherfucker googled what S.T.A.R.S. stands for to write this post.

>> No.8681082

how do you pronounce that

>> No.8681084

seenta de teenta

>> No.8681159

Modern games aren't made for you. They're not even made for the people who make them. They're made for the impatient grey gruel of humanity. Accept that and you'll probably find some enjoyment in them.

>> No.8681160

Originally ammo didn't stack at all. Each handgun magazine, box of shotgun shells, etc. took up an inventory slot. They changed it at the last minute (along with adding autoaim) but I really wish they would have kept it that way.

>> No.8681174

>Not knowing what S.T.A.R.S. stands for from memory
And you call yourself a BIO HAZARD fan.

>> No.8681189


>> No.8681195

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.8681210

Yeah, my argument is blow me nerd

>> No.8681242

Fuck off, you know damn well internal consistency and realism are the same thing.

>> No.8681249

>game with fantasy monsters

>> No.8681256

Who are the macocos anyway

>> No.8681278

Fuck off, you know damn well internal consistency and realism are the same thing.

>> No.8681281

yes, but realism doesnt imply everything has to follow IRL rules.

>> No.8681304

Capcom became taken over by westaboos in the 6th and 7th gens and started wrecking most of their own franchises.

>> No.8681339

The game guides you pretty well
Here's Jill
>Barry tells you to check the East side of the mansion, and the dog hallway will inform you this is the right way
>the first puzzle piece you have a chance of getting (the portrait room puzzle) is right across from the place where it's used
>first save room has a puzzle piece in it (chemicals)
>second floor is mostly locked off, so you'll come out and go through 2F West, where you'll loop around to another save room, and eventually the place where the chemicals are used
>with a bit of intuition, you can use this to get your first key and unlock every other door
The game pretty handily nudges you onto the right path, though let's be fair and say they did Chris first.
>Dog hall locked off, and first zombie hall is a dead end
>from there you can choose one of three doors on the second floor, one leads to Forest, who has some ammo, the West door will take you to the Rebecca's save room where you can get the sword key, and then go through the same motions as Jill
Chris obviously has a higher chance of getting lost, but he is hard mode in the original Japanese, localizers removed that detail.

>> No.8681380

because it's shit
RE4 had the perfect inventory system that everyone loved but classic niggers kept whining and crying Capcom decided to return this shitty inventory to RE5

>> No.8681390

t. zoomer

>> No.8681393

RE4 is a classic retro game
get fucked RE5 baby

>> No.8681394

>RE4 is classic RE
ok zoomer

>> No.8681417

Implying Spanish isn't the shittiest euro language and much much much more retarded than based Portuguese

>> No.8681420

shittiest euro language is english.

>> No.8681425

>>Barry tells you to check the East side of the mansion, and the dog hallway will inform you this is the right way
It's weird how they kept this line in the remake even though the East door is now a dead end and you actually need to go back to Kenneth and through the new hallways to get the sword key instead.

>> No.8681501

>not swedish

>> No.8681542
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I love RE1 and know it like the back of my hand, but I find it hard to justify inventory limits exactly as it was done in RE1 nowadays. Not being able to go out with all your weapons + ammo + healing items at once, and the ink ribbons occupying one of those inventory slots is satisfying and gives the game an immediate risk/reward component. It's objectively good and a signature mechanic that would make the game completely different if absent.
But I'm conflicted about key items occupying individually 1 slot each. It just adds unecessary back tracking, especially when the game opens up and you can go solve multiple puzzles at one time. It also makes the risk reward components of inventory management feel more unfair, if the player dies because he had a key where a healing item would normally be in his inventory organization, he'll blame the game instead of his own inventory management skills.
The only game where that doesn't feel like a useless chore is Resident Evil Outbreak, it's legitimately kino & ludo to depend on other online players since everyone only has 4 inventory slots.

>> No.8681546

>old is bad new good
cope zoomer

>> No.8681554

>opinion I don't like equals zoomer
this is a poor way to cope with anger anon

>> No.8681795

The REmake is a shitshow of weird shit that doesn't work anymore. That one is particularly bad since it forces you to go through the area that Barry is supposed to be investigating and he isn't there. In RE1, it's easy to see that as "Oh, I'm not supposed to be over here" or something, but in REmake that is the only route.
There's also the fact that the scant few Trevor Diary files that are included are all tutorial ones, for elements that aren't in REmake, and this isn't a limited choices thing, REmake lacked most of those files and a good chunk fo them weren't tutorials

>> No.8681971

It makes more sense once you learn that REmake was pretty much a straight 1:1 copy of RE1 up until the last couple months. They then suddenly decided it had to be different and started haphazardly adding new enemies and rooms and shuffling other stuff around. The dialogue was probably already in place by that point and they just never changed it after the map got reworked.

>> No.8682065

how was barry supposed to know that?

>> No.8683131

(formerly pedro's)

>> No.8683171

kys asap

>> No.8683191

>in a survival horror you must make survival decisions

>> No.8683210

i’m being pretty fair to a game i ultimately really like. trying to figure out through metagame logic whether i still need a crank isn’t a survival decision

>> No.8685245

Modern RE fucking sucks

>> No.8686316

Same reason we don't have tank controls and fixed camera angles anymore. Enough people have bitched and moaned about having these limits on gameplay that Capcom scrapped them, even though those limitations were what made the game so great and scary in spite of technical limitations.

>> No.8686834

I actually do think an RE4-like inventory system for an actual survival horror game would be good, but with considerably less space obviously because having so much defeats the point of being able to puzzle out fitting what you need.

>> No.8687528

Since I don't feel like making a thread I'm gonna talk about Carrier here. Game starts great but the lack of items and amount of back tracking with respawning enemies gets really old.

>> No.8687552


Why is Spanish such a gay language?

>> No.8687578


>> No.8687767

That's a massive part of the gameplay though. Weighing up what you need and taking risks, it's what makes Resi what it is.

>> No.8688883

ok, but what i’m saying is with puzzle items like the emblem for example, there’s nothing that necessarily indicates to the player that they’re going to need it on any particular “venture” between item chests. if you’re playing blind you have two options, you either bank on that you’re going to find where it goes and be able to free up your inventory, or you don’t bother trying to guess and resolve to backtrack to the chest once you find the socket for the emblem/gem/whatever. the resource management for ammo/healing is fun and works as intended

>> No.8688887

That's the fun of the game, genuinely. If you're not into that, you won't like RE1.

>> No.8688895

Glad Silent Hill got rid of inventory limits

>> No.8689443

Anon, this argument is a faulty one at best.
There's a very limited amount of puzzle items that the player won't immediately recognize the location of, and if they don't, typically the location is close by.
The piano sheet music and gold crest are obvious, and the blue jewel from the statue is a rather easy pair with the tiger that literally states it has a red eye and BLUE eye.
The Sun/Moon/Star/Wind crests could be argued for, but the first one a player will typically find is the portrait room one, which lays directly across from the entrance to the outside courtyard.
Perhaps you could make the argument for the wolf and eagle crests, but those are late game items, and it should be expected of the player for the game to ramp up the difficulty at that point. An exploratory player will know where the late game battery goes as well, and the MO Disks are optional tasks necessary for the good endings.
Really, people complaining about inventory limits are just people bad at the game.

>> No.8689501

i think this whole time i’ve been pointing out a very reasonable minor wrinkle that some players might stumble over while otherwise expressing my positive attitude toward the game, and people like you are just absolutely immovable. you don’t know how to separate your own knowledge and experience from objective discussion even though you consciously believe that you are.

the first emblem you get can be carried around for a considerable length of time before finding an unmarked hidden room where you can swap it out for gold.
the boot disks aren’t obvious to a blind player that they’re for optional content or progression.
think outside of yourself for a moment. please. admit that this is a good game that could have some (non-deal breaker) imperfections, for the love of christ.

>> No.8689512

The first emblem can also be placed back there whenever you want and it purely exists as a beginner's trap. However, as Jill, the emblem's purpose is immediately obvious if you take to exploring that side of the mansion immediately, which is the only way you could hold onto that emblem from the beginning.

The MO Disks are late game items, and the game should be challenging by that point. The first one is found by the time you return to the mansion and are contending with high level enemies and high level item management, so to criticize them is to criticize the concept of difficulty itself.

These are not imperfections, but difficulty checks. If they were imperfections, the game would be adjusted to fit them as they are key items for a reason. You act like the developers weren't aware of the challenge in the item management, when Jill's scenario is purposefully designed to make the key item routes all the more easy for the player, going so far as to remove the first key entirely.

>> No.8689536

i’m done. i have better things to do than this one step forward, two steps back/missing the point of broader concepts kind of shit. you win. this experimental b-horror game definitely didn’t have anything to improve on mechanically

>> No.8689543

You act so holier than thou, acting like I'm the one missing the point, and you, o great anon, praise be upon thee, couldn't possibly be wrong.
RE1 had intentional design. The resource management is a part of the difficulty, and the vast majority of the early key items are placed in a way so that the play immediately knows their usage. Lategame key items are placed far away from where they're used, and that is also intentional. The caves section is literally a challenge of "Limit yourself to four item slots, because the other two have cranks in them and there's no item boxes for most of this area".
But please, get upset because someone doesn't fall in line with your opinion. Please, place a burning bush before me with your almighty, omnipotent powers, and have it explain to me how RE1 lacks an intricacies in its difficulty and pacing.

>> No.8689565
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The survival element comes from the limited availability of ammo and healing items because those are what's keeping you alive. Having to carry around a useless piece of a puzzle you already solved because there's no way to know if you're actually done with it or not and then ending up having to backtrack to dump it in le magic item box is just shitty design.

If the game gave you limited slots for weapons and herbs but quest items were a separate inventory the game would be vastly improved and no rational person can deny this

>> No.8689583

>Having to carry around a useless piece of a puzzle you already solved because there's no way to know if you're actually done with it or not and then ending up having to backtrack to dump it in le magic item box is just shitty design.
This never happens

>> No.8689613

>holier than thou
i am. in this context i literally am being the better person. this is demonstrably true.
>inb4 i ThOuGhT yOu WeRe DoNe
i'm done with the topical argument but i'm going to do a quick postmortem on how to act in these kinds of discussions as an abstract. mostly importantly: who was the one who was willing to say positive things about the thing he was criticizing to demonstrate a lack of bias? me
here's where i stated that i thought this game got better the more knowledge you have >>8680645
here's where i stated that the actual "resource" management actually does work well >>8688883

granted, false compromise is a thing. one's willingness to meet in the middle doesn't mean that's where the truth lies. and by the way, me pointing this out is another gracious thing i'm doing: steelmanning my own argument. but when one side simply folds their arms and won't budge, you have to wonder what their own perspective and bias on the matter is and whether it's even worth having a discussion with them. you even went out of your way to try and repair your own cognitive dissonance by not even letting the "beginner's trap concession" sit. you had to then paint the situation as if any player would not simply pass up a room either intentionally or accidentally and instead get sidetracked on 2F and beyond, miss the music sheet and leave, or literally anything else a human being might conceivably do as a first-time player. you lack the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes, better known as "empathy."

you are boring. you think you understand something (in this case a game) on a deeper level that most, and maybe you do just by pure exposure, but all i see is someone unwilling to examine it with a critical lens. that makes you one in a crowd.

>> No.8689639
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Genuinely, the only time the "story item" thing bugged me was Resident Evil 2, where the Valve Handle is used in both the police station, and then much later in the sewers. I genuinely thought that was the one instance of bullshit backtracking.

>> No.8689670

>the other two have cranks
The second crank in that section is genuinely bad design and is just there as a lazy way to prevent the player from skipping out on meeting Enrico.

>> No.8689784

>i am. in this context i literally am being the better person. this is demonstrably true.
I have never read a more pompous line in a post from someone who demonstrably does not get what they're talking about.
>who was the one who was willing to say positive things about the thing he was criticizing to demonstrate a lack of bias? me
I never said anything about bias anon, just that you were wrong. Additionally, a man can be free of bias and still remain wrong.
>but when one side simply folds their arms and won't budge
You act like your arguments are some impenetrable wall and not simply your constructions on how the developers were wrong in their game design. If the developers were wrong, they wouldn't have used RE1 as a basis for RE2, nor would the game have been as successful as it was. Additionally, despite many developers coming in and out of the franchise, no game until RE4 removed key items from the item management, and RE4 required that as part of the gameplay, since there would be minimal actual exploration as part of the game design.
>instead get sidetracked on 2F
The game is purposefully designed to avoid that, but let's give in to this theoretical.
Say the player began as Chris, let's examine where the three paths on that second floor will take them.
>Forest's body
We'll do this one first since it's the shortest one. There is a clip and a small key, two useful and disposable items.
>2F West
Going this way is part of Chris' intended path, leading the player right to Rebecca and the first item box and sword key. From here, progression goes steady if they explore.
>2F East
There are no unlocked doors aside from the room with the Botany book, the fireplace room, and the save room, with the plant chemicals. The player will just walk back.
Jill is far longer, so I will continue that in another post.
>miss the music sheet and leave
They deserve it for not taking notice of their surroundings, the second shelf stands out purposefully.

>> No.8689812

Now let's do Jill, assuming she doesn't explore any of the first floor first, despite the game explicitly giving the player directions as to where to go next.
>Forest's body
Jill gets the bazooka pretty early, and that's about it.
>2F West
Not much different from Chris here, as Jill's lockpick replaces the sword key.
>2F East
Again, not much different. The game is purposefully designed for most crests to be locked behind the Armor Key. As such, Richard's hall + Yawn, the Armor Room, and the Deer Head room are all locked off, leaving the player with as many options as Chris, and the door next to the save room here being locked from the other side. Almost as if there was purposeful design.
Then that either puts you down one of the other paths listed above, on the proper path, or back to the first room where any player playing the game like the adventure game that it is will find the sheet music and get the Yawn key early, which is the only item that you can argue will sit in the player's inventory for an extended amount of time for any reason beyond their own incompetency with the game itself. However, as Jill you get 8 slots, so inventory management is far from a major concern, and the Armor key isn't too far off from it.

>you lack the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes, better known as "empathy."
No, I know perfectly well how to do that, though I have higher standards for a first time player. I expect them to intake the clues given by the characters, and I understand the level design of the game well enough to state what I have stated. Your empathy line is merely a ploy, one to delude yourself into thinking you're a better human being than other people, that you're superior, like a true sociopath. Fucking freak.
>you understand something (in this case a game) on a deeper level that most,
No I don't, this is all basic shit I've discussed at length on /vr/ before.
>that makes you one in a crowd
Your posts betray your intelligence.

>> No.8689835

the fact that you think my intent to prove the developers as wrong/misguided either all or in part shows one of (or some combination of) how poor your reading comprehension is, how little faith you have in other people to contend with you intellectually, or how willing you are to deliberately strawman, none of which are flattering. of course, the easy/tired assessment would be to call you a fanboy who has knee-jerk reactions to even minor criticisms, and that's not true... right? i mean, only one person in this thread even brought up key items occupying inventory space being a potential problem, and they wavered on it as well, but their literary tone is so wildly different from mine that i can't believe anyone would even conflate our posts

>The game is purposefully designed to avoid that, but let's give in to this theoretical. Say the player began as Chris
so, you specifically brought up jill's scenario in order to try and demonstrate how players would naturally fall into some pattern involving the emblem, and when i bring up a way in which a person could diverge from that expectation, you divert it into entirely different hypotheticals. got it.

>> No.8689848

>the fact that you think my intent to prove the developers as wrong/misguided either all or in part shows one of (or some combination of) how poor your reading comprehension is,
You see their game design as mistakes. That's what I'm saying.
You say all this flowery tripe, yet ignore the fact that you maintain a constant stick in your ass, acting like only you could ever be right. There is no other ideas, there are no dissenters in anon's kingdom, only his own unoriginal ideas.
>of course, the easy/tired assessment would be to call you a fanboy who has knee-jerk reactions to even minor criticisms,
I saw someone was wrong and wrote an adequate response explaining why they were wrong. I could spin the chessboard around and say something along the lines of "You're such a rampant schizophrenic that even a single person disagreeing with you causes you to have episodes where you see yourself as the greatest gift to man incarnate, and you have no sense of empathy whatsoever while proclaiming yourself as the embodiment of it".
> but their literary tone is so wildly different from mine that i can't believe anyone would even conflate our posts
I don't care.
>and when i bring up a way in which a person could diverge from that expectation, you divert it into entirely different hypotheticals. got it.
It appears that despite your words about reading comprehension, you can't even read a single post, let alone give a cursory glance to the second. I saved Jill for later as discussing her route takes slightly longer.

>> No.8689860

100% agree

>> No.8689876

>You see their game design as mistakes.
if you meant that, you would have said that. you wouldn't have ballooned it into an aside about the developers being wrong about their design philosophy as a whole
>I don't care.
i genuinely don't understand this statement. you don't care about what? that you're incapable of following individual lines of discussion within one thread, let alone correctly interpreting their content?
>I saved Jill for later as discussing her route takes slightly longer.
i read your post, which is why i said hypothetical(s) plural, i.e. the one in your first post about the chris path, and the one in your second post about the jill path. both sought to sidestep the botched hypothetical we were originally examining, so i grouped them together and returned them to you with third-class postage, unopened.

>> No.8689893

>if you meant that, you would have said that. you wouldn't have ballooned it into an aside about the developers being wrong about their design philosophy as a whole
You are arguing for the removal of key items in the item management, which would be calling their design philosophy into question.
>i genuinely don't understand this statement. you don't care about what? that you're incapable of following individual lines of discussion within one thread, let alone correctly interpreting their content?
I don't care about your schizophrenic ramblings. Stick to the point or leave. If I say you're the same person as some other guy, you forever will be, you occupy that same tiny space in my mind and by extension my posts.
>both sought to sidestep the botched hypothetical we were originally examining
I addressed your hypothetical, though perhaps you didn't understand it.
If someone misses the sheet music, they're bad at the game.
If someone is carrying the crest for an extended period of time as Jill, they're bad at the game and didn't explore that area fully, if they did it as Chris, the locked doors will put them on a path towards two different save rooms to drop it off at, it's not like the item box is some mysterious monolith, it's given to the player to free up inventory. If a player chooses not to use it, that's their own fault.
Etc., etc.
The only reasonable arguments against this style aren't even found within RE1. Earlier, an anon mentioned the turning wheel from RE2, and another item that comes to mind is the hookshot of RE0, both of which are items that see minimal use, but that use is spread out so far that it was cause a new player to go through pointless, impossible to circumvent on a blind run backtracking.

>> No.8689906

I never had any problems with inventory space in Resident Evil games, it's a part of the gameplay like tankcontrols are.
Even with Chris, you can carry a handgun, bullets, and a fully loaded shotgun and still have three inventory spots to pick up things. Go out with full health.
When you get puzzle items, just go back and dump them in the box until you need them, clear the hallways to them so you can easily go back whenever.

With remake, you can even get the combat shotgun with more shells, so you don't have to carry extra.

It's even less of an issue with the later games, because you have 8 slots regardless.

>> No.8689929

>You are arguing for the removal of key items in the item management
i did not
>I don't care about your schizophrenic ramblings. Stick to the point or leave. If I say you're the same person as some other guy, you forever will be, you occupy that same tiny space in my mind and by extension my posts.
this statement and its build-up is legitimately incredible from a purely anthropological viewpoint.
>I addressed your hypothetical, though perhaps you didn't understand it.
oh, i understood it, i just think blaming a theoretical subset of "bad" players for simply having different perspectives on efficient global exploration and time management is puerile. your self-absorbed perspective leads you to see the mansion as a set of progression "chunks" because you possess meta-knowledge, whereas it's equally logical (for a blind player) to explore more broadly in the beginning. from there, seeming deadweight items only balloon and compound the issue.

more to the point, this is where your entire stance fell apart, since you effectively acknowledged that what i'm saying is plausible. throwing your hands up and saying "well, if they did THAT shit, they're BAD!" doesn't solve anything, and if you really think it does, please do not ever get into the field of game design or anything resembling it.

>> No.8689985

>oh, i understood it, i just think blaming a theoretical subset of "bad" players for simply having different perspectives on efficient global exploration and time management is puerile.
Going on about different perspectives is like if I said Silent Hill should have easier puzzles because some players can't read. If your "different perspective" means you can't find the sheet music, that just means you're bad at the game, nothing more.
>your self-absorbed perspective leads you to see the mansion as a set of progression "chunks" because you possess meta-knowledge
I do that because the mansion is split into chunks, and I assessed every viable path for a first time player. Like I said, most doors are locked off until you get the Armor Key, so the game does a good job at keeping you on the right path, a sole red herring puzzle piece being the shield in the dining hall, and there's nothing wrong with that given that the game is laid out so that a player can walk past multiple item boxes if they decide to carry it, or if they're Jill, they can use it straight away if they just EXPLORE.
>since you effectively acknowledged that what i'm saying is plausible. throwing your hands up and saying "well, if they did THAT shit, they're BAD!
It's equally as plausible as someone getting to the harder levels of a hack and slash through button mashing, and in both instances, it's the player's fault.
RE games are meant to be hard. The key items are factored into the item management, because what are you managing if it's just heals and ammo. Where's the challenge in the caves if you can just go down there with your full arsenal and two F. Aid Sprays to boot.
Your argument is full of holes and is only propped up by your insistence that everyone here should prostrate themselves to you, with your posts that are filled with pseudo-psycho-analysis, smarmy quips, and a suffocating air of pompousness. You should never enter the field of writing, anything, ever again.

>> No.8690043

yes, anyone who doesn't gel with your perception of the game is bad, no need to beat this one into the ground any more
>RE games are meant to be hard.
they are not hard. they are games that challenge you to choose non-violence and avoidance to entirely circumvent what amounts to difficulty in most other games. they are games predicated on replay value owing to metagame knowledge and the satisfaction of more efficient pathing.
>You should never enter the field of writing, anything, ever again.
it's always flattering when someone openly copies the insults i just used against them

>> No.8690059

>yes, anyone who doesn't gel with your perception of the game is bad
To quote you, "it's always flattering when someone openly copies the insults i just used against them"
The fact that you cannot see you are doing that exact thing would almost be shameful if it weren't so absurd.
>they are not hard. they are games that challenge you to choose non-violence and avoidance to entirely circumvent what amounts to difficulty in most other games.
No, the difficulty comes from the item management. The games give you plenty of healing items and ammo, enough to tear down every enemy in the game without even grabbing the magnum out of your inventory, what makes that hard is balancing what you should take with you, and balancing that with your key items. Your argument boils down to wanting to remove something like exploring the map small chunks at a time from the original Warcraft. You miss the point of the game and where its difficulty comes from, though I'm sure you'll spin this as a flaw rather than the intentional design that is is.
Look at how far you've degraded yourself in this one post as well. You could only really muster a response to one point, and it's merely a repetition of things said by countless posers in the past. What happened to not being a part of the crowd?
I think I'm done here. You're clearly bending your back a little too much, bend it a little more and it might snap.

>> No.8690071

maybe because it looks gay? you ever thought about that retard?

>> No.8690095

Why is half this thread read life a conversation from an anime

>> No.8690950

yeah I don't get it either

>> No.8693753
File: 472 KB, 480x280, meter-autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8693904

No, he means KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. He's laughing at you niggers.