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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 523 KB, 1080x1440, PXL_20220301_175236191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8676621 No.8676621 [Reply] [Original]

My heart jumped when I saw this today lol. Can't believe goodwill was slipping you just don't find deals like this ever, probably the most valuable game I've ever found in the wild

pickups collection thread

>> No.8676631
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This right here is why you always check the DVD and CD bins at Goodwill and thrifts. Digging is always rewarded eventually.

Good find OP.

>> No.8676756

Heh nice man! If I was doing my digging at goodwill I would've skipped over that because I don't know any better.

>> No.8676807

Uh, and? It’s a shit game. Nobody fucking cares.

>> No.8676815

My man is about to make bank. At least be happy for the dude.

>> No.8676834

>The Base
>The Base 2: Guilty As Charged
>On The Borderline
>Hidden Agenda
>Diplomatic Siege
>Extreme Justice
I can't make out the rest on that 8-in-1 DVD, but beyond being generic action movies, what the fuck do any of these movies have to do with each other? They aren't all the same writer, director, production company, or even shared any cast.

>> No.8676847

>there are apparently $300+ PS2 games
Kek what are these people smoking.

>> No.8676860

>what the fuck do any of these movies have to do with each other?
They were able to be licensed for less than 10 cents a copy.

>> No.8676969

Ok, found the connection. Lionsgate bought up the rights to the others, and threw them into the 8-pak for sale at Walmart. The other two movies are Detention and The Punisher(1989). It was a bargain bin item when it was released in 2012.

>> No.8676992

How much did it cost you? I have to know I would kill to get this game

>> No.8677043

>kill someone to get a game you can easily emulate or play of an HDD on original hardware
you arent the sharpest blade are you.

>> No.8677052

>The Punisher(1989)
That's a surprisingly good movie. Dolph plays an excellent Frank Castle.

>> No.8677402

even a toaster pc can emulate ps2

>> No.8677405

Neat find. It always makes me laugh when I see the prices Haunting Ground goes for, because I bought it for $10 at a comic shop a decade ago.

>> No.8677414

This is why I hate ps2 fags

>> No.8677450

One of my favorite games. I autistically collected copies of it in the 2007-11 range in hopes that people I know would play it and discuss with me. Glad everyone else has bad taste because I've made like $1000 simply selling surplus copies of this game.

>> No.8677454

It would be kind of fun to pass through a bunch of small town thrift stores to check for shit like this. I’m not a collector but I might try it one day

>> No.8677473

I traded a copy of the PlayStation jewel case variant of Mortal Kombat 3 and 200 dollars for Haunting Ground. That it was a fair deal since I am not a PlayStation complicationist

>> No.8677485

$5. It was $28 altogether for 4 games, a special edition of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and a Star Wars pillow. I'll take a pic when I get back from work

you should! finding games is kinda a game on its own

>> No.8677549

That's not really fair, since a lot of the now expensive games were bargain bin games back in the day. Like I got God Hand for 10 bucks at a CD shop in 2011-ish and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure off a clearance rack at Gamestop in the mid-00s.

>> No.8677553

>lot of the now expensive games were bargain bin games back in the day
To be expected. If they were bargain bin games, it means they sold like ass, nobody bought them and they had to be sold at a loss just to get them out of the stores. Since nobody had them organically, only the people that were there bargain hunting ever got them.

>> No.8677556 [DELETED] 

I live in a nigger town, so there's only stinky nigger shit there

>> No.8677575

It’s not worth your time. You COULD get lucky like OP one day, but you’ll waste so much time doing it that even a minimum wage job is more profitable. It’s also not even fun, because you’ll just end up searching for years and find literally nothing like me.

>> No.8677579

If you're going for the specific reason of hunting video games, you're probably right. Especially if there's even 1 other coomlector in the area. I like popping into garage sales, and to a lesser degree, thrift stores because you can find all kinds of shit for nothing. I got a box of gamecube stuff and a plasma cutter at the same garage sale last spring.

>> No.8677584

I think it heavily depends on the area, yeah. Where I am, I haven’t single a single piece of retro vidya at garage sales or charity stores in years.

>> No.8677989

I got my copy for $40 from a used game store around 2018. Granted, it was only worth about twice that at the time.

>> No.8678048

>having fun is not worth your time.
Tell me you have no friends without telling me

>> No.8678085

Doomer mentality is cringe

>> No.8678098

Can someone explain me what this thread is about?
Which game in the op is meant?

>> No.8678101
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Nice bait you idiot, we know hipsters bought games they already own and put fake labels and shot things without the owners permission because all of you are parasitic.

>> No.8678104

Bitch, you just got ripped.

>> No.8678194
File: 164 KB, 900x562, 1633746396352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here in Ontario I have a good will type store boomers drop off their kids old games all the time. I always find great gamecube and 360 ps1/ps2 games there for 1$ each.

>> No.8678207
File: 3.01 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_20220302_220238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my best flea market finds last year was a CIB Pokemon Red in great condition for only 20€ The price sticker shown in the picture is the original one in the old FIM currency. In today's currency it would make ~57€

>> No.8678464

Do people in Ontario larp, or are you larping about that as well?

>> No.8678545

Fellow Ontario fag here, and can confirm. Usually they are junk games nobody wants though.

>> No.8678652

That's what I figured. Thanks for confirming >>8678194 is larping about finding great gamecube and 360 ps1/ps2 games for a buck.

>> No.8678749
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x1816, 20220302_173633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this for $4 today. It'll be nice to have as a spare legit cart case if I ever need to case swap a JP game. I have an Everdrive 64 x7 mind you, but backup plans are always good.

>> No.8678757
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I posted this a few months ago, but this is probably my favorite find of all just due to the overwhelming odds. Sadly I don't have a real Genesis, but a Genesis Mini.

>> No.8678793
File: 45 KB, 410x320, Kanna Kirishima (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sport games

>> No.8678817

Duh, I only bought it in case I need a spare legit cart case. Plus it is the first time in ages I have seen any n64 games of any kind at a goodwill. If only they had some spare accessories or controllers, which is the actual reason I go to goodwills.

>> No.8678820

So? I wouldn't be that excited to see a PS2 game. PS2 games are the most basic bitch shit ever and I remember when stores were filled wall to wall with them.

>> No.8678825

>case swap
why not just remove the plastic inside the console so you never have to case swap or use a gameshark to play JP games?

>> No.8678836

I'd rather not remove the tabs is all and I heard the gameshark can be a bit finicky.

>> No.8678915
File: 2.02 MB, 2848x2136, 20220302_194524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5 at the local comic shop, just sitting in the bargain bin. Had no idea what it was until I asked /m/. Weird little piece of Gundam history.

>> No.8678923

Based finnbro

>> No.8678941
File: 260 KB, 2048x1536, 1454785345787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember I watched that furry Tom Sawyer movie years ago while I was drunk. It was weird as hell and it was obvious the animators had a Tarantino-tier foot fetish.

>> No.8678958
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guess again faggots I live in a decent sized rich bedroom town near Toronto so I am the only person that game hunts at this place.

why do people on this board always get so assblasted that there are people who find expensive games for cheap

>> No.8679008

damn, you really have to wonder how something like pier solar ends up at a resale shop

>> No.8679046

Nice larp

>> No.8679070

The world may never know, but I'm glad I have it and not some greasy mexican or cat-eater. Those lesser assholes always buy everything, even the shitty games to resell.

>> No.8679097
File: 703 KB, 1080x1440, PXL_20220303_014058516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back from work, here's a pic of the whole haul from yesterday.

great scores holmes, always wanted to play pier solar. lol i found a copy of battle revolution at goodwill once, opened it up at checkout but it had a damn skylanders disc inside

that's dope, don't listen to that other guy that's a great deal and perfect for case swap, plus hockey games are cooler than football/baseball

>> No.8679141
File: 907 KB, 1920x1440, PXL_20220303_014544901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and some finds from the last few weeks. been getting more into cheap horror games lately so finding a grail like Haunting Ground was really fucking awesome

>> No.8679147

where do you guys find your stuff? I'm lucky to see a video game at all.

>> No.8679149

That game haunting ground is worth $$$
goodwill is technically not even supposed to sell games in store, they're supposed to send them to corporate so they can sell them on ebay at normal ebay prices

>> No.8679154

>Escape from Bug Island

Holy based

>> No.8679156

What is it with PS2 horror games being worth so much? They're not THAT rare, are they? Or is it because they're considered the golden age of the genre or something?

>> No.8679160

They were niche games at the time that, while critically successful, often didn't have huge production numbers or sell many copies. Only the very early ones like SH1 and RE sold like crazy, and the demand for those are so high that even the higher supply can't keep up.

>> No.8679178

Congrats on the cool finds!

>lol i found a copy of battle revolution at goodwill once, opened it up at checkout but it had a damn skylanders disc inside
I feel your pain. I found a copy of Hydro Thunder at the goodwill when I first started going, only to discover my first empty case scenario. You never forget your first.

>> No.8679193

buy a 3D-printed replacement slot, then it's region free without looking shittily cut into and you can put the original somewhere safe
t. also use an everdrive and have no use for this but cared anyway

>> No.8679195

a little late to think about that as I already spent two hours today shittily cutting into mine.

>> No.8679198

You smell.

>> No.8679201


>> No.8679202

it's my N64 from when I was a kid, concepts like resale value or whatever don't exist for it. So long as it works it works.

>> No.8679597
File: 58 KB, 1000x667, 1645730478493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 99% of my flea market visits I don't find anything worth buying, sometimes you just get lucky. But I buy a lot of other things too at flea markets, so visiting them is a nice pastime, but even so, I don't buy anything on most of my visits.

>> No.8679739

>What is 5000% profit
Based retard

>> No.8679835

>why do people always always find my larps so easy to see through

>> No.8679896

Idk man I go thrifting like every other weekend I hit up multiple spots, and it's great. I found a $400 midi card in a PC I paid 30 bucks for.

>> No.8679989
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I don't care about a PSOne case variant of Mortal Kombat 3. It's only valuable to completionist. The actual game is no different from any other releases of MK3 on the PlayStation. I traded a few Nintendo Powers for it. I literally got it for free and it sat in my collection for 10 years until I realized it was so rare
Haunting Ground was a late cycle PS2 game and literally no one bought it. It's actually rare and has a cult status now. It's built off a lot of unused concepts from Clock Tower and RE4. I doubt we'll ever see a port of it, so it's stuck being a PS2 excursive

>> No.8680069

>damn, you really have to wonder how someone can take a picture of a goodwill receipt next to their ebay finds

>> No.8681815

I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky I found it there. found it theere~

>> No.8682263

>you really have to wonder
It's a shit game. Cool production story, shit game. Maybe my dreamcast edition will be worth something, some day. If I knew someone would enjoy it, I would leave it at good will, but I know it would languish until some scummy reseller got wind of it.

>> No.8683812

Would love to believe you but the internet is full of lying attention whores. True stories are one in a million. Literally.

>> No.8683818

burger "sports"

>> No.8683889

>Fucking Americans and their....*checks list of nouns* sports!

>> No.8683904

>Football (soccer) is god's gift to sport
>Every single game ends 1-0 or tied at zero
Sincerely, every Yuro. Even the beaners have adopted and gotten awesome at baseball.

>> No.8684064

burger sports are so boring and repetitive that fans care more about the statistics than the actual match

>> No.8684450
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good lord anon

>> No.8684479

It isn't even worth it

>> No.8684802

Retarded burgers.

>> No.8685090
File: 1.82 MB, 3023x2169, E3A7E4B0-FFC9-4BBB-994C-B8FE171DF59D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I found today. Man I miss the good ol’ days. My best find was Mario Party 4 and 5, Windwaker, and Thousand Year Door all in their cases and manuals.

>> No.8685215

lol those kinda games were surprisingly popular back in the day, all worth playing at least once. Wheel of Fortune is good with other people but if you play by yourself sometimes the computer will solve the puzzle before you get to go once

>> No.8685572

I sometimes wonder while im scouring through discs like that if I am passing over stuff that would make a music nerd lose their shit.

>> No.8685585

What on earth are you on about? You found some dog shit in a second hand store and you're excited?

>> No.8686329

You have dog shit taste. This thread is heinous. Who cares about goodwill bullshit? There was actually some one itt excited about finding mario party games. Get some fucking taste!!!

>> No.8687046



>> No.8688107

HOLY SHIT Dance Dance Revolution? OP you're a lucky bastard.

>> No.8688140

Ya i'll ddr with u lolo

>> No.8688437
File: 631 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20181003_142537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always check the cd bins, you never know

>> No.8688458

Where the fuck do you live where they have video games constantly out? I only have Victorious and other shit games at mine.

>> No.8690510

whats up with all the salty retards in this thread, just kill yourselves already.

congrats, OP. Its a great feeling. Experienced something kind of similar with a sealed copy of spikeout on xbox. no idea why it was only 20 bucks.

>> No.8691935

I got a gamecube component cable for less than ten bucks the other day at a place that should know better. I couldn't believe it. Some stuff does slip through the cracks every now and then.

>> No.8692137

No one believes your bullshit reddit