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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 513 KB, 758x554, 3689946997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8675973 No.8675973 [Reply] [Original]

And so, Nintendo protected the innocent eyes of America's youth from something they can see at any beach or pool. God bless.

>> No.8675980

artstyle on the left looks superior anyway, right looks like an abortion

>> No.8675995

>Badass vs plain eyecandy

>> No.8675997

Her tits look better on the left.

>> No.8676000

This is like the 15th thread you've made about this. Is jerking off to some shittly drawn 12 year old on the cover of a NES game really this important to you?

>> No.8676008

Left is legitimately a better cover, sorry.

Least Japanese Athena looks better here than she did in Psycho Soldier.

>> No.8676016

Fairly irrelevant since the game's shit to begin with.

>> No.8676023

I like both

>> No.8676025 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 500x304, 1646186109744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so easy to bait out the contrarian kiddos.

>> No.8676030

left has a cooler artstyle, but i wish they combined em and did a spin on the birth of venus

>> No.8676032

Getting mad and debating 80s American "censorship" is honestly so boring. Like wow, sooo crazy, the fundies removed a bikini in a game for kids. Truly an important cultural battleground.

>> No.8676037

yes people not cooming over a badly drawn, not even shaded, random Moe blob is being a contrarian. how about u think for urself instead of: japanese = good,american = bad

>> No.8676038

Left art is badass

>> No.8676042

Can’t sell cute characters to Americans, because they like to take themselves very seriously.

>> No.8676047
File: 242 KB, 640x875, E9409B83-7D9A-45F2-B348-F178B5208A2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the full original cover.

>> No.8676049

so boring you're in these threads every time, jej

>> No.8676053


>> No.8676054

Super cute

>> No.8676056

IP count didn't go up for this post, hello OP

>> No.8676069

>he checks the IP counts
hello schizo

>> No.8676073

Is this a bait thread? American completely shits on that weeb trash.

>> No.8676082

>it's another "porn addict is raging because there's less nudity on the cover of a children's toy" episode

>> No.8676085

Left looks cooler.kkvny

>> No.8676086

Athena is fat

>> No.8676087

just hide the thread, bro

>> No.8676097

>he doesn't have 4chanx to tell you which ip is new
hello psycho

>> No.8676098
File: 342 KB, 850x1201, 7F72551A-CA63-4E1D-B937-285A834E1589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that’s a good thing

>> No.8676101

you're only helping him, anon

>> No.8676103


God what the HELL is wrong with her nose and mouth? But mainly her nose. Be a fat fetishist if you must, but please at least stick to human characters with human faces.

>> No.8676105

well i guess yeah but helping him with what anyway
i mean either way op just forgot to show the full pic which is okay

>> No.8676106

I love this soft anime artstyle, reminds me of dragon ball's softness

>> No.8676107

what a pathetic display of samefagging by OP

>> No.8676110
File: 62 KB, 630x1200, launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.8676113


This character is vastly cuter than the Japanese Athena because she looks like a human adult and not like a child who is suffering from super-early puberty, facial deformity, and delusions of martial competence as a result of severe inbreeding. And also because she isn't quite fat.

>> No.8676115
File: 28 KB, 400x300, 4ABEC962-D6D8-4073-B4FE-96C732C38638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game came with a tape of the Psycho Soldier song, which is super cute

>> No.8676117
File: 532 KB, 697x722, dude what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676118

Athena isn't fat wtf are u talking about, have u ever dated a real girl

>> No.8676120

she's not fat enough actually but the face yeah fair enough
paper bag method it ig

>> No.8676125

OP bro we get it ur obsessed with this shitty game but nobody else cares. u post this crap all the time

>> No.8676131

I don't mind it

>> No.8676143
File: 111 KB, 400x615, 49C14C59-F4FD-4375-8462-A42CE442A1E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to find a copy of the book this is from

>> No.8676153

well i think it's fine since he made a thread for it and all.

>> No.8676157
File: 903 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676164

The NES port was made by Micronics, just so you know.

>> No.8676173
File: 27 KB, 265x375, SonsonCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, they made sonson.
What do you mean by you just know, though?

>> No.8676182
File: 300 KB, 800x1086, C96F2084-E18D-445C-8907-848F7B808D1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676190

this is also pretty much the only thing they made that runs faster than 12 fps and doesn't have 5 seconds of blank screen between sections of the game

>> No.8676193

Has anybody ever interviewed Micronics staff? Do we know why their ports were so bad?

>> No.8676204

Most of them were programmed by a hack named Kazuo Yagi and apparently he used a really shitty C compiler which is why they run like total garbage. Athena actually runs properly so was likely coded in assembly language, possibly by someone other than him.

>> No.8676209

I wonder how much better C compilers are for nes dev nowadays

>> No.8676214

SNK outsourced all their NES ports to Micronics since they considered home video games beneath them and didn't bother doing them in-house.

>> No.8676229
File: 255 KB, 790x1160, DA21712A-E5EB-475B-91FB-5AA8BAD520C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll allow this

>> No.8676239
File: 109 KB, 331x522, ooohhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat body!!!

>> No.8676240

Europe 1, sharts 0

>> No.8676254


Real girls are usually even fatter, yes. And that's even worse of course.

>> No.8676263


>> No.8676282
File: 334 KB, 958x1200, 6F21615F-1E4C-4626-B900-737F41D3A517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8676305
File: 19 KB, 284x177, 48D7CEE2-086B-4320-AE37-5BDDD5CB3CE7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuro art will only get you so far

>> No.8676308
File: 264 KB, 1500x844, ps4SNK40thSwitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a different time.

>> No.8676317

modern Nintendo really doesn't gaf about smut while Sony have become sharia law-tier

>> No.8676325

That nose bridge...an attempt was made indeed.

>> No.8676342

>see at a beach or pool

No, animecel, that’s not what an actual woman looks like. Based Nintendo keeping kids from becoming weeb coomers.

>> No.8676351

That's actually a relatively realistic body for anime standards. In fact, plenty of women look like that irl minus that artist's horrible attempt at a cute face.

>> No.8676356

Pretty sure Nintendo didn't censor the cover and it was really SNK's US division, and mostly because Americans in the 80s were filtered by anime artwork.

>> No.8676359

Extremely cool and dark fantasy novel, or a really boring run-of-the-mill bikini magazine? Hmm....

>> No.8676384

Americans didn’t really know what anime was in the 80s, and so they would have read the Japanese art as a cartoon. Fantasy was seen as a more acceptable theme for games.

>> No.8676389
File: 276 KB, 434x713, Link-Bow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there old artwork of Link kneeling, drawing his bow like pic related?

>> No.8676420
File: 954 KB, 1490x1920, 13240103_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Athena is a god tier design

>> No.8676592

I think I've only seen two NES games with anime art on the box: Top Secret Episode, based on Golgo 13 (and its sequel didn't use anime art), and Hudson's Starship Hector.

>> No.8676605

Japanese cover is seriously sexy though, can't blame them.

>> No.8676657

King's Knight as well

>> No.8676692

look at the size of that fucking rack

>> No.8676725

>god tier design
It's just a girl in a bikini.

>> No.8676889
File: 49 KB, 500x500, Bob Wakelin Athena Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you anons didn't miss out on the official Bob Wakelin Athena Jacket.

>> No.8676902

>he didn't get the pun

>> No.8677096

that jacket looks so fucking good, why can't i have it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.8677131
File: 152 KB, 811x1024, 1595696024166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw athena is real

>> No.8677179

Because they don’t make it in 6XL, /vr/etard.

>> No.8677192


>> No.8677250

Sadly, yes, I did miss out on the Bob Wakelin Athena Jacket.

>> No.8677586

>badass Amazon warrior versus generic ecchi porn

>> No.8677627

I don't like old hags, I don't have mommy issues.

>> No.8677635

The US art isn’t bad, but the Japanese art is more true to the game.
Americans are used to dealing with that kind of cognitive dissonance because so many Japanese games were releases in the west with cover art that didn’t match the game.

>> No.8677636

An old hag to you is any female older than 15

>> No.8677664
File: 1.80 MB, 850x1205, 1617007010525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find the name of the artist behind Athena and Psycho Soldier. Weird, considering how popular this stuff is.

>> No.8677784
File: 87 KB, 711x1004, C7F7HoqVAAEzzWK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aka the best toriyama style or, at least, his first era

>> No.8677797


Whoever he was, he is making Toriyama look really good in this thread, which is an impressive feat. And I think he might be mentally handicapped in some way?

>> No.8677804

>The US art isn’t bad, but the Japanese art is more true to the game.

True, since the game even uses the same pignosed monstrosity on its title screen. But being true to that is no favor to anyone.

>> No.8677815

very bitter

>> No.8677827

eurochads win again

>> No.8677857

I worked on an indie RPG that got reviewed by a Christian gaming website. The reviewer docked points because one female character's skirt was supposedly too high. Yet the reviewer overlooked that other male characters in the game are shirtless

I don't want to see burgerstan nuked off the map.......... but I want to see burgerstan nuked off the map

>> No.8677909

>The reviewer docked points because one female character's skirt was supposedly too high.
it’s good to be reminded that these people exist out there

>> No.8677936

Weird i remember Athena looking fatter with a bigger tummy but the artwork here doesn't look as chubby as i remember

>> No.8677964

With purple hair. Don't forget the purple hair.

>> No.8678000


>> No.8678057
File: 294 KB, 800x1025, 421228-psycho-soldier-zx-spectrum-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the Psycho Soldier Cover Art?

>> No.8678173

Yes, and... ?

>> No.8678180


I have strong opinions about porn.

>> No.8678276

Arcade SonSon is amazing, one of my favorite games.
Famicom SonSon as brought to you by MicroDICKS, on the other hand, is poopoo. Way too slow, borders on unplayable if you make it far enough. Not sure if the Famicom were just too weak to handle all the action, or if MicroDICKS were just too incompetent. FC port looks nice, at least.

>> No.8678283

That's a gigantic ass, too bad about the typical "80s fantasy woman with a borderline manface" thing.

>> No.8678284

>Not sure if the Famicom were just too weak to handle all the action, or if MicroDICKS were just too incompetent
Definitely the latter.

>> No.8678593
File: 812 KB, 900x411, guardian legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP: Original art
>EU: Different art made with care and attention to source material
>US: Bat shit crazy and ugly cover that has nothing to do with source material, probably made by an intern

Many such cases

>> No.8678595

>hey, let’s put the main character in the cover!
>no, boys don’t want to play as girls, let’s put Tim Curry from Legend on the cover, he looks cool and scary

>> No.8678609
File: 215 KB, 1440x1102, ERRQfyeUcAIW86T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We might have almost had this

>> No.8678664
File: 410 KB, 1462x2163, creature1985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US is just straight up stolen from a movie poster

>> No.8678672

Those all look amazing, anon.
Oh my fuck I'm terrified.

>> No.8678683

The US Box Art is still really cool. My Box is a little fucked but I'm still glad I have a copy CIB.

>> No.8678758

>I might be a pedophile but at least I'm not into older women
Interesting logic

>> No.8678876

>he jerks to grannys
Why admit this?

>> No.8678882

While I think the US art is cool, I prefer that the makers of the game get to release it however they see fit. That's all

>> No.8679221

The burger cover is way too badass for how the game actually looks.

>> No.8679236

Yeah I prefer women aged 20-35 over children. How embarrassing.

>> No.8679247
File: 592 KB, 500x544, 234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of even selecting all the contrarian americopes to greentext. You all know who you are. It's more of an issue of art style than censorship, though. Wrong time and place for uhooohhhh box art.

>> No.8679270

It's a shame all games converted from NTSC to PAL have fucked up the ass timing and are instantly disqualified.

>> No.8679280


Just say it simply and clearly dude, you are in favor of pignose or you're against pignose.

>> No.8679295

>autism speaks
I know this may be hard for you to understand but let me try to break it down for you: There are these things called "art styles" and what you described can be rendered in several different ways. Detail, color, proportions, and even tone can vary wildly between them! That might help you understand the design.

>> No.8679296

Why? This is /vr/ not fucking /v/. Which ia ready 75% porn dumps right this second
How about you fucks go back to your shithole and stop trying to ruin the entire site for the rest of us.

>> No.8679298

Let's be honest anon, if they complained about the shirtless dudes you'd say they're gay priests or something.

>> No.8679312

>a girl in a bikini on the cover of a Famicom game is porn
fundies are insufferable

>> No.8679315

The fuck is "fundies"?
Is this some /ic/ rejected meme outside of /ic/?

>> No.8679319

Can you read? No one said op was porn, it was stated /v/ was porn at this point and your kind is just trying to shit up this board as well with your normification

>> No.8679326

I don’t know who told you blue boards were Christian, but they were lying.

>> No.8679341

Well, before the gamergate era of trump, it wasn't christian, but not porndump either.

>> No.8679352

Cool, it's still just a girl in a basic red bikini. Nothing truly outstanding about it, she easily blends in with any other 90's anime chick.

>> No.8679359

The animephobia in the 80s and first half of the 90s in the west sucked. Robbed us of a lot of cool anime boxarts like the Megaman ones.

>> No.8679463

OP is a pedo and very likely a tranny as well, and as such, it uses its own degenerate incomprehensible lingo

>> No.8679469

The EU cover looks more japanese and more appealing than the pretentious geiger shit.

>> No.8679610

Man, the NES game sucks ass. It’s too bad, the graphics are cute. But it’s just a mess.

>> No.8679631

Any JP one?

>> No.8679659


Try this, bros. There is also a neat Art of Fighting one.
They cost a lotta yen, though.

>> No.8679684

the fist of the north star game innthe us used a cell of ken and toki as its cover

>> No.8679724
File: 353 KB, 196x182, Athena (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8679732
File: 560 KB, 855x648, 1644522437043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody loves old SNK games

>> No.8679737

What book is this from?

>> No.8679928

This is some bootleg shit. Legitimately looks like what you'd find on a game from Sachen or some Korean MSX/Zemmix developer.

>> No.8679935


>> No.8680002
File: 1.56 MB, 1918x730, erelcensored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only nintendo, many play station videogames too.

>> No.8680210

Love me some ps1 butts. Surprised it looks that round, what game is this?

>> No.8680252

That is absolute down syndrome face

>> No.8680260

No brain, only porridge.

>> No.8680307

Evil Zone

>> No.8680339


>> No.8680690

basically elvira

>> No.8680993
File: 361 KB, 601x601, 1622160532317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A strategy guide for Athena.
It's very much real. They're still selling official stickers.

>> No.8681072

I think it looks very cute

>> No.8681110

failing hard into the old Toriyama style

>> No.8681140
File: 423 KB, 1226x1280, 1644519141138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're still selling official stickers

>> No.8681142

Also on amiami and whatnot.

>> No.8681183
File: 130 KB, 723x1024, 1645942070842m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I'm not into sticker bombing otherwise, but my Surface laptop's aluminium lid has a couple nasty dents in it so I might as well cover them with something classy like that.

>> No.8681502

Why are people so horny for weeb characters and animu faces

What is it about those literal five lines and dot nose that appeal to the autistic mind

>> No.8681529
File: 54 KB, 640x360, AE707AF8-9FF0-4DC1-A8AD-3FF44AB13B6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8681736

Sorry it's not shiny moe blob shit that all looks the same, that you're so used to.

>> No.8681793

>Americans didn’t really know what anime was in the 80s, and so they would have read the Japanese art as a cartoon
"Anime" and "cartoons" are the same thing.
I guess you could say rather that Americans didn't yet realize that cartoons aren't just for little kids.

>> No.8682067

The Japanese cover makes more sense as far as the plot of the game (she loses her armor and has to gradually retrieve it).

>> No.8682094

Both are terrible? One is ugly as shit and the other is fucking boring.

>> No.8682101

if this was a PC-98 or X68000 game she'd just start completely nude and the bikini is the first item of clothing you have to retrieve

>> No.8682615

goddamn are the Japanese ever shameless

>> No.8682758

name of the videogame?

>> No.8682818

>those dwarf proportions

>> No.8682853

0 taste my fren

>> No.8683170


>> No.8683332

Bro the only anime ive watched is fist of the north star. That is 100% re-re face. If i wasnt so lazy id side by side it with a downie

>> No.8683350

You think >>8676182 unironically looks good. I don't need your approval on taste.

>> No.8683405
File: 7 KB, 442x104, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a 2014 post from /v/. this post would suggest that /v/ was not known to have an abundance of lewd materials

>> No.8683409

Rare example of the US cover art being way better than the original. Replaced with super badass in intricate art instead of blatantly trying to sell with sex.

>> No.8683414

1. Trump was like 3 years after gamergate
2. People have posted ecchi on blue boards since the dawn of time
3. Shut up and talk about video games.

>> No.8683417

>this post would suggest that /v/ was not known to have an abundance of lewd materials
That assumption is very wrong.

>> No.8683423

You clearly werent there, if anything there was even more lewds because the jannies used to be more lenient, people would dump straight up porn and they wouldnt care. Fucking Monster Girl Quest won 2nd place in /v/'s GOTY 2011 and there were tons of threads.

>> No.8683674
File: 253 KB, 220x124, yes-mr-bison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8683728

he screams out begging for lewd materials as though there were none

>> No.8683762
File: 66 KB, 625x640, here's your meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut up and talk about video games.
>He said after replying offtopically to a post over 2 days ago

>> No.8683931
File: 248 KB, 603x378, the dark queen comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

certain groups of people who claim to hate the conservatives are sctuallt the new conservatives: they are the ones who now censor everything. They ruined the dark queen, for example.

>> No.8684083

Sounds like you need too
80's animation and art is pure soul. I'm sorry you can't appreciate it.

>> No.8684121
File: 35 KB, 648x381, Grub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8684139

back to /pmg/ marniepsycho

>> No.8684225

>basedstation encourages ripped shirtless men and fully clothed women
they're really trying to turn everyone gay

>> No.8684308

Funny how the Christian fundies and leftwing Feminist Frequency types are pretty much walking hand in hand when it comes to media depictions of women.

>> No.8684318

there's shirtless guys on the switch one too
and historically that had nothing to do with being gay

>> No.8684336

all those he-man dolls say otherwise

>> No.8684408
File: 102 KB, 419x661, jojo cover part 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80's animation and art is pure soul. I'm sorry you can't appreciate it.
GOOD 80's animation and art. Not the garbage being posted in this thread. Picrel is good art for reference.

>> No.8684447


>> No.8684454

Some Pal games werent properly converted which make them play slow as shit in PAL bit play at the original speed at NTSC, i have both Pal Kickle Cubicke and Quantum Fighter and both play fine in my US console.

>> No.8684593

Conversely the Genesis port of Shadow of the Beast didn't compensate for faster NTSC speeds and runs way too fast on North American consoles.

>> No.8684603

I think the majority of US releases of Euro games ended up this way.

>> No.8684668

>certain groups of people who claim to hate the conservatives are sctuallt the new conservatives
Minus the actual conservatives that still exist and want other things censored

>> No.8684683

80's cover art copied everything, it's kinda kino at times

>> No.8684684

There's nothing wrong with the American cover either, it looks like a prog rock album cover

>> No.8684765
File: 51 KB, 633x480, 878768765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matter of taste i suppose.

>> No.8684774

Those faces already look much better than the Athena artwork in this thread

>> No.8684819

Right art is badass

>> No.8685093

because are professionals animators and not small game company

>> No.8685102

in the the end the only difference is age ,religion and politics, boomers follow what they were taught, sjw are just bitter and jealous of drawings

>> No.8685537
File: 688 KB, 1394x708, syn1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that why old f videogames were better: they had fanservice that you will never see in modern videogames(at least in the ones made in USA and Europe).

>> No.8685598

>in the the end the only difference is age
And the actual presence, boomers have a bigger say in law in this country, you can literally get fired for criticizing Israel in Texas

>> No.8685623

>they're really trying to turn everyone gay

there are lgbt indoctrination agenda in every modern videogame like the last of us 2, you noticed they want to turn everyone into homosexual until now?

>> No.8685659
File: 88 KB, 464x661, 1646458230410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An artist can have talent regardless of their paycheck. Anyway, here's more good art.

>> No.8686501

source of that game?

>> No.8686536

One good thing of the western boxarts is that they ooze aesthetic. Some are horrible, but a number are pretty damned cool and demonstrate how creative people were back then.

Left has quality art compared to the right, it isn't even about the tits and ass at this point, one on the right has little to no effort in it.

>> No.8686542

>Left has quality art compared to the right, it isn't even about the tits and ass at this point, one on the right has little to no effort in it.

The left one was bring to you by heterosexual men. The right one was bring to you by feminists and social justice warriors.

>> No.8686553

jesus, why not just make a new character at that point? it's not even the same color
people will remember the old one and the new one is already forgotten.

>> No.8687041

and sjw can get your fired from critizing them everywhere not just teXXXas

>> No.8687045

as i said earlier, is bitterness towards what a sexy drawing represent, you cant cancel a fictional person but you can draw it like shit

>> No.8687119

I think the general VG audience in NA wasn't ready for Manga-like illustrations in the 80s(and maybe early 90s)

>> No.8687169

autists are usually face blind so they probably like that everyone looks the exact same. they like the overdone mannerisms and super bright colors for the same reason.
spergs aren't that hard to understand, you just need to realize their brains mentally lock at the level of a 8-12 year old.

>> No.8687184

sexy anime girls with nice tetas are fun to look at

>> No.8687206

Art quality on both of those is dogshit. Left is a woman with a massively compressed spine and back. Her shoulder blades are popping out almost as far as her ass and tits are because the artist doesn't actually know how to draw anatomy while still accentuating sexual aspects of it.
Right is a 0 effort generic nicktoon that some chink made in 30 seconds

>> No.8687208

I'm not 13 anymore

>> No.8687212

Sorry to hear that you outed yourself as a massive faggot. :(

"Here lies anon's heterosexuality. He fucks man ass."

>> No.8687218

cool rebuttal dude you really showed me.

>> No.8687219

your loss

>> No.8687229

Sorry, I don't talk to fags

>> No.8687298

>goes from evil bitch to angry daria

so you came to terms with your sexuality? good for you, now go back to /v/

>> No.8687345

>ITT kiss-less perma virgins

>> No.8687368
File: 111 KB, 712x960, 16f8406eb4712a3ae0f12c81a36ab25d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you need Franzetta.

>> No.8687374

based, anime tetas are always nice

>> No.8687893

>and sjw can get your fired from critizing
Just don't say you're going to kill niggers on twitter

>> No.8688475

name of the game?

>> No.8688850

I painted in oil and acrylics for years but this man is on another level. I would never do anything else if I were as good as Franzetta.