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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8667554 No.8667554 [Reply] [Original]

So /vr/ when did it start for you and when did it die. For me it started in March of 1986 and ended sometime in 2004.

>> No.8667568

I started in the very late 80s, but with an early 80s console, the ColecoVision, followed up by NES.
For me it died around the year 2001, I had a Dreamcast and a Gamcube and after that I entered my teen years proper, started dating girls, etc and I only played old favorites every now and then, mostly 3rd and 4th gen stuff.
I sort of came back to vidya in the late 2000s and early 2010s but it wasn't the same.
I haven't played any video game in a month. Well, I lie, I did play a bit of a PS3 game last week.

>> No.8667570

late 1977 still playing just not as much as i used too

>> No.8667581
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A real photo of when the Playstation lost its soul a became a soul less shill machine

>> No.8667680

>kinect was the end of video games


>> No.8667761
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It stated 1993 for me (born 1992).
First it was my neighbor's Atari 2600, then a hand me down famicom then my dad's PlayStation.
I'd say it ended 2005 with Kingdom Hearts 2.
But occasionally I'd get back into newer games with Tekken 6, Dead or Alive 5, Soulcalibur 6, Dragon's Dogma and Earth Defense Force 5.

Soulcalibur 6 being the most recent game I've played till now, I have no intention to play anything else.

>> No.8667783

Hate that look with all my soul. People say it reminds them of arcade flooring, but I can't shake off Saved by the Bell from it. Thank fuck for grunge

>> No.8667785


There was no "glut of bad games" that caused a "crash" in 1983, there was simply a Jewish banker desire to relocate the U.S. video game industry to Japan.

1985-1995 is the /vr/ era. You can make the case that it ended with PS2, the last serious console without a hard drive.

XBox was never a part of the era.

>> No.8668365
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>> No.8668383
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First home console I remember playing was the NES in the early 90's, then the SNES shortly after. Last home console I bought was from 8th gen (Wii U).
Nowadays I collect older consoles I never owned/played growing up with their respective flash cart/ODE. Whatever comes out nowadays I just play it on PC.

>> No.8668385
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Born 1999, started for me when I was 3 and first picked up an N64 controller to play SM64 and OOT, and was raised on NES, SNES, N64, GC and some PC games (Worms 2, Jedi Outcast, Doom and Quake). Died the moment I tried a Halo game with my cousins, not fucking kidding. Even as a wee bab I remember exclaiming "Why is it so slow?!" after being used to Jedi Outcast (which was my first FPS that gave me a love of Arena FPS and shit like Doom.) Hated modern vidya ever since. Still do. I'll only buy (or even pirate) modern game if it reminds me of old game (see Metroid Dread).

>> No.8668443

Played a pong clone console early on (late 70s) after playing it in the arcade as my first game.
The post-16 bit era was the beginning of the end for me. Gaming went to shit when companies only cared about nugamers and dumbing down games for them, becoming style over substance shit. It got worse and worse until it basically died with the fucking XBox/PS2/GC/early modern PC era with goddamn shit games.

>> No.8668519

Apogee dos games were the peak

>> No.8668581

I still love games and play new releases but my depression became clinical back in 2016 so everything has just been a little worse since then. Playing games I beat before I was depressed unfortunately doesnt cure it.

>> No.8668582

ended in 2014 there's hardly (if any) games that caught my interest from that year on

>> No.8668625
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first game i played was sonic 2 at age 3.
first game i owned was Hercules on ps1 after seeing the commercial and also why i wanted a bideo game console. i know it had a commercial/tv spot/promo but i can't find it on the internet. sad.
i still semi-regularly play vidya from 1977-2007 with a couple of newer stragglers here and there. i'm glad i got to witness the final great era of video games before globohomo/mtx/GAAS.
typical snoynigger spraying shit out of his mouth. idk if you're a actually a brand cultist but not including xbox is ridiculous. xbox was overflowing with amazing first/second party bideo.
all the 6th gen consoles were good.

>> No.8668939

For me it started in the early 70s. It hasn't ended yet because I'm not a child who needs to hate new things to convince people I'm quite the retro gamer.

>> No.8668967

>There was no "glut of bad games" that caused a "crash" in 1983, there was simply a Jewish banker desire to relocate the U.S. video game industry to Japan.
Yes, japan in the 80s was the equivalent of china in the 2010s.
>1985-1995 is the /vr/ era.
The redditcore retro era you mean. Arguably the most inventive decade in gaming happened from 1975 to 1985, every video game genre known to man were birthed in those years. it was made possible by THE PLATO computer, Apple II Atari 8-bit Tandy Sinclair and Commodore microcomputers brought PLATO inspired games to everyone's homes, and Atari Midway and Bamco started the arcade revolution. 1985 onwards were a matter of "polishing" what had existed many years before.
>You can make the case that it ended with PS2, the last serious console without a hard drive.
PS2 revolutionized nothing. MMO games reigned the video game market during those years.
>XBox was never a part of the era.
Xbox wasn't the first x86 console, but it was the first to be successful, closing the gap between PC and console gaming, and hence it deserves a place in the history of video games.

>> No.8668987

>quality is always constant

>> No.8669025

I was born in 1989 but I really was behind about 5-10 years as I was poor. I started with an NES and Mega Man 4 was my first video game ever. After that I owned a Genesis, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, GC, Wii, XB360, PS3 in that order (handhelds not included). After that point I don't even know as I was more on my own and buying everything as it came out with a good paying job.

I would say peak gaming IMO was SNES-PS1 era and I actually don't think that is nostalgia goggles. Music was punchy and vibrant, art was prioritized both in pixel and concept form, gameplay was a nice mix of not being overtly difficult to pad hours but also not the easiest games ever made. As a society we were still in the early stages of the internet so most games were entirely experienced in the game itself and not straddling the line between length tutorials or being too obtuse and needing Google to figure them out. Some games didn't age well especially ones early in the 3D platformer stages (I remembered Mario 64 being much better than it really is, it's fun but later 3D Marios are objectively better), but the best of the best are still better than most good games of the current era (Chrono Trigger, Mega Man X, FF7, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Breath of Fire 3/4, both N64 Zeldas, etc..).

There's games I have strong attachment to in later eras too, but IMO all considered I think it's a miracle a lot of the best games of such an experimental period were as good as they were to even hold up today is an accomplishment when I can't name as many highlights of an era in especially the PS2/PS3 era.

It may be accurate to say the "best of the best" from the older eras are better than the best today (I don't necessarily agree Elden Ring is a 10/10 type game for instance), but "as a whole" gaming is better today than it once was barring some of its business practices like obscene DLC - because the SNES/N64/PS1 also had a metric fuckton of shovelware, too.

>> No.8669079

>Music was punchy and vibrant, art was prioritized both in pixel and concept form
Amiga beat the SNES on those. The Amiga got more beautiful looking and sounding games even before SNES' launch. PS1 games had great aesthetics, but overall PC still won in both aesthetics and gameplay. After Voodoo's launch. PS1 games suddenly looked like something from a bygone era.
>I can't name as many highlights of an era in especially the PS2/PS3 era.
Because after the 5th gen, PC games outshone console games.
>gaming is better today than it once was
Hard disagree on that one. Video games are way more accessible now and gameplay certainly got better thanks to modern engines, but we have abandoned everything else that made retro games great. There's also a cancer in the industry that demands increasingly powerful hardware bloated unoptimized software with unneeded graphical features that barely improve the image quality, let alone the gameplay.

>> No.8669102

I started playing games at age 4 in 1999 with Tetris on Game Boy and Tekken 2 on PS1. I'm still playing new releases on occasion. I've been playing Elden Ring with a buddy this weekend and I've had a lot of fun.

>> No.8669197

Seventh gen when Activision bought Blizzard and Assassin's Creed and GTA influenced everything.

>> No.8669218


1997, first games I owned were ALTTP and Plok


~2015. mid-budget developers who took risks were what made vidya interesting for me, and I watched as they hopped from the PS2 to the Wii to the PSP/Vita as they struggled to fight rising development costs. once the Vita died out, that was it for the AA game.

>> No.8669320

>when did it die.

when windows 2k and XP started requiring "phoning home" to validate their authenticity, creating a trend path for others to follow

>> No.8669417

What's always constant? Cope or lack of reading comprehension?

>> No.8669448

1989-present. I can have fun with games if any age, and there's awesome ones in every single gen.

>> No.8669541


>> No.8669621
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I do not known when it was born, nor do care to remember. It died in 2012, and since then has attempted to crawl back out its grave numerous times. Each time I have beaten it back. Each time it has regrown with strange limbs, manifesting bizarre visions of unknown nostalgias, grasping and clawing, horrendous and disgusting, dripping filth. The hewing and chopping have reduced it to a flailing mass, and fire to nothing more than an oily black stain. Who knows whether it may yet find some dark enchantment with which to renew itself yet again? What technique shall finally rid this rapidly failing house of its sulfurous stench? The labor of cleansing this place seems endless, yet I must persist. Eternal vigilance is a rare coin that contributes towards the purchase of my freedom.

[Here the manuscript trails off into mad ravings, deemed unsuitable for public consumption by the Committee.]

>> No.8669657

>not droning on about how you can't stand anything after [insert current /vr/ cutoff date here] because you're soooo retro lol xd
You really don't know how to fit in do you?

>> No.8669797

No, Japan was at least 10X that of China.

>> No.8669798

mid-budget is C-tier, AA is still very expensive.

>> No.8669805

Personally I thought 360/PS3/Wii era was so weirdly soulless that I've though we've gone up since BROWNBLOOM TACTICAL SHOOTER

>> No.8670256

whoever wrote that seems to be a MS shill if they think Halo and Kinect are noteworthy

also an AVGN fag with le ET meme

>> No.8670803
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born in 88
did nes, snes, genesis, gameboy, 3d0, n64, ps1/2, fell off during wii era but had a girlfriend

now i own everything on the list besides the kinect and tennis for two

dont @ me.
fairchild channel f is actually good &
has a cleaner rf output than intellivision and 2600 (+jr)

no mention of magnavox ody 2 and bally astrocade or pc engine


>> No.8670904

While I felt like I've been left behind ever since the PS3 era, there are still some new games that come out that interest me. I like the chaoticness that the EDF games have, then there are new entries in old series like Sonic Mania, or what ever other games that are up my alley. Sure in general most new games don't interest me, but I have plenty of older games to play and what ever new scraps come my way.

>> No.8671953

fuck you faggots 6th gen is retro now

>> No.8671970

Pong was birth
NES was peak
Xbox was death

>> No.8672019

I could agree with this. Some of my favorite games came out in the last decade.

>> No.8672225

>when did /vr/ start for you

Started: Jan 2013
Ended: October 2020 when they moved the retro cutoff

>> No.8672246

It also lost a huge part of its soul when they made every thread autosage after two weeks. There was other changes, more soft ones which I can't put my finger on exactly when they happened, but needless to say the board was somewhat in a decline for a bit. Oct 20 was really the big end of things though, the week-long purge executed by endless shitposts about anything from 2001 to 2007, the deluge that wiped every prior thread off of the board, that was really emblematic of the event in general. Reading archives of the board from before that happened and then comparing it to the present state is really eye-opening.

At this point I'm only here because this is hell and you can never be free. We all know it's true.

>> No.8672285

the exact moment where Playstation died, and "Sony" born

>> No.8672559
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I miss old /vr/

>> No.8672773
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I'm still here because I know I'll outlast the zoomies.

>> No.8673149

When did what start and end? if you mean "retro" then it never started or ended because retro is an aesthetic and has nothing to do with age.
For example all those pixel art 80s style games on steam that just came out this year? Those are retro.

>> No.8673169

Man, sometimes I act like an oldfag, but threads like this remind me that’s I’m simply the first zoomer.
>born 1995
for me it was gameboy color, PC and N64 to start with.

>> No.8673428

/vr/ begins with the dawn of video games and ends with the modern video game ie the PlayStation

>> No.8673430

kill yourself

>> No.8675143

started in 1989 with Karateka and F-19
then happened the blast of the 90s that absolutely burned me out by 2002 (Morrowind was the last video game that got me hooked)

>> No.8675543
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Interesting, but do you have any info or evidence?

>> No.8675659
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>> No.8676854

Nothing after Playstation 1 is retro. And even that is pushing it.

>> No.8676896

>Uses a Ms Pac-Man motif
>Neither Ms. or original Pac-Man register on the timeline
>Mario, Zelda, Sonic, and Halo are presented as important landmarks
It is the doom of men that they forget.

>> No.8677234

Started in the early 90s. I still found some enjoyment in video games until last gen, current gen is just a depressing mix of propaganda and rehashed mechanics. There are very few companies left that just make games because they like it and want to be creative.

>> No.8677675

Pac-Man is one of the most influential game series ever how the fuck did they forget it

>> No.8677694


>xbox 360
>more rpg exclusives than ps3
>best rpg exclusives of entire console generation
>system actually capable of running games despite RROD
>nobody ever mentions the ps3 only having 256mb of system ram because a full 512mb of "fast ram" is too expensive for them
>people think the cell processor is like some ultra elite gook cpu
>its only another bottom dollar cost cutting feature
>literally the most cheapest shit for any console in history. "cells" can be fabed for pennies per wafer. cheaper than a bucket of rice
>599$ USD
>still believing the system has better games

>> No.8677813
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I'm a zoomer born in post 9/11 2001. I dunno really. I just play whatever looks fun and enjoy using old stuff in general. New games can be fun and old games can be fun.
I will say the current 9th gen of game systems isn't looking so hot. Nothing looks all that great and this whole gen feels rushed out the door, especially with all the covid stuff going on. So I guess I'll say that it all ended like a year or two ago.

>> No.8678892


>series x
>499$ USD
>meanwhile ps5 is barely faster than a series S
>millions of people believe sony is a serious company
>any other corporation would be laughed at and considered to be joke

>> No.8679049

My first was gen 5 (n64/ps1) but you have to say the snes /Mega drive era was huge , but before my time. So definitely by the early 90s it was big. 80s looks like more of a hobbyist thing than a mainstream thing - but it was there nonetheless. I'd say as a relevant cultural medium, probably 1987 til about 2013. Since mid 2010s it's declined

>> No.8679328

when the dreamcast died, then, it was all shit

>> No.8679909

It started and died in 1958.

>> No.8680852


idk bethesda looks like they are going to nail shit on point.
keep pretending souls and bloodborne are worth anything than meme shit tho

>> No.8680869
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>> No.8680882

1985 - 2000

>> No.8682836

I don't really think so. The only Bethesda game I really like is New Vegas. Everything else is okay.

>> No.8682841

it started in 2006 and it never really ended, although i mostly play nes, snes, and gba games now