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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.33 MB, 1439x1617, Bloodpc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8659428 No.8659428 [Reply] [Original]

When did these become popular? I always thought used PC games were bottom of the barrel shit in terms of physical media. What happened?

Do you still have your old big box PC games? I held on to all my old PC game boxes.

>> No.8659525

I have a few, but I'd like to sell them. Problem is that the retro collecting bubble for PC games isn't nearly as inflated as console games.

>> No.8659531

They're popular now because they're much bigger than console game cases or cartridges, making for better display pieces.

>> No.8659535

I’ve saved all of them and kept them in good condition. I’ll only sell them if I’m facing homelessness.

>> No.8659749
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First big box PC games I owned are either in bad condition or no longer has the box, but I did manage to find some more big boxes around the years.

>> No.8659757

I bought several over the years. Mostly ones I owned as a kid. I cut them up to make cardboard forts for my toy soldiers because I'm retarded.

>> No.8661158
File: 620 KB, 1601x891, big box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nostalgia is the only reason I have these boxes. And through dosbox, GOG, and Steam, they're now worthless cardboard and plastic

>> No.8661264
File: 1.57 MB, 1030x771, sfdasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of this girly looking game that you cut out of the picture?

>> No.8662205
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Tommy & Oscar

>> No.8662210

Be honest /vr/….were you like me and just throw the box in the trash after you took out the jewel case?
I did this with N64 games too. Opened the game, took the cartridge out, and into the trash the box went.
Back then I didn’t give a shit, to young me it was just packaging.

>> No.8662214

Nah, I hoarded that shit even as a kid.

>> No.8662371

You are genuinely fucking retarded.

>> No.8662379

You hoard worthless pieces of painted cardboard, and you're calling other people retarded?

>> No.8662398

It's part of the whole package. Why bin it? Dumb cunt.

>> No.8662406

by that logic, you keep the packaging of every product you ever purchase
including food wraps

>> No.8662408

>food packaging is the same as game packaging
Are you braindead?

>> No.8662413

Did you keep the box your tv came in?
Or your fridge?
You only kept your video game packaging because it's brightly coloured, which of course it was because they were trying to sell its contents to children (which you still are, mentally speaking).

>> No.8662414

>It's part of the whole package
you said it yourself

>> No.8662418

What additional function is served by video game packaging that isn't served by any other form of packaging?
Just admit you're a manchild who fins the colours appealing.

>> No.8662419

>You only kept your video game packaging because it's brightly coloured, which of course it was because they were trying to sell its contents to children (which you still are, mentally speaking).
Bizarre leap in logic there.

Your comparison is total nonsense, games aren't designed to be eaten.

>What additional function is served by video game packaging that isn't served by any other form of packaging?
Keeps everything together.

>> No.8662424

>Your comparison is total nonsense, games aren't designed to be eaten.
not an argument

>> No.8662428

>Keeps everything together
What a pathetic cope.
You can manage a video game collection neatly and efficiently without the boxes, and it'll take up a whole lot less space (especially with big box PC titles).

>> No.8664545

I lost almost all of my big boxes in a flood about 10 years ago. Pissed me off hardcore, but I sort of got over it. Only boxes that weren't completely ruined were my Daggerfall and Fallout 1 boxes, but they're still fucked up by water damage.

>> No.8664556

Worthless, probably not, but useless, absolutely.

>> No.8664567

Yeah, some boxes are pretty fucking stupid expensive. The original Fallout 1 box was about $400 years ago when I looked it up.

>> No.8664937

Blood is insane. Looks like complete copies are $700 or so. Really hard to believe, too, since it wasn't some obscure game, I remember buying it at WalMart or Target

>> No.8664943

I do and I know I have a problem

>> No.8664946

>I own nothing
>and I am happy

>> No.8665398

I own plenty of things.
I simply choose not to hoard worthless cardboard like an autistic turbovirgin.
How hard is it to wrap your head around such a simple concept?

>> No.8665827
File: 553 KB, 2592x1944, Good_times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just the game packaging to me in the late 80s to early 90s. My opinion of PC games was that it was just a different dimension from the consoles and still had games that were fun; as far as I knew, it was the origin point of the console games I liked. As for what happened, digital distribution is more convenient to the end user and less resources needed by the publisher for packaging design, manufacture, and logistics; plus retailers can be less concerned about physical space and liquidating excess stock.

I kept an overwhelmingly large portion of my old PC games because they were just tucked away and I never gave much of a thought.

>> No.8665942

I never had one of these in my shitty country since everyone were used to buy pirated copies back then. But they look really cool and it's a shame they are forgotten.

At least some indie devs still release them as a kind of collector editions.

>> No.8665990
File: 321 KB, 1600x1200, m59016778424_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1990s
> Buy PC game
> It comes in a huge box filled with a thick manual, a hint book, posters, demos for other games, etc

> 2000s
> Buy PC Game
> It's just a CD, a small manual in the jewel case, and a quick start card

> 2010s
> Buy a PC game
> It's just a DVD and a Steam code but the DVD is useless since it was pressed six months ago and every game has 20GB day 1 patches

> Now
> Buy PC game
> Sole content of the box is a single sheet of paper with a Steam code on it

>> No.8666037

>caring more about extraneous shit than the actual game itself.
This is why I hate coomlectors.

>> No.8666072

It's more like the value for money proposition.

When is the last time you paid $60 for a brand new PC game and really felt like you got your money's worth?

>> No.8666075

Most of the games I had were the budget re-releases in much cheaper boxes, I didn't really appreciate them at the time and thought console packaging was better but now I like pc boxes better.
Some of the box boxes I own that I really like the look of are the sims, half life, viper racing and the first need for speed. Sometimes others look good but are just made of pretty thin cardboard that doesn't really hold its shape.

I had a massive pile of them 2m high, I gutted them so I could fold them flat to fit them all in 2 cupboards. The cardboard stuffing can be remade easily anyway.

When I was a kid for christmas I saw my parents throw out the box the console came in. From then on I made sure to at least have the boxes safe in a cupboard so they couldn't accidentally get thrown out. The brochures that came with the games were never saved until I was older and got my own games.
If they are scanned in the highest quality you can now reproduce them to be pretty identical to the original unless it is embossed or has something like a hologram.

Now you can just play the rom and the box is the hard bit to get.

Yes I am a man child, who cares.

I passed up decent ps1 games in the 2000's
>its just cd, why bother when I can just download it

>> No.8666291

Is that game between Chessmaster and Space Quest some kind of Pizza game?

>> No.8666615
File: 3.50 MB, 4128x3096, Pizza game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8667713

The quality of the actual game is the only thing that I consider when I determine whether something was "value for money".

>> No.8668748

>decide to start collecting big box pc games this year
>prices are completely fucking ridiculous
What happened, I don't even want all of them just games I like, I only have a few titles so far, but I've spent more than $1000 on big box PC games, I don't know what the rarest one I own is but I like every game I own except Daikatana, I got that because it's Daikatana and the game has it's own legend.
I'm seriously considering spending hundreds of dollars on a copy of System Shock 2 big box, help.

>> No.8668753

>no more thick paperback manuals
>no manuals at all
>no more marketing material for upcoming games
I miss so much of this stuff.

>> No.8668756

blame LGR for prices of big box pc games.
don't collect bideo anon, it's fruitless.

>> No.8668823

>it's fruitless
The value will go up but really to me it's about the sentimental value, can I also blame MJR?
I really only want a few games, but I'm certain they are all rare and overpriced by now
>fallout 1/2
>dark sun shattered lands and wake of the ravager
>tiberian sun and firestorm
>system shock 2
>arx fatalis
>hellfire expansion
>blade runner
>quake/quake 2
>thief/thief 2 non trapezoid boxes
>deus ex
Plus a few oddities that I'm certain I will never own
>fountain of dreams
I kind of wish there was a company that did reproductions so I could just buy an actual game disc and pay significantly less for a reprint box and contents, I don't actually care if they are the originals, I just like the feel of Big Boxes, maybe people just don't understand because they never opened a fresh one. The boxes that open up, the relief on some boxes, the shiny and matte surfaces, the paperback manuals, the mail in cards, the publisher catalogues, the copy protection gimmicks, it all just felt so good, maybe it's the digital age that makes me desire something physical with video games.

>> No.8668832
File: 119 KB, 564x425, 20-02-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While not a reproduction, there are sometimes custom made big boxes that costs way to much now.

Would love to own this one.

>> No.8668835
File: 32 KB, 856x392, 1611516699082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

´hidenm jem

>> No.8668849

Cool but shameful that it's a nested box and not one with the open face thing you get on basically all other Blizzard big boxes, man those are sexy.

I could see some pajeets or kikes using those vids to snap up the market and then resell them for double a day or 2 later.

>> No.8668969
File: 2.95 MB, 4032x1960, earfgaertgaetr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have some, sold some off. Have all the strategy guides too. Blood is always worth a small fortune.