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8661928 No.8661928 [Reply] [Original]

First time playing this game. Is it actually possible to be unable to finish this game if I use too many items?

>> No.8661981

All that happens from using too many jeal items or save items is your end rank becomes shit. If your asking if it's possible to soft lock yourself from puzzle items the answer is no. Even if you use all your bullets (nearly impossible the game gives you tons) you can run away from enemies or just knife them

>> No.8662025

If you're playing Hard, you can run yourself down to too little ammo to complete a caged boss fight.

>> No.8662027

lead zombies on the west wing to the staircases and you can knife them since they can't grab on staircases, just circle around them and stab them
chimeras do not need to be killed ever
only the 1st hunter needs to be killed since you will backtrack on the west side of the mansion frequently

>> No.8662083

You already made this thread. >>>/v/590050075

>> No.8663086

Your questions already been answered in this thread so I just wanted to add that you're playing the greatest game ever made, enjoy

>> No.8663093

Yes, that's the basic gist of the game design.

>> No.8663215

Even in the most extreme case of ammo wastage you'll still have the knife. It's weak, sure, but RE1 is rather high-lethality and it remains a reliable weapon.

>> No.8663324

REmake knife is in a weird spot where its the weakest it can possibly be while still being viable in a casual playthrough. Its really useful for clearing out the stairways & is decent against a lone zombie if you have room to retreat or maneuver. All the other classic RE knives are useless garbage except for Code Veronica where its actually better than the handgun.

>> No.8663372

I wish Jill would pin me against a wall like that zombie.

>> No.8663529
File: 138 KB, 768x768, Resident-Evil-Directors-Cut-NTSC-PSX-FRONT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8663734

Can that boss fight be completed with the knife? I can't remember a caged boss fight.

>> No.8663768

Turn it off

Play Elden Ring

>> No.8664381

There are a few, like the 2nd snake fight, the super crimson head, etc, as well as Tyrant fight 1. You could do them with the knife but you'd take damage on one, so you could put yourself into a death zone by wasting healing as well. Tyrant fight 2 is also caged but obviously that one's fine to do itemless.

There are also some escapable cage fights like the spider boss and IIRC the first snake fight.

>> No.8664510

Elden Ring looks boring and derivative desu.

>> No.8665147

It's not a difficult game but it's not sealed off from resource based softlock, or functional softlock if you wind up having to rely on speedrunner-tier timing or perfect enemy rng to get through. Its genre depends on resource management ("survival horror" doesn't reduce to just "horror", it's actually specific about this), which while not impossible to craft in an airtight no-softlock way, is basically in opposition to it at a concept level. You are in fact supposed to be worried about this and everything they do to combat it will erode its genre slightly.

>> No.8666415

Correct, the first snake fight is escapable. I could never do it in the original without getting hit, though.

>> No.8666446
File: 2.82 MB, 960x720, RE1 Saturn Jill Spiderweb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most situations have B-plans that you can go through without supplies, though the remake has more cases in which ammo is absolutely required than in the original

>> No.8666492

Plant 42 is also a mandatory kill and it's the most cancerous thing ever to attempt knife-only on it, even after poisoning it.

>> No.8666550

Doesn't Barry kill the thing with the flamethrower for Jill after using v-jolt?

>> No.8666575


Try playing Code Veronica. You'll be in for the ride of your life.

>> No.8666576

What makes that one the best in your opinion?

>> No.8666824

Jill taught me that being a woman really is living life on easy mode.

>> No.8666827

You can actually do this same trick in the REmake.

>> No.8666832

This also kinda works in REmake but the gigantic spider seems more interested in knocking you down instead of spitting. The regular spiders that join in can also destroy it with their spit but it gets really messy and seems more practical to just kill them at that point.

>> No.8666874

More stuff works on it than spider spit, you can knife the door webs as well.