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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 102 KB, 675x900, 00E0E_8ffx9kzdPANz_0t20CI_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8636242 No.8636242 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the spirited discussion of CRT displays - Televisions, monitors and projectors used for the playing of retro games!

>Try to keep it /vr/-related. Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first

>> No.8636263 [DELETED] 

don't we already have an ewaste general

>> No.8636302
File: 690 KB, 1125x929, C63C01DA-C334-4F7D-A569-210DD16AAE66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure how to help this thread
whenever i post my setup people say im a boomer

i got my 36" for free
i got my smaller pink crt for $4
i overpaid $150 for my apple av monitor but its been recalibrated/recapped this year
i have a couple small "portable" tv sets for the novelty/apocalypse

>> No.8636312
File: 81 KB, 1200x900, 00U0U_7HfEVYpABSbz_0QE0Du_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smaller pink crt for $4
also fuck, there's this huge ass mitsubishi tube for free near me but I just don't have room for it

>> No.8636338

I wish I could still find free crt tvs

>> No.8636343
File: 1001 KB, 910x702, The Whistling of the Gears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Thief on a CRT is a sublime experience.

>> No.8636346

go to the free section on craigslist and look up "tv"
if there are none just refresh every once in a while like an schizoid and you're bound to find something decent

>> No.8636594
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, 20220217_060501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoy this little set i got for Famicom stuff. Screen feels like just the right size for these 8bit games. Super comfy. Picked up a duplicate model i found i want to use for master system.

>> No.8636619

I have a Panadonic Tau but the image is a bit too dark.....at maxed out crightness and contrast!

I would like yo connwct the pc to it with no stutter or screen tearing.

>> No.8636667

>Turn on my CRT
>Bask in the glory of the CLUNK Fzzz
>Turn it off
>Bask in the sound of static
>rub my hand near the screen to feel the static
>instantly get nostalgia for the days of being a kid and finding it fun to rub my hand on the old TV

Bros... why are CRTs so fucking cool

>> No.8636703

you're literally giving yourself cancer anon

>> No.8636713


>> No.8636845

you get like 70 times more radiation from living in a brick or concrete house for a year than using a crt for a year

>> No.8636868
File: 19 KB, 393x294, gggggj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this out of a skip in October. It's remarkable how robust they are. Leaving it for a week to dry out then cleaning out residual dust was all that was necessary.

>> No.8636952

I already have two giant TVs and no more space. Someone near me is selling a cheap 29" Trinitron. Lord give me strength to resist this temptation.

>> No.8637128

don't care

>> No.8637132
File: 3.63 MB, 3024x2268, IMG_2125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tv I got for free 3 years ago from the local port authority

>> No.8637140

This sounds like you have a hoarding condition.

>> No.8637143

Yes but what if you live in one and have a CRT.

>> No.8637151

Yes I remember this well. Shame about the shitty image quality though.

>> No.8637157

>tfw nesrgb kit coming in the mail tomorrow
Wish me luck, lads. Hopefully I don't completely botch the PPU desoldering. I don't have a desoldering gun, just a hand pump and wick, but I've practiced on similar ICs successfully

Tricky bit is that I don't want to cut a hole into the case. Gonna try to remove the RF output jack and install the 8 pin mini din there

>> No.8637160

Lol why

>> No.8637170

What is wrong with this?

>> No.8637178

Because I don't like the dot crawl and flickering that result from composite artefacts on the NES. I find that clearer video signals are actually more important on older systems with more simplistic sprites and fewer colors

>> No.8637182

A good opinion in a CRT thread. It’s rare I see this.

>> No.8637206

Get it, then either trade one your old TVs, or sell it again.

>> No.8637273


>> No.8637797
File: 888 KB, 1502x1803, 1643903131996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have component cables for my Wii but does anyone know if there's high quality component cables out there for Wii?
Saw something similar about cable quality for the SNES yesterday but can't find it now.

>> No.8637870

I just have the official one from Nintendo. Anything higher quality than that is probably a meme.

>> No.8637872

noice jvc

>> No.8637890

Potentiometer on the flyback, extremely easy.

>> No.8637897

Are there any guides on RGB modding one of the big silver trinitrons or am I better off just converting from RGB to Comp?

>> No.8637931

I have a working Toshiba CRT I'm sitting on until supply goes down and demand skyrockets. I expect to make no less than $1000 off this.

>> No.8637938

toshitba tvs are trash tier.

>> No.8638304
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>> No.8638414

i stopped retra vidyajing 5 years ago, where do we find crts now cause my local thrift stores dont have shit

>> No.8638423

Electronic recycling centers or events

>> No.8638439

Serious question, how do you guys get rid of all the roaches and ants inside the CRTs from curb shopping/dumpster diving

>> No.8638445
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>> No.8638461

whats a good smol trinitron for a desk?

>> No.8638471

HD Retrovision

>> No.8638474

Whichever one you find man, what do you think there's a catalogue where you order by model number or something?

>> No.8638580


>> No.8638587


>> No.8638606

Why do Trinitron PVMs have such shit contrast?
Am I the only one that notices that the screens are grey when turned off?

>> No.8638659

that's not what contrast is
and crts didn't get dark tinted screens until later on, you're gonna have to cope with it by shutting the curtains off, dimming the lights or just playing in pitch darkness all together

>> No.8638664

Turn it on and fry em.

>> No.8638701

Uh, cleaning? Retard

>> No.8638808

>trying to find a crt in my humble country town
>check fb marketplace
>closest items 250kms away

>> No.8638825

Where do you think the closed curtain shut-in meme comes from? lmao

>> No.8638832

Dont search for crt,just search for cheap tv.

>> No.8638996
File: 3.02 MB, 3264x1836, re4ps2two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

facebook marketplace,bought 3 crt for 20 bucks or less in the last 2 years.

>> No.8639073

That's just CRTs in general, whether aperture grille or shadow mask. Why do you think everyone was conditioned to turn out the lights when watching movies/tv? Later tubes had a dark coating for better use in brighter areas, but this actually fucked with the contrast ratio.

Also, the tube being gray is not what contrast means. Contrast is the different between the maximum and minimum emittance of light. Even though the tube is gray if ambient light is reflecting off it, it's still emitting no light of its own if the signal is black. Compare that to a subpar LCD, where the physical screen may be black, but the backlight is still emitting light when the signal is black, resulting in dark gray and a truly lower contrast

TLDR turn out the lights

>> No.8639203

Are there really people stupid enough to pay that sort of money ever?

>> No.8639605

Guess this is the most appropriate place to ask. I have a 32X that I normally keep on a model 2, but I also have a model 1 genesis. Problem is I only have the patch cable for the model 2. Rather than buying a model 1 patch cable, I decided to make one myself.

Seemed simple enough. No internal components in the cable, audio pigtail routed to the headphone jack, R/G/B/CSYNC lines going to the genesis AV out. But I'm unable to get any picture on screen whatsoever. Audio works fine though, and I've triple checked continuity in the cable to make sure none of the wires broke inside.

The only thing I can think of would be that the 32X uses composite video for sync instead of csync, and I didn't wire up composite video. I also can't find any info on this anywhere online. But I wish I could confirm the problem before unsoldering everything and doing it again with an additional line for composite...

>> No.8639647

Best way to get rid of ground noise bros? I've tried changing all the wires, plugging everything into different outlets, unplugging devices one by one, still can't get rid of those horizontal lines. Literally just appeared out of nowhere too, never had ground noise before

>> No.8639680

Its just horizontal lines, no audio buzz? Is it happening with multiple different consoles? What kind of horizontal lines?
Honestly that sounds more like a faulty connection to me. And if you've ruled out the cable being the cause, I'd check the connection on your console's AV jack. Maybe a solder joint is broken due to mechanical stress from being plugged/unplugged. Just a thought

>> No.8640049

I actually play games with the screen on. It looks a lot better that way and the contrast is great.

>> No.8640349
File: 10 KB, 186x356, 1644398722281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see pvm sitting on the side of the road
>mom can we take it home?
>no it is dirty you will get disease

>> No.8640637

Are you sure that’s not a bad cap and retrace lines?

>> No.8640757

Pathetic. Imagine firing up your CRT and actually playing something like Maria or Sonic or whatever on it instead of unplugging it permanently staring at the beautiful grey.

>> No.8640861

>actually playing video games

you came to the wrong place kiddo

>> No.8640885
File: 2.21 MB, 1280x720, KH2FM crt screen shake effect.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you guys say 480i had no scanlines when their clearly visible here

When I play ps2 on ossc Im adding scanlines from now on

>> No.8640894

Free tv and gaming chair. Bonanza.

>> No.8640895


>> No.8640898

Why are you posting the same post for the third time?

>> No.8640991

I got a Trinitron with some faint light brown stains on the screen. Is it an anti-glare coat or something? What do you guys use to clean your screens?

>> No.8641000
File: 554 KB, 1682x971, whatsthecode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally took the liberty of calibrating my VGA monitor with WinDAS. Using it wasn't as bad as I thought, but *setting it up* was a total bitch.
I'm at the last step asking to create a batch file to autorun the LUT I created, but don't know the line of code I'm supposed to be writing (pic-related is just a placeholder). Probably asking a really obvious question, but whatever.

>> No.8641013

I've never heard of any consumer trinitrons having a protecting coating on the front. You can check by just tapping it. If it's glass it will feel and sound like glass. If it has the anti-glare coating it will feel and sound like plastic instead

>> No.8641018

Is the chair there so you can sit and wait to make sure whoever gets it isn't just some shitlord who won't make use of it?

>> No.8641024

What's the best HDTV that's tiny? Like 10-12 inches wide or so? Can't find much that has S-Video, not sure where best to look

>> No.8641035

Why you being mad you got proven wrong
All those "480i has no scanlines" and you were larping because you don't own a CRT

>> No.8641153

I told you last time, that’s because it’s a 30fps video

>> No.8641180

Wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2oBtNbTGfo

Just admit your not a CRT owner. PS2 HAS SCANLINES

>> No.8641184


>> No.8641194

I don’t need to admit it because all tvs have scanlines, the visible image is literally the scanline
What you’re talking about is the blank lines which in 480i are two 240p images alternating at 30fps, which is why when you watch the video at 30fps you are only getting half the image

>> No.8641207

>What you’re talking about is the blank lines which
Are visible on CRT wen playing PS2 games. Like shown in here >>8640885 and here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2oBtNbTGfo 60fps video

>> No.8641219

I don’t see any combing, dude says “HD”
So it’s probably 480p

>> No.8641231

someone give me a nice crt or stfu

>> No.8641232

That's a 480i game.

>literally no argument

>> No.8641252

That game can display 480p

>> No.8641261

My argument was already stated and 100% correct
So you can keep posting this meme everywhere you want, just know that every time you post, you’ve already been proven wrong

>> No.8641308

any decent vga to composhit converters to use with a crt emudriver card?
I was planning to just buy the linuxbot3000 thing but its out of stock and the guy doesn't know when its gonna be back

>> No.8641337

>100% correct
The videos show otherwise.

You lose until you can prove wrong the videos showing that CRTs show scanlines with 480i games.

>> No.8641371

Thinking about selling my 32” trini and getting a CRT monitor. Should I do it, bros?

>> No.8641391

I already showed you a video last time, not doing it again

>> No.8641435
File: 177 KB, 873x673, CRT MY POOR ROUTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a crt monitor and my router is right by my computer and I've seen in some articles that crts can mess up wifi, but they never say a reason why or how that could happen. Anyone know if that's true or not? And if so how bad?

>> No.8641582

>fucking around with my tv stand, just rearranging some cables next to it so I had to take it apart a bit (I really appreciate how easy besta unit come apart)
>finish up, as usual just turn everything on to make sure it's all still working
>CRT has a pink tint on like the entire upper left corner of the screen when I turn it on
>panic like fuck for like 5 minutes because I don't want to take this bitch apart again
>eventually realized that I just left my extremely magnetic flathead screwdriver like right next to the screen
>problem clears as soon as I remove the screwdriver

I really hate these things sometimes

I don't know any specifics either but the only real reason I can think of that a CRT would fuck with a Wifi signal would be all the glass and metal just physically blocking the wifi signal. So long as you don't plan on hiding your router behind or under your CRT or something I don't see how it would cause any more interference than other big electronic thing.

>> No.8641603

Could be the deflection or it could be the degaussing coil
Worst that would cause is a worse signal by your router

>> No.8641898

Please convince me not to attempt a yoke adjustment.

I do not trust myself not to get electrocuted, and this TV is a RCA hunk of junk anyway.
I'd almost certainly fuck up the convergence, right? I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

>> No.8641992

As of right now I have no consoles hooked up to the tv, just a cable box. There's a bit of crackling like a vhs tape being played. It's a very faint but noticeable thin line that scrolls from the bottom to the top of the screen repeatedly. My television is from 1987, it doesn't have composite cables, only coaxial.

Tomorrow I'll hook up my Super Nintendo and see if the same thing occurs.

I also want to note this is a very recent problem. I've had this television for months now and the interference popped up about a month ago

Did some searching and yes, I'm positive it's not retracing.

>> No.8642121

Stay safe, anon

>> No.8642171

How bad is the tilt? Adjusting the yoke can have a small effect on convergence but it's usually not going to be enough to then need a convergence adjustment, unless the tilt was like crazy bad or something. Worst case scenario just get a good marker and mark the original positions of everything so you can get it back how it was if you don't like the result.

Safety-wise just don't be a wimp. Yokes normally have a decent body of plastic to grab them by, you don't need to touch any metal or wires.

>> No.8642383
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, cute crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know what these wallpapers are, do you have any links to them in high res? Thanks

>> No.8642392

what game is on the screen and whats behind the ps1?

>> No.8642409

No one's gonna pay for a 32" TV. They'd be doing you the favor of moving that bitch for you if you gave it away.

>> No.8642414

Yeah, I’d honestly give it away, I didn’t mean sell for a profit. Just meant get it out of my home.

>> No.8642418

Oh then keep both anon. Be a collectorfag. I have a 32" D-Series and a 13" PVM next to it. Tomorrow I'm going to pick up kv-20xbr and I'm stoked.

>> No.8642625

Are small CRTs hard to find? I don't have much room and I like the idea of a small one on a desk, but I only ever see big ones.

>> No.8642649
File: 446 KB, 2880x1800, aesthetic-4k-wallpapers-wallpaper-cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a stock photo of taipei 101. here's the highest quality i could find.

>> No.8642656

they're less common because you don't have the "help me move this" factor, but they're common enough on fb marketplace where i live. don't expect anything higher than composite in, though

>> No.8642690

thanks b

>> No.8642754

I've bought a little 10" Roadstar portable for £40, which seems pretty good. Before it arrives, I was wondering about trying to get modern output devices to output through there. Is HDMI-to-RCA/SCART a viable option with a converter etc, or is that just not a thing people do?

>> No.8643138

If you can find one, get an Ikegami

>> No.8643273

Which roadstar, if its an CTV 1021 it can't display anything but composite through the scart connection since it was only designed to be used with a vcr and analog tv in a caravan rather than an rgb enabled satellite receiver or dvd player. One of the few tv's from the late 90's that can't take rgb. (I've owned a lot of roadstar tellys over the years)

>> No.8643275

Don’t do it.
Just get rid of the junk.

>> No.8643293

Yes very much. Most of our finds are some boomer's old basement big boxes that they couldn't be arsed to drive to the dump 20 years ago. Small TVs got tossed immediately back in the 00's.

>> No.8643323
File: 84 KB, 1024x682, 615vRfzVZyL._SL1024_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was able to "fix" the problem. I hooked up my Super Nintendo to the television, there were no static lines. So I reattached the cable box, this time going through the SNES RF adaptor, and presto, no more static lines. So my theory is there was simply too much signal going into the television from the cable box and it needed to be "filtered" so to speak.

Thanks for your help bros.

>> No.8643418

If I have a dimming CRT monitor and I crank up the brightness via potentiometer, how many more years of life can I expect to get out of it?

>> No.8643630
File: 323 KB, 1080x1182, IMG_20220219_183755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good crt? They're giving it away for free. Completely new with crts

>> No.8643691

No. If it doesn't have component input it's worthless.

>> No.8643707

That’s good crt, curved trinitrons are uncommon kinda.
Don’t listen to this retard, component crts aren’t required at all.

>> No.8643714

If you use it a couple hours daily, know how to do basic repairs like replacing capacitors, you could get 20+ years out of the tube before you’d have to replace it

And even then, you could just use a tube rejuvenator to get more life out of it

>> No.8643820

looks fine to me, nothing crazy but should work well enough

>> No.8643902

Honestly it’s pretty shitty. Had some like that at the time but not that exact model. Usually the bit covering the inputs and outputs at the front has a cover so it is possible that has been broken off, not that it will matter that much but that and the overall dirt suggests a beating over the years; for free if it works and you really need a CRT for whatever reason then go for it and maybe you’ll learn a lesson in not doing this.
They are not uncommon. It’s just that they are the older ones. As time moved on things got flatter. And that’s a good thing.
Components are a good thing. Your comments are terrible.

>> No.8643919

They’re uncommon compared to flat ones, and no, component is not “required” you autistic American

>> No.8643932

I’m not sure why every dumb comment needs a autistic or nationality added on to it. I’m from UK and I’d preferred SCART when it came out, not that I’d ever use one of these things again.
But sure recommend bad connections to some kid who doesn’t know much about how bad these get.

>> No.8643934

Obviously they’d be uncommon compared to flat ones if they are the older kind. The trinitron branding was around for decades. The more curved it is the older it is and the worse it probably is.

>> No.8644091

At the time it was nice, but now probably has a dimmed screen and probably not the best composite. Try to stick with very late 90's and up.

>> No.8644738

It'll probably only be used sporadically, desu. What exactly causes the dimming? Is it use it age or both?

>> No.8644963

If the caps are replaced at the proper time, as in at the end of their service life, it’s typically just going to be use that makes the screen dimmer. Phosphors if the crt decaying away, filament in the neck slowly burning up, etc.

>> No.8645012
File: 141 KB, 674x481, hhff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snagged a KV-20XBR today. Even came with the APM speakers and brackets. Guy sold it for a real good price too, considering this is probably the only consumer Sony that has native RGB inputs as far as I know. It's an uncommon model.

>> No.8645056

I see. Guess I'll look up a tube rejouvinator. Haven't heard of those.

>> No.8645159

that cat looks disappointed with your life choices.

>> No.8645182
File: 1.93 MB, 2503x2669, fsdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this yesterday, not my pic though. shit and pissed myself at how good my ps2 looks on it compared to modern tv even with just composite. only has mono, but fuck it.

3 things i forgot about with crts
>the smell
>the high pitch constant noise that you forgt about after 1 minute
>how fucking big they are lol

>> No.8645201

ps what's the bets way to clean these things, the grills and absolutely caked with dirt and dust and i guess the inside finna be like that too

>> No.8645219

pull the case apart and give it a thorough wash

>> No.8645318

I am too.

>> No.8645985

>the smell
>the high pitch constant noise that you forgt about after 1 minute
dont worry anon your too old to hear it now
>how fucking big they are lol

>> No.8645997

Sony KV-27FS120
Has inputs for RF, composite, S-video and component. They're everywhere, not too heavy (approx. 100lbs).

>> No.8646080

>the smell
I’m sorry, what?
If your CRT smells like I can only assume is an electrical smell
Then you need to open that shit because that could be a potential house fire

>> No.8646507

you are the cancer

>> No.8646687

>dont worry anon your too old to hear it now
I'm 35 and can still hear it. It isn't as noticable though.
I remember walking into classrooms where the teacher accidentally left the TV on. When I went over and turned it off they were like "how did u know".
Soon I will be the how-did-you-knower.

>> No.8647346
File: 177 KB, 1200x1500, 71PI8ZWJ+1L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anything horribly wrong with those chink Wii component cables?

I want to do better than composite but I also don't want to pay like 100$ for retrovision or official nintendo cables. I figure chink is still better than composite.

>> No.8647425

Look up writing a general batfile, but you may want the @echo off command at the front. Apart from that, a batfile works pretty much like typing into the dos prompt, so what you have should work fine.

>> No.8647436

shit wiring so the colors can look very green.

>> No.8647450

Yes, trust me they are shit
If you can find ones called snakebyte they are good

>> No.8647510
File: 824 KB, 1133x1333, gcboawd2qa611_LI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A single chest X-ray gives an equivalent dose of 20 years' worth of CRT.

>> No.8647582
File: 480 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2022-02-20-18-04-12-979_com.miui.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8647647

$100 for Official Wii comp cables
Where? Mine were like $20-$30

>> No.8647689

>100$ for retrovision
HD Retrovision are 30 dollars shipped.

>> No.8647695
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x2268, 20220216_200516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine, a flat panasonic Tau, was my sisters tv during the 2ks, still works but has problems.

>> No.8647707
File: 2.64 MB, 2268x2485, 20220220_153714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has crushed blacks and bad contrast, because darler color on the nes look almost pure black despite the brightness and contrast being at its max.

What could be the cause of this?

>> No.8647751

Yep. Same reason why its a lot harder to find old VGA monitors. Small CRTs weren't that inconvenient to move (ie, throw away) so they were the first to be purged. Its a lot easier to still find BIG tvs simply because they are hard to move, and nowadays you're not even allowed to throw them out instead needing special recycler services.

>> No.8647803

Official Wii component cables are 20 bucks on fleabay

>> No.8648147

its been a month and not a single crt that isnt overpriced has popped up


>> No.8648176
File: 214 KB, 1280x960, 30ib93iltnz31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone locally is offering a GDM-F520 with around 300 hours, and to name them a price.
I know buying CRTs is a meme, but realistically how much are these worth in [current year]? I don't mind waging for a week to pay it off.

>> No.8648190

Someone in my area bought out all the CRTs on craiglist/wherever over a period of months. I can only assume they're now being sold on ebay as

>> No.8648217

Want to get rid of my KV-27FV310, what's a good price?

>> No.8648230

what are you so desperate for a few bucks for? Go suck off somebody in an alley if you want easy money.

>> No.8648269

Offer the a lowball of 25, then 50, 75, 100 and so on. Basic haggling, have you never met a Jew before or something?

>> No.8648273

Stop looking up crt then retard, look up old tv or box tv

>> No.8648274

Try messing with the flyback potentiometers or something

>> No.8648305
File: 19 KB, 605x203, 78963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is it the most sought-after consumer set, but it's also the smallest variant. Should fetch good coin. I've read of people driving halfway across the country for one.

>> No.8648307

>the smell
probably a nice layer of dust gummed up with tobacco smoke on the inside

>> No.8648313

I honestly think you can cajole a thousand bucks from a CRT autist.

>> No.8648321

It genuinely is very nice looking. Love the NES and love to see the art in its best possible visual fidelity.

>> No.8648327

Based and funnypilled

>> No.8648330

finally someone gets it

>> No.8648342

i am retardkun

>> No.8648353

Close to my area we have a "RETRO GAMING VINTAGE CRT TV" absolute crazy man. He takes pictures of all his crts, maybe 100-200 of them all in the same spot literally on his front lawn. Sells them for $100 each minimum for the most basic consumer CRTS.
Was talking to a friend about CRTs and he goes "you know the crazy guy from Huntington, right?". He's a local monster and I can't wait for his demise

>> No.8648359

Are you from Long Island?

>> No.8648371

Those sets are going in a dump when he dies.

>> No.8648391

no one has crts in miami everyone loves modern trash in this shit city, literal a garbage city

>> No.8648395

Yeah he's doing us a service by scalping them
If not they'd all be in the garbage

>> No.8648443

yep I cleaned it up (what i could, some of it was mega caked up closer to the screen) and it doesn't smell as bad

>> No.8648463

Oh man, I have gotten some thoroughly excellent shit from recycling centres over the past couple years.

This is another alternative and it's pretty much the only reason I keep a Facebook account. Problem is that people on FB marketplace are more "aware" of what their shit is worth. Often they'll price it slightly under eBay prices.

>> No.8648515
File: 130 KB, 1271x1032, Illustration5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flyback potentiometers

Ok ill try, btw, i have purchased both a VGA to Composite cable (my Tau doesnt have anything then composite) and even an HDMI to VGA, but i get no signal, my PC mentions its connected and recognizes it, but i get no signal, how do i make retro arch work then?

Also if i move the RCA cables while using the PC i lost signal in all 3 monitors!

>> No.8648618

I’m super close to just dropping a couple hundred on a small trinitron on on eBay cause I cannot find any small crts that aren’t shit…. it’s been months… lots of 27 inch trinitrons but nothing below that

>> No.8648627

god dammit i bought one VGA to RCA cable that had all 3 RCA yellow white and red cables, and apparently those are scam and dont work!, like son of a bitch!

i even switched gpu that had only DVI before this and used a DVI to HDMI then HDMI to VGA adaptor box and the those damn cables!

>> No.8648632

If you get a couple hundred dollars worth of use out of it, do it. The idea that CRTs are supposed to be cheap or free for no reason other then "that's how its always been." is retarded.

>> No.8648654

>tfw my wega trinitron went out
>forced to play on a shitty samsung CRT
Coming by sony CRTs is extremely difficult where i live.
i want my scanlines back.

>> No.8648662

if you want something then buy it
if 200 bucks seems like a lot to you then don't buy it

>> No.8648845

>Often they'll price it slightly under eBay prices.
ive only seen one dude in my region trying to sell a 32" crt for 250 bucks,doubt he sold it when most of them are basically free.

>> No.8649052

bumpin because we had enough shader wankery

>> No.8649115

Why get rid of new frens?

>> No.8649117

If you drop a few hundred at least make sure its worth it, like a pvm with a higher line count. Do not spend that much on a consumer set.

>> No.8649337

Now you are free of scanlines you can never look back.

>> No.8649346
File: 403 KB, 1116x1068, pana13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a panasonic 13" consumer.
or did they get expensive too?

>> No.8649440

The absolute state of this trash. Would not take for free.

>> No.8649523

You sound like a woman.

>> No.8649571

very classy anon, have a psone to go with it?

>> No.8649621

based Roma Chad, was thinking about getting it, but I don't really have enough space. I'd go for it desu if it works, try asking the guy!

>> No.8649737

crt cisters....its over

>> No.8649752

I have someone like that near me
Pain in my ass when I was looking to pick up my first set
He's grab anything from facebook marketplace, craigslist, regardless of quality, then post it for $150-$300 with the classic "RARE CRT RETRO GAMING REAL GAMERS KNOW" shit.

>> No.8649814

I've seen these types of listings for junker consumer sets. I just hope redditniggers aren't seriously buying those and they just sit on craigslist in perpetuity

>> No.8649934

what's a good way to calibrate the color of a crt, specifically a pvm?
i set all every color setting to the default for my manual, but comparing it to my regular monitor, the colors of the games seem quite off
my lcd monitor is calibrated quite well and i've passed all of those color hue tests flawlessly, so i calibrated the pvm to match how a the emulated versions look
am i being retarded doing this, or are the default color settings on CRTs just a guideline, and vary between units/have room for calibration?
specifically there seemed to be too much green giving everything a gross yellowish filter and whites looked bad, it looks nice now though (i think)

>> No.8649976

you'll trade composite artifacts for visible signal noise. i'd say it's generally better than composite but you should just invest in an HD retrovision cable now rather than later.

>> No.8650026


Yes, you've seen madman too?

>> No.8650041

I can't stand Mitch in his gay little shorts, if you need a CRT stop by my shop in smithtown I'll give you a 27" FD trinitron for free. Has component, s-vid, blah blah. You just gotta carry it out because I'm usually very busy at work

>> No.8650139

Have you tried changing the color temperature (white point)? It's possible your lcd is using a different one.

>> No.8650190
File: 3 KB, 320x240, 1626457264809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to use color bars like on an SMPTE pattern. You can use 240p test suite or a calibration DVD or whatever First calibrate brightness and contrast so that the lightest stripe on the bottom-right is just barely visible, and the white square just starts to bloom out. Then in order to calibrate colors, go into your service mode and disable the green and red. With only blue visible, you should see alternating blue and black stripes. Adjust your saturation/hue/etc until the tops and bottoms of each bar are the same color, and all bars are the same as well.

If things still look off, then that would be a color temperature issue and you want to adjust your white balance. You should have a setting where you can tweak color temperature too. Just put up a white screen on the CRT and fiddle with the color temp to get it too the point where it's not too warm or too cool. That should be all.

>> No.8650201
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1615337063276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of cornering the CRT market is hilarious. Even if you scooped up every last CRT in the region and sat on them until some idiot paid you for your junk, it still wouldn't be worth it logistically just from needing to store all these giant-ass TVs

>> No.8650316

my area has this dogshit recycling center that is hoarding all the pc monitors (and some pvmemes) and its driving me insane because they keep getting more and more monitors while I can't find shit in any listing sites or garage sales or thrift stores
they ask something like $60-$100 for the average low tier 70khz crt, +$100 for anything higher end and +$150 for any snoy monitors

>> No.8650376
File: 1.65 MB, 1091x873, 1632765541285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this fat Sharp CRT some time ago and Im essentially using it as a 3rd monitor but trying to play Emulators on it as an actual CRT. Thing is, when I actually drag the CRT over to it it doesnt adjust the emulator box to the screen like it does on any normal monitor, and it basically cuts off the bottom. And if I try to do fullscreen on it, it compresses it like this with giant black bars on both sides. Is there a way to fix it?

>> No.8650382

when I drag the emulator over onto it*

>> No.8650649
File: 962 KB, 2400x1703, 1640266094290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crt in the trash
>mom can we take it??
>no we have tv at home
>tv at home


>> No.8650653

Heh, RA has CRTswitch, for everything else you need to hassle with CRTemudrivers.

Btw how did you connect yours?

>> No.8650659

HDMI to RCA converter

>> No.8650693

I want to see a CRT shader running on that

>> No.8650710

You were right, thanks.

First you need to figure out if your GPU can output standard 240p or if you'll need a super resolution (ie 1280x240), probably the latter since only ancient AMD cards can do the former. Can't speak for Windows as I'm messing with an old i3, but I got GroovyArcade (an Arch Linux based distro yet very handholdy) to display through super resolution. Boot it up as a live distro on a modern display, check the boot options, hover the respective 15khz setting you want, select it, unplug display and plug CRT to see if it works, then finish setting it up. Batocera on the other hand, another distro, was a pain to set up with several files and I couldn't get the 480i resolution from their lengthy CRT tutorial to work at all. You can try these as Live USB without installing once you get your hands on a component transcoder, but to quote the Batocera guide:

>During the boot process and resizing of the partition it will boot up in a non-supported resolution. Keep the CRT TV off for the moment or on another AV channel so it doesn't receive dangerous signals. These signals can destroy your CRT TV.

>Also keep in mind that during the BIOS boot process the same rule applies. Have the CRT TV off or on another input when first booting up.


>> No.8650756

>that will be 15,000 dollars thanks

>> No.8650832

you missed a 0

>> No.8650858


These people can't even reliably wire up all the LEDs on a keyboard and they're going to manufacture TVs that require millions of micro LEDs to all be wired up properly?

>> No.8651112
File: 153 KB, 1000x667, yeolderadio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kids with your "CRTs". This is what a REAL display looks like.

>> No.8651205
File: 62 KB, 274x184, 1616361507582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to the nursing home with you, gramps

>> No.8651210

you got a filter to make that sound like >>8651112

>> No.8651346


>> No.8651471
File: 20 KB, 640x640, f2060bbda96341e916f56fb26be67fcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my 19" PC CRT just isn't going to cut it anymore.

Thoughts on a Toshiba 27A60? It's a curved component model.
I think it ought to be pretty close to an arcade monitor. I want to run RGB>Component to it from my PC.

The tube is a A68ADT28X04. Can't find much info on that.

>> No.8651478

Yeah, I just throw a towel over it.

>> No.8651505
File: 2.73 MB, 2208x1658, DSC_0066[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that with crtemudriver and an audio authority vga to component transcoder, works very well, although windows can be a bit wierd about 15khz sometimes, but as long as you get it setup and don't mess with settings afterwards then its pretty reliable. A mister is probably a better way, but they are way too expensive rn.

>> No.8651515

Do you have much issue with overscan?

>> No.8651540
File: 2.07 MB, 2016x1512, PXL_20210325_003604988[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a remote and just use the service menu, another issue is that some games have weird as resolutions like MK2, so if I'm really into it I might open the menu and adjust and play that game, but mostly I leave the screen sort of under scanned so everything fits ok.

>> No.8651543
File: 297 KB, 720x540, 166961116_tcimg_092665A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8651713

Not him but Pokémon Yellow running off that PS Classic. If I were to take a guess at the thing behind it I'd say an external hard drive with a sticker on it.

>> No.8651783

...In those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them.

>> No.8651812

You'd say, give me 5 bees for a quarter

>> No.8651835


literally all you need

simple as

>> No.8651943

anyone have any 20 inch recommendations?

>> No.8651952

whatever you can find in good shape; this goes for everyone else asking for recs as well. There's no particular tv you can look for, it's take what you can get

>> No.8651959

Why do people ask for recommendations in these threads? Are these the millennials actually ordering and paying for Ebay prices?

>> No.8651987

I'm not poor like the rest of 4chan sorry!

>> No.8652094

JVC, Philips/Magnavox, and Panasonic are all great brands. really anything <13" that's not RF only is usually a nice set. They have lower hours (they marketed them as "kitchen tvs" sometimes) and less imperfections because of the size.

>> No.8652362
File: 1.97 MB, 2157x3667, g5rinwt0j1771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it's well known tube but I think Thomson made some nice images, actually I think a lot of JVC sets use thomson tubes

>> No.8652524

>no returns unless there are more than half the pixels dead :^)

>> No.8652587
File: 80 KB, 633x844, vook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever heard of VOOK? Weidly, I can't find anything about them on the internet.

It's a small surveillance monitor. It's okay.

>> No.8652829
File: 323 KB, 2071x960, CRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a few that popped up in my area in the last week, not sure if any of them are even good though I rarely see these brands in my area
anyone know anything about any of these?

>> No.8652848

I would choose the nec

>> No.8652857
File: 93 KB, 960x540, 273643817_10159863601643466_5396674455709895553_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I already have a good set, just wondering if any of these are worth picking up for a spare
not having the RGB SCART is a bit of a downgrade for my setup

>> No.8652884
File: 210 KB, 857x867, C05085F7-1554-4B1E-8372-EDE2D3C14FC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8652901

How do I play mario on this

>> No.8652929


>> No.8652936

Why do you want to use a CCTV monitor from Zagreb for retro gaming. The world is a bad place already and this will only make it worse.

>> No.8653059

that happens when the emulator is set to correct aspect ratio and its resolution is widescreen(so instead of filling 720p and picture being super wiiide theres black bars, if you output that back to 4:3 monitor/tv it looks like your pic), so either set proper resolution or turn off the setting that forces aspect ratio.

>> No.8653328


>> No.8653335
File: 144 KB, 960x1200, Photo02871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your wives/girlfriends use your CRTs, or do you have to beg them to let you even bring one in the house?

>> No.8653342

Neither. Why are those my only options.

>> No.8653421

They're not. They're just the two extremes of the spectrum. Your answer could be somewhere in between.

>> No.8653434
File: 3.79 MB, 3024x2268, IMG_2130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8653453

Are Sony WEGAs decent?

>> No.8653469


>> No.8653575

Where you at? I fucking love Mistubishis.

>> No.8653579

>implying I don't want cancer

>> No.8653587

Are JVCs the new meme now that Trinitrons are overexposed? Nobody used to talk about them, but now they seem to be some of the most popular sets out there. Kind of interesting because twenty-some years ago, I remember JVCs getting a lot of praise for giving Trinitrons a run for their money; I'd assumed they would have caught on sooner, but I guess I shouldn't expect zoomers to remember tech news from when they were literal babies.

>> No.8653615

>the blank lines
Always thought this was retarded, because scanlines are, by definition, the lines where an image is scanned onto the phosphors; you can ALWAYS see scanlines on a CRT, it's what the image is made out of. The meme fandom just latched onto it meaning the blank space between the lines because that's what their monkey brains picked out as being different and cool compared to LCDs.

There's also a pretty retarded subset of people who claim that you can't see interlacing or combing on CRTs which is also completely bullshit. Even on smaller displays, you can see it if you look for it. It's amusing when folks automatically assume that everyone was as oblivious as they were as kid.

>> No.8653641
File: 939 KB, 255x164, 1376083199818[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two speakers
>one audio channel input

>> No.8653643

Yes in CRT terms they are good.
However they are not very good compared to a decent modern TV

>> No.8653649

That’s nothing. One CRT I had back in the early 90s around the time 5.1 audio “home theatre” sound started to get popular actually claimed it could do pseudo surround sound and change any sound input to 5.1.
Think it was some gigantic Panasonic.

>> No.8653663

That's a big bitch

>> No.8653692
File: 121 KB, 873x873, 1622650960493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two speaker holes
>only one (shitty) speaker
>headphone jack on front is mono too

>> No.8653705

Bell and Howell


>> No.8653728

Only 27". I had a 32" JVC i lugged up a flight of stairs by myself. Now THAT was a big bitch.

>> No.8653736

>not having an amp and external speakers
What's audiocuck-anon up to these days? Clearly none of you ever learned anything from him.

>> No.8653748

he's talking about your land whale wife.

>> No.8653757
File: 125 KB, 720x960, eyey344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to save this antique in Downington, PA? I know some of you autists pine after wood grain sets. Put your time where your mouth is and go get it.

>> No.8653768

socal, I tried to pull up the listing just now but looks like the guy took it down

>> No.8653962

God will finally rest easy when this horror is gone from this world.

>> No.8654125

I'm still repairing one I bought for 10 bucks half a year ago...

>> No.8654187

>consumer Sony that has native RGB inputs as far as I know
In the US maybe. Pretty much all European Trinitrons produced after 1990 had RGB on scart.

>> No.8654190

lurk more

>> No.8654194

I would but that's just a bit too far to chance on a CRT that appears to be stored outdoors.

>> No.8654203

A late 2000's high resolution CRT is about 50-100€ here depending on the model. Sony monitors tend to be more expensive, but aren't necessarily better than other brands (Iiyama, NEC, HP, Dell, Compaq, Mitsubishi, ...).

Widescreen CRT monitors are an exception and are extremely expensive (1000€+).

Of course if your lucky and the seller doesn't know what they have, you might get it for a lot less.

>> No.8654214
File: 25 KB, 498x450, 51NMTTPCXQL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the Toshiba 27A41 may be an alternative choice.
I need to find information about the mask type and pitch of the tube used in these.

>> No.8654223

Curious: what makes the FV310 so special compared to the multitude of other wega models? It doesn't do 480p. Does it have a high TVL count or something?

>> No.8654276
File: 195 KB, 1675x237, 310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr they have PVM-level features, but at that price, you may as well hunt for a legitimate PVM or BVM.

>> No.8654341
File: 390 KB, 2000x2000, 4EtP0n3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is it to turn a CRT computer monitor on its side? I've heard stories of permanently damaging the tube/PCBs this way, but I don't know if anyone here can vouch? Any notable models that can safely be turned over?
Two 4:3 monitors would be nice for my ideal setup: 1 for "standard" retro, another for browsing/TATE gaming.

>> No.8654428

if i have my ps2 (with hdd in it) on top of my crt, can that effect the crt? like the magnets and shit?

>> No.8654454

the real cringe here is you using a psclassic and especially cringe is the fact that your using a small, trash crt to play it on.
My god, crt threads are always trash here

>> No.8654476

>crt threads are trash here
and /g/ CRT threads are any better? Isn't some anon running genshin impact at 4k on a tube and everybody is just talking about the design of the girls asses?

>> No.8654501

use the rf out

>> No.8654867
File: 58 KB, 294x295, 1640762086049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You relax on the couch, smoke your pipe tobacco while your wife makes you a sandwich, and listen to a man with a transatlantic accent narrate Mario's journey to you.

>> No.8655047

Only an issue if the case and pcb is so flimsy that it puts strain on the components, can cause discoloration until its degaussed a couple times. I've never had an issue, also very cute setup there.

>> No.8655059

>Does it have a high TVL count or something?
Not sure about the actual number, but the later trinitrons I've had are almost as sharp as pvms I've had. They have very thick scanlines if thats your goal.

>> No.8655067

god i wish that was me

>> No.8655090

>real cringe

>> No.8655161

>Blocking the exhaust fan

>> No.8655164

>it's a giant vacuum tube

>> No.8655174

ah yes, the dreamcast that uses vacuum tubes to keep cool

>> No.8655190

how else are you going to blow vacuum around

>> No.8655364

>tfw you will never go back to the 90s and play ikuraga on the floor like a filthy animal

>> No.8655620
File: 1.63 MB, 4861x4921, NESRGB_install.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well by some miracle I was able to do the NESRGB mod successfully. Somehow I didn't fry the PPU or tear any traces. That was despite my piece of shit 5 dollar soldering iron not being able to clear the traces attached to the thick-ass ground plane. Actually had to resort to using a heat gun to finish it. Lined everything but the PPU pins with aluminum foil and placed the board against the flat side of a 45 iron plate, yanking the PPU out through the hole where it goes on the barbell. I'm both incredibly stupid and incredibly lucky that it worked after that.

Also took apart the power/AV module to do a recap, and decided to remove the RF circuitry and put the RGB connector there, as well as wiring the channel select switch between the NESRGB mod and the stock console functionality.

>> No.8655632
File: 3.16 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220223_005044037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good, man. No more ugly dot crawl. Everything is so vibrant now too.

>> No.8655689


>> No.8655834
File: 726 KB, 2080x1560, Dell_M991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forcing 240p through driver on a Dell M991 I found on the curb

>> No.8655942

What driver?

>> No.8655990

240 x 120hz or 480p with line generation?

>> No.8656032

Very nice. Excellent work

>> No.8656268
File: 126 KB, 683x1024, 1644464361133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice job there anon,

>> No.8656404

Nice work, anon! I did an NES RGB mod with a shitty $5 soldering iron, too. Also resorted to the heat gun method to remove the chip. It held up for a several years, and then one day, out of nowhere, just went to shit. I opened it back up and re-flowed all of my solder with a better iron I had gotten since, but I couldn't fix it. I'm guessing I had overheated and damaged the PPU after all, and it just took a bit more wear and tear to finally push it over the edge.

>> No.8656485
File: 3.67 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220223_003833116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, friends

Sorry to hear about yours failing. For me I was worried that I had already overheated the PPU from constantly trying to melt and clear the solder that I just "fuck it, nothing left to lose" and grabbed the heat gun. It was a relatively short burst though since all ~5 pins were already clear. And also, this was one of two extra nintendos I got for a couple bucks sold as "broken", along with my original one from back in the day, so I had backups if it came to that. If this eventually fails, I'll just harvest the other spare, I guess. Honestly I'll probably buy proper tools if there's a next time. I seriously underestimated how much of a pain that ground plane is to clear

BTW, it's normal to have pic-related out of the stock composite output while the NESRGB board is active, right? I think I read that stock composite gets disabled while active, but I didn't read anything about a glitchy gray screen

>> No.8656531

That grey screen is luma (Y), it's brightness information and it's carried by the same pin as composite.

>> No.8656548

Also, with RGB the luma signal is only used to carry the sync signal to your tv.

>> No.8656549

No, luma just looks like a normal black and white (grayscale) image. The stock composite output while the NESRGB board is active shows a pure gray/white image with no sprite palette information, including brightness value. And it seems to have something to do with sprite vs background layers. Don't have a pic right now but, for example, on Metroid you see a pure gray sprite of samus and other enemies and sprites, but the background tiles are invisible.

>> No.8656752
File: 80 KB, 800x743, Zenith_TV27in_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked one of these up off the side of the road like OP's pic

>> No.8656760

>when the geometry is so bad it affectd the chassis too

>> No.8656814
File: 66 KB, 524x529, 8G1uFnc_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8656828

God damn she needs to move more and play less

>> No.8656848

I'm just impressed that someone actually posted a Pierce Brosnan reaction image in this thread >>8656268
, and it somehow wasn't in response to the land whale.

>> No.8656921

Only real downside to this config is that depending on size and viewing distance the scanlines are almost too thick but just about anything can do it, even Pis

>> No.8657012

Not a bad reproduction of the experience for a $7 Displayport/VGA adapter though. The M991 is an 800 TVL tube so the scanlines are a tad thick.

>> No.8657020

I actual live in Smithtown.
What's your shop called? I need a more local repair place

>> No.8657039

Should be absolutely fine in most cases.

>> No.8657043

This seems absolutely pointless.

>> No.8657047

ok. sure looks derad.

>> No.8657306
File: 781 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_0286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why my dreamcast looks like this?
I've tired:
>two different rgb scart cables
>all scart inputs
>swapped the PSU with dreampsu
>reflow video connectors solder points
>cleaned the port itself
but no success.
It worked last time I played it on my previous crt, and it works no issues with OSSC, but with my current sony trinition I just get this odd black&white image(that my camera painted to pink) thats just barely visible when I put brightness to max, other consoles has zero issues so its something with my dreamcast.

>> No.8657328

it had too much grape soda

>> No.8657331

Have you tried using another cable, composite for instance? Less to fix the issue, just to confirm if anything's wrong with the AV out.

>> No.8657443

Have you tested any other outputs like composite, s-video, or VGA? That could give you a decent clue to the source of the problem, whether its upstream or downstream. In particular dreamcasts output can be kind weird due to how its voltage lines wired up , and depending on what gets shorted is what tells to console whether to do 480p or 480i. And I think if theres any issues with those connections it could lead to screen issues

>> No.8657549

I only have the two rgb scart cables, one I think is official one or good quality third party one from back in the days, and then one from aliexpress and both has same issue. I jerry rig'd the scart cable to make it composite and it still has same issue, using the front composite video inputs. I read that sometimes you have to jam the cable really hard into dreamcast, but that didn't do anything, but I discovered if its plugged halfway the picture improves, but its still in black&white and looks like its not syncing properly.

But the weird part that it does work perfectly fine on OSSC, but not on my sony triniton crt, and again all my other consoles works fine.

>> No.8657564

I saw a crt that has likely been sitting in the rain for months as a free pickup. Will a crty work after that, or is it likely shot?

>> No.8657586

I wouldn't risk that ever. If it's been out for that long, it will have had time to corrode and the moisture gets absorbed by the PCBs.

Even if there was no corrosion at all, you'd still have to dry it out completely first before turning it on.

The biggest issue with moisture an corrosion is that the HV isolation can get compromised, which is a safety hazard.

>> No.8657617

Have to tried a direct connection from your Dreamcast to your Trinitron? If the picture's clean, then there may be some compatibility issues with the OSSC and your TV/monitor (which may be fixable through your OSSC settings).

>> No.8657635

(Compatibility issues with your DC through OSSC and your TV/monitor, more specifically.)

>> No.8657643

I think you misunderstood. I get the bad picture when I directly connect my dreamcast to my sony trinitron CRT TV, when I connect my dreamcast to my modern flat tv via OSSC the picture is good. Both via same rgb scart cable.

>> No.8657708
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Speaking off, i finally got a proper vga to rca adapter box connected to my pc via hdmi to vga, but i only got the rainbow bars.

>> No.8657714
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Here's my connection.

>> No.8657765
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Right now i thinkered with duplicating displays, and RA is running on CRT switch native, and after clicking on Zoom on my vga2vid device i got close to fit, but its flickery and not 240p any help?

>> No.8657906
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i found this guide online but i got stuck here because i get no options


>> No.8657969

Distorted black and white screen could be a PAL/NTSC issue. Are you a PALfag using a NTSC console on a PAL tv for instance?

>> No.8658109

It's more likely that it is a PAL-M (NTSC resolution and hz, but different color) problem than a PAL tv one. Basically all PAL crts accept NTSC.

>> No.8658154
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Picked up a CRT sometime back, noticed a bit of color impurity around the top-left corner. Spot of red on blue backgrounds, blue on green, green on red. Turning off and on a few times didn't seem to do much, if anything.
Would a degaussing coil fix this? I heard degaussing with another CRT in front of the impurity could fix the issue, but I'm not sure if that poses any risk to either/both units.

>> No.8658182

Hey anons, friend from Japan sent me a nice multisync monitor. No signs of corrosion or leaky caps, just the usual dust. Tested using a few inputs at the back. It energizes, but no picture on screen. Is this monitor salvageable?

I plan on recapping the neck board and IO board.

>> No.8658198

It depends. Lots of things can cause that kind of discoloration. If you want the lazy route, you could just wait and cycle the power on occassion a few times over the next week or two and see. Degaussing with a tool or another monitor also might fix it permanentaly, or just temporarily. Could be something you have to open the set up for and tinker with the purity rings, which is fairly easy and safe to do as long as you're careful. Might just be general magnetic field fuckery, you could try rotating the set and seeing if it gets better or worse if it's facing a different direction.

What kind of set is it? I've heard people claim that the aperture grill in Sony Trinitrons is very fragile and that strong degaussing tools can permanently damage it, but I'd take that with a grain of salt. Putting another CRT up against it, screen to screen as close as possible is definitely safe, though, and worth a shot, if you have another set lying around.

He shipped it? All the way from Japan? Might be fixable, but the amount of shock damage a CRT can endure in shipping is monumental. I'd have been shocked if it arrived functional at all.

>> No.8658281

you need to use black line insertion for this setup, right? does it make the image too dim?

>> No.8658398
File: 153 KB, 777x518, 178219376987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a KD-34XBR960. To be honest, I made the mistake of having the TV sit upright on my way home, thinking the weight would keep it from tipping over. One small turn taught me otherwise, and the top center bezel made hard contact with the my car interior's plastic. Miraculously nothing got damaged, at least from the outside.
I still don't know if that thump effected anything--no discoloration where the bezel made direct contact, but I don't remember if the corner was already like that when I went to pick it up.
I'll try out your suggestions anyway, appreciate it, bro.

>> No.8658429

What is the input/ouput resolutions of that box? The resolution from that VGA cable is probably too high for it. Plus at best you will get 480i into the crt which will be flickery and blurry. Plus every game will scale to that, so a game with some odd resolution might have weird artwork at 480i. Its especially noticeable on text, where one part of a letter will be twice as thick as the other due to the scaling.

>> No.8658443

Its gangster af but you can carefully wrap a drill power cord around the tube and run it for a sec and it will act as a degausser.

>> No.8658489

Nope, monitor does the work. Just send it a 240p image @ 120hz

>> No.8658601

It's the only retro game store in smithtown, I don't do a lot of repairs but if you want a CRT just stop by.

>> No.8658663
File: 116 KB, 960x720, 263062733_4279109818877696_3086647170112230395_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently purchased a CRT with S-Video, I'm wondering what the best solution is for getting analog S-Video output from my PC or a Raspberry Pi? I've looked online but I can't really find a definitive answer.

>> No.8658669
File: 547 KB, 1532x936, IMG_20200518_224406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome, kind anon.
>the top center bezel made hard contact with the my car interior's plastic
It SHOULD be fine, but to be sure, while the set is on give it a firm tap on the screen near the discoloration. Not too hard, as if you were lightly knocking on a door. See if the discoloration wobbles or wavers. If so, it's the result of damage to the aperture grill and is unfixable.

From the looks of it, this is quite unlikely to be the case; these sets aren't THAT fragile, but it's good to rule it out. Good luck!

>> No.8658745

Rasp pi can output composite from the trrs jack. As for s video I think you're sol.

>> No.8658780

You'll need a hat for S-Vid out of a Pi, or possibly an HDMI adapter. TRRS cables are fiddly, the jack outputs are non-standard all across the board, I've bought cables that are supposed to be wired right but aren't. I found it easiest to solder a jack onto the test pads for composite. Signal's pretty clean out of them though, and capable of 240p with basic config.txt setup

>> No.8658789

Went ahead and did some tapping, the spot bleeds according to how hard I knock. Small tap=small bleed, big tap=big bleed. Funnily, I think some of the impurity went away after a few taps, whether that's a sign of a healthy aperture grill or not. Up to 50% of the spot goes away before looking the way it is again.
I'll still try some of the methods you wrote later on. I won't fuss too much over something that only appears on specific colors and covers like 2% of the screen, anyway.
Appreciate the help again, brother.

>> No.8659237
File: 583 KB, 2064x1161, IMG_20200103_172857_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, that actually does sound like it might be grill damage; tapping the screen shouldn't result in any kind of distortion unless something is loose inside the tube. It's possible you knocked it back into place, somewhat. I'd be careful about putting any strong magnets near it for fear of warping or bending it even more and making it permanently worse. Then again, if you're brave, a small magnet taped somewhere in the vicinity of the discoloration might prove to be a decent band-aid.

Yeah, certainly worth trying those other things I mentioned, just to be sure. If you are going to open the set, you could also check that the entire yoke/electron gun assembly on the back of the tube isn't loose or wobbly; that could feasibly cause a fluctuating discoloration, now that I think about it. Just be careful if you've never been inside a CRT before. Danger, danger, electric shock, yadda yadda.

Glad to help, anon. Hope you get plenty of enjoyment out of your new toy, regardless!

>> No.8659394

Going to try use a composite adapter with the available jack, if it's not clean enough I'll solder a jack to the pads. Thanks for the help fellas

>> No.8659972

Its PAL dreamcast, it runs ntsc games no problem via gdemu. My sony trinitron handles ntsc consoles no problems even via composite(ntsc colors), for example famicom and turbo graphix 16, ps2 games in ntsc mode etc. so there is some weird issue with the dreamcast.

>> No.8660276

Ah, I think I know who you are.
You recognize a skinnyish guy with long hair that bought a PS1 a month or two ago and some Famicom games more recently?

>> No.8660324

My wife thinks it's a little silly, but likes that it makes me happy.
She plays her NES and N64 on it, but she probably thinks a CRT is unnecessary

>> No.8660492

My fiance was probably more excited for my PVM than I was. She doesn't play retro vidya much, but she immediately grabbed a VCR and begged me to figure out a way to connect a chromecast to it to watch stuff on it.

>> No.8660507

Weiya cv-04 board, of course the pc needs to be outputting 240p using crtemudriver or custom modelines or whatever. If you don't care so much about scanlines (and a beautiful picture), then lots of older gpus have svideo on them which puts everything out at 480i, also Extron scalers can take in VGA at 480p or higher and put out 480i on Svideo.

>> No.8660529

Also, the pics you find won't mention it, but that board has composite, and svideo out, and intakes rgbhv

>> No.8660554
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>My wife thinks it's a little silly, but likes that it makes me happy.
That's adorable, anon. I'm glad you have such a healthy relationship. The fact that she supports your happiness over anything else is golden. Take good care of her!

My wife is fine with me bringing infinite CRTs into the house. She's more annoyed by the sound system I have and how loud I like to turn it up sometimes. But really, listening to shmup bosses exploding so loudly that it rattles the windows isn't something I'd expect a woman to understand, anyway.

That's pretty cool, anon! I bought the entire Carl Sagan's Cosmos box set on VHS to watch with my wife on my setup, lol. I'm pretty sure the VHS versions are the only one with the original soundtrack intact.

>> No.8660637

a rpi setup isn't worth it my opinion
get radeon card with analog output and this shit (if its ever back on stock)
you can also just get a wii if don't care that much about n64 or ps1 games

>> No.8660668
File: 243 KB, 500x372, 1637970369714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh crap, resolution clearly is 480p at minimum, i just checked.

So money just wasted? How the hell do i output TRUE 240p? Every single guide i see on youtube and such is just faggots showing camera phone footage of the games running on premade frontends on CRTs but you can tell if they are real 240p or 480p, and they never explained in full how they did it or had pre-set up Retroarch and wont tell how.

>> No.8660671

And yes its too blurry to be 240p so no scanlines last time i checked.

>> No.8660698

first you have to make sure your little gay vga to composite box doesn't do any type of scaling first
then, you need a radeon card supported by crt emudriver
you can find a low profile one to just shove on your pc for around $5-$20

>> No.8660820

For those prices i assume its an old one from the 2000s right?

>> No.8660834

extron super emotia or tvone corio2's for true 240p downscale. but good luck finding those in 2022

>> No.8660920

not necessarily, you can get several made in the mid-late 2010s
keep in mind even the newer ones are quite underpowered, but it shouldn't matter that much for emulation if you have a decent enough cpu
also on the latest win10/11 versions, you can render everything on your main gpu and use a secondary dogshit card for output, albeit with some latency

>> No.8661068
File: 2.61 MB, 3024x3738, IMG_20220224_173823_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Composhit monitor, because I needed somewhere to put it and my closet has too many better CRT's in it already (three).

>> No.8661189

You have to use a radeon card that is compatible with crtemudriver, just look it up and you'll find the info you need. Then you need to run the vga into a vga to whatever input you're going to use. There aren't many these days, you may also need to make a sync combiner. It really just depends on what hardware you get. Personally I wouldn't worry with composite because you will spend too much money for not a great picture. You either need scart, rgb monitor, rgb modded tv, or a vga to component converter if you're using component. Personally I use an old computer with Windows XP, a radeon X600 ($6), crtemudriver 6.5, and an Audio Authority transcoder 9A60A, but it is discontinued, if you make a Vga to scart cable, and use a scart to component converter then that will work too. Or that Weiya Cv-04 I mentioned above will give you composite and svideo out, but you'll still need to make a vga breakout cable to connect to it. Or just use an OG console, or mister, I think a Pi4 will do it too, but thats a whole other load of bs. Its quite a rabbit hole, thats why no one mentions it, because its a 3 hour dissertation on making this shit work.

>> No.8661207

https://www.retrotekshop.com/products?pn=VGACTV2 this should work too

>> No.8661282
File: 521 KB, 1161x2064, 20190330_151908_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begged me to figure out a way to connect a chromecast to it to watch stuff on it
I came across a Roku "express" which was specifically designed to work on CRTs; composite output and 4:3 ratio. Would have been nice to at least have s-video, but it's good enough as a novelty so I can watch my old anime torrents when the mood hits me.

>> No.8661364


>> No.8661396
File: 1.20 MB, 699x752, 8k lg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiny, get on my level

>> No.8661413

>Roku express

Cant output 240p?, can it read USB mkv and media?

>> No.8661420

old shows were encoded in 480i anon, why would you need 240p output

>> No.8661448
File: 385 KB, 1161x2064, 20190818_213401_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if it could, but I also don't know what you'd want to run on it in 240p. It's really just basic bitch tablet firmware in a box. It doesn't have any other inputs, but you can download apps to let it access networked hard drives. I was using the Plex app to play my videos. It seems the exact model I bought has been discontinued, and a different product is using the "Express" name now, though. I assume the built-in app store still works, and you can definitely manually download .apk files using the browser.


>> No.8661478

gbs 8200 mod can do it too

>> No.8661680

What is that?

>> No.8661754

Boomers didn't play video games unless they were extreme nerds that lived in silicon valley maybe

You don't know wtf you're talking about

>> No.8661757


>> No.8661791

what game is that?

>> No.8661891


>> No.8661897

>>8658182 here

Ok, my flyback is most likely dead. How interchangeable/compatible are flyback transformers between CRTs

>> No.8661932

it might be something super simple, watch randy fromms videos

>> No.8661995
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x3024, wyatt crt cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a giraffe?

>> No.8662327

Bumpin for crt

>> No.8662341

Let the thread die.
CRTs should be gone from this world. Most of this thread is just a few actual autists accidentally encouraging dumb zoo ears to acquire bad tech.

>> No.8662395
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>> No.8662429

What does this hugely upscaled kong prove?
Maybe you need filtered.

>> No.8662776

Thanks! Yes, she appreciates the novelty, I was actually surprised she was so excited though because she's usually into more modern tech (though she likes playing older stuff with me too). Sometimes I'll come home to her watching things on it with our cat, it's really cozy.

I'll have to look into that, I was unaware that was even a thing. For now I have a chromecast I was sitting on just going into one of those HDMI to composite boxes, then into the PVM. I'm surprised by how good it actually looks, I expected it to be pretty whatever just for the fun of it, but I've been using it to watch things between games now pretty regularly. I used to have a small Sharp as a kid that was stolen from me, about a year ago I got my hands on a 1342Q, it really brings me back to watching DVDs in my room.

>> No.8663524
File: 2.87 MB, 4128x2322, IMG_20200105_182123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let the thread die.
Thanks for the bump.

>> No.8663601

Someone doesnt like fun.

>> No.8663697
File: 950 KB, 710x686, some samsung crt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw CRT is so shit I can't find any info on it online.

>> No.8663803
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>> No.8664476

It's 32 years old, it's pretty unlikely it's going to have any real deep configuration ability, it's gonna be pots somewhere on the neckboard or the PCB, that's where I found them on the slightly older Samsung PC CRT I picked up last year

>> No.8664520
File: 2.57 MB, 3024x2268, IMG_20220225_210644_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I have good eyes and lie down on my bed to play.
But today I got around to organizing things better. So here you go.

>> No.8664549

Not for sure (although a lot of korean stuff from that time was garbage) - could just be because of its age.

I have a commodore 1942 that was made in Korea in 1992, and the electronics inside are absolutely fucking terrible (bodged cracks in the PCB, lifted pads, you name it), but the tube itself looks fantastic.

>> No.8664628


>> No.8664748

how long does it take rainwater to potentially corrode a board or components? i've got my eye on a set that was rained on heavily over the past week

>> No.8664756

much longer than that. Grab it, decase it, let it dry out for a couple of weeks. Inspect it, and try turning it on if it looks ok.

>> No.8664976
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>> No.8665031

sounds good. my own research says to clean it with distilled water or isopropyl to remove any residue as well.

>> No.8665041


>> No.8665064


>> No.8665087

So no scanlines, i am sorry man, also looks like you are running it on standalone emu windowed.

>> No.8665106

I am using a GameCube with an ode and Gameboy-player with ez-flash gba cart. On a crt tv.

>> No.8665110
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>> No.8665116

In swiss you can launch it 240p
I think the default 480i looked better. But 240p seems to play better.
I guess it changed something.

>> No.8665307

Shit, like 20 years ago I pulled a VGA CRT off the curb in a heavy downpour, pulled the shell and let it sit for all of two days before testing. Worked like a charm and ended up my main monitor for years, probably until 2009

>> No.8665308

>ipod dock audio is soul
Glad you think so, but not sure I agree.
Agreed, if you pull off the shell a single day might be enough (but two is of course preferred).

>> No.8666361

What killed it then?

>> No.8666609

whats the best crt for ps2/DC games?

>> No.8666619

something with component and something with vga

>> No.8667378

Nothing. I replaced it with a 34" 1080p LCD. I also picked up a few Dell 19" monitors that were in better shape to serve as Dreamcast displays

>> No.8668140
File: 256 KB, 1000x651, 1645941022212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the HD sony crts worth it for 20 bucks? Hows the 720p output ?

>> No.8668235

Absolutely, $20 is a steal for such a nice crt to play with. Their 720p is fine but 1080i is better.

>> No.8668247

I actually have a panasonic hdcrt but it doesnt do 720p. I was thinking about getting it and putting the panasonic in the garage or selling it. 720p should be better than 1080i because of the interlacing right?

>> No.8668260

You'd think, but when I compared 720p and 1080i from a ps3 1080i always looked better

>> No.8668331

Your back will be charging you much more than that. It’s not worth it.

>> No.8668349

What model is that? I notice the lack of i.LINK port on the front, so I'm guessing that's a Hi-Scan (HS) HD CRT and not a Super Fine Pitch (SFP). At that price, it's still a good find.
Can vouch, I thought 1080i would be an eyesore, but the deinterlacing was so smooth I thought I was still using 720p. Only time I notice any flickering effects are on text boxes, but otherwise convincingly 1080p-like.

>> No.8668375
File: 178 KB, 1080x852, Screenshot_20220227-010114_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats just a google pic i found, this is the tv im looking at. No idea what model

>> No.8668424
File: 905 KB, 1668x971, telly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver chassis
>Ovular power button
Good chance that's either a KV-30HS420 or KV-34HS420/N (not sure if the seller at least specified the screen size). Seems to be in good condition, worst case scenario you can always be "that guy" and sell it back online for profit.

>> No.8668428

No HDCRT I've ever seen or owned did 720p, it only did 480p or 1080i, and as said the interlacing is almost imperceptible on content when in motion. You'd only really catch it with a high contrast static image, like on a desktop. I mostly fed it 360 or WiiU games and it all looked great

>> No.8668432

Also bring a few friends. Pay in pizza and/or beer

>> No.8668478

oh yeah i think all hd crts are displaying in 480p or 1080i only, like that anon I had a panasonic hd crt that wouldn't accept 720p signals at all but have owned sony/toshiba hdcrts that would accept 720p resolutions, even if they weren't actually displaying 720p

>> No.8668512
File: 12 KB, 1280x720, 720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked one up today. the screen looks like this on every input. no osd. only static on the audio. gonna open it up later and check the boards

>> No.8669105

update: it works sometimes. but when it does it crashes on progressive inputs and sometimes the menu glitches out. also the convergence and geometry are a little fucked and the confirm button on the front panel doesn't work

>> No.8669425

I'd recommend using Gameboy Interface if you can. Sets the game to 240p, which makes much more sense for gameboy stuff. Also improves input lag and gets rid of the stutter problem that that official start-up disc software has.
You don't even need an SD launcher for GC. If you have a softmodded wii you can load GBI onto a memory card there, then launch the game through various exploits, notably Melee's name entry field.

>> No.8669478

Not worth any money

>> No.8669486
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>> No.8669585


>> No.8669639

i-is that t-true?

>living in a brick house

I had a radon system installed last year, I should be fine?

>> No.8669665


>> No.8669685

Maybe but something I immediately noticed when I worked a time at an amusement company (arcades, dart boards, gambling games, etc) was JVC made a SHIT ton of the tubes for those cabinets. Most of them were built by Thomson and they were great with needing little adjustment.

I prefer shadow mask over aperture, but maybe because it’s a nice compromise for the 6th Gen systems I run on the same D series I own.

>> No.8669701

Not sure if it's related, but I initially turned HDPT off (1 > 0) when people complained about input lag on these units.
It caused the OSD to go mental at 1080i and shifted the display a bit, but switching it back on (0 > 1) made everything run normal again (plus, the input lag is almost non-existent, if there at all).

>> No.8670260

Yep, have a grundig with a Thomson tube in it
Even composite looks great on it and the set takes all video signal types except component which can easily be transcoded to RGB

>> No.8670268
File: 337 KB, 960x960, NES-006-OG-RF-BOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good, of the era consumer set for FC/NES RF? I've recently taken the hard-to-swallow RF Pill for the Famicom, and am trying to find a decent CRT from the mid 80s to use with it. I have a few pro monitors, but my only current consumer set is a late 90s/early 00s flat tube Sony, so it doesn't give that proper retro feel (beyond being too big and the flat tube with gaudy silver bezel, Sony's composite/RF interpretation of the Famicom/NES palette looks really weird to me).

>> No.8670783

external battery this setup is portable
why else would you choose to play gameboy titles on a ps1 classic

campsite setup

no photos of pinky
"disney princess" crt (missing the crown ornament speakers on top kek)

show me your portable crt setup zoomie
some games look better in black and white

it is. but if there is no electricity/wartime
guess who doesn't need to steal heavy car batteries to play vidya?

>boomers didn't play
>atari sold so many systems its basically normie-tier

>> No.8671557
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Should I pick this up? Waiting for seller to tell me the model #

>> No.8671780

My wife thought it was cool. Mostly because she's a nostalgia dork like me and I managed to get a Panasonic TV/VCR combo for free from work. It's like the thing was never used. First thing we did was go to the pawn shop and get some old VHS tapes to watch.

Fucking lmao

>> No.8672149

>i-is that t-true?
yes, but its such a minuscule dose of radiation that it doesn't really matter

>> No.8672186

What's wrong? Too scared to eat a banana?

>> No.8672403
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Wii U has no right to look as good as it does on an HDCRT.
My friends call me a faggot of having both an HDCRT and a Wii U but they'll see.
One day they'll all see.

>> No.8672489

The fact that you shamelessly own both makes you a gigachad, well done Anon.

>> No.8672905

Has anybody shipped a CRT from Japan using a deputy service? I know this would be a huge crapshoot, but I'm curious if any of them can package such a thing with any degree of competency.

>> No.8673373
File: 1.46 MB, 2792x1488, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this old girl! (sanyo cpp3359tx)
Found it lying on its side, in the mud, at the tip (you can still see some mud cake around the bottom right).
I would have left it but i spotted something R-A-R-E (for AUS)- a scart socket!
Took it home, heavy as shit, a few problems.
Wacky colours all over the screen, problem shooted down to the degauss PTC which was blown, replaced with another out of a similiar sized tv, colours fixed. Geometry was really bad, but found the NZ service manual online and adjusted everything(no service menu, this old girls is all pots) and positioned magnets to get it 90% of the way. Bretty good now without being autistic.
Unfortunately the composite and s-video are PAL 50 only......BUT the scart is RGB!
What a picture! Shits all over my other setup (flat screen phillips crt with hd retrovision cables).
As a bonus, has ext speaker connections but the included speakers are great, no hum or anything.
Sorry to gush, but checking the tip every week (and being 'that guy', everyone thinks your a dero scab) has finally paid off.
The picture is much nicer in person, the iphone camera has added a bit of a yellow tint because its a pos.

>> No.8674860

Going against the grain here, but as a UK-anon I found wayyy more small CRTs on the marketplace than large ones, I got a 14 inch Daewoo a couple years ago.

>> No.8674895

>bring magnet to school
>fuck up everyones screens, all kinds of colours and marks on the screen
was I actually doing any damage or does it just clear when turned off and on?

>> No.8674936

Small TVs are the best anyway. 14inch TVs can have absolutely stunning images. I have a "modern" BUSH 14inch tv vcr combo. When playing back PAL footage from my miniDV camcorder the TV looks as if it were a portal, the image looks real.

>> No.8674946

It's okay bro, you can just admit you want to fuck her.

>> No.8674973

Yes. I may be biased, but I love Mitsubishis. I had a 1987 model from when it was new up until about 2008, and it was excellent; definitely on par with any Sony I compared it to. I think they called their trinitron knock-off tech "diamond vision" or some crap like that. Whatever it was, it was great. I wouldn't pay a lot of money for it, especially without seeing it in action first, but it could definitely be a damn nice set.

>atari sold so many systems its basically normie-tier
You do realize people usually buy video games for their kids, right? Most of my gen X friends had Atari systems; their parents didn't touch them.

>> No.8674987
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>using built-in speakers at all

>> No.8675795
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My Beovision MX4000 has quite excellent speakers in itself. However, it wasn't enough for me, so I have connected Beovox Redline speakers to it.

>> No.8676007

it's just american TV's had dogshit speakers

>> No.8676078

every TV ever has dogshit speakers compared to real speakers.

>> No.8676108

>built-in speakers are fucked up
>bought external ones
>the built-in ones keep randomly popping even with the volume turned all the way down

>> No.8676112

Open the casing and snip some wires, I guess.

>> No.8676126

I'm you think that as an American

>> No.8676142

>phoneposter trying to talk down to anyone about anything

>> No.8676191

not an argument

>> No.8676492

What are we going to do when all CRTs are finally dead? Shouldn't 3D priting be cheap by that time and we all have mini - factories at home? How expensive it is to build one in a factory in China, or us making a crowdfund which will probably be in the million so we can manufacture at least 100,000?

>> No.8676524

By then TVs will be good enough to emulate them to a very satisfactory level with the help of shaders.

>> No.8676557

I thought mLED is not feasible for another 20 or so years? How long has OLED T.V been out and still cannot resolve burn-ins and input lag.

>> No.8676570

It's not feasible for consumers for that long, maybe more because of all the chip shortage issues

>> No.8676580

Study biology and genetic engineering.
Get into biohacking.
Engineer a plague that will kill everyone.

>> No.8676606

Forgot about that too, and if China invades Taiwan, RIP. Those chips ain't going nowhere.
Too hard and too time consuming, I'd just bet on incompetent "elites" leaking out another virus.

>> No.8676626

The main issue is LED's that size are just not going to be doable at the sizes wanted for cheap and QA is just not going to be good at all for a long time
I imagine there will be more 1080p mLED than 4K

>> No.8676634
File: 303 KB, 1280x958, EA59C7D6-B882-42A3-906E-B2BE40266852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I shot CRT

>> No.8676669

That's only if you want deepest of the deepest blacks, which BTW CRTs did not have for various reasons. Far more important is having enough nits to be able to use good CRT shaders together with BFF.

>> No.8676772

Where is that magical tip you speak of? My local tip only has flat screens, and even salvos won't take anything older than a smart TV

>> No.8676998
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x3024, BE639E8C-DC17-478F-B1C2-240C65086CEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked her

>> No.8677076
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>> No.8677090



>> No.8677198
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It kind of depends. I also have a 14" consumer model Sony Trinitron and much older B&O MX1500 of the same size and the sound quality of the latter easily beats the Trinitron one, even though it only has a mono speaker.

>> No.8677202

I miss CRTs

>> No.8677242

It’s right fucking there you… you line doubler!!

>> No.8677262

Dragon Fighter

>> No.8677594

hey /crt/, anybody got that meme showing dracula from castlevania smiling through CRT scanlines?

>> No.8677608
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>> No.8677648
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, CC22EFDD-B4D8-466A-970F-B1DBA6104E7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s going down

>> No.8677659
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nice teef

>> No.8677660
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>> No.8677669

Ayo *smacks lips* this nigga a miserable pile of secrets

>> No.8677680

>we wuz the lords of darkness n sheeiiit
>gibz me dat virgin blood

>> No.8677862

My CRT is in my office, my wife doesn't care.

>> No.8678150

Does anyone else get gamer eye when using larger screens, like above 20”? My eyes get fatigued from having to track movement around a larger area of screen compared to a small 13” set.

>> No.8678158
File: 1 KB, 188x217, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....sit further away from the screen?

>> No.8678187

Well, I paid quite a lot of money to RGB mod all of my consoles so I’d like to see the definiton of all the pixels clearly.

>> No.8678256

Scratch that. I forgot it sends you back to 6-1 if lose even one life on the boss. I don’t have time for this bullshit.

>> No.8678262

Me too, anon. It's a damn shame we went down this cursed timeline where they killed CRT and CD/DVD.

>> No.8678626

Maybe you need glasses anon

>> No.8678662

do this instead: >>8678585 >>8678618
much better experience

>> No.8678785

Shame it doesn't do 240p though

>> No.8678931

I have 8, I think I will be ok.

>> No.8678952

CRT? these are dead technology lmfao tv's are literally 10x the size and paper thin now

>> No.8679019
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>I'm you think that as an American

>> No.8680342

I'm not a retard with deficient eyes who sits 10 inches away from the screen, so no.

>> No.8680348

>paid quite a lot of money to RGB mod all of my consoles
Most consoles don't even need to be modded for RGB, though.

>> No.8680465
File: 2.54 MB, 1080x1275, Screenshot_20220303-101502~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The admiral

>> No.8680505

>bought some cheapo 'portable' 10" VHS tv on eBay
>fuckhead decides to just tape it in a box with no protection
>it arrives with a few cracks and i get a near on full refund and get to keep the tv
>I had nothing to test it with so I just put in a Japanese BMX VHS I had laying around to see if the VHS even spins
>not only does it spin but plays it in perfectly
wtf? I live in bongland, I wasn't aware that I could play a Japanese VHS in an English TV, does this mean I could potentially play NTSC consoles with it too? best part is that it weighs like 8kg and has SCART input

>> No.8680540

When dealing with VHS tapes (or most analog media, actually), the playback device is what decides the output parameters, not the media itself. A VHS tape is not inherently PAL or NSTC, but the VCR itself is. So, no, your set will likely not accept NTSC signals.

>> No.8680551
File: 980 KB, 990x990, 1634350191100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my own experience most 90s-2000s PAL CRTs also support 60hz NTCS signals or at least PAL 60hz

>> No.8680573
File: 32 KB, 490x424, znagnxgbz8b11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can I get a lightgun to work with a PC CRT or a PVM? I don't mean one of those overpriced Sinden shits or a Wiimote with those gay ir sensors that only work well if you sit on the other side of a dining room, I mean a real lightgun. I want to play House of the dead 2 again.

>> No.8680593

Not exactly sure why a lightgun wouldn't work on a PC CRT, but it should definitely work on a PVM. At least, it does on mine.

>> No.8680612
File: 768 KB, 500x340, 1622218280569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to get a CRT with component input but everyone on facebook marketplace nearby me is a retard.

It's pretty hard to find small ones too since people generally put CRTs on there in order to have people carry them out of their house for free. Smallest component CRT I could find near me was 36"

>> No.8680616

HD retrovision is marketed as one but its honestly a marketing scheme imo. Just buy some cheap ones.

>> No.8680623

On a PVM, I can use a guncon2 ok with a memeberry pi, but no Dreamcast at the moment. As for PC, what's a good lightgun for it? I've seen lightgun games on PC but never an actual lightgun for PC.

>> No.8680631

we'll probably all be dead and in the ground by the time that happens.

>> No.8680632

>I already have component cables for my Wii but does anyone know if there's high quality component cables out there for Wii?
I would just go for the official Nintendo cable, if you can find it. If not, aftermarket ones probably aren't even noticeably different.

Oh, you're talking about emulating. That's likely moreso a problem with the devices than the display you're using. Can't say I know anything about third party light guns, sorry.

Yeah, 36 or 32 inch sets are the most common in my area, too, and I gave up on sets that big a long time ago. Just gotta keep hunting.

>> No.8680642

>Oh, you're talking about emulating.

Well, yes and no. I was pointing out that I have a semi-working setup for my PVM, but ultimately I'd like to be able to play native lightgun games on PC. Thanks for the input.

>> No.8680712

So, I've got a bit of a weird setup. I've got a CRT with what was meant to be a prohibitively expensive converter box (actually used to belong to BBC Wales, apparently) that I got on eBay for £20 because it didn't have a power supply. Through that, I'm outputting from an old PC I have (my old gaming PC, GTX980). Is there anything I can do to 'optimise' the experience, or any way I can tell what the best settings SHOULD be for my TV? I've been playing bits of my Steam library and it's a weird but pleasant experience, playing something like the HD remake of Jet Set Radio on a 10" CRT.

>> No.8680832

I don't think light guns work on pc emulators connect to a crt monitor.
You need to get a dreamcast and the vga adapter or a dreamcast and a crt tv.
But remember not all games are compatible with the vga adapter.
I dont know its werid. Did pc light guns ever exist ? I never seen or heard of them. I mean light guns for pc before lcd monitors were invented.

>> No.8680901

That is exactly my problem. I know there were light gun games for PC. Hotd1 and 2 were on PC, but I can't for the life of me find anything about a lightgun ever existing for PC.

>> No.8681059

Its probably in japan.
Maybe some Japanese seller on ebay.
You could talk to.

>> No.8681063

I just thought of this. they probably made those games for mouse only.

>> No.8681076

Worth a shot.
You're probably right. I just had a hard time believing it because lightgun games are quite lame on a mouse.