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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 48 KB, 1101x851, everdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8659957 No.8659957 [Reply] [Original]

It's over guys. Have you got yours?

>> No.8659984

I was gonna get a Master System one yesterday but finally decided against it. You can still get them on other sites.

>> No.8659985
File: 1.73 MB, 284x284, jim-carrey-uh-oh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the site
>get a 404 message

>> No.8659997

>It's real
Oh shit lol. I guess it doesn't affect me. Already got an FXPak, 64v3, and the pro megadrive one, so I'm pretty much good. Only other one I could have got was the NES one.

>> No.8660003

Being pessimistic and assuming this means krikzz is forced out of business for whatever reason, do you think Everdrives will be scalped to high heaven? Will collectors set their sights on them?

>> No.8660010

>mega everdrive stopped working last week
Great fucking timing. The thing is only a few months old too.
Anyone else have this happen? It loads the directory but I can't press Start or any button to open the folder with all the games in it.

>> No.8660017

We'll just rely on the Chinese clones instead

>> No.8660018

Only one I'm missing is one for my Famicom.

>> No.8660020


>> No.8660023

I feel fortunate that I got an N8 Pro recently. The clones of the original N8 are fine (I upgraded from one), but the Pro is a really cool flashcart, it's a shame if it just goes kaput like this.

>> No.8660029

And what's wrong with EZFlash?

>> No.8660038

only available for one meme handheld

>> No.8660041

I had that happen with the N64 everdrive. My SNES and Genesis ones still work.

>> No.8660050

krikzz site and forums are still up

>> No.8660051

Fuck me I just fixed it. Apparently Everdrives trip when you have two controllers plugged in. I unplugged controller 2, turned my Genesis off and on again, and now it's working like it should. Fuckin' hell.

>> No.8660057

In this case it's your power supply that is failing not the everdrive. Everdrives require a perfect power supply.

>> No.8660063

Try a freshly formatted SD card. Worst case scenario get a clone for $25 bucks.

>> No.8660065

Others will step in. There are already chink clones of them all but if krikzz is out of business for good, then someone else would step in to fill the niche of "flashcarts that aren't chinkshit with corner cutting and poor build quality"

I just hope it's not TerraOnion that fills that niche. Fuck those kikes and their DRM bullshit

>> No.8660074

I already gave that a go but appreciate the help.

Ah, I see. Thanks a lot man!

>> No.8660126

is this because of russia-ukraine thing or just accidental timing? i wonder if there are servers over there, and they might cut access to any site from over there until the war stops.

>> No.8660169
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Whoever picks it up, I hope they don't insist on putting their ugly branding on it like StoneAge Gamer

>> No.8660176

>tfw I joked a few weeks ago when they all arrived that I was just in time before Russia invaded
>tfw GBA one got lost in the mail and I was in contact with them for a replacement

>> No.8660186
File: 955 KB, 890x1014, Situation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's because of the Ukraine invasion. It's probably less about them not being able to manufacture everdrives or them losing staff, but more likely that the mail system is gonna be fucked for a bit.
Krikzz seems to be in good spirits.

>> No.8660215
File: 266 KB, 1439x897, Screenshot_20220224-102939_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tweet was before the difficult.
Hard to say if he's in good spirits or not.

>> No.8660220

They've known the Russians were coming for weeks now. It was just a matter of when.

>> No.8660227

>Hard to say if he's in good spirits or not.
He's keeping it cooler than the people who still need to buy Everdrives.

>> No.8660229
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>> No.8660234


>> No.8660241 [DELETED] 
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not my problem

>> No.8660250

still in the mail

>> No.8660252

Thank you for taking the time to let us know.

>> No.8660257

well surely that's not the only site for em right?

>> No.8660285

Ah fuck, didn't even think about this, and I don't have the SNES or GBA one yet.

Guess I'll just go back to the old fashioned way of buying real carts and selling them afterward. You don't often lose money on that arrangement, but for ebay tax.

>> No.8660287

there's plenty of chink Everdrives, no need to worry

>> No.8660293

That's the manufacturer. Once the other stores sell off their stock, that's it.

>> No.8660305 [DELETED] 
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not my problem

>> No.8660328

I have an Everdrive 64 that's also 10 years old now

>> No.8660374

Let's fucking hope that the sequel never arrives.

>> No.8660386


>> No.8660390

Is it worth upgrading to a GBA X5 mini from and EZ Omega before they're gone everywhere? It's worked fine for me but I worry a bit about saves corrupting and I wonder how significant the battery life improvement is.

>> No.8660405

The battery life difference is pretty significant, but it depends on which console you use. It's most significant for a GB Micro. Omega DE is better than Omega, but still not as good as the X5 Mini.
BTW, you can really improve the battery life on an Omega or Omega DE by disabling RTC for games which don't use it. Disabling fast patch engine may also help.

>> No.8660410

imo Omega DE > GBA X5 because rumble. I don't care about battery, I play at home.

>> No.8660420

Yes, my preferred flashcart overall is the Omega DE. I'd only go with the x5 mini if you main concern is battery life.

>> No.8660494

>mfw Everdrives begin to pop up on secondhand markets at 2x-3x original retail price
I knew this was coming, but was too much of a poorfag to invest in any. Krikzz claims the store's "temporarily closed", will just have to be hopeful and start saving in the meantime.

>> No.8660528

Damn I never got the FX Pak Pro how are the Chinese knockoffs?

>> No.8660539

I just got a Chinese N8 last week. Apparently the only stuff it doesn't run are Action 52 (big loss there) and a couple of Dragonball Z games.

>> No.8660542

They're not knockoffs since it's an open source project. Which is to say they're exactly the same.

>> No.8660549

Quite a few games dont work properly on the M8 and the chinese clones dont work with official firmware. In other words you fucked up.

>> No.8660558

>flash carts are illegal now

this sucks hope all of mine get grandfathered in

>> No.8660562

sup Krikizz. Internet's still working over there and hasn't been blown up yet?

>> No.8660605

I just tested out Castlevania 3 and Metal Slader Glory on mine like 5 minutes ago and they both worked, so...

>> No.8660642

MSG is amusing just because it almost bankrupted HAL and they've disowned the game.

>> No.8660676

I must confess this was the first time I ever actually tried to play Castlevania 3 (never got around to doing it) and nobody told me I had to sit through an unskippable intro detailing the game story. Then I tried to play through the first level and kept getting hit by Medusa heads and bats I couldn't seem to kill for some reason (wait didn't your whip have longer range in the first game?)

>> No.8660684

git gud scrub

>> No.8660710

>Whoever picks it up, I hope they don't insist on putting their ugly branding on it like StoneAge Gamer
lol, this guy gets it. This is actually why I have never bought a Krikzz flashcart from Stoneage Gamer. They offer lots of customization options, maybe they should add one to remove their stupid logos. Why would I want the logo of the store/vendor I purchased the cart from to be on the label?

>> No.8660734

Actually filled all of mine out last holiday sale. I think the only ones I'd still want are the turbo and gbc/gba carts, but there's a slew of alternatives that are better or cheaper.

>> No.8660736

I need a SNES and maybe a GB/GBC one?

>> No.8660775

Selling fxpak pro 500 USD.

>> No.8660807

You do realise you can remove a paper label right? You spastic

>> No.8660814

Not him but label-less is worse and don't say make your own.

>> No.8660824

There are still the Chinese ones

>> No.8660835


>> No.8660841

No, you remove their tacky label and buy a repro of a game you like, how fucking hard is that?

>> No.8660843

I don't like any games, though

>> No.8660852

Who the fuck would want a label for a single game on a flash cart?

>> No.8660885

is there any decent chink clones?

>> No.8660996


>> No.8661002 [DELETED] 

Someone who doesn't like the label it comes with? Are you worried you will hurt your investment you greedy little Hebrew?

>> No.8661012

I used a clone N8 for 5+ years with few issues, obviously you can't update the firmware.
The GB/C clones on AliExpress are very, very cheap and play everything. Loading times are slower but that's about it. Same with Genesis, minus Virtua Racing, slow loading but they're $20. The N8 clones are decent, but $50-60, they will play most things you would want to play, but they choke on weird chinese bootlegs and gigantic translations / rom hacks. SNES EDs are kind of shitty whether they're a clone or not, you miss a huge portion of the library without the extra chips the FX PAK PRO emulates, but you can get those from China too, they just cost 10x as much as the "regular" SNES ED. TG-16/PCE ED clones should be fine as well, as there's no software incompatibilities (Krikzz never updated the Turbo ED). And there's even Chinese flashcarts for the NeoGeo Pocket now so you're pretty much set if you want flashcarts on the cheap, they're all "good enough" and generally cheap enough that it's a big whatever. I did pay Krikkz money for the N8 Pro, but I really wanted the extra features and game support because I'm a Famicomfag. I paid for a real GB ED X3 as well, and it was dumb because the chinese clones play the same games and actually have a battery for SRAM, which the X3 doesn't.

>> No.8661026

>SNES EDs are kind of shitty whether they're a clone or not, you miss a huge portion of the library without the extra chips the
There's only 72 games that use extra chips. Some of those are common US carts like Yoshi's Island and Starfox and most of the rest are useless sports games. There's a handful of worthwhile games in total like Daikaijuu Monogatari 2 that have an extra chip. So it's entirely your decision whether playing those is really important or not.

>> No.8661032

And those games work on the SD2SNES clones, at least they do on mine

>> No.8661037


Here's the list. Many of these games are not super-valuable or that you'd miss anything by not playing them. Just a couple of RPGs really make up the worthwhile stuff.

>> No.8661041

I can also vouch for the EDGB clones on AliExpress, they work like the original (non-x) EDGB and just werk albeit with longer load times.
For GBA, EZ Flash Omega DE is already superior anyway.

>> No.8661086

where? all i ever see is 6000000 in 1 carts with reviews saying they don't save games

>> No.8661092

I haven't looked into it yet, but is replacing the battery in the GB Everdrive pretty easy? Mine has died already and I need to replace it with a new one. I've only ever done it with a Saturn and it wasn't bad at all.

>> No.8661097

DESU I'm just gonna emulate N64 since I already own two USB N64 controllers.

>> No.8661108

I did get my mega everdrive from them a few weeks ago. Feels bad though. Hope to see them turn up again

>> No.8661112

Pin cleaning? Fixed 100% of my issues

>> No.8661145

They're not clones, it's an open source project.

>> No.8661150

vlad the implier did what nintendon't.

>> No.8661227


>> No.8661230

Are there any good chink everdrives for SNES that can play any special chip games?

>> No.8661234

Reprochads win again I guess

>> No.8661339


>> No.8661440

Christ, sold my Famicom and Genesis ones recently for premium because I wasn't using them. Should have waited a little longer and gotten even more for them.

>> No.8661462

F to pay respects to krikzzz sama

>> No.8661470
File: 244 KB, 340x340, 1640931427621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was waiting until my birthday to treat myself to an FXPAK
Fucking Ruskies couldn't wait two more months!? FUCK!

Should I settle for the
X6? I figure I can sell it down the road for something better

>> No.8661473

I want a Satiator, but Krikzz doesn't make those.

>> No.8661474

>Some of those are common US carts
Right, so they only cost $100 to get now

>> No.8661476

I got my Yoshi's Island cart when Bush was president and Gamestop was selling them for $5 a pop, so...

>> No.8661480

>Flash carts are illegal
Not necessarily. Different nations have different laws on such hardware

>> No.8661482

like $50 max for anything worth playing

>> No.8661491

I picked up a Famicom everdrive a while back so I could do some homebrew development. I'm so glad I bought it when I did instead of waiting. But regardless I hope Krikzz is ok not just because of my bing bang wahoos.

>> No.8661492

Managed to get a GG X7 back when shit was starting to go down, since I figured if something bad did happen a GameGear everdrive would be the hardest get/least likely to get a replacement.
Having a hard time getting it to work, though

>> No.8661502

An EverDrive GBA Mini, and an EverDrive GB-X5 I ordered two weeks ago arrived just today.
It's a harrowing thought that I've received goods from a nation just as it was plunged into war.

>> No.8661549

Thankfully got N64 years ago and GBC and GBA everdrives with my pandemic bucks. Was hoping to get other consoles at some point with everdrives to go with them, but the N64 was really the only one that mattered much to me. This whole situation sucks with the overdrives being the least of my worries.

>> No.8661553

weird gimmick

>> No.8661554

I don't think this way at all
Krikzz is absolutely a great boon for retro gaming and I hope he can be OK with his business

>> No.8661582

Try messaging him. He’s a good guy and should be able to send you out a replacement if he can’t help you diagnose the problem.

>> No.8661649

He's probably not doing customer support right now.

>> No.8661670
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>> No.8661678

Did you run the diagnostic test to see what's wrong?

>> No.8661681

Poor guy. I feel awful that after all the hard work he put into the retro game hobby that this is his reward. I his family is also okay and he didn't get drafted.

>> No.8662136

Take the chinkpill anons

>> No.8662138

I have chink clones for my NES, SNES, N64 and Genesis and all work perfect, except for longer load times and some incompatibilites on the SNES one, but I can't complain when you can get them for cheap

>> No.8662149

I knew this was going to happen (I mean who didn’t) so I bought some Everdrives for my GB/GBA earlier this year. Also picked up a DE10-Nano and built a MiSTer trannybox because who knows what’ll happen to Taiwan next.

>> No.8662163

sounds like a typical 1st world us city tho?

>> No.8662658
File: 1023 KB, 2862x2065, retro game collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, thank God.

I regret not getting a legit NES Everdrive though, the chink clone has some glaring issues but it plays most all official games well enough at-least.

>> No.8662660

>SDgecko with non-SDHC card
>Acekard 2i
>ez flash iv
>xbox usb adapter

>> No.8662665

Killer rig, and nice UNO Cart too.

>> No.8662667

>I *NEEEEED* hardware for my 99.99999% emulated machine. I can DEFINITELY notice the difference in a blind test hooked up to the same display via the same cables.
Mayyybe 64 is justified, maybe.

>> No.8662671

Since getting this picture I've also acquired a SD2SP2 with 256GB MicroSD for the Gamecube and a Game Gear Everdrive.

Thanks, the Uno Cart is kind of a piece of shit with bad 3D print shell but it's better than nothing. The plastic cart tabs to unlock the cart port snapped-off so I have to lift my Atari upside-down to insert the cart now but it's not a big deal.

>> No.8662685

Russia only invaded Ukraine because of the Everdrive, people love the Everdrives that much.

>> No.8662707

Yeah TBA's 3D printing is impressive due to the scale, but it's not great for cart shells. But they are super cheap so whatever.

>> No.8662712

My ex girlfriend worked in a museum that had a 3D printer and it was the same way. A neat novelty but the weak plastic it produces makes it impractical for most things besides little figurines or whatever.

>> No.8662726

I got the 576 NUC+ single board Atari 8-bit clone that they make and the cases on those are far, far better, but it takes them like 12 hours to print per case or something wild

>> No.8662727

I always figured it depended on the printer and the plastic rather than the case design.

>> No.8662734

Which game should I play on my Famicom everdrive to show support for Ukraine? I'm thinking Famicom Wars, Cabal or Iron Tank

>> No.8662738

Shin 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong: Yakuman Tengoku

>> No.8662764

>we are two of soul

>> No.8662813
File: 6 KB, 256x224, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is always Contra. Make it the US UNROM version for the extra bootleg game factor.

>> No.8662816

Ill say fuck terraonion once someone makes something as good as the ssd3.

>> No.8662824
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Gorby no Pipeline Daisakusen, to honor the man who wished to give freedom to all Soviet citizens, Ukrainians included, by dismantling the bolshevik bureaucracy.

>> No.8662827

I'd feel like I'm helping Russia build their gas pipeline

>> No.8663642

Hope he got his free AK

>> No.8663880
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Only ones I wanted but don't have are the N8 and the 64x7. Don't know why I waited to get them lol. Hopefully Krikzz makes it out alive.

>> No.8663896

That's not the manufacturer, retard.

>> No.8663902
File: 80 KB, 539x524, 20211012_041212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the recommended chink everdrive N8 on aliexpress?

>> No.8663913

I hope this situation resolves and he comes out unscathed
He'll probably get a massive boost in sales after this whole thing finishes

>> No.8663928

Got an everdrive GB about a month back. Too bad he never restocked the 64 x5.
Jokes aside he seems like a cool dude, I hope he makes it out ok

>> No.8664319

Escuse my ineptitude, I'm completely out of the loop on everdrives, is this PAL only?

>> No.8664335

the TV type doesn't matter, just if the ROMs you're putting on it are NTSC or PAL ones

>> No.8664342

I mean, the cartridge itself looks like the PAL shape, will it fit in my US SNES or do i need to get one with the US cart design?

>> No.8664351

It will fit. It's slightly smaller than the US SNES slot

>> No.8664357
File: 38 KB, 680x382, EhFY1r3XYAMtCQ3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Overpriced shit
>Got an ED64+ for $45
Get fucked. Next time don't overcharge for a glorified MicroSD adapter.

>> No.8664362

I like playing with toys. Deal with it.

>> No.8664365

Yeah sure, people don’t deserve money for making shit that you can use right?

>> No.8664507

Thanks anon, i appreciate you m8

>> No.8664710

>could of bought a GBA x5 mini from some website called retromodding
>looking into the site people say they aren't that trust worthy
>decide not to
>change mind today
>sold out
Fuck the result of my inaction

>> No.8665189

just get an omega definitive dude.

>> No.8665193


i got an everdrive 64 last year and its cool and all but it doesnt save a single game i play so its kinda fucked up for me. and i mean without the memory pack. just saving on the cartridge ala banjo kazooie doesnt work.. why

>> No.8665203

for Famicom everdrive for certain save types you have to input a command to wirte the save to a file before turning off the console, might be something like that

>> No.8665207

don't you have to press the reset button before powering off the console?

>> No.8665210


oh, if thats the case i am fucked because i foolishly bought this junky ass n64 with a stuck reset button

>> No.8665278

Lol, only the X7 saves without reset

>> No.8665497

>could of

>> No.8667129


>> No.8667135

perhaps you would prefer going on Ebay and buying second hand cartridges or repros

>> No.8667138

Some sites like StoneAge Gamer still have them, though they're selling out quickly.

>> No.8667141

just discovered mitxela's awesome DIY console and cartridges


It's not game over until we decide to end it!

>> No.8667274

I do

>> No.8669364

any tips? I can't find any

>> No.8670630

I mean realistically even if he reopens once things settle down or he’s moved, it’s going to take a while to get up and running again I’d imagine unless he took all the stock he had with him. I think the EZ Flash Omega (DE)/Jr. fill the gaps well enough as far as game boy goes. SD2SNES FXPAK Pro wasn’t solely his device so perhaps they’ll show back up. But who knows.

>> No.8670642


>> No.8670648

Could the Everdrives be reverse engineered, or would it be impossible?

>> No.8670753

Just put my order in for a Mega EverDrive X5, hope they aren't lying about stock. I put in an order for an X7 a few days ago, unaware of the whole krikzz is in Poland situation until just now. Called Amazon and let them know the company is based in Poland and they offered to cancel the order, I declined so we'll see if it actually goes out or not. Emailed the guy and wished them well, asked if I should cancel the Amazon order. This fucking world man.

>> No.8670931

What would I be missing out on between the basic Famicom everdrive and the "plus" version? Would I be able to play Akumajou Densetsu, or no since it uses the cool sound chips?

>> No.8670993 [SPOILER] 
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Hey, he could CARE LESS.

>> No.8671113

>Would I be able to play Akumajou Densetsu, or no since it uses the cool sound chips?
Either version plays it, but you're not going to any cool audio unless you're using a famicom or an NES modded to support it.

>> No.8671137

All I needed was the N64 and GBA. I know of the EZ Flash for the GBA, but are there any good alternatives for the N64?

>> No.8671218

several of them already have been by chinks.

>> No.8671291

I have an AV Famicom. What special games can you not play on the non-pro version?

>> No.8671307

homebrew shit if that's your jam
I don't think it's worth it personally but apparently the FDS audio is better

>> No.8671317

Is the chip shortage not affecting everdrives? I've been waiting for a gcloader for about 4 months

>> No.8671373

Gcloaders were around till last month

>> No.8671453

lol, I got my GCloader February last year

>> No.8671498

>buying chink clones and supporting putler's ally
bunch of vultures ITT

>> No.8671594

>an Nintendo Entertainment System

>> No.8671598

Absolutely everything you purchase benefits a party that you disagree with. No exceptions.

>> No.8671606

I have a snes everdrive (it seems fake but it works)
I have a n64 everdrive
I have a Genesis everdrive.
I got them all on ebay for a good price
And i have ez flash for GBA
Got the everdrives like two years ago.

>> No.8671620

Lmk when I can buy a real one instead.

>> No.8671651

ED64Plus the only game that has major issues is Animal Forest, you can even play 64DD games on it with the right firmware.

>> No.8671787

Don't tell me you say the entire name every time like some nerd.

>> No.8672005

That ED64 cart is way better than it has any right to be. I got one for my uncle for Christmas and and we basically spent the next couple of days just exploring the n64 library and all the games worked flawlessly.

>> No.8672008

But not every purchase you make puts money in krikzz's pockets. Come on man.

>> No.8672031

Forget this, I need virtual boy flashcart. FUCK paying 300 dollars for jack bros

>> No.8672034

You can probably easily fix that. You do know how to repair your hardware, right anon?

>> No.8672136

It's a good investment, works just as well as the official Everdrives besides the X7. Not good for Animal Forest but perfectly good for everything else.