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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8657609 No.8657609 [Reply] [Original]

I was about to start playing again FFVI after many years. Would you play the SNES version or maybe the new remaster?

>> No.8657727

prolly being a nostalgia fag but the snes version. i also dislike the remaster's new sprites.

>> No.8657752

wow that font is atrocious. What genius decided to have everything be pixelated except for the font. hello design consistency.

>> No.8657792

the remaster hands down, it feels like a modern game and i cannot stress that enough, old games make me feel lonely and shit, but the new release feels great to play in many regards

>> No.8657803

I’d say the GBA port, modded if you dislike something about it like the music. The extra content is really nice, because the game is too easy otherwise and the added post game content actually provides a reason to become powerful.

>> No.8657816

>hello design consistency
Says the kid who probably put 50 billion hours in fucking FFVII, the king of design inconsistency and shit storytrash "gameplay".
JRPGs are basically story-heavy trash and aren't good games. We need a fucking different board to discuss all the fucking story-heavy trash that really should go on something like /tv/.

>> No.8657876

Shit man, for being supposedly anonymous here everyone sure knows a lot about each other!

>> No.8657903

Explain how the creditless, unskippable opening DOESN'T make you feel lonely.

>> No.8657910

idk why that would, it's the intro
do you skip a lot of gaming introductions?

>> No.8657916

Stop giving retards attention

>> No.8657919
File: 2.42 MB, 300x225, zoom-out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a shill looks like.

>> No.8657924

Try playing the remaster 28 years later and see if it still feels modern and less lonely
It only feels that way because it just released and you know people are playing it

>> No.8657928

i'm not one to hate on stuff just because it's new and costs money, stay mad

>> No.8657941
File: 75 KB, 720x765, 1633596549940-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. You can tell your overlords that /v/ shared the leak/crack and we at /vr/ still don't care enough.

>> No.8657958

there is nothing wrong with the original version and the remakes/ports that have come out over the years served the specific purpose in their time of making the game available on the current platforms. if you have a way to play the SNES version I honestly don't think there's any reason not to play it. these new remakes are awful looking IMO but by all means go ahead and buy it if absolutely need a 30 year old game with pixelated graphics to be widesceen with sharp fonts

>> No.8657975

you cannot sap my enjoyment doomer

>> No.8658265 [DELETED] 

>new remaster
Kill yourself.

>> No.8658273

How it is a "remaster" if it's worse than the original

>> No.8658279

/vr/ is filled with purists, this isnt the place where you will get an unbiased response.

>> No.8658285

agreed, I just started playing it and wow! everything is so sleek and modern. doesn't feel like a dusty old snes game at all! I really can't recommend it enough.

>> No.8658359

I like how the font issue has become a meme. It is fixable in every release so far but every single time these pixel remasters are mentioned somebody says it again. It is funny at this point but I imagine it getting very old soon

>> No.8658360

It looks decent but SE always gets a second consideration before I part with my money. Physical release or no buy.

>> No.8658369
File: 2.50 MB, 1280x800, ChaosBusts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm sure that's the only issue with these.

>> No.8658370

The meme, at least to me, feels moreso like it's the fact people have shown time and again how fucking easy it is to fix, yet Square themselves refuse to do it. It's kind of funny and retarded.

Man, that gif would have a stronger point if each screenshot wasn't compressed to hell as back

>> No.8658374

The remaster looks like pastel trash. The VA during the opera scene is cringe (no it isn't meant to be that way). The text looks like it's from an Indian shovelware mobile game. The only good thing about it is the soundtrack and I hope someone does an MSU-1 patch for the SNES version with that OST.

>> No.8658382

the gba port

>> No.8658389

Yes, if you want an unbiased response, you need to ask people who have never played the game before, and who primarily play games to be a part of the hype.

>> No.8658392

Honestly, if your're replaying Final Fantasy VI, I would recommend either Divergent Paths or T-Edition. You're nothing getting anything better.

>> No.8658442

you can just say you disagree with him, nobody's getting paid to advertise remakes of old games online.

>> No.8658445


no. the font is disgusting, the sound effects are horrible, and the battle music is absolutely butchered. and the creditless opening march through the snow is an abomination.

>> No.8658460

Fonts are rendered as vectors, anon. Pixel fonts run into scaling, visual, and performance problems. If you don't like it you can easily replace it.

>> No.8658463
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answer >>8657903 or gtfo

>> No.8658478

what are you even talking about? i haven't played it, how would i know?

>> No.8658481
File: 437 KB, 905x358, 1641002192330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fonts rendered as vectors
Cool, so fucking render it at a multiple of its base value and you won't run into any trouble. Sounds like something anyone with a brain would do.

>> No.8658515

Is there an option for the original music on the pixel remasters?

>> No.8658521

Nope, but someone will make a mod.

>> No.8658565

SNES version no question, but then I find emulation my preferred way to play and I like the original translation for the item/ability/monster names. The only thing I patch is the evade bug.

>> No.8658756
File: 3.33 MB, 3840x2160, FINAL FANTASY VI 2022-02-23 21-35-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for the SNES character sprite mod

>> No.8659468 [DELETED] 


>> No.8659562

>fast forward icon present when it's not active
>minimap can be "turned off" but comes back after entering a new area

>> No.8659892

the sounds and music are awesome, worst gripe you could levy

>> No.8659915

Good gawd I am so utterly mixed on this release. Very fast + wait is great. Post-battle stats and loot appearing in a section of battle screen is a classy touch. Music is fan-fucking-tastic. Especially won over by the Narshe theme and the saxophone part it has. The pixel particle spell and environmental effects all fit and look amazing, like what a proper port to PS1 should have looked like. New battle backgrounds are good. However:
>magitek walk is unskippable and has no credits to distract you, downgrade across the board
>(at least on PC) frame pacing and scrolling issues out the goddamn ass. Weirdly enough it's fine while moving in-game but the intro and every other "cutscene" is nearly unbearable to look at due to judder.
Minor shit:
>fast forward button looks trashy
>font but that can be fixed
>giant gigablock pixels or the worst, most uneven scanline attempt at a CRT shader I've ever seen are the stock options

>> No.8659948

>no credits
that's a bummer

>> No.8659981

The remaster is only worth it for the OST, if anyone else ports it to other versions then you can forget about it.
Won't deny that for the casual gamer the PR will probably be the definitive version tho

>> No.8660001

I have the ps1 version

>> No.8660006

that doesn't make any sense, autismo
they'd be biased to like it if they were a bandwagoner

>> No.8660151

That means casual gamers enjoy ugly cel-shading and fluorescent grass?

>> No.8660154

Sarcasm, retard

>> No.8660156

And censorship

>> No.8660161

I think it means they just buy whatever the latest heavily marketed thing is.

>> No.8660168

I noticed the Gestahlian salute is now two handed. So fucking gay, haha.

>> No.8660174

"The definitive version" = "Whichever version is being sold to me right now"

>> No.8660175

It's not even a salute anymore. Everyone cheers simultaneously.

>> No.8660193

I really don't get it. They're the 'baddies' anyway, right? Isn't it cool to fight da ebil nazis? It's a minor nitpick, I really hate the scrolling and judder issues so much more, but just "one of those things."

>> No.8660202

stay mad you outdated hacks

>> No.8660203

That was my take as well. You're no longer fighting steampunk nazis, you're fighting steampunk FAGGOTS

Maybe this version is based after all

>> No.8660207

>don't notice just consume
Squeenix HR lady go and stay go

>> No.8660235

>SNES is fine for decades
>suddenly zoomers decide it may not be
fuck you

>> No.8660259

Cyan's sword skills no longer have a charge up meter, at least for the first three. They are just instant no-cost attacks. I don't know yet what happens with the ones you learn later.

>> No.8660279

SNES was the only option for decades, there's a difference, this is like a battered house wife running now that she's free

>> No.8660290

>game was fine, lauded as a masterpiece, enjoyed by millions, no one had a problem with it
>suddenly it's not good anymore because there's a new cash grab out there
fuck you

>> No.8660372

SNES is still the superior option unless you're somehow too fucking stupid to figure out how to play it.

>> No.8660391

It's a remake, not a remaster. It as built from the ground up in a new engine. Don't fall for the marketing.

>> No.8660394

Why is everything so blurry

>> No.8660476
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>> No.8660519

Depends. Do you just want to relive the original? Just replay the SNES version without any mods. Do you want a fresh experience with more content and greater challenge? The T-Edition mod is the best there is in that front. The various ports and remasters add little of worth, and at worst butcher the game's visuals and/or audio.

>> No.8660551

Man, at least SE shills get paid for their work, you're just embarrassing.

>> No.8661752

Curious on this as well. I've been looking into a line up to play all the old FF games and which version seems best often seems to come down to NES/SNES or GBA, but a lot of them seem to need a mod or two to fix things. FF6 seems to be even more split.

SNES I've heard Rose mod to fix translation (in particular I know the original English version is censored)

PS1 version I played but never finished and it was nice, but I know a lot of the PS1 releases get hit with some audio compression.

GBA versions are often touched up but need sound fixes because the GBA audio chip seems to be less capable then many systems that had ports to it.

Mobile goes in trash and the Pixel Remasters seem really hit or miss and need font patches because damn their default font sucks shit. And they have stuttering problems. So I dunno GBA or SNES patched Japanese versions maybe?

>> No.8661768
File: 1.48 MB, 1152x767, FF6BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mobile goes in trash
Invest in Atma Weapon Bringing it up since you're talking about mods in the first place, it fixes most of the issues the old version had, namely the visuals. Really solid mod installer with surprisingly high quality mods for it, picrel is a complete overhaul of EVERY character sprite, including NPCs that's almost complete, worth giving a look if you're looking into mods.

>> No.8661794

>Atma Weapon
Fair point, I forgot about that one. It does look good too, but mostly looking into mods because of the censorship and rough translations back then. Sort of leaning toward patched SNES. Surprised me because for most I found patched GBA to be the nice balance of fixes and what was originally intended. I think only one of them I even considered the Pixel Remaster, think it was one with very few releases that missed really ever getting fixes to anything is why. 6 has so many versions though it gets a lot of options and so many care about the game it has a fix for most of them. Makes it hard to chose. I don't get a lot of time for RPGs anymore so for me playing the top version to me is important.

>> No.8661878

My personal recommendation is the old Steam version with Atma, mainly due to all the options you get, as well as the fact that it includes all the content from the GBA release, though it's been a while since I've looked into rom hacking for both SNES and GBA. The one "issue" with Old that can't be fixed with Atma is the UI which many people don't like, but I found the Tab Left mode more than doable. Pixel Remaster seems like a bit of a scam personally since it's more expensive than the old version while having less content. I'd say that if you care about having the most content, go with GBA using stuff like the sound restoration patch and palette correction, or old version using Atma Weapon to make the sprites not ass (oh yeah it also includes uncensored enemy sprites as a mod option). There ARE a decent amount of people who swear by Woolsey's translation for SNES so maybe look into the SNES Woolsey Uncensored patch if that sounds appealing to you. Either way, the game's usually great no matter the version by virtue of being FF6.

>> No.8661960

Yea I totally agree the Remasters seem like a total scam. They put some effort into it but there are performance issues in a 16bit game which is just dumb. I've leaned to GBA on a lot of the earlier ones since usually it fixed a decent amount and only left the sound busted and the colors a little brighter. ROSE patch is a little bit of a newer SNES mod that builds off Woolsey and several others, and does some of its own work and sort of tries to combine together all previous translation, uncensors, and bug fixes into an ultimate all in one patch which is what had me looking toward SNES. Impressive how much love this old game gets so I'm looking forward to it.

Sadly I do not have the old steam versions because I didn't know it had a good mod until it was already delisted. And I know I could just download one but I usually dont do that very much these days especially when emulation is so good now.

>> No.8661986

But It's not a 16bit game. Not anymore.
The original games were built for systems with set specs that couldn't be upgraded. With dedicated engines created specifically for the games, even.
These remakes are built with a general purpose engine for systems with variable specs. And the most important part: with modern programming techniques, which we know cut as many fucking corners as they can.
That it looks visually like a 16bit game is moot. Under the hood it's anything but.
I'm not defending them. I've never experienced these performance issues, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
I'm just correcting a gross error.

>> No.8661998

Well, if you're specially interested in trying them out, the old steam versions still have some keys on sale on a couple different sites last I checked. Green Man Gaming, Humble Bundle, and Square's own site seem to still sell them. Would send links but it's marked as spam, though they should just be a google search away

>> No.8662010

You haven't figured out how to get around the spam filter?
Type that shit into notepad and take a picture is just one possible solution.

>> No.8662021
File: 30 KB, 855x97, ff6oldlinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I was just too lazy to bother, here you go

>> No.8662134

It's not fixable if you're playing on a console, so the issue is still very relevant.

>> No.8662326

Play FF6-T with the Mako translation.
All the GBA content plus new shit plus the game is more challenging, plus a lot of bonuses.
Also New Game+ and more bonus boses.

>> No.8662464

Where do you get this version of ff6?

>> No.8662471



>> No.8662475

haha thank you, DMCA take down in 3..2..1

>> No.8662476

It's not the ROM so no worries there. You have to modify an original FF6 japanese ROM to make it work.

>> No.8662482

It is not allowed to change the code of any square enix product.

>> No.8662484

This version is broken bullshit, don't even try this. Waste of time.

>> No.8662487

This is boomer tier shit, no 'Quality of Life' hacks and full with bugs.

>> No.8662489

>Emulating old consol on power pc

>> No.8662736

Music is pretty, though the balance isn't quite right in some cases. Anon's complaint is about the battle music, which is hard for me to tell because the FF6 battle music is my least favorite of all Uematsu battle tracks. The boss music comes off as a little try-hard but good overall.

Sound effects are definitely off, though. Certainly the Magitek clanking in the initial scene on the cliff is jarring. Though that is a case of poor direction more than sound design-- that sound effect was present in the original game and used for magitek walking, but not in that scene where it's jarring and distracting.

>> No.8662909

Cool thanks.

>> No.8663013

Jesus you're fucking stupid

>> No.8663483

No dragon's den but the dragons that exist are buffed up to the dragon's den difficulty

>> No.8664658

Jesus christ those text boxes aren't even centered/aligned. That font is disgusting. Why would anyone play these awful mobile ports?

>> No.8664690

The bottom isn't centered because one of the windows isn't on-screen. When a turn is up the action box fills in the gap on the left.

>> No.8664760

aka mobile sensibilities

>> No.8664765

I don't see how, but you do you.

>> No.8664774
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, 491132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is mobile sensibilities.

>> No.8664792

It's just such a blatant issue that it's baffling it made it to the final product with how much effort went into every other part of the games' presentation. Not to mention when these eventually hit consoles, you won't be able to mod in better fonts. Better to complain to them now so that gets fixed

>> No.8664829

God i hate how that interface looks so damn much.

>> No.8664938


>> No.8665169

>new remaster

>> No.8665190

*flicks your frenulum*

>> No.8665303

Why are the new sprites so fucking bad? Apparently it's from the original pixel artist too. The color on them is all wrong, they use a different pallet from the rest of the game. Color is the most important aspect of pixel art, it blows me away that a professional pixel artist could fuck up this badly. It's like the new sprites were made in isolation from the rest of the game. A unified color pallet is what separates nice looking 2d games from the amateur trash you see on Steam. And of course all the retards we have to share this planet with are just eating this shit up and crowning it as the definitive version because it's the new shiny thing that all the ecelebs are playing.

>> No.8665403
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Flat softer colors with barely any shading while the enemies are direct 1:1 ports from the SNES. Looks awful, yeah.
I'm just waiting for the SNES character sprite mod.

>> No.8665428
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Emulate FFVI Complete. Think that's what it's called. It's basically VI but with the gay American censorship gone. VI is such a put together game that any attempt at remastering it will inevitably turn bad, and well whaddya know, the pixel remaster looks like garbage. There's only so much you can do with a game before you start falling squarely (pun) into "if it ain't broke don't fix it."

>> No.8665457

>It's like the new sprites were made in isolation from the rest of the game.
That's because they are. The PR character sprites originate from some Japanese artbook a few years back.

>> No.8666282

Looks fine to me, but I'm a firm believer of everyone being entitled to their opinions.

>> No.8666421
File: 204 KB, 653x514, 1627537496353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a firm believer of everyone being entitled to their opinions
And I'm not. FF6 PR is shit and so is your shit opinion, faggot.

>> No.8666426

Whatever. I never said it was perfect, but I'll continue to focus on the positives and be happy with this massive improvement over the previous mobile/steam versions while you focus on the negatives and be miserable. Nothing's stopping anyone from emulating the original. Or applying a crack to this version.

>> No.8666459

Kys Carmack you're not relevant anymore

>> No.8666461

Weird complaint but I really hate how the text shows up immediately. The text actually scrolling it makes it feel more like the characters are actually talking. Now it feels out of place. ESPECIALLY in the opera scene, it's horrible there.

>> No.8666468

Not only should you not have to fix it yourself, but Square Enix started staggering out the releases and STILL never fixed it somehow. They've had four game releases total (they released the first three in one day so that's one release) over seven months and did not once, in that entire seven-month period, think "Hmm, maybe we should replace the font in the English version since there's been nonstop negative feedback from every conceivable outlet about it." It's among the most baffling and bizarre instances of a tone deaf company I've seen. It takes less than a minute for users to fix yet the company themselves quadrupled down on it. That's squeenix for you.

>> No.8666474

The original pixel artist also made the mobile version sprites. >>8664774
She's lost her touch anon.

>> No.8666478

if only we had a board where you could only discuss RPGs.

>> No.8666481

What's improved over the last version?
A huge chunk of missing content?

>> No.8666487

The new remaster is not perfect but still good, comes with QoL improvements and an amazing version of the soundtrack. I recommend modding out the godawful font but aside from that it's a fine way to play the game and really the second worthwhile release. The GBA version fixed a lot of errors with the old translation but is also more dry in spots, but is really worse because of the blown out colors and terrible sound quality. The mobile version is an abomination. The Pixel Remaster is still overbright but at least it doesn't have that nasty crushed GBA screen resolution.

>> No.8666491

Not him but that's a huge plus. Fuck the GBA content, it was nothing but a boring slog with no relevance to anything.

>> No.8666512

Not good enough, we need a board for only storygame trash which is 99% of games since the mid-90s, not just RPGs. And some RPGs, like classic CRPGs, aren't story heavy at all.
It's like some kids don't even know anything about videogames at all.

>> No.8666519

So you want to actively pay MORE for less content, with said content you dislike not being required at all but rather a bonus for those who are interested.
And no being an achievement autist doesn't mean you're forced to do it, that's your own problem.

>> No.8666531

What ISN'T improved over the last version? Better visuals, better audio, QoL improvements, lack of out-of-place GBA content, bug fixes, overall better presentation, it's got it all.

>> No.8666549

>there are people in this thread unironically defending the old mobile version saying it's better than pixel remaster
Okay, I can understand the original SNES release, hell I could even understand the GBA release, but the old mobile release? Are you fucking insane?

>> No.8666557

>those totally new segments of music in the narshe theme and serpent trench
i want to see detailed credits on all of these remaster osts so bad
serpent trench sounds like sakimoto

>> No.8666592

See >>8661768 . If mods are at play (which they should be to make Pixel Remaster itself on par with any other version), it's likely the best version to play unless you have that much of a hate boner for the UI. It comes with the content from all versions, has some beautiful monster sprites and backgrounds, doesn't have movement stuttering (talking 6, 5 had that issue in the old mobile version), uses the great SNES soundtrack as-is, and hell, at least its font is readable even if it's generic. The Pixel Remaster still keeps the shit color choices and palettes from the old mobile version so it's not an improvement there, the font is still generic but now is THIN on top of that, it's the first version of the game to not come with at least UI color options, it still has an unfittingly bright overworld (even MORE bright than the old mobile release's), it still has the issue of clashing assets coming from the character palettes next to the enemies and battle backgrounds, it removes the optional bonus content that was added in GBA (including the complete Czar/Kaiser Dragon and Gilgamesh), it has some disgusting stuttering not present in the old mobile release, the only things it "fixes" is shrinking down the issues to be in a worse version of the 16bit style of the SNES/GBA versions, adding full widescreen and changing the UI to a (slightly) more awkward version of the SNES one.

I'm sperging out, I know, but I genuinely need to know, is shrinking the issues to be in a 16 bit format instead of a 2x res one really enough to warrant calling the pixel remaster better? I don't get it. Most of the issues people seemed to have with those old versions are still there with the Pixel Remaster, but people don't seem to criticize them nearly as harshly, it just baffles me.

>> No.8666593

>Better visuals
Sure but that can be modded in both
>Better audio
There's already a mod with all the Pixel Remaster music for the old version
>QoL improvements
Like what? All the ones already in the old steam version? You can't even use the bestiary in-game, you have to go back to the main menu in Pixel Remaster.

>> No.8666602

I still haven't experienced any of this stuttering I keep hearing people talk about.

>> No.8666603
File: 74 KB, 960x720, RBuoKIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how shit the Pixel Remaster is.

>> No.8666605

Respectfully and factually disagree.

>> No.8666608

I've heard of unga bunga new bad old good but this is ridiculous
It's all an elaborate ruse, isn't it?

>> No.8666612

Being fair, I have heard that there are some people who just don't notice that stuttering. For what it's worth, it seems to be most noticeable to me when in the overworld, more than the towns or in battle.

>> No.8666616

I own the Pixel Remaster, old Steam version, a SNES cart, and a GBA cart.
Unlike you, I know what I'm talking about. With mods, the old steam version is still the best. Pixel Remaster is a massive disappointment.

>> No.8666620

What a coincidence! I do too!
I also know what I'm talking about. Pixel Remaster is a massive improvement.

>> No.8666630

How? I already stated in >>8666593 That it doesn't do anything better. I'll be nice and give you one though, at least it runs in 16:9. Now other than that, it completely fails in every other regard.

>> No.8666632

If Pixel Remaster fails in every other regard, then I don't see how you can be praising the old mobile version at all.

>> No.8666635

GBA content, better bestiary, better party control in battle.

>> No.8666637

Ah, I see. Nothing that actually matters and an opinion. Got it.

>> No.8666645
File: 35 KB, 385x375, 1569707087972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pathetic cope.
>Post literal reasons
>"Th-those don't count!"
Fucking idiot.

>> No.8666654

That's just like, your opinion, man.
And it's a really shit one. lol

>> No.8666670
File: 163 KB, 964x347, fontcomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the font comparison I was talking about, I genuinely want to know, of these 2, which would you consider "better"?

>> No.8666671

I remember before the PRs released everyone was saying the GBA content didn't matter, now suddenly it does.
What a funny world.

>> No.8666681

Tangible playable content, being able to use a bestiary without having to leave the game and return to the main menu, and being able to select commands for all party members at once aren't subjective things. Art style and music are. Pixel remaster may have subjective improvements or downgrades. But the old Steam version had actual improvements going for it.
You can mod the fonts on both. What's the argument?
I was always defending GBA/PSP content for all the Pixel Remasters. FF6 already had a good port though. If you compare the Pixel Remaster, even modded with a modded old Steam version, the latter wins.

>> No.8666695

2nd reply, I just think it's impressive that Square took one of the bigger complaints about Old and not only doubled down, but made it even worse, going from Generic Font to Thin and Generic Font
I'm with you dude, it's fucking retarded to want less content, specially if it's an option that was already there

>> No.8666713

Even with the thin font, the bottom's better, because it doesn't have those disgusting UI elements cluttering the box.

>> No.8666720

But speaking JUST font wise, which is better?

>> No.8666726

I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but PR wins for me simply because it's a new engine with new QoL above even the old Mobile. GBA is a port of SNES and has some QoL of it's own, and that's fine, but old Mobile is some Frankenstein abomination that I'm surprised even works. Or at least, that's what I've heard, I can't speak with any expertise on the matter. But what I have heard is that the majority of it is just a "wrapper" engine that pulls data from a stripped down embedded GBA rom, while applying it's own graphics on top. That just seems like it would be an unstable mess to me, but it does work, I guess.

>> No.8666739

Just the fonts? Then I have to agree the old mobile is better.

>> No.8666740

Yeah it runs with a Japanese GBA rom behind the scenes, but the game itself is very much stable, even more than the PR version when it comes to performance I'd say. What would you say is PR's QoL above old mobile? At most I can think of free running, the mini map everywhere and the simplified Blitz, but the latter 2 feel like more of a sidegrade to me, since learning the inputs was part of the fun of Blitz, and the mini map can be either distracting or just ruin exploration. Old mobile had Quick Saving just like Pixel Remaster so I'd assume that's not one of them, and like said above, the bestiary isn't as seamless.

>> No.8666763

Honestly? Just what you listed. I haven't really had the chance to go in-depth with the game yet.
That probably makes my initial post in bad faith.
But I do like the PR versions, flaws and all.

>> No.8667243

The bigger problem is how fucking squished it is. I mean look how tiny the names look next to those numbers. If you look at the dialogue boxes it never even comes close to filling them out fully.

>> No.8667360

Fuck that looks bad lol. What pakistani mobile studio did square outsource to this time?

>> No.8667501

Well, this just got released. https://square-enix-games.com/en_GB/news/final-fantasy-pixel-remaster-kazuko-shibuya