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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8651338 No.8651338 [Reply] [Original]

Any other examples of remakes inarguably invalidating the original game?

>> No.8651361

pic unrelated

>> No.8651398

>can't shoot through the walls


>> No.8651409
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>> No.8651410

those psp remakes capcom and konami tried might be the peak of soulless

>> No.8651418
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>> No.8651424

That sounds fucked. Can you still get shot through walls?

>> No.8651537
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>> No.8651547

I remember someone on this board managed to make a very long, detailed, and perfectly valid argument for why the original Super Star is a better game than Ultra in their eyes. Only on /vr/.

>> No.8651558

If you have it, I'm genuinely curious. Ultra is the only game off the top of my head that I would consider a straight-up complete upgrade.
The only thing I'd consider a fault is making use of the second screen so emulation isn't as smooth as it could be but obviously that wasn't intended.

>> No.8651580

Not that guy, but I can think of a few reasons.
>No more pick-up-and-play 2-player mode
>Music is butchered hard
>Graphics use the same ugly anime style seen in all the GBA and DS games
>Difficulty originally wasn't that tough, but the remake nerfs it so bad that you'd have to be braindead to lose a life now

>> No.8651598

I didn't screenshot it, but to sum up the points that I agreed with:
The physics were better in the original because Kirby didn't bounce when landing and the game used to be slightly more difficult because health bars went down faster. That anon also preferred the original's graphics but I love how both of them look (the original gets bonus points for looking more distinct, though). The soundtrack also got sorta ruined in the remake. Some other anons said that the new mini games are just rehashes of the original mini games and add nothing to the game but personally I just view them as extra levels and bosses to play with which really isn't a problem at all. Plus, how can you not like playing as Meta Knight?
I love the remake and prefer it, but I can see how someone can prefer the original.

>> No.8651607

I like Powered Up but I would love if someone made a hack of the original game to add in Time Man and Oil Man.

>> No.8651608

>Plus, how can you not like playing as Meta Knight?
There's no point to it. He just slaughters everything so effortlessly and there's no variety with him compared to Kirby, who you can at least switch powers with when you get bored of the sword or whatever else.

>> No.8651625

Idk, I just think Mega Knight is cool and I liked breezing through the game with him for fun and using his abilities. Kirby games are already braindead easy and I only play them to relax myself.

>> No.8651629

I also love doing the Galacta Knight bossfight even though it's really easy. Shit's just cool and fun.

>> No.8651670
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>> No.8651714

Here's a good one. In the original game's Milky Way Wishes, the hidden stage where you can get the Copy ability is a somewhat nondistinct green star, which is unique as there's no other green stars on the map, but blends in with the background enough that you could easily overlook it at first. Ultra turns it into a giant yellow star that pretty much screams "Look here!" due to how badly it clashes with the rest of the map.

>> No.8651724
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well the games are somewhat different tbf but still
do you really have to do that much in 1 anyway? off the top of my head there's only the electric bots in elecman's stage if you take the wrong ladder and the laser fucks in wily 4 but you get a refill anyway

>> No.8652104

Just Final Fantasy 7

>> No.8652107

I don't think Powered Up completely replaces the original game but it's kino all the same

>> No.8652108

Zero mission sucked. Why the fuck would they add stealth to metroid? Or was that the other Gba metroid? Well both sucked anyway.

>> No.8652117

It's only in the segment towards the end where you're in the Zero Suit, and even then it doesn't last very long. I'll defend Zero Mission to the death; I love that game

>> No.8652151

All three of these cases are more like 'using the original game as a baseline then making an entirely new game on top of it'
I definitely couldn't see anyone calling Donkey Kong '94 a remake of Donkey Kong even if it takes lots of influence from it, it's just such a drastically different experience

>> No.8652702

i hat metroid and metroidvania shit but this game was excellent. it doesnt just invalidate Metroid it annihilates it.

>> No.8652732

Why do people blow this section out of proportion so often? It's like one tenth of the game, it's easy, it's honestly not even bad, and the feeling of catharsis you get after getting the gravity suit and annihilating everything is unmatched. A better argument against Zero Mission would be to mention how piss easy the game is or how it doesn't really allow you to sequence break the way Super did. Even with those things in mind, you couldn't pay me to play the original NES game. That game legitimately sucks ass.

>> No.8652738

this is like putting Duke Nukem 3D or something

>> No.8652740

*I should say Wolfenstein 3D, that one is a "remake"

>> No.8652770
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Can elevator action returns be considered a remake?

>> No.8652773
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>> No.8652774

MMPU is the most boring ugly and badly designed classic MM game (outside of shit like the wonderswan games). I usually like to forget its existence, so please stop reminding me.

>> No.8652776
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>> No.8652785
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>> No.8652793
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>KART Bradfield
>GLOG 18

>> No.8652796
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>> No.8652803
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>> No.8652815
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>> No.8652820


>> No.8652821
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>> No.8652964

Can Elevator Action Old & New be considered a remake?
Can Dexter's Laboratory Robot Rampage be considered a remake?
I dunno, but they're all kinda better in some way.

>> No.8652982

You mean elevator action ex?

>> No.8653027
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>> No.8653057

the DS Dragon Quest remakes

>> No.8653070

It's basically a completely new game, it doesn't replace the original at all

>> No.8653072


>> No.8653074

Elevator Action Returns is so fucking good ahah

>> No.8653078
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RoB (now in English), RoB Remake, and SotN in one package.

>> No.8653083
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Pretty much every Ys game from 1 to 4 would qualify.

>> No.8653091


>> No.8653092

It unfortunately redubs SotN which is not acceptable

>> No.8653347

Old and New was a Japanese exclusive (I think) GBA game.

>> No.8653394
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>port a SNES game to a handheld with a SNES button layout
>move inhale and jump from Y and B to B and A respectively
>the guy who made that decisions face

>> No.8653564
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>> No.8653601

celceta is shit
also celceta/mask/dawn and felghana/wanderers are completely different from each other, remakes don't really replace them. Kinda like >>8652151 said, they're just so different that they don't really invalidate the previous games (even if I like Oath more than Wanderers)

>> No.8653620
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Wasn't perfect, but there's no real reason to play FE1 over this unless you want to see what NES Fire Emblem was like. Same deal for Fire Emblem Gaiden with Shadows of Valencia. Technically FE1 was already made invalid by FE3, but FE11 added back in missing characters from FE3 plus adding the weapon triangle and more potential promotions, even if you ignore reclassing.

You could make the case FE3 isn't invalided by FE12 if you hate Chris just that much though.

>> No.8653632
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Prove me wrong

>> No.8653670
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>> No.8653672

Unless you want multiplayer and pixel graphics, Trials of Mana.

>> No.8653680

I'd still say RE1/REmake stand side-by side. Both great games, you can play both and get unique experiences.

>> No.8653682

Brick glitch, next

>> No.8653719
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You know it's true

>> No.8653730

>removed bunnyhopping in favor of half life 2 slow ass sprinting

>> No.8653738 [DELETED] 

It has the original game as an unlockable, so it literally does replace the original

>> No.8653743

It was titled Elevator Action 2 in Japan, so it's probably more of a sequel.

>> No.8653756
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>Western RPG franchise
>Ultimate versions of the first six games are stuck on a niche Japanese PC platform.
Makes you think

>> No.8653773
File: 271 KB, 800x1154, mario 3 stage show theme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new graphics for SMB3 ignore the theme of the theatrical stage play

>> No.8653787

>Ultima 2 using Akalabeth box art

>> No.8653807

I've never played a BC game but:
>dude complains about controls
>while playing a platformer with the 360 analog instead of a regular controller with a dpad
closed the tab

>> No.8653819

>Literally have to kill your own troops to access Gaidens and see the new characters (who really aren't that good anyway)
>The game give you trash units as replacements when you dip too low so as to keep you from seeing the Gaidens
>Only two new classes, one (Dark Mage/Bishop) limited to a character in the Gaidens, the other (Falcon Knight) requiring an item you can only get online
FE11 had more than a few missteps. Thank goodness for hacking, though.

>> No.8653823
File: 9 KB, 200x121, dontevengetmestartedonthisgradeschoollevelmistranslation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one. The translation is.. sort of selectively worse in places? Like, Kirby always sort of had a B-/C+ translation at best, but the Ultra localizer could've at least cross-checked a few established names. I have to wonder who looked at "Mekkai" and decided, "yeah, that's not a rough draft at all, send it to print." And Iron Mom is Iron MAM now? Either that's a typo or a bad Iron Man reference that undoubtedly wasn't intended. Most of TGCO treasures either still retain their mistakes or were overcorrected ("Phanto Mask"). And if it's not character or item names, the location names are heavily truncated from what they should be ("Galactic Nova" should be "Galaxtic COMET" Nova,etc.). Just about the only improvement was the clarity on one of Marx's lines, because just about everything was better in the original. Revenge of Meta Knight is another one but honestly the original script still reads better for the most part and there's an even closer fan-translation out there if you're curious: pastebin.com/tCi5N400

>> No.8653839

I think it was Amazing Mirror that spelled the long-running walrus miniboss as "Mr. Flosty". All the GBA and DS games were hit with very shoddy translations.

I still favor the original SNES lines for Meta Knight, though. The new one's too wordy and lacks the sense of panic everybody had from seeing Kirby wreck everything.

>> No.8653846

I miss Web 1.0 sites like this, where some guy just rambles about random nerd shit no one cares about. What happened to the internet?

>> No.8653881

MMPU is often called a remake, but really it just HAS a remake of the old game off to the side. The real meat and potatoes has always been the wide roster variety, the challenge mode and especially the stage builder. Are the MMPU servers still up? They were when I last checked in a few years ago and I was honestly surprised.

>> No.8653935
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One that amazes me is in (not-retro) Return to Dream Land. A game that, by most accounts, had a pretty decent translation, but as always they seem to be contractually obligated to screw something up: "Planet Popstar" is the name of the setting now. Um, what? What is thjs name format now? Does that meant the Kirby 64 areas are retroactively "Planet Shiverstar", "Planet Ripplestar", etc? And Pop Star's always been described as a STAR, not a PLANET. It's a fantastical element implied by the Japanese name of the series, "Hoshi no Kirby." This one especially shocks me because TOM SLATTERY was involved with the game. Yeah, the same guy behind various retranslations of Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. Now, say what you will, but this particular instance doesn't swwm to be his style. I like to imagine he's what made the other 99% of RtDL's script passable, and "Planet Popstar" was one of the usual Treehouae suspects who thought the alliteration was clever. Or I could be wrong and it originated from the anime's 4Kids dub and some suit thought fans still cared about that in 2011 (not the only time they did that, they more recently did it by reusing the 4Kids name of the Clean ability).
The Amazing Mirror had apretty bad localization (ex. Gigaton Punch -> CRACKITY HACK), but at least the game was light on dialog and flavor text, so I can't say if it was really the worst...but it's pretty far down there.

>> No.8653948

It is now, but now back when it was released, a lot of people were frustrated with the swapped buttons for jumping and suckin. Mostly played this one on emulator so I can change it back to the SNES layout, where it then definitely becomes the replacement for the SNES version.
The SNES version generally has a nicer art direction in my eyes, but there's also a lot of new sprites in Ultra that are 10/10 sprite art.

>> No.8654021
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No, but this kind of breaks the intended level design, for example they have those turret guys still placed in areas where they clearly have the original physics in mind. The Wily Wars also paid more attention updating the physics strangwly enough, because at least it gives Mega Man the water buoyancy from the sequels not that it's needed, but a nice touch).
I mean, it's STILL a remake, the New Style doesn't change much levelwise besides mostly taking advantage of the widescreen, but you're right that the level editor was surprisingly robust. I don't know if Mega Man Universe (which was set to feature a Mega Man 2 remake) would've been better, but if Capcom played their carda right they could've been better-known than Nintendo's Mario Maker. Alas...
This isn't a remake, though. It's actualy a sequel.
It looked cool but it and one of the Resident Evils literally blew up my friend's console and apparently that's a known issues with certain models, so I'm gonna have to pass.
Changing Kaboola to Kabula bothered me, because Kabula is already too close to the unrelated "Kabu" enemy, and Kaboola is meant to evoke "kaboom" aka its cannons.
CK's a chick who's been around like forever in internet-years but she's pretty based all things considered. It kind of warms my heart to know that she's still around, I kind of forgot about her a bit.

>> No.8654047

Depends. I like Dawn much more than Celceta, but Mask is garbage, I'd take Celceta any day.
Also much prefer the complete art/soundtrack to that of Chronicles, so at least you can choose that.
Wanderers is just weird overall since it wasn't even supposed to be an Ys game, then management decided to make it a spinoff, then a full on numbered sequel (pissed off some of their veterans so bad they quit).
Wonder when they're going to make that 5 remake.

>> No.8654062

>It looked cool but it and one of the Resident Evils literally blew up my friend's console and apparently that's a known issues with certain models, so I'm gonna have to pass.
It's on PC too

>> No.8654068

>muh stage play, nothing happened for real
What a fucking homosexual game.

>> No.8654079

>nothing happened for real
Changes nothing. It's a video game, nothing happened for real anyway even if it's not also a stage play.

>> No.8654114

good post

>> No.8654116

>ugly 2.5d

>> No.8654142

>This isn't a remake, though. It's actualy a sequel.
No, Zero 2 and Zero 3 are sequels. The first is nearly beat for beat a remake of the NES game. Same stage layout, same order, same item progression, same bosses.

>> No.8654148

I think Japan uses the exact same word for both "star" and "planet", so it seems someone's not being consistent on what Pop Star is.

>> No.8654152

Zero 1 is also a sequel, specifically to the original Famicom version of the game, Metafight.

>> No.8654232

You're forgetting myrmidons/swordmasters weren't in the original either.

>> No.8654238

Celceta is the best nu-Ys by far.

>> No.8654250

Navarre was just a Mercenary with higher speed and skill in the original. All FE11 did was update him to the proper class name for the kind of unit he himself inspired, which isn't the same as outright putting in a new one like Falcon Knight.

>> No.8654269

Only Area 1 is a direct brick-by-brick remake of the original. The progression is very similar, but the layouts and themes, while having some overlap, can differ pretty drastically. The other returning bosses are also mostly fought in new ways. The journos who reviewed it never got passed Area 1; Sunsoft always billed it as a "reboot," not a "remake."

>> No.8654282 [DELETED] 

Way to start things off in bad faith like this, moron. Parsley, rosemary, and nutmeg.

>> No.8654332 [DELETED] 


>> No.8654357 [DELETED] 

Ass crack, rectal crevice & anal spread?
Am I smelling this post this correctly?

>> No.8654701 [DELETED] 
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your embarrassing choice of words makes every single post you make extremely easy to spot.

>> No.8654816
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>it and one of the Resident Evils literally blew up my friend's console and apparently that's a known issues with certain models
Which console?

>> No.8654850
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Yeah, well. That shouldn't even BE an issue in the first place. I'd rather not have to constantly worry if a game can overheat my computer any minute too, esp. considering there's an alternative that plays basically the same

>> No.8654863

But that screenshot's from the Secret of Mana remake, not Trials

>> No.8654896
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If there's anything I learned on /vr/, it's that every remake has some degree on contention. But, is there anyone who has a thing against the Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap remake? This is the only remake I can think of that is an improvement in every way and actively replaces the original. That's the power of working from source code. Ironically, remnants of Westone followed that up with the Monster World IV remake....

>> No.8655223 [DELETED] 

nice way to sage, I get the wordplay but it might just be because I am a first worlder

>> No.8655313


>> No.8655319 [DELETED] 


>> No.8655831

Would you count Tengen Ms. Pac-Man? For years that was the only Ms. Pac-Man I knew so when I played the arcade original it just felt empty even though I know it's still pretty much an objective improvement to OG Pac-Man.
Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night have weird emulation issues, like desynced cutscene audio and visual oversights.
Too bad it's not the FDS version. Ever try Metroid Planets? I'd describe it as sort of the AM2R to SR. Check it out as an alternative to Zero Mission.
Personally I thought Mystery of the Emblem's Book 1 was the perfect length. Sure, it cuts a bit, but I prefer to look at it as trimming the fat. The other versions overstay their welcome.

>> No.8655851
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Unironically this

>> No.8655891

Crash Bandicoot 1

>> No.8655941

>What happened to the internet?
profit incentive

>> No.8655979

>Would you count Tengen Ms. Pac-Man? For years that was the only Ms. Pac-Man I knew so when I played the arcade original it just felt empty even though I know it's still pretty much an objective improvement to OG Pac-Man.
Based, Genesis Ms. Pac-Man oozed with soul

>> No.8656403
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The Genesis version was one of those weirdo games that spazzed out if you had a six-button controller and didn't know how to disable it. There was an NES version before it, though I wonder how many people got the SNES version in 1996.

>> No.8656438
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Added Wonder Girl in the 2010's "let's take an established male character and swap him with a completely identical female character instead of celebrating our strengths, weaknesses and differences" fad that some guy on RHDN unwittingly started by getting gaming-news coverage of a hack for his daughter to show that she "had a future" like her fucking gender was a disability. [spoilee]That said, her "new-graphics" look is admittedly a nice design, but ultimately a wasted character that could've been in Monster Boy instead, and her "original-graphics" look is lazy.

>> No.8656679

It's literally just an optional pallette swap. You aren't forced to use her at all. Yes, it was a missed opportunity to create a unique character, but people would've complained that it changed the original game too much. Yeah, they could've put her in Monster Boy instead. Your argument just comes across as "incel complains about women".

>> No.8656691

>hey guys, retro video games are shit here are newer games that are better
I mean, why do you fags even come to this board, stay in /v/

>> No.8656693
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>> No.8656717

They put her all over the boxart like they're advertising her as a companion, not a replacement for the main character, who gets top billing. And you know what her "Hu-Man" form is called? "Hu-Girl". WTF. That's so insulting. The other forms are still called [Animal]-Man when you play as her, so can anyone care to tell me what in the hell a hugirl is? All in all, it reads like something they half-assed last minute to satisfy some spastic. My wife can't stand this trend more than me so it must be a perceived generational thing.

>> No.8656868
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>> No.8657013

to be fair I think his daughter actually did have a disability so the intention was sweet but weird people on the internet turned it entirely into a big gender thing, I wouldn't think overmuch tho since this has been going as far back as Ms. Pac-man.

>> No.8657049

the accents were charming

>> No.8657052

Based Scots representation

>> No.8657080

Do you seethe this much at everything that has nothing to do with you?

>> No.8657092
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The accents weren't there, and that font at that resolution was murder enough on the eyes.

>> No.8657103 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8657109
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This in itself isn't a horrible idea if they were making their own game, but it's a direct sequel to an older game and breaks canon lore.

>> No.8657137

I don't care, I didn't say they were schizo

>> No.8657204

>Literally have to kill your own troops to access Gaidens and see the new characters (who really aren't that good anyway)

The gaiden chapters aren't even interesting, they're just grind spots. It seems their intention was "if the user is struggling, give them some extra units and a chance to grind" but people took it as "oh my god, they're locking heckin' content behind unit deaths!"

>> No.8657208 [DELETED] 

what the actual fuck man

>> No.8657723

>But, is there anyone who has a thing against the Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap remake?
Ways to increase the Charm Points were removed, so you no longer have to impress the shopkeepers with different equipment and forms to get them to show you their entire wares. Any secret passages tied to high Charm Points were also removed (unless you use a retro password that has the Charm Points set that value, so you can enter them)
I think it made a ton of shops redundant, you used to be denied based on your looks (you play as a MONSTER, after all) in a higher tier shop and you'd have to settle for an underpowered weapon at a lower tier shop. Charm Points were gated with new forms and equipment, which were treated in this game as significant progression milestones, not "just another item".

In other words, they reduced backtracking (can it even be called that when the monster distribution gets changed with every new form?) but removed much of the challenge in the process. The 1989 version had a pleasant flow that gives the illusion you're being rewarded for exploring the world and preparing before the big dungeon and challenge, while the 2017 version is a straight line. Stats were used as a progression gatekeep just like in the first Dragon Quest, you weren't actually expected to grind for EXP/Money till you make it.

On the other side, in the 2017 version, the sword that allows you to change forms is no longer a cheat but a legitimate feature, they added extra challenge rooms tied to the remaining six charm stones (now items to unlock said rooms). Additionally, the 2017 version's retro mode uses the newer difficulty balancing, it's patched real time, even though the rom is the same.

tl;dr: I don't think it replaced the original. It replaced the GameGear version for sure.

>> No.8657786

the only thing it did better was add a third phase to an otherwise easy dracula fight.

>> No.8657853
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I get what the Charisma Point system was going for, but goddamn that Dragon Mail. It was so annoying to purchase that my playthrough hit a wall since I skipped some equipment I didn't know I'd need as the mouse and I couldn't yet change back. Once I learned it was also a random drop (that required you to go into lava!) I decided to do that instead. Plus, why are these one-eyed, chain-smoking pigs so judgmental?

>> No.8658545
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I think the 2017 remake developers got the idea to change up the Charm Stones not from the Game Gear version, but from Vile's 2007 TurboGrafx-16 (Dragon's Curse) fan-recreation, which they were aware of. Speaking of which, ANOTHER group of fans got their hands on the source code on the TurboGrafx-16 version as opposed to the Master System version, and they're currently making their own widescreen remake. It's pretty lowkey right now, but it'd be fun if it got officialized like the 2017 remake.

>> No.8659012

And also a Stage 5' that's actually a stage and not just a bunch of unused stage segments badly edited together.

>> No.8659035

That was intentional, though. Stage 5' was always intended as a bonus stage outside of normal gameplay. The "normalized" version makes you wonder why it's locked behind postgame. I agree what the other guy said about Dracula though, but partially they've been redoing the same fight so much that I think Rondo deserved to be shaken up there.

>> No.8659048

My mom played the fuck out of this on SNES. I never realized it was such a late SNES game.

Playing the multiplayer mode where you could bounce off of each other was hilarious

>> No.8659057

Stage 5' was literally the dregs they didn't even bother putting actual backgrounds on.

>> No.8659109

but it is still nu-ys button masher

>> No.8659110

No, it was literally a guest design that was meant to have a bit of everything to remind you of the past adventure, which was the entire reason it was made postgame. Interviews in the guidebook make that clear. Since that person wasn't involved the remake, they took the opportunity to make it stand on its own, but in doing so the postgame requirement was made entirely pointless. I guess maybe because the optional Lesser Vampire can be fought there, but she doesn't appear unless you saved Annette anyway, so search me.

>> No.8659149

>Liking the one segment that is literally an empty void of blue with platforms floating everywhere

>> No.8659605

Dai Grepher: Zero Mission is not a remake.

>> No.8660895


>> No.8660973

Those are kind of ruined by reusing the same art assets across all 3 games. It's fine to play one of them, but then the next one will feel so stale.

>> No.8660997

>got their hands on the source code on the TurboGrafx-16 version
If it's the actual source code from Hudson and not a decompilation, it might have some of the actual scrapped Japanese version of the Master System original, some sprites or level chunks that were never used, etc.
>it'd be fun if it got officialized like the 2017 remake.
No chance of that ever happening, because Konami.

>> No.8661004
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If only they used all of the unused content.

>> No.8661015

Arguable for 5 and 4.
Certainly not the case for 6.

I'll add the SNES DQ3, but none of DQ1/2/3's later versions as those were based on a mobile version and they treated the art like some RPG Maker tileset not even bothering with basic stuff like the animations or integer scaling for player sprites. Ugly, no challenge, censored, not even all playable content is there... In other terms, trash.

>> No.8661253

Explain your answer.

>> No.8663094

What about the Game Boy versions of Dragon Quest I, II and III?

>> No.8663747

the main thing that stuck out to me is that they changed it so after you hit a boss they're invincible for a few seconds

sounds reasonable enough, except that
>half the powers work by doing lots of small hits, so these moves are now even worse
>the game expects you to be fighting with a second character out, and if one person hits the boss the other person will just whiff if they also try to hit

You can't just completely gank most bosses in 2 seconds anymore which I guess makes the game "more challenging" but its fucking kirby who gives a shit, you play this game to go haha power go woosh

>> No.8663765

speaking for 3 the gbc version is just the snes version with obviously downgraded graphics/music and a really not worth it extra bonus dungeon you get by getting monster medal (rare drops you have to do lots of bullshit and grinding to get) from every enemy in the game. its better if you want dq3 on your phone to just emulate it then get the actual mobile version but otherwise its nothing too special

>> No.8663774

Kyuuyaku megami tensei is just about the only remake I enjoyed. I did play the 3D Final Fantasy DS remakes to completion but the original games are simply better.

>> No.8663785

>Certainly not the case for 6.
Why? I think it's the most improved from the originals. I only dislike that they took out monster recruitment, but I still get my hoimi slimebro and the party chat adds so much more personality to the characters

>> No.8663787
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>Artwork keeps the general look of the original but more accurately represents the concept art
>Story is more fleshed out but most of it is optional so if you just want to replay the game you aren't bogged down by lore and its mainly just stuff they wanted for the original but couldn't fit onto the cart instead of making shit up or constantly referencing later spinoffs/sequels
>Game is actually challenging and requires you to give a fuck about random battles and bosses instead of the game being a rollercoaster ride where you just kinda go through the setpieces
>Added options for character customization, basically the only thing this game lacked that the later FF games had, but made it entirely optional and mostly a reward for exploring or using temporary party members instead of dumping them for the end game crew
>DS sound is basically identical to a snes/ps1 level so they can just make the music slightly less bleepy without completely overhauling it
>They kept all the funny meme stuff people have nostalgia over like spoony bard without going full pandering and making jokes about kaines tendency to betray people or something else retarded

fucked up that square already did basically the perfect final fantasy remake and then dropped the ball so hard with ff7, fuck this game is so cool - it doesn't have some of the stuff the psp/gba remake had like the bonus dungeon but most of that stuff was pretty gimmicky anyway

>> No.8663801

You just described this board

>> No.8663810
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Perfect example.
>This isn't a remake, though. It's actually a sequel.
Confirmed for not actually playing the game. BMZ combines the story of both Metafight and BM to start the series anew on the same platform.

>> No.8663849

>I hate Metroid

If you don't like the original then of course you will argue that the very different remake is better. Especially so if you don't even like exploration games, the first Metroid is hardcore by the standards that are cemented nowadays (ie. automap, the brainlet enabler of the exploration genre), but moreover zero mission is so embarrassingly dumbed down in the exploration department as to practically cease to be an exploration game. To get to the point, you probably only like zero mission because it's barely even an exploration game at all, and then you probably hate Metroid because it's got the kind of exploration that filters out exactly the people who hate exploration games. Based on this, you should try metroid fusion, as it is largely free of exploration as well, and a decently fun game in spite of that.

>> No.8663915
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Confirmed for not reading >>8654269
Playing them back-to-back, one can argue that the Game Boy Color sequel just as much of a remake, if not more.

>> No.8663925

It's a shame this game basically jsut came and went because it's a gem

>> No.8663934

I love BMZ to death, it's a fantastic game on every level, but it's a reboot/reinterpretation of the original game. It's not a remake.

>> No.8663953

Blaster Master Zero is a remake, a reboot, AND a sequel all in one.

>> No.8663971
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Depends on your definition of a "video game remake". Blaster Master Zero is in an iffy spot where the storyline is a redo of localized Blaster Master but at the same time it's very in-continuity with original MetaFight, that much is clear. If you consider games like Super Castlevania IV or Star Fox 64 to be remakes of Castlevania or Star Fox for example, then it's a remake. If you think elements besides the plot outline are transformative enough to make it something else as a video game, then it's something else. Modern definitions go with the latter as terms like "retelling," "reimagining," etc came into the picture to describe what aren't strict remakes. For the purposes of this thread, I wouldn't consider it a remake strictly speaking because that opens the floodgates for all other sorts of games.

tldr semantic shit

>> No.8664458

But it's a dub actually worth hearing for more than an internet joke

>> No.8664479

Robert Belgrade is still the better Alucard.

>> No.8664505

Sucks that they don't do this anymore.
Guess they realized half-assed RPG Maker games were easier to churn out.

>> No.8664512

beyond the funny intro cutscene the simple fact is that baritone alucard and the brevity in his translation is simply way cooler then then yuri fucking lowenthal and a more flowery script - he sounds like a dork

>> No.8664557

I think its not just cost, but also that ff4 ds was a big anniversary game for the game that really put final fantasy on the map - while the pixel remasters are just cashgrabs and ways to counter people pirating these games because they arent available anymore

there was a fair amount of purists upset about the 3D version too, which would explain why the pixel remasters never have the stuff even the more straightforward gba/mobile ports used to have as extras

>> No.8664593

Don't they force the sub-plot of Golbez's youth on you?

>> No.8664768

Yep, and it contradicts the backstory originally from the official Super Famicom guide, where Cid was the one who rediscovered the power of airships instead of freaking moondad teaching people about it.

>> No.8664782
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OST sound quality is dog shit. 0 soul.

>> No.8664982


>> No.8664985

Open X-Com >>>> original X-Com IMO
The main innovation is adding the ability to preview moves so you can actually tell if you have enough TUs to move somewhere before you do it. It removes a lot of the guesswork and makes it easier to focus on tactics

>> No.8665005

It happens so often it is easier to point to the few times a remake was somehow worse than the original.

>> No.8665006

I am so glad literally no one at nintendo ever agrees with this interpretation so the SNES one can be superior in every way.

>> No.8665725
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Seems much the same way Lizardcube got the Master System source code from Ryuichi Nishizawa. You know they just..ASKED if they can take a look at it as a hobby project, and the 2017 remake sort of spiraled from there?

>> No.8665775
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True. But you can dump Mega Man X into the trash for picrel

>> No.8665780
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Maverick Hunter X was a way worse remake than Powered Up, chibifags be damned.

>> No.8665790

>kept Xen
>extended Xen

>> No.8665886

>kept the best part of the game
>extended the best part of the game

>> No.8665921

>kept the worst part of the game
>extended the worst part of the game

>> No.8665945

available you say? "proceeds to open a nintendo rom site"

>> No.8665980

Garbage soundtrack.

>> No.8666014

not to mention they fucked the best track in the game by removing the microtones. embarrassing for ultrafags


>> No.8666015
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>> No.8666054

not to mention they added golbez storytime to the worst possible moment when the dungeon they're in should be about ready to collapse any minute now

>> No.8666070

with those somehow slippery and stiff controls? not a chance

>> No.8666074
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>> No.8666280
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pretty much a total upgrade except for the arranged music which manages to have less punch than the SNES original.

>> No.8666329

The only soundtrack that matters is the arcade version anyway.

>> No.8666339

nah, the arcade version got only one good song and it's tranny modulation shit without drums.

>> No.8666453

They fucked every track in the game.

>> No.8666457

I can't fucking stand MM Powered Up. Camera's too close and the movement's too slow.

>> No.8666462

Significantly different enough to the original that it's a companion.
Most RE threads here see people enjoy the original more in fact.

>> No.8666465


>> No.8666551


>> No.8666567
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when's the last time you played zero mission? you can do a lot of exploration

>> No.8666587

The original Metroid sucks for reasons not related to exploration. In terms of exploration, the game is fine. What kills it is the severe punishment you get after dying that makes the game more tedious than fun, shitty controls, shitty enemy placement, and copy and pasted rooms. If you like the game, power to you, but you seriously can't expect people to enjoy it, even if they like Metroid style games. Metroid II on GB is a lot better as a game.

>> No.8666618

But the old dub has SOUL

>> No.8666762
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I think I found it or part of it.

>> No.8666767
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>> No.8666809

Yes, that's the guy

>> No.8666842
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fuk you

>> No.8667131
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The gameplay feels worse (dashing and dashjumping is a lot stickier), but I love what they did with the story aside from killing off Dr. Cain. They took the original game's simple but effective story and made it feel like a fun early-mid 2000s mecha anime, with hot-blooded voice acting both English and Japanese.

>> No.8667265

I remember having this problem too and I didn't know how to fix it at the time. Apparently you need to hold down the "mode" button on the 6 button pad while the game boots and it should put the pad back into 3button mode so the game reads it correctly?
To he honest I had no idea what the mode button was for until recently.

>> No.8667287

>What happened to the internet?
Consolidation with the help of laziness "why would I want an account to Y when everybody's on X? why should I use different search engines when X works fine? why should I search for different sources when X has everything?" Congrats, now the Internet experience of the average mongoloid is anywhere between 4 and 9 websites.

>> No.8667383
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Trying to explain this to normies was one of the most infuriating experiences of my life. Any tips to get through to them?

>> No.8667391

this is why the klobb goes from Elder God tier vs AI to dogshit vs humans in mp

>> No.8667438

Enemy AI is all fucked up, especially noticeable on black ops. They used to be terror, now they're just another meat

>> No.8667532

The new game is fine, where the bouncing off walls works as intended, but playing classic mode is totally weird and different.

>> No.8667617
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>> No.8667747

Why would you? I mean, unless all social media and big tech companies are being nuked tomorrow, it's not going to change anything if you manage to sway one or two idiots. They have been eating shit since the beginning of time, and it's the kind of shit they've been accustomed to. When they left home and had to run their first errands, they purchased the exact same products their parents purchased 20 years earlier because that's how it's been and that's how it'll always be. The grocery store is full of stuff and they will always purchase the same thing without questioning if another brand could be better. But that's really none of their concern. They have thoughts they like to think like they have brands they like to purchase.

>> No.8667802

You're trying way too hard to get that to spread, anon

>> No.8667838

Smartphones. They are basically the source of all of today's problems. Using the internet was not convenient or easy enough for the average person before smartphones. Now the internet is full of children and normies sharing their worthless opinions.

>> No.8667895

>Any Pokemon remake
>Metroid Fusion
>Skyward Sword HD
>DuckTales Remastered
>Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
>The mobile ports of Sonic 1, 2, and CD
>Neptunia ReVerse

The DS and Mobile versions of Chrono Trigger as well, but the Lost Sanctum can go fuck itself

>> No.8668221

No retard they mean the gba game

>> No.8668298

Fuck you, no, what a fucking convoluted pile of trash with bad controls and gameplay.
>mobile ports of sonic
Mobile anything is garbage and that fucking shit Sonic engine they've tried to ram up our goddamn ass for forever is laughably bad with so many problems with platform edge and spring/flipper mechanics that it makes several levels so much more frustrating than in the original.

>> No.8668309

Metroid Zero Mission
Fusion isn't a remake, also it's not convoluted it's the most linear Metroid there is

>> No.8668312

>any pokemon remake
only the first two, third has some stuff worth playin for but i wouldn't say it's better and the fourth is just garbage
what is that a remake of?

>> No.8668319

Convoluted gameplay and control-wise. It's a pile of goddamn shit just like every other Metroid besides the original three games.

>> No.8668386

The fan ports for pc is so much better

>> No.8668405

Fire Red/Leaf Green are really no better than the originals outside of not being buggy messes under the hood. HGSS are the only remakes that are actual improvements over the originals.

>> No.8668420

Being a contrarian doesn't make you an interesting person.

>> No.8668436

The fan port of Sonic is just the new shit engine reverse engineered and has the same fucking problems. Play the original goddamn games.

>> No.8668551
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Fixed all the flaws.

>> No.8668557

Ssh, it's all he has going for him. /r/gaming told him if he hates good games on the scary 4Chin hacker site he'll get allllll the upcummies. Don't shatter his innocent reality...

>> No.8668591

Can someone objectively comment on how much these ports are impacted by smaller viewable playing field?

>> No.8668597
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>> No.8668601
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>> No.8668605
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>> No.8668608
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Switch and Wii version both invalidate the PS2 original because you get to have IR motion (and touch screen on Switch) paintbrush controls which is way better than an analog stick.

>> No.8668623

But it has mod supports, which means in theory, you can fix it all the problems from the port and even the original. Of course nobody does this and instead they inject their own fanfiction.

>> No.8668628

It should have been added Bond Man too as a secret character.

>> No.8668631

They completely fucked up wall jump dashing. I couldn't even play it; as soon as I got the dash I chugged through it for about 10 minutes before abandoning ship. I know what Megaman X is supposed to feel like. Even shit like Megaman X7 feels vaguely like it's supposed to. And Maverick Hunter X is NOT what a Megaman X game is supposed to feel like.

>> No.8668660

Not enough crates and random pipes.

>> No.8668671

Honestly, MegaMan Powered Up pissed me off because it was too much like MegaMan 1. 3-5 are the only true MegaMens.

>> No.8668754

what about 2?

>> No.8668779

>MM1 remake is true to MM1 rather than trying to be something it's not while still offering options for MM3 style gameplay and other such things
sounds like a rousing success to me

>> No.8668859

Why did they skip SMB3 and released it last?

>> No.8668961
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>Any Pokemon remake
Oh boy, let's take an already samey series and make them EVEN MORE samey. Why don't you shit and call it chocolate too while you're at it?
>Metroid Fusion
Not a remake GBAnon.
>Skyward Sword HD
I hate to be "not retro" guy, BUT...
>DuckTales Remastered
Maybe. There's gotta be some reason it hasn't been mentioned until this far into the thread tho.
>Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
Nearly every ability has input delay due to too many frames (TAM&SqSq cut and sped animation so this problem isn't there). Meta Knight can be beaten by button mashing. See pic for an idea on art direction. Etc. If you want KA with basic QoL, just play 3D Classics.
>The mobile ports of Sonic 1, 2, and CD
Retro Engine admittedly got better, but the first one (CD) is just awful, and I suspect the reason is because Taxman is an overrated POS whose work was only ever good when Stealth was involved. For all the talk about Genesis-ifying the physics, mechanics are borked. Time traveling takes longer to activate, and a lot of tricks such as QQ conveyor belt shortcuts no longer work as intended. There are numerous bugs introduced such as randomly getting a Bad Future when you should be getting a Good Future, which strangely doesn't affect your ending. You can just cheese Time Stones, which have tweaked UFO paths, via new restart system. FMVs are still not fully restored with missing Sega CD shots, are cropped, are in worse quality than Mega Collection and arguably Sonic Jam due to frame-bleeding, and have awful instrumentals in JP soundtrack even though the legal issues are now resolved. Not to mention a lot of effects in these remasters are out of place, and the Time Attack wasn't rebalanced to account for traditional Spin Dash. Hopefully Sonic Origins isn't just a lazy port of the mobile versions but given Taxman's sycophants have just been screeching that they'd just be satisfied with a console port I don't have high hopes
>Neptunia ReVerse
See Skyward Sword response.

>> No.8669031

>See pics for an idea on art direction
I fucking hate how they fucked it up the art style just to promote the anime which is just as bad.

>sonic shit
They added Tails in CD and they done shit about him. Stealth is the real saint here, he even exposed Sega's faggorty. What a chad.

>> No.8669036

>Neptunia ReVerse
Isn't the same game but on nu-consoles plus censorbar exclusive on snoy?

>> No.8669061
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>> No.8669070

>DuckTales Remastered
>Maybe. There's gotta be some reason it hasn't been mentioned until this far into the thread tho.
Likely because everybody hates how the cutscenes keep cutting into the pacing. WayForward eventually had to patch in an option to turn them all off, though I think you have to clear the game and endure the whole story first to unlock it.

>> No.8669076

Because its the worst of the 2D Marios, so there was less demand for it.

>> No.8669080

The mid-2000s shounen animu vibe almost makes up for the clunky controls. It's a flawed remake, but people are too biased and attached to the SNES game to appreciate what it did absolutely great

>> No.8669237

The text is way too fucking small, even on an XL screen

>> No.8669310

Legendary bait.
Every single SMA game got level design changes to make it EASIER. Lots of bottomless pits removed, platforms extended, ceilings lowered, and so on, and so on.

The only exceptions are:
SMA4 (SMB3) which had a cut down vertical field on SNES and while it got some level design simplifications to make it easier, it wasn't as extensive, and they made up for the reduced challenge with other ways to increase the challenge (hard modes through e-Reader in the main campaign, new levels in the e-World).
SMA1 (SMB2u) tried to genuinely fix the original's problems. It used to have a duplicate boss three times in DDP, two in SMB2u, so they added a new unique boss for GBA. They tried to add some of the Satellaview content too (the Yoshi eggs). It's dumbed down but it's clear they really tried to make it a definitive version.

The rest are direct ports and somewhat trash.
SMA2 (SMW) is the worst out of them all, its sound effects cause the most ear rape out of the four which all have that atrocious voice acting, and various bonuses (colored Yoshis, autumn mode, the newly added tracker of yoshi coins collected per level) were poorly implemented.
SMA3 (YI) has 6 new challenge levels that were already romhacked back to the SNES version (but that romhack while feature complete doesn't ADD the levels, but they replace everything else, and remove all other content) and they're honestly average. It has some added rooms in between levels that most of the time serve to house additional checkpoints and stars. It's missing many graphical effects too.

That Mario Bros mode doesn't even replace the original, it's not even the most complete version compared to the various NES editions it got that added more and more content, and it's the SAME GAME repeated multiple times.


>> No.8669313


>> No.8669328

>SMA2 (SMW) is the worst out of them all, its sound effects cause the most ear rape out of the four which all have that atrocious voice acting, and various bonuses (colored Yoshis, autumn mode, the newly added tracker of yoshi coins collected per level) were poorly implemented.
It also adjusts the damage system so a powered Mario only falls to Super when hit (like in the US SMB3), which combined with the spare item makes him essentially indestructible.

>> No.8669394
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>like in the US SMB3
SMA4 uses the US SMB3 difficulty for all regions, but the original difficulty is accessible through an official Powerup e-Card (unavailable in the Wii U version, you NEED the e-Reader. Thankfully there's cheats to toggle those effects: just use codebreaker 83002D52 XXXX, with XXXX a 16-bit flag you can toggle one bit at a time for the desired effects)
There's many of these e-Cards, and some of them are unreleased.

> Orange: Enemies turn into coins by defeating them by fireball!
> Blue: 1-Up Mushrooms turn into 3-Up Moons!
> Yellow: Luigi Power Up! (gives Luigi his scuttle jump ability from SMB2 and makes his fireballs bounce higher, as in SMA2:SMW)
> Green: Makes the timer go slow! (first 50 seconds)
> Cyan: Fill it up right away! Power Meter!! (power meter halved)
> Red: Enemy Power Up! Score X2!! (Hard mode: SMB3 JP difficulty, Harder enemies from SMB1 Hard Mode, Boss HP x2, Points x2)

Unreleased, but would have made the game even easier:
> SMW spare item box
> Bottomless pit rescue service
> Easier endless 1-Up trick (you start earning 1-Ups from the third consecutive jump)
> 1-Up Mushrooms in blocks become three 1-Up Mushrooms

Glad they went the opposite direction and made the e-World more like SMB2j or New Super Luigi U.

>> No.8669439
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Codebreaker Cheats for unlocking the difficulty in SMA4:
>83002D52 2A80
Nintendo's hard mode (Red Switch)
>83002D52 0080
Just the SMB3 JP difficulty, without the other changes to enemies, bosses, and score.

>> No.8669447

This is a good example.
(And LSL Reloaded makes playing the original LSL a Moot point)

>> No.8669471
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Unless you're convinced the jank, glitches and unbalanced gameplay define the originals, in which case I respect your opinion, but objectively the remakes are better in every way.

>> No.8669481
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>> No.8669485

Eh, not every way, FRLG's sound font grew on me but I still think the originals' music is better.

>> No.8669512
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It's sad because Inafune was hoping to use this to fix and add more story to the original series of Mega Man games and most of all FIX all the issues that Mega Man 3 had in developement that didn't make it to the final game.

To this day it's the only game outside of Mega Man 1 to not have an intro or normal Robot Master pattern/path.

A Mega Man 3 Powered Up would have fixed that

>> No.8669662

I'm not generally a fan of the GBA sound either, but the Pokémon games are among those who maintain a really high quality in this regard.

>> No.8669687

Except I'm talking about Super Mario World's damage system, not SMB3's. As far as I know, there's no way to set the GBA version back to "all damage -> Small Mario" like it originally was.

>> No.8670126
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All they needed to do was keep the original cell-shading and upscale it, but no, you can find that on Dolphin.

>> No.8670173
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>> No.8670196

dead meme

>> No.8670253

Damn, you just whited out that gambler!

>> No.8670285


>> No.8671204
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How do those Hudson remakes hold up to their originals?

>> No.8671264

I know. You're better off not playing SMA2:SMW for any reason. The SNES version, or all versions of SMB3, are a way better use of your time.

Reportedly they recorded a new soundtrack and made a new translation for all Mega Man X games up to the third, but never ended up using that. Powered Up has some of the exclusive moves from later games, someone dedicated could mod the hell of it or reuse its engine, but most of the assets would need to be made from scratch.

Releasing it on PSP and then never porting it was a huge mistake.

Absolute low budget trash made for a quick buck by a dying Hudson Soft starved from funding by an incompetent publisher (Konami)
Avoid. This goes especially for Far East of Eden 2.

>> No.8671302

Cubic Lode Runner: OK, but 1998's Lode Runner 2 did this idea better.
Star Soldier: Meh.
PC Genjin: Meh.
Takahashi-Meijin no Boukenjima: Better than the WiiWare game and more of a sequel than a remake unlike the previous Hudson Selection volumes.

>> No.8672974

Best part of the games.

>> No.8672975
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Why would you EVER replay the original?

>> No.8673410
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>> No.8674361
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>> No.8674914

>changes Alucard to fuckin Yuri Lowenthal
Patrick Seitz as Drac is good but still kinda flat compared to Michael Guinn despite some of his more goofy deliveries. The Matthew 16:26 quoting is genuinely kino

>> No.8675579

Is there a hack where it adds old dubs onto it?

>> No.8675631

Faggots happened

>> No.8675750
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This is the remake.

>> No.8677065

its not an interpretation, brainlet. its simply fact

>> No.8677251

i've always been an ultrafag but the original objectively has the upper hand in soundtracks, ultra threw that shit into a blender

>> No.8677275

It also misses some samples in the boss theme.

>> No.8678230

You have to be literally dogshit at the game to actually buy any of the mtx. Anyway doesn't make a difference since all the content is cosmetic.

>> No.8680153

nice excuses bro