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File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, ss_31650efddbc783f9b85a964a53295d4aa1969c0d.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8650326 No.8650326 [Reply] [Original]

Fully voiced opera scene

>> No.8650330

Cringe and not retro

>> No.8650334

Remakes of retro games get discussed all the time here, dude.

>> No.8650340

Not retro.

>> No.8650343


>> No.8650409

She doesn't even sound like an opera singer here. Which of course Celes wasn't either, but still, how will she fool Setzer if she sounds like that?

>> No.8650413

What kind of singer doesn't vibrato their voice in 2022, especially for an opera?

>> No.8650437

Well, the kind of singer who is singing for what is probably the very first time, like Celes is.

>> No.8650464

People are going to wail and gnash their teeth over this stupid decision like it murdered their family but the actual crime of the atrocious font choice for these is never going to be addressed

>> No.8650470

That's a 5 second fix though.

>> No.8650480

It is?

>> No.8650527


>> No.8650532

You can literally replace it with a single font file.
Just download any of the dozen font mods from Nexus any of the Pixel Remasters, the fonts are cross-compatible with all the PRs.

>> No.8650550

Just even renaming the font_jp files to font_en is really all you need.

>> No.8650557

Not at all, that fixes the font width but it's still very soulless modern smooth round font.
If you want a pixelated font that actually matches the art style you need to use mods.

>> No.8650596

Thanks for the tips, I was pretty excited about this one since I've never played the game before and the other PRs were well received, but this Newgrounds shit they just forced in is giving me second thoughts
Of course if I emulate the original I'm going to spend more time trying to figure out the optimal CRT shader setup than I will playing the damn game

>> No.8650602

Just play the /vr/ fantranslation of T-Edition

>> No.8650621

>Newgrounds shit
Are you for serious

>> No.8650643

Did you listen to the OP? Literally sounds like Rina-chan

>> No.8650651

I don't know who that is and frankly I don't give a rat's ass.

>> No.8650667

you guys are in a cult

>> No.8650670

>stop liking things I don't like!
lol no

>> No.8650673 [DELETED] 


>> No.8650674

I hope there is an option to revert the opera singing to how it was before. The original way they did it was really impressive all considered, this new style is just going to come off as cheesy.
The Octopath Traveler-looking background for it looks cool though

>> No.8650678

I imagine it'll be easy to mod.

>> No.8650679

No submariner, no buy
Sandworm was already inaccurate, might as well go whole hog

>> No.8650770

What is accurate, then?

>> No.8650814

He basically says something like:
"Tch! I'll get you for this, bastard!"

>> No.8650830

Oh, wow, that's quite different.

>> No.8650853

Raw Japanese, period.

>> No.8650882

>people were actually autistic enough to avoid the PRs due to font difference
Jesus christ

>> No.8650923

to be fair, the font is ugly, objectively
subjectively on the other hand, I think the sprites themselves don't look that great
I haven't played the games though, only screenshots

>> No.8650929

There's a Japanese word for "You" that connotates scathing disdain in a way English can't really convey without adding insults directed towards the person it addresses. It's why so many anime fansubs have characters saying "Bastard" and it feeling a little out of place for the context.

>> No.8650935

Bastard is a perfectly acceptable way of translating Kisama though, and a perfectly fine approximation.
Asshole or Dipshit are also valid but in this case I don't think they fit Kefka's personality so Bastard is most apt in this case.

>> No.8650943

son of a submariner fits his personality better than anything else
it's an iconic line and there's nothing (((square)))-(((enix))) can do about it

>> No.8650950

No it doesn't because SUBMARINES DON'T EXIST IN WORLD OF FF6 you goddamn retard.
That's why they changed it to Son of a Sandworm in the GBA script.

>> No.8650957

neither do sandworms
at the very least he should say slagworm

>> No.8650960

That's what I call my penis

>> No.8650961

Are you saying submarines don't exist in a setting with fucking magitek, you stupid piece of shit?

>> No.8650963
File: 17 KB, 191x144, Sandworm-ffvi-ios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or merely pretending?

They literally don't, you got your fucking games confused, it's FF5 and FF7 that have submarines.

>> No.8650968

If they can exist in 5 then they absolutely exist in 6 too.

>> No.8650975

Gross. Who asked for this?

>> No.8651159

I did.
I flew to Japan and asked in person for Celes to be voiced in the Pixel Remaster of Final Fantasy VI.

>> No.8651189

>fits his personality
His actual personality or woolsey's fanfic personality?

>> No.8651214

Oh boy, here we go again.

>> No.8651216

woolsey kefka IS kefka

>> No.8651219

You retard. They're the same personality.

>> No.8651223

Someone explain the differences to me. I haven't played any version of the game.

>> No.8651231

There isn't one.

>> No.8651251

Opera scene is trully special and artful. Cant wait to live it once again

>> No.8651256
File: 491 KB, 750x1053, 00E38015-CE0B-411B-9ED9-3F7744130E78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that font

>> No.8651281

The font has been desperately maligned since the first PR but the sneering council of enthroned Penis Men who oversee Square don't give a remote fuck about it.

>> No.8651303

Square doesn’t give a fuck about any of their remasters outside of FF7, and that’s because they can milk three games out of that.

If they cared about the old Final Fantasies, they wouldn’t be using these lazy, 2010 cellphone graphics over pixel art.

>> No.8651314

Recently I've been getting a little worried that FF6 PR might seriously displace the SNES version

Let's just say my doubts and fears are erased

>> No.8651332

Don't worry, it absolutely will.

>> No.8651334

>the pixel remasters don't use pixel art
What the fuck?

>> No.8651341

>lazy, 2010 cellphone graphics over pixel art.
pixel art over pixel art?
ai posts are fucking weird

>> No.8651362

These are actual lazy, 2010 cellphone ports of these games. You can see the fucking difference.

>> No.8651371


>> No.8651381

I meant "There are"

>> No.8651402
File: 12 KB, 556x98, Screen Shot 2022-02-21 at 19.20.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8651406

They were disabled on the entire website a while ago, dipshit

>> No.8651407

Dislikes can be disabled?
Why? No one can even see them anymore.

>> No.8651440

>Square doesn’t give a fuck about any of their remasters outside of FF7
Just don't be a Final Fantasy or Chrono fan and you'll be fine for the most part, Legend of Mana and the Romancing SaGa remasters are incredibly solid

>> No.8651484

Looks like shit, the sprites look flat. This is because it's from the phone version isn't it.

>> No.8651495

It's not.

>> No.8651502

I don't think anyone knows who Rina-chan is outside of diehard newgrounds fans, or people who remember Brawl Taunts. About the only internet girl VA who fell off harder was Nyanners.

>> No.8651524

What the fuck is wrong with this company

>> No.8651535

Wow, that's a great complaint

>> No.8651552

The merger with Enix killed it

>> No.8651557

The merger with Enix couldn't save it, you mean.

>> No.8651559

Nyanners is a Vtuber, which makes her more relevant than any internet girl VA who isn't

>> No.8651561

All I know is they stopped making good games as soon as they appended that stupid shit that sounds like penis to their name

>> No.8651570

All I know is they stopped making good anything once The Spirits Within debuted.
Enix should have never saved their asses. Ruined a good company.

>> No.8651636

use the Return YouTube Dislikes extension

>> No.8651643

pseud seethe unironically fills my veins

>> No.8651646

Ruined Enix, you mean. Square was never good.

>> No.8651648

That is what meant.

>> No.8651651

the casio choir was cringe in this scene but man it just about gave me chills hearing the choir voices in Dancing Mad the first time.

>> No.8651675

>that fucking guh-ross pixel shimmer on pan
... oof can we tighten up the graphics on level 3 over here? Seriously though, there was no sort of AA pass or any way to render the sprites so it wouldn't do that gross shit? Can the resolution be raised enough to brute force it?

>> No.8651687

lmao not in this day and age anon

>> No.8651692

>the opera has Octopath 3D shit going on but every other scene in the trailer is straight-up 2D
weird. Even weirder is that it looks like it's not even "3D", rather the background is statically presented like that. Guess it's a one-off for that scene.

>> No.8651696

I was telling someone I know irl that I’m sticking with the originals because the pixel remasters look and feel tacky and they got really angry

>> No.8651697

I've heard that "select" scenes are getting that treatment, but I've only ever seen the opera scene.
Guess we'll find out in a few days.

>> No.8651705

I don't want to sound like I'm convincing you or anything, but there's a plethora of mods available to change the graphics. 5 has a series of mods that completely replace the graphics with SNES graphics, for example. 1 has a NES graphic mod, and I believe 4 has a set of mods to incorporate the PSP graphics.
Wouldn't surprise me if 6 gets the same treatment.

>> No.8651716

Although it occurs to me that wouldn't change the tacky "feel" you have, so eh.

>> No.8651736

I appreciate you looking out for me, but yeah, it still feels a bit weird and “off”. If that makes sense. It’s like putting a gloss over a busted old lemon car. I understand that’s an absurd comparison but something about those remasters gets under my skin

>> No.8651747

I thought she didn't and he just went for it anyway because she was hot as fuck

>> No.8651752

To each his own. I've been enjoying them, but I can understand that feeling.

>> No.8651753

Fan ff6 and the actual game are parallel universes

>> No.8651756

Yeah but... why wouldn't you just emulate it at that point? I guess for the more seamless fast forwarding?

>> No.8651761

At a guess, the QoL improvements.

>> No.8651765

Okay but why in english, they've had it in Italian for almost 30 years since it appeared on Grand Finale

>> No.8651768

I don't understand how SE keeps fucking up the fonts when they're likely the easiest part of remastering a game

>> No.8651780

They're doing 7 languages according to an interview, being Japanese, English, Italian, German, Spanish, French, and Korean

>> No.8651790

I appreciate your understanding, anon

>> No.8651803
File: 538 KB, 618x728, god why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it was better off not voicing it

>> No.8651806

the opera is nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be lmao
that said i think they nailed terra's theme/wob overworld

>> No.8651890

Ok that's better, as long as it's selectable independent of the text language

>> No.8651912

It's Square Enix we're talking about here, anon. Do you really think they'll care enough to give you a toggle for it?

>> No.8651914

Somehow I doubt that.
Though, I wouldn't be surprised if you could just swap the files like with the fonts.

>> No.8651920

imma just say what everyone is thinking

the opera scene is the worst part of the game

>> No.8651928

Nothing screams "mobile shit cashgrab" like pixel graphics with ultra high definition font and UI overlayed on top of it.

>> No.8651930

Blame Apple for that, if you want to release something on their store you're forced to use Arial.

>> No.8651946

The font is ugly as shit but easily fixed. If you rename the japanese fonts to match the english font names you get the same font that was in the PSP games

>> No.8651953

Thank you.

>> No.8651956

I mean, if you can use graphics then you can use bitmap fonts

>> No.8651960

Voices in the Opera is shit, I hope there's a choice for a non-voiced one.
Can't wait to get all PR

>> No.8651962

I hope there's a The After Years PR

>> No.8651974

I don't know what your definition of falling off is when she's getting lead roles in stuff like the JoJo dub

>> No.8652034

I don't know about worst but I've always been a Terra/Tinafag and that one writer got way out of control with Celes taking up nearly a third of the game when every single other character is lucky to get more than a single dedicated segment

>> No.8652241 [DELETED] 


>> No.8653087 [DELETED] 

hey fellas in case you want to play the games and not have them look like dog doodie, and you also don't want to have to worry about which translation is best, here's a primer for ff6j hot off the presses


enjoy :)

>> No.8653281

Wow, shill harder why don't you

>> No.8654007

Anyone have a video of the sung Opera? This has to be extremely autistic.

>> No.8654052

Well that shows how much I know. I guess having a real job means you don't prance around on the internet as much. Kinda like how Zone kinda just went on a hiatus once he was hired by Lab Zero and is back to his usual once the place closed up.

>> No.8654086

Submarines IRL have existed since the fucking 18th century or even before (depends what exactly you count as a submarine)
Even if they're not commonplace in the FF6 world someone must have at least experimented with them. If anything, this would make it even more of a creative and funny insult, since any submarines existing would have been crappy, impractical things. Submariner could be a common way to denote a kind of a crazy, unhinged fool, kind of like calling someone a space cadet irl.

>> No.8654251

Thank god this is the last thread on Pixel remasters we'll ever see, since you crossposters think there needs to be one every single time these things are shat out.

Nothing yet. It comes out tomorrow.

>> No.8654252

why is it 3D?
I thought the pixel remasters were all 2D

>> No.8654259

SNES has simulated 3D with Mode Seven so this was probably meant to represent that

>> No.8654312

that scene is not mode 7

>> No.8654342

Imagine hating on-topic threads this much

>> No.8654360

based subtle bible reference poster

>> No.8654650
File: 9 KB, 480x416, opera1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like shit.

Original: Hand crafted background. Even though the walls are all "purple bricks", they clearly have different tiles representing different kinds of architecture and depth

Remake: Let's just take the same 8x8 brick texture and paint it over every single wall. The vibe we're going for is "my first minecraft fort."

>> No.8654656
File: 144 KB, 854x480, minecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured: Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster

>> No.8654745

It also doesn't look anywhere near as good as those "HD-2D" remakes they're making now

>> No.8654754

Low effort bait. Go back to /v/, kiddo.

>> No.8654775
File: 398 KB, 1028x574, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because they're not going for that look. The textures are sourced from the original game, to keep that look instead. So Anon quite literally called the same graphics both handcrafted and brilliant, and lazy in the same post.

>> No.8654790
File: 142 KB, 1024x683, istockphoto-157605812-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What castles have you been looking at? They quite literally are "bricks over every single wall"

>> No.8654804

pretty sure he's saying the lighting is baked into the sprites giving it a purple look where as the new one being 3D needs a light source now and looks overall less atmospheric as a result

>> No.8654829

That's not the point though, if they made that decision on the font, then it reflects all their decisions made on the game
So basically it can easily turn to a full overhaul just from little errors like that

>> No.8654834

Blame Apple.

>> No.8654862

Tiles, anon. It's baked into the tiles.
I can see that argument, but his post really doesn't sound like that in particular.

>> No.8655205

Does 4 have one to fix the shit easy difficulty? Thank god 5 wasn't touched in that regard and I doubt 6 will either since they are easy enough.

3 has been my fav PR so far. 2 Was a novelty to play through for the story but the I didn't care for the levelling as many of you will agree.

>> No.8655236

I think the only game to get a balance overhaul is the first one.

>> No.8655327
File: 99 KB, 1066x1200, Get help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine autistically examining and whining about superfluous details IE: "muh SOUL/SOULLESS" for the up-tenth time.
There's a word that describes your illness.

>> No.8655336

But my post wasn't doing that?

>> No.8655347
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1538540011931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let me have this.

>> No.8655352

O-okay, you can have it.

>> No.8655545

I wish I could cast VANISH and then DOOM on the niggers by my house.

>> No.8655579

Are they using Vocaloid?

>> No.8655749

Wonder how the italian dub will sound.

>> No.8655750

Italian, I'd guess.

>> No.8655756

I meant vocal-wise, not language-wise.

>> No.8655868

I'm guessing this anon is right >>8655579 and they're just using some kind of synthetic voice, but it'll be interesting to hear how it sounds in different languages. If the German version sounds anything like Brunnhilde in Wagner's Ragnarok I might actually play that.

>> No.8656462

it's not really funny when this guy does this every single time it's like ps2 or a remaster, has lurked here for years doing this.

>> No.8657224
File: 1.45 MB, 233x291, 1637484940657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep kefka laugh
>replace opera voice

>> No.8658262
File: 650 KB, 1826x1871, Final Fantasy Sprites BG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8658310

why are the remake ffvi characters such shoulderlets?

>> No.8658325

Is this from a site? These sprite comparisons remind me of WarMECH's Domain.

>> No.8658331
File: 162 KB, 630x630, Hide-the-Soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8658332

Fresh OC from Anonymous. I just finished it.

>> No.8658336

Also, you're missing a few of the obscure ones, like the old Japanese cellphone rerelease of FFIV that came out around TAY, but good job compiling the major ones.

>> No.8658373

Obscure ones are left out on purpose because of how obscure they are. It's next to impossible to find good screenshots of them or emulate to rip sprites myself.
Even getting the PlayStation sprites was a hassle. Most FF1/FF2 sprites you see on the internet that are labelled as PlayStation are actually from the WonderSwan version.
I considered TAY itself but decided on a "no sequel/spin-off" policy.

>> No.8658378

Those are the FF6 pixel remastered sprites?
Why does it all look like absolute shit and way less detailed than SNES?
kek so glad I'm not a newfag and played this over a decade ago

>> No.8658386
File: 506 KB, 543x575, ff2java.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very specific question and moreso a meme than anything, but would you consider adding the different sprites found in the Java port of FF1 and 2? Those versions are relatively easy to find and the sprites are uh... Something alright.

It's the same artist as those SNES games, anon. She lost her touch and that was incredibly obvious ever since she made the mobile version sprites (yes, she was the same person for all those 3 versions.)

>> No.8658393

Why would you play an uglier version than the SNES release? Just because it got a lot of advertising?

>> No.8658418

I think these are cleaner sprite rips

>> No.8658420

Even for a meme, I'm not really feeling it. Apologies.
I've mostly done these as a way to compare small details on sprites, and, there's basically no detail here. I don't feel it's worth it.

>> No.8658421

You are mindlessly regurgitating old=good, new=bad logic because you have nothing else inside your brain. At least it's usually the truth.

>> No.8658427
File: 2.50 MB, 1280x800, ChaosBusts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting consoomer shills trying to damage-control the insta-crack, pay them no mind.

>> No.8658432
File: 23 KB, 360x640, ff2javafat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, makes sense. There was another version of Java with these weird, fat versions of the PSP sprites? It's a unique novelty if anything

>> No.8658437

Would you do the monster sprites?

>> No.8658440

I've always considered this an autism project, but even I'm not that autistic. That is no small feat.

>> No.8658514

A few questions for those who have the new Steam version:

Is the Celes basement scene in tact?

How does Cyan's Bushido work now?

>> No.8658530

>Is the Celes basement scene in tact?
Censored apparently
>How does Cyan's Bushido work now?
Select bushido, and it just... goes. There might be charge time after picking but if there is, it's not the most noticeable

>> No.8658538

Submarines definitely exist in 5 and 7... maybe they do exist in 6 but you just never happen to see one.

>> No.8658542

that's not a sandworm, that's a Hoover

>> No.8658547

The basement scene was censored in the GBA version because they wanted a general CERO rating in Japan. CERO hasn't stopped being a thing since, unfortunately.

>> No.8658548


>> No.8658549

Thanks. Bummer about the Celes scene. Cyan probably goes up a couple tiers now.

>> No.8658556


>> No.8658570

So how is it, all things considered? 3 and 5 PR are generally considered definitive. I don't imagine the same is true for 6, based on the OP.

>> No.8658571

Why would they remake them? None of this makes sense each iteration is a clear downstep from SNES. Somehow better hardware and less detailed.
Not sure how Squre greenlit this shit

>> No.8658579

money talks and artistic integrity walks

>> No.8658589

I heard they altered some sprites from the game because it looks like a nazi salute? This version gets gayer and gayer.

>> No.8658591

Japan loves Nazis and doesn't hide it. Sounds like BS.

>> No.8658593
File: 8 KB, 237x153, whydoesthislookbetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we got a "modernized" 2D III...over twenty years later...

>> No.8658604

Japan is might not have gone full faggot immediately when the West did, but they're racing to catch up.

>> No.8658608

I think I know what you're talkimg about -that eastern gesture of the hand to near the head that's supposed to be along the lines of embarrassment- and no, that's still there.

>> No.8658617

The game that needed a full 16 bit overhaul the most got cucked with just NES tile recolors, specially the overworld. Fuck.

>> No.8658629

Still looks great.

>> No.8658635

It's fine. This is /vr/ so its very existence is treated as a war crime but it's fine. Any version of the game that isn't the hideous old mobile version is fine.

>> No.8658640


>> No.8658650
File: 1.48 MB, 1152x767, FF6BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any version of the game that isn't the hideous old mobile version is fine.
If mods for Pixel Remaster are fair game, then so is the old version's.

>> No.8658654

No, it's the way the Empire salutes.

>> No.8658659

>It's fine.
>It got a lot of advertising so I like it.

>> No.8658660

Mods are not fair game.

>> No.8658693
File: 532 KB, 1080x604, pixrem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it, though? Compare with the Wonderswan screenshot >>8658593, it may be blurry but damn you can tell they put honest to god effort into it.

>> No.8658708

It doesn't look AS great, but it looks great.

>> No.8658891

Nobody said anything about ads. Take your meds.

>> No.8659015
File: 821 KB, 1080x600, celebrategoodtimescmon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, you're right. Funny how by adding an extra arm in the air the Empire goes from "bad guys" to "fruity cult". C'est la vie.

>> No.8659039

The updated sprites are generally more readable and have better proportions. But they're way too bright. I think they'd look a lot better if there was 30% more contrast.

>> No.8659079
File: 932 KB, 400x265, motherofhylia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a fucking second...They also changed is so that everyone "salutes" (huzzahs?) in complete unison instead of there being a slight delay that made it look like they were reacting to each other. Now THAT'S a crime! Why remove such attention to detail?

>> No.8659093

It could just be a perfectly timed screenshot

>> No.8659127

Nope, I checked this: EVERY version of the game, even the old mobile version, had this detail.

>> No.8659134
File: 12 KB, 265x297, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8659216

I'm saying you're a fucking dupe who gives into hype about shiny new thing, even though it sucks.

>> No.8659223

I can't wait for Nazis to come back fr in WW3 and set right all this FAGGOTRY

>> No.8659235

Who said anything about giving into hype? Take your meds.

>> No.8659334

That is literally the only reason anyone would accept this version.

>> No.8659341

Maybe in your sad pessimistic little world.

>> No.8659347

>consooming is optimism

>> No.8659351

Meds. Now.

>> No.8659379

still not retro

>> No.8659386

And yet, here we are

>> No.8659415

Bitch can't sing

>> No.8659419

I haven't played any of the old school Final Fantasy's, which one is a good start?

>> No.8659431


>> No.8659447

Start from the beginning and work your way up. No point starting from the best and then working through to the bad ones, I say.

>> No.8659536

the only bad one of the classics is 2.

start with 1 obviously.

>> No.8659549

There is no single version of the Java phone games. Phones with higher resolution screens had higher resolution sprites. I have an old phone I'm keeping around for some old Java games. FF I & II look much better than your pic.

>> No.8659708

His autism got in the way, ironic.
I bet it happens a lot to him.

>> No.8660491

Final Fantasy is kind of split into eras, you could start with any of them:
10+ (every game in the franchise is WAY different from one another at this point)

>> No.8660496

Yep, I know anon, hence why I also posted this >>8658432 those versions of the games are very unique if anything, weird mishmash of the NES and WSC versions visuals-wise.

>> No.8660796

9 was the last truly good game in the series. 10 wasn't bad but it heralded in an unrecognizable era full of nothing but bad games afterwards.

>> No.8661374

I figured starting at 1 was going to be the answer, cheers. I'll give it ago.

>> No.8661395

stuff like never getting ffvi sprites with the style of psp ffiv is proof god doesn't exist

>> No.8661412

Why the fuck would a society with killer robots, mech suits and castles that burrow through the earth not have submarines
When the fuck did anybody in the game need a submarine

>> No.8661469

Did they fix the translation? Did they censor the suicide attempt?

>> No.8661517

kinda insane that absolutely EVERYBODY despises the english font and that replacing it with the japanese font doesn't break the games in any way

why isn't square patching this?

>> No.8661528

I've heard it's something to do with Apple

>> No.8661557

I got a question about FFII
Specifically, about levelling magic
I have to use spells to gain levels in them, but if I'm using them all the time, I'm out of MP when the time comes to fight bosses. I imagine it won't be much of an issue once I get Osmose, but right now in the early game it kind of sucks. I'm also the type of guy who doesn't really bother with buffs and such unless it's a boss battle so using spells like Blink during random encounters just feels wasteful.
So do I have to have dedicated grinding periods to build levels or what? Or is there somthing I'm missing about this system?

>> No.8661828

Sort of feel bad for you. Thinking this is a safe space with people that like you and agree with you. We don't.

>> No.8661852

not retro

>> No.8662303

fucking disgusting

>> No.8662328

I'll never play any FF remake due to the simple fact they don't have fast forward like an emulator does.

>> No.8662646

Any mod to put the Roman salute back? That abomination they replaced it with is distractingly corny.

>> No.8662705

The fact that squeanix has comments disabled on that video shows that they know it's shitty. The voice is exactly what I imagined too; a whiney white girl sound. Shit time to be alive. At least I can still enjoy the original in all it's glory.

>> No.8662795

>The fact that squeanix has comments disabled on that video shows that they know it's shitty.
For what it's worth, that's how all their Japan videos are, and well, a lot of companies' for that matter. No clue why, seems like a cultural thing. I do recommend looking for the other languages of the Opera, English is the only distinctly shit sounding one, Italian sounds pretty great. The Pixel Remasters are shit versions but there at least some good stuff to come out of them

>> No.8663468

Honestly people are better off waiting for the PR soundtrack to be patched into the SNES version.

>> No.8663536

>Implying you need to wait

>> No.8663557

>this guy

It's not one guy, literally everyone who lurked before the rule change knows that new games and remakes are not retro.

>> No.8663923

remakes were fucking constantly discussed before the rule change

>> No.8663975

Yet, curiously, the thread remains up. Care to explain? Perhaps continue crying harder?

>> No.8664030

moderators != users

yeah, like super mario all-stars and link's awakening dx

>> No.8664164

Not only does it stay up, there's actually two threads about them on the catalog!

>> No.8665131

Can I get a transparent please?

>> No.8665134
File: 650 KB, 1826x1871, Final Fantasy Sprites Trans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can do

>> No.8665541

I don't understand this. Everything they did is worse.

>> No.8665553

Welcome to modern life bro. I hear if you cut your dick off you suddenly start enjoying bullshit like this.

>> No.8666110

I don't think it's voice synthesizer. It's just rather flat which I suppose makes sense.

>> No.8666246

My pet peeve of choice with PR is that there are no dialog window open/close animations and the text just pops in all at once

>> No.8666269

Wouldn't it make sense to use the Latin version for the other languages?

>> No.8666836

So which is your favorite?


For me it's Italian Draco and German Maria/Ceres.

>> No.8667119

They all sound great IMO but the English female singer is a bit lackluster.

>> No.8667124

I thought it was a vocaloid?

>> No.8667198

Woolsey made Kefka's mad clown personality shine more with lines like "Wait, he says! Do I look like a waiter?" instead of dryly translating the original dialogue (that line was originally something like "As if there’s anyone who actually waits after being told to wait!"). This triggers weeaboo autists who prefer authenticity to the Japanese at the cost of a potentially more entertaining product.

>> No.8667201

If the entire soundtrack is orchestrated it would stick out like a sore thumb to suddenly have a MIDI synth voice in one of the game's most well-known cinematic sequences

>> No.8667202

And yet, Kefka's synthesized laugh remains.

>> No.8667203 [DELETED] 

Lmao the English singers aren't even singers. Compare it to an actual trained musician singing the French version, holy shit.

>> No.8667205

They guy singing Draco in the Italian and French version replied in the Youtube comments. The Italian version is all real opera singers although the soprano apparently holds back a bit to not sound too opera-like. The German version also has an opera singer as Celes, she sings in the French version too and seems like she too holds back a bit with the opera sound compared to how she normally sings.

>> No.8667206

If you think that's the same as having a synth voice during an opera sequence where there are literally lyrics on the screen you're fucking retarded

>> No.8667210

Wow, they dropped the ball in English, then.

>> No.8667214

The Italian version is fucking beautiful. Leave it to the inventors of opera of course.

>> No.8667216

I'm biased for Spanish for both Draco and Celes, most Ralses sound fairly solid, but I'm not big on neither German or English Ralse.

>> No.8667226

Elaborating on what this anon said >>8660491
1-3 are the 8-bit games which are all pretty archaic compared to what comes later.
4-6 are the 16-bit games where the series really staked its own identity and got increasingly good with each installment.
7-9 are the 32-bit era where probably most people would say the series peaked though 8 is a bumpy spot.
10-12, the PS2 era games, were a light decline but still considered good by most, especially 10.
13-15, the PS3/360 gen games, are really rocky because 13 is probably the most hated entry since 2, 14 launched poorly but has since improved to a degree that it's the most popular Final Fantasy game in 20 years, and 15 took forever to finally release to mixed reception, though most generally agree it's at least underwhelming.

FF1 is alright but you probably want to start with FF4, it's the first one I would call great.

>> No.8667370

The Japanese version sounds like a boy is singing Maria's part. Wtf. Reminds me of the same thing of NiNoKuni's theme music where the woman singer just sounds like a boy instead.

>> No.8667498
File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worm froze one of my party members, inhaled the other three, and now simply refuses to take its turn while I am unable to take mine either to attack or to flee. I have been staring at this screen for fifteen minutes. wew

>> No.8667513

Are the pixel remasters of 1-3 worth playing? Sounds like I might just jump into 4.

>> No.8667519

Why? Because they're "old"? That's a pretty shitty reason to drop a game.

>> No.8667528

Par for the course.

>> No.8667535

He used a script to show dislikes even though they are hidden. The uploader can choose to disable them ontop of them being hidden, dipshit.

>> No.8667537

>Why? Because they're "old"?
Not necessarily, I haven't played that many JRPGS and not looking for anything that archaic. Currently playing Chrono Trigger and just wanted my next game planned out.

>> No.8667541

Ah, I see. Well if you're looking for something more on the level of Chrono Trigger I guess you'll want to jump into 5 or 6. Even 4 is a bit on the archiac side.

>> No.8667547

I kind of just want to emulate the SNES original at this point, even though I'm well aware of the censorship and other issues with it. But I know I'll be struggling for hours to find the right CRT shader and settings for it, which has really halted my emulation in general lately. At least with the stupid remaster it's already made for modern displays and I don't have to worry about that.

>> No.8667552

Don't play with a shader then.
They're for faggots, anyway.

>> No.8667560

In my experience the only games that have really benefitted from those are ones with pre-rendered or early 3D graphics, really.

>> No.8669273

big cringe my guy

>> No.8669824
File: 222 KB, 1284x1844, FMNjZOXXMAgMyYq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want these pixel remasters and the SNES font patches even though I don't particularly like Final Fantasy.

>> No.8669829

That's kind of dumb.

>> No.8670082
File: 260 KB, 865x486, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will now buy your game.
But not really.

>> No.8670537

Based and fpbp

>> No.8670548

Thanks for the bump

>> No.8670620

Is it fixed yet?

>> No.8670658

Is what fixed