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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8648250 No.8648250 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I play this game?
I read the manual and I’m even more confused….

>> No.8648263

What are you having issues with, anon? I beat this when I was like 22 and a black out drunk every night. You must be pretty dim.

>> No.8648272

>>8648263 you must be pretty smart

>> No.8648281

I just don’t know how it works
Dumb it down for me all star drunk

>> No.8648345

this is why gamefaqs exists

>> No.8648381

How far in are you? Some of it is trial and error too, since the manual doesn't explain how formations etc work all that well. Basically just choose one and see how they work.
If units are hanging back near your general, they usually won't advance unless you tell them to enter melee and that gets EVERYONE to attack, otherwise they hang back defensively.
On the strategic map screen it's just a matter of pointing and clicking where you want armies to go, when they run into each other, a battle is initiated.

>> No.8648479

I don’t trust this>>8648381
I can figure out combat but how does the economic shit work it’s not straightford like in star raft

>> No.8648492

Nice try

>> No.8648859 [DELETED] 

Put the disc in the system, and then power it on. TV on. After a few screens you will need to navigate a basic menu. The game should start from there.

Have fun anon-kun :)

>> No.8648945
File: 1.26 MB, 1098x741, Dragon Force Zanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not much in the way of economy to worry about to be honest, just leave armies in castles to let the troops replenish.
There's not really any money that I can think of. I think having your generals 'Improve' castles just means they can support more people, which means you can replenish more troops there when resting.

>> No.8650473
File: 709 KB, 2592x1944, Through_the_fire_and_flames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You move generals and their armies from location to location. They heal (regain troops) at your own forts/castles. Combat is KOF style where you choose the order of the generals pre-match, in the match you can have the troops in formations and when the meter is full you can have a general unleash a special attack. At any point you can retreat/concede but if a general is felled or the whole army is lost the generals are captured. See the chart for ideal matchups, also consider the territory/terrain for bonuses. There is a timer/clock per cycle, so plan to have your armies station at a fort/castle to heal. On the diplomacy phase you can convince prisoner enemy generals to defect to your cause, reassign troop numbers/type if at a fort/castle, and get the status of the field.

It is actually a very simple game, but kind of addictive anyway. That's what I love about it.

>> No.8651483

it actually seemed simple to me, its just real time tactics

>> No.8651490

>dragon force
ah the hardest metal known to man

>> No.8652250 [DELETED] 

You spelled gayest wrong

>> No.8654124

Ya did it, granite. You consumed real good, there.

>> No.8654772 [DELETED] 


>> No.8654779

You should consider adopting a tripcode

>> No.8654786

agreed, so I can finally filter his miserable posts.

>> No.8655743 [DELETED] 

I've never seen someone seethe so hard at someone else owning stuff.
Consider medication.

>> No.8656603

His collection kinda suck, too many games in poor condition mixed with sealed ones he'll never touche.
Poor knowledge about said games too, esp when it comes to arcade games (you can tell all he cares about are J-RPGs and other non games).

I don't know about the anon you replied to, but as for myselff I don't seethe about him for owning stuff, I seethe about him for being such an attention whore with a very basic gaming culture at that.

>> No.8657823

it's pretty simple rochambeau with some overpowered units and outliers to combat them. cavalry>infantry>beasts>cavalry
there's some scripted stuff where you have to search in certain castles to get events to occur.
That's pretty much it train one guy to 100 dragons and use them to dominate the map until you get more units with dragons or are fighting samurai. Pay attention to the patterns of the specials, it can make some battles really easy but you never really need to use them if you have the right troops.

>> No.8657907

>I don't seethe about him for owning stuff, I seethe about him for being such an attention whore with a very basic gaming culture at that.
I'm the anon who made the "put on a trip" comment, and this is what I was going for. Graniteposter is literally nothing more than an avatarfag

>> No.8660118

you have to hit every single note, it takes some time, the hardest part is the solo.

>> No.8660451

I chuckled

>> No.8661764
File: 5 KB, 162x191, disgust4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to r/gamecoomlecting faggot