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8642875 No.8642875 [Reply] [Original]

> play as Sonic
> collect blue spheres, avoid red
> play as Knuckles
> collect red spheres, avoid blue

They had one job

>> No.8642884

Wasn't this always more of a graphical exercise than an actual minigame?

>> No.8642887

Hated this shit

>> No.8642924

Loved this shit.
Think what you want, it's the best kind of special stages in classic Sonic games, after slot machine. Every other kind sucked.

>> No.8642970

nah the only good special stages are Sonic 1 and Sonic CD. the bonus stages in Sonic 3 where you get powerups are great though.

>> No.8642974

Based and true

>> No.8642996

the level design would have to be different for probably all the levels but it could be cool

>> No.8643003

The third special stage in 1 is cancer

>> No.8643018

> Sonic CD

Now you're just being contrarian on purpose.

>> No.8643129

Thanks for letting us know you've never played it, retard

>> No.8643137
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Childhood is wanting the capsule machine bonus stage.
Adulthood is prefering the magnetic orbs.

>> No.8643141

Back then, you either sped with the Son' or knocked with the Knuc'. You picked a side and took no shit from across the fence. It's was 90s gangs all over.

>> No.8643151

Thanks for further confirmation that you have no real argument

Nobody likes UFO shit.

>> No.8643162

Or they could've just flipped the colors of the spheres.
Blue Sphere>UFO>1>2

>> No.8643182

Based, but I guess I'm still stuck in childhood

>> No.8643203

Ok but why is this so true
I hated these magnetic things as a kid

>> No.8643225

I liked the magnetic orbs as a kid. Capsule machine was easier, but boring.

>> No.8643259

The Sonic 1 special stages are garbage. Cybershell agrees also.

>> No.8643261

Red means danger you retard.
That's why Knuckles and Protoman both got that color since they were the edgy antihero counterparts.

>> No.8643312
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>my parents had one job

>> No.8643481




>> No.8643503

I’ll be happy in life if I never have to play one of these stages again

>> No.8643508

Hate to admit it (considering the Sonic 3 speciak stages are by far the easiest of them all) but you're right. Sonic 1's are the most fun, followed by CD's (regardless of that one really hard one in CD). 2's are the absolute worst.

>> No.8643827

>magnetic balls
>get 200+ rings, three 1ups, and whatever shield you want

>capsule game
>get 10 rings and 1up maybe

>> No.8643841

You forgot
>slot machine
>no shields
>lose all your rings

>> No.8643892

>1up maybe
You're pretty much guaranteed 1 if you hold on till the end.

>> No.8644095

Not an argument, 0/10 bait

>> No.8644154

it was a graphical flex by sega. it sucks as a game but is in fact a game, just not a good one.
in Sonic Mania they made it crazy, it's actually full of really hard ones in that one

>> No.8644164

OP was funny and I kind of agree, but then all the faggots had to jump him to protect the honor of muh Sega

>> No.8644173
File: 28 KB, 256x224, Sonic3DGenesisSpecialStage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even meme'ing, this shit was the best.
Sonic 1's is pretty cool too but very nauseating

>> No.8644205

Saturn version's special stages > Genesis version's special stages

>> No.8644226

oh that's clever
somebody should make a romhack

>> No.8644406

>OP was funny
Autism isn't a laughing matter
>and I kind of agree
As someone who's kind of autistic you should know that

>> No.8644643

Thanks, doc.

>> No.8644658

How the hell did anyone figure out the rules to this minigame when it released? I still don't fully understand it.

>> No.8644662

No, Knuckles got it because test audiences didn’t like him green.

>> No.8644964

>> play as Sonic
>> collect blue spheres, avoid red
>> play as Knuckles
>> collect red spheres, avoid blue

What about Tails?

>> No.8644982

>gee, touching a red ball ends the minigame
>what happens if I just don't touch a red ball?
Congratulations on being dumber than a six-year old, I guess.
captcha rxrat
makes sense

>> No.8644985

Is that true? I've never heard this.

>> No.8644990

This response is telling, as they have one or more personality disorders.

>> No.8644997

who gives a shit what that faggot has to say?

>> No.8645002

Based but also (despite not being part of the traditional classic Sonic games) I want to give an honorable mention to Saturn 3D Blast's special stage for being really fun (albeit easy) and being the only decent half pipe in the series:

>> No.8645004

>Collect the yellow spheres that bounce you halfway across the map, avoid red and blue

>> No.8645014
File: 289 KB, 957x720, Screenshot_20220219-230115-816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related
If you're still having trouble comprehending, consider checking out the enclosed instruction book.

>> No.8645024

>Is that true?

>> No.8645504

>Sonic 2
>Dumbass tails gets stuck by the spikes because his controls are slightly delayed from yours
>Lose exclusively because of him
Fuck Sonic 2's special stages.

>> No.8645568
File: 326 KB, 1067x1134, sk-specialstage-planet4map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with Blue Spheres is that you can't practice them easily because they disappear once you fail. No fucking clue how anyone passed the later ones in S3&K without a map.

>> No.8645575

Tails can't make you lose a special stage in Sonic 2. Tails getting hit by anything in that game has no effect on Sonic in any context.

>> No.8645627

Tails collects rings on his own, whatever amount he collected summarizes with yours at the finish line.

When he loses rings, there may be no more to collect, so you can't get the required amount and fail the special stage.

>> No.8645631

And yes, Sonic always runs ahead so he's first to collect any rings. But somehow that doesn't work.

>> No.8645703

That one is easy though as long as you're not going for the rings. Just don't turn right at the beginning and only turn once you reach a corner, you'll get all the spheres brainlessly.

>> No.8645707

I don't like special stages in any Sonic game besides Genesis 3D Blast because it's infant mode easy
At BEST Sonic special stages are mildly amusing and then the 7th stage brutally ass rapes you in front of your family until you dedicate hours of your life to memorizing it

>> No.8645801
File: 6 KB, 249x188, seething-zoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck was I supposed to know that!

>> No.8645812

Actually, no, there are a few gotcha moments where you can fuck up. Having completed it, and looking at a map of the whole level, I know exactly how to do it. But it's totally feasible someone would need 3+ tries.

>> No.8645837


What are you talking about? You either turn for a blue sphere or don't press anything. These linear stages are the easiest blue spheres stages. I could understand messing it up once because you don't know where to jump but after making the first jump it's clear what it is telling you to do, the only failure that can happen then is failing to input correctly.

>> No.8645851

>the only decent half pipe in the series
I actually like the one in Rush. I guess that extends to Colors DS as well since they recycled it.

>> No.8645920

>zoom zooms aren't literal tards who need 3+ tries to realize that the stove is hot hot

>> No.8645953

Are you the same guy from the wily wars thread or does everyone on this board cry zoomer at anything they don't like hearing?

>> No.8646019

>The problem with Blue Spheres is that you can't practice them easily because they disappear once you fail.
You can literally get a BS only game if you use the &K lock on cartraige with any other Sonic game other than Sonic 2.

>> No.8646090

Capsule machine was random and only gave you one or two useful things. Magnetic orb stage had a path that if you took it gave you 200+ rings, a lightning shield and like three extra lives. It basically allowed you to stay super sonic for the rest of the level.

>> No.8646092

there's a trick to the slot machine, you have to hold one of the buttons, I forgot which, and it'll always roll jackpots.

>> No.8646095

>And yes, Sonic always runs ahead so he's first to collect any rings. But somehow that doesn't work.
If you hit a bomb, you go back and Tails will run in the front. You'll need Tails to get hit by a bomb too in that case, but by that point you are probably fucked and will lose either way.

The only difficult part with Sonic 2 spec stages is that the limit is higher if you play together with Tails. Not the part where Tails gets hit by bombs.

>> No.8646129
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>> No.8647004

Oh shit, I forgot about those ones. Yeah, I really liked those ones.

>> No.8647071

>doesn't explain the orange spheres launch you
Manuals leaving out vital information, as always

>> No.8647157

I like the ufo shit. Better than 2's halfpipe and much better than 1's stages.

>> No.8647160

1's are fucking obnoxious and easy.

>> No.8647182

I didn't use a map for any of them, but by playing through them all in Mania, I managed to get a lot of practice.

>> No.8647185

someone made a ROM hack

>> No.8647187


>> No.8647301

>Are you the same guy from the wily wars thread or does everyone on this board cry zoomer at anything they don't like hearing?

>> No.8647423

you goddamn retard, tails has delay in the special stages and that causes him getting hit and you losing tons of rings

>> No.8647478

I love Sonic 2 and its special stages, but this is certainly an undeniable flaw. With practice you get used to maneuvering Tails to avoid mines but he still makes significantly more difficult than it would be without him.

Did you play Sonic 2?

>> No.8647680

>You know realize Naka doing that shit in balan was just him repeating himself from the genesis days
Fucking hell man.

>> No.8647702

The deceptive part isn't that it's not a game, but that it's a grid-mover and not a 3D roam.

>> No.8647726

Maybe that was from the Sonic 3 manual? The yellow spheres didn't debut until S&K.

>> No.8648060

Sonic CD's special stages is one of the best translations of Sonic gameplay into 3D. It just feels so rewarding and right. I'm not trolling.

>> No.8648096
File: 203 KB, 856x1158, s&k manual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit retard

>> No.8648432

Tails losing rings doesn't make Sonic lose rings. You can only 'lose' from Tails if he hits a bomb after you were fucking up and letting him catch rings you missed to begin with. The game is giving you bonus rings you don't deserve through Tails.

>> No.8648501

Why didn't we just get Sonic 1 with knuckles? They didn't need to actually edit any of the levels to make them "knuckles compatible" like some parts of Sonic 2 did, just keep it a palette swap of Sonic and that's it

>> No.8648572


I don't recall the official reason but consider that the s&k cart would need another rom chip for the s1 engine code like s2 had. Doesn't seem worth it for a sprite swap. What I want to know is why they didn't add tails flight in s2 while they were there!

>> No.8649429
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>> No.8649512

You're right, but as was already mentioned, playing as Sonic + Tails makes the ring requirements higher and if you hit a bomb Tails might get in front of you which is annoying.
I think they were expecting most people to be playing with a second player when they pick Sonic + Tails.

>> No.8649672

They just didn't think the Sonic 1 levels were a good fit for Knuckles. It wasn't any sort of technical block.

>> No.8650818

I was right wasn't I?
That's fair, Sonic 1 has a lot of closed narrow routes after green hill where sonic 2 levels consistently play with height to space out their routes. I do rememver they changed the levels slightly for knuckles but less than you'd think they would need to. Mostly just adding rewards for going to those areas that would be a dead end corner in the maps ceiling.

>> No.8652323


>> No.8652456

Man you're a broken record, If thinking I'm a zoomer makes your life simpler then go for it. Sorry I better translate for you.

(You) are an NPC. Zoomie go zoom zoom.

>> No.8652565
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>> No.8652816

Never got the appeal of minigames. They're just worse games that didn't get as much dev time as the main games that they make you play in the middle of the game you actually want to play. None of them are good, if they were they would be sold as stand alone games.