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8639840 No.8639840 [Reply] [Original]

Presuming that the city won't be nuked and that the authorities will be able to rescue the survivors after a week, how would you ride out the zombie apocalypse in Raccoon City?

>> No.8639846

You just run them over.
That's what you do.

>> No.8640762

lol just walk out of the city bro

>> No.8640804

Honestly, not even zombies would probably try to eat me, I’m that much of a loser

>> No.8640819

Immediately go to the police station and avoid getting lumped in with civilians. If I'm ballsy, stick with Elliot's group. As long as you make it to the heliport with him (low chance, as the other 3 guys died on the way there) and help him take out the two zombies, you win. Though this route is one of the most dangerous, as Irons starts killing people off, there are multiple minor outbreaks among the civilians, and various sections of the RPD get destroyed.
If not there, the next best thing to do would be to stay in the prison with Ben and get out with Leon, or sneak into the Chief's office when he starts shooting people in the precinct and hide in the backroom and just wait for Claire and fuck her brains out
These are all dangerous, but every alternative almost certainly results in your death. Trying to escape with Jill will lead to you dying, Carlos barely makes it out and he's a mercenary, and Nicholai got murdered for merely being associated with Jill in Nemesis' head.
There are Outbreak scenarios that result in survival, but that is constant running around for days on ends, where getting infected is a commonality. Compared to all of that, RE2's scenario is a cakewalk.
The city limits are guarded until late into the outbreak (two days before the nuke). Good luck getting out when lickers, hunters, drain demos, spiders, etc., are all trying to get you.

>> No.8640865

I live on rural western pa, little outside of Pittsburgh. If I assume Pittsburgh is racoons city in your question I'd be fine. Have 6 months of food and water on hand, plenty of guns with ammo. My basement is fortified and without explosives or heavy equipment, no one is getting in once I shut the door.

If I'm in the city when the outbreak goes down all I'd have is my Leatherman and my carry gun. I'd try and grab as much water as I could then find a place to lay low untill the madness died down

>> No.8640884

umbrella zombies glow in the dark

>> No.8640903

Follow Sherry's example, get to the police station and find places to hide. With the added advantage of not unknowingly carrying a virus sample, and not being blood related to the breeding monster running around. I'd probably be ok.

Even with Iron's various attempts at sabotage, the PD was still one of the safer places to be.

>> No.8641142

Sherry was able to squeeze into vents and under barricaded doors no adult would fit through though. If you're in the station you still have to contend being collateral damage if you bump into Mr. X or Birkin. They may not be searching for you specifically, but they won't hesitate to kill or implant you if they see you. (Part of Mr X's mission is to silence witnesses who may know too much). Then between all the zombies and lickers and a serial killer police chief on the loose, you could do a lot better than the RPD.
If I was there though I might do the world a solid and hunt down Irons for sport myself.

>> No.8641189

Just lock your doors lmao. Zombol can't travel through doors in resident evil

>> No.8641196

Nigger the very first zombie you meet in RE1 comes through the door to the dining room if you go back out to the main hall and come back.

>> No.8641516


Grab some water and hide up in the clock tower. Also sabatoge the ladder so nobody can climb up after me.

>> No.8641550

That was a cut scene shit doesn't count you zombie propagandist

>> No.8641554

Hunters can permanently destroy doors in REmake.

>> No.8641575 [DELETED] 

Not retro /v/tard

>> No.8641581
File: 367 KB, 2524x551, Screenshot 2022-02-18 at 20-23-15 (0) vr - ↑↑↓↓←→←→ BA START - Retro Games - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao >>6775606

>> No.8642319

Raccoon is gridlocked, that's why there are car pileups everywhere. Driving through the zombies didn't seem to work for anyone who tried.
Just stay in a sealed building. The zombies don't have supernatural senses, Arklay Mountains encounters even show that they'll stand and wait 30 years in a closet and generally not pass most firm wooden doors if they don't sense a living human.

>> No.8642368

>and Nicholai got murdered for merely being associated with Jill in Nemesis' head.
thats not in the OG.

>> No.8642589

NAYRT but yeah it does, it happens if you choose to push Nemesis off the bridge instead of jumping off (which is also the path that doesn't feature Barry in the end). As for whether it happened in canon is impossible to say since Capcom has never specified exactly what combination of events is the true way that RE3 happened.
Retellings of RE3 in Umbrella Chronicles and RE3R don't have Barry in the end. We also don't know whether Nicholai survived RE3 since there is only one document (which is in Gun Survivor 1) that could corroborate that however only the English version of the document implies he survived and not the Japanese version.

>> No.8642616 [DELETED] 

Laws aren't morals, and stickies aren't truth

>> No.8642760
File: 2.15 MB, 2016x1512, Have_not_forgotten_the_first_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balls deep into Jill Valentine.

>> No.8642764

Holy based.

>> No.8642781

I own an AK-47 and a decent amount of ammo, but even with that taken into account I would probably want to hide in a shipping container, a semi trailer or something similarly sealed off if I couldn't make it to the police station. I doubt Raccoon City has any tornado shelters like where I live, otherwise I would just head for one of those. I'm not sure if I would have better chances at the police station or holed up somewhere else, honestly, what with all of the lickers and Mr. X crawling around at the police station. I would probably be able to manage a week without food but I'm not sure if I would be able to get enough water to wherever I would find shelter at in order to be at the top of my game for an entire week. I would also probably be distraught the entire time about my cat, making things even harder to cope with. I'm not sure that I would survive, but I would at least be able to kill myself quickly if I were bitten. I'm assuming I don't have plot armor like Chris, Jill, Leon or Claire do.

>> No.8642782

what about the scene in re2 where the zombies come during the loading screen?

>> No.8642791

its leon or claire that opened the door.

>> No.8642862

>The zombies don't have supernatural senses, Arklay Mountains encounters even show that they'll stand and wait 30 years in a closet and generally not pass most firm wooden doors if they don't sense a living human.
This must be something I've missed, what are you talking about here?

>> No.8642863 [DELETED] 

coomer cringe

>> No.8642912
File: 460 KB, 1280x720, Thinking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Saturn emulation nowadays? I kinda want to try that version for the Battle Mode, Ticks and 2nd Tyrant.

>> No.8643036

You guys are considering that only zombies would de around. RE zombies don’t seem that dangerous, even fresh ones are dumb and slow, the real problem are the lickers, hunters, tyrants and other monstrosities strung about the city

>> No.8643068

I tend to think of the zombies as like a barbed wire entanglement: it's unlikely one will kill any given solider, but they slow everyone down for the real weapons to hit them. You can't _quite_ ignore them.
Lickers and hunters can move in an agile way and get into spaces from above/below. Tyrants can smash barricades and doors wide open. The various infected wildlife are much the same, and can even be air mobile.

>> No.8643153

wannabe classicfag outting themselves
God, Nicholai wasn't even killed by Nemesis in the remake, that's multiple layers of posery

>> No.8643442
File: 244 KB, 1200x675, re1.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicholai leaving with the chopper was considered canon for as long as I remember, but I don't really know where we got that information from back then. I guess it just makes more sense than him being unceremoniously killed by Nemesis or Jill blowing up their (at the time) only way to escape the city.

>> No.8643454

What about that zombie that comes through the door in the mansion basement?
Do you have footage of this? I seem to remember seeing this once, but I can't remember where in the mansion.

>> No.8643635

That bit of info comes from a mistranslation in Survivor (the English TL has him as the man who wrote a report, whereas the Japanese just had an unnamed supervisor).
Nicholai has a very low chance of survival in RE3, as he has the potential to die in both scenarios, and he only survives in one of them if you choose not to attack him.

>> No.8643660

the door wasnt locked dumbass

>> No.8643797
File: 505 KB, 558x900, RE_Chimera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*crawls through ur air ducts*
Heh nuthin personel

>> No.8644313

How did they mistranslated a fucking name?

>> No.8644331

Zombie dogs can travel through windows though.

>> No.8644374

Is it really an AK-47 or is it an AKM?

>> No.8644598

>I can't remember where in the mansion
It only happens after specific conditions have been met. For the Kenneth hallway door you need to enter the kitchen and for the one in the room with the massive mirror, you need to have tried opening the mansion's front door (you might have to decap/burn the zombie in that room too but I'm not sure about that one)

>> No.8644621

That thing is horrifying what the fuck. I don't remember that at all.
Clearly Anon is an ex-Soviet who was friends with Kalashnikov and was gifted one of the original AK-47's that was produced. Just lathered it in Cosmoline and hot glue and called it good. That said SKS > Moist Nugget > AK.

>> No.8644650
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, Kenneth Hunter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8644682

You don't. The zombies aren't the issue. It's the other BOWs that show up. Lickers are supposed to be an evolved zombie like the Crimson Heads, so fortifying a roof isn't the answer. Add in the shit like crows or bug monsters, and you're fucked trying to hide on a roof. There's no riding it out.

>> No.8644686

>That thing is horrifying what the fuck. I don't remember that at all.
GC only.

>> No.8644687

Just hide in that empty womb of hers. It's a bit dusty though

>> No.8644697

No they're also in the OG. Maybe 3 rooms total. Monkey Bug Men is what we called them

>> No.8644701
File: 2.94 MB, 640x480, Mirror Hunter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction: You do NOT need to try opening the front door. You need to decap/burn the zombie then go back to the main hall and return.

>> No.8644714

Oh, from REmake? I've never been able to get into that because I'm a wuss and it's spooky with headphones on. Or is it a 2/3 thing? Looks like classic RE art, so I'm uncertain.

>> No.8644726

Just watch the door bro

>> No.8644735

This is right, and I am an idiot. As you say, they're barely included though.
Disregard what I said earlier. I do indeed suck cocks.

>> No.8644770

That's pretty cool. RE1 had a scene with a similar set of weird conditions where a zombie would come into that room with the big deer head above the east save room. I don't even remember all the conditions for that one, but it involved killing specific zombies and leaving others alive or something like that.

>> No.8644785

Yes, it is an AKM you big dorks.

>> No.8644789

Nope, they're at least also in Director's Cut. I just played it recently. There's a few of them in the lab.

>> No.8644794

Yeah, I've seen that zombie in videos/screenshots but I've never seen it while playing the game myself.

>> No.8644805

>That thing is horrifying what the fuck. I don't remember that at all.
If it makes you feel any better, they're born from live human women abducted by Umbrella according to the Japanese strategy guide.

>> No.8644808

PD is a death trap:

1. Irons is running around gunning down survivors.
2. Mr. X Tyrant is in pursuit of the sample.
3. There's several lickers about.
4. Swarming with zombies.
5. William Birkin is running around.

You're bound to run into at least one of them.

>> No.8644818
File: 84 KB, 655x3560, 7538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of weird triggers in the game that are under documented and relatively unknown. Just look at the story flow chart

>> No.8644857

The weird triggers are likely just bugs and lack of playtesting. Like the zombies are meant to show up normally but to get them to do that requires a lot of work in the final game. They're such minor encounters that this was missed in playtesting. If you examine the game's code there's likely more of them hidden away.

>> No.8644893

My favorite is the trick where you dick around going back to Wesker at the beginning and eventually the zombie finds its way into the dining room on its own. Kenneth is also completely devoured from the waist down and missing the ammo pickups (presumably he carried the spare magazines in his pockets) when you go in there. The rumor back when the game came out was that doing this made the enemies easier too but that turned out to be bullshit.

>> No.8644971

So it ripped off his head and ate his asshole?

>> No.8644989

Chimera is in OG RE too, all versions. They are only in the power room in the lab and no where else, so it is easy to forget them.
They also look a bit more like apes in the old game.

>> No.8645029

>Monkey Bug Men
>look a bit more like apes
I always assumed those things were the "skinned gorillas" in the Keeper's Diary because they looked like chimps to me and I just figured some Japanese guy got his apes confused. But everyone seems to think he's talking about Hunters.

>> No.8645038

I am cornteend right now from the coof, and the only gaming devices I have are my phone and a switch. What is the best retro resident evil to play with these limited devices?

>> No.8645205

I had to search for that, apparently the zombie doesn't eat his ass, just his boots, and magazines, and half of his pants.

>> No.8645209


>> No.8645326
File: 2.79 MB, 640x480, spider.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of weird things, did you know the Black Tiger just wants you to get out of his comfy spider hole? He'll even help you.

>> No.8645898

Based spider Fren

>> No.8645921

Pretty much this or literally any multistory building. I'd also close and barricade the windows and doors.
Surviving for a week is ezpz unless you piss off a licker/Mr X or Whatever.
It will be like living in solitary prison for a week, since ideally you dont want to make any noise or have any light source on but I think it's bearableif you have a 1 week timeframe.

>> No.8645926

The only problem is getting running water. Wasn't the water supply poisoned with the G-Virus from Birkin?

>> No.8645935

I mean if you knew that's going to happen you can store the water pre-empteivly (literally run the tap and fill bottles/pots/bathtub worth), the other option is , turn off your water supply and use the water already in your toilet (not the bowl but the bit the fills it)
That does mean you'll probably be shitting in bags, but who cares if it's only for a week.
Also don't forget usually most people would have milk/juice.
Also can drinking your own piss provide you with more fluids to live off? (any survival enthusiast anons around)

>> No.8645946

No. He consumed G. The vials he broke were T-Virus, and it was spread by sewer rats, not through water.

>> No.8645950

diet of jill sandwiches

>> No.8645957

Ah you are right my memory of RE2 was all fucked

>> No.8646000

Are you making these yourself for the thread?

>> No.8646010

You wouldn't know anything though, and wouldn't be able to prep and theoretically wouldn't have any advanced knowledge of events for the most part although it's kind of unavoidable in this case, so you kind of have to pretend you're doing it blind somewhat but still know about the police station and other locations because it can't be helped.
I for one think everyone would be fucked and die. Don't think RC has any skyscrapers so I might choose the largest office or apartment then use shit from each floor to barricade the steps on each level, then take the top floor and turn off all lights but even then you're probably dealing with all the zombie tenants and pets plus if someone comes looking to kill you then you're fucked because it's obvious there's someone there if everything is barricaded.

>> No.8646025

I would lock myself in my house/apartment and wait it out
it's possible to survive even a month without food so a week should be easy, plus I should have some bread or cookies lying around the house so I'm not completely hungry

>> No.8646032

No, sewer rats did it, not that it stopped -official- extra content to list the poisoned water a the cause of the outbreak

>> No.8646046


>> No.8646076

Then your house would burn, or the dogs would smell ya and come in the windows, the spiders and crows and bats would get ya, the other humans either looking to kill survivors or take your shit would come, the big motherfucker lickers and tyrants and whatever the fuk would come rape your ass, etc... Not to mention you wouldn't be able to cold turkey go long without food especially in a state of terror, and your mind would naturally get desperate.
Based. I commend your effort plus you must be damn good to get to these areas so quick and do this.

>> No.8646094

> Then your house would burn
NTA but this just reminded me that a big fire starts a couple of days before Sep28 on downtown Raccoon City and that’s what really messes up the already shitty situation. The police and fire department try to contain it and that also helps them get overwhelmed later.

>> No.8646131

>I commend your effort plus you must be damn good to get to these areas so quick and do this
I was lucky and already had a save at the beginning of the lab where I also didn't trigger those events yet. I don't remember how quickly I can beat the game exactly but it's probably around 2 hours.

>> No.8646237
File: 2.18 MB, 2500x3368, Bmy3Ghp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to point out that god damn none of the Japanese RE1 guidebooks have been scanned to this god damn day. These are loaded with the highest quality art and who knows what else? A few scans here and there show up on fan wikis.

Hell, even the American GameFans guidebook is unscanned. I don't think the book has the best quality art, and I think it's upscaled from lower resolution sources.


>> No.8646258
File: 70 KB, 1080x586, _20220220_233656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I just checked and I can grab them for like 130-200 yen in decent condition but I don't have the time to scan them.

>> No.8646263
File: 52 KB, 443x759, _20220220_234100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Director's Cut Perfect Edition in good condition. Or do you want the original, original guidebook?

>> No.8646270
File: 358 KB, 792x1232, 游戲志 Biohazard1+2 Complete File 生化危机1+2珍藏攻略全书_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are scanning the RE2 guides, but those are like "whatever" tier. It's the exact same promotional art, and there's no mysteries to be found. RE1 guides might contain new character art, background art, development information, and so on.




Oh and I found this RE1-2 Taiwan guide.

>> No.8646281
File: 27 KB, 238x340, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Inside of Biohazard
>Biohazard Director's Cut: inside of Biohazard
>Saturn BIO HAZARD Official Guide

>BIO HAZARD Director's Cut V-JUMP Guide Book
>Sega Saturn Biohazard

>BIO HAZARD Perfect Capture Manual

Famitsu's Inside of Biohazard looks to be the most most interesting, and features detailed background lore that I have never seen elsewhere, and what looks to be unique art. I'm not sure how the Director's Cut updated edition differs from the original.


>> No.8646413

I guess lock myself in a convenience store stock room for water and food and just try to pass the time.

>> No.8646431

It’s good. Probably perfect now. I played RE Saturn recently and it ran like a dream, nothing unusual I noticed. Sorry to kind of let you down though but Ticks are just recoloured hunters. You can’t even tell they’re a different color because of how dark it is in some spots

>> No.8646459
File: 2.10 MB, 640x480, tick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a cool unique kill animation though.

>> No.8646869

Does it treat them like one room afterwards? I remember falling into a deep depression when Mr X would KoolAid Man through 2 walls in a row and you couldn't use them as exits.

>> No.8647128

I love how it's fair game to show every form of fucked up violence against people but god forbid someone shows a tit or two in a game...people will lose their fucking minds

>> No.8647151

Based violence = good, sex = bad

>> No.8647379

Yes the game treats it as one room

>> No.8647409



>> No.8647565

He should have known better than to slowly levitate up through that ductwork.

>> No.8647592

>Racoon Shity
Fuckin easy mode bro. All those scawwwwy BOW monsters you guys are shitting yourselves over can be killed with a tiny pocket knife. Imagine how bad you could fuck up Mr Nig if you had a fuckin machete or a butcher cleaver?
And the zooombees can be dodge/tackled with ease. If a useless whore in a tube top/mini skirt can do it, why can't Us Fattys do the same?
Got bit? There is copius amounts of wild potted herbs growing around the city to cure you.

>> No.8648139 [DELETED] 

>If a useless whore in a tube top/mini skirt can do it, why can't Us Fattys do the same?
Have sex, incel.
>Got bit? There is copius amounts of wild potted herbs growing around the city to cure you.
Then why didn't those herbs save anyone else in Raccoon City?
The protagonists survive because, in canon, they never actually get bit.

>> No.8648249

input lag makes it unplayable

>> No.8648275
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, 20-1578421386-1378038457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Jill's in-game outfit was supposed to be blue like in the original before release but for some reason they changed it to the final dark green one (probably because they thought it clashed too hard with the environment). There's a mod that changes it to something closer to the beta version but I don't know how I feel about it.

>> No.8648291 [DELETED] 

Ya seethe troon

>> No.8648405
File: 3.48 MB, 400x300, resident.evil.directors.cut_black.tiger.death.animation_knife.only.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Black Tiger also has a special death animation when you kill it with a knife.

>> No.8648454
File: 146 KB, 1000x424, AKS Type 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AK and AKM are better than the SKS, which is MUCH better than the Nagant.

I really like how fucked up they are.

>> No.8648680
File: 629 KB, 868x6579, RE3FLOW_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did all these triggers on purpose and many of them have storyline implications, it's also to add depth to repeat playthroughs and create a more 'real, living' environment.
Anyone have other flow charts from other RE games?

>> No.8648753

>They did all these triggers on purpose and many of them have storyline implications, it's also to add depth to repeat playthroughs and create a more 'real, living' environment.

They're all intentional, but some triggers are clearly broken and they didn't catch them. The one that I remember is that by entering and re-rentering the room with a fireplace while doing things in a particular sequence you can get 2 zombies to appear. This likely is supposed to be a trigger or the zombies are always meant to be there, but it's glitched.

>> No.8649313

I don’t know if this is some mandella effect or I’m just color blind, but to me her outfit was always blue, even in the REmaster

>> No.8649365

You're fucked, most of the population was infected and the eventual mass turn when things went wrong killed everyone else not infected, slower in the turning. All the MCs either don't get infected because in and out, cured as part of the story, cured off screen because umbrella/wesker agent.

>> No.8649384

STARS are bottled water and / or Sprite Zero chads.

>> No.8649518

I always had the belief that most of the cast are naturally immune to the T and G viruses.

>> No.8649550

Wesker mentions this in the Wesker Report File#2 IIRC. Not specifically about STARS members but humans possibly having a natural immunity to T-virus, at least.

>> No.8649612

I know there's one for Chris, but RE2 didn't have anything like that. Hell, RE3 depended only on if Jill or Nemesis go off the bridge

>> No.8649648

>the way he falls down and clumsily gets up
my sides

>> No.8649924

There are surely paths and triggers in RE2, aren't there?

>> No.8649970

I'm pretty sure the "canon" for RE games would be a no damage playthrough. It always made sense to me, you could play how it things really happened if you beat the games without getting hit.

>> No.8650006

That book is based on the original scenario writer's notes and has a really neat section on the T virus. Basically, it's an extremely contagious airborne virus at first but rapidly mutates and loses potency. By the time the game takes place it's practically inert and the book says this is why STARS members didn't get infected from scratches and bites.

>> No.8650496

That doesn't make any sense. People in Raccoon City were still getting infected and turning into zombies DAYS after the virus was released. A much better explanation would be small exposure to viral particles building up immunity over time or just plain immunity for the cast (for whatever reason).

>> No.8650606

All you have to do is sit in any apartment off the ground floor and ration out a case of water bottles, you can survive a week without food but there's probably going to be something to eat if you're in an apartment. Push a piece of furniture in front of the door, close the blinds, sit down and read books. As long as you dont make any noise or piss off the big ass monsters you're good.

>> No.8650737

That was all like written before RE2 was even a thought in anyone's mind. RE1 is also very explicit that the virus doesn't reanimate dead people and infected take days to turn, but by the time 2 and 3 roll around it's just a generic zombie virus where people turn whenever it's convenient for the plot and bodies literally rise from their graves.

>> No.8650740

>Zombie dogs and crows jump in your windows
>Hunters smell your NEET body out
>Lickers, Chimera and Ticks infiltrate your nooks and crannies
>Fires spread and smoke you out

>> No.8650779

Those negroes.

>> No.8650983
File: 383 KB, 2560x1440, 20220221191759_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's blue during the pre-rendered cutscenes (I guess they were done way before release) but the in-game model is green.

>> No.8651230

Doesn't he participate during the Outbreak events until very very late? or he managed to squeeze that stuff between his absence during Resident Evil 3.

>> No.8651238

Yeah, but all that is before the Dead Factory section of RE3.

>> No.8651325

It's amazing how they managed to squeeze so many other survivor stories in Raccoon City and still made perfect sense storywise.

>> No.8651330

Wow, what a mansion!

>> No.8651340

Outbreak is excellent, very good games. To all anons who haven't tried, you should play them online. I did it nonstop this last year and still come back to it here and there. Community is small but you find people surprisingly often.

>> No.8651352

I prefer to sit down and play Outbreak than REmake 2 and 3, legit they ruined the aesthetics of Racoon City because they needed to make it more contemporary to it's time.

>> No.8651353

I think the idea behind it is that a 16 year old might be bothered by someone being ripped in half by a monster, but can't do anything about it, but if they see titties they might want to have sex, even with a condom, and that makes Jesus weep

>> No.8651370

I'm pretty sure a lot of people were immune to the T and G viruses, but ended up getting killed by tue various BOWs in the city.

>> No.8651372

I've 100% 2 and 3 remakes because I just love RE, but they're very soulless, almost embarrassing in some areas, the horrible dialogue with nonstop swearing, and Leon saying "what the" after seeing his 300th zombie. Most remakes only serve to remind me of the lightning in a bottle concept.

>> No.8651375

I refuse to play the Remake of 3, 3 being my favorite of the mainline entries, what they did to every character is just enough to keep me away from even trying it, not even mentioning the fact that the main reason why Resi 3 was so special was removed because they needed to make it a western cinematic experience.

>> No.8651387

Jill is awful in every sense of the word on the remake. They managed to kill both her appearance and personality in one swoop. She's your current year unbearable woman and has some embarrassing ghetto ass lines. You're not missing anything. The first fight with Nemesis on the roof looks nice but he's a pushover because making a game challenging is racist.

>> No.8651420

They wanted a game of setpieces, not a dynamic experience like RE3 was. And, honestly, I get that. The game is short as it is, they really didn’t have much of a chance (not that I think the change is good).
Jill’s character is painfully out of place, especially how there’s a lot of effort to make sure you understand she is tormented by the memories of the mansion, but after the intro it never comes up again and she doesn’t seem even a bit distressed by being chased by a giant monster.

>> No.8651429

>Game to compensate the short development time decided to add branching paths to expand replayability among many other neat things
>Remake to compensate the short development time decided to pass it to another studio and to make it linear
It's so funny because Capcom was getting me back with the revival of DMC and Remake 2 while not as good as original 2 due to some dumb story rearrangements it was still a step in the right direction, then 3 remake came out, learned about everything they done and just burned the bridge again with me.

>> No.8651519

The only difference is Claire A Leon B, and Leon A Claire B. You're just along for the ride. The most variance is just running out of Kendo's shop without looting the ammo. You hear him get killed rather than see it happen.

>> No.8651553
File: 3.63 MB, 348x272, Spoony Look.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't play it. I'm saying that as someone who really liked the RE2 remake too so I'm not saying that just because I hate anything modern. RE3 remake was just very mediocre.

>> No.8651579

Fun fact i never finished 3, when i reached the bridge scene fighting Nemesis exhausted me so hard that i just saved and left it there, then i forgot to keep playing and lost the save.
Nemesis do really filtered me, but im happy that their gimmick worked well enough like it was the intent.

>> No.8651584

you didn't have enough of an attention span to beat a 2 hour game, and you also got filtered by a lowest common denominator modern game?
maybe you should change hobbies.

>> No.8651590

I think anon is referring to the Keeper's Room, since he'll burst out of the closet after you read his diary. In REmake another zombie that's lying there wakes up afterwards too.

>> No.8651601

way to be a faggot

>> No.8651727

He wasn't lying in wait for 30 years though, he was a pretty recent zombie.

>> No.8651881

>People beat RE3 first time in 2 hours as a kid
Lemme guess, you only ever experienced this game from a Youtube video

>> No.8651901

im talking about the remake you gay nigger. its even shorter than the original, and much easier.

>> No.8651925

I never played the remake retard, i was talking about the original version

>> No.8651936

We're talking about the original RE3 you transexual abo.

>> No.8652178

Lmao wasn't the towns water infected by dead infected rats? Lmao good luck
With that knowledge why not just make it into a save room lock the door and wait a week. Nukes can't melt save rooms.
The remake is for litteral furry transsexuals

>> No.8652458

I thought RE 2 Remake had a pretty good 1998 aesthetic. The only thing that stood out was the lab itself was much less realistic than the old games which was a shame (mostly the central shaft).

>> No.8652464

the Beetle Saturn core in Retroarch is close to perfect. Saturn RE1 is a really good port too.

>> No.8652552


>> No.8652579


>> No.8652649
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>> No.8652694

Then why tf is it called the Dollar Store? Cost me 2.99 extra for you to ripoff a somewhat obscure character from a game that came out decades ago?

>> No.8652709

i don't understand how it took like 15 posts to get to this answer

it's basically like, alternate between tearing her in half and sleeping until you need to go get water, at which point if you do happen to get nicked by a zombie it's whatever

>> No.8654059

Remake 2 made some weird changes, like police cars being old caprice models instead of using ford crown victorias that had been used in every other iteration of Racoon City so far.

>> No.8655106
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, retroarch_iQ7VgA2AFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's one

>> No.8655275
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, retroarch_8YqN0DsMMW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question for those with years playing 3, what's better enhanced ammo on shotgun/handgun or the crafted variants from nemesis.

>> No.8655460

Whatever settings you are using need to be changed... That looks like SHIT

>> No.8655471

Don't be a bitch and cheese him with with corners. It's way more fun to fight him normally.

>> No.8655491

>The zombies don't have supernatural senses
RE3 actually seems to show that over time, zombies do eventually sniff out people's locations within buildings. Maybe it's not supernatural, but it seems like hiding for too long in one place still ends up with a horde of zombies outside the building. It's terribly inconsistent about this but it happens twice and the characters comment on it.

>> No.8655509

god I miss pre-rendered backgrounds so much

>> No.8655525
File: 525 KB, 1920x1080, retroarch_hWU4qiXH8o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just using a CRT filter.

>> No.8655532

I tried to recreate resident evil zombies in project zomboid but the lore on them it's so inconsistent I can't really pick how they should behave.

>> No.8655537

I'd avoid the PD at all costs. Anyone who thinks they'd survive in there is delusional.

>> No.8655561

The best choice would be trying to drive into the city limits, as seen in Outbreak file #2 there is a military barricade with other survivors.

>> No.8655630

You definetely didn't miss out.

>> No.8655686

I think you can make semi-consistent lore based on the recency of the zombies. Using that framing, the mansion zombies largely stay put wherever they are in the mansion (with a couple exceptions) because they've been infected a very long time and are old by comparison to the Raccoon outbreak zombies. This is far from canon but you can see how unaddressed factors could still make sense of them if you're writing them.
Yeah but from a Raccoon civilian's perspective, you don't know it works out badly beforehand and you do know that you have a weirdly over-militarized police force for a city like Raccoon in 1998, and they're calling civilians to hole up in there. They die there but I'm sure it looked like a better choice than operating gem-key gates or a puzzle statue or whatever insane shit is in your neighborhood.

>> No.8655818

There must be a better filter. Also maybe it's just the screencap but the image looks too 'hi-rez'.

>> No.8655828

The newer zombies still have more functioning brains and senses so either hear you, see movement, or are searching areas their brain still associates people with. I'm guessing they get hungry and are looking for food.

>> No.8655829

That one was because i upscaled the game internal resolution to 1080p

>> No.8655830

I would be under the impression the military would think you might have the zombie coof and just kill you on sight.

>> No.8657209

A fellow Zomboid enthusiast. I just run with normal zombies and 2% sprinters and call it good when I want to get that Resident Evil vibe going.

>> No.8657557

literally just have some food and water in a locked room

>> No.8657572

Zombie dogs and lickers and other monsters like that are already out in the woods by the time of RE2's SHTF moment.

Still, this might be worth chancing.

>> No.8657601
File: 717 KB, 1920x1080, elephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better make sure your hiding place is elephant-proof.

>> No.8659086

It's starting to sound more and more like you only get out by being a main character or by living in a perfectly sealed steel box with 2-foot thick walls