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File: 2.53 MB, 3264x2448, gbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8632498 No.8632498 [Reply] [Original]

I'm kinda sad that the Gameboy Color was forgotten about so quickly after the Advance. Its simply a more charming console.

>> No.8632506

maybe it was forgotten because nintendo released the "color gameboy" already which led to a lot of confusion

>> No.8632507

Eh, I was still playing my GBC well into 2004

*poorfag, no GBA and first two gens of Pokemon plus spinoffs had a lot of replay value
But yeah there was still a lot of GBC action going on in 2002, less so going into 2003 but I wouldn't say it disappeared the minute 2001 came along

>> No.8632542

Is the Q5 IPS display still the best GBC screen out there?

>> No.8632557


>> No.8632574

Same here. I skipped the GBA entirely and only got play it via emulation on the Xbox until I got a DS in 2007

>> No.8632576
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I bought Limited Run's Shantae GBC rerelease and I still have it in its shrink wrap because I imagine that it'll actually be worth something in the future.

I am I just being a giant faggot? Or should I just enjoy the fucking thing?

>> No.8632586

You were a gigantic faggot the moment you bought some shitty repro cart for way too much from the scumbags at LRG
At this point you should sell it to a brainless coomlector to regain whatever little dignity you can

>> No.8632593
File: 19 KB, 400x243, main-qimg-145ce667ad483bd3b452e56beaa8b08c-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was happy to move from the gbc to the gba, landscape devices are just so much more comfortable imo, but I always hated how much gb games hung out. Itd have been perfect if not for that.

>> No.8632604

I don't remember the GBC having colored buttons. I thought the dpad and the other buttons were black

>> No.8632615

I can't fucking stand how every reddit zoomer will buy a working gameboy and rip the internals out and throw them into a shitty plastic shell they bought from China.
Just buy some handheld clone console if you don't care about collecting the actual gameboy for fucks sake

>> No.8632616

Not a repro if its official from the devs, fagoid.

>> No.8632619

You can keep the original shell you know

>> No.8632624

>buy a video game
>treat it like a collectible
What was the point anon? Of course it'll be worth more money in the future because some turbo faggot with more money than he knows what to do with will over pay but why? All you've done is deprived someone else of getting it at a reasonable price and made less than you would have had you just invested in something like the stockmarket. All three parties loss. No wonder this market is so fucked.

>> No.8632629

It's not for collecting, it's for use. Most secondhand game boys are beat to shit. And a lot of the aftermarket shells arent bad.

>> No.8632630

They were, these are shitty Chinese replacement shells

>> No.8632640

I don't think anybody making these nu-Game Boys is ripping apart ones that are in good shape to begin with.

>> No.8632663
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>A-At least its in it's original shell.

>> No.8632670

It's your money. Keep it sealed if you want.
But goddamn do I despise that EVERYTHING has to be a speculation game now.
Everything is bought, sold, marketed, etc, as being 'your chance to make some money' down the road.
Stuff should be bought because it's useful or eases the fucking suffering of being alive. That's it.
We're all going to die, why spend a single second thinking how to squeeze pennies out of your hobby rather than enjoy it.

>> No.8632673

For some people, that's the actual hobby. I find that pretty gross.

>> No.8632690

You couldn't be more wrong

>> No.8632705
File: 211 KB, 1280x1667, shantae_5_by_gamesgb_dd5i5ut-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I do make a point to play all of the games that I buy. Its just this one in particular has its meme following and that means it comes with a meme market as well.

>> No.8632710

>Most secondhand game boys are beat to shit.
That's called character. That Gameboy lived a life before it came into your possession, and you need to respect its history. There's a difference between getting a broken system working and desecrating its very soul by putting it in a cheap chinese after market shell. That's like erasing "JAmEs B" written sloppily in blue marker off of a used copy of Rad Racer, or, God forbid, deleting the previous owner's photos from a used Gameboy Camera.

Everything has a spirit and those that disrespect that will be gutted by dinged up Atomic Purple Gameboy Colors in the pits of vidya Hell.

>> No.8632712

I guess I'm still not seeing the appeal of engaging with the meme market in any capacity, but I also probably don't have much disposable income as you do

>> No.8632716
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>> No.8632731

>deleting the previous owner's photos from a used Gameboy Camera
This is fine as long as you back up the save first

>> No.8632735
File: 208 KB, 2125x1195, 1644982826001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are mine. got the pocket and dmg just today in the mail. also, frontlight is best screen mod.

>> No.8632760

Game on the Color?

>> No.8632764

Anytime I see a cheap GB Camera in the wild I'll pick it up just to see what kind of pictures are still on it. It's interesting to see how people used it, who used it a lot, and who probably used it a couple times and forgot about it. I've done this about four times, and surprisingly they all still had pictures on them. My favorite was one where the majority of pics were of somebody's doll collection but the camera rendered most of the eyes as black, so it was a creepy surprise when I fired it up for the first time.

>> No.8632767

I miss my Pocket.

I still have my GBC which plays og games just fine, but I do miss how slick that green GBP looked.

>> No.8632770

I recently got a Gameboy Color off eBay. It was a cheaper one, but it was seriously in perfect condition. I was planning on putting in a funnyplaying ips screen with the shell that fits, but I couldn’t bring myself to take apart a Gameboy Color in such perfect condition. I found a dirt cheap one at a local shop with a cracked screen and dead bugs in the case and used that instead. So you’re right.

>> No.8632771

Have you just considered not giving a shit what other people do with they're electronic children's toys? They're not touching your personal gameboy.

>> No.8632774

I can't remember what the camera was used for other than taking pictures and placing googly eyes on everything.

>> No.8632798

Based, I do the same thing. The last one I bought had photos of a happy Labrador

>> No.8632864

There were some mini games on it, but ideally you would have both the camera and the printer and you could make stickers. Sadly because it used thermal printing, like store receipts or movie tickets, the stickers would fade over time.

Man, that's a good find right there.

>> No.8632943

I like to buy busted to fuck GBs and fix them up with Chink shit.

>> No.8632973

Good way to make money

>> No.8633024
File: 560 KB, 1024x678, MOTHERFUCKERSHITCUNTNIGGERSANDWICH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was white hot between 1998 and 2001, received a shitload of games, and actually lasted up until 2003 which is two years after the GBA launched. Are you a zoomer OP? Do you think the GBC was forgotten because that's what the jewtube videos told you?

>> No.8633034

No, my first Gameboy was the Pocket.

GBC clearly didn't get that many exclusive games. Most of the GBC library are those black carts which never took full advantage of the faster processor and extra banks it offered.

>> No.8633056


>> No.8633070

>GBC clearly didn't get that many exclusive games
>most of the GBC library are those black carts
That's completely wrong. The overwhelming majority of GBC games are exclusives. The black Dual Mode carts are a minority.

>> No.8633097

I don't give a fuck about some snot-nosed brat's history. I'll keep my own belongings original to the best of my ability but if I'm buying a pissed-colored game boy off ebay with the intention of using it, I'm going to fix it up. And these aren't cars. It was cheap plastic to begin with. OEM doesn't mean anything if it's in shit condition because it's not restorable without destroying it further.
I don't know about all the other GB shells but the chink GBA ones I've used are indistinguishable in look and feel from the originals. If they were actually shit then I may be more inclined to agree with you but it really comes down to a formality in this case.

>> No.8633137

>mfw said "only crysis II for physical"

I actually ended up ordering five more games from em,it's already been close to eight months & still no sign of em coming along ;_;

>> No.8633180

That black Pocket is sexy. Color scheme is easy on the eyes, like the dash on an 80's car.

>> No.8633182

It was always meant to be a stop-gap system, because Nintendo's Atlantis was always seeing delays. No the GBA is not Atlantis, but it's replacement.

>> No.8633220

GBC and GBA were taken from us too soon

>> No.8633357

If you're not gonna play it just sell it. Emulate the thing. That's what I dislike about this limited run physical release trend. It's not really about reliving childhood or preserving games, it's just about collecting useless trinkets that take up space. At that point, why bother? Games are supposed to be fun. I don't need a gay ass instruction manuel or a dumb soundtrack CD that I will never use to have fun with a game.

>> No.8633372
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>> No.8633472

Great, you can buy a copy that is just the game and manual and box like a normal copy as well. I personally like the fact i can get the games i like from them and not deal with hacking my systems in the future so i can play a rip of the game i have to go digging online for a clean copy of. As long as you are not being autistic about it, its not a big deal at all to buy their shit and enjoy it.

>> No.8633730


>> No.8633751

I still have mine. I used to make stop-motion slideshows of lego battles.

>> No.8633814

yeah the gbc to the left tried to replicate that look but failed miserably

>> No.8633825
File: 76 KB, 662x1178, 1645018427369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently in the process of backlighting and biverting my dmg. it's such a great past time and the machines are still dirt cheap.

>> No.8633830

For me, it's the purple variant

>> No.8634258

What menu is that displaying?

>> No.8634424

nintendo power gb memory cart. its an official flash cart where u could write games onto at select convenience stores in japan kinda like what they did for fds. i filled it up with new games using a rom writer/dumper

>> No.8634426

The GBA feels more forgotten to me, simply because it was replaced by the DS so fucking quickly.

>> No.8634429

get a flash cart if you want to play the game

>> No.8634431

then it's a collector-oriented reprint and will be treated as such, dumbass

I suspect that unit finally died from being on 24/7, it was unplugged last time I was at that store.

>> No.8634437

you gotta tell me where you're buying shells, because I have never once handled a single aftermarket shell that didn't feel like cheap garbage.

>> No.8634439

jesus christ anon replace that polarizer

>> No.8634454

I didn't know you could write your own files to nintendo power carts. Cool

I didn't forget any of them, because I was pretty much target audience age for all of those systems, but man, they had such short lifespans. It felt like GBA was forced to prove its relevancy really quickly, especially when the PSP so blatantly outclassed it. At least the DS lived enough to make up for GBC and GBA getting cut down.

It's weird for me because by comparison, PS4 feels like a game system that never even lived, yet someone who is a 20 year old now would probably tell me about how many amazing games they played on it over the 8 years or so that they've had one. Perception and age and time affect it all.

>> No.8634497
File: 184 KB, 1714x618, gbcyellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get this one?
What if I waste money on something that doesn't work?

>> No.8634517

I'd be pretty surprised if it didn't work. Do you really need the box? I haven't shopped for Game Boys in a while but that price seems a little steep

>> No.8634526

I knew of these carts but I didn't know this was what the UI looked like. Cool.

>> No.8634538

I have never bought used old GBC/GBA before online. I no longer have my teal GBC which stopped working a long time ago, my GBA SP seems like it can no longer be able to play my GBA Pokémon games but it does work when I put Pokémon Gold (except I have another issue and I must change the internal battery.)

>> No.8634543

> I no longer have my teal GBC which stopped working a long time ago, my GBA SP seems like it can no longer be able to play my GBA Pokémon games but it does work when I put Pokémon Gold (except I have another issue and I must change the internal battery.)
What are you doing to those Game Boys anon

>> No.8634568

I haven't done anything special about GBA SP. I just plug it to charge it, I just don't know why it won't play my GBA games. The light doesn't work either. But honestly that GBA SP wasn't originally mine. As for the GBC, I kept bringing it at school when I was younger. The battery holder was broken, don't remember how it happened and I was seen as weirdo playing Pokémon Gold on GBC when I was 11-13.

>> No.8635142

You need to take better care of your belongings, anon

>> No.8635170

maybe the battery needs changing

>> No.8635272

>that anon who doesn't know you can inject save files on your GBA cartridges using a DS and a DS flash cart

>> No.8635305

I know. I have ordered a soldering iron kit but since I didn't have one. I could only put a random cr2025 batterie with tape, but that's not correct way to replace the battery.

>> No.8635941

unless it's EEPROM c:

>> No.8635974

soldering is pretty fun once you get comfortable with it.

I'd recommend buying some soldering wick and flux. It can help a lot sometimes.

>> No.8635998

? You can still inject eeprom saves

>> No.8636015


>> No.8636019

If you think an electronic toy that runs on AA batteries somehow survived an IED explosion that melted its casing, you're retarded.

>> No.8636024

Friendly reminder that those custom dpads and buttons look cool, but they're shit. Stick with original buttons.

>> No.8636102

Wasn't an IED but a "barracks bombing", and plastic melts well before solder or components do

>> No.8636107

I'd be very surprised if all of those things actually "just stopped working". GBCs are pretty hard to fuck up, and same for GBA (less so on SP, but still pretty simple). The gold cart is a pretty obvious fix as you indicated, but as for the GBC/GBA, I'd be willing to bet a simple cleaning with IPA on the cart slots and maybe some battery contact cleaning on the GBC would address whatever problems you're having.

>> No.8636109

Cool nothing, they look gaudy and cheap, not to mention they don't even match the shell color very well.

>> No.8636128

I think you're a faggot, but only because I hate that genie bitch.

>> No.8636158

Zoom consoom

>> No.8636393

Just the generic GBA ones they have on ebay and aliexpress. Like I said I haven't tried any GB or GBC ones. I've bought three and they all feel great although one of them had inaccurate fonts. I don't think every color is made equally for whatever reason.

>> No.8636587
File: 516 KB, 720x720, anger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No AGS-101
>No Micro

>> No.8636671

is pokemon the only good gameboy game?
I had a handful of games and either than kirby, pokemon and tetris nothing really stands out as enjoyable

>> No.8636678

All Zelda, all DW, Lufia, FF adventure, FF legend, For the Frog the Bell Tolls, Star Ocean, DK94, SML2, Survival Kids, Bomberman

>> No.8636891

I never used one but the Micro looks kinda shit.

>> No.8636902

I mean yeah, but it looks like a fun novelty item.
The AGS-101 is the one that actually looks good for playing games on.

>> No.8636921
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>playing in anyway other than the GB player through GBi

>> No.8636934

I have regular adult hands and I like the Micro. I didn't have any problems with the smaller screen and it was surprisingly comfortable to use. I'm a sucker for electronics made out of metal, to be fair

>> No.8636935

Handheld games just don't feel right on anything except a handheld.

>> No.8636942

Nice. If you audio goes to shit after this, whack a 1000uF cap on the regulator output, works wonders.

>> No.8636963

I used to rent Gameboy color and then eventually Gameboy Advance and play whatever games they had for like 7 days. It was pretty good arrangement. Sort of like paying a hooker for girlfriend experience every two weeks. I get the experience without the baggage

>> No.8636968


I'm tired of all the AGS-101 shilling.

I have 101, 001, Micro, original GBA.

The 101 has TOO MUCH GHOSTING. Its a great Gameboy, but I don't like it for a lot of games for this reason.


>> No.8636972
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>> No.8637079

just got it on the day of the post man. removed the burnt one and cleaned off the gunk today. gonna do the usb c mod over the weekend and backlight it when the kit arrives later. fucking makes me hard just thinking about it

>> No.8637082

different UIs for gb and gbc. the musics a banger too especially the gb one https://youtu.be/M36Egg0l_IY

>> No.8637092

There's literally videos of it running zoomer.

>> No.8637093

hello, fellow 001 enjoyer.

>> No.8637106
File: 398 KB, 576x1024, 1645116023877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the audio is fine thank god. and shit man dmg audio is sooooo good. I dont think I can go back to gbc now

>> No.8637654

How do you make the screen green again?

>> No.8638146

Would you mind elaborating on this a bit more? I've been trying to figure out how to make headphones work on game boys without all the extra noise. I don't have a DMG but practically every other model.

>> No.8638289

same can be done for gbc and gbp i think

>> No.8638723

Why didn't anybody make clones of this thing? That menu music is sick.

>> No.8638940

I would have posted that >>8638289 exactly, works really well for DMG. My GBP and CGB have a 680 uF caps in them, it helps but not as much as on a DMG.

>> No.8639825

Thanks. Do higher uF capacitors generally give better results or is it more of sweet spot?

>> No.8639925

I haven't experimented myself, 680 is just commonly recommend. I guess larger would be generally better

>> No.8640582

I'm new to older handhelds. Is the Game Boy Pocket's screen supposed to flicker with refresh like that? How about the motion blur and the single black line when you turn the power off?

>> No.8640740

Pocket isn't the original GB or anything but it does have more ghosting than you'd see from later handhelds

>> No.8640775

It's been a while since I had my GBP. I only have my GBC which has a fast refresh rate.

GBP has a higher refresh rate than the DMG but it does have some motion blur. Single black line on shut down is actually normal.

>> No.8640789

Something I never realized until I bought one is that the Pocket screen is slightly bigger than the Color's

>> No.8640878

Yeah its nice. I was thinking of buying one again and installing an IPS in it.

I love the shape and size of the GBP. I always wanted a GBC in the shape of a GBP. There are some modders that crammed a GBC into a Pocket shell, but its pretty hacky and you lose some features.

>> No.8640940
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this is from the same store

>> No.8640969

Good to know. It's fascinating to see how much technology has advanced.

>> No.8640971
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>> No.8641825

It was really popular in its lifespan, mong. OP is referring to how short its lifespan was, not how successful it was.

>> No.8641863

Should have come out sooner

>> No.8642587

I tore mine open because that's the closest I'm going to get to playing an authentic cart of Shantae. No regrets.

>> No.8642604

I have no idea how I played my GBC as a kid so much. Call me a zoomer but it is impossible for me to enjoy my GBA with no backlight.

>> No.8642878

non-toughened or laminated float glass in a modern commercial shopfront? What hellhole country is this?

>> No.8642892

Actually playing on consoles with no backlight is a novelty for me more than anything. I buy Game Boys not to play on them but because they're cute and I love them

>> No.8643459

I like getting them for both playing and because I just like them. Which is why I need to keep a GBA SP and a DS Lite in playable condition.

>> No.8643469

Oh fuck off.

>> No.8643521

>>my first was the Pocket
>Release date: 1996
Confirmed zoomer trying to fit in.

>> No.8643803

No zoomer's first Game Boy was a Pocket, retard. At best they'd have a Color

>> No.8645172
File: 23 KB, 500x374, 1268328448001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best GBC/DMG rpg?

I love the feel of talking to NPCs in Pokémon, but Pokémon gameplay is pretty shit.

>> No.8645183

whenever i get a new cartridge based game, I delete the previous owner's save file.

>> No.8645212

I was going to give you a few recommendations, but that unnecessary jab at Pokemon changed my mind

>> No.8646034

pokemon is a pretty standard jrpg affair. if u dont like it because of gameplay u probably won't like the others

>> No.8646106

What does an AGS-101 go for? Bong if it matters.

>> No.8646140
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1920, gameboycolor grid games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has more soul than gameboy advance, but both were good.

>> No.8646251
File: 103 KB, 500x500, HP_COS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grid, anon! I'd probably add this as well as the first one, too, both being fantastic games and the Chamber of Secrets GBC being one of my favourites ever.

>> No.8646254

They replaced the internals, you gullible fucking retard.

>> No.8647139

I heard you can't repair burn in on Gameboy Colors. Is this true?

>> No.8647314

dragon quest iii

>> No.8647947
File: 353 KB, 2048x2048, FHLAG5eXEAA2b2O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone into gba modding? I just modded a gba for an IPS LCD screen + custom colored buttons (I'm a nut for the silver+black button combo) and I must say I am loving it. Already looking to help a friend mod his old gba just for the hell of it.

speaking in the US, $150-$200, depending on where you look, but be warned that half the sellers straight-up lie about the model number. Can't tell you how many 001s are sold as 101s

>> No.8647998
File: 591 KB, 1600x1600, q5 ips gbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have an AGS-101 but I do want to mod my GBC. I just like the feel of it in my hands. And the Q5 display is one of the largest displays for your original GB games.

>> No.8648064

the polarizer burns? u can

>> No.8648895

I think I have a new shopping list.

>> No.8648953

It'll be fine if the seller shows the sticker with the model number, right?

>> No.8649421

>GBC doesn't support SGB palettes
one job

>> No.8650353

I once bought a gb camera and found a picture of a dog that looked 99% like my childhood pet
>same name, too
I'd never have owned a blue one though, fuck off with that.

>> No.8650365

>Anyone into gba modding?
I've modded several. They're awesome. A screen modded gba with a flash cart is the comfiest combo ever. They get a lot of naysayers on this board though.

>> No.8652009

how is the battery life with the flash cart?

>> No.8652028

Different anon, but I have not noticed any difference in battery life when using an ezflash

>> No.8652029

I wish the GBC came with a program you could boot if there was no cartridge inserted where you could edit the palettes
Sure that would require every GBC come with an internal battery and by now they'd all have bled out but whatever

>> No.8652162

Actual battery life depends on several factors but flash carts can cut it by 20-50% depending on which one. The Everdrive X5 Mini is the most power effecient as far as I know. I think the GBA is officially rated for 22 hours but that can vary especially on a modded system.
Which edition do you have? They'll definitely draw more power. The definitive edition is supposed to be more effecient but I don't have one so idk by how much.

>> No.8652217

There's a homebrew you can on a flashcart to force a GBC or GBA to run in GB mode. You'll be limited to the automatic colorisation of monochrome Game Boy games, but it's something.
I only tried once but it also seems easy to hack out GBC support from a GBC-compatible GB ROM.

>> No.8652908
File: 276 KB, 750x436, 7DED4885-072C-46AD-9A7E-0F9E3445C2C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am posting my game boy micro now

>> No.8652910
File: 285 KB, 750x561, 92B9C3D7-9A82-45F1-891D-0891CF0830C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8652945

I don't know if it's possible, but i always wondered if it would be possible to get the GBC to do more with extra hardware in the cart, like the SuperFX chip in the SNES.

>> No.8652948

It did motion control with some games

>> No.8652958

GB/C did use mappers, I guess. But they aren't nearly as much of an enhancement as NES mappers.

>> No.8652994

You've presumably seen a Game Boy Camera before in your life, right?

>> No.8653368

I think it's unfortunate that the Color had such a nice lineup of hardware colorways, and then the Advance had such a shitty lineup where only Arctic white was good.
Go to hell, spicefags.

>> No.8653370

I'm jealous

>> No.8653374
File: 30 KB, 768x768, Nintendo-Game-Boy-Color---Pokemon-Yellow-GameStop-Premium-Refurbished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8653384

I was unhappy about not having a micro until I actually bought one. It's a cute and novel item to hold briefly, but the tiny screen isn't comfortable to play with and heaven forbid you ever have to disassemble/reassemble the thing for repairs. What a pain in the ass.

>> No.8653386

>spice GBA
Hello zoomer

>> No.8653391

I like the indigo and transparent pink ones too.

>> No.8653402

>being aware that something existed makes you a zoomer
Kys, retard.

>> No.8653404

I was thinking about hardware that made it more powerful. Like would it be possible for it to interact with an FPU and maybe get some simple 3d going?

>> No.8653428

Thank you I was hoping someone might be. I moved a black and silver so for it and paid the rest selling some yugioh cards, it was like 260 on ebay if you wanna do the same

>> No.8653432

What does X use for its visuals?

>> No.8653440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8653441

Double zoomer.

>> No.8653445
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>> No.8653446

I can't really justify it since I have an AGS-001 and >>8649602. I used to have a Micro and loved it, though. I had the Famicom one but sold it for about what you paid for that one, funnily enough

>> No.8653457
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>> No.8653458
File: 292 KB, 1600x1600, 20051827057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like as good an excuse as any to post a pic of the Sakura Taisen GBC I've coveted for years.

>> No.8653470

>freckleshack screen
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.8653471

Finally, a yuri Game Boy

>> No.8653479

Bro… my image was flipped… I’m sorry…

>> No.8653483

It’s not even his, it was from Aliexpress :^)

There’s no way I was going to cut that shell, man.

>> No.8653489

Didn’t even know about this, good score

>> No.8653492
File: 92 KB, 800x586, nintendo-game-boy-game-boy-advance-sp-lime-orange-limited-edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your console variant bro

>> No.8653497

Not mine, unfortunately. I don't need it. i'm definitely not going to go look on eBay for one again right now, no sir

>> No.8653501

>nintendo released the "color gameboy" already
What the fuck is a "color gameboy"?

>> No.8653503

I think they mean the Game Boy having variants at all

>> No.8653504

No, the best GBC screen is the original GBC screen. It looks amazing in natural sunlight and it's fucking disgusting that anyone would mutilate a GBC and trash the original screen just to replace it with retromodding chink shit. If you want a backlight, use a fucking SP.

>> No.8653505

they probably meant the 'Play it Loud" Game Boys but they're still pulling that straight from their ass

>> No.8653508

Shut up. I want it. You want it. Everyone here wants it. Yes it’s stupid. Anyone calling it stupid though is just upset because they want it.

>> No.8653512

This, I can't stand handheld mods. If you want something like that, just use an emulation handheld.

>> No.8653514

I could use an SP sure, my old one disappeared (think my ex took it or something)

>> No.8653519

>It looks amazing in natural sunlight
Bro how the fuck am I supposed to play in natural sunlight it's 20 degrees out and I don't want to be forced to sit next to an open window

>> No.8653526

Have you heard of windows?

>> No.8653531

Not sure what method was used to accomplish this, but it's the first game that I thought of.


>> No.8653532

I use linux, sheep

>> No.8653534

Calm down bro. I specifically got the small drop-in because it’s completely reversible. No mutilation, no cutting, just swapped them and I saved the old screen.

>> No.8653574

You know windows let light through even while closed, right? Right?

I'm okay with handheld mods, depending on the system. Original wide GBA mods don't bother me at all because that system had an abhorrent screen that was hard to see even in ideal lighting conditions, I'm really not sure how Nintendo fucked that up so hard. But the GBC is great; as long as your lens isn't scratched to shit, all it takes is a little sunlight and it's beautiful. I suppose I wouldn't care so much if someone modded an original gray brick or a pocket, but to me, part of the charm of using those systems at all is the antiquated display.

I say "just use an SP", but I forget how prohibitively expensive the backlit SPs have become, in which case it might actually be cheaper to mod an older system. It's just a shame to destroy old hardware for the sake of being a hipster; at that point there are plenty of dedicated handheld emulators that would be a smarter buy, and still cheaper than an AG101 or whatever the hell the hardware code is.

>> No.8653583

>It's just a shame to destroy old hardware for the sake of being a hipster;
This is my main issue with it. I like using the old systems the way they are, and I hate to see them removed from circulation.

That said, if your mod is reviving an otherwise broken console, that's a good thing.

>> No.8653590
File: 1.28 MB, 1300x728, yoitsme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That said, if your mod is reviving an otherwise broken console, that's
That's not a bad thing... that's a GOOD thing!

>> No.8653617
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>> No.8653627

Because that's all that gets produced any more.

>> No.8653763

For GBA, go with the AGS-101 or ITA TFT mods if you want accuracy. Idk if there is anything like that for DMG or GBC.

>> No.8653774

>I don't want to be forced to sit next to an open window
You have to open your window to let sunlight in?

>> No.8653781

Actually on second thought there are backlight mods for DMG that keep the original screen.

>> No.8653917

They’re a huge pain in the ass to do though, I’ve broken two screens trying to do it and ended up getting the ips to replace it. I guess l could try again.

Any tips on peeling the screen well for this mod? I’ve fucked it up every time I’ve tried and attempting the bivert the one time it was going well was a complete disaster and l lost pixils doing it.

>> No.8653927

Bad phrasing on my part I meant open window shades or whatever. I don't like people being able to see into my apartment it's fucking trashed. Also having to sit by a window in general for the light, of course it doesn't have to literally be open

>> No.8653978

hilariously wrong, just like the OP

>> No.8653981

That's just cycling through prerendered images.

>> No.8654331

Clean up bro

>> No.8654380

No idea what you're talking about

>> No.8655642

Nobody makes low res screens anymore. The only way to get around it is to do what the Analog Pocket does; go so high res that you can simulate a pixel without noticing its 100 pixels slapped together.

>> No.8656590

>have old GBA
>screen full with scratches
>rubber pads completely worn out
>battery cover broken
>still works perfectly fine
Is fixing my GBA worth it? What are some good 3rd party sellers for replacement parts?

>> No.8656783

It's a super easy "fix". It's probably your lens that is scratched, not the actual LCD screen. You just need to buy a new lens (glass replacements are an upgrade from the OEM plastic), a set of rubber membranes, and a new battery cover. Everyone seems to have their own taste in rubbers, but the FunnyPlaying ones are well-regarded if you don't opt for OEM replacements. FunnyPlaying also makes nice lenses that don't have the shitty print job you see on some old lenses. You can get your parts cheap and easily off eBay or AliExpress.

>> No.8656793

Portables without a backlight are unplayable.

>> No.8657007

People who say this don't read.

>> No.8657247

Generation Z (or Gen Z for short), colloquially also known as zoomers,[1][2] is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha. Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years.[3]

>> No.8657271

>everyone I disagree with is a zoomer
I'm not even that anon, but handheld electronics without backlights are unplayable for me because I can't fucking see the details of the screens. I played a Gameboy by lamplight and a Color by worm light when I was younger, but now I cannot see the screens that way without straining. I don't understand how I used to be able to see anything on a stock DMG screen, honestly.

>> No.8657275 [DELETED] 


>> No.8657285

25 year old millennial here.
Portables without a backlight are unplayable.

One of the best looking toys ever.

>> No.8657480

>25 year old millennial here.
That's barely millenial at best. Hell son I'm 27 and I feel like I'm already on the edge of young for a millenial

>> No.8657560

Ya 1996 is the end of the gen, but my brother was born '86 and I grew up with him so my upbringing was decidedly /millennial/.
I was just being cheeky anyway. I'm literally 7 months off zoomerdom

>> No.8657593

Looking at paper is completely different from an unlit LCD. Why do you think they invented E Ink displays for e-readers?

>> No.8657598

Either way you can't see shit without angling light onto it.

>> No.8657619

Obviously but by comparison unlit LCDs are dreadful to look at even with good lighting. It's just something we put up with and got used to as kids because its all we had.

>> No.8657963

You're a zoomer in denial

>> No.8658000

Factory gbc lcds look fucking great under suitable lighting conditions. I was playing on one just now in my room. You sound as if you've not owned an unmodded gbc in the last 20 years

>> No.8658082

I still own every generation of gameboy unmodded and I've used them recently. The GBC screen is an improvement over the original but I wouldn't say it looks great. Especially not for the purpose of displaying color.

>> No.8658143

What are suitable lighting conditions? Even I remember as a kid, no matter how you shined an overhead bedroom light on it, all you could see was your super scratched screen and a fairly dark image.

8 year old me was OK with this, but 20-30 years later, not a chance.

>> No.8658158

I really don't remember having this much trouble with it. I would play it in the sun or in a fully lit room just fine. Even in the last five years I've played it next to a lamp and had no problems, but my screen also wasn't super scratched

>> No.8658503

I play a ton of DMG so it's no question to me why you would play without backlight. You just play in the sunlight. It's a very pleasant way to spend some time outside.

On the other hand, what I cannot figure out is how I managed to play game boy in the backseat of a dark car, or in the dark in general.

>> No.8658524

FF Legends 2, maybe Legends 1 first if you are okay with less standard affairs.

Or if you want to play something else that is similar to NPC interaction, pick out something like Mario Tennis, Legend of the River King, or Harvest Moon.

>> No.8658534

fuck that mang, it's as bad as the black/platinum mix system or the abysmal tribal tattoo series model.

The only SPs that look good are the NES/FC console models, and at that the Famicom Micro shits on both.

>> No.8658540
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>mfw imagining trying to find one that hasn't had its ultra-unique bezel scratched to shit, knowing that you will never find an appropriate replacement

>> No.8658543

buying anything LRG with resale value on your mind is a symptom of incurable faggotry. You can open it if you want but that won't fix anything.

>> No.8658569

do people not understand the value of 1:1 pixel mapping on these low res handheld screens? i suppose I sort of understand it for the gb, gbc, etc which werent backlit (i dont care how good it looks in sunlight mate, i dont want to play it in sunlight), but im more referring to the gba. i tried a high res ips screen for my 101, and man it looked like shit, even on a 2 inch screen, scaling ruins the intended pixel grid look its supposed to have, at that point I figure why not just emulate it on my hd monitor. It also fucked up the sound and added awful distortion to the audio output, I could notice it on the quiet mono speaker, and with headphones it was unusable. Pixel art looks better and is unique on the original handhelds the same way it looks better and is unique on a crt, the things they were designed for

>> No.8658689

FF micro > Famicro

>> No.8658841

>The only SPs that look good are the NES/FC console models
The Boktai model is the best non-solid color SP.

>> No.8658893

I like my snot green SP a lot. I think the red one looked really nice too.

>> No.8658910

I feel you. All of the ones I found on eBay looked like they were in really nice shape but they of course cost a jillion dollars.

>> No.8659119

I feel like you're exaggerating, but I haven't seen one in person so idk. I have the ags-101 mod and it looks perfect. To fix the sound you need to replace your caps and possibly install a power cleaner. The headphones sounding like shit is just expected game boy fanfare, modded or not. People do the prosound mod on older game boys to fix that, but afaik it doesn't work the same on the gba. The fixes i mentioned will reduce the noise but to eliminate it you may need to add a cap to the headphone jack. I've just been taking the easy route and using headphones with in-line volume. If I set them to 80% or lower they sound clean.

>> No.8659314

at the time i posted that i was in my room under a fluorescent light. the colors seemed clear and vivid enough as is. of course you have to hold it at a certain angle to get the best out of it but it's still quality stuff when it works. i mean if u said it was a pain in the ass to get right i'd agree with you a 100%, but picture quality not being great? nah. dunno what was/is wrong with your childhood gbc but mine I got recently for dirt cheap beacause of the burnt polarizer and i just had that replaced and didn't do any screen mods. just a few audio mods here and there.

>> No.8659630

GBC did pretty well. Pokemon Yellow came out at the height of Pokemania and it alone (and games like Super Mario Deluxe) helped it sell quick.
Now NGP, that was forgotten.
Also skipped GBA. Kinda wanted an SP but immediately lost interest once PSP was announced

>> No.8659763

go outside incel

>> No.8660326

Who hurt you?

>> No.8661993
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>SP inside a DMG shell

yup, its gamer time

>> No.8662060

Where's shoulder butts

>> No.8662196

What happened to the triggers?

>> No.8662216

That was my first final fantasy game I owned and played, and It was such an experience to play it during highschool, because immediately after I got tactics advanced, and that shit blew my teenage mind

>> No.8662224

Zoom zoom!

>> No.8662225

bruh im 30

>> No.8662873

You can see the buttons sticking out on the sides of the machine, above the contrast/volume wheels.

>> No.8663043

Their planned lifespans were pretty much the same. GBC was originally a stopgap bridge between the GB and GBA because devs hated the game boy pocket that came out in the mid-90s. But yes, the og GB feels like it was around forever because it straddled so many different eras—late 80s, the 90s, early 2000s—while Nintendo was preparing the real successor (GBA). The others just lived normal lifecycles but felt short in comparison.

Personally, I’m glad Nintendo waited to get it right because making the GBA in the mid-90s would mean making the Nintendo game gear, and GG absolutely sucked and ate batteries like candy.

>> No.8663046

>devs hated the game boy pocket that came out in the mid-90s.

>> No.8663054

Yeah it was difficult to develop games on the hardware that Nintendo put in the pocket, so they made the GBC as a compromise while they waited for the GBA tech to become commoditized. It just happened that the GBC sold incredibly well and had great marketing behind it.

>> No.8663057

The pocket was the same hardware as the DMG. It wasn't a new platform at all.

>> No.8664106

Never change, /vr/

>> No.8664215

your gba is speckled with a little something called ‘Soul’ and refurbishing it would be like circumcision of the soul

>> No.8665295

sometimes, yes

>> No.8665628

They are pretty hardy consoles. The screens, power switches, and battery thermals are usually what goes bad first but if it has its original box the owner probably took relatively good care of it.
The screen is easily replaced with a fairly inexpensive backlight screen if it is in poor condition, couple caveats there in that the GBC has a fairly odd resolution screen so getting a 1:1 pixel for pixel match isn't really possible. Cheaper backlight screens usually have an acceptable build quality, brightness, and responsiveness but they'll often have a slightly smaller than original image with a replacement screen surround so you won't notice. More expensive ones use pixel doubling techniques to integer scale the GBC's output to match the screens native resolution. Some require modification of the GBC shell to fit, some don't so research.
Battery terminals will only be a problem if a battery has leaked onto them. Easy to fix providing the corrosion hasn't gone into the board. There are battery recharge options out there.
The power switch usually just needs to be cleaned up if there is any problems with it. Its an old school design with all of the power from the DC input or batteries going though the switch so if crude builds up or the terminals start to make poor contact you'll either need to clean or replace it.
You can get replacement like for like buttons and shells (often compatible with most backlight screens without any mod required) which won't be indistinguishable from the originals to someone who knows what the originals looked and felt like but you can buy a poorer quality GBC and upgrade it with some cheap kits so I'd pass on a boxed GBC and just get something that turns on and doesn't look too beat up. You can buy a shell kit and freshen it up to look like a collectors item or trick it out with fancy stuff and a nice backlight screen.

>> No.8665923

Is there a mod that makes the stock SP screen center?

>> No.8666408
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1920, gameboy games full grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a nice time and a nice handheld

>> No.8666445

Yours isn't centered? Just open it up and fix it.

>> No.8666479

I wanna suck shantae's delicious brown tits

>> No.8666486

all stock SPs are off center. Now you can never unsee it.

>> No.8666553

All of my SPs have centered screens.

>> No.8666578

Oracle of Ages is on there 3 times.

>> No.8667631

It's fun refurbishing and making custom gameboys anon, give it a try.

>> No.8667824

I always did like this and wanted to make one, but never felt it was worth desecrating two machines to do it. Also, the cart slot would almost certainly not allow both GB and GBA games to sit flush on the system, which would make me very angry.

>> No.8667829

keep the childhood system as-is but get a nicer model to play with.

>> No.8667835


>> No.8667939

The GBC technically had no exclusives other than Pokémon Yellow and Link's Awakening DX.

Aside from the beefed up specs, it was essentially just the Super Game Boy without the bezels or enhancements.

>> No.8667972

>GBC technically had no exclusives other than Pokémon Yellow and Link's Awakening DX
Wrong. Try actually looking this up.

>> No.8667973

I have to agree witg you anon they are beautiful when the light is hitting it just right.

>> No.8667978

Use oem rubbers anything else is haram.

>> No.8667984

113's a pretty small number. Especially compared to the original Game Boy's 1048.
And most of it is shovelware, or can be played on an original Game Boy anyway.

>> No.8668175

Don't respond to obvious bait

>> No.8668212

i know right? just the other day some ppl gave me shit for modding my gbc with an amp board decoupling caps and a lipo usbc charger. when they're the ones sucking the soul out of these consoles with aftermarket ips displays.

>> No.8668229
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 2C87DECD-34FF-49D5-865A-30E7266BDBEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bemani games on gbc are pure, unadulterated soul

>> No.8668286

>let the gba that accompanied you for so many years rot in your drawer
i would never understand this.

>> No.8668330

Hard to understand the appeal IMO, would much rather live in the world of CD audio for this genre

I mean you could have it on display if you were that kind of person. Personally I keep most of my game stuff in boxes and on shelves.

>> No.8668396

Shantae got so soulless after Pirate's Curse.

>> No.8668416

Yeah, you seem like the typical zoomer philistine with no soul

>> No.8668698

fuck man finally someone who knows whats up. pop n music animu ver. and beatmania gb and gotchamix gb2 are pure fucking kino.

fucking zoomer with no soul

>> No.8669540

and you feel like you're trying too hard to fit in by spamming whatever memes have been programmed into you.

I guess if you have a deep love of FM versions of cartoon theme songs then sure. Wanting dance music without really well defined bass notes makes no sense to me. Yes, GB has some fucking great tracks on it, but if you can experience high fidelity, I don't know why you wouldn't choose it over FM. That's to say nothing of full-size inputs and full-featured note boards like on the arcade or home console ports. In my mind it makes about as much sense as wanting to play the PS version of X-Men vs. Street Fighter.

Like, maybe if it's the only thing you had at some point, I can see you getting affectionate over it. I have nostalgia for playing the PSP version of Pop'n because it was my first way to play the series. With that said, however, no way in hell would I say it's preferable to the real version. As I can see from the GB bemani games, they suffer from the same problems (namely input limitations), but with the added hardship of lesser music as well. I just don't see why you would bother if you could instead buy a arcade controller and start downloading HDD dumps.

And given that you also (assuming you're actually not samefagging) use the same memelet jargon to decry my rebuff, I imagine you're likewise as deep as a puddle as well. I suppose it's pointless to have given you a response at all then, as you'll probably just post something something soulless cope zoomer or something equally brainless.

>> No.8669552

gameboy fags are more mentally ill than CRT fags. There is no conceivable reason to use a gameboy when modern displays and hardware are better outside of some autistic chase for the "original" experience.

>> No.8669556

poopy butt

>> No.8669656

You can play a Game Boy on the porch or by the pool. You can comfortably play it in direct sunlight.

>> No.8670284
File: 509 KB, 750x982, 222A44C4-2F25-40C5-9CA2-BDF81FF243A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8670962

>autistic chase for the "original" experience

It's called turning on a light anon. It's called going outside on a warm sunny day. You act as if using a game boy the way it was intended is something equivalent to dudes putting that shitty movie theatre carpeting into the "arcade room" of their house to recreate the proper ambiance of the mall arcade where they played street fighter before the movie started.

>> No.8671070

I replaced the case on my original GBA as it was beaten up to shit, the plastic screen cover was scratched to shit and it was missing the battery pack. Replaced the screen with a backlit option as well.
That being said, I kept all of the parts (original case and screen) out of nostalgia, and I also kept my GBC in its original state (including missing battery cover).
>Don't blame me for the missing battery covers, I bought both gameboys used from cashies as a kid since poor.

>> No.8671131

>no bass
maybe on a gbc or a gbp. try the dmg. hook it up to a decent set of speakers or headphones.

also, 8bit renditions of existing hifidelity music may seem redundant to you but they have their charms and that's why i love em.
i get where ur coming from since i wouldn't touch gameboy ports of fighting games like kof or sf with a 4718910272 foot pole but when it comes to beamani games its different. I'd say some of the songs are even mixed/arranged better than their original counterparts, even highlighting parts of the song that may have been overlooked putting things in a new perspective, at least for me personally.
and i resort to "memelet jargon" because typing is fucking painful on a smartphone and its much easier to do than trying to make a coherent argument in attempts to convince an anonymous person online. now gb2 jacking off to ur flac files you fucking zoomer.

>> No.8671282

JUST watched this and is it talks about a Gameboy game I've never fucking heard of. Cosmotank looks super cool. Is it as good as this faggot says?

>> No.8671328

>bigger screen with better contrast

Pocket was better than Colour

>> No.8671475

konami ones?

>> No.8671489

Just invest in a stock or crypto if you want an easy return so badly.

>> No.8671527

I barely notice a difference in size between the two consoles. As for contrast, absolutely not. Also the ghosting is much worse too.