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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 134 KB, 1000x563, river_city_girls_zero_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8630760 No.8630760 [Reply] [Original]

Did someone already dumped the roms or are undumpable like the kunio collection?

>> No.8631053

1. It literally came out like two seconds ago
2. It probably is undumpable seeing as they added anime cutscenes and shit
3. Just play the fan translation, idiot http://www.romhacking.net/translations/598/

>> No.8631057

i hate wayforward

>> No.8631112

>I'm a Grrrrrrl
>Inject Grrrrrls into everything
>I need no man
>Hey where's everyone

>> No.8631131

Not retro. Which is to say: literally retro but not /vr/ retro.

>> No.8631160


>> No.8631203
File: 62 KB, 1366x722, kunio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8631465

The girls get shot by Sabu halfway through the story mode anyway.

>> No.8631585


>> No.8631638


Thanks anon

>> No.8631647

This is a viroos do not download

>> No.8631652

Christ I'm sick of waifu faggots infecting every series with their talentless dreck

>> No.8631658
File: 438 KB, 3060x1075, 1638473404439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, but what translation is that version?
The game actually has 2 translations, "new" and "literal".

>> No.8631687

I still think the River City Girls Zero rebranding is lame, but seeing that iiotenki moron and other woke clowns seething on twitter has been priceless.

>> No.8631765
File: 11 KB, 256x239, rcg0-spanish-v6e-20220115_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one that adds -rcg- in the filename is the new one, all the other versions uses the literal script as a base

>> No.8631771


>> No.8631839

Hate to break this to you but the game originally came out 30 years ago. Please be mad about the new star wars instead or something

>> No.8631883

ok simpy

>> No.8631901

Yeah but they changed this title to reflect their new western only game.

>> No.8631928


It would've been River City x regardless. Best to associate it with an entry that actually sold something.

>> No.8632141

I just want the anime scenes. The sprites suck, it's almost impossible to play without cheesing in multiplayer, and I'd rather play nes port of dodgeball.

>> No.8632229

Stop using antiviruses, no grift.

>> No.8633013

They're trying to tie it in to the latest iteration in their property
It would be as much as cynical corporate decision if it was something else

>> No.8633231

Agree. Not quick enough to create Shantae early for NEC new released TG-16.

>> No.8634859 [DELETED] 


>> No.8634872
File: 231 KB, 640x1161, 41180_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8634906

Don't respond to bait by people who don't play games in the first place.

>> No.8635159

My thoughts exactly

>> No.8635208

Same. Bottom barrel dev.

>> No.8635346

I’m stuck on Ken…. Any tips?

>> No.8635370

Jesus, thanks for posting that.
Its actually shocking how much worse the new art is.

>> No.8635372


>> No.8635407

Block a lot and use the Mach Punch often.

>> No.8635420

Relax buddy

>> No.8635441

This whole localization shitstorm sure gave this game a lot of buzz. Sasuga Wayforwards.

>> No.8635451


>> No.8635482

Comparing the original and English covers reminds me of when a movie has a nice painted movie poster but then the DVD art is 10 minutes of pasting actors together in photoshop. The original Super Famicom promotional art is badass and moody looking, but the new stuff just looks plastic. I would get it if they were doing an Americanized cover to pay homage to the NES RCR cover, but that's just someone blandly trying to ape the look of old anime cels. The artist certainly isn't bad, but digital art isn't doing them any favors. Had they done that in markers or water color, it would look a lot less soulless.

>> No.8635490
File: 168 KB, 600x571, 1425407321722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>give the game 2 translations to appease all 5 hardcore Kunio fans in the west
>random unaffiliated trannylators blow up in rage instead

>> No.8635540

I do not understand what is controversial about this release.
>give players the option as to which translation they want to use
>people still get mad
How is having a choice a bad thing?

>> No.8635578


Localizers have very fragile egos, and seeing the word "literal" be used to refer to a translation made them think that they were personally being attacked.

>> No.8635663

My guess is that they lost the original art and commissioned that new artist to remake it in his own style.

>> No.8635674

They decided to retroactively tie the old game to River City Girls sub-series so they redrew the cover in River City Girls atrstyle. No need to overanalyze.

>> No.8635683

Except the new artist has nothing to do with River City Girls.

>> No.8635828

Translation: They didnt even bothered

>> No.8635880


>> No.8636347

Thanks, just beat the game.

You never see the girls alive again. Was their survival a last minute change?

>> No.8636351
File: 1.17 MB, 500x266, Marian gunned down by Willy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know for certain, but it was by the same director who did the arcade versions of the first Kunio-kun and the Double Dragon games. DD2 on the arcade had Marian being gunned down by Machine Gun Willy, but on the NES they changed it so that she was actually under a sleeping spell instead.

>> No.8636552


No, they live in the original.

>> No.8636586

Kyoko is super cuter in every appearance, Misako looks way better in the old art though

>> No.8636609
File: 46 KB, 312x312, puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great opinion

>> No.8636646

Why did they not just put this on PC

>> No.8636712

Not anymore lol

>> No.8636721
File: 422 KB, 1210x695, 1644369442268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Includes both a direct translation and a localization
Why are so many people mad about this?

>> No.8637265

Trannyslators mad that their sanitized rewritten fan-fiction is not the only English option within the game.

>> No.8637270

Me too, but I work for them.

>> No.8637323

Is Adam Tierney is as much of annoying simp as he is on the internet?

>> No.8637383

Give me one good reason why I should play this over the fan translation that came out aeons ago

>> No.8637387

I wasn't going to reply, but I didn't want to leave you hanging. I'm sorry, but I really can't say anything. It's not like we have thousands of people working here, so, if I start badmouthing colleagues, maybe I'll be singled out and, for now, I need the job (money). I hope you understand. If, someday, I start working on a more "anonymous" place, then I'll share some stories with you all.

>> No.8637419

I take it as an indirect "yes".

>> No.8637434

Because you must "consoom" a legal version of the game to justify having a ROM patch. Nevermind the fact that nobody from Technos/Almanic who actually worked on this game back in 1994 are making any money off from this re-release.

>> No.8637447

>Nevermind the fact that nobody from Technos/Almanic who actually worked on this game back in 1994 are making any money off from this re-release.

You don't know that for sure though, if a contract includes royalties and hasn't changed, it would still be valid. Whether or not the contracts had that is a question though, as is whether or not the new publisher would pay them without threatening to sue them

>> No.8637514

Seeing how Koji Ogata (the original Kunio character design) was complaining about the titling choice, I doubt they had much influence on the localization.

>> No.8637981


>> No.8637987
File: 211 KB, 986x1329, MisakoSoccerBu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Misako looks way better in the old art though

>> No.8638241

looks horrible

>> No.8638361
File: 51 KB, 364x392, 1633266965107-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, why's the Kunio collection undumpable? I thought there was no such thing?
Also, are people really tjat retarded with a loose/literal choice? Even motherfuckin' GHOST STORIES is bundled with literal subs.

>> No.8638420
File: 35 KB, 622x317, the link between vaccine usage and bad translations of videogames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


terminally online localizers see the word "literal" and fly off the handle

>> No.8638443
File: 254 KB, 598x2134, $RN5NA14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8638448
File: 22 KB, 598x287, $RH7VW8I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8638507
File: 401 KB, 720x540, columbo what the fuck am i reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>point one
Wow, if you have any degree of reading comprehension beyond kindergarten, the literal words aren't difficult to understand! It's almost like, one word can have a variety of meanings in different situations!
>point 2
Yes, localizing things like "I crossdressed because they were looking for a man" to "some binaries don't work for me" ruins the intent of the original work.
>point 2.5
See above, or the many, many, many cases of localized works being censored because muh blood, muh religious imagery.
>point 3
I'd be upset if someone "translating" my work came up with fan fiction instead of a near direct translation.
>Side note
Its fan fiction and disrespectful to the work of the actual, original creators. Get over yourself.

>> No.8638542

These read exactly like a child getting caught doing something wrong, they know it's wrong, but they still go down swinging in a sad attempt at trying to convince both you and themselves that they were doing the right thing. The funny thing is that the same translator apparently did both scripts and it wouldn't surprise me if having two versions was done at the request of Technos. "You guys can go wild and tie it into River City Girls, but you have to include the original version too"

>> No.8638558

It's almost like languages are different and there is no actual way to translate something perfectly, hence the endless debates regarding localisation.

>> No.8638567

can't tell whether people are being sarcastic or not anymore

>> No.8638570

>The funny thing is that the same translator apparently did both scripts and it wouldn't surprise me if having two versions was done at the request of Technos.
Technos hasn't existed since 1996. All of their IPs have been owned by Arc System Works for a while now and they just whore them out to whomever shows interests in them.

>> No.8638578

I wonder who at wayforward decided to throw a bone to the screeching autists. This is gonna end up being a give them an inch and they take a mile situation.

>> No.8638598
File: 105 KB, 597x807, Spineless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Adam Tierney himself, since he's such a spineless little simp.

>> No.8638602
File: 217 KB, 566x908, 1434232140193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They don't really have a choice. You have people who work/ed for Bamco, NISA, etc. bitching about how you're catering to capital g Gamers and le not sees. They have to do something that makes it seem like they aren't intentionally trying to piss off customers with both an IP they don't own while also working on another IP owned by one of the big three.

>> No.8638604

Personally, I’m glad barely anybody had access to the internet during the 16-bit years. This has all turned out to be a terrible mistake.

>> No.8638627
File: 191 KB, 337x499, 1472629351857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a nearly 40 year old man tweeting in the style of a 14 year old girl
I'm calling it right now, this guy probably has some serious skeletons in his closet. He's probably a year away from rape or grooming allegations.

Now Shiggy on the other hand. There's an 80 year old that can pull off acting like a teenager. Look at that classy son of a bitch dressing like a 16 year old who hangs out at the guitar store.

>> No.8638673

Wait hold up. The Shantae tranny's own Kunio-kun? What the fuck how did you guys let this happen?

>> No.8638685


how's the rock you've been living under

>> No.8638713

I don't play new game bruv I had no clue

>> No.8638731
File: 38 KB, 174x192, 1562500066790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well they don't literally own it, Arc System Works does, alongside the rest of Technos' IPs. However, River City Girls is effectively the face of the IP now in the west since it's the first time a Kunio game actually sold more than 3 copies outside Japan.

>> No.8638754

Well the original River City Ransom obviously did quite well if they continue to keep the River City branding over 30 years later.

>> No.8638802

Worst timeline ever.
Not really. River City Ransom was a cult favorite at best. Most people in the west never head of it until emulation became more widespread in the early 2000's. Kinda like Earthbound.

>> No.8639053

jesus fucking christ this is such an embarassing shitshow from all sides

let me exit this thread and never think about it again, I'm glad I decided not to pursue translations like I originally wanted to

>> No.8639067

>I'm calling it right now, this guy probably has some serious skeletons in his closet. He's probably a year away from rape or grooming allegations.
I think he's just a beta male who grew up without a strong male role model. Probably hates his own gender while believing that women are fragile little creatures who can't do no wrong. Probably why he decided to work on a female-centric spinoff of a mostly macho Japanese game franchise that barely got localized.

>> No.8639076

Is it possible for that character to suck my dick? I would love to feel the tender wetness of her throat on my skin as her tongue delicately plays with my foreskin. And after I cum, she uses the mixture of my seed and her saliva as the perfect lube to keep the suction going and bring me to my knees before I pass out. Is that possible, yet? Just asking.

>> No.8639127

the world would be better without twitter

>> No.8639148


>> No.8639162

This illustration in OP's pic is the one example where Wayforward's females look far warse than their males. Their females are usually top notch and their males look gay as fuck (see their Advance Wars remake for example of this contrast), but unlike in Wayforward's last River City game, the girls in this pic look a lot like trannies (eg, Kyoko has a manjaw).

>> No.8639169

It's amazing how much power a handful of screeching autists can have just by crying on twitter. Honestly very fascinating

>> No.8639215

more like how companies thinks that the 2% of the crybabbies on twitter rappresent everything for them

>> No.8639276

Kunio games are great but they are all very samey and I did enjoy RCG quite a bit

>> No.8640194

I laughed. Maybe someday, anon... Maybe someday.

>> No.8640209

I'm still amazed at how Twitter gets any shred of attention. Like, someone says to his superior:

- Hmm... Huh, boss, someone's is throwing a... 'fit' about our game on Twitter.
- Twitter?
- Yeah.
- That one with the blue bird and small texts?
- Yes, that one.
- How many?
- What?
- How many people are complaining?
- From what I see, 5 or 6... But they're complaining a lot.
- Are any of them influential or something?
- I don't think so... They draw fanarts and change some texts in old games.
- Oh.

Which boss would reply "God! We have to look into that ASAP"? And why would he do it?

>> No.8640238

It's really like being chased off Twitter for making dumb statements is a death sentence for these people holy shit. The literal option is a step in the right direction though, would be funny if this idea catches on.

>> No.8640269

Yes /vr/ is my comfy board, people are usually very cool here, but there's always the cringelord fucker from other boards the bring the zero necessity insult here. It's a shame

>> No.8640275

Annoying that RC Girls is the "face" of the series in the west now, you would think with the success of Yakuza now that it would naturally generate interest in "8bit Yakuza" with new Kunio games.

>> No.8640382

They tried making all more masculine since it's supposed to be a 80s throwback, but personally I think the guys look much worse and ridiculous with all those muscles.

>> No.8640439

That's not the point, retard
They rebranded the localization to make it sound like it's tied to their western GRRRLLL POWER franchise just because the two girls are playable, needless to say this is a stupid move and offensive to actual Kunio fans since the girls themselves are mere side characters in this game.

>> No.8641085

Is there a current fan-translation team that, at least, does an okay job, so we can enjoy a decent-translated game?

>> No.8641101

It's existed for 20 years you poser

>> No.8641106

I'm talking about general translation, not that one particular game.

>> No.8641143
File: 17 KB, 481x439, 294def4a722c719c1373d4c4d884ffbf305f06dae5f5d740b988b08a69eaa1d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give up on your dreams, anon. If any one can do it, you can. It will be a long journey fraught with doubt and ridicule, but it will all be worth it in the end. I believe in you! GANBARE hentai-san!

How well did RCG do? I feel like I didn't hear all that much about it when it came out except when people complained about the ending so they changed it or something. Similarly, this one I barely heard any one talk about until the duo translation shit fit. I see more people post porn of the girls than actually talk about the game itself. Although I guess the same could be said of Shantae, Mighty Switch Force, and every other Wayforward game with a chick lead.

>> No.8641179

Apparently translation trannies are pissed off over the "literal" translation option for this game.
I hope they start doing this for more every jap games, make it an option to have the literal version.

>> No.8641183


The fact that people talk about it at all means that it did better than nearly any other Kunio title in the past decade. No sales figures but it had to have done well enough for ASW to greenlight a Jap dub for 2 (and 0, for some reason) to try to rope in the Japanese moving forward.

>> No.8641197
File: 452 KB, 465x425, 1591913411893 lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8641204

bye, faget

>> No.8641217

They are afraid it will become the norm and they won't get to inject their garbage in games. Options are always a good thing, regardless.

>> No.8641239

It's a beat-'em-up with cute girls, so it probably did well with coomers. Coomers don't care about the Americanization of a niche Japanese delinquent series or horrible Californian """writing""", they just play the game and then masturbate to the fanart

>> No.8641251

Don't speak for me

>> No.8641440

Please, give us your coomer insight of the game. Is it good material? Can it carry the game or quickly loses its appeal?

>> No.8641463
File: 270 KB, 609x900, kyoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game literally doesn't have anything lewd in it, no pantsu no nudity no sexual anything, I don't see how it's a coomer game besides my wife Kyoko being extremely erotic to even gaze upon

The gameplay is fun, the graphics are very nice, the dialogue is awful, the music is mostly real good and you can play as Kyoko and ignore Misako, I enjoyed it I guess though I was pretty upset about the story/dialogue and how mean spirited everybody was when I first played it

>> No.8641530
File: 561 KB, 1024x768, 1643528546221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see how it's a coomer game

>> No.8641556

Thanks for your time!

>> No.8641596

Just gonna leave ths here for you:

>> No.8641667


>> No.8641672

This. They should have called it something else, but heavily advertised the fact the girls from RC Girls are in it. Would be like re-releasing Donkey Kong Jr as Evil Mario.

>> No.8641679

Holy moly...feel bad man.

>> No.8641685

>Ninja Warriors and RE1 remake
It remakes right?

>> No.8641691

New woketard vs literal gamer

>> No.8641694

Isnt that what most games with an english option released in japan/asian territories have now anyway? Like the recent Super Robot Wars have english options, but no actual western release. Seems those would have rough, but most accurate versions since it's probably from a jap dev member who knows english.

>> No.8641698

Part was removed?

>> No.8641707


>> No.8641749

You know things are fucked when the LRG dev has to confront his ResetEra friends

>> No.8641804

Why would you ever associate yourself with those lunatics at pedoera, all they do is harass people, same goes for twitterfags and redditors. It's never enough for them.

>> No.8642073

That forum is funny. Pick *any* thread from a year or more ago and see that roughly half of the posters are now banned.

>> No.8642403
File: 63 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit lol, these are the kind of people moving to Japan right now

>> No.8642508
File: 249 KB, 1047x511, 1618825273950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LITERAL: Tough... don't blame us. Blame you're self, or god.
>L*CALIZED: Tis your birth and faith that wrong you, not I.
And for once, the literal really WAS literal, as close to word-for-word as you'll see in most J->E translations.

>> No.8642770

PS version?
PSP version?

>> No.8642897

Japan needs to ban troons

>> No.8643059

I wonder how do they live in Japan. It's not California there. Either you work hard or you have nothing. I know it's saturated of "english teachers" there, so what's the magic our little friends use?

>> No.8643070

They force all trannies to undergo sterilization, so that's close enough.

>> No.8643168 [DELETED] 

>current toxic
>provaxxer tranny
Like Twatter user as a whole deadbrain rotten social media.

>> No.8643294

Best of both worlds, couldn't be happier about the news. Also makes something new to do during replays

>> No.8643531

You don't suppose that's why femboys and cis crossdressers are more common over there than actual trannies?

>> No.8643735

Play 3ds

>> No.8643789

If they're actually working as translators, they usually have a part-time (or even a full-time) gig that gets them a work visa, which allows them to stay legally. Usually, translation isn't full-time work and it rarely gets you a visa unless it's got a big business (multi national corporation, big publisher, government), so they have to get a second job. The other common path is marriage. The other way is they move there on a student visa, attend language classes and translate on the side. Their visa may not actually allow them to work while there on a student visa though.
Most of them won't be able to stay long term unless they get married since you can't renew student visas indefinitely and they don't have enough points to get fast tracked for PR.

>> No.8643862

Oh, thanks for the answer. So, they're kinda shooting in the dark there? I don't think it's likely that a native would be willing to marry them. I thought they'd have an ace under their sleeves. After all, people should be prudent? Right? ...right?

>> No.8645656

Japanese guys love white girls my man. Failing that, if they manage to stay for 7-10 years or they have enough points they can just get PR on their own. A lot of them ending up going home because they realize they will never be Japanese or Japan isn't going to change to fit their needs in this lifetime.

>> No.8645863

Localized actually works better here.
Literal sounds like he's saying "tough shit, blame god or something."
The localized better captures that fact that he's saying it in a way that's more apologetic in tone but casting the blame on them.

>> No.8646098

>A lot of them ending up going home because they realize they will never be Japanese or Japan isn't going to change to fit their needs in this lifetime.
That's what I suspected. Kinda naive of them going to one of the most inflexible places on this world and wanting things their way. Is it anime's fault? But no one sane can treat animes as if they were documentaries.

>> No.8647112

Nah, ArcSys does. But the one game Wayforward made for the series turned out to be a smash hit that blew up Western interest in Kunio, so WayForward now has a fair bit of goodwill with Arc

>> No.8648082

Western interest? Suck to me.

>> No.8649316

They changed the layout of the scene for the PSP version entirely.
Originally Delita delivers the iconic line as he looks back towards Agrias who was trying to stop him. The PSP version has him direct the line towards the princess herself since Agrias wasn't even in the same vicinity as him until shortly after the line was spoken.
Therefore, there was a significant change in this line's intent between versions which, in my opinion, causes the more curt "blame yourself or god" to seem much more convincing than if he'd said the more flowery line to Agrias before running off.
The opposite holds true for the PSP version, where it seems to make considerably more sense for him to say "Tis your birth and faith that wrong you, not I."
tl;dr neither version is incorrect, and it's entirely down to the precise context of the given version of the game.

>> No.8650332

i'm glad that i left twitter

>> No.8651259

>openly admitting that you use propaganda in your translations

>> No.8651259,1 [INTERNAL] 

Based reply! Fook the modder!

>> No.8651259,2 [INTERNAL] 

The tranny mod ban me across the board. Screw those fags