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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 220x280, Leisure_Suit_Larry_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8631776 No.8631776 [Reply] [Original]

>King's Quest
>Space Quest
>Police Quest
>Sex Quest
eer... I mean
>Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards

what a combo breaker and a mouth full. What happened?

>> No.8631809
File: 439 KB, 1560x1146, tumblr_77cb7c39b78d633ef1a6b59e447bab18_483a21db_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al Lowe was told by Ken Williams to remake Softporn Adventrue with graphics. He played it for the first time and felt it was cringe. So he decided to intentionally make it as silly as possible. If the game had a straightforward title then it could be seen by audience as an unironic sex game.

>> No.8631873

based naked roberta williams on the right

>> No.8631930

how good is soft porn?

>> No.8631951

well no really what happened was Al found a disk of the game, booted it up, and decided it was worth remaking now that Sierra had newer, more advanced technology. he came up with the name "Leisure Suit Larry" because he thought Softporn Adventure was "so out of date it should be wearing a leisure suit."

a janky text adventure with cringy programmer writing/dialog. the programmer (Chuck Benson) came off as a typical neckbeard sperg trying to describe sex and picking up women when he had very little firsthand experience.

>> No.8631961
File: 44 KB, 560x385, 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a text adventure. Pretty short one too.

>> No.8631980

also Ken Williams finds this cover extremely embarrassing and he'd prefer to forget it existed

>> No.8631992


>> No.8631994

Softporn Adventure was made as a conventional text adventure largely because Sierra worried that retailers wouldn't stock an adult game with graphics.

>> No.8631995

>Hero's Quest
err.. I mean
>Quest for Glory

>> No.8632024
File: 24 KB, 226x218, zeldacdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cucked kek

>> No.8632341

>What Shall I Do?
>Masturbate myself to sleep as I cry alone in a cheap motel bed for being such a failure.
>I don't know how to masturbate
That was a good run.

>> No.8632892

God I miss the look of women back then. Hard to describe it but they look so nice and real.

Roberta was a cutie.

>> No.8632904
File: 316 KB, 960x720, qfg2_dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically, the sexiest thing in a Sierra game appeared in a different game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QLZMJAqsAY

>> No.8633664

who are the other women? I like the one on the left the most. Notice how none of them is blond. This is peak.

>> No.8633667

man I just LOVE the look of those SCI games but I am not into your cat furry shit. Wondering if the Elderscrolls got the Kasheet or however you spell them from Quest for Gloryhole. Also why is Quest for Glory such an untalked game series?

>> No.8633682
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, still image from youtube dot com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8633763

WHAT? I always thought "Rick Chapman" was actually Ken Williams.

>> No.8633919

That's mostly because his wife is the one on the right.

>> No.8633924

It is. Whoever did the captions here obviously didn't know that.

>> No.8633948
File: 77 KB, 574x677, EaVhNViX0AcWId7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Quest co-creator denies that

>> No.8634023

I’ve always wanted to make a LSL style game starring George Costanza, but I know fuck all about game design.

>> No.8634043

I really do have to applaud them for getting some of female staff to get their tits out and hop in a hot tub for the funny sex game they were making. That’s dedication really

>> No.8634051

>George C. In the Search for the Sincerely Splendid Shiggy Diggy Doos

>> No.8634053

it was California, dude. the place is basically an orgy where everyone has open marriages anyway.

>> No.8634061

Early Sierra had a pretty equal male-female employee ratio and most of them were young adults living on a campus together. The atmosphere could get pretty wild at times.

>> No.8634072
File: 80 KB, 625x386, D31BC39B-156A-48B1-9F09-E3FBBA741BC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t surprise me. Hell, it was probably Roberta’s idea in the first place. Bonus pic of the photo shoot, can’t seem to find this one as easily as the others so here it is

>> No.8634074

Miss this kind of atmosphere to be honest. Staff going fucking wild regardless of their sex. If they tried to pull something like this nowadays and have a game cover like that it would a total fucking bloodbath in terms of negative press

>> No.8635120

They sold 20,000 copies of SPA which is an impressive amount relative to the total Apple II installed user base at the time.

>> No.8635254

What does it mean to "go wild" in American English?

>> No.8635340

I live in California and I can assure you that is not the case.

>> No.8636719

move undomesticated

>> No.8637073

without inhibitions

>> No.8637153

those comments and attitude and wording of ferral the faggot really makes me barf

>> No.8637168

I would also love to make an AGI game. I've made games before but have never used AGI.

Do I just need DOS Box? how does it work? does anyone have any experience. got any guides? i know there used to be an active community but maybe it's dead in 2022? I've looked for guides or anything on YouTube but all I've found was a Dutch guy holding a speech how he reverse engineered the Adventure Game Interpreter game engine. I would love to know how you actually do graphics for it. Does anyone know?

>> No.8637171

thanks for sharing, Metal Jesus
must have been epic working at a hotline

>> No.8637176

great picture! I've never seen it before. i think it's actually way hotter than the famous one.

what's that shit on the tits of middle girl? looks like tin foil?

>> No.8637183


I hate abbreviations so much and how Americans are so obsessed with them

>> No.8637185

Metal Jesus would come much later. Sierra was bleeding money during the Crash due to poor investments and overproducing cartridges. They had to reluctantly fire most of the staff to stay afloat until King's Quest became a hit on Tandy 1000. Al Lowe was notably asked by Ken Williams to leave his job at Sierra and become an independent contractor who would receive payments for completed work instead of salary. He stayed with such arrangement for the rest of his career.

>> No.8637274

they were stuck with a mountain of unsellable Atari 8-bit and VIC-20 cartridges when the market for both computers shrunk in late 1983. as for King's Quest, it didn't sell at first because the PCjr bombed although IBM had paid for the game's development costs so Sierra wasn't actually out that money. the Tandy 1000 did however save them and Ken Williams remained eternally grateful to Radio Shack.

>> No.8637294

What carts did Sierra make? I think the only ones i ever seen with their name on them were for the tandy coco.

>> No.8637331
File: 96 KB, 521x614, 01_m1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made a lot of cartridges for pre-C64 computers (and some for C64 as well). They even released some ColecoVision games. At the time Sierra did not typecast themselves into adventure games yet and they had a diverse catalog of simple arcade-style games.

>> No.8637418

>your yfw when Jim Carrey wantd a LsL movie where he would play Larry Laffer.

>> No.8637420

>Metal Jesus would come much later
what was his job at Sierra? tech support?

>> No.8637457

A lot of games like Jawbreaker, Oils Well, and Lunar Leeper. They also did contract work; some Atarisoft games were done by them.

>> No.8637504

softporn adventure, the game being discussed itt

>> No.8637513

well, no not for incels like you of course

>> No.8638341

A photo model for Shivers 2