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8629395 No.8629395 [Reply] [Original]

What went so wrong with Nintendo during the N64/GC phase? They went from market leaders with the SNES to being outsold by the Xbox.

>> No.8629401

too big for they britches

>> No.8629406

Xbox had good games. N64 had fuck all and gamecube barely had any better outside Smash.

>> No.8629407

People grew up

>> No.8629424

Love me Gamecube. Love me PS2. Love me Dreamcast. Simple as.

>> No.8629452

Nintendo had been pissing off third parties during the entire NES/SNES era, what the PS1 offered in terms of hardware and business deals was more than enough for the to give Nintendo the middle finger.

>> No.8629697

Soulless promo art after the n64

>> No.8629729

nothing, people were immature while thinking they were playing "Mature" games
this man is correct

>> No.8629775

the market grew and a wider variety of play styles and art styles became viable, while nintendo stuck with what they knew. nintendo realized they'd never be the market leader again and so figured out a conservative strategy that could work for them

>> No.8629828

They put out worse consoles than the competiton, duh.

NES hardware was solid and the library easily cleared all competition.
Snes was a little newer/better than Genesis and nintendo started churning out A-tier games right away, whereas the Genesis library took a few years to get going.
N64 was clearly inferior to PSX in terms of controller and media format, it had a limited library, and despite being more powerful on paper its games often didn't outperform the PSX.
^Repeat with Gamecube vs. PS2. Xbox was very powerful, had its own exclusives/SEGA ports, and had better features (online, DVD, hard drive). Nintendo having nintendo games simply wasn't enough to win the generation any more.

>> No.8629873

>nintendo realized they'd never be the market leader again and so figured out a conservative strategy that could work for them
but they have been the market leader multiple times since then, including right now

>> No.8629880

3D was a death sentence for Nintendo gaming.

>> No.8629898

they've always been the market leader in handhelds, and the wii was an honorary handheld.

>> No.8629928

>insisted for whatever reason to use a medium with quite less space compared to the competition
>third party kind of fed up with this AND the Nintendo policies from the NES days

>> No.8629992

That doesn't even make any sense
Are you saying mixing up the Wii with the Wii U as a handheld?

>> No.8630058

it was analogous to handhelds in how it defined its own separate market rather than competing with the more powerful systems, hence it was not "market leader" despite selling more than PS3 or 360 individually.

>> No.8630176

>Wii was a handheld
some next level copium right here, gimme a hit o that

>> No.8630229

Only poorfags who couldn't into proper PC gaming had xbox.

>> No.8630273

PC gaming wasn’t very good during the sixth gen.

>> No.8630309
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>They went from market leaders with the SNES to being outsold by the Xbox
xbox? no. playstation, sweatie.
nobody could compete against SN System's devkit or sony's licensing terms.

>> No.8630318

Xbox outsold the GameCube by a small margin.

>> No.8630323

What are you talking about?
Some of the most memorable pc games came out during sixth gen

>> No.8630329

A small handful maybe, but console gaming was definitely dominant at the time.

>> No.8630336

yeah but the point is being outsold by Xbox is more shamefur because it was just another also-ran console and not something paradigm-shifting like PS1

>> No.8630340

That’s absolutely bullshit mate, if you had said fifth gen it might’ve been a bit more believable

>> No.8630345

Before fifth gen*

>> No.8630350

Doom 3
Half-Life 2
World of Warcraft

That’s about it for really major PC releases during gen 6.

>> No.8630351

Oh and Warcraft III.

>> No.8630354

ah i get what you're saying. yeah, i guess it could be seen that way, but i find it all a bit silly trying to compare nintendo with others anyway, as nintendo have refused to abandon their 'withered technology' philosophy and got dominated by superior hardware with games to match. it's like punching a baby mario in the face and then screaming "IT TRIED TO MURDER ME". it wasn't difficult to beat nintendo in the hardware race. they weren't even attempting to make an effort, and never have been that interested in chasing after the latest and greatest tech advancements.

>> No.8630356

The N64 and GameCube both underperformed in sales. It would’ve been foolish to continue trying to compete directly on a hardware level.

>> No.8630358

Two gargantuan, terrifying megacorporations, Sony and Microsoft, joined the industry. The only way to win against them is to not compete at all, making a product that's not better but DIFFERENT, which is what Nintendo's been doing since the 7th gen.

>> No.8630360

yep. this philosophy has worked pretty well for them in that regard. one thing nintendo are really good at is squeezing every last drop of performance out of hardware that most people would think just wouldn't be up to the task.

>> No.8630363

Sixth gen is 1999-2005
You can think a lot harder for games on PC released in that timespan, if you can’t just look at top games on PC through metacritic for those years

>> No.8630374

I’m not saying there weren’t good games on PC during that time, but it was definitely a low point for the platform. Many big console releases either weren’t ported to PC at all or didn’t come until much later. It was far different from the relative parity we have now.

>> No.8630419

Completely wrong and uninformed

>> No.8630430

Care to elaborate?

>> No.8630445


>> No.8630447

So that’s a no then.

>> No.8630462

If you don’t know of the many influential PC games of the early 2000’s then no, I won’t elaborate

>> No.8630471

I already listed some. That doesn’t make my previous post any less true. There is no official way to play MGS3 on PC to this very day for example.

>> No.8630493

And that means what?
Consoles only just had a way to play Diablo 2 in the last year

>> No.8630498

There are far fewer big name PC games that haven’t been ported to consoles than the other way around.

>> No.8630506

Apart from MGS3 and first party games?
I also doubt that you know much about playing PC back then

>> No.8630510

I had a PC back then. Another good example is Halo being ported a full two years later.

>> No.8630524

I don’t see many of them on consoles

>> No.8630540

About what you’d expect. Mostly RTS stuff, D&D RPGs and simulators. With the exception of big names like Blizzard and Valve, consoles were inarguably the top priority in that era with PC as an afterthought.

Again, it was a whole lot different compared to now where basically all AAA games get released for Windows at the same time as the console versions.

>> No.8630543

>I don’t like the games so they don’t compare
Uh huh

>> No.8630681

Not even remotely what I said.

>> No.8630780

Piracy in the PSX/PS2 and lack of third party games. First party games on that era were great.

>> No.8630964
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>> No.8630975

can you two faggots shut the fuck up

>> No.8630978

This is the truthpill. GC just couldn't compete with what PS2 was putting out.

>> No.8631526
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That must be why ps2 games sell for grocery food money and gamecube games sell for an organ and a half, because clearly no one liked those games right

>> No.8631531

this, fuck your console wars

>> No.8631945

>Xbox had good games.
What were they? I've always wondered.

>> No.8631969

Because no one bought them at the time so there's not as many copies in circulation, you dumb fuck

>> No.8631970

>N64 was clearly inferior to PSX in terms of controller and media format,

This is a bizarre claim. The N64 controller is fine for SNES-type stuff and fine for fancy 3D stuff. The PSX controller is a SNES controller with a gap put into the d-pad to make it far less usable for no reason. N64 wins hard in this respect. Unless you mean the DualShock, in which case... well who cares about having a spare stick? You already have the main one, and your other thumb is on the buttons. And the d-pad still has that awful gap in it.

The media format may be inferior for business purposes but it's not CLEARLY inferior for game development purposes. Nobody needed FMVs or crappy overdone pre-recorded music tracks or voice acting, and everybody needed the gameplay that two of those features would rampantly interfere with. But yeah, people stupidly wanted those things, so PSX was probably superior in this respect.

>> No.8631978

Nintendo refused to embrace discs and was punished for it.

>> No.8631996

That wasn’t the case, they wanted discs but they couldn’t profit off them
That money went to Sony and Phillips

>> No.8632009

N64 was a terrible failure and Nintendo’s competitors definitely made hay from that. People were actually talking about Nintendo going third-party.

>> No.8632038

Lmao, by what measure was it a failure

>> No.8632049

Console wars are a relic of being a child dependent upon parents who either couldn't afford or simply didn't want to spend money on more than one console for you, and it's so depressing that it mutated into bootlicking brand loyalty instead of disappearing.

>> No.8633194

A few of my favourites were Chaos Theory, Outrun, Pirates!.

>> No.8633294

>not something paradigm-shifting like PS1

It shifted the online console landscape forever

>> No.8633320

“Failure” is too harsh, but the N64 did underperform in just about every other territory outside of North America including Japan.

>> No.8633359

I don’t think so, only when you compare it to the astronomical success of the PS1

>> No.8633368

Yeah, but also compared to the previous sales of the NES and SNES as well. The overwhelming bulk of the N64’s success was in North America.

>> No.8633376

The Nintendo NoGamescube had... no games.
The Nintendo only 6 to 4 good games didnt do so great neither.

>> No.8633381

It was the time where you saw games getting gimped as hell for the console release. Deus Ex Invisible War is the best example of it. Any non source or id tech FPS had less settings than an FPS from 1999. In fact its easier to play most PC games from the late 90s on modern hardware than it is to play most x-box ports.

>> No.8633971

Yeah the FPS genre definitely thrived during the sixth gen, no question. Lots of big name franchises got their start in the early to mid-00s.

>> No.8634216

>The media format may be inferior for business purposes but it's not CLEARLY inferior for game development purposes.
Lol okay. The CD has 10x storage over the largest cart, at 10% the price of the smallest cart. It isn't all about the game development side, they have to sell these things too. And storage is absolutely useful for game development, even at the cost of loading screens.
>Nobody needed FMVs or crappy overdone pre-recorded music tracks or voice acting
Yeah? Well too bad, people wanted it/liked it. So companies went with the format that could give their customers what they wanted.
>But yeah, people stupidly wanted these things, so PSX was probably superior in this respect.
Are you bitter about this or something? That people wanted something you personally don't like?

>> No.8634330

>Are you bitter about this or something? That people wanted something you personally don't like?

This sums up 99% of the arguments on this board lol.

>> No.8634389

>scalpers dictate how great a console is
by your retard logic the Sega Saturn is the greatest console of all time