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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 4 KB, 256x224, MS2019NF'92-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8623026 No.8623026 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.


IPS/BPS Patcher:















Want something here? Post it for the next thread.


>> No.8623101
File: 74 KB, 502x487, 1614912844443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon who posted the Hello Kitty GBC thread got me curious to see what it would take to do a translation patch of that game would take.
The answer: not much, but there's a hard requirement for either
>doing a very terse, economical translation
>expanding the rom and ASMing a bank switching routine in to point at a less pared down version of the script
There's already an acceptable English font here and no weird tricks as far as compression, but god did they ever use all the available space. I'm amazed they didn't use dictionary/variable shit for at least the most common words/names/nouns though.

>> No.8623358
File: 19 KB, 522x294, 810iPERqN-L._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge: Hack Arkanoid to actually include the intro sequence with the spaceship which isn't in there because Taito were fags. I assume if you had a 32k CHR ROM instead of the 16k one in there it would fit.

>> No.8623707

is there enough PRG space? it's only 32k.

>> No.8625094

Whats OP's image about? Did some anon make a romhack of this game?

>> No.8625169
File: 28 KB, 400x400, Flappy-NES-Homebrew-Nintendo-game-cartridge-Two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your dream homebrew right now, /vr/?

>> No.8625189
File: 104 KB, 800x640, 6877676465_8af3776d31_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just acquired a Super Scope, and (while I know it's a completely dogshit port) wish Revolution-X was compatible with it... as well as maybe MSU-1.

>> No.8625230

A hack of Wily Wars that patches up the wonky movement of Megaman and at least some of the slowdown.

>> No.8625260

Have any of you ever had success with dual tile encoding? I tried it ages ago but I couldn't figure it out.

>> No.8625605


>> No.8625882

I heard that but I wouldn't have thought it executes any code out of RAM.

>> No.8626039

Also Break Man's sprite.

>> No.8626401


>> No.8627598


>> No.8627806

>doing a very terse, economical translation
This was probably the norm for most official translations. The English text would be pared down and simplified to fit in the same amount of ROM.

>> No.8627934

Flappy Bird NES

>> No.8628315

John Madden Football NES

>> No.8628387

Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?

>> No.8628450
File: 80 KB, 926x412, 1618520134738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably true. Did a test run of a script I thought was pretty chopped down compared to the original for the first of the text blocks and STILL found myself over by so much that I'd killed the next blocks pointers AND chewed into the next block's text straight up. For some reason Atlas isn't updating my pointer tables correctly either (it's inserting them in the correct place, but failing to account for the required addition to/subtraction from the offset), but that's most likely user error on my part, or something.

>> No.8628462

im too stupid

>> No.8628478
File: 47 KB, 410x285, Mahou no Princess Minky Momo Remember Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one? I don't believe it's been translated yet.

>> No.8628576
File: 112 KB, 1200x537, bbXQPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already been done!

>> No.8628591

you gotta use digrams/trigrams/n-grams to compress your text

>> No.8628618
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this out last night and was filtered by the first block puzzle in the forest temple. Im going to have another go at it tonight.

>> No.8629475
File: 26 KB, 715x379, TextCompression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a simple list of digrams and trigrams, i was able to compress your sentence to 70 chars, compared to the original 135.

I used a list of 159 n-grams, to complement the 96 visible ascii characters, excluding NULL.

I didn't bother to select the most optimal digrams either, just did some basic frequency analysis and took a guess of which ones to exclude. Also, the encoding is just a simple, linear, walk and replace over the string. Even without those kinds optimizations, you can cut the size of the text in half, and it's easy and fast on any old processor such as the 6502

> (Auto capital)[ i][ t][ri][ed][ th][is][ o][ut][la][st][ n][ig][h][t][and][ wa][s][ f][il][te][re][d ][b][y][ th][e][ f][ir][st][ b][lo][c][k][ p][u][z][z][le][ in][ th][e][ fo][re][st][ t][em][p][le][. ](Auto capital)[im][ g][o][ing][ to][ ha][ve][ an][ot][her][ g][o][ a][t ][it][ to][ni][gh][t][.][NULL].

>> No.8629514

Metal Gear NES anon here again. Been poking around with the first PRG Bank, since it's a mess of sprite data, code, and unknown data. Very start of the ROM after the header is some sort of table. 18 entries, all in XX XX format. Hoped they were pointers, but they don't go anywhere of value on the ROM, CPU RAM, or PPU RAM. Afterwards is a small NULL section all FF'd out, followed by another one of those large tables with XX 81/82/83 entries. Following that, right before the sprite data begins, is a strange data structure of 96 entries. Entries can be 2 bytes, 4 bytes, 8 bytes, 10 bytes, or 12 bytes. Each one is separated by FF. Here's the first 14 entries on the structure, with the separator bytes.
10 81 11 82 12 80 13 83
10 82 11 80 12 83 13 81
10 80 11 83 12 81 13 82
10 83 11 81 12 82 13 80
C0 00 C0 01
30 81 25 82 80 40 A4 00 F0 10 A4 01
3C 02 60 01 3C 03 60 00
3C 02 60 00 3C 03 60 01
08 82 20 43 80 20 20 44 F0 82
40 01 40 00
A0 01 A0 00
60 00 60 01
70 03 70 02
50 03 50 02 20 00 30 02 30 03 20 01
As you can see, no obvious logic at play.

>> No.8629574

These are likely map/level data that describe different graphics objects.

>> No.8629639

MG is not the most well-programmed game either probably because it was a rush job. it takes an unnecessarily long time to switch screens considering UNROM should have really fast banking (only 2 instructions needed to switch banks) and other such games like Castlevania don't do this, they have near-instantaneous screen switching.

>> No.8629664

It's not as hard as you think. A good start would just be to start mapping out data offsets in the ROM, or mapping out RAM values by pulling them from cheat code lists. You don't even need to mess with assembly code at first.

>> No.8629714

I want to believe, but I think it might be sprite related instead. Just a hunch at this point, still diggin.

The asshole who programmed this thing decided to switch up which byte corresponds to what character in the text blocks for some of the punctuation for no apparent reason at all. In this scene it's 7F for ?, in this scene it's AF. 80 is the copyright symbol, until it's actually used for background graphics. The graphical data blocks are the exact same size, there was no reason to ever move those around. But this fucker did.

>> No.8629820
File: 11 KB, 664x534, 1628551937980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nailed down the table file for this piece of shit in lightning speed because it's easy as piss
>you get a whopping 4 lines to play with in each text box because they made dakuten/handakuten separate as well as dividing kanji into 2 tiles vertically, so you can squeeze in a ton of English letters
>can't find the fucking script anywhere in the ROM despite all this
>searching around yields only a small bit of text that doesn't appear to be dialogue
I'll bet there's something fucky going on which is why it isn't translated yet. But it's NES... how hard can it be... right?
Mind the dim font, CrystalTile2 fucking sucks ass.

>> No.8629876
File: 63 KB, 494x596, 1620926138192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind. There's 2 separate tables, as I quickly found out with a few additional relative searches.

>> No.8630149

You can shrink the 8x8 font tilesets by one pixel scanline to improve the spacing.

>> No.8630518

Because it takes forever and I don't need a disassembly for anything

>> No.8630761

ZetaPlays' legendary review of this was like 8 years ago and nobody's touched the game yet. I can't believe it.

>> No.8630778
File: 166 KB, 720x960, 1630611124683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess an expansion of a popular game would be pretty neat.
Like the original game is there but then you see a hallway that wasn't there before; or a new enemy appears, etc.
Something like suddenly having a new area with a new level in Banjo Kazooie that has objects, music, and collectables that neatly tie together with the rest of the experience.

>> No.8630852

RIP John Madden

>> No.8631089


>> No.8631110

I would really like to play Myths & Dragons for the MSX, but Euro is 6 to 1 here, so yeah..

>> No.8631168

SMB2 and Zelda 2 also have lengthy pauses between screen fills due to a not very well coded fill routine.

>> No.8631398


>> No.8631880

One that hits the news & makes every Twitter user seethe & cope.

>> No.8632293


>> No.8632960


>> No.8633006

Darkstalkers: The Night Warrior and Metal Gear 2 on SNES.

Goove on Fight releases on PC-FX.

>> No.8633019

Shantae's original/reimagined TG-16 Hucard or PC-FX FMV RPGs

>> No.8633046
File: 376 KB, 901x514, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evidently the US prototype for Doki Doki Yuuenchi has been found, but the ROM was never dumped and was distributed only as a physical cartridge. Anyone here have any information about it?

>> No.8633241

>Arcade edition
First Mortal Kombat, Avenger (Data East), Sunset Raider, Final Fight and Captain Commando as SNES redo project
Burning Force on SFC, X68000 systems, Neo-Geo (enhanced)

>> No.8633559
File: 154 KB, 640x640, 7rVJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YZB, the chinese hacker who did romhacks for Castlevania Saturn to enhance the game and speed up loading times or use King of Fighters 95 without the ROM cart only uploads on chinese cloud baidu, which requires a login:
Catlevania http://bbs.chinaemu.org/read-htm-tid-128699-fpage-0-page-1.html
KOF 95 https://www.retrorgb.com/saturn-king-of-fighters-95-4mb-ram-cart-hack.html
Ultraman http://bbs.chinaemu.org/read-htm-tid-128709.html
The reuploads such as https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TbA2D4icQAN3QqincKAiEmxd9BD3-tE1/view are only old versions, YZB updated the Castlevania hack in 2021.
Do you have an idea on how to download these files?

>> No.8633841

I'd like to know. I want to try the latest version of the Castlevania hack.

>> No.8633842

I swear to god I'm the only one who plays these hacks while you fags that make them just jerk yourselves off to nerd shit.

>> No.8634207

I'm on the same boat

>> No.8634291


>> No.8634309

That's just romhacking for you dude
>game has problems people want to try and solve ("problems" used loosely)
>romhackers solve them, it satisfies their autism
>a game just happens to receive enhancements/translation as a result

>> No.8634313

Misadventures of Tron Bonne, SotN, KoF96 MMX4&5, Darkstalkers 2 and Aliens vs Predator (CPS-2) run on N64 hardware.

>> No.8634658

since i can't find an stupid question thread i'll ask here.

i got a fake r4 card for my 3ds but it doesn't work. it works on my DSlite so is not broken but i want use it on the 3ds.

i tried following the guide i found on their website (r4isdhc.com.cn) but it still doesn't work. i read if i copy the wrong firmware i can brick my flashcard. there are some firware i can copy that won't brick this card?

>> No.8634689
File: 48 KB, 622x579, 1629407914780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme something to play on my megadrive please

>> No.8634719

Ok my Everdrive N8 finally showed up today. First game I tried out was Dig Dug, no late Konami releases or anything ambitious. Really nice port and quite arcade-accurate. I also tried these:

Didn't work, crashed. Corrupt ROM?
>A Week of Garfield
It really is as bad as they say. I have no clue what you're even supposed to be doing and also I found you apparently have no health bar and only one life. Fuck that game.
The controls were awful and I kept getting killed when I tried to lay down a bomb and got caught in the explosion. That game officially filtered me.

>> No.8634736
File: 733 KB, 500x684, Eternal_Champions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8634780

Donkey Kong does too because it's programmed like shit. Dig Dug has instantaneous screen fills because Namco didn't have Bozo the Clown making their games.

>> No.8634792

Garfield Caught In The Act aka the only Garfield game that's worth a fuck.

>> No.8634857

i still like the PC version better for the music

>> No.8634867

Thanks anons!

>> No.8634894

The Ooze?

>> No.8634958

I'd played Dig Dug on Namco Museum on the PS1 years ago and that version was sluggish and not as responsive as the Famicom port.

>> No.8634964

5th gen console games always feel like wading through tar due to their architecture. ironically even the Atari 2600 Dig Dug is a lot more responsive than the Namco Museum one.

>> No.8634970

This is a question for >>>/vg/hbg

>> No.8635241


>> No.8635430

were those emulated? i seem to recall they weren't.

>> No.8635445

Ms. Pac-Man was emulated, the other games are running natively on the PS1.

>> No.8635509
File: 19 KB, 781x485, font.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit my fonts

>> No.8635519

NES games normally wouldn't use those thin fonts because it would look smeary on the typical 80s consumer TV. That almost looks like the font on an Apple II.

>> No.8635530

they didn't release Dig Dug or Galaxian here because Bandai (the publisher) figured there had already been plenty of home system ports of them so DD2 and Galaga were better choices. however you could find pirate multicarts at the mall and whatnot so it's not like Americans were totally unaware of those or Chack'N'Pop.

>> No.8635550
File: 1 KB, 128x128, 1637262304145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago or bust.

>> No.8635565

also go easy on alphanumeric characters; you only have 256 slots in there and need to conserve space for background tiles

>> No.8635579

I just use

.incbin offset, count

to include the characters I want

>> No.8635610

The Master System has enough space for 448 tiles which can all be assigned as sprites or background tiles as you wish, there isn't a fixed 256 of each as there is on the NES.

>> No.8635883

SP.1 from Spooky Haunted Mansion

>> No.8635931

Use retrogen

>> No.8635990


>> No.8636002

I believe Galaxian is the smallest NES game ever at just 16kb, the rest of it has been padded with 0s. The everdrive probably can't recognize the 16kb file so try another one.

>> No.8636014

Get an overdump of Galaxian that stretches the ROM out to 24k and it will work.

>> No.8636425
File: 1.18 MB, 240x160, english_item_menu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just finished the items menu.
It's not easy to cram too much info on a GBA screen.

>> No.8636747


>> No.8636987

I really want Metal Max 2 (SFC) translated but the skills required are beyond anything I've ever done (I have no idea how to deal with compression, not to mention there is text and graphical data to translate) and I don't even speak Japanese

>> No.8637290

the minimum ROM size the iNES format supports is 24k so yes you will need an overdump to play it on emulation or a flash cart

>> No.8637414

PC-FX homebrew.




>> No.8637524

Update: Tried NES Space Invaders. Didn't care for it--the enemies are too small and hard to hit, and shmups murder your thumb in a hurry anyway. Actually the Atari 2600 port is better. Also tried Baseball but the sprites looked kind of illegible on my Bravia (CRT needed?) and it wasn't all that much fun to play.

>> No.8637552
File: 30 KB, 765x200, slowest download speeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The download speeds for baidu disk are abysmal

>> No.8637557

there are a dozen better baseball games on the NES, the original Nintendo Baseball is just a cute historical curiosity

>> No.8637567

It's ok if you just want a quick one where you don't have to do much more than press two buttons. I'd been testing out mostly NROM games because I'm lazy and they don't require much time investment.

>> No.8637791

this is not the best port of SI. the SNES one is better.

>> No.8638305


>> No.8638352

truly excellent games like SMB3 are rare. most of the NES's library is jank that has aged very poorly.

>> No.8638394

Video games can't age.

>> No.8638623

Apparently the guy who worked on the Shiren 2 translation is a massive control freak and doesn't want it uploaded anywhere besides RHDN and CDRomance for some reason.

>> No.8639034

While I have been beaten to upload I'm still putting them up on another site so that they're even more accessible to the public

>> No.8639037

Yeah, they had to take it off of The ROM Depot because of that

>> No.8639043

What an asshole

>> No.8639082

What game

>> No.8639097

Zniggy for the NES with period-accurate quality and fidelity of the port.

>> No.8639116

Contra: Hard Corps

>> No.8639120

Let me guess: Spanish?

>> No.8639198


>> No.8639720


>> No.8639852

Would it have been an NROM title? Don't forget Zniggy can assign unique palettes to 8*8 areas while the NES is limited to 16*16, so the assets would need to be redrawn.

>> No.8639892

>Additionally, some games check the value of the Accumulator directly after startup. If the value is $01, then the hardware is either Super Game Boy or normal Game Boy. If it is $FF, then the hardware is either Super Game Boy 2 or Game Boy Pocket. If it is $11, then it is either Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advance.

Is this the canonical way to detect game boy hardware or can official software do something else?

>> No.8640083

This: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eUOlPBxZIls

>> No.8640215

It would be NROM or CNROM perhaps but the whole thing would have to be totally redone including all code as it was Z80. A Master System Zniggy would be much easier.

>> No.8640951

I want to translate some games for Sega GG
What tools do I need?

>> No.8641118

Anyone have links to the "full" pre-patched romhack collections? I see the archives in the OP but these were bigger collections of hacks, most of which are shit. I remember downloading it a few years back but lost it in a drive failure.

>> No.8641157

Search /vr/ archive for "homebrew collection December 2019.zip" and "New Games for Old Systems v3.0.zip" they're both in need of a good update, but probably what you're looking for.

>> No.8641254

NES is better suited for 32*32 because the attr table is a pain in the ass

>> No.8641673

How lost there is?

>> No.8641878

What? I managed to find a pretty thorough (if old) NES collection but I'm missing anything newer.

>> No.8641935

If nothing else I found someone's collections on archive.org. Seems to be what I'm after. I actually love just randomly looking through this shit and trying out different piles of shit.

>> No.8642324

CV: HoD and MMX4 for PC-FX

>> No.8642515 [DELETED] 

I made a bold font

now it looks like any other NES font

>> No.8642535
File: 4 KB, 256x240, font2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a bold font

now it looks like all the NES fonts

>> No.8643172


>> No.8643263

Wily Wars PC Engine and Sequel Wars SFC

>> No.8643603

>Reign of the Koopa
>Kirby's Adventure 2
>Someone made a Lenore hack
>Street Fighter II with moves in the air
>SMB with SMB2 music
Looks like there are quite a few interesting hidden gems there. Shame that Holy Diver Batman wasn't a hack as I expected.

>> No.8643681

Do many games store Japanese text in Shift-JIS, or is it usually some proprietary encoding?

>> No.8643761

Best one.

>> No.8644034

Always assume the latter and get used to making up your own table files.

>> No.8645423

The Castlevania hack is mostly Placebo. If anything the load times are slower for anything but the menu screen when pressing start. Which the English Translation patch fixes that issue by replacing the 700KB Kanji font file it loads in with a 30KB ASCII font file.

>> No.8646601

Corpse Party 666444 and Bayonetta 64DD

>> No.8646727

Street Fighter 2 nostalgia edition (NES)

>> No.8646858

where can i get shin megami tensei iv iso

>> No.8646947

in your ass

>> No.8647158

What do you mean?

>> No.8647194

I found this Popeye hack interesting.

>> No.8648087
File: 102 KB, 640x400, 1644397758568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TG-16 port of Rusty.

>> No.8648110
File: 108 KB, 481x685, 1471501418173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Metroid on the GBA which is actually being done now. Unfortunately it doesn't have the same sprites and sounds.

I also hope for an AM2R port as well

>> No.8648131

GBA Edition is pretty good. The alternatives the dev came up with for missing mechanics are pretty good, if a bit simple at times.

>> No.8648347

Imagine see AM2R port on Wondersawn, Gamecube and Wii U

>> No.8648517


>> No.8648697

Are you not listening?

>> No.8648703

some actual 3d sonic content on the saturn,
..really any 3d content on saturn honestly. I was considering getting into the scene to see what i could do given i at least have 3d modeling experience.

>> No.8648960

I like how they adapted super mechanics to ZM mechanics. I'll keep an eye on this one.

>> No.8648968

Would try it. I've looked at footage of the PC98 and DOS versions and the scrolling is just too choppy for me. Would play with smoother scrolling.

>> No.8649125

Probably not, can't hear you type from here.
What's this specific "nostalgia edition"?

>> No.8650374


>> No.8650472

Is there any good dos homebrew?

>> No.8650579


>> No.8650624

This might be a stupid question, but google is not helping.

Is there an "infinite" hack of SMB3 where the level simply goes on forever and is just generated on the go?
Ideally as it goes on it would switch tilesets and so on..

Every time I try to google for something like that I get completely different results because search terms are common

>> No.8650658

Like DA artists and kickstarter

>> No.8650951

What, like some kind of "open world" SMB3? You wanna be stuck in one level or something? Never heard of.

>> No.8650962


Yeah pretty much.
Just want to basically endlessly roam one level etc...

>> No.8652757

if you want bidirectional scrolling you'd have to rewrite the whole game because it's only designed to buffer two screens high or two wide.

maybe you could find a way to extend levels so they can go on left/right indefinitely. go find out

>> No.8652828

I don't really care about this, but something like Super Metroid Arcade or Rockman 2, 3, 4 & 5 Endless where they randomly give you a new room during each screen transition might be interesting. I can see each SMB2/3 door leading to a random segment or boss.

>> No.8652970

>smoother scrolling
Nice mechanics.

>> No.8653314

Faithful port back to the past.

>> No.8653323

Man, fuck Helga

>> No.8653405

I think the big problem left is the gameplay. I'm not sure if it's faithful, but the existing versions are usually difficult as fuck.

>> No.8653414

Also I think they're missing E. Honda.

>> No.8653493

Could anybody provide me with Super Duper Metroid please?

>> No.8654658

Kino and NECbased

>> No.8654970
File: 65 KB, 210x240, 1628635728298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still waiting on a complete english translation for Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon

>> No.8655160

SegaXtreme hosted a Cross-Platform FMV competition. The entries are being uploaded to Youtube as real hardware footage is captured:



>> No.8657437


>> No.8658717


>> No.8659873

Is Star Road any good?

>> No.8660398

Not really.

>> No.8661789
File: 3.65 MB, 960x544, You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren’t you Well, you were pounding an elementary schooler all along.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.

>> No.8662372

I want to turn dad into a girl so I can rape daddy is there a game like that

>> No.8662850

Anyone know why the Golgo 13 NES uncensored hack was removed from RHDN?

>> No.8662957
File: 27 KB, 724x307, Image19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason column doesn't show up, lol.
Right-click -> Inspect Element on the line you want when logged in.

>> No.8662974
File: 1.47 MB, 240x160, english_status_menu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Status menu.
It takes too much time to make these things.

>> No.8663648

What's the preferred patch format? I woke up from a coma do I still use ips

>> No.8663797

Seems to be the most used, yes.

>> No.8665331


>> No.8666862

Resident Evil 2 for Saturn:

>> No.8667623

it makes me sick that these nerds who are already violating copyrights and doing what is basically shady shit, are now going to act like snobs about nudity? romhacking was founded by people putting dick jokes and swastikas in adventure island, it is not a serious hobby you fucking nerds

>> No.8667893

i hate u

>> No.8667910

Been playing Pokemon Crystal Clear.

A ROM hack that makes Gen II open world by getting rid of all the bullshit roadblocks, and lets you do everything whenever you want. For example, you can challenge any gym in any order. HMs are pretty much irrelevant with the exception of Fly, save for a few dungeons.

It's compensated by having most of Crystal's story gutted, though. But honestly, who really cares about that?

>> No.8667948

In fairness to the faggots at RHDN, if they did permit nudity then they would have to restrict the site to 18 or older by US law. If not, and some parent finds out their kid downloaded virtual boobs from RHDN, the admins could be responsible for providing sexual material to a minor. And get a lot of negative attention from the dev studios that own the IP's they host romhacks for. Which could lead to the entire site getting nuked from orbit by lawyers, costing everyone all the romhacks archived there, all just because someone just HAD to have some pixels in the shape of a nipple.

>> No.8668675
File: 38 KB, 667x743, div240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrote a divide by 240 routine, to translate an NES game's internal y-axis camera to a screen offset for the PPU's 240px high nametables. It's like ~50 cycles and trims the input to 13 bits, which gives you like ~33 y-axis screens.

>> No.8668771

>Pokemon Crystal Clear.
Isn't that the hack with diversity quota NPCs?

>> No.8668927

Seriously?! Why even?!

>> No.8669071

i remember there is a patch to fix that issue

>> No.8669297

I want more Zelda Oracle games.
Link Codes, Rings, map variants, all that shit.

>> No.8669334

Because the dev is an unironic, literal discordtranny that's far into that identity politics bs.
Oh is there? I'll look for it then.

>> No.8669348
File: 51 KB, 521x333, output_comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One nice thing about Mesen is its Lua scripting window, where you can use emu.addMemoryCallback() on a particular instruction to log your routine's output and compare with a reference implementation written in a higher level language. You can use lua's io.write() to create the log.

The output files from my Mesen log and my C program were identical, so I'm sure the divider works without error.

>> No.8669943

If they allow porn mods then they must allow "big dick ointments" ads, which they won't do that.

>> No.8670757


>> No.8670889
File: 982 KB, 892x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking a little chunky leon...

>> No.8671086

new thread