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File: 204 KB, 324x324, Sonic_Adventure_2_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8622656 No.8622656 [Reply] [Original]

>play this as a kid
>only yesterday realize there was a Japanese dub in the options
>it's actually really good and makes me not cringe at the silly shit they say
>realize all the weird english words like YOSH were untranslated Japanese words and actually make sense now
>fucking omochao is actually cute
What the fuck are there any other old games with good Japanese dubs most people don't realize is better or even there? I heard the FFX dub is actually good too.

>> No.8622667

You're comparing yourself to me? HAH you're not even good enough to be my-

>> No.8622909

I'll make you eat this cock!

>> No.8624873

i recall finding it out when I was younger and being the ignorant child i was thinking that it's chinese.

>> No.8624884

nah listening to anything other than english is treason to the crown

we didnt win the game of empires just to have to learn foreign shit....you fuckers can learn my language instead.

that inc europlebs

>> No.8624889
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>win the game of empires
>lose it to jews anyway
ok retard, now go play SA2B in japanese

>> No.8625096


>> No.8625172
File: 1.13 MB, 425x288, 1589000180286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only praise the japanese audio because you don't know the language well enough to know just how good or bad the performance is, just like the vast majority of weebs, prove me wrong.

>> No.8625185
File: 118 KB, 580x563, Tink Tink TInk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. The cheesy English dub of SA2(B) was good in it's own way:
1) The only parts that were truly cheesy were the actiony parts and not any of the emotional or heartfelt parts
2) The voice acting was typical of the late 90s and early 2000s in terms of the quality of English VAs in anime and other Japanese media, which makes it a time capsule of sorts
3) The game was basically a 90s action film so it fitted with the theme anyways

Unless an English dub is so bad tat it actually becomes unlistenable (as in it's not even cheesy levels of bad but it's this is the actors calling it a fucking day bad) and it fits the genral theme of the game (e.g. having a cheesy dub in a game that's supposed to be serious), I don't see the problem with them.

>> No.8625237


But it's still frees you from listening to western dub cringe.

>> No.8625238

Friendly reminder that the reason this game had dialogue getting cut off left and right is because Sega wouldn't re-animate the cutscenes to match the English voice acting, so the voice actors had to either cram in their lines as quickly as possible or there was a chance they'd get cut off.
It's really a sign of the ability of the VAs to produce performances as good as they did under such conditions. When interviewed about it, most said that they had little wiggle room with voice direction in general - in fact, Lani Minella (who voiced Rouge and Omochao) stated that Yuji Naka almost didn't use her lines because he wanted all of the actors to look like their characters. It's why the Tails actors were young boys and had to be replaced as they aged.

>> No.8625245

Well, Sonic Team, not Sega, I guess.

>> No.8625367
File: 78 KB, 200x200, 200px-JP_deki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not op, i speak pretty well, and I'll agree this is half true. there's definitely a lot of Jap shit better than the English, but majority of them are definitely third rate actors, especially in older media.

>> No.8625386

it is chinese, all of east asia belongs to china

>> No.8625431


>> No.8625479

The problem with these games is that even if you're listening to japanese voices the subtitles are from the localized western tranny schizo headcanon script, so you're not getting the true intended experience in any Sonic game without actually knowing the language
I was watching part of the game Sonic Lost World on youtube and Sonic is such a fucking asshole in the english dub
There's a part in the game where Tails fixes the plane, he tells Sonic about it
In the japanese dub Sonic is impressed and gives him some words of encouragement
In the english dub he goes stfu lol I don't give a shit
Western insects make me sick

>> No.8625489

not so fast, Deng

>> No.8626950

>play this as a kid
So earlier today?

>> No.8626994

There is a mod for the PC version that changes the subs to be accurate to the Japanese.

>> No.8627009

Which is exactly why it's the superior option.

>> No.8627042

nah, especially with older videogames, the english voice acting was often done by amateurs, or basically whoever happened to be around because they didnt want to spend money on hiring actual voice talent on games, whereas in the original japanese version they usually had professional voice actors. just look at the "what am i fighting for" scene from megaman x4 and compare the english and japanese versions, you dont need to know japanese to realize which performance is superior.

>> No.8627051

For some reason Jak 2 has the Japanese dub included, you just have to go to settings and switch your language to Japanese.
It's alright, though I feel that by Jak 2, Naughty Dog already had a handle on getting both good VAs and good voice directors. Some neat choices though, like Daxter is voiced by a woman and Torn has the same VA as Ging in the 2011 Hunter x Hunter anime.
Some of the Dragon Ball games also include the Japanese voices as an option, so you don't have to have your ears raped by Texas VAs they found on the street, or weird Funimation chuunibiyo dialogue. This is true of most anime games as well.
Beyond that, quite a few VNs include an option to switch the text to Japanese, though that's completely different, and beyond the realm of /vr/, some Switch games will check your region and automatically switch over (notably Moon: The Anti RPG does this, has both an English and Japanese version in the cartridge).

>> No.8627057

This is a retarded cope derived from retards on /v/ seething about people making fun of anime dubs.
You can tell bad acting despite a language barrier. People noticed that Kaio's VA in Dragon Ball Super was basically on his death bed trying to eek out one last performance. People noticed that Dio's VA in the JoJo OVAs was phoning in his performance hard.
There are instances where people will be willfully ignorant of a VA's quality, a number of performances in Hunter x Hunter are pretty bad, but Japan is far above the West in terms of voice acting for a variety of reasons, most notably being that media that relies on voice acting is far more respected over there. They both export a lot of animated media (that includes anime and video games mind you), in addition to bringing in a lot of foreign media that gets dubbed over.
And Japan has had good VA work for decades mind you. Go back to Ashita no Joe and they had a string of legendary VAs pulling out peak performances in the 70s and then doing nothing afterwards or seamlessly going into TV Dramas.

>> No.8627070

>Yuji Naka almost didn't use her lines because he wanted all of the actors to look like their characters.
Every day this board teaches me more about Yuji Naka's schizo tendencies.

>> No.8627098

Chaos Wars sounds just as terrible in the JP voices as it does in the EN ones. That's saying something.

>> No.8627119

Jesus Christ you’re such a fucking weeb dude. The original media audio is always better for anything. American movies/games dubbed to Japanese are ridiculously cringe. That’s just how it is. There’s no special sauce for japanese VAs. Look at something like God of War. Amazing japanese dub, a lot of time and care was put into it. Now go watch the Joker movie Japanese dub. It’s ridiculously cringy and just bad. Like a movie school project bad. That’s how it is with most dubs anon. They’re just bad and despite not speaking Japanese you can tell it’s a bad dub.

>> No.8627123

>There's no special sauce for Japanese VAs
There isn't, there's just more value put into Japanese voice work than there is for the Western equivalents.
Also, Joker is cringy and bad unless you're 14.

>> No.8627128

>Also, capeshit is cringy and bad

>> No.8627134

The joker movie is a good movie. It’s just the worst recent dub I can think of. And I assure you every country puts a lot of effort into their VA work. It isn’t an exclusively Japanese thing. There’s plenty of old american cartoons with very iconic well known VAs. Just look at stuff like Sesame Street, Looney Tunes, Mel Blanc, Tress Macneille. The list of amazing American VAs goes on and on. Guess what? It’s the same in every country. It isn’t some special Japanese thing and there’s tons of Japanese media where the VA just completely blows.

>> No.8627139

America uniquely views animated work as solely for children, and their voice performances reflect that. There are well known and good VAs, yes, but there's a reason video games have awkward acting to this day, or why anime dubs only cycle through the same 5 voice actors.
It's a field with not a whole lot of weight put into it.

>> No.8627143

>And I assure you every country puts a lot of effort into their VA work.
Except for the United States, where video game dubs are traditionally done by Carl, the janitor who was just happy to get a few paid hours away from mopping up literal shit on the bathroom floor in exchange for saying some scripted lines into a microphone. American anime dubs are almost as bad, but not quite.

>> No.8627154

You realize there’s only a handful of Japanese VAs right? Do you just not know the medium that well or something? Voice acting is something not many people can do well. So that’s a pretty typical thing. Even in American movies/shows the pool of people to work with is pretty small because of the skill set required. Even extras specialize in playing certain characters. Lookup Jesse Heiman. A lot of extras have ridiculous amounts of credits playing the same specific character. What you’re talking about isn’t unique to voice acting anon. Regardless of the role you want a consistent performance and output. Certain people provide that and get selected because of that. What you’re saying is just dumb and shows you only think of the staff Funimation VAs as the only dub work or something.

>> No.8627156

Additionally, Japanese Anime copied American cartoons but cheaper. And American cartoons were always traditionally for adults. If you watch any classic cartoons this is very clear. Your take is just wrong in every possible way. I hate weebs like you that don’t even know what they’re interest is

>> No.8627158

>You realize there’s only a handful of Japanese VAs right?
Much in the same way there's only technically a handful of American VAs. The question is whether or not the studio wants to pay to hire them. And the answer is, more often than not, no.

>> No.8627164
File: 194 KB, 500x394, reality2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate weebs
Which is really the only reason you're even trying to argue an indefensible position. You don't even believe your own bullshit, but you'll be damned if some "clueless weeaboo" is going to post stuff on YOUR 4chan.

>> No.8627176

You're being very hyperbolic right now. We can look no further than Legend of the Galactic Heroes to show the sheer number of VAs working in the industry, in just the late 80s to mid 90s. Nearly every character used a unique VA, in a series that spanned 110 episodes and had well over 200 characters, and there are still notable actors that were not involved at the time, and many actors involved went on to play various iconic roles beyond the series.
And when I said "most anime dubs use the same 5 guys", I was right because Funimation does the vast majority of anime dubs. Most dubs outside of them are either from 20 years ago, Sentai Filmworks, or the very occasional Discotek redub (and that's usually for older anime).
>Japanese Anime copied American cartoons but cheaper
It took a blossoming industry and capitalized on it. In the 60s, anime did lean heavily into aping Disney, what with Tetsuwan Atom's art style and films of the time like Saiyuki, but with TV anime like Cyborg 009, Dororo to Hyakkimaru, and especially Attack No 1, Ashita no Joe, and Ace wo Nerae, it became its own distinct thing. The Japanese usage of limited animation is what makes it distinct, and while that did begin with Tetsuwan Atom, it blossomed out with successive works.
And American cartoons are directed at children. Having to cite "Classic cartoons" is proof, they don't take the medium of animation seriously. Why do you think Disney makes all their animated works live action now? Why do you think Tom and Jerry needed to be partial live action to work in the modern day when it was a beast of animation quality in its initial run, to the point various prolific Japanese animators cite it as an influence? Why do you think pretty much every American cartoon got outsourced to Japan and Korea from the 80s onwards?

>> No.8627203

Yuji Naka is to Sonic as Keiji Inafune is to MegaMan
I can't stand the fact that it was Yuji Naka being the squeaky wheel that got everything done in his favor. Naoto Ohshima was just as vital to Sonic, and same goes for Hirokazu Yasuhara. Guess who Yuji Naka ended up more jealous of?
I will always be happy that Balan Wonderworld failed, guy needed to be humbled fucking hard

>> No.8627218

Not all dub work is anime that’s my point. Most dub work is in fact not anime. I’ll agree that with Anime yes the American dubs are particularly bad. I understand your position better now. But most VA work is not anime related surely you realize that right? The reason anime VA has been getting better in recent years is because the market has expanded in the US and more money is invested into it and more traditional VAs are voicing those characters.

>> No.8627226

Also there’s a lot of high budget animation these days. Most of the top grossing movies are in fact animated. To say they don’t take it seriously is just silly. The budget modern cartoons often get is pretty insane as well. I don’t get that specific point you made. If anything the market for animated shows/movies for children and adults has massively grown over the past 30 years and there’s numerous American animated shows/movies targeted specifically at adults/YA. What you said there doesn’t make a lot of sense. Even look at video games, there’s absolutely more adult oriented American video games than adult oriented Japanese video games.

>> No.8627230

I’ve got more respect for Inafune than I do Naka. Inafune may have leaned into the ‘father of Mega Man’ shit hard as well but he wasn’t doing completely psychotic shit like firing people because they encroached on his status as the creator of sonic or firing VAs because they didn’t look their characters. Even Inafune himself was fully accepting of Mighty No. 9’s failure and soldered the blame all by himself. I have a hell of a lot of respect for him for doing that, compared to Naka who probably insisted Yasuhara was responsible for Balan blowing up in his face. I do feel a little bad for the guy but every single thread about him here only brings up more reasons why he’s a complete cunt

>> No.8627628

>the game is so shitty even the fan wiki tells you not to play it.
I don’t even think the Bubsy wiki stoops to that level

>> No.8627657

Didn't Japanese companies actually do that a lot at the time, because they had no idea how to cast English voice actors? I know I've heard the same story about Shenmue, and maybe Resident Evil.

>> No.8627692
File: 318 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here please tell me more fucked up Yuki Naka stories these are great.

>> No.8627762

Off the top of my head from what I remember
>was shown footage of a hyped up Dreamcast shooter game (like Star Fox) by the dev team. He then turned to his assistant and said in Japanese that he was going to gut the team, have only the best staff absorbed into his staff and have them shut down. Since most of the team spoke Japanese, they understood what he was saying. The game ended up being cancelled
>threw Yasuhara under the bus several times and constantly underwrote his role in Sonic’s creation. He said in an interview that Yasuhara, the game’s director, didn’t do much while he was the one who steered sonic to greatness
>was allegedly so awful to work with that most of the Sega Japan staff working in the US actually wanted to stay there than continue working with him
>has continued to class himself as the creator of sonic. In reality he was a code monkey, doing all the programming. Naoto Ohshima actually created an designed the character
>threw the X-treme staff under the bus and threatened to quit Sega when he found out they were using the Nights engine. This was one of the leading factors into why the game was cancelled
>left Sega during the middle of Sonic 06’s development which further destroyed development and helped lead to the game we have today
>constantly attempting to make Sonic games that he wanted instead of what would sell (he wanted SA1 to be an RPG and threw a shit fit when Sega told him no)
>an American staff member did several interviews with the public and gamers in the early 2000s and asked them what they thought of Sega. Nearly all of them called the company outdated and old news. When he showed the footage to the Sega board, Naka got in his face and screamed at him saying the footage was fake and was edited to make the company look bad and refused to believe Sega was no longer a popular brand. The guy told Naka to go fuck himself and left
I’m sure there’s dozens more stories but those are the ones I remember

>> No.8627910

megaman x4's eng voice acting is legendary, I played both eng and jap versions and I can say that I was more into the english dub dispite all the cheese. Im kinda sad that modern video games eng dubs are still bad but in the just boring way, where everyone just kinda sounds the same.

>> No.8627989

>an American staff member did several interviews with the public and gamers in the early 2000s and asked them what they thought of Sega. Nearly all of them called the company outdated and old news
You're going to have to be reeeaaal specific with your years regarding "early 2000s." 2000 and 2001 and even 2002 would be different from 2003-2005.

>> No.8628041

You’ll have to forgive me about the date. The article doesn’t appear to mention it either but the actual text puts it after the Dreamcast ceased production and they moved to 3rd party support

>> No.8628042

>constantly attempting to make Sonic games that he wanted instead of what would sell (he wanted SA1 to be an RPG and threw a shit fit when Sega told him no)

Lmao are you fucking shitting me? You must know this but Square wanted him to do RPGs but he did Balan Wonderworld instead.

Also the first story is hilarious.

>> No.8628047

Article in question

>> No.8628054

In fairness to Naka I believe he was thinking a sonic RPG would be a system seller, considering the PlayStation had annihilated the Saturn because of Final Fantasy 7. But it’s sonic, the last genre you’d expect a sonic game to be is an RPG. I think they still used some of his early ideas however like talking to townspeople and having a large map to explore

>> No.8628065

Fair enough, that makes sense then.

>> No.8628180

Can you get the Japanese dub with English subtitles though?

>> No.8628564

Yeah subtitles dont change

>> No.8628746

The stuff about the Sonic X-treme staff is the most egregious
It was played off for years as "Oh it was a project doomed to fail, Naka reportedly saw it and just said good luck!"
When in reality, the narrative got twisted. It was originally this team begging for help from SEGA and the only one who didn't approve of them using the Knights engine was none other than Naka. This was after he said what he did, and he meant it as "good luck doing this without me, I'll fuck you every chance I get!"
They tried their best with the odds stacked against them and ended up failing. Shit happens though, shame it's like that but there was so much involved in this shit show that it went from an ok project to designed for failure, it never had to fail

>> No.8628803

So it's still not an accurate translation of the original Japanese script, but you can follow along? I'll take it.

>> No.8629449
File: 156 KB, 585x940, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know this until last year: you can actually pick up Omochao and hurl him at enemies to kill them

>> No.8629623

I loved doing that.

>> No.8629635

you can also beat him until he complains about you being mean and leaves

>> No.8629653

Sometimes but mostly no. East Asian languages are just dramatically different. The impact of any given line of dialog can exude a completely different feel in a different language even if you try to translate 1:1 and are fluent in both languages.

>> No.8629940

>>America uniquely views animated work as solely for children, and their voice performances reflect that

>what is Family Guy
>what is American Dad
>what is Futurama
>what is Aqua Teen Hunger Force
>what is Duckman
>what is King of the Hill
>what is Bojack Horseman
>what is The Boondocks
>what is Rick and Morty
>what is South Park
>what is The Oblongs
>what is Squidbillies

>> No.8629953

I was watching Pokemon in Japanese once and this kid asked me, "Why are you watching it in Spanish?"

>> No.8629960

>and for crass comedies.

>> No.8629964
File: 21 KB, 490x490, 1605397401313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might have been something they thought all studios did because Disney did it with their actresses. Since most of the time whoever was voicing the character in a classic animated Disney film would also be the live reference for the character. They'd dress up as them, and faff about a sound stage in front of animators, and since Disney had a major major impact on Japan post-WWII...doesn't feel like that much of a stretch.

But Yuji is probably a bit of a weirdo. I wonder what finally got them to just cast a woman for Tails instead of replacing him every 3 - 4 years with young boys.

>> No.8630046

I've played games in fictional languages and could tell if they're good or bad so this has to be BS.

>good VAs
>Gravity Rush 1 and 2, Ico

>bad VAs
>some shit Star Trek klingon game, Star Fox Adventures

>> No.8630053

I was a weeb in 1999 and never played SA1 in English. I didn’t even know what it sounded like until I watched Cybershell play it in English recently. SA2 has bad gameplay and Jap voices won’t fix that.

>> No.8630208

What's the point of switching to japanese dub when you still have to read the terrible localized scripts? None of what the va's are saying will match what you're reading. Unless you can understand japanese, you are still experiencing the same thing.

>go to 28:22

>> No.8630221

Read what OP wrote again

>> No.8630235

I read it. Just didn't care to respond to it.

>> No.8630237

Yet you cared enough to post utter nonsense in the first place

>> No.8630242

I use the tread to bring up a related topic of my own.

>> No.8630246


>> No.8630249

Yes it's a typo.

>> No.8630251


>> No.8630256

Yes it's a typo.

>> No.8630264


>> No.8630267

Yes it's a typo.

>> No.8630730

the dialogue cutting is kino though. that is how rivals talk in real life, they don't wait to hear the other's sentence end. sa2 is art

>> No.8630893
File: 756 KB, 500x375, floating_vegeta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use jap audio in 98% of my games so I don't have to A) Listen to old hags failing catastrophically at sounding like young girls (often with the worst valley girl accent in existence) and B) Don't have to suffer through burgers absolutely butchering the pronunciation of japanese names.

>> No.8630907

I'd rather be oblivious to japanese cringe than be aware of western cringe for non-western media.
You fucking kidding me, nigger?

>> No.8630951

Games should just have everyone speak in grunts or in Simlish desu.

>> No.8631393

>Lani Minella (who voiced Rouge and Omochao) stated that Yuji Naka almost didn't use her lines because he wanted all of the actors to look like their characters.
>tfw you almost got fired because you aren't a mechanical bat

>> No.8632485

Makes me wonder who he thought could fill that role. Fucking Naka, man.

>> No.8634041

>You're going to have to be reeeaaal specific with your years regarding "early 2000s." 2000 and 2001 and even 2002 would be different from 2003-2005.

Not really. Sega's rep wasn't making a splash as a 3rd party developer. They felt more like cult classics than big blockbusters

>> No.8634161

English dubs of Japanese games tend to be rushed and have much lower budget than the original Japanese dub. Good English voice acting exists of course, but you usually find it in western games, not Japanese games.

>> No.8634175

>makes me not cringe at the silly shit they say

Are you a retard? You cant speak or understand a fucking word of japanese so of course you wont give a shit about what they say or how they deliver the line. They might as well be speaking Pakistani or Indian by your own logic!

Fuck me. Amerimutt yeah??

>> No.8635348

wumao detected

>> No.8635693

it weren't the voices that made me think it's chinese, it was the script.
kinda makes sense since kanji is derived from hanzi.

>> No.8637056

>>realize all the weird english words like YOSH were untranslated Japanese words and actually make sense now
It's less untranslated like it couldn't be, but more that SoJ forced American VAs to speak Japanese because of autistic story telling reasons

Just another point in SoJ's time where they were extremely racist to Americans.

>> No.8637070

>America uniquely views animated work as solely for children,
Except the shows that clearly aren't made for children
You need to take meds already and shut the fuck up.

>> No.8637104
File: 816 KB, 500x281, 1451436858909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo with how egotistical Naka was and honestly how weebs act in this very ITT, it's no surprise Adventure era fags are the most volitale Sonic group out of all of the Sonic fandom.

It's one thing to find other cultures neat, but to end up being a worse human being as a result is just pathetic as shit. And the constant self hating English using anons just makes it even worse.

>> No.8637201

Sonic 1 and 2 = positive aura energy
Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles = negative aura energy
Sonic Adventure = ???

>> No.8637227

I remember since being a little kid I could detect poor voice acting in some games. Even when I couldn't speak English or Japanese and had to rely on subtitles.

>> No.8637256

Bad voice acting always tends to be the tone of a morning kids cartoon which is what localized shit sounds like.
Bonus points: original Japanese SD Gundam sounds like this.

>> No.8637284

he's talking from a fairly outdated perspective, when i was a kid my parents let me watch south park because 'its a cartoon so it must be for kids' but since animation for adults has become more commonplace that kind of thinking has reduced, i'm pretty sure plenty of kids watch rick & morty and family guy though, which are ostensibly for adults

>> No.8637301

>>was shown footage of a hyped up Dreamcast shooter game (like Star Fox) by the dev team. He then turned to his assistant and said in Japanese that he was going to gut the team, have only the best staff absorbed into his staff and have them shut down. Since most of the team spoke Japanese, they understood what he was saying. The game ended up being cancelled
thought this was referring to propeller arena but then i remembered that got cancelled because of 9/11

>> No.8637571

I wouldn't consider Family Guy or American Dad as "adult entertainment". In fact, I remember Family Guy airing right after the last show on a kids cartoon block, it was fully expected these shows would be enjoyed by both kids and adults, but were more oriented to a mature audience.
What I mean by "as solely for children" is that Americans view it as an immature medium most of the time. This isn't some weeaboo thing, France fucking loves anime, China and Korea have decently sized animation productions, and Japan especially uses anime as one of its largest exports, and it has been an adult medium for decades, Ashita no Joe's original manga was so big that it inspired revolutions and its two TV anime were equally successful and well appreciated (the second movie was in fact sold as a title match between Joe Yabuki and Jose Mendoza to get people to go see it in droves).
There obviously is good American animation directed at adults without just being crude humour or shit like Rick and Morty, but the general perception is far removed from literally every other country.

>> No.8638695

You're right. It's kino in a disc

>> No.8640251

Who actually 100% this shit?

>> No.8640391

SA2 kinda sucks but it has so much heart, I can't bring myself to hate it

>> No.8640536
File: 188 KB, 500x502, 1641578719531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuji Naka almost didn't use her lines because he wanted all of the actors to look like their characters.
>It's why the Tails actors were young boys and had to be replaced as they aged.

Holy shit.

>> No.8640710

Yes, I too listen to Jersh's podcast. Go ahead. Deny it.

>> No.8641089

Just in case you are (or anyone else is), here is the interview where she says that, I think it's roughly halfway through.
If you watch the rest of it, be warned that the dudes conducting the interview spill their spaghetti a lot, but Minella handles it very professionally.

>> No.8641095

*you are interested