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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 23 KB, 480x360, tombraiderpsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8613306 No.8613306 [Reply] [Original]

is pic rel worth playing when there are much better non-retro variations around?

>> No.8613315

OpenLara is still worth playing.

>> No.8613454

the platforming in Tomb Raider is very tight, unlike pretty much every other 3D platformer, and there's like 30 hours of game there, pure game

>> No.8613503

Apples/oranges between classic TR and any modern 'equivalent' you have in mind, barring maybe Haydee. It's worth playing because it's still fairly unique and well executed. I don't much care for the classic sequels, though.

>> No.8613507


>> No.8613508

If you're talking about Uncharted or new Tomb Raider, those are nothing like classic Tomb Raider.

>> No.8613518

interesting, can you elaborate?
I was thinking of uncharted since I just got a PS3.
Never played any of these 3d shooter/platformers

>> No.8613524 [DELETED] 

jfc just download the game and find out, zoom-zoom

>> No.8613548

Classic Tomb Raider, especially the first one, has way more platforming than Uncharted or new Tomb Raider. And the platforming has a very precise control scheme that is completely different from any modern game. The level design is also a lot more intricate.

>> No.8613829

TR1 is more of a logic game than it is an action game. The action is not even good in the first game. Second is much better in that regard, but it's still just jumping around holding shoot button.

It's completely different than uncharted and nu-TR, which are action games.

>> No.8613858 [DELETED] 

retarded zoomer

>> No.8614019
File: 2.73 MB, 1500x2250, lara_by_shyngyskhan-dc8fjgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest to start with anniversary if you're completely new to TR, then if you liked it get back to the first game (they're pretty different, it's interesting to compare them) and play until underworld.
Nulara will never be tomb raider.

>> No.8614060

You can get first 3 games for 10$ on gog. Just try them.

>> No.8614073

Classic TRs are decent games, while modern TRs are practically non-games that simulate gameplay without actually having any. You go through the motions and things explode for twenty hours and then you watch a movie. It's the kind of game where you sometimes Lara does something in a cutscene and fucking receives EXP for it (I shit you not) without any input whatsoverer. It looks like a video game but if you try to play, it only vaguely responds to your actions with some cinematic jumping about. This kind of game pretends to have full controls but on design level it's practically a FMV.

>> No.8614080

There is literally nothing non-retro which does platforming as precisely and as well as Tomb Raider 1-5 do

>> No.8614081

>nulara will never be tomb raider
>go and play the previous nu-lara though

>> No.8614084
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To my knowledge there is not a nonretro classic tomb raider.

>> No.8614476

I hate idiots like you who are too lazy to make salient points so you just engage in hyperbole.
Modern Tomb Raiders are still video games, just not the same as the old games. You can absolutely criticize their gameplay, but to say it's "practically a FMV" is going full retard. It's pure dishonesty and overshadows valid criticisms in favor of attention grabbing.

>> No.8614515

I feel like much of the challenge of tomb raider was that you couldn't see jack shit. Especially on the shitty ass TV I had back then.

>> No.8614619

Gameplaywise they have little in common save for the third person perspective.
The classic Tomb Raider are platform/puzzle games. Understanding where to go and how to get there is what you do most of the time.

>> No.8614631

How is Tomb Raider Anniversary? The PS2 version looks decent, I wish I still had my Xbox 360 because that's definitely the best looking version. The PC version unfortunately looks like total ass though since its an unoptimized port of the PS2 version.

>> No.8614717

Like N64 port.

>> No.8614720 [DELETED] 

Go play buy a games, you lazy boi.

>> No.8614732
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>comparing LAU Lara from games where Toby Gard was involved and nulara where they don't even bother to give her British VA

>> No.8614895


>> No.8614931
File: 218 KB, 1317x1080, Tomb Raider (USA) (Rev 6)-220206-154823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing it recently. Love the atmosphere.

>> No.8614964

>but to say it's "practically a FMV" is going full retard.
OK, fine. It’s practically an FMV with QTEs.

>> No.8614965

What version is this? Seems very low res even for TR1.

>> No.8614983

Well, there are no "much better non-retro variations" around, the game is a hardcore acrobatic simulator on wide abandoned maps. Sometimes it feels like a horror game.

>> No.8614990

Looks like PS1 on native resolution.

>> No.8615003

>hold W and jump in comparison to hold W and jump
is this webm a parody of itself?

>> No.8615125

Daft cunt.

>> No.8615173

so that's a yes

>> No.8615184

Yeah its PS1

>> No.8615224
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I found some of the puzzles a bit too obtuse, but maybe I'm just getting old. Overall it's pretty decent but definitely the weakest of the new trilogy.
>The PC version unfortunately looks like total ass though since its an unoptimized port of the PS2 version.
It can look good, even better than then PS3 version, but you have to do some retarded shit like turn off the "fullscreen effects" and force the AA from the video drivers.

>> No.8615591

What is the best version to play for the old Tomb Raiders? PS1?

>> No.8615718

From what I read is the gog/steam version + community patches that you can find in the community hub.
You can pick up all games for free at gog-games

>> No.8617384
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I played gog versions but I needed to apply multipatch (you can get it from Stella's site) to fix some stuff.

>> No.8617407

I wish there was something like classic TR games without the dated controls

It's way better port than Legend port which has broken graphics and constant flickering if you enable next gen content

>> No.8617414


>> No.8617657

To be honest almost all of core design raiders are pretty shitty. I would suggest playing only the ones from crystal dynamics.

>> No.8617659

There's almost no logic in any old tr except of last revelations. In all of these old ones you just run around to find a switch or key to progress. Tr4 was the only one where they put some simple puzzles.

>> No.8617680


>> No.8617703

I like 3 I just wish there was more save crystals

>> No.8617781

You can save wherever you want in PC version.

>> No.8617873

I know but I've never played it on PC

>> No.8617921

Really shows you that modern games aren't better at all. In fact they are worse. They just rely on graphics and spectacle over any sort of actual challenging gameplay. It tricks casuals into thinking these games are more special then they are when it is just style over substance. Old Tomb Raider blows that lame shit out the water in terms of depth.

>> No.8617942

No. Look at St Francis Folly, Crash Site or Lost City of Tinnos.

>> No.8617993

Your problem is that you value the idea of challenge too much. Not even saying you're wrong to do so but it's not what people care about. They care more about having fun and most people can do that without being challenged at all.

>> No.8619049

Depends what you think Tomb Raider is. The atmosphere and environmental storytelling was ten or more years ahead of its time. The meticulous gameplay and need for note taking is absent in modern gaming. If all you took from TR was tank steering and grid based jumping then you weren't paying attention.

>> No.8619352
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Garbage waifu. Play a real man's game

>> No.8619785

I have both the PS2 and 360 version of Anniversary and I don't notice any difference in graphics other than Lara's shoulders in the Legend outfit get wet properly in the 360 version. Legend is a huge noticeable difference, but I feel like they fucked her face too much in the 360 version.

>> No.8619805
File: 972 KB, 2042x768, hautbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's why I prefer ps2/no next gen version.

>> No.8620019 [DELETED] 

Uncharted is a good game. Masterpiece. Tomb Raider in any iteration is objectively bad

>> No.8620048 [DELETED] 

>Uncharted is a good movie

>> No.8620076 [DELETED] 

how embarrassing.

>> No.8620231 [DELETED] 

>Uncharted is a good game
Ah yes, the game series absolutely no one ever remembers

>> No.8621052 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 259x385, Uncharted_Official_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embarrassing cope

>> No.8621080 [DELETED] 
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>no one ever remembers

>> No.8621174

It's only because consolefags always praise exclusives for some reason I'll never understand.

>> No.8622582
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>> No.8622625 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8624269 [DELETED] 

Begone Pcunts

>> No.8624396

3 dripped with soul, even if it was rushed and the level design is schizophrenic. The Devs have a lot of interesting recollections.

>> No.8624403

1 was revolutionary, the rest was dogshit cash-grab

and who ever gave a singe flying fuck about Lara Croft

>> No.8624408 [DELETED] 

stop replying to bait

>> No.8624420

She was the face of gaming for about a decade, as the entire hobby underwent a social change from outsider to omnipresence.
"Cash grab" is sort of fair though, as Core didn't know what the fuck to do with sudden multimillion sales.

>> No.8624427 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 217x216, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was the face of gaming for about a decade
Yeah, no. The whole marketing around that character was just cringe-worthy. Plus even her high res model during the first five games looked unappealing and downright ugly.

>> No.8624437
File: 423 KB, 859x997, dao19h7-7dc0d01e-641a-448c-982d-b41aeb198e54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 14 when TR 1 came out. What kind of perma-virgin had posters like this on their bedroom walls?

>> No.8624609

3 has some great labyrinthian level design.
The london levels are well worth playing.

>> No.8624659

Holy jesus, Castlevania Lords of Shadow did far better than TR 2013.

>> No.8624678

>miss one jump
>get sent back twenty minutes
>not even multiple lives, you miss it, you're done
I just can't

>> No.8624686

You sound like a bitch

>> No.8624687 [DELETED] 

zoom zoom

>> No.8624689

nah, i play good games

>> No.8624721

Older games really are unnecessarily punishing. I guess it was about padding out the limited content they could fit onto a disc. It is shitty though.

>> No.8625257 [DELETED] 

Nah Uncharted is pretty weak by movie standards.

>> No.8625293 [DELETED] 

bro just savescum who the fuck has time to get good at and beat these games when theyre only as hard as they are because there were so few games out there and they needed a way to artificially lengthen the playtime

>> No.8625361 [DELETED] 

it's not about it being hard, it's just extremely unforgiving in a way most "hard" retro games aren't
when you miss a jump in mega man, you have a few more tries before the game kicks you out and makes you redo the whole level
tomb raider's "runbacks" are exhaustingly long and immediate on death

>> No.8625415

Why are there no quicksaves in old console games?
PC gaming had that shit figure out really early

>> No.8626406

The old version is MUCH more puzzle and exploration based. It dumps you in a maze and you have to wander around and find switches and keys and learn how to deal with the traps and monsters.

It's a completely different pace and formula to something like modern tomb raider which is mostly linear with secrets and collectibles off to the side.

>> No.8626497

Memory was slow, small, and I think some kinda had a finite write life. Saving was a precious resource.

>> No.8626557

I mean it is a game. It’s a sort of 3D puzzle where you have to follow the rules if you want to beat it.

>> No.8626618 [DELETED] 

Sodabrained retards who still fall for cynical cashgrabs and oscar baits like Unsharted
Also not retro, fuck off to your shithole with your off-topic garbage

>> No.8626649
File: 218 KB, 855x903, larainfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday, Lara!

>> No.8626767

>not going to Oxbridge

>> No.8627515
File: 122 KB, 1280x1280, eaa7b04d-3b2d-4fc0-806e-8cc46b3bbf6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came here to say this.

>> No.8627591

Remember she planned as latina adventurer?

>> No.8627636 [DELETED] 

Genuinely yes. Sonic and Mario were "for kids" and uncool, whereas Lara and weirdly Resident Evil heralded an era of gaming not aimed at children (as far as the media knew).
I literally had Lara in that black dress on my walls from 11 until about 16. Kind of miss that poster, it was 6 feet tall!

>> No.8627643

It essentially uses very similar mechanics to the old Prince of Persia. It works very well if you approach it that way instead of as an action game. The shooting was done the latest in TRs development and it's naturally not a strong factor.

>> No.8627693
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...and there's the virgin.

>> No.8628152
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>she's already 54

>> No.8628261

Thanks anon. I'll give my wife the bad news.

>> No.8628267

>Was a cultural icon for years
Know how i know you're underage?

>> No.8628293

shit anon, you're so butthurt your anus is bleeding all over the place. virgin.

>> No.8628606

Feel free to spool through your fave levels.

>> No.8628671

What are you, 11?

>> No.8628681

And more importantly, where does he think he is?

>> No.8628701

Don't try and be clever

>> No.8628772

I can handle both at once. Or did you mean "try TO be clever?"

>> No.8628789

what exactly is OpenLara?

>> No.8628794

Open source reimplemented TR1 I think. Maybe Google it.

>> No.8628804


>> No.8628808

It's a port of Tomb Raider to a modern, open source engine.

>> No.8628838

>The meticulous gameplay and need for note taking is absent in modern gaming
No only in AAA grey alien slop

>> No.8628845

I haven't seen a modern game I would want a pen and pad for in years. A lot of games on that end of the spectrum have their own menu based maps and logs, etc.
When was the last time you had to treat a game like a fucking burglar to get to the end of it? Even your Dark Souls types are only hard because "press button quick" not because of actual puzzle solving.
OK maybe except factorio a bit.

>> No.8628868
File: 2.53 MB, 1080x1920, 1624802904953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should broaden your horizons

>> No.8628870

Got any hot tips? Aside from the one you're welcome to bury in my boyfriend's wife.

>> No.8628932
File: 1.48 MB, 480x322, Mmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vital statitstics indeed

>> No.8628935 [DELETED] 

this blew up in your face, lel

>> No.8629387

Yeah, ledge grabbing at any non-cardinal angle is tight all right.

>> No.8629541

Need retro open software engine to port games on old console.

>> No.8629557

>distinguishing features is her gun
Pretty sure it's always been her torpedoes

>> No.8631070

It's almost like there are combinations of moves that will and won't work, forming a puzzle framework. Funny that.

>> No.8631102 [DELETED] 

another virgin appears

>> No.8631230

It runs on the 3DO

>> No.8631286 [DELETED] 

At this point you are avatarfagging. Kill yourself

>> No.8631832 [DELETED] 

You're the expert on it after all

>> No.8631887 [DELETED] 

hatters absolutely malding lol

>> No.8633542 [DELETED] 

Saving the thread

>> No.8633571

OpenLara's physics are fucked up compared to the original game. It looks great, and someone who had never played it wouldn't be able to tell, but if you're a long time player it will throw you off.

>> No.8634878 [DELETED] 

>hatters absolutely malding lol
Seething so hard it can't even type properly

>> No.8635162 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 236x303, 1623844869731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know what malding means
yep, this boomer is absolutely malding kek

>> No.8635224

>Be me
>Doing some construction work
>Near a waist-high pile of cinder blocks
>Flies get caught, accidentally flip my dick out on surface of blocks
>In surprise, drop the block I'm holding
>Smashes my dick between the two
>Curl up in a ball
>Think to myself "at least I'm not trying to row that kayak down Madubu Gorge"
>Don't even cry

>> No.8635237

I get what you're saying about modern vs classic but I think TR2 and 3 suck ass. 4 kinda gets it together, though.

>> No.8635316

Think she Was based off Diana Rigg

>> No.8635463

What are some good TRLE maps? Want to get into custom levels, but I dunno what to start with.

>> No.8636250
File: 115 KB, 1000x1376, MV5BYWJmYTA1NGEtZDcxMi00OTIyLWFkYjQtMGMxZGE3NzZhMjlmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inspired by pop artist Neneh Cherry and comic book character Tank Girl,[28] Gard experimented with different designs, including a muscular woman and a Nazi-like militant

>> No.8636557

The first generation TR games were purely exploration with only trace amounts of opponents. That's what made them fun, and the levels were routinely challenging as hell without a guide. Each level was both a maze and a puzzle.

The second generation (PS2/XBox) era were rail games. There was never any question as where to go and what to do. They were total crap and I don't get why people praise Crystal Dynamics for making them at all.

The third generation (Squeenix era) ones are "HEADSHOT XP+25" games that are entirely about killing as much as possible to gain new levels, with tombs as more or less an afterthought, but they look nice. And nu-Lara sure has a unique way to run into doomsday cults everywhere she goes. Let us not forget to throw in how she gets shorter, plainer, and flatter with each new game. Can't have short, plain, and flat girls feeling like they can't be heroes who save the world from doomsday cults.

>> No.8636560

Well said.

>> No.8636561

The funny thing is the Nu-Lara TR games are nothing but Uncharted clones for XBox. If you want this type of game it's best to knock out the crap and get Uncharted.

>> No.8636717

Was recently playing both the PS1 version of 1 one on real hardware and the GoG dosbox version on my win10 PC and was surprised that the PS1 version on a CRT felt more sluggish then the dosbox version. Both are 30fps but the PS2 version had a ton of delay on the jumps compared to dosbox

>> No.8636731
File: 808 KB, 225x249, laughterstops.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tomb Raider 1
>That Atlantis level

>> No.8636736

1. TR2-5 didn't have "trace amounts of opponents"
2. LAU was better than old TR in every way
3. nu-Lara looks like a real gymnast
4. you're a redditor
5. go back

>> No.8636770

OpenLara is what I want to do.

>> No.8636786

>1. TR2-5 didn't have "trace amounts of opponents"
In comparison to the Squre Enix stuff they sure as shit did. There are many parts where there's only a few opponents, and once they're gone it's all gameplay by Lara's lonesome self. Nu-Lara is constantly running into opponents and constantly killing because that's how she levels up her skills. Some parts are total melee fights with tons of opponents where Lara's gotta fight like Solid Snake

>> No.8637373

Average play through of Rise sees the player kill more enemies than in the first six games combined.

>> No.8637397 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 960x540, 0z9t28wchph51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nulara looks and acts like shit. ywnbaw by the way

>> No.8637517

They turned her into a midget and a drooling retard for some reason. So much for empowerment.

>> No.8637534

OpenLara's legs

>> No.8637661

Still seething so hard it can't even see its errors

>> No.8637692

Yes. 2>1>3
I'm playing them right now actually, ask me anything

>> No.8637698 [DELETED] 

Much as I prefer old Lara, new Lara is more of an actual human character. Visually and in terms of her arc. Shadow was fucking badly written, but Rise was really quite good.

>> No.8637701

That 2nd part reminds me of dkc2 where you hop from rope to rope

>> No.8637704 [DELETED] 

nice copypasta

>> No.8637819 [DELETED] 

Why is this thread so cancerous?

>> No.8637967 [DELETED] 

only people who care about old tomb raider games are literal 40-50 year old boomer waifufags and yuros which are both some of the worst posters on any forum.
Basically the video game version of those weirdos who go online and talk about Cindy Crawford or Pam Anderson obsessively except doing it is named Nigel

>> No.8637994 [DELETED] 

The cancerous part is the one guy who apparently doesn't like TR in a TR thread but OK.

>> No.8638032 [DELETED] 

it's just endless baiting with nothing to add

>> No.8638076
File: 733 KB, 1997x1241, TR CRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing through the PS1 versions right now. Really enjoying myself. My only complaint is I wish thier was a way to play at 60FPS

>> No.8638080 [DELETED] 

Tomb Shitter aged like cow dung I'm the summer sun

>> No.8638220 [DELETED] 

Please fuck off to reddit

>> No.8638224 [DELETED] 

ESL claws typed this.

>> No.8638425

No savestates? I pity thee.

Maybe that's why your screenshot is on the first or second level.

>> No.8638595 [DELETED] 

>I'm the summer sun
what did he mean by this?

>> No.8638626

doesn't she kill larson in anniversary?

>> No.8638971

Right. I guess it's just scale of the graph that rounded that 1 kill to zero so no histogram appeared.
TR1 – 6 kills

TR2 – 273 kills

TR3 – 162 kills

TR5 – 72 kills

AOD – 63 kills

TRL – 225 kills

TRA – 1 kill (direct)

TRU – 53 kills

TR2013 – 456 kills (average of 442 and 470 {taken from user Ellioft on TRF})

ROTTR – 618 kills (average of 579 {Ellioft’s estimate} and 657)

SOTTR – 319 (Ellioft’s estimate)

>> No.8639151

the author of the project has been trying to fix that but IIRC the only versions that have any changes right now are the GBA and 3DO versions and they aren't complete.

>> No.8639218 [DELETED] 

tomb raider truly is the dark souls of the nineties

>> No.8639353

Thank you mod for cleaning out the trash.

>> No.8639408 [DELETED] 

Just got a ban warning from the mods for saying Tomb Raider is shit.

Having a fucking opinion is a bannable offence on 4chan in 2022? Fuck you janny.

I played TR1 on OpenLara and didn't enjoy it at all. Incredibly stiff awkward movement that has aged horribly. And that's my opinion, fucking eat shit asshole.

Ban me, bitch.

>> No.8639417

I generally don't like save states, don't wanna be cringe about it but to me it's cheating. I'm close to the end of TR1, plan to do the entire series. TR1 is like a 10 hour game tops. Just started the game the night before I saw this thread

>> No.8639504

Go take a cold shower anon.

>> No.8639516

Well your opinion is shit. Sounds like a good call by the jannies to me

>> No.8639519
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I never liked the first one, and was clumsy and rough as they were creating a new franchise from scratch, but TR2 on out do improve on graphics, gameplay mechanics, and everything else.

>> No.8639590
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I hate platforming and being stuck in games when I dunno where to go, but Lara carries this series.

>> No.8639975

Haven't played the game since I was a kid, picked up a PS1 controller today and started playing through it again. 3 levels in, so far it's pretty easy, way easier than I remember it being.

It's pretty fun.

>> No.8640449

instead of depth and world interactivity we get subsurface scattering and sections that require a specific sequence of inputs over time and may as well be a cutscene for the fun they offer.

>> No.8640462

the consoles had specific save points, the pc version let you save wherever you liked

>> No.8640529
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It took Squeenix almost a decade to remake FF7, and all it got us was roughly 5% of the original game. It makes you appreciate the fact that you got leagues more game back then than you do now.

Modern games are too cluttered by the need for perfect graphics, which routinely muscles out the actual game itself. Look at Dragon Quest 12; not every blade of grass and tree leaf rendered, BUT it gets you a massive game that feels like a classic game with the only graphics boosted to an anime style. It's modern high-definition without detail overkill that'll only eat away at the capacity for more in-game space. Level 5 (who made it) found the perfect balance between graphics and game.

It's a shame that more haven't followed.

>> No.8640692
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>> No.8640698
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>> No.8641110
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>> No.8641176

She's killed billions ;)

>> No.8641772

There aren't non-retro variations of the precision grid-aligned 3D platformer. It's actually a dead genre which is why these games are worth replaying so much.

>> No.8642816

It's a real shame, because it wouldn't be that hard to develop (look at the TRLE community) and it doesn't require much innovation. The only feature TR3 was really lacking was a Resi-style text box "examine" command. They could have added a bunch of story/history depth to the game for nearly nothing and added to the puzzle atmosphere easily.

>> No.8642849

It's a video game anon, nobody got killed.

>> No.8642938

tomb raider 1 is a timeless masterpiece. 2 and further games are meh because of the shitty gunfights. but tr1 mastered atmosphere, environmental narration and 3d gameplay wonderfully.

>> No.8642942

Haydee plays quite like it, you should try it

>> No.8643157

how many animal has she killed in each game

>> No.8643958
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PS1 TR games had some spatial puzzles where I had to pull out pen and paper and draw a diagram to solve it. A particularly hilarious case is a level in The Last Revelation where you have to play a game of senet to progress out of the blue and the game doesn't even hint the rules at all, they just kinda expect you to know how to play a 5000 year old board game.

The ambientation is completely different too. You really get the feeling that you're exploring ancient ruins where nobody has set foot in in hundreds of years. It's just Lara completely alone against wild nature (and the occasional mercenary grunt). The music plays when you discover key locations and gives you a sense of wonder. You actually feel like you're playing as an archaeologist who knows her shit and has a deep respect for ancient cultures. Nu Lara in Rise struggles to translate basic Greek and makes me question if she only got her phd by blowing her supervisor.

>> No.8644041

There are not 6 kills in TR 1. You keep shooting the same guy and he always runs away

>> No.8644048

>you keep shooting the same guy and he always runs away

>> No.8644103

Yes, that's the same guy I'm talking about. He eventually dies here as you noticed, but all the times up until here he runs away without being killed. Thus the number of human kills is not 6

>> No.8644175

Pierre, Larson, Skater and his big friend, Cowboy and Natla.

>> No.8644218

That semerketh face or whoever he is really scared me so much when I was 10, playing it on psx. TR4 was really the best, or maybe I just really love egyption mythology.

>> No.8644524

why is this edited?

>> No.8646304
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It's more funny.

>> No.8646401

Because the original is a feminist bitch-fest on how representation is important, and men are both racist and sexist.

That was cool as hell to have to discover a game and figure it out on the spot. And another cool part was the lost library. As a history nerd I automaticallly knew the earth was the center as that's what they believed, and that was a nice touch for them to do that puzzle from that perspective.

>> No.8647250

They should do a comparison with all the trial and error it takes to do the Aldwych drill room that smooth.

>> No.8647283

I recently played TR Legend and hated the on-rails gameplay. Should i bother with anniversary or any subsequent releases?

>> No.8647290

Angel of Darkness is the last Tomb Raider game.

>> No.8647302

>You really get the feeling that you're exploring ancient ruins where nobody has set foot in in hundreds of years
Some of my favorite details are when you do find the corpses and remains of previous adventurers for decades ago. A glimpse of their uniform and weaponry at times and it just gives this really cool impression that it's been a significant time since someone had gotten this far. Like you're picking up where they left off - you weren't the first person to figure out the riddles and traps, you're just the one who will conquer them.

>> No.8647427
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Wouldn't we all...

>> No.8647654
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Angel of Darkness deserves a remake with all the cut content restored

>> No.8647918


>> No.8647937

I tried to give AOD a chance, but that game on PC is just too broken, even with the rescue patches. Also if seemed like they were trying to make an RPG out of it, which didn't appeal to me anyway. Also Lara seemed so angry in it lol.

Currently playing TR2; this is the TR i love. So far TLR has been my fav.

>> No.8648919
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I played the GOG version without any problems and I liked the game.

>> No.8648943

I just emulate the PS1 versions (Dreamcast version for Last Revelation) because I use Linux and getting the PC releases on Steam working is too much of a hassle.

>> No.8649330

The controls are what kill it. They're horrible. Once you learn how to use the original controls they work perfectly while the AOD controls are so horrible. CORE had one job to do, which was bring us a new TR that was a graphicaly-enhanced version for the new systems with higher capacity, but EIDOS wanted to take the franchise in new directions and kept causing delays with last-minute changes.

And TLR is just plain comfy.

>> No.8650616

What a stupid shitpost.
If you "know" the newer games are better, why are you even asking?

I bet you shit in your clothes, daily.

>> No.8652182
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>> No.8652398
File: 2.84 MB, 984x9872, thenib-lara-croft-boob-raider-2022-02-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the cancer

>> No.8652428

Well you got more patience than me.
Yep, essentially. It was a nice idea, but with shody execution: Bad controls, mouse implementation serves no purpose, dialogue/cut scenes are clunky and cringe, haveing to level up climbing/jumping abilities she already should have mastery over, game starts in in an urban environment...urgh.

I just want solitary puzzle platforming set in tombs/ruins/wilderness, tied in with a Indiana Jones-type storyline. Basically, they mastered what TR needed to be with TLR. They almost succeeded bringing it back with Legend, but alas the platforming was "railed", with more focus given to shooting enemies. And now... well the game's arnt even recognisable as TR.

>> No.8652505

>And now... well the game's arnt even recognisable as TR.
It's weird, I actually really enjoyed Rise, but the 20th anniversary content was kind of jarring because I had forgotten there was supposed to be a connection to the old games.
2013 and Rise are fun in the Uncharted way, and do well for what they are, but there's a fundamental difference in the kind of fun I was having. It's like if Gran Turismo had a new installment that was a really good kart racing game with power ups and stuff.

>> No.8652743

>Also Lara seemed so angry in it lol

That's funny, people often say how AOD Lara was the edgiest but in terms of snark and bitchiness I don't think she's much different than classic Lara. And then Legend Lara starts off all chirpy and lively but she gets increasingly angrier as the game progresses, and in Underworld she's the most fucking pissed she's ever been new games included.


>> No.8652841

>The game was designed so you can watch her butt the whole time
Is this really the calibre of the arguments we're dealing with? Third person camera is fine for Mario, Sonic, and Crash, but when they playable character is female it morphs into sexism. How can the reddit/twitter crowd take these people seriously, are they fucking retarded, like literally mentally retarded?
Gatekeeping is necessary, leave it open and these people waltz on in.

>> No.8652893
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It's too late.

>> No.8652983

Squeenix TR is really nothing but an Uncharted clone for those who have XBox. If you've played Uncharted it's impossible to deny.

>> No.8652992

The 25th anniversary was a total clusterfuck of a waste. They did NOTHING but tell you to re-buy the same shit you've already bought.

These people don't deserve our civlization.

You actually can't watch her ass or anything about her. The orignal TR games force your eyes to constantly scan the environment for the crevasse or ledge to climb or strafe, that hidden push-block or keyhole, that undiscovered passage, etc.

If you're watching Lara as you play, you won't get far at all. The ONLY way to play it is to constantly keep scanning eyes on everything BUT her.

>> No.8652995
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I remember this comic of a man and wife where the wife was replaced by a skinwalker asking him to love it since it's wearing the wife's skin.
I get the same eerie feeling from all the woke remakes of old properties, like a beast cloying for affection and attention and exploding in a rage when you point out the stichmarks up the back.

>> No.8653017

That's because creativity is at all-time lows as the norm is now to take what's established and remake it from the self-absorbed perspectives of the woketards doing the remakes.

>> No.8654430

"Clone" is a bit strong. It's tonally different, had RPG elements, and open revisitable maps with metroidvania features.

>> No.8654627

yeah and not even women like it, Melonie Mac is always being vocal about the direction TR has headed and she doesn't like it. The audience for nu TR is not TR fans, it's whatever these freaks are.

>> No.8655873
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It's true that it was made for a different audience, but she's not a good example, she shilled the reboot too, squenix even invited her to that early showcase of sotr for press.

>> No.8657585
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>> No.8657616

always gets me
she seems petite as fuck in the games

>> No.8657901

I would runk them. I would runk to Lara daily.

>> No.8657909

play it on Saturn

>> No.8657952
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>> No.8658152

is there any difference in content between the two versions?

>> No.8658729

pretty sure no difference in term of content but Saturn's graphics looks like shit compared to PSX

>> No.8658867

my eyes.
how do I unsee this

>> No.8658976

can you debunk even a single thing she says? the science is settled.

>> No.8659626
File: 95 KB, 1020x1320, 56e77b32bef24f1b0e8fe07d2412e694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your b8 for bumps attempt is too late, it's been 2 weeks already.

>> No.8659903

I think Shadow of the Tomb Raider was better than the PS3 Uncharteds (never played the PS4 one). It's just that Uncharted is what it is - a moviegame - while new TR is a slap in the face to classic TR.

>> No.8659920

jesuschrist Lara. I knew she was a beauty but holy shit! I cannot read the author's name from the bottom right corner, can you tell me please?

>> No.8659951
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>> No.8660493
File: 298 KB, 2160x2160, classic_raider_109_by_tombraider4ever-dbms05l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new Lara thread here.