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File: 176 KB, 1904x613, soa_vs_soj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8623848 No.8623848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

An interesting and mostly objective take from Sega Lord X (from my favorite gaming YouTubers) regarding the hostility between Sega of America and Sega of Japan.

Also I should personally add that many western Sega fanboys (the ones that still have the same immature mentality they had during Sega - Nintendo console wars) still side with Sega of America just because they popularized Mega Drive in the west while Sega of America was responsible for making so many crappy games and therefore making customers losing their faith to Sega consoles (even with Dreamcast that had great third company support and strong advertisement worldwide ). And think about it, Sega's dominance at the Western market thanks to Mega Drive didn't lasted for long, especially with Donkey Kong Country's success at SNES along with other gems like Yoshi's Island and Killer Instinct that kept SNES alive and popular even with Playstation and Saturn's launch.

And let's not forget about Bernard Stolar, the asshole responsible for the "no rpgs" and "no 2d games" policies at Playstation 1 (thank goodness for Final Fantasy 7 and Pokemon popularizing jrpgs in the west even if I'm not fan of FF7 and FF series) and responsible for not bringing most of the best Japanese Saturn games in the west.

>> No.8623867

Kill yourself

>> No.8623874

Sega cringe lord x is a massive faggot

>> No.8623881 [DELETED] 

>MegaDrive did ok in Europe
What a dumb mutt, it absolutely dominated here except maybe in West Germany where it was a tie.

>> No.8623885 [DELETED] 

>so many crappy games
List them, ninthing, and specify whether you’ve actually played each one.

>> No.8623904

>while Sega of America was responsible for making so many crappy games and therefore making customers losing their faith to Sega consoles
Yeah no. It wasn't til after Sega pulled out of the console market, that confidence in Sega's videogame quality took a nosedive and tanked the brand. Everyone knows Sonic 360 was the beginning of the end. Revisionist faggot.

>> No.8623927

tl;dr too busy enjoying games

>> No.8623936

MD held itself very well here, even after the SNES came along. Most of my friends had MD and SMS.

>> No.8623938

Same person

>> No.8623946

SoA and their stupid Win CE shilling severely gimped Sega Rally 2 on Dreamcast

>> No.8623959
File: 3 KB, 342x94, screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys pisshead

>> No.8623963

Win CE did not belong to SoA.

>> No.8623975

SoA produced absolute drek. Seriously, I can't even give this crate of shit away on eBay (Taz Mania, X-Men, Green Dog, Chakan).

>> No.8623978

Mega Drive was crazy successful in Europe, as was the Master System.

>> No.8623982

They wouldn't have bothered using WIN CE if SOA didn't shut the fuck up about PC ports.

>> No.8623985

yeah he also said the master system sold well in south america, when in reality it only sold well in Brazil, but then not even mentions the MD sales here
MD was all over the place, every kid had one and every electronic store had MD games

>> No.8624001

Your comment about Stolar simply isn't accurate. He came in at the tail end of the Saturn a lifecycle in the west, and on Japan's orders he put the Saturn out to pasture in preparation for the Dreamcast. This weird alternative history of Sega when it comes to Stolar is very mins boggling.

>> No.8624007

He is a convenient scapegoat here.
I don't even think he had that much power at Sony. pretty sure Sony cucked all of the US execs once the system launched according to Bernie himself. Everyone got replaced by japs

>> No.8624010

The Mega Drive wasn't a "failure" in Japan, it just didn't do Nintendo numbers.

>> No.8624036

It got absolutely mogged by PCE. Complete failure, and a distant third place. I can see why SoJ was so bitter and jealous of SoA who just stepped in the ring and immediately grabbed 50% of the largest market in the world

>> No.8624041

>stupid fat weeb makes a YouTube channel and tries to alter or create narrative about video game industry that is blatantly wrong
many such cases

>> No.8624049
File: 107 KB, 324x316, a3830b501530dbdf780d9785422ca8c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere did I mentioned that in >>8623978

>> No.8624056

>Complete failure
Far from it. Lets stay honest here, fanboy.

>> No.8624072

The numbers don't lie weeab retard. PCE had a near 2:1 lead on MD. SuFami had a 5:1 lead. SoA was the KING of the company and succeeded despite the Japs being clueless retards. AmeriDOES what japsDONT

>> No.8624076

what's that you autisimo

>> No.8624085
File: 16 KB, 217x216, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to type, Jesus Christ...you angry sperg.

>> No.8624091

I'm sick of the SoA shills that read the same and tired interviews with Kalinske where he claims to be the lord and savior of Sega.
He just had 1 good idea and then a lot of stinkers.
It was Sega of Japan that made Sega great.

>> No.8624093

>(from my favorite gaming YouTubers)
Dudes who suck cocks and take it in the ass are still not nearly as faggoty as modern kids like you.

>> No.8624109

>It was Sega of Japan that made Sega great.

>> No.8624114

>my favorite gaming YouTubers
Back to plebbit with you

>> No.8624118

Spotted the delusional nostalgiafag.

>> No.8624120

Yeah, SoA fucked up every step on the way. Infuriating since it was painfully obvious.

>> No.8624123

Fine Speech

>> No.8624136

The majority of Sega classics were made in Japan. Why are Amerfats love so much to claim Japan's successful products as theirs with crap like "These products became successful because we popularlized them"? I see same shit with American anime "fans", especially the FUNimation shills.

>> No.8624137 [DELETED] 

(((Bernie Stolar))) is a filthy kike who desperately edits his wikipedia page whenever someone mentions his insider trading

>> No.8624138
File: 27 KB, 400x323, 1630233871414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi there, Sega Lolcow X

>> No.8624143

Not to mention that Mega Drive was the only product he made success in the West and not for a long time, especially from Mega CD era and after.

>> No.8624147 [DELETED] 

No wonder his Wikipedia article is so small while even big sites like giantbomb talk negatively about him. Also he's a retarded boomer Democrat.

>> No.8624159

Is this guy shilling himself here or does he actually have fans? This discourse has seemed manufactured from the start

>> No.8624167

fans...no idea
probably more people that laugh at his inane opinions

>> No.8624168

List what SoA did wrong and then compare that to what SoJ did wrong. SoA had their share of foulups but it's no contest SoJ did more to run the company into the ground in the end. Why is this even up for debate? Are weebs just in denial?

>> No.8624169 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 1678x574, fuck_you_janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega of America shills jannies are now banning members for badmouthing Thomas Kalinske and Bernard Stolar

>> No.8624171 [DELETED] 

>hating on FMVs
opinion discarded

>> No.8624176

This thread and all these other SoJ-SoA threads constantly made on this board are made by a literal schizo weeb from Wales who posts the exact same shit about how horrible SoA is on every Sega related fan forum. He is especially obsessed with Tom Kalinske. You're #1 that you're dealing with this psycho is that he constantly talks about Sega of America despite always calling it a "Mega Drive"

>> No.8624180

Your #1 sign*

>> No.8624192

>Sega Lord X (from my favorite gaming YouTubers)


or better, who gives a fuck

>> No.8624225

still waiting on those bad soa genesis games jizzbreath

>> No.8624295

>Love N64 and Gamecube

>> No.8624307 [DELETED] 

Coped harder.

>> No.8624448

>its another bernie is le bad monster episode

Change the channel cuz Im yawning over here!!!!