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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8621548 No.8621548 [Reply] [Original]

How do you have your consoles set up, /vr/?

>> No.8621587

I have em all on display in cubes on my entertainment center. I just hook up whatever I want to play while I'm using it and put back on the shelf once I'm done with it.

>> No.8622040
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like this

>> No.8622073
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Stuck in PAL hell
(there's a camouflaged Wii and NeoGeo down there).

>> No.8622131

risking to trip on those wires.

>> No.8622141

I use one of those wire condoms, it's like fabric where one side is velcro so you just stick the wires underneath it and they never move.

>> No.8622195

Lose points for the mess.
Gain massive points for the Sega Saturn Net Link. You get anything to work on it?

>> No.8622201

All in my hard drive, of course.

>> No.8622231

They're all stored on my hard drive

>> No.8622252

They're all stacked on top of my hard drive.

>> No.8622274

They are hard. Drive.

>> No.8622301
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>> No.8622314

In my solid state

>> No.8622716

Im my closet

>> No.8622735

any risk? burning? fire?

>> No.8622749

I have 1-2 consoles plugged in at a time, and the rest get put away.

I also replaced half my consoles with a MiSTer, so that basically always stays plugged in for when I want to play Famicom, SuFami, MD, PCE, Neo Geo, GB, and half a dozen other more minor systems.

I could build a shelf and get a SCART switcher so I could have more consoles plugged in at once, but switching them out doesn't take that long, so I can't be bothered.

>> No.8622767

In a cardboard box in my parents cluttered ass garage.

>> No.8623202
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>> No.8623284


>> No.8623421

I only have one. You guys have multiple?(ignoring emulator trannies).

>> No.8623525

On one wall in my private office, hidden away from the eyes of customers and normies who do not appreciate such juvenile distractions.

>> No.8624710

buy some furniture
also, can you send me that jaguar? It's my birthday

>> No.8624725
File: 1.86 MB, 2620x3472, PSX_20220212_151121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like so

>> No.8624734

>fat PS3
enjoy your ticking time bomb

>> No.8624746

Fucking phone poster

>> No.8624756


>> No.8625830

Does the jaguar cd work?

>> No.8625975

I just use emulators because I'm not insane.

>> No.8626330

Cool cat

>> No.8626464
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We'll see if this goes into Australia mode. Excuse the RGB bullshit.

one of my favorite setups to see. Always liked the wood paneling and drop ceilings.
I have the same TV. PC Engine Duo spotted.

>> No.8626468

seems like I'd hit my head on the ceiling

>> No.8626470

seems like cables are a problem for everyone

>> No.8626785
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i would be unable to relax like this
my young kid self had the same room though, 2-3 systems with cords everywhere.


throw a rug over it
its nice with 2.4ghz wireless controllers

the wiifit board is the top selling scale ever made, neat.
mine was $4

i run emu still all the time
especially if you count the mister


needs more sega though
atleast grab a wii
i had the same setup during the wii era

still excellent

i have two dressers full of them
organized enough to get any system up and running in less than 5 min

>> No.8626786

>i would be unable to relax like this
I'm not advocating messiness, but this is worrying

>> No.8626840
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Like this

>> No.8626870

>needs more sega though
>atleast grab a wii
>i had the same setup during the wii era
I have a Wii, it's hooked up to the HDTV via the RetroTINK 5X along with the PC Engine Duo R, Playstation and Saturn.

>> No.8626876

I have too many consoles, so I have three different TVs to plug them into instead.

>> No.8626885
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Using a gcompsw and a gscartsw I have everything hooked up in this picture. Have the second output of the gcompsw going to a RT5x then to the flat panel if for nothing else to compare the CRT filters to the real thing. It's a fucking rats nest behind that cabinet even though I spent hours trying to organize it.

Need to RGB mod my famicom at some point, it's the only console in the picture that's not outputting RGB, well outside of the HDMI consoles.

>> No.8626908

Filthy pit. Clean your PS3.

>> No.8626910

How was filter comparison?

>> No.8626928

I never use the PS3 so probably not. If I decide to start I'll do all the thermal paste stuff considering it's a 2007-2008 ps3. I have a slim in my living room that I use for actual ps3 stuff.

>> No.8626942

Real fucking close if I'm honest. With a better flat screen, like a OLED, might be close enough not to bother with a CRT for most games.

>> No.8627063

NeoGeo-kun, I kneel. What carts do you have? I really want to get one with a few games.

>> No.8627194

Which filter do you use? I’ve been wanting to ditch my CRT finally but haven’t found a filter I was entirely happy with.

>> No.8627259
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>the wiifit board is the top selling scale ever made, neat.
>mine was $4
It literally cost me $0 because I found it in the trash along with all the wiifit games
Somebody's mom just dumped all his/her stuff and I just happened to stumble by it.

>NeoGeo-kun, I kneel. What carts do you have? I really want to get one with a few games.
The moment I saw the price for any game I went for the flashcart. It was so worth it.
Waku Waku 7 is a very good fun game.

>> No.8627276

Damn that is expensive, but the few games I looked up that I’d want are way more expensive hah. How’s loading on the NeoSD? Instantaneous?

>> No.8627289

If you choose a game it takes around 2-3 minutes to be "written" into the card.
Once it's there it will load instantaneously every time you turn on the console, so it's really not an issue.
Would take more time to just look around for the cart you want to play if you had the games physically.

>> No.8627321

In a hidden folder

>> No.8628469

Cute cat. What's the smaller CRT for btw.

>> No.8628473
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More or less like this, my newer consoles are at my tv that i use as pc monitor.

>> No.8628481

You shouldn't keep your fat PS3 in a claustrophobic cubbyhole like that. It's going to impede airflow and result in higher temps in a system that already has temperature control issues.

>> No.8628484

this is the most uncomfy shit imaginable. Why on earth would you want your place to look like the inside of a gamestop?

>> No.8628486

It doesn't run in that location

>> No.8629080

The games are huge and you're limited by the system's bus and SD card R/W speed. It will never be instantaneous.

>> No.8629083

Based comfy boomer, also just an head up I'm gonna break into your house and steal that Steel Battalion box.

>> No.8629158

The DVD player under the basket of controllers is hooked to it. Also, when I have a friend over, if we don't feel like playing a 2 player game, I'll hook up an extra system to it so we can chill and play separate games