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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8617976 No.8617976 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the verdict /vr/? Do you play your genesis games in composite or RGB? Are proper transparencies and dithering worth the loss in clarity and vibrant colors?

>> No.8617982

I don't have mine anymore, but when I did I played it over composite. Looked real good

>> No.8618024

Composite blur is necessary to blend dithering, but fuck the rainbow banding is awful.

>> No.8618030
File: 2.35 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220207_174840979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You be the judge

>> No.8618192

RGB and NTSC composite are both shit. Embrace the third position, PAL 60. It has just the right amount of blending to smooth out dithering without any of the blur or rainbow bullshit of NTSC.

>> No.8618206

Normal NTSC signals are fine, the Genesis's output is just particularly poor. You might be surprised by how clean modern hardware like a Raspberry Pi is when outputting NTSC.

>> No.8618226

I don't know anything about that, all I know is the PAL output on the genesis is extremely clean and sharp. You can resolve the individual pixels and there is no rainbow effects, but it still blends the colors nicely.

>> No.8618258

> Are proper transparencies and dithering worth the loss in clarity and vibrant colors?
absolutely NOT

>> No.8618261

I play my genesis games on an emulator box that outputs at 720p

>> No.8618264

RGB always. It’s a shame to see Genesis games covered with dot crawl and rainbowed all to fuck. I like those graphics to be crispy.

>> No.8618747

at least use composite for a comparison

>> No.8618751

it's true
It's why so many games have line dithering and no other console does

>> No.8618816
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RGB. I've never given a shit about faux transparency, rainbow banding looks 10x worse than the odd dithering pattern.

There are a few games that really benefit from it, but it's too much hassle to switch just for them.

>> No.8618828

Meh, I prefer not seeing random dot pixels in the background like yours there

>> No.8618831

I don’t understand why some people get offended at dithering.

>> No.8618834

RGB looks better overall so that's what I go with.

>> No.8618836

I don't understand why some people get offended at blending

>> No.8618839

I prefer dithering to transparency. That's the reason why I love PC-98 art...

>> No.8618841

The blending is great. It's the artifacting that's off-putting to some people.

>> No.8618842

PC-98 dithers at 640x480 though, genesis doesn't do that.

>> No.8618845
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Dithering is soul

>> No.8618846

makes it hard to read text that isn't white-on-black

>> No.8618848

Dithering is dithering

>> No.8618852

Mate, what text are you reading at 240p that isn't at a large size

>> No.8618854

The Junkesis is a baby's toy. Get yourself a Super Nintendo. You'll thank me later.

>> No.8618856

You say blending, I say smearing.

>> No.8618928

you can say what you want, either way MD in general just has worse video output than any other console unless you do RGB

>> No.8620287

Just play it with composite on a consumer set like you did as a kid before youtubers and reddit rotted your brain, faggot

>> No.8620289

Yeah, the best way to show brain development is to act like a kid

>> No.8620291

>show brain development
We're playing video games.

>> No.8620296

Great argument. That's how you justify living with your mother and being single?

>> No.8620324
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220207_175309195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I'm taking the piss. But to be fair its alot easier to get side-by-side comparisons with RF since it uses a separate cable.
Also RF isn't always that horrible. Here's the super famicom and its much cleaner. Guess genesis RF, like its composite, is just especially shitty

>> No.8620334

Because in order to benefit from dither blending in a handful of circumstances you have to also put up with genesis composite, which looks like vaseline is smeared across the screen, jailbars, rainbow banding prominent especially with things like sonic waterfalls, dot crawl, etc.

There's nothing wrong with seeing dithering. Its like complaining about old comics and how they'd use dot patterns instead of a larger palette of shades. It's just part of the look

>> No.8620346

show brain development 1cc

>> No.8621258

Youtubers rotted people's brains into believing composhit is better than rgb because muh sonic waterfalls. Also not everything was better because you experienced as a kid, go choke on a RF cable. Some of us also played on rgb as kids. Also fuck nostalgia fags, fuck you to hell.

>> No.8621348

didn't I read somewhere that some production runs have worse composite than others? the genesis was very inconsistent like that, lots of sound chip variations too. I wonder if anyone has ever modded it to have better composite.

>> No.8621386

I emulate.

>> No.8621413

the games were made for composite so I play it on that. However, I do use a 32X for better quality comb.

>> No.8621447

I called Sega support in the late 90s because I wanted to know if there was an s-video cable for Genesis. There wasn’t, so later I got a 1084 monitor and RGB.
Composhit is composhit.

>> No.8621449

I use a HDG model 1 genesis with composite.

>> No.8621553

I was hoping an rpi3 over composite would be a more authentic Genesis experience but the latest retropie image has bugged configs or something, all Genesis/CD/32X stuff runs like shit even compared to a Wii.