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/vr/ - Retro Games

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857665 No.857665 [Reply] [Original]

>Retro RPG
>Main supporting female character
>She has special healing powers and everyone in the village loves her

>> No.857842

>retro rpg
>nothing but grinding
silly anime face.jpeg

>> No.857936
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>more than one form for the boss

>> No.857972

Shut up, Ranma.

>> No.857996

Grinding is for people who can't play the game properly. Hell, I know it's not retro, but I can clear Final Fantasy X without leveling up even once.


>> No.859216
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>retro rpg
>Your best friend is a controllable character
>useful, helpful, important in early stages
>nigga be krillin as fuck in late game
>a single tear rolls down my face as I remove him from party as we near denouement

I think Luke eventually became useful but I had to grind him up and promote him and it was a pain in the ass

>> No.859835

>side-scrollin' beat 'em up

>> No.860052

>Main supporting female character has healing, curing, and resurrecting abilities.
>Home village's elder is perfectly fine telling you and her to fuck right off with the illegal alien.
>Most villagers are rather indifferent towards her.
>Her healing gets to be fairly subpar once other characters get the ability to heal you for half your health, while she's stuck at about a fourth.

>> No.860075

This is the dumbest thing I have ever read on this board.

>> No.860079

>retro RPG
>the main healer is some badass brown dude in a turban who elevates to a protagonist role in post-game story

>> No.860976

>main character is the chosen hero foretold by prophecies
>every rpg ever

>> No.860980
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>Max's best friend

I think you're confused, anon.

>> No.860983

>Every villain ever

>> No.860985
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>your favorite character dies

>> No.860993

Okay. Tell us how to beat the original Dragon Warrior without grinding.

>> No.861034
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>Retro Fightan
>Computer reads your inputs like a book and can pull off combos instantly
>Last opponent is ball-blisteringly broken
>Said opponent is nowhere near as good when unlocked for VS play.

>> No.861038

>Never has to charge attacks
>Guile throws out Sonic Booms faster than Hadoukens

>> No.861054

>Spend the entire game getting some super miracle weapon that's only marginally better than other equipment

Fuck you, Lufia 1. I didn't even need the fucking thing, I could beat the final bosses with my eyes closed.

>> No.861069

I just thought of something similar.

>random JRPG has a bonus dungeon
>bonus boss is the most powerful enemy in the game
>the reward: a strong equipment/skill/job
>but you already defeated the most powerful enemy, why do you need it for?

>> No.861065
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>Retro platformer
>You swear you can make that jump
>You can't

>> No.861080

Fuck this guy and his Quartz Charm.
Great battle though

>> No.861082

>Encounter the final boss early in the game
>He keeps you alive for shits and giggles

>> No.861091

>All those guards living in castles in the high level areas
>Complain about spooky monsters in a cave or whatever
>Do nothing about it, just wait for a band of 4 adventurers to do it for them

You'd think living there for your entire life would make you nearly invincible.

>> No.861092
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>Keeps you alive
>Tells you his plans
>Threatens the lives of those you care about

>> No.861097

>Just walks off
>His base is on the other side of the world

>> No.861157

>retro RPG
>main character never talks
>loyal, quick to anger and a bit dumb male friend
>healer chick

>> No.861172
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>Spend entire game searching for enemy stronghold
>Is so near your starting area it's ridiculous
I mean seriously, why didn't anyone think to look NEXT DOOR.

>tfw it's your own castle, and your own king is the enemy

>> No.861174

>Every consecutive village has slightly better equipment than the equipment I just bought in the previous village. Every time.
Those shrewd merchants are telling each other where me and my party are going next...

>> No.861181

Didn't the first Dragon Quest have the evil guy's castle just down the road?

>> No.861178

>retro RPG

>> No.861185

>retro rpg
>main quest requires visiting a giant elaborate dungeon to get an item
>it's right next to the entrance

>> No.861192

Are you playing Tales of Destiny II?

>> No.861210

>sleeping in a inn costs 10 gold
>few villages later it costs 200 gold

>> No.861223

> Retro RPG
> Main supporting female character
> She is the hero's potential love interest
> She wields a staff as her battle weapon
> She can cast mostly healing spells.
> Her offensive spells are water-based
> Can't equip heavy armour because of her low STR stats
> INT stats are off the roof
> May or not may have a slim and delicate figure to contrast with the hero's second potential love interest: the busty, half naked barbarian girl who carries an axe bigger and heavier than herself.

>> No.861235


You can see it as soon as you leave the first town.

That being said, I don't think there was any doubt where he was hiding.

>> No.861250

You'd think travelling through dimensions or different aeons would fix this, but those damn merchants man, they are always one step ahead of you.

>> No.861261

Fuck you and the other 3 anons that have spoiled this for me already.

>> No.861259

Yea, skill makes enemies not rape you in a single turn.

>> No.861265

>villain is trying to prevent the apocalypse or whatever

>has to do bad shit by necessity in order to save the world

>hero says some nonsensical bullshit about BUTT KEELING IS WRONG NO MATTA WUT

>hero kicks his ass

>does the exact same thing the villain was about to do 5 seconds later

>is hailed through all history as a legendary savior of mankind

>> No.861280

That game is like 20 years old. Obviously you should finish all retro games before coming to /vr/.

>> No.861292
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>Obviously you should finish all retro games before coming to /vr/.

>> No.861304


I think he was being facetious.

>> No.861310

Spoiling actually enhances the emotional effect

it's true, I read it on the internet

>> No.861335
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> The Numan catgirl dies as well

>> No.861338

>retro tactical rpg
>gruff jegan who acts like a badass to protect the young, inexperienced main character who seems useless
>way too overpowered at the beginning but totally useless by the midpoint

And my favorite
>underleveled endgame mage with the best endgame stats that takes more exp to make useful than to cap anyone else

>> No.861353

> Fire dungeon
> water dungeon
> Rock dungeon
> Air dungeon

All of those awesome elemental-based weapons you got during the previous dungeon are completely useless as soon you move to the next one.

Also, fetch quests.

>> No.861358

Its across a river half a sceen away from your starting point.

>> No.861367

>Go to a capital at the start of the game
>They only sell shit equipment
>Visit some small village at the end
>They sell weapons of mass destruction

>> No.861385

Every once in a while, that gets flipped around a bit.

...which usually activates my OCD, and causes me to grind for the good stuff early on. Ugh.

>> No.861403

When you know you aren't really supposed to have it at that point in the game.
It's like the ultimate holy grail of of awesome to get/ do/ destroy and derail the game for.
I too, suffer from this OCD, yess.
And in fact, I wonder why game dev's don't make their games more 'unbalanced'. Near broken games are often the most fun games.

>> No.861416

>retro rpg
>linear as fuck
>get plane/airship
>get lost

>> No.861418

>retro rpg
>transexual character also hitting on player character
>double entendres everywhere
>attempt to get pixelated sex scene
>no dice, dicks

>> No.861509

Like risking your ass to make the trip to Mysidia in Final Fantasy II? (The original one)

You can get epic spells and weapons there but GOD, suddenly the wimpy wasps and imps you were battling turn into werewolves, rhinos and vampires that are like 100 times stronger than your entire party combined.

>> No.861528
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>The protagonist is an earnest teenager living a regular life until the destruction of his hometown reveals that he is the chosen one and has special powers
>Best friend is a salt-of-the-earth fellow, possibly a womanizer, who quickly becomes less useful as the game progresses
>Female protagonist is a healer and some sort of alien, goddess or ancient bio-magical weapon who will try to sacrifice herself at least twice
>Big physical brawler guy is too slow and deals less damage than just about everyone else near the endgame; has close to no character development
>Whimsical thief, rogue, gypsy or vagrant has highly specific skills only useful in certain situations; is a fan favorite
>Mage is kind of a douche and only useful in boss battles; gets ditched otherwise
>Weird curveball mascot or little kid with superpowers is useful and has a tortured backstory that is only hinted at

>> No.861554

This is far too specific for me to point out the cliche situation shared by similar roleplay games. What game were you playing?

>> No.861628
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>> No.861635
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>> No.861651

I don't understand. Are you going to tell us the title?

As a girl, I would love to play a good RPG where there's a female lead character, AND she doesn't use primitive violence to save the world.

>> No.861701
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>she doesn't use primitive violence to save the world

So do you mean technologically-advanced violence or puppies and hugs? There are some folks you just can't reason with.

Besides, if talking would've worked someone would've already done that.

>> No.861704

DQII with the boat. Took me an eternity to beat it.

>> No.861714

How is violence primitive?

War and conquest have advanced society more than any goody two shoes initiatives.

>> No.861715


You can get through Planescape:Torment without killing anyone.

>> No.861764

>Two parties want the same item and are fighting each other over it, even going to the lengths to hire you to kill the other.
>You get what they are looking for
>Both of them fight you at once.

>> No.861780

Planescape: Torment is also quite different from your average jRPG.

>> No.861798

It has been a while since I played it. Was there a best friend? Did i misidentify who it was? Or did I just project my relationship into the game?

Anyways sf2 was great

>> No.861818

>Both of your parents died while you were young
>You meet one or both of them in limbo after a near death experience
>They somehow know every thing about what's going on

>> No.861867

Femnazi landwhale detected.
Go back to the kitchen, bitch.

Also, you can find lots of games with badass ladies as the main protagonist such as the Legend of Mana saga, Rhapsody, Dew Prism and such.

>> No.861901
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>Retro RPG
>Main villain's only weakness is the belief in your friends

>> No.861919


>> No.861924


All battles worth fighting for must be carried out through violence. It is the only way that works.

>> No.861929
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mah nigga

>> No.861927

You vile dungeon-dweller! I am now going to put my platinum white armor to protect this fair young maid from your evil comments! I shall fight for the Light and, perhaps, her maidenhood, that she will eventually reward me with!

>> No.861948

>As a girl, I would love to play a good RPG where there's a female lead character, AND she doesn't use primitive violence to save the world.
You might enjoy the Atelier series.

>> No.861945

but she said violence isn't the answer, m8

>> No.861954

> Cast Vanish
> Cast Doom

So long, Whiteknight! And that's for the exp!

>> No.861963

Jokes on you, I memorized all spells in D&D 3.5 and I don't think those are legitimate Arcane Spell names, so you hit, to no effect.

I'll beat that hippie shit out of her once I'll make her mine.

>> No.862085
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Yep, and enjoying the hell out of it.

>> No.862198

>Character from another planet shows up.
>Language they speak is unintelligible.
>For a while, the party has to communicate with her through gestures, as she's simply unable to understand your voiced, language, and the party her's.
>Eventually get a set of items that allow for the linked magic and elements of both worlds to allow understanding, as the items are helpful to mages in general and the casting incantations are based on the language she speaks, albeit in a somewhat broken format.
Really got to give the game credit for acknowledging that two worlds that have lacked contact for two millennia aren't likely to be able to understand each other's language.

>> No.862398

>Your entire project budget is eaten by Shenmue

>> No.862503

>tell me an rpg with a woman as the prominent healer

His post didn't even say lead character, but main supporting female character.

>> No.863014
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>Play JRPG
>Get stuck in the final dungeon ten minutes into the game.

>> No.863273

Is it some RPG Maker game?

>> No.863358

>Final fantasy VI
>the first inn costs like 150 gil

>> No.863362

>World of Ruin
>What the hell am I supposed to do
I even found out after finishing that I had skipped a pair of bosses.

>> No.863404

Remembering the predictable RNG table for miss and crit.

>> No.863407
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>> No.863438


Doom is a 3.5 spell

>> No.863673

Reminds me of Sept Terra Core.

>> No.864017

form for boss*


>> No.864013
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>Retro vidya
>more than one for l boss

>> No.864231

It's actually more Tales of Eternia. Doesn't surprise me that some other game wound up doing that too though. Just seems like a bit rare for a game to actually do that.

>> No.864239

>Inn's price per use actually changes by how far into the game a city is, as well as how many party members you currently have with you.
One I'm thinking of isn't really /vr/, but it would interest me if there were any other ones that did this.

>> No.864258
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the merchants know where you live.
the merchants know where you'll go.
and when you'll be near BBEG's castle the merchants will be there. They'll even make a small discount! probably.

>> No.864453

Oh lord, is it just me or can you see her pantsu tru that dress?

>> No.864472

scandalous, right?

Mind, these are the same guys who made ar tonelico trilogy.

>> No.864515
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>retro RPG
>Female hero with sword, spells, and healing
>Supported by her cat-thing that also is a healer
>Female hero rescues a male sidekick from medusa cave (he was turned to stone)
>he uses an axe
>eventually another magic user joins you as well
>holy shit this isn't medieval Europe this is a space colony!

Phantasy Star broke every retro RPG rule back in 1987.

>> No.865080
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>holy shit this isn't medieval Europe this is a space colony!

Wrong PS. Nice try, though. Everything else is spot on.

>> No.865103 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.865117


Ohh don't get me wrong, they let you know it is the future right from the onset.

You are fighting mad scientists and shit as if they escaped from a megaman game.

>> No.865131
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>Final Dungeon
>Healer's MP is low.
>Haven't found Healing Space to restore everything, too risky.
>Use a Chakra Pot to restore Healer's MP
>Move forward for 5 seconds
>Find a door
>It's the Healing Space

>> No.865160
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> Enter last dungeon
> Fight the 4 minibosses that YOU HAVE TO BEAT in order to get the last room
> Revive everyone
> Get ultimate end game weapon
> Get to the door that leads to the final boss
> Haven't remembered when I last saved
> Save game
> Go on 4chan
> see this thread and realize I can't think of anything

>> No.865164


This one.

>> No.865294

>Party visits a foreign land.
>One of the locals questions what the main character is wearing on his neck.
>He(!) responds "Oh, you mean my choker?"
>She asks why he wears it.
>He thinks and says "I guess because it looks good."
>She says "So it doesn't provide defense or anything? You're weird. Your people are weird."
>Main character is dumbfounded and a little pissed.
This game loves knocking the protagonist's sense of fashion.

>> No.865340

I think every dragon quest game except the first one does that (no party).

>> No.865346
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>Playing retro RPG
>From the very beginning of the game it is established that there is this one bad emperor and that he is the main antagonist
>Through out the entire game everyone tells you how bad he is and how if he is dead everything will be okay
>Finally get to him
>Kill him
>Turns out he wasn't the final boss
>Turns out the Final boss is some random ass NPC you met some time ago

>> No.865350

Ah. Never played Dragon Quest growing up because my parents were never big on me gaming back then. It's shameful how much I missed out on.

>> No.865360

>The final boss is some blue demong thingy that was never mentioned

>> No.865419

Between in-game events and the instruction manual, Dark Falz had some damn fine foreshadowing. Not too heavy, not too light.

>> No.865430

Everyone in the game world knew where he was at, it was just the matter of actually getting there.

>> No.865446



>> No.865504

>Final Fantasy vi
>Get to Thamasa
>Inn costs 1500 gil, way more than any other inn so far
>Talk to people in town
>"The inn keeper hates out of towners. He always overcharges them."
>Running an inn when you hate out of towners
>Discouraging the only people who could possibly need an inn from actually paying for your inn

>> No.865515

Sounds like it but Fei's best friend was useful until the end. Unless we are not counting Citan/Hyuga as best friend because "muh keikaku".

>> No.866124
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Don't tell me. You're that Destiny Saga guy.
I'm onto you.

>> No.866348

It is Lute's quest in SaGa Frontier.

>> No.866818

well there's no levels in ffX now is there? also that's not retro so it doesn't count, now does it?

>> No.866837

You can do it in FFIX also. And most of the games, really.

>> No.866973

Based Final Fantasy 8