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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.61 MB, 1322x746, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8611602 No.8611602 [Reply] [Original]

how fucking hard is it to look at a single screenshot from the original to realize that this is terrible.

FFVI pixel remaster thread.

>> No.8611607

don't know why PR filters so many, shit's gravy

>> No.8611610

Not retro

>> No.8611612
File: 35 KB, 512x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the other ones look and play just fine. Seriously. I've been enjoying FF III and FF V.

But why is the land vomit green and the water shit purple?

>> No.8611625

the remaster is 100% better than the originals, there's no reason to play those

>> No.8611675

All of the final fantasy re-releases look like shit. It's pretty sad that people recommend any of them.

>> No.8611679

>shit purple
Lay off the grapejuice

>> No.8611685

Added content from the GBA releases were removed too. Say what you want about the contents quality sure, but why take content out?

>> No.8611686

MY FUCKING EYES. I'm getting this for my ears only.

>> No.8611707

Why oh why can't they just release a straight port of the original with the extras from GBA added. You could add more dungeons and secrets on top of that too. Maybe even different options like new difficulties.

It's so simple to have a good new version of FFVI, I can't comprehend why they're fixated on releasing uglier versions. The old Steam port had the GBA extras, but looked like ass and even mods don't fix it fully. This one still looks worse and doesn't even include anything extra. You'd be better off playing on an emulator.

>> No.8611717

Well I guess I'll just download the color conversion mod that inevitably gets made if I find its rough to look at.

>> No.8611805
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, 1640758236167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh... just like I remember it...

>> No.8611812

Why can’t they get a good font that matches the visuals? It always looks like they’re using Arial or something.

>> No.8611858

straight port of SNES only, you can mod whatever you want afterwards

>> No.8611864

I hate zoomshits so much

>> No.8611949

Me too. Don't know why they defend this garbage remaster.

>> No.8611951


Every employee of Square who possessed any ability to recognize visual beauty sickened and either died or left the company at the exact moment when the executives first agreed to move to a console specializing in 3D graphics

>> No.8611985
File: 656 KB, 800x450, 1630728995394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even understand, I thought every major software company had an overbudgeted UI/UX department with people who have nothing else to do but try to make things like menus not look like garbage. Is that less of a thing in Japan?

>> No.8612001

Only decent thing that could come from this is maybe some good soundtrack songs. If you buy it you're retarded

>> No.8612030
File: 332 KB, 845x1188, Screenshot_20220209-170707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey STOOMERS. Remember that old SNES game any retard with a computer could download and play for free for well over two decades? Well now you can pay to CONSOOM a remake with le modern graphics that make it look like indie trash. You have a reason to play this game again becuase it has ACHOOOVMENTS. New soundtrack gives you a feeble justification to pay money for this like a fuckin moron. CONSOOM, ACHOOV, buy it on STOOM today!

>> No.8612043

I'll stick to EMULOOTING it thanks

>> No.8612048

stay mad

>> No.8612050
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, 3D6BC945-859D-4806-9080-6353C4B2FB79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse. Could be this

>> No.8612154

The same reason why you don't see pixelated or otherwise flowery fonts in any other big-publisher game these days - accessibility. See also Age of Empires 2 DE and the bog-standard-easy-to-read UI there.

>> No.8612210

>don't know why PR filters so many, shit's gravy
Straight remakes of the originals with none of the extra content from later releases. 3 was the only good one because it ended up being some weird hybrid of the Famicom version and the 3D version, but took the best from both worlds.

>> No.8612223

wait these are 3d? that's kinda cool actually

also, how is this thread /vr/?

>> No.8612251

they're all the best versions of each respective game, too much qol to ignore in favor of some lame extras

>> No.8612259

Kill yourself.

>> No.8612262

>made terrible product first to trick people into buying sub-standard product later anyway

>> No.8612285

No. Select scenes are given the "HD-2D" treatment, but the game for the most part remains the same plain flat 2D as the original.

>> No.8612291
File: 2.73 MB, 1280x720, 1644428565413.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot my webm

>> No.8612297

>also, how is this thread /vr/?
FF6 is a retro game by the very definition of /vr/'s rules and FF6PR is a straight remake of the original FF6 on SNES that retains a retro art style. It's a grey area, but it's more on topic than off

>> No.8612309

I dont know what HD 2D is but that image I quoted seems to have 3D in it

>> No.8612320

The fucking minimap. Minor but it annoys me

>> No.8612338


>> No.8612341

new style where environments are 3D and 2D sprites walk around through them

>> No.8612346

>Wanting an excuse to play a 30yo game you've played for thousands of hours when you were growing up
Remakes are nonsense, no one needs an excuse, if I feel like playing old shit, I just play old shit

>> No.8612350

I see that the poor in the loop Indians from SE are back in action.
Are the games going to be announced for console soon or something?
Anyways, there's literally no reason to not to play the GBA remakes wich have more content and are literally free, maybe I will concede FFIII but besides that there's no reason to buy this shit fest.
Stay scamming old people and shitting your own streets and remember you always be a shit hole of a country.

>> No.8612362
File: 574 KB, 2048x2048, 1643228314504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave New World sucks.

>> No.8612384

They are literally paid shills from India like this guy said >>8612350, a couple of years ago some leaked documents showed that companies like Microsoft, Capcom, Sony, Ubisoft, Activision and SquareEnix paid people from india to go online and shill their games, it happened fairly recently with stuff like Dead Loop in /v/.

>> No.8612385

well now the old shit feels like new shit, which is great. no reason to play that old shit anymore.

>> No.8612390 [DELETED] 

>no reason to not to
we all know who the native african is here, nigger

>> No.8612391

But there are better remakes made by more capable people and free.

>> No.8612393

deceitful lies, SR is the definitive way to play now.

>> No.8612395 [DELETED] 

I can smell you from here, you subhuman monkey.

>> No.8612401

Any person with two brain cells knows that's not true, the GBA versions include more content and are portable making them the best way to play the games.

>> No.8612404 [DELETED] 

take a shower if you stink, fag.

>> No.8612409

oh wow, new content, i care.
SR is the way to go, through and through.

>> No.8612421

i don't see why these companies can't use a good looking font, and then have arial or times new roman as an option that can be toggled if some blind shmuck has a hard time reading the text. best of both worlds and they can get free pr for accessibility
i wonder if this is how indians (not from america) get into gaming. do they shill games, become genuinely curious and try them, then decide to play more?

>> No.8612426 [DELETED] 

Stroke a chord huh?
Did the witch in the bathroom scare you?
Why Indians so damn smelly? Is the shit in the streets or that awful food they have? Or maybe is the Ganges river poluted by shit and carcass from not humans and animals, what a shit hole, I hope every goes right for you so you can leave that hell, pajeet.

>> No.8612432

Who cares what you care for? you are a shill, the best versions are the GBA ones period.

>> No.8612447

strick a cord ye

>> No.8612451

i care about what i care for, obviously
>not psp

>> No.8612475
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1444381461977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I often shake my head at how quick people on this site are to label people who like what they don't like "shills", but holy shit if this thread does not prove them right for once.

>> No.8612484

Genius idea really.

>> No.8612554

happen to have those documents?

>> No.8612597

How fucking hard is it to understand that the target audience for these ancient roms are technically inept imbeciles?

>> No.8612604

the remasters are THE way to play these games now, but they're expensive, like wtf were they thinking expensive

>> No.8612639
File: 2.50 MB, 1280x800, ChaosBusts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixel Remaster is a Cult

>> No.8612683

Nah it ain't just shills, the final fantasy general even recommends the steam versions of all the games

>> No.8612701

gee, it's almost as if everyone who isn't busy being a contrarian will recommend the souped up releases with the qol, whodathunk'

>> No.8612727
File: 1.06 MB, 1487x1013, FinalFantasyWour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm willing to give it to III and maybe V, but I&II are literally easier than the GBA versions and IV's script is lifted nearly verbatim from the GBA version instead of the improved PSP version.

>> No.8612729

I think I'll just play the original release of every FF game.

>> No.8612785


I don't understand? You can go to the library or something if you really can't afford an Internet connection... just get the ROM onto a flash drive, walk it home, stick it in your handed-down laptop, and load it in the free, high-quality emulator (also downloaded at the library) that will remaster it for you by putting it on a PC where you can easily get at it. At what point do you have to pay money? I guess there's the electric bill, and at some point maybe you have to pay taxes to support the library?

>> No.8612831

>just get the ROM
that's the old way, the PR is the in-way to play them now

>> No.8612850


>> No.8612909

I would consider at the very least the PS1 versions of I and II. They're quite faithful gameplay-wise while still having a good amount of QoL fixes.

>> No.8612995

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll look them up.

>> No.8613283

Nah, the originals hold up fine. 1 is very simple. Just understand the mechanics of 2 before you play it, because it is unique.

>> No.8613287

3 and 4 DS have been the only good FF remakes

>> No.8613552

It's not about being a contrarian, they just look bad, plain and simple. Sorry you played them

>> No.8613561

A lot of people cannot differentiate good pixel art from bad pixel art.
It is at least better than the previous phone ports.

>> No.8613574

As a UI/UX person I’d say the reasoning is that they’re using one font for all languages and there are lack of choices. Kind of like how Amazon product pages have this weird font that looks “off”… because it’s made by someone in China and they’re using a non English font. The Japanese also have terrible UI general, just look at their websites.

>> No.8613643

it's a good thing they look better in the remasters then

>> No.8613674

True. It is worth one playthrough to see all the changes but I enjoy t-edition much more

>> No.8613690

Those are my favorite versions of those games too.
I didn't really care for the III remake but I really liked IV.

>> No.8614280

dat palette . jezus. worst that gba

>> No.8614331

Who is mad? You're the one shilling an objectively inferior experience. You're eating shit and being ridiculed for it, that's all.

>> No.8614339

because it's time for your dose

>> No.8614348

Because you can buy them on steam, you stinky street shitter.
You know why we know you are obviously a bunch of shills? Because you poo in the loos NEVER discuss the actual games and start parroting about the new shitty graphics and when people point that the GBA versions are superior due to them being the same as the originals with bug fixes and such and with more content, you stinkers claim that nobody cares for more content. Really? More content for your buck in classic games that we love is bad.
Once again I hope everything in your life goes on the right path so you can leave your shithole of a country.

>> No.8614363

Win-win for companies like Square Enix. Pay some third worlders to shill your game and increase awareness and preorders, and deceptively infiltrate a market of third worlders you wouldn’t have gotten access to otherwise.

>> No.8614383

Is this really smart from a cost/benefit perspective? Paying a shill to post on /vr/ costs the same as paying them to post on twitter, youtube, reddit, or /v/. All of those places have way more activity, and the people browsing would probably be more open to advertising than anons who opened a thread made to critique the Pixel Remasters.

>> No.8614623

Ironically one of the first mods for these releases was swapping the English font with the Japanese one because the Roman letters were wider.

>> No.8614651

danks thoc

>> No.8615179

Are you blind? How could you even possibly think the colours in the OP screenshot look even remotely decent, let alone better? FFVI had perfect colour theory. The OP picture is legitimately horrible.

>> No.8615186

FFVI deserved a port/remake along the lines of Octopath Traveller or the Live A Live remake.

>> No.8615192

At least Dragon Quest III is getting one

>> No.8615194

It's baffling how despite being Square's biggest name, Final Fantasy gets such shit treatment time and time again.

>> No.8615215

Fuck minimaps, as soon FFX brought this shit into jrpg's it broke a lot of imersive gameplay.

Minimaps will make you less interest into the actual world, you will look more often on the map as actual try to discover the space.

They know that very well and do it on purpose, they hate video games.

>> No.8615217

Correction: Final Fantasy SEVEN is their biggest name, alongside XIV and whatever happens to be the latest entry at the time it's released. Just about everything else is relegated to the "shit nobody cares about anymore" pile, and you know what? They're not exactly wrong to think so. All their other FF games have their fans, but they're a blip in the radar compared to the monsters I just outlined.

>> No.8615227

they clearly had/have a policy of "next!new!faster!gogogo!" when it comes to ff. it is easy from our perspective to see what games sold and what people like but up until ffx they were on fire and felt like everything they touched turned gold and just kept churning shit out. it was probably a shock to them that so many people requested and bought so many different versions of ff1, so i guess they agreed to slowly work on making new versions of every game

>> No.8615505
File: 17 KB, 191x163, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with it, you just hold the original in higher esteem

>> No.8615625

>But why is the land vomit green and the water shit purple?
I have this feeling that they're using the GBA tiles as a base, which were lightened substantially because of the lack of a backlit display

I wouldn't touch the mobile remasters anyway, but it's interesting to see how incompetent they are

>> No.8615740

Pretty sure FFIV is considered their biggest 2D title.

>> No.8615858

having played the pixel remaster there's no way i'm going back to the earlier releases, no way jose

>> No.8617075
File: 464 KB, 1920x1080, ss_a3bd0e1dd5ee74c25294f6b62289fcefaca67657.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare it to the Japanese font.

>> No.8617105

>over-saturated to all hell
How the fuck do you mess something so basic up? My fucking eyes are burning.

>> No.8617119

This. Minimaps aren't needed for every game, and adding them in arbitrarily like this doesn't improve things.

>> No.8617127

Eh, 3 and 4 DS do their own thing but I don't think they are any better or worse than the originals
The only thing that I think would make 4 on the DS better are the extra cutscenes
Even After Years referred to those cutscenes (After Years itself being very underrated - the original 2D version as presented on the PSP lol)

>> No.8617129

Eh, honestly FFVI is such a masterpiece in visual design that I don't think it necessarily needs an HD port. DQ3 and Live-A-Live deserve it more because their graphics have never been much to write home about generally

>> No.8617169

disable it cowboy

>> No.8617170

No. Yippee Ki Yay, motherfucker.

>> No.8617256

>After Years itself being very underrated

Yeah, nah. Some parts of it are alright, and some characters even get pretty good development (mainly Palom and Edge), but much of the story is fanfic-tier, and a lot of them feel rehashed to hell (looking at you, Edward's Story).

>> No.8617302

luckily it's unity engine and modders will fix both the font and the shitty colors on the world map

>> No.8617647

Why is your shit purple?

>> No.8617717

Just give 6 the 7 treatment and leave it at that
And by 7 treatment I mean update 6 to PS1 graphics

>> No.8617759

And they aren't including the extra content from the Advance version.

>> No.8618246

looks like they took the GBA world map as reference

im guessing this is because of square's incompetence and they no longer have things like the source or assets from the SNES version but they did the GBA

I really hated the GBA colors, the world map looks shit, I hope modders can fix it

>> No.8618287

Yeah, that's bullshit. The assets have been ripped out of the SNES ROM ages ago and are widely available, or else how do you think modders added them back into the previous "remaster"? This is just classic SE indifference and just basing off whatever version was last released.

>> No.8618294

>This is just classic SE indifference and just basing off whatever version was last released.
it's literally this
modders will fix it when it drops don't worry

>> No.8618315

Just like they fixed 1, 2, 4, and 5?

>> No.8618321

yeah???? all of those games have tileset mods lol

>> No.8618345

The Live-a-Live remake mogs this so hard, Square should cancel its release.

>> No.8618383

it wouldnt surprise at this stage that they probably know that their fans will fix these games for them, so leaving them unfinished while selling it for chumps saves them extra time while the fans do their jobs for free.

>> No.8618720

it's already over, this is made, live a live will take years, they should give up

>> No.8618862

Because it's about a game from 1994 you stupid fuck.

>> No.8618878
File: 107 KB, 558x630, 24027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard anon...

>> No.8619303

Well it's worked for Bethesda

>> No.8619434

Nah Square could still scrap it if they cared about their franchise

>> No.8619442

Does Kefka poison more than Doma in the new version?

>> No.8619507

Then let's fucking mosey, asshole.

>> No.8621325

>don't know why PR filters so many
Because the originals are still easily accessible.

>> No.8621801

>narrow, hard to read font
Doesn't sound accessible to the vision impared

>> No.8621836

FF7, Parasite Eve, and Chrono Cross still look excellent in terms of artistic direction you hyperbolic faggot

>> No.8622313

so why bother with them, poorfag?

>> No.8622353

You're the poorfag (mentally and spiritually) for not demanding better from Square Enix

>> No.8622851

I modded the first five PRs and got them to an enjoyable state, but 6 just looks like it'd have to overhaul everything.

Which I can do, but at that point, I've just dug up my old CRT and flash cart, and that's less work St this point

>> No.8623515

I wonder if T-Edition works on real hardware. That's a billion times better than these demasters

>> No.8623569

AFAIK it does, just needs the MSU-1 mod so the music sounds like it should.

>> No.8623571

What exactly is the appeal of this to you? It looks like shit and has less content than previous versions. Why would you buy something shittier than what you could get for free?

>> No.8623579

>less content than previous versions
Every single time this is brought up, some contrarian shows up to decry the extra content and say it's shit and we should all strive to play the shittiest versions of the games with the least content possible.

>> No.8623884
File: 42 KB, 500x375, oomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use real words.

>> No.8624992

Good fucking christ that font.

>> No.8625504

This is my first time seeing pics of the remaster. Ff6 is my favorite game of all time. Think I'll pass on it and stick to the snes version

>> No.8625517

Are the cheevos out yet? Genuinely curious

>> No.8627196

>You're the poorfag (mentally and spiritually)
lmfao how assblasted are you precisely

>> No.8627209


>> No.8628816

thanks doc

>> No.8628837

Maybe it's because I grew up in the golden age of internet piracy but why the fuck would you pay money for a decades old game that you can literally just search <game name> rom and play for free.

>> No.8629216

That does NOT look good at all

>> No.8629446


The Snoy appears

>> No.8629476 [DELETED] 

This screenshot stinks of the Nintendo Switch