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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 387 KB, 1284x1582, 09022022182203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8612471 No.8612471 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of them.

>> No.8612478

A lot of them are lazy jobs, other like the KH remasters are pretty damn good

>> No.8612479

Depends entirely on the game in question. I like the Crash trilogy remakes, not so much Spyro. But those were from the ground up remakes, not really remasters.

>> No.8612480 [DELETED] 

Aaarrrhhhggggggnnnnnnhhhhaaaarrrgulg urrrasssssrggggggghh gutrrrg spit

>> No.8612494

Imagine not seeing the art and achievement of the original against such tight hardware restrictions and finding that snapshot of history to be the real treasure of the medium

>> No.8612501

Gonna buy the Steam and Switch versions so maybe one day we can have Klonoa 3.

>> No.8612507

Some good, some bad
Usually bad when somebody has decided to fiddle with something for no good reason

>> No.8612518
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>maybe one day we can have Klonoa 3

>> No.8612534

I feel the same way about remasters as I do about all art restoration in history. Which is that you can do a good job and a bad job and there's nothing to talk about unless you talk about a specific case.

>> No.8612542


OP, these are the only two reasonable opinions,. Everything below will be garbage.

>> No.8612557

They're all bad

>> No.8612561

How many times have they fucking remade Klonoa 1 or is that the same Wii one

>> No.8612618 [DELETED] 

I want to have sex with cartoon animals

>> No.8612658

They are almost always a downgrade, things get changed for no good reason, aesthetics are way off etc etc

>> No.8612662

It's the wii one

>> No.8612675
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Those are actually remakes believe it or not
Depends. Silent Hill 2/3 remaster gets a lot of shit but I don't mind it. Halo Anniversary (before mcc even came out) was good but changed the style dramtically. Halo 2 Anniversary however really stayed faithful to the art style and went above and beyond, in my opinion that is probably the best remaster done to a game.
Some other ones I played were FFX/X2 remaster which just looks lifeless because the EE scripts don't work properly.

>> No.8612681

Shove your Nintendo direct up your fucking ass

>> No.8612692

I never really liked them, but the RE2 remaster was God-tier. It's a poster child on how to properly do one.

>> No.8612695 [DELETED] 

are you having a stroke, anon?

>> No.8612726
File: 1.72 MB, 2800x2400, remake_64_all_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8612798

Boy, I can't wait for a 14 year old game, released on a console only marginally more powerful than the GameCube, to require a 64-bit processor with 4 cores, directx12, and a raytracing capable graphics card.

>> No.8612871

95% of them are pure soulless

>> No.8612878

Bro it's a switch, your phone can probably outperform it

>> No.8612881

It's not the Wii version. This is what the Wii version looks like

>> No.8612886

It looks worse than the wii version because it's a unity port

>> No.8612953

The remake has more color though

>> No.8612975

they just blew out the contrast

>> No.8613009
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Fuck off, /v/irgin.
Go flamewar somewhere else.

>> No.8613082

I'm pretty happy to see Klonoa get any kind of recognition these days so seeing both Klonoa 1+2 being remastared for Switch is pretty damn cool. Could even be a barometer to see if a Klonoa 3 could be a in the works, hopefully more successful then the first Klonoa remake.

>> No.8613157
File: 168 KB, 1225x653, soul_miyamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete lack of soul

>> No.8613175

I can't think of a remake off the top of my head that's as good as the original? Can you? Everyone says Zero Mission is better than the original, but it's not even close to as good

>> No.8613229

>I can't think of a remake off the top of my head that's as good as the original? Can you?
The remake of Fire Emblem 1 that came with 3.

>> No.8613747

Is bloodrayne revamped a remaster or just a port?

>> No.8613765
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>> No.8613795

Garbage and they don't belong here.

>> No.8614195

>Halo 2 Anniversary however really stayed faithful to the art style and went above and beyond, in my opinion that is probably the best remaster done to a game.

For the most part, I found that a majority of the guns look like shit in the remaster and don't reflect the original at all, or forget small things like ammo counters. No idea what they were thinking with the Covenant Carbine in that one.

>> No.8614802

Modern style graphics look like complete shit. Everything looks like some kind of smooth clay like substance.

>> No.8614971
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>> No.8615662
File: 2.93 MB, 942x1080, spyro_remake_leveltransition.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people actualyl defended this garbage

>> No.8615720
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The remaster threw out a lot of careful stuff the original team did. Such as having striking color palettes and really good readability. But what cemented it in for me and the only thing I'll even bother saying to people defending this shit is that all the dragons look like they were designed by furry porn artists. That fat one looks like it was made by a vore artist.

>> No.8615738

I can stomach most of those changes, but god, the Bowser lava puzzle is so lame in the DS one.

>> No.8615765
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i want all games to be remastered every few years, and all bad games to be remade

>> No.8615775

Don’t like them, why ply remasters when the original games still there to play
Remakes with new gameplay however is interesting, like that recent trials of mana game

>> No.8615776

>slide puzzles
>being anything but lame

>> No.8615783

I liked GTA remasters. Top soul.

>> No.8615793

It looks so bad.
The original wasn't terribly good, it's just a drawing over a gradient background. But the remake couldn't even do THAT.
The same sentiment carries over to the Peach and Bowser paintings. Why draw unique art when you can just slap existing renders on a backdrop and call it a day? So fucking lazy.

>> No.8615801

Cool to see Klonoa get attention again, but what the FUCK is with that HUD?

>> No.8615992

Halo: Anniversary is one of the ugliest, soulless remasters of all time. They over-designed everything. The entire reason Halo was mindblowing then and remains timeless entertainment is because of it's mastery of geometry and color.
They took a simple, recognizable, and ethereal world design and just took a gigantic shit on all of it. Chief's armor and helmet weren't even the right proportions.

>> No.8616174

They’re both shit so nitpicking which one was less shit is moot

>> No.8616194

I guess they know their audience, at least. Furfaggots seem to be the only ones that give a fuck about Spyro anymore, which is sad, but apparently reality.

>> No.8616216

It really depends on the game. Sometimes they add something, sometimes they take something away, sometimes it's just different without really being better or worse. I'm a purist though so I don't exactly crave them, but I do have to admit there is no other medium out there that ages as quickly and badly as videogames.

>> No.8616230

It's not that bad, people are a bit too harsh on it even if every single criticism is valid. It looks very good and still mostly feels like Halo but it is pretty retarded and misses the point of a lot of shit and is way too much of an asset flip. I prefer the original graphics but I don't really hate the anniversary version.

>> No.8616242

>Everything looks like some kind of smooth clay like substance.
It really doesn't.

>> No.8616298

At the very least the paintings in the DS version have similar backgrounds. They couldn't even be assed to color in the sliding puzzle, it's just a blank canvas with Bowser on it.

>> No.8616319

Haven't looked into it, is the new Klonoa on Switch a port of the Wii game are a new remake/remaster?

>> No.8616326

It's a new remake; the models and HUD aren't the same. More importantly, it's a collection and includes a remake of Klonoa 2.

>> No.8616350

That looks bad. Should have got Nightdive to remaster them.

>> No.8616385

While I am a dirty fatfag and love the eye-candy, I do like how they went through the effort to give all the dragons a unique design and personality. Only good thing about the "remakes" in my book.

>> No.8616394

Yeah, I thought the HUD looked off but it had been ages since I played the Wiimake.

>> No.8616402

They look like generic gay furries. What is it with you faggots calling palette swaps unique designs?

>> No.8617261

t. Rockstar

>> No.8617289

potentially good in theory, usually bad in practice.

>> No.8617320
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Generic gay furries > Generic dragons

>> No.8617515

all shit

>> No.8617574

The Banjo64 on Xbox one is the only good one I can think of

>> No.8617597

You'd have to go through Ys 1 & 2 + the large amount of remakes. The DOS version is arguably the worst.

>> No.8617674

Depends on your definition of remake/remaster/port. Nightdive's releases have varying levels of quality but they're usually good and have extra content. AoE2: DE needs a beefy computer to run but otherwise looks better, has more content, better balance for multiplayer and ongoing support. The Command & Conquer remaster was great too. Cotton Reboot is just better than the original even though it's overpriced and the PC port was lazy. Wizardry I'm not very familiar with but surely one of the ports with actual graphics must be better than the wireframe originals.

>> No.8617773

That's a remake not a remaster. Would be like recording a music album all over again and calling a remaster when it's not.

>> No.8617795
File: 174 KB, 1600x514, scabb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey Island really just boils down to preference.

>> No.8618320

I honestly didn't hate the Monkey Island remaster.
The art is very faithful, to a degree that you don't see in other remasters/remakes. And the voice lines were an objectively good addition.

>> No.8619485

maybe put use to that porngraphic thought for something worthwhile, not for only brief cooms.

>> No.8619492

I very thoroughly enjoyed this one. It played much better as well, even my kids played and enjoyed it on Xbox. They even wanted MORE at the time and it got them into some other retro stuff I like.