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8608463 No.8608463 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the worst plot point of all time?

>> No.8608469

It wouldn't seem so stupid if it happened when you visited Edea's house.

>> No.8608674

No, it is integral for R=U.

>> No.8608682 [SPOILER] 
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You mean Q=U?

>> No.8608825

>Is this the worst plotpoint of all time
Quite possibly

The entire plot revolves around the GFs making your whole party forget that they grew up in the same orphanage.
What's bullshit about this is
1. You don't have to use the GFs
2. Squall knew most of these motherfuckers before he gets his first GF and still doesn't remember. Quistis is his fucking home room teacher ffs
3. Somehow Irvine remembers everything even though he also uses GFs like everyone else. He just chooses not to say anything... because?

>> No.8609093

damn girlfriends

>> No.8609172

I think it was the writers' attempt to tie the party together because otherwise they have zero chemistry. Probably the most bland party in the franchise.

>> No.8609201

But it's fine for them to be bland. They're literally all just military kids. Their "schools" are actually military academies. They are only working together because they are under orders.

>> No.8609204

JRPGs can't work on crude logic, you need the power of friendship n shiet

>> No.8609214

ff8 would actually be a really good story if the party slowly got to know each other and became actual friends despite their mandated companionship, kinda like ffx

>> No.8609345

You need to learn the difference between concept and execution, and watch more movies. A cast can still have wildly different and distinct personalities despite all being all from the same occupation. FFVIII only bothers giving them one or two superficial traits each that get repeated a few times.

>> No.8609690

I don't understand why this triggers people. It makes perfect sense in the context of the game's story.

>> No.8609738

>it's okay if the entire cast is forgettable
this is some new cope, good lord.

>> No.8609767

If you seriously think that is the worst plot point ever, you need to play more games.

>> No.8610160

>Laguna, an aspiring journalist, joins the Galbadian Army during their siege of Timber
>bails from his post with his platoon (Kiros/Ward) one day and goes to Deling City to see his crush
>meets Julie (Rinoa's mom), a pianist at the Galbadia Hotel
>they fall for each other after spending a few hours together talking
>Julie is inspired by Laguna to sing like she always wanted to
>Laguna is ordered to report to Centra
>Esthar soldiers, at the behest of Sorceress Adel and Dr. Odin, are there excavating what is later known as Lunatic Pandora
>Laguna, Kiros, and Ward get vastly outnumbered and wounded fighting Esthar troops
>Ward loses his voice
>only way out is escape by jumping off a cliff and hopping onto a boat off the coast
>Kiros and Ward make it
>Laguna hits rocks and misses
>wakes up in Winhill, a small town whose fighting-age adults went off to fight or perished in the Sorceress War
>gets nursed back to health by Raine and her daughter Ellone
>Winhill is mostly old people and children
>Laguna sticks around to defend the town from monsters
>Kiros tracks him down with lots of QRDs and informs him that Julie waited around for him, eventually thought he was KIA, and married a Galbadian general instead (Rinoa's dad)
>Kiros also explains that Ward becomes a Janny at Galbadia's biggest prison
>Laguna and Kiros go monster hunting
>Kiros asks him why he really stayed put
>they accidentally walk-in on Raine admitting to Ellone that she's fallen in love with Laguna
>Laguna and Raine marry
>Ellone becomes a target of interest to Adel (handled by Ultimecia) for her ability recall memories of the past
>gets kidnapped by Esthar soldiers and taken to Dr. Odin's Lab to be used in experiments
>Laguna, Kiros, and Ward team up again to go to Esthar and rescue her
>Laguna leaves Raine without knowing she's pregnant
>Laguna, Kiros, and Ward attempt multiple ways of getting into Esthar to no avail

>> No.8610169

>Laguna gets a job writing for Timber Maniacs, a media outlet with an anti-Galbadian revolutionary bent
>Timber Maniacs pays Laguna to travel the world and they travel as a platoon again
>they get a movie gig where Laguna stars as a Sorceress’ knight and uses a gunblade to protect her from a Ruby Dragon
>Laguna meets Edea, a woman who was once possessed by a sorceress
>asks her if she knows how to get into Esthar
>she’s starting an orphanage for the children of the Sorceress War with her husband Cid
>Laguna asks her if she can protect Ellone from Adel
>she agrees
>befriends the Shumi Tribe in his travels and tries to teach Moombas how to speak
>they finally gain entry into Esthar but are captured, separated, and worked like slaves to build Lunatic Pandora alongside Moombas
>some of the other prisoners/slaves inform Laguna of a resistance faction
>he joins
>they want him to be their leader
>he stages a prison break
>finds Dr Odine, a mad scientist who hid Ellone away from Adel to further study her power
>conspires with the faction and Odine to fool Adel/Ultimecia, who’s looking for a successor
>they make a holographic simulation of Ellone at the Sorceress Memorial
>b8 Adel into going there
>she does
>Laguna pushes her into a cryo-tomb, freezing her
>the faction unanimously elects him as the new President of Esthar
>bound by his new obligations, he sends Ellone back to Winhill to be with Raine
>Raine gives birth to a boy (Squall) and passes away shortly after
>Ellone and Squall are sent to Edea/Matron's orphanage where Irvine, Quistis, Selphie, Zell, and Seifer are
>one day, a time-warp (Junction Machine Ellone) triggered by Ultimecia sends a grown-up Squall and a dying Ultimecia from the future back to the past
>future Squall tells her what SeeD is and that she started it
>Ultimecia transfers her powers to Edea
>Edea realizes she must start SeeD to protect Ellone and give the orphans military training so that they can inevitably fight Ultimecia

>> No.8610172

>Edea and Cid split ways to realize this
>Edea forms the White SeeD ship and acts as its captain, separating Ellone from Squall and recruiting the first SeeD combatants
>Squall grows sad and lonely when his sister leaves
>Squall and Seifer routinely get into fights
>Seifer teases Zell a lot
>Headmaster Cid goes around seeking funding for a military school aka the Garden
>he secures money from Master NORG, the black sheep of the Shumi Tribe, to buy out an abandoned monolithic bomb shelter
>they convert it into Balamb Garden
>Zell ends up being adopted by Ma Dincht in Balamb Town
>Irvine ends up at Galbadia Garden
>Selphia ends up at Trabia Garden
>Squall, Seifer, and Quistis end up at Balamb Garden
>Balamb and Galbadia Gardens approve the use of experimental memory-erasing Guardian Forces despite controversies surrounding it
>Selphie finds a Guardian Force at a young age on her own
>Squall becomes a loner
>Seifer has a posse, has a dream to become a Sorceress’ Knight like in a movie he saw starring Laguna
>Squall and Seifer both become gunblade specialists and excel at it
>Seifer has Laguna’s gunblade stances
>Squall has Laguna’s genes
>Seifer’s hero is Squall’s dad
>Seifer and Squall routinely fight with each other
>Quistis plays the role of big sister, getting in the middle of fights and breaking them up
>Squall finds her annoying for her meddling
>Seifer gets angsty and rebellious with her
>Squall and Seifer are sparring in the Balamb Garden Training Center one day
>Seifer plays dirty and uses fire magic
And this is where the game actually starts.

>> No.8611487

I have read a lot about this game over the years. I still have never encountered any piece of information about it that suggests it might be enjoyable to play, except one: It's a Final Fantasy game, so it probably has a good soundtrack.