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8577726 No.8577726 [Reply] [Original]

Silent Hill thread

>> No.8577750
File: 1.94 MB, 432x311, fog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing through it for the first time. Just got to the school last night, found the infirmary and saved. It's almost too scary for me to play. Looking out into the gray fog, snow sprinkling down, hearing the faint static of some fleshy monster in the distance...

>> No.8577756

Im currently trying to find my way to the school but have no idea where tf im going. But i found a key in the back of a cop car and found the open convenience store. I gotta explore a little bit more and find out what this key goes to

>> No.8577765

It took me some time to figure out how to get there as well. Just go up and down each street looking for anything that stands out - gates, blood pools, guts, etc. You'll find what you need.

>> No.8577776

Alright there is a gate near the store but i havent tried the key on it yet. Ill do that later. Also maybe theres other keys laying around hidden. I personally woulda never knew the key was even there if the bullets werent laying on the ground outside the car. I

>> No.8577796

Venture into the several alleys that are accessible too. Every important item I've found so far was next to some unique object - the cop car being one. Don't forget that clues are marked on your map as well and you can quickly access the map by pressing the Triangle button.

>> No.8577801

Alright ill check the alley ways again for stuff and be more thorough. I went down the one at the beginning a few times and the one behind the cafe once or twice and there was another i went down that was short and had some bullets.

Also i didnt even know the map marks clues thats cool. And i did know about the triangle thing after a few hours lol

>> No.8577802


>> No.8577815
File: 347 KB, 1058x1992, 20220130_143025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very kino music. Musicians in games dont get enough credit

>> No.8577829

What's the one that's like vrrrrrrroooooooooeeeeeeeeoooooooooo?

>> No.8577865

i played it for the first time oct 2021 and was really blown away by the atmosphere.

>> No.8577902

They really did make the ps1 work well here. Especially with the constant fog as a draw distance limitation being hidden as atmosphere really helps this game alot

>> No.8577984

Good game for a snowy night

>> No.8577991

My god why do you feel the need to stop playing and come post here,thats literally the first 10 minutes of the game.

>> No.8577995

This thread makes me sad.
Konami was so good back then and we will never get that back.
First time I played it was at release and shit was scary.
The changed the kids with little zombies in the pal version.

>> No.8577998

He's playing it for the first time, not some mentally ill speedrunner. The beginning of the game has you running around open streets while you have to find 3 keys. If you dont know where to beeline it can take a little while.

>> No.8578006
File: 48 KB, 759x332, PALvsNTSC_TitleScreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which title screen do you prefer?

>> No.8578016

From nostalgia I prefer the eu version.

>> No.8578037


Pure soul

This also i was playing it last night and running around for a while like an idiot lmao. At least i know there is three keys to find now

>> No.8578325

I think back to what my favourite survival horror games were on the PS1, and this is my top choice. I played it to the end on a real PS1 back in the day. I had a Dreamcast and N64 as well. The PS1 game looked good for its limited hardware, using the fog as part of the atmosphere was a great idea. I liked the lighting effects. Didn't mind the controls at all. Maybe in my top 5 PS1 games, right up there with MGS1, and RE2, Castlevania: SOTN. So many Konami games in my top PS1 picks. Konami in general is my favourite 3rd party publisher.

>> No.8579379 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 250x258, Basketball_yard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually saw this in real life. No key just a not that said I hope you like what you see. I was 10 years old. Game was released in 99 I'm sure it was 97 when I saw it. Last time I ever take short cut behind stranger's yards

>> No.8579383
File: 87 KB, 250x258, Basketball_yard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this in real life. Still huanted by it. When I saw it in the game I shit bricks

>> No.8579703

What if Silent Hill monsters were in Resident Evil and Resident Evil monsters were in Silent Hill?

Which game would benefit more and which do you think would be spookier? Also we just assume plot points are adjusted accordingly. I think zombies in the foggy town of silent hill with those creepy moans they do from the first RE would be pretty damn spooky.

>> No.8579872

You should see the beta version of the knife monsters. They were even spookier looking.

>> No.8581896

Its one of those "Don't be sad that it's over be glad that it happened" cases. Silent Hill unfortunately has been dead for ages, well before the cancelation of P.T, but the first four games still hold up.

>> No.8582020

Enjoy the alchemical journey.

>> No.8582341

Damn nigga are you me?

>> No.8582369

just beat this game the other day, got bad ending, then got good ending. still no clue wtf happened in the plot

>> No.8582438


All that really matters is that you got to hear the trip-hop ass results screen music. What a vibe.

>> No.8582596

Congratulations to everyone ITT that's getting to play this for the first time. It's a damn good game.
I still think it's the game with the best map feature.

>> No.8583626

>still no clue wtf happened in the plot

Just look it up on youtube you fucking lazy bumb

>> No.8583642

left one looks like they fucked up the filename so the image doesn't render

>> No.8583678

My other favorite series is MGS
Life is suffering

>> No.8583703

Ridge Racer
Metal Gear
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
Are my favorite game franchises.
And only Resident evil is still around but still not what it once was.
Western studios killed my hobby.

>> No.8583770

I played a few years back and same. I loved how unsettling it was. Just overall spooky. Played RE2 not long after and while Great it just wasn't the same kind of scary. Kinda wish I would have played it first then SH.

>> No.8583772

>Saw this in real life
Go on....

>> No.8584212

useless fact: the invisible enemies at the end of the game actually uses that texture, but most of the colors are set to transparent.

>> No.8585978

Don't be sad because it's over.
Be happy that it happened.

>> No.8586320
File: 1.05 MB, 1281x6118, silent hill pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this still up to date?

>> No.8586454


>> No.8586780

should be but there'll be a new update soon for SH2 EE

>> No.8588018 [DELETED] 

Love 1-3.

>> No.8588024

Love 1, 2 and 3. Shame that people running Konami are fucking retards.

>> No.8588061


>> No.8588343

god, silent hill 1 was so close to perfect. I just wish it was more open-ended in its design, they town was so fun to explore.

>> No.8588726

The map modifying itself according to your exploration is one of the little things I appreciate the most about SH. Very clever feature that Capcom didn't think about before for RE.

>> No.8588737

Bad ending best ending

>> No.8588793

This thread is pretty cozy. I'm currently playing through Silent Hill 1 and I fucking love how creepy it is. The OST is so good, the atmosphere is perfect. The hospital basement where you go even further was a trip. I'm gonna finish 1 then go through 2,3,4 in that order.

>> No.8588823
File: 137 KB, 350x350, 1367194496314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>konami didn't save the original versions of the games
why are they so fucking retarded?

>> No.8588948

>gonna finish 1 then go through 2,3,4
Ah, I remember the wishful days of my own youth, like they were... no wait, that WAS only a couple years ago. I found 2 unenjoyable, and dropped 3 probably halfway through. Never gave 4 a shot, since even in the community it has pretty mixed opinions.
But I know I'll still have a great time whenever I next play SH1 again, or get a friend to do it for their first time. Enjoy your playthrough anon, but try not to spoiler yourself.

>> No.8588969

2 is underwhelming on normal, cakewalk, hard is a nice tough difficulty balance overall but there's one jank segment midgame and a really tanky health sponge late game boss. I would say play it on hard and just grit your teeth for those couple sections. 3's normal is a better challenge.

>> No.8589271

Konami heads don't give a fuck about games, they have so many other businesses that they don't see the games as important aside from Pachinko.

Their CEO has his head buried in the sand and should die ASAHP.

>> No.8589345
File: 175 KB, 736x1084, JacobsLadder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get the bad ending, basically Jacob's Ladder happened.

>> No.8589363

i wish

>> No.8589435

evil cult uses girl soul to do evil thing in town. girl soul has split when she died and part of the soul is in your daughter. hilarity ensues

>> No.8589509

Yeah one thing I noticed is that Silent Hill 1 is a little easy on normal, not struggling against enemies and I have plenty of health items, but not enough ammo. I'll definitely try SL2 on hard.

>> No.8589514

Want to do us a favor and not post this type of fucking cancer. Thanks

>> No.8589580

I wish Jacob's ladder wasn't cut down. The film would have been a lot better if we actually got the deleted scenes plus the planned scenes of Jacob finding the chemist murdered. As is, the plot is really weirdly rocketed forward without making it explicit enough that the drug shit was misdirection.

Still, solid move. Definitely a classic horror/psychological thriller.

>> No.8589596


Also the scene where it tells the viewer that Jezebel was the part of Jacob who was trying to get him to accept dying and move on. (Hence her actions like burning the photos at the beginning of the movie)

>> No.8589612

cool movie, but the symbolism and philosophy is such a bottomless hole it's just better to take it at face value.

>> No.8589640

desu sh3 is also better on hard, but again one of the late game bosses, just the one, is the mother of all bullet sponges. I'd still recommend hard just know what you'll eventually encounter and be ready to cheese it.

>> No.8589672

I don't think too much about the symbolism, honestly. The monsters are great for spectacle, and they're a fun combination of classical demons, and more tentacle-y modern monsters, but the whole idea is that they're all angels trying to help Jacob on into the afterlife, but his clinging to life is making him see them as demons. It's not that deep, nor do I think it's supposed to be.

But I was just talking about making the plot work better. Leaping from Michael telling Jacob about the ladder drug, to Jacob hailing the taxi and heading back to his house, wherein he meets up with his dead son and they ascend together is pretty poor pacing and leaves quite a few loose plot threads.

Iirc, the initial plot after meeting Miachael was
>Michael gives Jacob the "cure" to the visions
>Jacob experiences what's probably the scariest scene of the movie
>Jacob thinks he's cured, tries to leave the city, finds out he's definitely not cured.
>Finds Michael, murdered.
>Heads back to his home, final confrontation with Jezebel/Himself
>then the ending as we see in the film.
It would have been better for the writing, but certainly would have pushed the film into a really unpleasant length for a horror movie.

On a more on-topic note, the final scene of the movie where Jacob "wakes up" in his house is almost wholesale copied in Sh2, it really surprised me how similar the two wear after watching the movie the first time a year ago. SH3's subway is of course also a shout-out to the movie.

>> No.8589710

Why is this game so expensive?

>> No.8589724

it didn't sell as much as any PS1 RE and it took time until people started truly sucking it off. there are way more people that want it than available copies, basic supply and demand.

>> No.8589736

Thankfully I had a feeling that this would happen after the Silent Hill (((HD))) Collection came out and got the first three games for like $20 each. I hate how I didn't get the fourth game, but I'm happy with what I have.

>> No.8589753

I got all 4 SH games in my collection over 10 years ago since they are some of my favorites. Can't say I feel bad for bandwagon posers that started collecting in the last 5 years after it became trendy.

>> No.8589794

Can someone tell me why silent hill game ps 140 dollars isn't even good?

>> No.8589803

You can get the digital version on ps3.
Or buy an xstation and fuck those "investors"

>> No.8589806

seethe poorfag.

>> No.8589810

Really ps3 I'll have to look into that. thank you for telling me

>> No.8589820

Ya so poor i never played that title before so i can't trust it i bought 5 copies of resident evil 1 for ps1 for 100 dollars each

>> No.8589852

lmao what,i paid 70 bucks for a mint version just a year ago.

>> No.8589904

This game is selling on goodwill for around $160. This shit needs to stop.

>> No.8589918

LOL you bought one copy look who's really poor now

>> No.8589924

Lol i saw that that would've been my 6th copy

>> No.8590403

i never said anything about being poor,i would also rather buy different games than many times the same.

>> No.8590641

>On a more on-topic note, the final scene of the movie where Jacob "wakes up" in his house is almost wholesale copied in Sh2
The closet part in SH2 is another copy from Blue Velvet scene and there's pyramid head sexually abusing dolls instead of the crazy lady by the dicklet. The sexually abused Angela in SH2 was inspired by the character Marnie from Alfred Hitchcock. Despite all the imitations SH2 main lore remained original and better matched to the copied scenes bringing a deeper symbolism than the original movies scenes

>> No.8590649

Currently playing through 1-4. As a classic re fan I kept meaning to play the series. I remember scoffing at prices in like 2015 and putting it off. Here in 2022 and realizing all the classic horror games are going to skyrocket in price I decided to rip the bandage off and bought them all. Sat down, put the volume up, light off and just let myself get engrossed in them. I beat 2 and 3 the same week and wow, what an experience. So heres the thing, you would think as an RE fan I would gravitate toward 3 as it has more enemy variety and deeper (as basic as it is) combat. Really though, sh2 far and away is an experience made so powerful by its narrative and execution that it swept all objectivity about gameplay depth being the be all end all away. It's so reserved, but every piece of it is in service of driving the tone and atmosphere and it all comes together. It's isolating in the right ways, the dialogue is stilted in the rights ways. Its clunky in the right ways. It feels like that cult classic game you've heard about from a no name dev with 0 budget that managed to spin gold. But instead of being pushed to the fringes it's hailed as the masterclass in the psych horror genre and I'm glad it got the respect it deserves in a time when gamers weren't receptive to anything but the cutting edge. I watched the making of afterwards. They aren't talking about how the new tech in the ps2 allows them to make more horrific realistic monsters, they're talking about how they want their characters and monsters to be percieved and their impact on the player. Theres a sense that they knew they were making something special and were confident in the direction they were heading. So for those of you who wouldn't stfu about sh2, yeah I totally get it now.

>> No.8590723
File: 249 KB, 850x1201, 4311-Silent-Hill-The-Arcade-Arcade-capa-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really though, sh2 far and away is an experience made so powerful by its narrative and execution that it swept all objectivity about gameplay depth being the be all end all away.
This is exactly what /vr/ never gets about horror gameplay. Who ever want to play horror for better combat should try a rail shooter instead.

>> No.8590898

Fuck off with that stupid statement. Great narrative doesn't mean you have to make the gameplay worse, especially when it was relatively good in the first game of the series. Enemies should be threatening, ammunition should be scarce, turning off the light to sneak past or take out enemies should be a risky, yet rewarding mechanic. All of the good in the first has been toned down or significantly neutered in the second when it should've been improved. A shame.

>> No.8590907
File: 574 KB, 2048x2048, 1593230947780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't exactly Capcom who were smart enough to port their games to fucking everything. That said, even though apparently deleting the source code was said to be a common practice during the PS1 gen due to limited harddrive storage, they had far less of an excuse during the PS2 era.
And even if they did, they had even less of an excuse to rely on broken source code for the HD Collection instead of getting a semi-competent studio that could just reverse engineer the PS2 or Xbox versions. The fact that they had to spend their time fixing bugs that could turn Heather blue just says it all, they probably could've just ported 2/3's PC versions to GOG or just re-release them as Xbox/PS2 classics and called it a day.

>> No.8590958

>Enemies should be smart fast strong
That would go better in a shooter instead. Not even RE have all that. Enemies were never the focus. But is a shame that SH1 had to use some of that to drag RE fans to the franchise
>Great narrative doesn't mean you have to make the gameplay worse
Clunky gameplay is what made both RE/SH more challenging and also scary
>ammunition should be scarce
Now that works for horror. Ammunition is about the same on both SH1 and SH2

>> No.8591260

I agree with the sentiment on gameplay and narrative because I think SH1 and 2 are actually underrated in those terms. After so many years of hearing I realized the notion of them having poor controls was overblown. I had a lot of fun playing both. What I don't understand is your other complaint, they both felt decent enough in difficulty. Maybe if you were like me, by the time you were playing SH2 you already felt comfortable with the gameplay and knew how to approach enemies and exploration. To extrapolate this to another couple of games, my first RE2 playthrough was way easier than my first catastrophic RE1 playthrough.

>> No.8591302

>better matched to the copied scenes bringing a deeper symbolism than the original movies scenes
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Copying movie scenes and changing Dennis Hopper to Pyramid Head or giving Mary and Laura the same clothing as the wife and daughter in Con Air doesn't really make Silent Hill 2 (or any others) "deep" by themselves.

It shows a fair bit of creativity to copy the scenes, change them a little and transpose them into a different medium and even different genre and it gives the SH games more of a theatrical flair in their direction, but again, I don't think the action alone of SH copying movie scenes makes it "deep" or "deeper than" the works they're copying.

>> No.8591858
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>> No.8591980

Modern games have dozens of individual teams, let alone employees.
Silent Hill was made by 11 rejects and junior employees.
True heroes.

>> No.8592178

Well looks like emulation is the way to go forever from now on. Would be nice to own hard copies of some of the games we love but it shouldn't come at these outrageous prices.

>> No.8592404
File: 1.08 MB, 768x576, mkv_snapshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they both felt decent enough in difficulty
I'd disagree. When I first encountered the enemies in SH2, they seemed to appear like a threat for at least a minute until I figured out they were dumb and easy to kill or avoid. They lack the ferocity of the enemies from SH1. I was really intrigued by their appearance and how they would go prone on the floor after being incapacitated, wriggling about at a pretty fast speed(which, is the only time they appear to be a threat). Other than that, they don't seem to chase you at high speeds, don't attempt to surround or overwhelm you, lack damage, and ontop of all that, you can easily avoid them unless they're blocking a hallway, like in the apartments. The moment where enemies leap from bushes everywhere and you just ran past them with your flashlight on without drawing their attention was just laughable. It's especially laughable how they butchered the light mechanic. In the first game, if you were chased by an Air Screamer in the Dark world, turning off your flashlight and moving away from the location threw them off your scent. Turn it off in the school, and you can sneak behind the Grey Kids and bash them until they're dead. Taking out small cockroaches or enemies that blended in the dark was a pain due to them being hard to spot, and the Scratchers encountered in the sewers could see in the dark, so turning it off actually put you at a disadvantage. In SH2, the only notable use is being able to kill those acid spitters without getting hit. Now if we talk about enemy attacks, the Air Screamers and Hounds chased you at a high speed, where Air Screamers chase at an even higher speed and a longer distance, putting up more of a chase. Grey Kids and Nurses latch onto you while their comrades slash at you, and you had to rapidly press buttons to escape. In SH2, I can't remember, none of the enemies were particularly notable other than their appearance, unfortunately. It just felt like visiting a haunted house.

>> No.8592419

play with hard combat

>> No.8592610

Silent hill 2 is easier because James is the real monster and the mannequins and lying figures are symbolic of the women he would like to abuse.


>> No.8592616

certified reddit moment

>> No.8592660

Thanks for the certification

>> No.8592762

I dont know why but I find combat more satisfying in SH1 than 2. Might be the sound design, enemies sound meatier in 1.

>> No.8593151

They all have unique sounds that are immediately identifiable too. But there's a lot more variety in what enemies do in SH1. In SH2 you mostly have humanoid enemies that slowly walk toward you for a melee attack, but in SH1 some enemies can grab you or pin you down, some jump, some fly, some are fast, some are slow. The variety makes it feel less repetitive.

>> No.8593392

That just makes the combat longer, not better. He's right, SH2 shit the bed with the enemy roster's capabilities. What's worse, SH1 monsters stay vaguely threatening until you get the hammer, at which point Harry can pretty much keep most melee enemies at bay. The equivalent item in SH2, the steel bar, comes into your possession almost at the start of the game.

>> No.8593492

>Copying movie scenes and changing Dennis Hopper to Pyramid Head or giving Mary and Laura the same clothing as the wife and daughter in Con Air doesn't really make Silent Hill 2 (or any others) "deep" by themselves.
It does make it deeper once you realize that Pyramid Head is the representation of the main protagonist who is hiding from himself inside the closet and denying who he truly is. In Blue Velvet movie the main protagonist was just a regular dude playing detective

>> No.8593605

>The harder fight the better game
If you consider your self a hardcore player just try going full meele. SH2 wasn't intended for hardcore players. I believe they wanted to keep the action lazy to preserve the quiet atmosphere not letting cheap jumpscares turn the game into a campy movie

>> No.8593654

>I believe they wanted to keep the action lazy to preserve the quiet atmosphere
I think one of the developers later said he thinks SH2 could've had more enemy variety but I don't remember if it was about needing more so enemies didn't have to be reused as much or wanting enemies that worked differently. I also can't find the tweet or whatever it was that said it because it was a long time ago so I might just be completely wrong about that. But it seems like developing SH2 would've been a lot more work so they might've had to scale back in certain areas to do everything they wanted overall, and developing enemies for a PS2 game would've taken a lot more time and money compared to PS1.

>> No.8593660

When I think of "good action gameplay" I can only think of games that are way too fast and would kill the atmosphere of most horror games in the protag could shoot well and jump around like crazy.

>> No.8593671

sure, but sh2 isn't deeper because it copied blue velvet, it's deeper because everything has symbolism or meaning independent of copying the framing of the given movie scene. SH2's depth isn't tied to its film references, is what I'm getting at here.

>> No.8593694
File: 48 KB, 600x1480, ItoTwtSH3Action.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one responsible for enemy design was Ito and he did mention a complain from his boss about "boring creature-battle design" in SH2 and how they almost turned SH3 in a rail shooter arcade because of that

>> No.8595603

Yes but they're updating the graphics again so I will wait another year before playing SH2 :^)


>> No.8595640
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 1642044242504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucked-up lighting and fog dithering effects when playing SH1 on a PS2

>> No.8595914

I think the only thing new that was added was that SH4 was re-released on GOG along with the PC versions of MGS1/2, but that's it really.

>> No.8596067

Voidburger is such a cringey fucking weeb

>> No.8596071

Wut. The difference from PS1 is barely noticable

>> No.8596190

>barely noticeable
it's absolutely horrid, I made this webm to prove it years ago

>> No.8596257

i've completed all of them except downpour and 4.
i just couldn't get into 4.
i'll probably try again in 40 years once i retire and have time for games again.

>> No.8596290

Jeeze. Backwards compatibility (which is literally emulation) has always been a lie.

>> No.8596305

Gonna dox myself and post this song I made by smacking my guitar's headstock and drumming on it's body with the amp cranked up.
Sounded kinda Spoopy

>> No.8596316
File: 18 KB, 640x480, menu_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like PS1 texture smoothing is enabled in the PS2 settings. Nice try, faker.

>> No.8596331

That would explain the dithering being affected but would that setting affect the draw distance?

>> No.8596332

sort of sounds like something that would play after a bossfight as you're stumbling away.

>> No.8596340
File: 18 KB, 640x480, menu_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disc speed, another setting.
That can affect loading of textures and create weird pop-in.

>> No.8596398

I played it for the first time a few years ago (maybe 5 or 6 years) and it easily became one of my favourite games. Never believe the "nostalgia" parrots.

>> No.8596404

I'll test these both.

>> No.8596448

I'll make a webm of a direct capture.
The settings have no effect on the fog pop-in issue, but they have buggy effects besides that when enabled.

They were set to standard by default.

>> No.8596454

What model PS2, btw?

>> No.8596486

a fat model I got for Christmas in 2001 along with mgs2

also its an mp4 because it has sound and i don't feel like messing around rendering this.

>> No.8596490

the sped up voices are not from editing, that's what the fast disc speed does i guess

>> No.8596504

Interesting, what version of the PS1 driver do you have? 1.10, I assume?

>> No.8596527

No, I just realized that I'm confusing this PS2 with one my brother kept.

Me and my brother got a single PS2 for Christmas 2001 that we shared and took turns playing. The PS2 I'm on right now is a SCPH-50001 with a Playstation Driver of 1.11, and this one was bought for me to have so my brother could play alone in his room. Online data says 2003-2004 I'm not exactly sure when I got this.

>> No.8596543

Hmm, I'm not sure since I can't test it, but I wonder if the PS driver makes a difference. It should or else they wouldn't be numbered differently.

>> No.8596715


Except some PS2 models literally have PS1 hardware inside them. So it's pretty much true backwards compatibility.

>> No.8596749

>some PS2 models literally have PS1 hardware inside them
Only the CPU and sound processor. Graphics processing is still emulated.

>> No.8597056

Did they patch in all the ghosts and hauntings that got removed from the PC version?

>> No.8597168

I don't think they did. They did however add in support for 1080p/1440p/4k resolutions out of the gate, I think they recently patched in support for modern controllers instead of having to find a work around, and cutscenes don't seem to run at 15fps anymore.

>> No.8597658

Was the fog always purple?

>> No.8599745

how soon?

>> No.8599890

best sound track in gaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDgjTP8fuz4&ab_channel=spuuunit

>> No.8599895

Is there a version of Jacob's ladder with all the deleted scenes?

>> No.8600589
File: 54 KB, 1400x700, silent-hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I play this before or after Resident Evil? I usually like to be aware of the influences within a genre and play chronologically.

>> No.8600595

It'd probably be for the best that you play it after RE1. Both definitely have their own pros and cons but it's worth playing it after RE1 to really appreciate the differences in each series.

>> No.8600617

Thanks. What's the best version of PSX RE, anyways? Director's Cut? I read that all versions after Bio Hazard were censored.

Sorry for derailing the thread.

>> No.8600643

DC adds back the auto aim.
DC dual shock has changed music (mostly ok)

>> No.8600661

He's probably from mexico where you see this on your way to school.

>> No.8600724

Director's Cut (non Dualshock Ed) could be a decent start, since I hear there's a rearrange mode once you beat the game if you want to change things up on repeat runs. At least if we're talking about official releases, that's probably the one to go for. The Saturn release is fine as well and Battle Mode can be fun, but only if you burn it onto a disk or have an ODE, it ain't worth spending ebay prices for it.
I think there's a fanmade hack for PSX though called Ultimate Director's Cut, which adds back in the uncensored cutscenes as well as including Dualshock support and the original OST. Not sure if it works on real hardware but give it a looksee.

>> No.8600904
File: 330 KB, 471x471, Silent Hill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pal cover

>> No.8600920

I had played it first time in 2001 when I was 10, I occasionally invited my friend over because I would get scared shitless and needed someone near me to continue playing. Then we both would shit our pants. Good memories though, I remember us screaming violently in the sewers when suddenly a creature would hit you from the ceiling, because apparently the radio doesn't work in the sewers. My mom had rushed in to check if we were dying or something. Then I wouldn't be able to sleep at night thinking if my room would turn into other world, and if that sewer creature would come out of under the bed. Gave it a try 5 years ago, it still makes me shit my pants, real good atmosphere.

>> No.8601012

US version looks cooler and more mysterious, Euro version is kind of bland

>> No.8601363
File: 418 KB, 1600x1200, sh1_art_char_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alessa tiddies

>> No.8601687

>I had played it first time in 2001 when I was 10, I occasionally invited my friend over because I would get scared shitless and needed someone near me to continue playing.
Did you start kissing while playing too? You absolute faggot please say yes

>> No.8601832

>every friendship is now faggotry
Can you take your shitty niggerlicious mindset back to >>>/lgbt/ or whatever netflix shit you've come from?

>> No.8601867

The basketball court also fucked me up when I played it for the first time way back, funny to see people in 2022 experiencing that again. I think this was the first time I ever proclaimed something in a game was bullshit instead of just accepting it.
Is Silent Hill the best game in the PS1? I feel like it is.

>> No.8601875

It's gray.

>> No.8602045

US looks like an X-Files DVD cover lmao, but I prefer it to the no-effort euro version.

>> No.8602051
File: 30 KB, 250x139, Thexfiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first glance it looks very similar.

>> No.8602410

a few months at least

>> No.8602413
File: 64 KB, 640x455, 8gmg8edc7sm51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PAL cover being better as always