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File: 159 KB, 342x256, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Ocarina_of_Time_box_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8600323 No.8600323 [Reply] [Original]

why are all zelda games from OoT onward so text heavy and handholdy?

>> No.8600326

OoT/LttP started it

>> No.8600336

That's great word, I'm using that.
And well, today's kids and adults alike are more impatient and their imaginations are stunted.

>> No.8600369

LttP really isn't that text heavy or handholdy though. Just compare how LttP and that god awful remake link between worlds open:


>> No.8600382



>> No.8600389

OoT had quite a bit of text anonkun

>> No.8600396
File: 281 KB, 999x933, Eiji-Aonuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8600397

yeah I just said that. are you illiterate?

>> No.8600431
File: 51 KB, 630x478, 1574575999749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video games becoming broader and mainstream appealing to general public more than likely contributed to most games becoming more casualised and hand-holdy as to not frustrate or turn away potential sales from the low IQ and kids.

Not sure if there's some sort of study on something, but I'd like to see it if there is.

>> No.8600601

People kept complaining that Zelda games had shallow stories. Same thing with Pokemon.

>> No.8600604

all the superfluous text the later games added only made it more obvious how shallow zelda stories are

>> No.8600616

Link's Awakening started it, OoT made it the series standard.

>> No.8600646

It isn’t annoying in LA because the text is fast and to the point, and it’s only really the owl who hand-holds the player.

>> No.8600875

I know you have autism OP, but sometimes holding hands is good. Good touch.

>> No.8600880

This is why the original game is the only good game.

>> No.8600963

why are OoTfags always so strangely defensive?

>> No.8601125

Stupid games for stupid people.

>> No.8601128

That stuff is all heavily weighted toward like the first half hour of the game. Navi actually shuts up pretty fast. I don't know why people make such a big deal about her.

>> No.8601443

If anything majoras mask is more difficult

>> No.8601572

Wow! This looks
pretty heavy!
You won't be
able to lift it
with just your
bare hands...

>> No.8601728

only around a third of people who start games actually finish them
probably an even lower metric for "legendary classics" like oot. everyone knows about it but have never played it

>> No.8601732


>> No.8601752

acktually, that was only in ladx from what i heard. though idk why they added it.

>> No.8601781

They're games for kids, anon

>> No.8601851

Aonuma and Fujibayashi are inept tasteless fools

>> No.8602305

B instantly cancels the text lol

>> No.8602374


I wonder that about the Navi complaints too. I hated the owl for trying to hold my hand, but Navi never bothered me even the tiniest bit. Yet the popular complaint was always about Navi.

>> No.8602425

Link's Awakening was way worse in that regard and predates OoT. OoT at least made ignoring most of the advice text possible since Navi would justsay 'listen' first and you'd have to actually respond to get the message. In Link's Awakening the advice text is forced on you whether you want it or not in all cases, and it keeps coming up like with the part where you have to click through the text about ice every time you walk near ice.

>> No.8602710
File: 107 KB, 220x146, invader-zim-you-lie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8602760
File: 573 KB, 1691x949, 1403480697983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meme is just exaggerating the most annoying aspect of her shrill "HEY!" every so often, but yeah I don't know why she gets memed harder than the owl outside his default "No" answer with his first encounter.
I'd guess it's because when you're an adult he leaves you alone whereas Navi is with you throughout the game.

>> No.8603069

I'm playing LA on an original GB literally as we speak, it does. No idea what >>8602425
is smoking.

>> No.8603078

not them, but it did start as a remake and became a weird pseudo-sequel halfway into development, that's why the backstory is a weird mix of OoT/LttP

>> No.8603170


>> No.8604851

The stories in Pokemon kept getting worse with each gen

>> No.8605301

I might agree with you, but did you know that this time the compass has a new feature?

>> No.8605328
File: 11 KB, 500x480, zelda2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OoT is particularly bad for its text speed but it wasn't the first.

>> No.8606183


>> No.8606253

Also women and transwomen.

>> No.8606279

The worst part of LA text is the compass' with its "THIS ITEM HAS A NEW FEATURE" every single time you get it. It gets irritating the more times you replay it and have to see that text every single time.

>> No.8606319

just call them men

>> No.8606331

Women don’t play games, anon
Case in point

>> No.8607021

Zelda was never good.

>> No.8607039
File: 24 KB, 177x180, 1592464956082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I was playing the DX version on 3ds. Gonna' test this shit out on the original.

>> No.8607938

It was good in the 80s and 90s