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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.51 MB, 1360x768, AVGN_in_a_music_video_by_scout_sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
859235 No.859235 [Reply] [Original]

Whelp the new AVGN is out. Can't be worse than the last one right?


>> No.859242

watching now. I fucking hate that game, this could be great.

>> No.859267

so is he like superimposed upon an image of his basement? it looks fucking weird.

>> No.859268

Finally, a fucking AVGN in a long time that makes me pissed off at the game and not at the video itself. The Nerd seriously needs to just keep it simple like this and just give us the game instead of all the gimmicks and guests that dragged down a lot of the other videos. At first some of those random guests were sometimes funny but they just kept getting more retarded.

As for the game itself its painful to look at and listen to, bonus points for being a part of the quality game legacy that is LJN

>> No.859270

It was actually good.

>> No.859276

best one he's done in awhile. thank you based James

>> No.859275
File: 10 KB, 130x211, 1330552354570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This episode felt more like his old ones than Atari Sports.

>> No.859289

No he just has a much more professional set up now.

>> No.859291

I liked it. I don't understand why his mic still sounds so bad though.

>> No.859309
File: 234 KB, 460x464, 1344817764610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not balding anymore, and the episode was descent.
Maybe this is a good sign?

Also, Darkman review when?

>> No.859310

This is actually one of his better episodes in recent years. He focuses more on the game than trying to be a comedian.

I honestly get the feeling he's going to kill the series after the movie. He's clearly running out of jokes, he has a wife and child, and these movies take a fuckload of time to make.

>> No.859312

The ending carried on a bit, but it's WAY better than the previous episodes.

>> No.859317

Starting it now, hope to God it's good like before. They've really gone down hill lately, ever since he took that long break. It shouldn't be too hard to just record some footage and talk about it. All the gimicks and shit make it worse.

>> No.859351

This was much better than the last disastrous episode.

>> No.859361

He's getting a little back to the original sway of things, the nerd formula is a bit stale by now, but it's way better than idiotic gimmicks like than that unfunny old Jew.

>> No.859368

Aside from the ending, it was pretty good. He actually went into depth about game, had some constructive criticism, and peppered in some funny jokes. The bit where he uses the weapon and it flies way over the heads of the enemies made me actually laugh.

>> No.859382

The putrid entry in the dictionary being a pic of the game got a good solid chuckle from me. Good show James.

>> No.859391

I've always liked when he acted out something strange in a game, though not when it's long and drawn out. Tossing the cassette onto the floor was pretty funny. Jumping into the magazines would have been if it were only once or twice.

>> No.859396


Not as atrocious as Atari Sports

Honestly, I wish he would move on and do PS1 games. I think the shitties game I ever played (deep fear) was on the original Playstation

>> No.859404

Can't exactly slam a disc into a PS1 and have it work properly. There's still so many shit games on NES to play.

>> No.859403

terrible. just terrible.

>> No.859405

PS1 has it's share of shitty games, but he probably doesn't know a lot of them because he was a nintendo kid, and I think he wasn't young anymore when he got a PS1

>> No.859421

Is the angry reviewer thing dead yet?

I like AVGN, The Cinema Snob, and Yahtzee's LPs are pretty funny. But the rest of those bastards suck balls

>> No.859465

Must not look at toupee.

>> No.859517

Yes but a few ultraspergs on youtube still try their luck on that from time to time. Face camera minecraft let's plays are the new thing now.

>> No.859530

I rather liked it. LJN is kinda eazy mode for the nerd though.

>> No.859531

I will never watch him again since he changed his artistic name.

Angry Video Game Nerd sounds much worse than Angry Nintendo Nerd.

>> No.859537


In his review of TMNT 3 He dates himself as being about 12 when it released.

>> No.859541

THESE. Something about these two aspects are really off-putting to me.

>> No.859558

Good until the end, which was way too forced.

>> No.859561

I think he should do Alien 3.

It's not too horrible. Probably worth a short review.

>> No.859563

Weirdly good.

>> No.859568

The rant about the seal of quality was the highlight

Like what the fuck was going on in Nintendo to even accept games like this

>> No.859595

That new vid of him and Mike at that convention is sad. Just awkwardly repeating lines from avgn.

>> No.859631

All the seal meant was basically that it was properly licensed by Nintendo.
Didn't mean it was a good game.

>> No.859635

A lot better then his more recent videos

>> No.859647

could handle the HD camera
it doesn't have the appeal of some guy in his basement that likes games any more
hes become to aware of himself

>> No.859649

couldn't handle

>> No.859650

>Atari Sports
It's better than this video by a mile.

>> No.859657

I thought Atari Sports was fucking great cause of that amazing Madden/football rant


>> No.859692

>wearing a toupee

>> No.859716

Deep Fear was on Saturn

>> No.859724


Fuck you

>> No.859738

Well, he's done over a hundred episodes at this point. He's going to run out of material eventually.

>> No.859743



>> No.859754

Going to watch it right now, but I jsut wanted to say something.

The guitar guy episode was some of the worst shit I've seen on Youtube, period, but hating on the Troma grampa is just ugly. What the fuck? The old guy was great, how can you not love the episode? Fuck.

>> No.859761
File: 886 KB, 1476x903, Снимок экрана от 2013-07-01 12:29:58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, it's goddamn fucking Mike again.

>> No.859765
File: 1.32 MB, 500x281, 1370218022871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally new AVGN episode
>it's decent


>> No.859770

Because he was fucking retarded and awkward to watch with his stupid jokes.

>> No.859776

I thought it was good. People bitch about youtube gamers way too much on 4chan. I've yet to not be entertained by either James or Mike.

>> No.859780

No, YOU were retarded and awkward to watch last time you tried hitting on a girl you like. Gramps was great.

>> No.859782

Well, what's the point? This was boring as hell.

I'm guessing the movie is going to be god-awful.

>> No.859785

Only complaint is

>really? that's the whole big deal?
>save a rock concert(wild stallions)

wasn't that the entire point of the movie? (besides making money off potheads)

>> No.859786

He forgot Bill and ted were idiots
i thought the initial plot was funny becuase of this and looked too much into the bare ass plot

>> No.859790

f-fuck you...

>> No.859793

>>AVGN by himself, no assholes beside him[x]
>>playing shit NES game[x]
>>gets angry[x]
>>drinks a beer[x]
>>gives out fuck about the game[x]
>>tries to say as many disgusting words as he can[x]

best one in a while, he could do without the HD camera though

>> No.859796

I liked the style he had going with the older camera

>> No.859814

Everything is better than the previous episode which probably was his very worst. AVGNs acting is getting more forced and awkward with every video and it's pretty damn distracting by this point. Not that great to be honest.

>> No.859819

My god, shut up about the HD camera, you fucking parrots, fuck. Are you even human or are you some sort of chatroom bots?

>> No.859823

Toxic crusader episode is the only AVGN episode I refuse to watch, had to stop it after a few minutes of gramps.

>> No.859828
File: 575 KB, 1280x1879, waliszevska_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why?

>> No.859832

kaufman's pretty cool, I enjoy the interview:


the video was awkward like alot of his shittier movies like tales from the crapper.

>> No.859834

You didn't miss out on anything. Just him and the old dude saying balls, shit and jizz for 20 minutes. He also got pissed at the game giving you a neat little mechanic that let's you throw a little helper character into a group of enemies for no reason.

>> No.859837


cause that Kaufman cunt was absolutely jizzing himself every five seconds spewing retarded non-sequiters

he was like a five year old who just learned to curse and found it hillarious

you can hear the Nerd uming and oking as he tries to keep it on track

>> No.859839

But the absolute worst was Lester the Unlikely. Half the shit he bitched about was Lester looking like a wimp and running away. IF HE FUCKING BOTHERED TO KEEP PLAYING HE WOULD HAVE SEEN HOW LESTER GETS STRONGER AND MORE BUFF AND LESS OF A PUSSY. BUT NO, HE JUST STOPS PLAYING THE GAME AND DOES A COP OUT VIDEO.

>> No.859843

So why do you hate this guy so much? I liked him in 2007. Is he really that bad now?

>> No.859846

I don't hate him, but he isn't spending much time on his videos because he's working on the movie and possibly getting some burn out.

>> No.859848

>So why do you hate this guy so much?
We don't. You've been on 4chan too long if you think half this complaining is real.

>> No.859875

>those sideburns

>> No.859898

>artistic name
Hahaha! This is a business, it has nothing to do with art. He also got a letter from Nintendo to change his name, and he couldn't have sold anything with Nintendo in the title anyway.

>> No.859904
File: 54 KB, 500x333, excited mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was actually a decent episode compared to the stuff he's been releasing. Honestly, I hope that as he does make more of these episodes, he goes back to this kind of usual style. Ending was a bit forced, but you know what, with that and a few other minor complaints, I'm just happy that it wasn't as bad as it could be.

>> No.859907

I don't like these friendship intern jokes Mike and James have.
they are fucking preschoolers

>> No.859915

Why would you blow our cover like that just now?

>> No.859921

Yeah, we were tricking that one guy so well until >>859848 showed up, what a stinky poo he is.

>> No.859927

That was surprisingly watchable after the embarrassments that were both Ikari Warriors and Toxic Crusaders.

>> No.859935
File: 3 KB, 388x360, 1327753847680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never meet James in real life

>> No.859941

This was ok.

>> No.859943

It's not bad, but it's not Atari Sports good.

>> No.859948

Ikari Warriors was pretty good. Just because someone else is in the video doesn't mean it's bad. Mike set a low standard, and Ron Paul was a celebrity.

Besides, the Spiderman video was awesome

>> No.859954
File: 178 KB, 680x798, vr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insert thread-relevant words as needed.


>> No.859958
File: 3 KB, 256x224, T&C 2 - Thrilla's Surfari (U) [!]-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when /vr/ was lax and chill on the first day.

Then /v/ leaked in.

>> No.859962

Yeah the first day was awesome. It made me regain my faith in the Internet for that whole day and then the second day rolled around and this place become more and more like /v/.

>> No.859964
File: 73 KB, 249x479, 136373001256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a collection of older/mature/friendler gamers who did not even give a shit about fighting over shit.

We even got a board tan.

>> No.859968

Nobody in /vr/ would use the Power Glove or 3D glasses... or wear those clothes. Fuck, that's not us, that's a fucking hipster.

>> No.859973

I am trying to find the other versions, anon.

Also, I am 26 and still use my original power glove after a night of drinking.

>> No.859974

And yet you wouldn't ever use it for actual playing.

>> No.859979
File: 633 KB, 1600x1558, 1363705580268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this one is a bit better for you?
Oh god of course not. But Chester is stuck in the 80's and 90's. I thought the thing was bad ass as a kid.

>> No.859981
File: 464 KB, 534x1000, 1363699614363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was kind of cute.

>> No.859983

That's much better, but still hipstery shit.

>> No.859987

He does that thing that all the shitty youtube personalities do where he needs to add stupid skits into his videos. I hate that shit. Your review should be able to speak for itself, not some stupid animation of feces flying across the screen.

Also he nitpicks things that are from the movie, plotwise. What the fuck do you want the game to do?

>> No.859992

Why I like the videos where Mike and him just play games a lot more.

>> No.859997

>He does that thing that all the shitty youtube personalities do where he needs to add stupid skits into his videos

He, arguably started it.

But, I think it's okay, not everyone can be like the guys from Game Sack.

>> No.860004

AVGN was never about revieving in the first place.

>> No.860005

Well, the concept of /vr/ is that we're stuck in the 80s/90s, discussing video games from then. It's only natural that the mascot represent those things, and aesthetically he'd be wearing all sorts of shit that hipsters wear today to seem "different". Difference being that they'd change over time, and he wouldn't

>> No.860010

Yet the design looks like some 90's brat trying to be an oldfag. Whoever drew and designed these hipsters need to do some more research.

>> No.860071

what about the shitty ps1/n64/sega saturn games?

>> No.860080


yes it was

>> No.860091

What the hell is that reaction image supposed to mean?

>> No.860093


Yep, this. I don't really like the new camera, but I feel bad saying that because he probably spent thousands of dollars on it.

>> No.860102


>> No.860108

why do people watch this garbage

>> No.860118

This episode was very enjoyable.

I liked it a lot.

>> No.860119

Because it's entertaining garbage

>> No.860128

Aw I thought he would talk about the Game Boy B&T game...

>> No.860147

Mike can do better than that, that's probably James' work.

>> No.860150
File: 2.51 MB, 3271x4666, loligamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/-tan needs to be a cute girl.

That'd be much better than some hipster-looking 80s kid.

>> No.860152

He can't do better than that. It's his absolute pinnacle. And isn't it his voice at that segment? I'm pretty sure it is.

>> No.860154

No, it wouldn't be.

>> No.860157

I'm guessing it's probably just as bad.

Thought it looks somewhat better duo to being a simpler platformer.

>> No.860164

It's much better on the eyes.

Board-tans are supposed to be cute.

>> No.860169

Reminds me of Double Dragon Neon somewhat.

>> No.860172

You can go back to /a/

>> No.860228

Only if the cute girl is exceptionally radical.
This is the most important thing, rad-ness.

>> No.860231

That happened like 6 years ago, dude.

>> No.860236

Is she gonna need stuff like a Power Glove, a leather jacket and sunglasses?

>> No.860238

I like Chester the way he is now.

>> No.860254

Mike Magay really needs to smoke some weed. Hes just so anti-funny.

>> No.860258

Same here. Fuck, I love AVGN, I watched every single piece of shit he produced but that episode was pure torture. I read all chapters of Spaghetti-tan and didn't cringe as hard as upon seeing this "acting" of his.

>> No.860259

I meant Kaufman's acting

>> No.860264

Isn't his name Matei or are you trying to make some 12 year old joke?

Yeah, that episode was really hard to finish. We don't need flashy gimmicks like that guy. Just play the game.

>> No.860267

>not balding anymore
It doesn't work that way, he's probably just grown his hair out longer than it was before.

>> No.860265

It was an okay episode. Not bad, not excellent (no pun intended), just standard. This one felt more in line with the older episodes.
Newer ones have had some kind of weird feel to them, I don't know what it is.

Personally I think his best episodes are the ones where he looks at a whole console. Atari 5200, Jaguar, CD-i, Sega CD, etc. There's a lot you can say, and it doesn't seem like he struggles to find jokes.

>> No.860290

Best AVGN:
Zelda 2
Back to the Future Redux

>> No.860292

Thinning hair from stress can grow back thick again when the stress is gone, or when you learn to better cope with it.

>> No.860296
File: 157 KB, 750x526, 1363700445483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker reminds me of growing up in the early 90s. I don't want him to change.

>> No.860298

Its a common opinion, I also dislike it, it ruins the feel of watching him,
Nostalgia critic should also go back to old camera.
Its really gay that he got his teeth bleached to crystal white

>> No.860303

He thinks smoking weed will make him funny, so I'm guessing he really is 12

>> No.860304

He talks about the game like he is reading a boring book out loud.

>> No.860315

>Nostalgia critic
You watch that dull fuck? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.860316

Different strokes for different folks, anon.

>> No.860319

Better recording equipment is cheaper now.
The crappiest camera will record at 1080p and 60hz now.
You sound like the idiots who don't like higher framerate in movies because it looks "fake".

>> No.860328

...it was twice.

>> No.860339

The Castlevania episodes were pretty great.

>> No.860345

I enjoyed the Coleco/Intellivision ones as well.

>> No.860358

Castlevania Retrospective
Nintendo World Championships

>> No.860372

what was wrong with this episode or atari sports? any episode that doesnt have guest people or characters is decent enough. except for the bugs bunny one that was the only good character episode.

>> No.860404

I almost bought that game when I was a kid with my birthday money. Nintendo Power made it look awesome.

>> No.860478

Wow, some people on /vr/ have not been watching AVGN since the early days.
He had a pretty bad patch of like 10 reviews but thats it, all the rest are great.

>> No.860479

Nothing. Atari sports was great.
Aside from the ending rant, this episode was great too.

>> No.860498

This. I can't put my finger on it, but the way he delivers dialogue post-ep. 100 is weird.

Also, he cuts to the view of himself way too often.

>> No.860516

this one was good, more like his early works.

>> No.860525

Those guys are from one of James' earlier videos, Wizard of Oz 3: Dorothy Goes To Hell


>> No.860528
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, muhvrkun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my version of /vr/-kun.

At least this is how I would see myself wearing

Havent colored it yet.

>> No.860531
File: 1.95 MB, 280x200, avgn-cassette.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.860535


I loved that part.

>> No.860558

yeah, he has this new HD setup but his mic still sounds horrible... doesn't make any sense at all.
also I didn't like the episode at all, the constant anger seemed forced. Maybe in his older age he doesn't have enough pent up anger to do this anymore. Maybe he should just still to the lets play type stuff he's been doing with mike. I've been liking those anyhow

>> No.860562

>thinning hair from stress
>from stress
good job in believing in myths

>> No.860569

fist off, he doesn't look hipster at all
second off, representations of boards aren't actually meant to be fapped to
go to /a/ with waifu shit

>> No.860606 [DELETED] 

xD he throws his possessions like a spoiled child and pretends to take shits or puke on them xD deserves more views than gangnam style amirite

>> No.860612

The mayo clinic disagrees.
> Can stress cause hair loss?
> Daniel K. Hall-Flavin, M.D.
> Yes, stress and hair loss can be related.
> Three types of hair loss that can be associated with high stress levels are:
>Alopecia areata. A variety of factors are thought to cause alopecia areata, possibly including severe stress. With alopecia areata, white blood cells attack the hair follicle, stopping hair growth and making hair fall out.
>Telogen effluvium. In this condition, emotional or physical stress pushes large numbers of growing hairs into a resting phase. Within a few months, the affected hairs may fall out suddenly when simply combing or washing your hair.
> Trichotillomania is an irresistible urge to pull out hair from your scalp, eyebrows or other areas of your body. Hair pulling can be a way of dealing with negative or uncomfortable feelings, such as stress, anxiety, tension, loneliness, fatigue or frustration.
> Stress and hair loss don't have to be permanent. If you get your stress under control, your hair may grow back. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you notice sudden or patchy hair loss or more than usual hair loss when combing or washing your hair.

>> No.860639


Good job not knowing what you're talking about.

>> No.860719

You can easily meet him in real life. Just go to a convention he goes to.
I have a copy of Deadly Towers he signed, and my gf has a copy of Milon's Secret Castle he signed.
He's a really nice guy IRL, and very friendly to fans.

>> No.860725

I think this episode was superb compared to some of his so-so recent episodes. A return to classic form, where it was less on over-the-top wacky skits or extreme vulgarity and just more laughing at how stupid the game was, again. Less throwing up or shitting on a game, less dumb costumes and guest stars and stuff, and more just laughing at a pretty lame game. Though the ending was a bit overdone, still, good video.

>> No.860739

I bet he'll review waterworld for the virtual boy somewhere in the future

>> No.860745

Has AVGN ever been good?

Answer is no. He's not even angry. He just sounds bored.

I feel like it's 2007 again and people have only just discovered Yahtzee.

>> No.860747

Already did brosef.

>> No.860751

It was alright. But, it's just proof AVGN will never be as good as it was.

The other recent bad episodes were different so people could blame other aspects. Whether it was kauffman or the nerd just being himself or whatever. But, in this episode, he tries to emulate his old videos and it's just not good enough. It's not awful but it's all completely forced. You can tell he's not kidding when he says he's run out of jokes. It seems like he took the advice of his fans and threw in more custom nerd swears but it does feel forced.

Whatever he had when making the original avgn episodes is gone. I don't expect much from the movie either because of this.

>> No.860758

maybe that episode he did with Loyd Kaufman made him think "do I really want to end up being like this guy?"

>> No.860759 [DELETED] 

maybe he's just rusty, he really haven't done these on a regular basis... and he has done videos that didn't rely on gimmicks and gross out humor in even longer

>> No.860761

maybe he's just rusty, he really hasn't done these on a regular basis in a long time... and he has done videos that didn't rely on gimmicks and gross out humor in even longer

>> No.860762


Yeah because screaming about how you would rather drink buffalo diahrrea instead of playing TMNT is the definition of a guy being bored

What are you, stupid?

>> No.860771


Because a forced, laboured poop reference every few minutes really defines angry. For anger to be a titular aspect of the character, you'd expect it to crop up more often.

I'd call this series Disenfranchised Videogame Nerd. That would make more sense.

>> No.860797


I'd call you Retard Who Thinks He Knows Something. That would make more sense.

>> No.860809

why not "retard diarrhea ass spawn of a giant fucking orangutan that just ate the most diarrhea inducing thing ever which was given to him by fucking satan himself who thinks he knows something" instead
see, I can do what he is "known for" too

>> No.860813

>Because a forced, laboured poop reference every few minutes really defines angry.
but he doesn't even do that in that video

>> No.861145


Deep Fear was a Saturn game, and it was only released in Europe and Japan. Also, I've heard it's pretty good. Don't know what game you're thinking of.

>> No.861150

he's a year younger than me, he would have been in his teens in the PS1 era

>> No.861152

oh... I thought he was a year younger than me because he's 32... but in actuality he's only a few months younger than me, never knew.

>> No.861428

Deep Fear was an attempt at RE style gameplay underwater. It was ok even though it was easy as shit and had worse voice acting than the original RE (Somehow)

>> No.861702

I had to play that game for a gauntlet. It was actually pretty fun.

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

>> No.861760

Jesus, not even one episode from 2007? That was the golden era.

>> No.861765

If only the video stopped at around the 15 minute mark, this would have been classic.

>> No.861923

She needs a mullet, too.

>> No.861942

>Making silly youtube skit in 24 fps

Pretentious film student status confirmed.

>> No.861984

My god this fucking guy tries to hard to be good.
and why is he talking to his audience like they're fucking retarded?

>> No.862001


>Didn't even realize he was balding

Are you some sort of massive faggot?

>> No.862003

and a goatee

>> No.862014

>people can only experiment with different styles of filming if it's "artisticly valuable"

to be honest, that attitude your projecting screams "pretentious film student" much more.

>> No.862039

Ikari Warriors was inexcusable.


Toxic Warriors was pretty bad, but I can kind of understand how he let that one pass. Rolfe was probably so excited to have that guy as a guest, that he didn't have the heart to tell him he's just not funny.

>> No.862097

>Ikari Warriors was inexcusable.

I thought it was pretty funny.

>> No.862183

the episode with the Troma guy was fucking horrendous

>> No.862204

>not liking Lloyd Kaufman
You are a nigga

>> No.862220

Bill & Ted had a cereal made by Purina

>> No.862460


Not that guy, but if I had to judge Lloyd Kaufman entirely on that AVGN video, I'd have to declare him obnoxiously unfunny and unlikeable. Maybe he's cool in other things, but god damn he was bad in that episode

>> No.862508

I liked that one more because he looks like he came right out of an late-80s CBS Saturday morning cartoon, right down to the artstyle.

This is more fitting for late-90s stuff when that anime style started to really take hold of America. He looks Jet Set Radio as fuck to me.

>> No.862514

>This episode felt more like his old ones than Atari Sports.
That means Mike may not have had a big of a writing role. The classic ones were just written by AVGN, while all the annoying "5-minute long shitjokes" were from when Mike started co-writing.

>> No.863105

I was about to take a sip of juice then this scene popped up, and I instinctively put my cup down. This actually got me laughing to the point of my gut hurting.

>> No.863115

I enjoyed the episodes, he should really do so more episodes on the Sega Genesis, CDI and 3DO games. That would be great

>> No.863129


After talking with Lloyd Kaufman in an interview, the old guy has a long-winded quirky sense of humor not unlike shown in the video.

>> No.863661
File: 105 KB, 640x480, vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first time drawing the board-tan. i wanted to focus on his face more in this one but i guess i'll do a full body one that hopefully looks better in the future

>> No.863753

My bad. My memory has more holes in it than Trayvon Martin.