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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8590916 No.8590916 [Reply] [Original]

What went right with Resident Evil 4?

>> No.8590927

cute grill

>> No.8590932

soul, color palette, fun

>> No.8590939

Good balance of seriousness and over the top Capcom. Also, is not your typical american or japanese city but an old spanish village, so you get the chance of seeing unusual places and monsters.

>> No.8590969

The scenario design. Almost every combat encounter is unique, entertaining, and tense but fair. Of course, the combat mechanics and presentation are also generally solid, but it's the scenarios that really make RE4 what it is. The opening sequence in the village by itself is extremely memorable and sets the tone for the rest of the game.

>> No.8591031

A mixture of fantastic gunplay, a great melding of serious, scary and schlocky atmospheres, one of the best escorts you could hope for, treasure and money leading to a wide variety of weapons and upgrades and Leon being one of the best video game protags of it's era. It ascends from being just a Resident Evil sequel to being a fantastic game in it's own right.

>> No.8591162

It has a fabulous level progression for a linear game. Every new area tends to alter the gameplay slightly so you are less likely to get bored.

>> No.8591209 [DELETED] 

Make retards like >>8591189 seethe

>> No.8591217

Why does this game look and feel like it's in the Silent Hill universe despite being so wacky? No other game in the franchise has managed to capture this look and feel.

>> No.8591519


>> No.8591527

Muted palette and shitloads of film grain gives it SH vibes. The areas with fog because lmao draw distance get even more like SH: rambo edition.

>> No.8592234

is there a patch to remove the annoying loli

>> No.8592240

Much less linear than previous REs, despite still being very linear in design. You felt less cramped in RE4.

>> No.8592260 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 498x278, no-thanks-resident-evil4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kills your franchise
>has a huge part in the 7th gen being filled with brown and grey soulless dudebro fodder games
>even games like fortnite were inspired by it
no thanks, bro

>> No.8592268 [DELETED] 

Based truth poster

>> No.8592272

Excellent pacing. The game keeps up an excellent pace up until arguably the island, and even with that being the weakest area, it still manages to be better than most games in this regard.
Devs would do well to take a stopwatch to videos of this game and learn the timing of basically everything, then apply it.

>> No.8592278
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>> No.8592282 [DELETED] 

>killed the franchise
>"killed the franchise"
>grey dudebro trend
Eh, probably.
>the fortnite meme
So every game with 3rd person shooting since 2005 regardless of theme, scope, or even genre is RE4's fault? Sounds like a pretty important game.

1/3 apply yourself

>> No.8592289 [DELETED] 

Hes just some retard who is mad af he didnt get a sixth game with the same fucking play style.

>> No.8592291


>> No.8592298

>LEON !!!

>> No.8592305

Get good, and words have meaning. She's not a loli you stupid-ass.

>> No.8592309 [DELETED] 

yeah, it is an important game for all the wrong reasons. you can't dismiss things just because you don't like to hear 'em champ.

>> No.8592313 [DELETED] 

Kys you faggot. Idk who the fuck youre even talking to. Fuckin pussy nigger

>> No.8592320 [DELETED] 

Nobody forced you to be a consuming fucking retard.
>muh seventh gen games were bad
Oh well they didnt cater to you specifically you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.8592324

>they didn't make it the way *III* wanted it, people liked it, and more like it was made! idz not fare!
Just how many RE clones did the world need? I think between their own games and clones the formula was exhausted by Zero and Onimusha. There's just not a fuck of a lot you can do with it. RE4's mechanics were more adaptable to games as a whole.

>> No.8592331 [DELETED] 

>auster pretending to be a REfag again

>> No.8592332 [DELETED] 

>stop criticizing people who eat shit because you don't like eating shit :(
>defending 7th gen unironically
It's time for you to zoom back to /v/eddit

>> No.8592341 [DELETED] 

Oh well they didnt cater to your tastes you piece of fucking shit. Make your own fucking games you snobbish piece of shit. Nobody gives a fuck about your faggot opinions .

>> No.8592348
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Re4 VR is like visiting an old friend

>> No.8592352 [DELETED] 

>>kills your franchise
RE was already dead at that point after REmake and Zero flopped. A hypothetical fixed camera, tank control RE4 would have been lucky to sell half a million units.

>> No.8592361 [DELETED] 

don't bother

>> No.8592426 [DELETED] 

>games released on a flop console flopped
how many times will low iq niggers use that line I wonder.

>> No.8592464 [DELETED] 

Die mad about it.

>> No.8592485 [DELETED] 

A different platform wouldn't have changed much. People were sick of the same old formula that Capcom ran into the ground.

>> No.8592554

her voice is annoying and she is constantly in the way

>> No.8592568

Re4 killed the classic RE tone. It copied the buffy style of goofy writing. Now everything is written like that and I fucking hate it.

>> No.8592575

It was all made worth it for me from the way that Leon delivers the "Wait." line whenever you can boss her around. He sounds so sick of her

>> No.8592938

RE4 is such a weird game to me because I feel like it "shouldn't" work but against all odds it does thanks to massive polish and sovl.

Like, when I think of RE tank controls (even the sort of streamlined over the shoulder type RE4 pioneered) I don't think action hero, I think vulnerable. But RE4 makes you an action hero because the gunplay and scenarios are just so fun and built to take advantage of the mechanics in actual fun and strategic ways.

And despite that it still has solid atmosphere. People often say RE4 isn't scary, and for the most part it's not but there are quite a few places in the game that have a nice, spooky, comfy atmosphere. I love the feeling of managing my inventory in the comfy village save room before emerging out into the incredibly atmospheric village at night while that abominable droning music plays. And even though it gets wanked a ton, the Regenerator section is still probably the most genuinely frightening moment in the series and is built up perfectly.

>> No.8593015

The look and feedback of the game was perfection. The ots view, leon's profile with a nice chunky pistol held at alert, all the context action movie options littered throughout the levels, that first shack barricade sequence in the village was one of those genuine 10/10 moments where you're just stunned by how cool the game is. I don't there's ever been a game since that hit quite like re4 did in 04/05.

>> No.8593212

Not even remotely true.

>> No.8593217

Okay but how is she a loli? She’s a college student.

>> No.8593224

Ashley is the hottest video game chick ever, and I'm tired of people pretending she is not.

>president's daughter
>green eyes
>blonde hair
>skinny, tall
>nice fat ass
>big old jiggly DD tits in a sweater
>wears a skirt

>> No.8593227

>the madman actually fucking finished the HD project

>> No.8593232
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>> No.8593252

very ropeable face

>> No.8593256

>It copied the buffy style of goofy writing
eh there's a bit of that self aware meta irrevance but not really that much, Leon is mostly played straight. If 4 were written like buffy/marvel you'd have Leon say an over the top one liner and then you'd have a meta layer of Ashley groaning and going "ugh this guy, what a cheeseball" every time, Leon would eventually get self concious and say something like, "Hey I can't help it, it's my...my thing!"

>> No.8593285
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peak capcom era

>> No.8593301

There should be a patch which turns her into a loli.

>> No.8593538
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If Ashley was a loli maybe I'd understand the appeal of oppai loli fetish.

Actually, wait, how tall is she again? I usually hate short-stacks (people always draw them in a way that looks weird and deviantart-ish) but if she counts maybe I finally have a good example.


It's called "camp". RE4 is camp, but it's sincere.

Joss Whedon buffy marvel shit isn't camp, it's insincere.

RE4 takes its threats seriously in-universe and while its often goofy and fun and Leon says some really dorky lines, it's still taken serious in-universe.

>> No.8593561

Was interesting, just despise the fucking controls. Give me a goddamn mouse and keyboard if you want me to fucking aim, consoles.

>> No.8593578

Ironically the Wii port is essentially mouse and keyboard controls, but the Steam version doesn’t replicate that.

>> No.8593719

You should honestly read a thesaurus.

>> No.8593727

Try emulating the wii port with dolphin.

It's such a lazy ass port.

>> No.8593780

The controls are fine, and the aiming gives you a brightly visible laser.

WiiMote murders any challenge by letting you aim far faster than the game was designed for.

>> No.8593861

That's true, but even the environments and character design looks like it would fit SH somehow.
also damn this game still looks really good, like SH games.

>> No.8593865

She always reminded me of a frog with her weirdly spaced big eyes.

>> No.8593870

>also damn this game still looks really good, like SH games.
that's the hd project though
the light and physics fixes alone are worth it

>> No.8594260

I really do hate that affected, exaggerated insecurity they used to play into. So fucking twee.

>> No.8594278

It's SH2 after you get the dog ending

>> No.8594294

>WiiMote murders any challenge by letting you aim far faster than the game was designed for.
Not if you're someone who saves ammo and uses your knife frequently. Who cares about game design, it's the best version because it controls great.

>> No.8594304


>> No.8594337
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>> No.8595232

> fit SH somehow
There is no somehow about it - most of the game's environments look run down and unkept and the characters fit SH simply by the limited number of them being distinct with that almost sharp character models a lot of japanese devs were making around the time of RE4 and SH2.

>> No.8595259

Where’s everyone going…Scrabble

>> No.8595679
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Everything about it was really fun and it had a lot of effort put into each facet.

Personally, I loved that you could target enemy body parts to do extra damage, stun them, disarm them, and knock them to the floor. That combined with the new enemy AI that ducked and dodged when aimed at too long, ran around to flank the player in groups, and even threw their weapons if they were too far away made literally every encounter engaging and meaningful.
It also helped that Resident Evil was really getting criticized for their camera angles and controls by this point. Even with great games like RE2 and REmake proving there's nothing wrong with it, people were simply bored with that style.

>> No.8595701

really good mod
Leon is so hot

>> No.8596427


>> No.8596430


>> No.8596456

RE4HD looks so damn good

>> No.8597289

I wonder if they intended for most special actions to make you invincible (the only ones that don't are the two door opening animations IIRC). It's not realistic behavior but damn it made for a good action game mechanic. Jumping out of windows, hopping ledges, kicking and suplexing dudes all in combat because they were safe and alleviated enemy pressure made it really addicting to play.

>> No.8597293

The art is so good bro's.

>> No.8597298
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I (26) got a chance to spend several weeks with my youngest brother (13) last year. I played retro games (Sonic 2 and Streets of Rage, mostly) with him when he was much younger and he enjoyed it a lot, so when we got a chance to hang out again last year he wanted to play a game with me. I decided to play through RE4 with him since I had never played it before.
We had so much fun playing it together. He mostly just plays Fortnite and sports games when left to his own devices, but we both had a blast playing it with each other. He genuinely loved the game. We'd trade off every other chapter or so, so sometimes we would get ahead of each other. It felt great being there to motivate him to push through some of the more stressful parts of that game.
He told me that he laughed the hardest he ever had in his entire life while we played it together. It's a fucking good game.

>> No.8597354

Damn, great story anon. My sisters are growing up and I just got my older one, around the age of your brother, Rune Factory 4. She was into Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley so I figured I'd get her something she'd enjoy. Couldn't be there to play it with her, but the feeling of watching your younger siblings play great games is really fun. It's great to spread that joy to the younger generation. I know it's not related to RE4 but if you have younger siblings, playing games with them is a real blast.

>> No.8597397
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As much as i hate what Resident Evil turned into, Resi 4 was lightning in a bottle, i will nor can deny that.

>> No.8597401
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>> No.8597404

>I know it's not related to RE4 but if you have younger siblings, playing games with them is a real blast.
It really is. I don't want to push the hobby on my hypothetical kids, and I certainly hope to raise them not to sit in front of a screen as much as I did when I was a kid, but I hope to play games with them someday, too.

>> No.8597410
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>> No.8597413
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the change from "spooky scary" to "cool scary". Getting backed into a corner by a bunch of zombies was actually something to look forward to. they werent that mindless for a change what with their ability to communicate, and innovate ways to reach you like using a ladder to reach you through the upstairs window. Regenerator and Iron Maiden were a return to tradition though

>> No.8597420
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Leon moveset was impressive.

>> No.8597463

Does the HD project still not work on pirated copies?

>> No.8597474

It's also kind of a good end to such a troubled development path. Capcom were frantically searching for their new direction for so long, and started making something else 2 times (that we saw, could be more) before RE4. This development path could have *easily* been the DNF story of Resident Evil, instead it was kind of miraculous and gave us both DMC and RE4, highly loved games.

>> No.8597595
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>green eyes

>> No.8597619

Wasn't she made to look very average? I think she's cute in a Velma kind of way, but she's not a gorgeous woman.

>> No.8597626
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Those ballistics though.

>> No.8597627

One of the most bizarre things I've yet to experience in my life was working at a grocery store and meeting a girl named Ashley who looked exactly like her. She was seriously a dead ringer; they had practically the exact same face and complexion. Not really topical but I felt like sharing

>> No.8597652

There's lots of zoomers who will actually appreciate a good old game, just not most of them.

>> No.8597717

it was very long game, also they cared, and gameplay was good.

>> No.8597731

>WiiMote murders any challenge by letting you aim far faster than the game was designed for.

Hate to tell you but the game is a cakewalk anyways. It should have had some sort of realism difficulty or at least some harder difficulties to choose. I would have liked to seen a mode where one-few melee strike or shot can kill you.

>> No.8597738

Professional difficulty can be really tough at times.

>> No.8597753

Not the last time I played. I forgot what pistol it was I upgraded but for whatever reason iirc my playthrough here, I remember using it almost the whole time or maybe most the playthrough. Pretty sure I barely died and got through the game with relative ease using what may have been the starter pistol full upgrades. Probably the hardest or most tense parts were whenever chainsaw guys came. Those guys are genuinely fucking spooky because one hit and your dead.

>> No.8597780

Yeah, I can get through professional fairly easy now but the water room battle annihilated me the first time I attempted it.

>> No.8597802

She's ugly and stupid.

>> No.8597806
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>> No.8597808

You take that back.

>> No.8597813

south america

>> No.8597814

Does rural Spain actually look like that?

>> No.8597818

>face of a monkey
>intelligence and mental maturity of an 8 year old

>> No.8597820

You are rude and probably uglier than she is.

>> No.8597825

I was refering to players from those countries and being able fo afford a ps2 and games.

oh also Re4 PS2 version played a key role in this game success. gamecube versioni is superb and great too.

>> No.8597829

RE4 used to be my favorite, but the HD remastered versions have ruined the atmosphere imo. I liked the gritty and dirty look.

>> No.8597831


>> No.8597842

Seems like it would be kind of cozy to live in one of those villages desu.

>> No.8597845

I like the Switch port best. The aging textures aren’t as glaring on the small screen.

>> No.8597848

I like the way it's presented in both versions. Granted, I haven't played with the most recent HD mod, only the 4k texture pack

>> No.8597894

It had the perfect blend of spooky atmosphere, cheese, and ballistics.

>> No.8597919
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I agree, though I like the video filter 4 in the game options. I'm probably wrong but that's closer to how I remember the gamecube version looking.

>> No.8597921

Why have the GCN-era RE games aged so well?

>> No.8597931

>the creators of the Resident Evil 4 HD Project mod even went to the real-life European locations to capture photos of the art and architecture

apparently so

>> No.8598215
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They included some of the pictures they took as easter eggs. Also i believe they are all Spaniards and all of the pictures were done in Spain itself, probably the same way the guys at Capcom did years back.

>> No.8598258

I really hope you didn't buy it anon.

>> No.8598363

That's awesome. I can't wait for my mega download to finish in 4 days

>> No.8598420

Game has substance. Gunshots, explosions and physical attacks have weight in it. Theres a constant feeling of danger and the rewards worth the risks.

>> No.8599008

nigga just fucking grab the torrent I have been seeding it the entire time and have gbps speeds

>> No.8599027

There's a torrent? I've already downloaded over half of the mega files...

>> No.8599036
File: 44 KB, 428x140, Screen Shot 2022-02-05 at 13.24.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can grab the torrent file here.


or to save you some time


>> No.8599039

lmao I just needed to scroll down a bit more. Thanks.

>> No.8599682

I hope she plays this someday and gets very weirded out by the game about her

>> No.8599714

NTA but I feel like water room became harder for me on subsequent playthroughs than the first, because the first playthrough, you're focused on trying to survive and not just get through in a reasonable timeframe, so you can look for the safest place to be and turtle until things have calmed down.

The basement room is easy to make that stand in, and I remember using that (and being surprised by dudes dropping down, but they aren't much threat alone and spawn very slowly). Eventually the main waves of enemies are gone and you just have the occasionally dropping guys, so you can head up and take out the stationary enemies. The thing is that this is super slow, so you don't do it on anything but a first play. I died much more on later plays of it.

>> No.8600992

Maybe the official ones but honestly, that HD Project looks way too good for me to not recommend that one.

>> No.8601014

r8 my weapon damage/balance change ideas

handgun: 2.5
punisher: 2.2
red 9 and blacktail nerfed back to gamecube values of 5.0 and 3.5 (seriously of all fucking things to do in a re-release why buff two weapons already considered to be very strong compared to their competition?)

shotgun buffed to 10.0
riot gun buffed to 12.0
striker nerfed to 10.0 and 60 capacity for exclusive upgrade

BAR buffed to 15.0 before the 30.0 exclusive, auto nerfed to 12.0

BB exclusive available earlier and maybe starts a little stronger at 15.0 or something, K7 gets it's own exclusive that makes it 45.0 but comes later than BB exclusive

TMP nerfed to 1.0

>> No.8601105

Gamecube version wasn't that dark. (unless you turned brightness all the way down but why would you do that?)

>> No.8601113

No weapon needs to be nerfed, it's the weaker guns that need to be buffed to match the ones with great exclusive effects. RE4 is a fun casual action game, it doesn't need to have hardcore difficulty. Rather, all the puzzles need to be buffed, they're embarassingly easy and straightforward.

>> No.8601114

It is someone who doesn't know how to set their gamma correctly.

>> No.8601121

RE4 is THE game that inspired the brown 2000's. Fuck your palette.

>> No.8601191

yeah so it's not a preset filter I would use

>> No.8601630

No it isn't, retard.

>> No.8601750

Nah, the red 9 doesn't need to be as powerful as a shotgun blast

>> No.8601854
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Welp I finally got the HD mod installed and it looks amazing. Good job to the team. I didn't think I would be playing RE4 again but here we are. The Gamecube controls are not as good as I remembered.

>> No.8601886

I wish we could get the WIi controls working on PC.

wagglan was unironically comfy in this game

>> No.8601897

Just make monsters tougher.

>> No.8601913

Has anyone here played the VR port? My roommate has an Oculus and I’m tempted to get it. Wish it had a demo or something.

>> No.8602076

it has actual atmosphere, tone, and purpose.

>> No.8602090

Handgun and punisher need more love, like a damage cone for Punisher and something better than the critical rate for handgun. They should be behind the endgame ones overall but have good niches, and frankly theirs aren't good.

>> No.8602096

I'm having odd problems where the cutscenes no longer sync to the audio with the mod but it's otherwise nice.

>> No.8602105

Even if it did, it pulled it off way better than any of the brown n bloom shooters. It's aesthetically pleasing, it doesn't assault your eyeballs with obnoxious graphical effects.

>> No.8602109

>Try deactivating the EnableGCBlur in the dll menu (F1) and see if the cutscenes run more smoothly
according to the release page

>> No.8602160

Strong contendor for best video game of all time. I got it on gamecube when it came out for my 12th birthday and I can still vividly remember playing it.

>> No.8602206

its censored and cut content trash

>> No.8602353

Well that’s disappointing. What all got cut out?

>> No.8602494

Played and beaten it on normal. At the moment there's no mercenaries, assignment Ada or separate ways, but it was announced that mercenaries would be coming in a free update sometime this year. No word about the other game modes though.

Game is overall easier thanks to being able to move and shoot, but the added immersion of being able to grab the weapons from your body and reloading weapons yourself rather than just a button press is a nice touch. I personally enjoyed it a lot, but some lines were changed / cut out for whatever reason.


>> No.8602563

pretty sure it was the entire Ashley section, the ballistics line, and some other stuff

>> No.8602735 [DELETED] 

>not gameplay
Who cares. Go back to /v/.

>> No.8602743

based older brother
he'll always cherish your time together

>> No.8602753 [DELETED] 

>entire ashley section
>not gameplay

>> No.8602809 [DELETED] 

No combat is practically no gameplay since this is RE4 we're talking about. The puzzles are braindead and the whole thing feels like a chore after playing it more than once.

>> No.8602930 [DELETED] 

>moving the goalposts

>> No.8603032

This happened to me but only for the Luis introduction cutscene

>> No.8603064

Do I go for Riot over Striker?
Do I go for BAR over SAR?

>> No.8603139

>Do I go for Riot over Striker?
Fuck no, the Riot is awful. The Striker is OP, it's more pwoerful and holds 100 rounds. You'll have over 200 shotgun rounds at your disposal with it easily without eating up much storage space .
>Do I go for BAR over SAR?
Don't buy the sniper rifles. They're only useful for the Ashley turret sections and killing Regenerador, nothing that couldn't be solved by the Red 9 and Striker. If you really want a sniper rifle though, get the bolt action. It wastes less space and packs much more punch than SAR. 30 damage exclusive is no joke, considering that rifle ammo is more commonplace than magnum. Not an easy gun to master though, it's slow and clunky.

>> No.8603146

But there's one thing that the Riot gun is superior at, it's range. The Striker is only a monster at point blank range, it loses plenty of damage and spread at a distance further than 3 meters. But it's small and quick, only eating up 10 slots while holding 100 rounds, so the positives outweigh the negatives in most cases.

>> No.8603176
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Ashley Graham.

YES! My Retro Win7 machine should be able to run it: https://youtu.be/57q_IkEPd18

She seems to have fallen upon hard times: https://youtu.be/yr9pBbMGrSQ

>> No.8603567
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>My Retro Win7 machine

>> No.8603665

Dodging enemies is 100% gameplay, there's no hair so fine you can split on this.

>> No.8603676

>campy story
>looks fantastic even after 17 years and 3 console generations after the original release
>gameplay is so damn fun, and the game encourages multiple playthroughs
The only thing that I dont like are the quicktime events but those are so easy to deal with

>> No.8603980

The striker has a really short range and awkward aiming angle but it works as your close range problem solver. I think the riot is more fun personally and underrated but the main draw of the striker is the 100 free shotgun shells you get with the exclusive upgrade.

The SAR is extremely overpowered. It probably has one of the highest DPS in the game, makes regenerators much easier, can penetrate through 5 guys so in situations where a whole group of guys is lines up you can kill a whole lot of them in one shot, plus it's useful for shooting right through shield guys who are very annoying enemies and basically around to make you stop using a pistol that's not the punisher. Don't listen to this retard.

>> No.8604132

>the Riot is awful
It has better range and faster aiming/turning, those are qualities to consider.

>Don't buy the sniper rifles.
>They're only useful for the Ashley turret sections and killing Regenerador, nothing that couldn't be solved by the Red 9 and Striker.
lmao fuck off, they're infinitely useful for the water room alone, not to talk about for picking off the guys working the catapults in the castle.

>If you really want a sniper rifle though, get the bolt action. It wastes less space and packs much more punch than SAR.
It's also slow as hell. The semi-automatic rifle is powerful enough for general not-close combat and has the speed for it, there's also many good places where you can make use of its range. I think that you can skip the upgraded scope for either rifle, because the basic scopes gives you enough zoom to work with anyway, and then just get the thermal scope and use that when practical.

>considering that rifle ammo is more commonplace than magnum
The fact that the ammo is reasonably common is a good reason to keep one.

>> No.8604141

Brown & blewm was the style at the time, we couldn't get full color palettes because of the war, so everything was brown and bloom, which was the style at the time.

>> No.8604265

I don't know, but the village section looks a lot like the region my family came from, especially during fall. Big forests, small rundown farms, little trails between fields littered with dead leaves etc., it's only missing the Ganados.

>> No.8604275

>Great atmosphere
>Great graphics, especially for the time
>Long but varied
>Excellent gameplay
>Game design is perfectly adapted to the controls
>Fun QTEs
One of the reasons I was extremely disappointed with RE 5 was that the game completely falls apart once you encounter military Majinis with assault rifles, since the control scheme isn't adapted to deal with those situations in a non-awkward, non-frustrating way.

>> No.8604823

it's a chilly place, very cold you start with a comfy jacket but you lose so it gets colder and more chilly

>> No.8605750

>Great graphics, especially for the time

Definitely this. RE4 was basically a sneak preview of the next generation of console graphics.

>> No.8606385

RE5 should've allowed you to walk and strafe while aiming. RE5's biggest flaws are the forced AI controlled companion and awful bossfights though. The controls also felt much less snappy and precise than RE4 as well to me.

>> No.8606804

Yes, but they also kept a good balance between realism and distinctiveness, while today it's all just generic realistic crap
I feel like they should have kept the controls as is and just removed the Majinis with assault rifles, also Sheva should have been invincible. For all its myriad flaws, RE 6 at least got that right.

>> No.8606937

silent hill 2 came out on 2001 and re4 graphics arent that much more impressive,the animations are better and all but yeah,nothing ground breaking.

>> No.8607028

Silent Hill 2? I think you’re misremembering how good it looks. SH3 is way more graphically impressive.

>> No.8607065

sh3 is more impressive but the jump from sh2 to 3 isnt that big and im not misremembering since i literally booted up the game to compare it to re4.

>> No.8607073

It's the guns feeling awesome, the way the ganados react to them, the tight fucking level design, and the immersive sound design

>> No.8607079
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and i like that the game is incredibly fucking stupid in a fun way that doesn't detract from the overall feel and "vibe" they went for. Leon is so much of a ""badass"" you can jump out of a two story building through a window for no other reason than just because, shit like that is what kept me hooked to the game.
also "Bingo"

>> No.8607086

>they should have kept the controls as is
RE5 was a full on action game, not a survival horror anymore.

>> No.8607091

you can play with control just like RE4 in 5,but somehow they changed the button to shoot from X to square.

>> No.8607104

Yes, RE 5 is a full-on action game, just like RE 4. The problem being that they added an enemy with a high rate of ranged fire and standard mobility, and the controls aren't adapted to that. The half-assed cover options didn't really add much to counterbalance that, which is why they should have kept the controls as is and removed the assault rifle Majinis.
The controls aren't the problem in itself, a few enemies are.

>> No.8607759

that xbox360 compilation is sweet

>> No.8608173

Honestly even if the gameplay adapted to it, zombies with guns kills the mood no matter what. Yeah plagas/majinis/j'avo are intelligent enough to justify gun use in plot, but nobody wants to see it regardless. It removes zombie horror when you flip the shootout switch.

>> No.8608862 [DELETED] 
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anyone have a save file with expert mode unlocked?

>> No.8609168

I hated RE5 because it made me motion sick, and I didn't like the AI/co-op gimmick, and they ruined the inventory and merchant, and the level/scenario design was significantly worse, etc. The idea that RE5 is just RE4 with co-op is bullshit, RE5 doesn't understand what made RE4 good at all.

>> No.8609196
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Bros even with all these fancy new mods I don't think I can bring myself to play RE4 for the 20th time.

>> No.8609235

Back in 04 I think I beat RE4 20 times. I'd cycle between that and a few other games all spring and summer.

>> No.8609240

Agreed, and I still liked RE5. I still ended up being disappointed because it's such a big step down from RE4. Every area of RE4 was good, RE5 just had some highlights.

>> No.8609259

if you have a controller with gyro you can set it up to aim, its almost as good

>> No.8609269

I did that AND played the iPod version



>> No.8609346
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I've been trying to put together some period correct parts to make a time machine for playing the classic games. I have not figured out how to install the OS onto a NVMe drive aligned. Back then I was really intrigued by the Resident Evil 4 texture mod project since they were taking photos from Spain, and now that it is at a relatively complete state, it fortunately works with video cards that have only 2GB of VRAM, so it should technically work on Windows 7.

It was also released for the One X, possibly with even better HD implementation. However, I think the RE4HD project is relatively complete, I'm looking forward to playing through on PC. Maybe they'll add that VR features next.

>> No.8609349

That’s odd considering RE4 was released in 2005.

>> No.8609624

>That’s odd considering RE4 was released in 2005.
M-Mikami san? Can we ask you questions about your game?

>> No.8609763

gyro aiming sucks balls compared to wagglan

>> No.8609778

Gynoshit only has a gyroscope. Wiimote has gyroscope and a camera to follow your movement around accurately. For a better experience, you might want to get order of those chinese wiimote for PC things, they actually work for dolphin emulator. Or alternatively, a sinden/aimtrak pistol which I think will be even better than a wiimote since they're newer tech.

>> No.8610000

i said its almost as good, not as good you fags, unless you can hd mod the wii version you're stuck with it

>> No.8610007 [DELETED] 

>What went right with Resident Evil 4?
Resident Evil 4 perfectly captured and entertained the low IQ audience it was after.

>> No.8610216

Going into a replay I have the village strong in my mind, and then bits and pieces of the other 2/3rds, the liquid nitrogen horror section, the stuff with krauser, the centaur creature segment, and the platform ending. When I actually get to playing though the sheer amount of goons you have to go through eventually makes me lose interest, usually somewhere in the castle portion.

>> No.8610218

I'm actually wondering if it would be possible to mod the Wii version and play it on Dolphin.

>> No.8610484
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>> No.8610570
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Everything. And maybe this happened a second time only in dark souls 1

>> No.8610605 [DELETED] 

>zoomer souls
>le twitch frog

>> No.8611080
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>> No.8611083
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>> No.8611127

I respect a man who can suplex someone so hard their skull caves in.

>> No.8612640

Yes. It does.

>> No.8612643

The intro and villlage were cool. That's about it

>> No.8612648

>174 replies
proof that this game attracted all the normies who would never play a horror game

>> No.8612649

Worth noting: the Semi-Auto Rifle is still super powerful and it's kind of weird to see someone advise against it, but it also got the biggest nerf of all guns in post-Gamecube releases: the exclusive's firing speed went from 0.4s to 0.8s. It's like a different gun now (still a good one, just not bonkers busted).

>> No.8612653

Why are you always so mad that this game is both good and an action game?

>> No.8612660

Resident Evil stopped being a horror game once 2 came out.

>> No.8613017

People have enough fun with the first 2 acts to forget that the Island is terrible

>> No.8613842

>RE5 should've allowed you to walk and strafe while aiming.

Having to stop and shoot is what boosted the horror of RE4 though and it was also an obvious continuation of the prior RE's in that you couldn't move and aim. You had to choose to stop and shoot which could risk you taking damage or just keep running. RE5 was largely just following up on RE4's success so I agree with the other anon. I'd go further though and say get rid of the forced co-op altogether since RE5 was originally intended to be a very different game much like RE4 was originally intended to be different.

>> No.8613849

>the horror of RE4
Doesn't exist.

>> No.8613908

Not at all. It actually looks closer to an Eastern European village. Also, it's almost never that cloudy and murky in Spain. The RE8 village being set in Romania was much more accurate.

>> No.8613953

The HG and Punisher are considerably cheaper and can be upgraded earlier than the R9 and BT. They could maybe get a slight buff though. The Punisher is actually very underrated because most people judge weapons by dmg/shot first and foremost, when the Punisher is probably the most pragmatic handgun in the game. It's my go to pistol most of the time nowadays when I start a new game. Also, the Matilda should be available on your first playthrough, since by your 2nd one you already have better alternatives, including a fully upgraded TMP.

The Riot gun is already the best shotgun in the game. Here's why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQkN7TxxBe0
I only use the striker for Ditman nowadays.

Yeah, the BAR should be buffed. The SAR is better than it in almost every way as of now.

Magnums are fine, but ammo for them should be more common.

The TMP is perfect as is.

>> No.8613963

A shotgun blast almost twice as powerful as a Red9 and takes out an entire cluster on top of that. The Red9 needs to go one by one. It performs better on a single high-HP enemy though. Handguns and shotguns do not compete, they fit entirely different roles.

>> No.8613997

The Wiitmote doesn't have a gyro, and is less precise and responsive than a gyro. You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.8614386

i've been playing this game for 14 years and i still never beat it on pro or unlocked the handcannon ;_;

>> No.8614413

Terrible is an exaggeration (especially if it's being compared to the whole franchise), it's just somewhat uninspired and clearly rushed. It still has some good bits.

>> No.8614767

the first 1/3 of the game.

>> No.8614849

It was the first horror game for many people and they're now blinded with nostalgia and spamming /v/. It was average even when it released.

>> No.8614886

It was fun

>> No.8615070

One thing I appreciate about RE4 is how memorable each area and scenario in the game is. There are plenty areas in the game I can perfectly remember in shape and function. Compare this to RE5, where the entire game blends together and feels bland as shit. Both games fall apart in their final locations though.

>> No.8615425

RE4 and 5 have the same problem, great first 2 acts, bad third act that didn't follow through on the game design the game had up until that point. Mainly because of zombies with guns.

>> No.8615431


Agree 100 per cent

>> No.8615449


>> No.8615528

Island > castle 2nd half maybe
Castle is so large you could cut it into halves to compare to village or island.

>> No.8615560

Nothing. It's an abomination you troll.

>> No.8615635

I played it, it's pretty much just anything sexual (Leon flirting, Ballistics, etc.) The Ashley section is still there

>> No.8615653


The Second half of the castle is the best part of the game, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.8615756

I guess it's not actually bad, but it does feel like it's in the wrong game. All the most strangely unfitting content of RE4 is in there.

>> No.8616087

That's cool bro. I had a similar experience with a friend of mine, he normally only plays things like FIFA, but he was really into The Last of Us he played it through with me. I bought him a copy of RE2 Remake and played it through together and he really enjoyed it. He was keen to try another RE game since then and I was thinking RE4 would probably be the best bet. Might do that next time I see him, I think PS4 copies are super cheap now anyway.

>> No.8616131
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>if you get too close to the el gigante you dump into the lava pit it grabs and pulls you in
>secret move that maybe <50% of players actually saw
fucking soul

>> No.8616196

I think it's more likely to see than that, I have to actively avoid the lava pit because it lasts a suspiciously long time after you drop him in.

>> No.8616392


>> No.8616768

You're the odd one out, even suggesting the Castle is bad. It's the best location of the entire action based RE entries. The island is utter shit.

>> No.8616961

>even suggesting the Castle is bad
Reread that post. It's only about one part of the castle at all and says the opposite, that it is not bad at all, just doesn't fit with the rest of the game as much.

>> No.8617006

The limb target system made aiming feel like a choice rather than a routine. You could really get creative with things like kneecapping an enemy then suplexing or kicking them.