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8584964 No.8584964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do people think they saved gaming?

>> No.8584992

"Save" is subjective. Nintendo just make consistently high quality products, and have been very good at establishing their own identity over the years rather than pandering to trends, which is why they remain present in people's minds.

>> No.8585013

They revitalized North American interest in home consoles by establishing bare minimum quality control on their systems.

>> No.8585046

I don't know if they saved "gaming" or not, all I know is that there's one guy here on /vr/ who goes apeshit at the subject, like clinically mental.
Still remember the pulseline thread. Legendary.

>> No.8585068


>> No.8585435

Because they're console shitters and corporate bootlickers. Atari 2600 ruined gaming and so did the NES.

>> No.8585442

>opinion discarded

>> No.8585478

Only in America. No one gave a shit anywhere else as they either had computers, arcades or other systems instead of worshipping a single brand that was given them the bare minimum while also treating them like total gullible retards and violating anti trust laws left and right. Nintendo were the most evil corporation on earth in the 80s, except maybe those ones that profit off selling weapons to warlords or pollute the lakes or some shit

>> No.8585489

They chose to market their products primarly to boys aged 6-12, in a way slowing down popularisation of video games among girls in America.

>> No.8585492

What are you blabbering about retard? Sega was more popular than Nintendo in America once the Genesis launched. Shut the fuck up and don't spew your bullshit ever again you stupid fucking paki

>> No.8585501

I am pissed on why they treat Japan better because America saved them from bankruptcy

>> No.8585507

We’re talking about the NES you mongoloid. The Master System barely made a dent in the absolute monopoly that Nintendo had over the market at the time, until they jumped in with the Genesis and stole back 50% of the market share. Whenever some fucking retard says “Nintendo saved gaming!!!” It’s because they’re talking about how Nintendo revitalised the industry in AMERICA with the NES, when in the rest of the world (excluding Japan, but even then they had arcades and PCs), no one gave two shits about Nintendo or their big grey box of poo. So it’s completely fucking stupid to say shit like “Nintendo saved gaming” when all they did was ignite interest back into the medium in the US, the most backwards country on the face of the earth, whereas every other nation on God’s green earth didn’t need the big N to step in to abuse the market with the overpriced shit games and terrible business practices. Faggot

>> No.8585510

Yeah yeah, James Pond 2 and Turrican are all you need, even though they were regarded as shovelware when they released on real consoles.

>> No.8585514

>schizo camel jockey thinks he knows anything about America or the 80s
You were barley born 15 years ago Ahmed. Shut the fuck up already and go make my subway sandwich

>> No.8585517

Is that why they all became women now?

>> No.8585519
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They prevented the collapse so gaming could grow

>> No.8585523

I’d rather be forced to play spectrum jank for the rest of my life than even entertain the thought of considering playing a Nintendo product.

>> No.8585528

Turrican 1 was never released in consoles in its true form. Turrican 2 never got a console release. Turrican 3 is the worst game in the series and it's regarded as a masterpiece on the Mega Drive despite not receiving as much marketing power as the big studio titles.

>> No.8585529

Yes, that's because you're mentally ill.

>> No.8585530

Gaming was never limited to consoles.

>> No.8585536

Better than being a burger

>> No.8585537
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I mean, he's got a point.

>> No.8585543

>cheating yourself out of good games because you have a pointless vendetta against a company, because something about Americans
I don't think he has a point at all. I think he's metally ill.

>> No.8585556


>> No.8585562

>consistently high quality products
They've always been 2nd best to Sega, Konami, Capcom, SNK, Namco. You are a drone if you think Nintendo make the best games.

>> No.8585575
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I think it's the other way. NES games are so boring and repetitive and everyone who has come across a chinese bootleg knows how dull it is to spend your weekend playing NES games. No game on the NES had much distinction or lasting power, they were either brainless platforming games or brainless JRPG at best, and before the age of ROM sites it took quite a feat to obtain a handful of new games, because they were sparse and pricey. On computers like Spectrum, there was no such problem, and while the library is filled with tons of shovelware, you had a better chance of grabbing more games with good lasting power because unlike the NES, there were plenty of such games on the Spectrum.

>> No.8585625
File: 4 KB, 256x192, zulu zx spectrum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is every bit as good as the movie. It's really fun and easy to pick up like Advance Wars, but really tough to master. It can be frustrating but I could play this game endlessly. You won't find anything like this on the NES.

>> No.8585651

No people think this

>> No.8585657

They sort of did in the mid 80s in the US after the console gaming crash happened even though 8 bit computer and arcade gaming was still a thing, there wasn't a simple, focused home gaming solution after Atari shit itself and the NES brought it back.
Otherwise, no, they didn't. In fact, in the mid-90s they helped kill it by bringing out shitty style over substance trash and in the 00s tons of fucking gimmicky trash like the DS (double screen, touch, which is awkward as fuck) and the Wii (waggle bullshit that never should have left R&D).

>> No.8585675

Famicom Wars?

>> No.8585676

Just closed all their arcades. Sonic is mediocre at best, especially recently. The studios they acquired vary greatly in quality.
They don't have La Creatividad anymore and their recent success are due to casual games on the Switch.
Besides Monster Hunter (and even partly with Monster Hunter), their big franchises alternate between pissing off everyone to being well received.
Chinese owned.
Carried by soulshit which they don't even develop.

Nice examples, fag.

>> No.8585692


>> No.8585757

No one makes "the best games". I didn't say that.

>> No.8585773


>> No.8585790

They didn't do shit
Commodore saved gaming

>> No.8585791

oi me specter!

>> No.8585797

>we saved gaming by tiding people over until they could afford good games from Japan

>> No.8585805

Meanwhile Nintendo sells you cardboard, has you renting roms, does nothing but rerelease Wii U games and makes the same Mario game again and again and again and you cunts lap it up. People love to say Nintendo are so innovative and forward thinking when all they do is shovel shit that you’ve already bought and stuff you’ll use once and never again (who is seriously still using the labo shit? That ring fit thing that sold like hot cakes? Only works with one game and you’d get the same effect by taping the controller to another bendy plastic). Sega for example may trip and fall a lot but I’d rather a series try something different with each game, regardless of the quality instead of another fine but copy paste Mario Bing Bing adventure again and again and again and again and again and again

>> No.8585812

Those are consistently good games. The fact that you don't like Mario, or you think they've made more than they ought to doesn't change that.

>> No.8585814

This is a Speccy game? Wow, I genuinely thought it was startropics for a second

>> No.8585823

Japan exclusive until recently. I find Zulu Wars more fun anyway because it shows individual units rather than platoons.

>> No.8585828

a cool toy for it's target audience, literal 6 year olds

>> No.8585829

It's a turn based RPG/strategy. Startropics is a zelda clone.

>> No.8585831

Consistently good, sure. They’re all fine games that scratch an itch. They function, they work as intended. But they’re all so pedestrian and fucking boring. Odyssey was a step in the right direction after the three in a row back to back stream of nothingness. Galaxy 2 was just a worse version of 1, 3D land was fine but inoffensive and 3D World was just land but HD. Yet they’re all critically acclaimed and they sell like crazy. Be honest, besides from Odyssey when have you ever spoken to someone who’s said “you know, 3D World Switch/Bowser’s Fury really wow’d me! I was blown away”. No one, because it’s all old news and it’s all so safe and cookie cutter that they all play like Shiggy punched in a few decimals on the big computer at Nintendo HQ and it churned out a fully finished game.

>> No.8585836

Why are you thinking about them constantly?

>> No.8585841

I love 3D World. I think it's one of the best Mario games.

>> No.8585845

He didn't say best games, Sony fanboy faggot. He said consistently good games.

>> No.8585848
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>why do people think they saved gaming?

>> No.8585860

And that’s fine. I’m not saying you can’t enjoy these games, and again, they’re all fine and well put together experiences, but they all feel so safe. Mario is one of biggest franchises on the face of the earth, you’d think they’d be willing to experiment a little and start throwing in new ideas but Nintendo seem determined to make one extremely good Mario game every decade and then everything in between that is either a mission pack sequel or identical (Mario Galaxy — Galaxy 2, 3D Land —- 3D World, etc)

>> No.8585867

mario 3d world was great actually. better than every "new" super mario bros game and imo the true successor to mario world on the snes. 3d land was great too

>> No.8585868

>experiment a little and start throwing in new ideas
They have. The only good Mario game in 20 years was the xcom clone with Rabbids

>> No.8585873

Damn, I really wish I grew up with Jet Set Willy and Bomb Jack instead of Mega Man and Castlevania. I was robbed.

>> No.8585880

They unironically should ban euro pc tards.
Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.8585882

>muh roms
>while defending Sega, Konami, Capcom, SNK, Namco
lmao assblasted

>> No.8585887

The funny thing here is that when you buy those collections, you get to keep those games and they aren’t limited behind a timelimit paywall. If you’re unironically defending the practice of making people pay $50 to own a 20 year old game for a year, then you’re past saving. When Christ ascends down from the heavens and judgement day begins you motherfuckers are going to be the first to fall into the pits of hell

>> No.8585898

I'd say every second or third Mario game is pretty experimental. 3D World and Land were fairly experiental in folding the 3D games back into a lot of the conventions of the 2D games, while still having a greater focus on things like co-op. If anything Odyssey was less of a risky game. They were just giving people what they wanted, which was a new Mario 64. And there's not necessarily anything wrong with that either, it just is what it is.

>> No.8585910
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You had more than a decade to buy permanent legit copies off of the virtual consoles on Wii and WiiU, and more time than that to get less legal copies through rom sites. Nintendo saw consumers were retarded enough to pay for online and subscription services on the other consoles so they made a logical business move, but it doesn't really impact people who knows about emulation.

But hey, the other developers you listed would never, ever put greedy jewish schemes into their games and make their services non-permanent. No way you'll be a sheep if you buy everything they make.

>> No.8585984

>thinks he's going to heaven

>> No.8586017

>you motherfuckers are going to be the first to fall into the pits of hell

damn, i didn't know Jesus cared that much about the Nintendo Switch Online service.

>> No.8586104

Nintendo saving video games is a pretty American-focused idea, as they technically did when they released Super Mario Brothers over there basically reigniting the industry overnight after Atari killed it.

>> No.8586128

the Spectrum wasn't good for longer games because of its tape storage. you were kind of limited to a relatively linear game and Ultima or other stuff like that wasn't really possible. There were some Spectrum RPGs but they tended to be pretty small and generally single load.

>> No.8586142
File: 182 KB, 960x960, famicom-disk-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG Famicom is the comfiest console with overall better library than any other 8-bit console or computer, including Speccy. Even more so if you know nip speak so adventure and RPG part of the library is available too. I'd even choose it over PC Engine and Megadrive because while they have some individual gems like Rondo or Sonic 3 and Knuckles they still provide less hours of gameplay than Famicom library.
Now NES library on the other hand is lacking.

>> No.8586164

>OG Famicom is the comfiest console with overall better library than any other 8-bit console or computer, including Speccy
don't agree. there are a lot of games that are buggy/ridulously hard/use game mechanics that looked good on paper but not in practice. I would say we probably got most of the NES/FC library worth playing and left the piles of shovelware and sub-average licensed anime/manga games in Japan. Doubt we missed much by not getting Doraemon or Transformers Comvoy no Nazo.

For the SNES it's a little different since many of its best games weren't localized and the Western library had far too much licensed shovelware.

>> No.8586168
File: 407 KB, 954x713, dex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that one episode of Dexter's Lab, where the kids are playing with their action figures and then Dexter shows up with his homemade one that he made out of cardboard and markers and tries to pretend it's on the same level as the real thing? And so in bitter rejection he tries making bootlegs of the real action figures that break apart and pieces of junk?

Always pops into my head whenever I see European computers brought up here, don't know why.

>> No.8586178

Maybe but a lot of the more cool peripherals and cartridge hardware never made it out of Japan.

>> No.8586225

Agree on Transformers, but Doraemon is comfy. I love some pre-1988 Famicom shit like Atlantis no Nazo, or Challenger, or Getsu Fuuma Den where some exploration is involved.
Then again, late Famicom exclusive stuff is great too: Mitsume ga Tooru, Adventure Island 4, Hebereke, Nekketsu games, etc

>> No.8586235

many of those later games kind of fall apart because they're trying to be 16-bit console games but the NES can't do it. TMNT: The Manhattan Project is a classic example.

>> No.8586242

Hey, what's wrong with Manhattan Project? Some even prefer it over 16-bit TMNT beat 'em ups.

>> No.8586257

TMNT: The Manhattan Project is not a good example, it easily stands on it's own. Maybe you've meant Tournament Fighters?

>> No.8586275

They didn't save the industry as a whole, but if it wasn't for them the NA console industry would have taken many years longer, if at all, to recover from the 83 crash.

In 1985, the total number of games released for the VCS, Intellivision and ColecoVision combined was 3.

>> No.8586319

Too many based games, to buy consoles and game related stuff you had to enjoy games and buy games, make people loyal and faith in the medium. Nintendo made so many timeless shit is not even funny, man, even if you hate their policy's and shit economics sorrouding their hardware you just had to enjoy Excite Bike dude.

>> No.8586374

Are you stupid? What year were those games released in again? Jet Set Willy was a 1984 game, and would I rather play it than one of those utterly crappy NROM Famicom games from the same year? Fuck yes. Lords of Midnight and Elite also came out that year while Famicom players could only enjoy Nuts and Milk. Castlevania and Mega Man were released in the late 80s. Spectrum games from the same era got a lot more sophisticated too. Exolon, Cobra, Dan Dare, Turbo Esprit, Infiltrator, Savage, Defender of the Crown, Zynaps, Dark Sceptre, Cybernoid, Cabal, Chase HQ, Target Renegade, Last Ninja, R-Type, Super Wonder Boy, and many more that didn't see the light in the NES. The Speccy had way more games than the NES and no two people grew up with a same set of games, unlike the NES where everyone has only played Mario, Zelda, the list goes on....

Most big games on the Speccy had minimal presentation. The crude and minimalistic colour data also let devs waste less memory for the graphics.

>> No.8586382

Nice cope

>> No.8586405

Computer gaming overtook console gaming in 1984 as you could see there. It took consoles 3 years to eat the sales away from computers, and after 1988 the popularity of computer gaming bounced back. And this is the US market only, in Europe consoles weren't very popular until the PS1 came out.

If anything, that chart shows that computers saved gaming while consoles were the parasites.

>> No.8586413

>reigniting the industry overnight
That was Commodore VIC-20's doing though.

>> No.8586432

The US console industry, not the microcomputer industry.

>> No.8586479

>Nintendo is still in business therefore they make higher quality games than Sega
What a zoomer take.

>> No.8586482

Then outright say Nintendo are great at making medicore games. No one will disagree with you.

>> No.8586487

Most people will disagree.

>> No.8586493

Dude namedropping lmao

>> No.8586495

Compared to all those other companies I listed name one high quality fighting game or racing game by Nintendo that stands up to the best. For a company that consistently makes high quality games that shouldn't be too hard for you.

>> No.8586502

Lmao auster kun seething again.

>> No.8586507

Meme genres

>> No.8586512

Why do you even post on /vr/ if you only play movie games?

>> No.8586513

Who cares about the console industry? With the VIC 20, you got both a capable gaming machine and a computer with BASIC. It took both the microcomputer market and the gaming market by the storm. Consoles didn't need to exist and should have died down in the video game crash.

>> No.8586516

No one cares about euro crap.
Get over it.

>> No.8586517

No one has ever made this argument. You are all retarded and falling for the austrailian's bait thread. Half the posts itt are him samefagging

>> No.8586521

They make higher quality games cause Sega makes shit games. Sega would be absolutely nothing without buying studios like Atlus and Creative Assembly. Cope.

>> No.8586526

True but it's funny to laugh at the lolcow

>> No.8586545

Did Atlus make Space Harrier, Sonic, Virtua Fighter, Daytona?

>> No.8586547

Try something made from the last decade. Sega is a shadow of its former self.

>> No.8586551

>No one gave a shit anywhere else

this is true in as much as every other gaming market was shit compared to the meteoric rise and collapse represented with Atari. People act like those other 'anywhere elses' were comparable to the market volume happening in the us/can is laughable. Thats like saying Citroen cars are still important on any scale once you leave Europe

>> No.8586557

Outside usa, japan, and taiwan, people played games on microcomputers or IBM clones.

>> No.8586558

No, we're on a retro forum you dork.

>> No.8586564

Try following the conversation dumbass. The first post in the chain was about how Nintendo makes good games "consistently" and "over the years" instead of pandering to "trends". None of this applies to Sega.

>> No.8586567


nah since it doesnt follow the trendline of other things, all graph indicates is that it is likely not considered/governed by the same factors as consoles were.

>> No.8586582

They've rereleased pokemon and smash forever now. Get a clue.

>> No.8586584


Think about it, if the market in those places was $10 bil annual in 1983, 84 and 85, you could say they weren't effected, but they also didn't represent a seriously comparable market growth or adoption rate to a market that had a growth and decline of $40 billion.

and at an utterly irrelevant $cale compared to what happened in the US, and the trend of things considered consumer fads plummeting into obscurity after just one year.

>> No.8586587

And Sega has done nothing aside from Yakuza for years (re releasing the same fucking game). The only thing keeping them going is Persona and SMT

>> No.8586592
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I have a clue, I know better to think that they're the only ones remaking old successes. Difference is, Nintendo still makes new shit that's good.

>> No.8586595

I don't even know what smt is and I'm not even sure what persona is, maybe a jrpg. Post on v if you want to talk about your zoomer games.

>> No.8586608

F-Zero X and Smash Bros. Peak of their genres.

>> No.8586609
File: 34 KB, 957x335, 90%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why haven't jannies banned him yet anyway? is it just to get more ad revenue on this board? i mean they're so triggerhappy half the time.

>> No.8586617

>I don't even know what smt
Biggest zoomer in this thread right now. It's so pathetic of you to say this after complaining about pokemon.

>> No.8586621

Double Yikes. Both can hardly even be considered fighting or racing games. Party games is more like it.