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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8580870 No.8580870 [Reply] [Original]

So you can play /vr/ in VR now. The community is probably going to be resistant to the technology, but you can do some pretty cool stuff with any HMD.
>emulate a MAME cabinet and CRT with light guns
>play vidya in a virtual room with your friends
>play GameCube, Wii, N64, and PSP games in VR
>Game Boy emulator lets you hold a true to scale GB
>VR ports of every Quake, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and every DOOM game
>Play most mainstream pinball titles in VR with Visual Pinball

>> No.8580879
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Behond, the /vr/ setup!

>> No.8580887

Isn't there Quake in vr? Shit sounds like nausea city.

>> No.8580897

It's pretty good. Unironically all the ports are, Quake, RocW, Doom, Half-Life, etc.

Nausea comes from bad movement implementations, not the game or VR itself.

>> No.8580906

I think Quake has comfort options to prevent nausea, a lot is games do. Usually in the form of snap turning or dimming around the edges when turning.

>> No.8580909

I think it's an exciting prospect, particularly the light gun stuff, but I'm sure I'm not going to buy one of these things for a while yet.

>> No.8580921

I tried out emuvr and I liked the idea but for some reason the controller mapping was fucking awful like everything else on the Index controllers.

>> No.8580925

Sounds lame as hell. If I want to hold a "true to scale" Gameboy I'll just buy a fucking Gameboy. Hell of a lot cheaper than some gimmicky VR headset.
Playing games in a virtual room on a virtual CRT using a virtual controller is the gayest, most soi-drinking, funko pop-collecting, Resetera-using, speedrun-watching, bing-bing-wahooing shit I can imagine. If you want to experience playing the game on a CRT stop being a faggot and buy a CRT on craigslist. If you just want to play the games then emulate them on your PC without pathetically larping that it's still the 90s in your sad virtual bedroom while a real man fucks your wife.

>> No.8580929

Just use RetroArch and a big screen. I think the "recreating a TV and a room" is kinda distracting from the game itself.

>> No.8580943

Based and true pilled
If you don’t want a CRT, shaders like royale at 1440p or 4k will more than get the job done.
People falling for the VR meme aren’t prepared for it’s consequences.

>> No.8580945

I just don't really have my vr legs. Skyrim VR with the dimming but on freewalk doesn't give me much playtime before I run out of steam and feel like shit.

>> No.8580952

Is there actually a good way to get light guns to work with emulators though?

>> No.8580960

Stop talking with so many buzzwords, you sound like a /v/nigger.
Emuvr is cool because it does a good job at emulating the CRT phosphor glow that you can actually get up close and look at, and light gun games work very well with it which is something we have yet to find a good alternative for. Also nobody is saying to buy a VR headset just to emulate old games, same way how nobody buys a gaming PC for one purpose. Stop attacking strawmen you make up in your head and thinking of other men's penises, 4chan is rotting your brain.

>> No.8580987

I'm sure someone could rig up something with a Wii remote.
If you emulate with a CRT light guns should work anyways though. It's the screen that's the issue, not the software.
>it does a good job at emulating the CRT phosphor glow that you can actually get up close and look at
So does a CRT you fag
>nobody is saying to buy a VR headset just to emulate old games
Well then why the hell would you? Every single game put on the thing is shit. No one's managed to make a VR game that could stand up to the average early-access Steam Greenlight indie game, let alone anything triple-A.
>Stop attacking strawmen you make up in your head and thinking of other men's penises
No one mentioned penises until you, bud

>> No.8581018

Wii mote isn't quite the same technology. I guess you could rig up mame to run on a raspberry pi, and hook up a light gun, but I have no idea if anyone has developed a way to do that.

>> No.8581034

It's not the same technology but it works well as a pointer and can connect to anything with Bluetooth. All you'd need is a piece of software that interprets the pointing and trigger of the Wii remote into something the emulator can handle. I'm sure a decent coder could whip something up.

>> No.8581038

Actual light gun shooters on the Wii always needed to display an onscreen pointer, because drift is kind of inevitable with the way the technology works.

>> No.8581052

Too many trashy memes but the overall point is correct.

>> No.8581060

sorry to respond with a buzzword but your post is pretty based

>> No.8581064

it can come from inexperience with VR though. people used to get nauseous from doom because they never played 3D games before

>> No.8581069

I can smash my face up to my CRT and see the phosphors, so I suppose I’ll hide this thread
But it is interesting seeing the younger generation try to rebuild gaming from my youth in simulacrum

>> No.8581115

You still haven't answered for the fact that this does seem to be by far the best way to emulate light guns.
You just want to gloat about the fact that you have a le based CRT, like it's some kind of status symbol, and not something your mom left to gather dust in the basement 15 year ago.

>> No.8581147

Only poor incel zoomers are interested in any of that shit. As someone who's seen VR hyped and fail a few times over the last 40 years I'm beginning to wonder if it's ever going to catch on without a fundamental change in technology. It's always been a cool gimmick, and there are certain commercial applications it excels at. But I just can't see myself doing any of that shit, and the abysmal sales numbers indicate most of the world feels the same way.

>> No.8581168

>the gayest, most soi-drinking, funko pop-collecting, Resetera-using, speedrun-watching, bing-bing-wahooing shit I can imagine.

you forgot discord LOL

>> No.8581549

put the bug hat on

>> No.8581578

speaking of nausea and video games, is there a VR version of Descent?

>> No.8581636

>thinks in buzzwords
literal npc

>> No.8581647

There's Overload, a new 6DoF shooter by the same team.

>> No.8581650

>noooooo you can't do that it's not how i grew up waaaaahhh
you faggots are pathetic

>> No.8581665

nobody said that

>> No.8581668

>noooooo i'm seething because i never grew up waaaaahhh
pathetic indeed

>> No.8581717

>6DoF shooter by the same team
Nice, really looks like a Descent game in everything but name. I wonder how nausea inducing it is though though, the first two Descent games are the only games I've ever felt dizzy playing.

>> No.8581816

I wouldn't use a VR headset to play /vr/ alone, but It would be fun to emulate couch co-op with it.

>> No.8581826


>> No.8581848

then why the butthurt
>getting emotional over how someone else plays with their retro children's toys isn't pathetic, your are for pointing it out

>> No.8581858

>So does a CRT you fag
Yeah, and so does CRT shaders on a 4k oled. The point isn't that a real CRT can do it too, the point is that you can use your VR headset for a more authentic experience if you don't have the hardware lying around. Literally nobody is going out to buy an Oculus to play emulators.
>Well then why the hell would you? Every single game put on the thing is shit.
Subjective. I've found plenty of VR games that are quite fun.

>> No.8581892

> it does a good job at emulating the CRT phosphor glow
It does it as much as any CRT shader since it uses normal LCD or OLED screens.
I'll agree regarding the light guns, for that it's pretty cool.
No, you get nausea from motion sickness. Some people are affected and some other not, and you can get used to it to an extent, but it's the same mechanism as with motion sickness in cars. Some games are just impossible to bear but for the stronger stomachs.
>As someone who's seen VR hyped and fail a few times over the last 40 years I'm beginning to wonder if it's ever going to catch on without a fundamental change in technology.
You didn't see shit you larper. The crappy "VR" version of Doom of 30 years ago is nothing like like Flight Simulator in 2022. Not in terms of resolution, lag, field of view, refresh rate, and many others "fundamental change in technology".

>> No.8581916

Just imagining all the sweat that would come with wearing this thing for a 1 hour gaming session is already enough to discourage me from even trying it.

>> No.8581940
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You can

>> No.8581964
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Literally the best way to emulate light guns right now.

>> No.8582063
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>>instead of having real friends over
This is just sad.

>> No.8582067

> real friends

>> No.8582080

I'm imagining some kind of neat VR game where you're having to juggle different screens to keep a game going now, or where the screen itself is moving around and evading you.

>> No.8582081
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>> No.8582084

imagine not having friends hahaha

>> No.8582085

>discs left outside of cases
Stop triggering my tard rage

>> No.8582091

Is emuvr going to implement game cases for ps1/saturn/other disc-based consoles? Seeing all those loose CDs lying around triggers a primal fear in me.

>> No.8582092

this escapism is incredible
i legit need this in my life

>> No.8582109
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You were saying?

>> No.8582114

This shit is peak degeneracy. It takes the worst elements of nostalgiafagging and emufagging at once.

>> No.8582115
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>> No.8582123
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I've done this with friends and netplay, they grabbed the TVs and kept moving them around and evading me while I tried to shoot the fucking things.

>> No.8582129

>you can't resort to escapism! You have be constantly caught up with the latest trends and news! You don't want to be a problematic bigot who stands by and does nothing do you? You MUST be a part of the cause or else you're part of the problem!

>> No.8582134

So does it just blend to displaying the shadow mask of the TV when you get close enough? Or is it always rendering the shadow mask even at longer distance where you can't see the individual red green blue colors?

>> No.8582152
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I guess if it rendered them from a distance you'd be seeing the most awful moire effect with aliased random pixels, so they must be doing some kind of blending.

>> No.8582163

My god you cope.
I just hit up facebook marketplace or kijiji and found a nice crt for 20 bucks.
I tried vr on many ocassion and beyond the discovery effect even the best rated vr games were way shittier than anything on fucking console or pc and id rather play with a controller than those fucking gimmick control wich are way more limited and thus the game ends up being boring and nowaday the best vr is probably re4 so let that sink in,the best vr game is an old console game thats censored to shit and still inferior to the original version and the fact that you resort to emulating crap on your vr headset just prove youd rather spend in hundreds of dollar for a fake experience rather than buying the actual stuff for much cheaper.
Cope harder.

>> No.8582171

The latest trend is literally vr you fag.

>> No.8582190

I haven’t played Overload but I have played Sublevel Zero in VR, and I have pretty strong VR legs. I got pretty nauseous the first time I played. Second time, I finished a playthrough, but felt dizzy and sick for a while afterwards ha. It’s a blast though, I should check out Overload.

>> No.8582193

D-does it bring back dead parents and long gone friends too?

>> No.8582197

I don't understand the appeal of this at all. Why would you want to play old games through vr? You've played these games before. And doesn't moving with a controller in VR not feel right? They'll never be able to get movement right in VR without a multidirectional treadmill, i.e another 1000 dollars worth of stuff.

>> No.8582198

>i don't like it so you shouldn't either

>> No.8582203
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>you can play /vr/ in VR now.

That is nothing new

>> No.8582208
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this hit me harder than i expected.

>> No.8582212

Exactly. Vr will never be good without a multidirectional treadmill.

>> No.8582228
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>> No.8582230

Visual Pinball and Virtual Boy in VR are my two favourite /vr/ VR experiences I keep going back to.
Also, playing through HL1 in VR was fucking kino. The intro tram hit me with some hard nostalgia, and seeing the resonance cascade happen “in person” was wild. The graphics were blocky and the textures were smeary but it really felt like I was there.

>> No.8582246

How do virtual boy games hold up in VR?

>> No.8582256

Way more comfortable than the real thing since it doesn't need to be locked to your view. It can just follow you with a delay or even be stuck in space so you won't get a fucking headache.

>> No.8582276
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>pathetically larping that it's still the 90s
Using a 90s television, 90s video game console, and 90s video game controller to play a game is objectively more of a larp than emulating with a VR headset and PS5 controller.
But you put a lot of 4chan-approved buzzwords in your post so you'll receive nothing but praise. Think for yourself.

>> No.8582287
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>> No.8582339

>>Play most mainstream pinball titles in VR with Visual Pinball

Wait, that's possible now? I played one of them steam pinball games in VR and it was neat.
But I'd really like to play Ghostbusters or Elvira in VR.

>> No.8582510

Anyone here tried 3dsen vr? It looks too good to be true.

I love playing /vr/ in VR personally, I know it's cool to hate on VR but whatever I enjoy my themed virtual rooms, it's comfy. I don't care to convince anyone.

>> No.8582540

Your all already jacked in to the matrix right now. This "VR" is obsolete tech they're using to make you feel superior and safe. I found a way to leave the construct but it requires the strongest of minds. Leave, if you can..

>> No.8582587

The only one getting emotional here is you zoom zoom

>> No.8582597

>no you

>> No.8582698

How the fuck does it improve lightguns over emulation + an actual fucking lightgun?

I cant see this being of any legit, practical use besides maybe some extreme arcade game cases where physical motion of more then just your fingers are required (at which case a normal 2nd screen and modded motion controls would replicate anyway) or something like "ride games", where the entire machine moved.

Besides that, the only other things are the actual retro VR games and maybe VirtualBoy. Everything else is just fags making le epic retro gamers bed room in vr to play games you could do the exact same way on your monitor with a freaking special-needs helmet on your head.

>> No.8582867

Ok but what about with anime girl avatars?

>> No.8582962
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>you can't resort to escapism!

>> No.8583005

>VR manufacturers are still trying to shill for their overpriced, useless bullshit gadgets and no one ever takes the bait as tons of fucking units gather dust on store shelves
Give up, it's over, VR is dead. Because it was never alive.

>> No.8583059
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once I get a VR headset I'd set it up. I have the consoles, CRTs and irl friends that come over though.

>> No.8583062


>> No.8583156

>literally hasn't answered for the fact that this is the best way to emulate light guns

>> No.8583172
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If I can afford the system ...

>> No.8583317

>literary hasn't stopped coping and lying

>> No.8583336

>Tetris VR
Which the fuck

>> No.8583369
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>> No.8583392

Yeah, it basically replicates the old boomer experience of playing Tetris for too long. And having the image of Tetrominoes burned into your retina. They say that people used to go to sleep, close their eyes and still see the shapes falling down. A true sign of dedication... and eye cancer.

>> No.8583457

why would i need to emulate when i can have the real deal.

>> No.8583490

old plastic smells weird

>> No.8583694

nice teef

>> No.8583791

What exact VR emulator is that?

>> No.8584036


>> No.8584089

Just buy an arcade cabinet?

>> No.8584107

Is the Zapper still the only lightgun model?

>> No.8584154

I prefer snap turning anyway. Something about the predictability of set angles in VR.

>> No.8584159

Can I play time crisis and house of the dead in VR? I got a Oculus quest headset and I haven't used it much

>> No.8584160

Stopped reading half-way through. You're not even a human being, you're a construct from the internet.

>> No.8584168


>> No.8584170

My real friends all live thousands of miles away.

>> No.8584176

What games did you play?

>> No.8584217

Something like this would be better in AR imo, but it's still neat.

>> No.8584229

>Anyone here tried 3dsen vr? It looks too good to be true.
It's nice. Not sure what else to say about it. I wish there were similar emulators for machines I actually care about though.

>> No.8584261

>N64 and PSP in VR
>Visual Pinball VR
>emuVR lightguns

You wouldn't happen to have some guides on how to do this, would you OP?

I'm pretty big into certain stuff. Even just emulating games on a big virtual screen is great when traveling.

I really need to get another copy of Doom 3 so I can try that in VR, the idea of it sounds insane. Also want to get a set of CyberShoes since I found out about those, would make things like Quake VR a bit less nauseating (even if I do have my VR legs I'm not immune to some of the games).

I didn't like the scale GB much, it was harder to see than a real GB. Maybe it will be better in a future model with higher resolution displays.

>> No.8584267

There's a VR build of an old version of Dolphin called DolphinVR and there's PPSSPP for the sony handheld.
EmuVR download is currently only available through their fag discord but the lightgun isn't hard to setup if you have the emulator.
Dunno much about pinball but there are some pinball games with VR support on steam I think.

>> No.8584272

excellently, the VBGo emulator for cockulus headsets is fantastic. If I could get a BT VB controller to use with it then I'd probably just sell my actual Virtual Boy.

>> No.8584286

not eye cancer, just how your brain reacts from seeing repetitive symbols. Happens with many games, especially puzzle games as you fixate on similar shapes for a long period of time.

I am still on the fence about buying a PSVR now or waiting for the new one on PS5. Prob get the 4 version because I would wait 5-10 years to bother with PS5 anyway. Curious what is VR about the touhou game, I can't really imagine what that would be like.

Also, really hoping Sega at some point hires M2 to make Sega VR Classics like they did of the 3DS, maybe even the same 3D remasters but now put onto a VR life-sized cabinet. If they could pull off a re-release of House of the Dead then that would be some seriously great shit.

>> No.8584291

So the N64 games play through Dolphin on Virtual Console, or through a dedicated emulator?

>> No.8584336

Dolphin VR lets you play "inside" GameCube games in VR.
N64 games are a different thing, you're inside a 90s room and you play them on virtual TVs using EmuVR.

>> No.8584538

I agree with you but you need to either talk like a normal human being or fuck off back to >>>/v/

>> No.8584547

>But it is interesting seeing the younger generation try to rebuild gaming from my youth in simulacrum
You know your childhood was fucking great when even future generations are trying to emulate it.

>> No.8584572

VR thread?

Boy I sure miss when this place had standards.

>> No.8584597

>EmuVR download is currently only available through their fag discord
Seems like it wouldn't be hard for someone to just reupload it somewhere.

>> No.8584689

tinyurl dot com slash mr2865np

>> No.8584705

You can play the Virtual Console N64 stuff with DolphinVR, but I prefer to use regular Dolphin set on side by side mode. Then I run it through Virtual Desktop on a giant 3DTV.

>> No.8584770
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>emulate a MAME cabinet and CRT with light guns

I was actually looking into this yesterday.
I'm trying to emulate the LEAST amount of games possible and have most consoles with ODE or flashcarts.
Is there no other way for playing these lightgun games than get a CRT and the gun for each system?
Not that I'm a poorfag but I don't really have space for a CRT TV at the moment.

What does anyone do if they are emulating arcade games in MAME?
Even the most expensive lightgun that "works" on PC has mixed reviews.
Should I just get a VR?

>> No.8584798

is that desktop version of Virtual Desktop, or the mobile version? Just to be clear.

good lad

this might be a better question for the BYOAC forums (arcadecontrols dot com), they have been doing home arcade build shit for years.

As for the CRT problem, I have actually seen a DIY solution for making lightguns work on an LCD. I will see if I can find it again.

EDIT: This seems to be the newest hot shit on the market. Probably only good for emulating lightgun games on PC however.


>> No.8584818

I use an Oculus through Virtual Desktop but anything that will stream your desktop in SBS mode should work.

>> No.8584828

>I don't really have space
There isn't a more poorfag sentence.

>> No.8584834

Maybe I'll write a full guide for this stuff later.
>>N64 and PSP in VR
N64 Virtual Console games through DolphinVR, PSP games through PPSSPP VR. These only work on Windows, as far as I know.
>>Visual Pinball VR
Get the Visual Pinball VR exe and put it in your Visual Pinball root folder with the other exes. Runs all VPX tables.
>>emuVR lightguns
The EmuVR wiki has a good guide for this one: https://www.emuvr.net/wiki/Light_Guns

>> No.8584852

Thanks m8, you and the others sharing info/examples/etc. are most excellent dudes.

>> No.8584874

not ideal I should say
me and my wife are having children soon so she's picky with money
also the cat is at the vet draining us dry
she won't notice a new light gun/controller but she will sure a new massive CRT in the living room

>> No.8584892
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I just found this sort of Frankenstein solution which looks promising.


Not going to buy it right now but feel at ease there's a solution at least for consoles.
May have to check future iterations of the Sinden gun in the future.

>> No.8584916

oh cool, that was the other thing I had found once upon a time, but when I saw it, it was only a DIY job using an rPi and some other stuff I don't know much about (too many other things to learn and lightguns weren't that big of a priority for me personally). Glad you were able to find that, and glad too that someone has made it a bit easier to get into. Dunno how it would feel to use a lightgun with the weight of a wiimote dragging down the barrel, but it's something at least.

>> No.8584927

I think about that too, kids throw all kinds of thing out of whack, especially when you live in a smaller place, like an apartment for example. At a similar point in life so I sympathize, I'm planning to at least sell off some of the stuff that I really should have already. There's collecting because "I want to play it" and then there's just deceiving yourself, you know? Like, if you've had the game for years and haven't really played it much, you probably don't actually care about playing it. That's my mentality going forward.

on the other hand, tube TVs aren't exactly expensive, just large and foreboding. She probably wouldn't be mad about expenditures more than she would be mad about this giant hunk of crap taking up space lmao. Also one of those epic sony trinitron wega TVs from the 2000s would kill any small lifeform it fell on top of.

>> No.8585230

>only doing what women find acceptable
total cuck

>> No.8585432
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You don't even need that, their download link is just public lmao.
The devs have basically said the fag discord is just to filter retards who can't read basic instructions included in the fucking readme.txt.
You can find if there's any new version later here and change the url: https://www.emuvr.net/wiki/Changelog

>> No.8585451
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tfw no candy cab

>> No.8585464

nice, thanks for the hookup anon

>> No.8585673

>called out for projecting
>no you
Yup. That'd be a zoom zoom.

>> No.8585703

>that pic
the ADD generation

>> No.8585976

What's with these weirdos and ALWAYS liking Star Wars?

>> No.8585980

acktually, ADD is more about hyperfocusing on something rather than not being able to focus on something.

>> No.8586146

>You don't even need that, their download link is just public lmao.
I just wanted a separate link in case they decided to take it down or change the location.

>> No.8586408

The only thing gayer than being an autismo in the 90s is replicating being an autismo in the 90's. Still, its a cool novelty.

>> No.8586441

It's literally the worst way to play retro games possible.

>> No.8586464

It's part of the identity. You are a """real""" [insert type of dorkism you wish to achieve here] unless you think star wars is the best movie ever made. It's so critical to the identity that you need to decorate your house like a child bedroom, least someone find your lack of faith disturbing. You also need to randomly shout "Han shot first". This is really important.

>> No.8587082

You will own nothing and you will be happy.

>> No.8587129
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it wasn't for lack of warning.

>> No.8588206
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>> No.8588229

I'm just too lazy to set up EmuVR. You also need to download all the emulators yourself.

>> No.8588658 [DELETED] 

I tried this and it's really depressing and boring to be locked in a room with just some old videogames and literally nothing else. I'd ask how you boomers enjoy it but I know the desolate barren room I'm seeing is actually a peaceful sanctuary from your dad's belts

>> No.8589503

I would probably just download one.

>> No.8589539
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The TV emulation in EmuVR looks cool. Not worth buying a headset for, and I never tried it because I didn't feel like jumping through their faggy hoops to get the beta.
New Retro Arcade on the other hand combines the shittiness of using Retroarch cores for mame with "virtual recreations" like this.
>ah, just how i remember it

>> No.8589630

It downloads the emulators for you automatically. You just have to add the games.

> faggy hoops to get the beta
See >>8585432

>> No.8589941


>> No.8590124

I wonder if VR would work with third person games as if you were Lakitu in Mario 64 but also controlling the main character. Are there games like that already?

>> No.8590152

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice and a few others
It works fine.

>> No.8590167

>Not worth buying a headset for
That's my take on it too, emulation alone is not worth getting VR for, but it's a cool extra thing to do if you have VR for other reasons.
Also I think emulators like Sen3DVR which allow you to experience old games in completely new ways are more interesting than trying to recreate the experience of playing the physical machines in a 90s bedroom or whatever.

>> No.8590178

some games i dont remember the name but i remember beat saber and superhot as well as RE4 VR.

>> No.8590256

VR has a resolution on par with the NES but with the graphical fidelity of the PS3. It's atrocious for gaming.

>I'm sure someone could rig up something with a Wii remote.
2 point IR systems are hot dogshit and essentially require an on-screen pointer. 4 point is closer to what they had in the arcades, and even then there's no off the shelf product you can buy, you have to build gun4IR yourself. And it still has absymal required distances or heavy distortion at the corners if you use fish eye lenses to try and reduce the distance.

The only actual use case for VR is using the controllers as a new replacement for light guns, but nobody has bothered coding drivers for it yet. The headset itself is garbage, but 6DOF tracked peripherals could be useful.

>> No.8590270

It's not hard to setup, but it is fucking awful. Imagine a wrapper designed by braindead fucking morons who can't do anything right.

Let's say you want to play a light gun game, right? Like Time Crisis. Well, first of all, you can't. The version of MAME supported by EmuVR last time I checked was a very old version with the helicopter bug. Well, I guess you can play the shittier PS1 port, right? Sure. Okay, time to set it up. Well, you have to drag a fucking TV model around, and plug in fucking virtual RCA cables. You can't do anything interesting, like have a virtual 60" projection screen, you're forced to use these shitty models with these shitty CRT filters that you physically cannot see on such low resolution headsets. Want to switch games? Well, you have to open the virtual system and put in another virtual disc, menus are so 1980s after all. Or even worse, if it's on a different system? Time to reconnect all the cables again! And the TVs are physics objects so if you knock into them with your hand, they go flying, and you can't just position them in space, they have to be on a fucking virtual table. And you have to use a zapper model, which looks like shit and has awful sights, which are even harder to see in VR where you have no resolution. And the wrapper is very slow, so the games all have additional latency as you have to draw each frame into fucking unity because the people who made this garbage were just looking for "le cool 90s kid" aesthetic and not anything usable. Hence why you can't disable any of the pointless kids room garbage, it's a screenshot tool, not a gaming one.

Oh, and it's not just Time Crisis you can't play. It's about 80% of the titles out there that you could trivially emulate or run natively on PC, but EmuVR doesn't support them.

3dSenVR was miles better. Sensible screen size adjustment, the 3D gimmick actually gives you a reason to want to emulate in VR to begin with, and the light gun stuff actually works properly.

>> No.8590430

>>Game Boy emulator lets you hold a true to scale GB
true to scale GB is fucking small and on a quest 2 it'd be incredibly blurry, I can just hold my own game boy if I want to get severe eyestrain

>> No.8590670

Yeah I agree but I thought it was cool. Besides, your can resize the screen, turn on a backlight, or remove the plastic screen protector. If they didn't have the actual size GB you'd ask be asking for it anyways.

>> No.8590747

>the gayest, most soi-drinking, funko pop-collecting, Resetera-using, speedrun-watching, bing-bing-wahooing shit I can imagine.

>> No.8591134

Tetris Effect is a version of Tetris made by the Rez guys, so it's very much driven by pretty visuals and music. It's honestly worth playing even without VR, but I imagine VR adds a lot on top of that

>> No.8591140
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Yes, Moss. One of the best VR titles currently.

>> No.8592986

Why doesn't it let you display whatever program window you want on the virtual TV? Or at least be able to use Retroarch normally.
Because you need to be forced to hook up le cables and insert le cartridge.
I think I'll skip setting this up and play games instead.

>> No.8593493

The program is being actively developed, I'm sure it's on the list.
You can do this with Virtual Desktop and a number of other programs. There are button combinations to streamline the console setup.

>> No.8593549

I've never seen anyone who bitches in the manner that you do have anything important to say. You seem like an idiot.

>> No.8593614
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There IS some VR that came out before 2000 is actually /vr/ itself.

>> No.8593626

And you can play it with current VR now if you missed out, it's surprisingly a solid game..

>> No.8593628
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Here is an amazing news segment from 1991 about Virtual Reality and "cyberspace". Pretty much there were guys who wanted a VR "Metaverse" 30 years ago.

>> No.8593809

I did something like this with my best friend who lives six hours away. I'm not going to lie, it made me kind of sentimental, and after I felt like I had made an honest-to-god visit. Just the goofy floating head and hands of his avatar was enough to feel like we were ACTUALLY side by side again and man...it was good for the soul.

>> No.8594045
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People dreaming of a VR "metaverse" made more sense in the early 90s when the internet and computing interface design were in their infancy and nobody knew what it was going to be like or how it was going to be used by the average person.
Facebook's recent fixation with this decades old sci-fi idea is weird considering it was established long ago that metaverse is pretty much the opposite of what consumers need or want.
>It's like the WWW except physically unwieldy, slow and inconvenient! Yes surely this will take off!

>> No.8594176

>Why doesn't it let you display whatever program window you want on the virtual TV?
Because it's a crappy wrapper that just captures the RA's window and then overlays it as a texture on some crappy virtual TVs. The devs are far too incompetent to implement support for any of the dozens of major light gun titles available for PC, or half the emulators that aren't on Retroarch so you can play games like Sega's Jurassic Park, or any of the recent new releases. Well, stuff like TC5 wouldn't even work with their system, because it's all 4:3 "le quirky retro CRT" retardation, so 16:9 titles won't work, let alone something like Elevator Action: Death Parade.

Like I said, it's a program for making dumb webms and gay screenshots, not something you'd actually want to use for playing games. The thing has CRT filters when no headset on the market is capable of the kind of graphical fidelity you'd need to actually notice them further than 2 inches away, they're purely for screenshots.

>The program is being actively developed, I'm sure it's on the list.
Ah yes, 2 minor updates a year, I'm sure in 50 years it might be a viable option for light gun stuff. Assuming nobody else comes along and makes something that just works instead. VR development in general is the biggest waste of time, nobody puts any effort in because nobody cares about a 1% marketshare.

>You can do this with Virtual Desktop
You really can't. There's no support for any of the basics like off-screen reloads, setting up a gun model and sight offsets is essentially impossible.

>> No.8594241

Did you get lost on your way to /v/, little one?

>> No.8594242

>No one's managed to make a VR game that could stand up to the average early-access Steam Greenlight indie game, let alone anything triple-A.
The only people that say this are people too poor to have tried it.

>> No.8594553

>Facebook's recent fixation with this decades old sci-fi idea is weird
I think it's just a matter of this >>8588206 it's an opportunity for Facebook to collect more data from its users. And now that everyone are used to working from home because of the lockdowns, they'll try to market it to companies as a way to save on office space while still being able to keep a close (or an even closer) eye on their employees. Never underestimate the stupidity of middle managers with a hard-on for new useless tech.

>> No.8595206

>Why doesn't it let you display whatever program window you want on the virtual TV? Or at least be able to use Retroarch normally.
I was answering this.You can, with Virtual Desktop. The light guns don't work on every application.. Why don't you fix it, genius? What kind of stupid developer are you? These things take time and resources or it'd be done.
>The thing has CRT filters when no headset on the market is capable of the kind of graphical fidelity you'd need to actually notice them further than 2 inches away, they're purely for screenshots.
The Quest 2 is high resolution enough and the TVs in EmuVR are resizable. You can't get the full experience from a compressed webm. If you're sitting at a reasonable distance the CRT filters do their job of giving the image more depth.

>> No.8595350

Wait, does the PS5 controller actually work on the Quest 2? If so I might buy one as my Switch Pro controller doesn't.

>> No.8596682

Why are you talking to your crotch?

>> No.8597758

Descent has multiple source ports, so someone just needs to add VR support! My dream is to have an updated Descent with full raytracing global illumination like Quake 2 RTX. That game already relies heavily on dynamic lighting so full raytracing with VR would probably be fucking mind blowing even with all the original blocky graphics otherwise. Overload is cool though. I still haven't played it as much as Descent and haven't tried VR yet but it's the closest thing we'll ever get to Descent 4 especially since it's made by the OG devs. What we really need though is a Descent 3 source port but the source code isn't released. Anyone wanna start reverse engineering it so we can get all the bugs fixed and make the game more stable? If fucking Mario 64 and GTA 3 can be reverse engineered and ported to stuff I think Descent 3 can get the same treatment if some skilled people start taking it apart. I have no idea what the fuck I am doing with tools like Ghidra though

>> No.8599885

There still isn't a good source port for Rise of the Triad, and the surce code has been released as open source in 2002
It's a matter of popularity and autism

>> No.8600540

Playing Doom in VR was the absolute worst experience I've had with it.

>> No.8600687


its not real you spaz, you cant scratch it its fucking virtual

>> No.8600702

I bought one solely to play Doom, Doom 3, RTCW, and Quake. The Virtual Boy stuff is cool but I haven't found any games really worth the time. I enjoy it a lot, getting to kind of "experience" Doom maps I've played before is really cool.

>> No.8600790
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Quick, call an amulanz.

>> No.8601150
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I was hyped by its teaser trailer: https://youtu.be/zCQqZnvzIQY

It is just like Virtual On. I hear the VR is just a vs. computer mode though.

>> No.8601256

>They say that people used to go to sleep, close their eyes and still see the shapes falling down.
When I was a neet shut-in I used to get the tetris effect if I spent a few hours in a place with a lot of people like a mall. I'd see faint shadows of people walking around me when I went to sleep.
I think it's just the brain processing new or intense information.
VR games also tetris effect'd me a lot when I first got into VR.

>> No.8602641
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I just set up EmuVR and New Retro Arcade. How do I play CAVE shmups? MAME?

>> No.8602801


That will never be the complete experience unless you can go outside, take a bus down to the mall to play some arcade or rent some cartidges for your home console.

>> No.8602808

I don't see the point of this outside porn. These things are over expensive and fuck your eye sight up. Enjoy your glaucoma.

>> No.8602813

Will never be the tru experience unless you regress back time and meet with your old high school friends to go eat dumplings at china town while playing arcana heart 3 and continuum shift.

>> No.8603245

what site has the best guide to install eulators on Quest 2?

>> No.8603675
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It’s real and it’s spectacular! I play a lot of Data East’s Time Machine, Gottlieb’s Black Hole, and Bally’s Attack From Mars in VR. Some of my favourites that I don’t have access to anymore.

>> No.8603687

Can you play MAME games that had pedals to duck, or better yet the motion sensors, in EmuVR yet? That’s all I really want.

>> No.8603850

You can probably do the pedal stuff by mapping a real pedal to a virtual controller and then using SteamVR to assign that virtual controller to the corresponding button press on your VR controller. It'd be a bit of a pain in the ass though, took me ages to work out how to do that when I wanted to use a PS3 navigation controller in VR. As for motion sensing, it'd be trivial to do the duck stuff, and quite a bit more complex to tackle IR sensing like Police 911 (it uses a camera protocol on the PS2 home port and Mame's Viper support is a joke). I saw some proof of concept years back with a guy using a virtual arcade cabinet in Unity and using head tracking data, but he never released anything and the EmuVR devs are too incompetent to tackle something like that for at least another 5 years, they're busy adding new 90s posters or something else that's completely superfluous.

>> No.8603982

>I don't see the point of this....

Back then having real friends was a thing

>Will never be...

Fuck you, I want a time machine and that's that

>> No.8604253
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>> No.8604290

When it works, it's great. There's even a capacity to animate static objects. Last i checked Zelda 2 was on the cusp of being released.

>> No.8604305

It's weird that they're going all in on a joke from Futurama. Companies are still chasing what World of Warcraft was: a chatroom with activities that had lasting results. Without a core gameplay loop, why would i use Metaverse when i can just go into Boneworks multiplayer mod with my friend and have discord for voice?