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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 443x614, esrb_ao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8560370 No.8560370 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any games that would actually benefit from being AO or having AO-like content? Like if you could change a game, are there any that would actually improve the experience or is it rightfully a meaningless rating?

>> No.8560380

it literally only exists for legal reasons

>> No.8560385

I would like more tits in games
I feel games would be improved by this
Serious attempts at portraying sexually explicit scenes in games are universally cringe

>> No.8560412

I know the same argument can be made with pornos trying to have "plots", but id like to see a hentai game or something that has an actual interesting, mature story to it, but happens to have scenes in it that fit the rating, but actually fits the theme/story. Im sure there are games that have done this, but most of the time its just there as beat-meat material.

>> No.8560413

i would like it if Call of Duty brought back dismemberment and put more effort into it, and if games go digital only and you don't have to rely on local storefronts then virtually every game could benefit from A or Unrated stuff

>> No.8560416

just read a goddamn book already

>> No.8560421

I unironically think Metroid would be improved by adding a very high level, difficult to achieve ending that reveals Samus completely nude.

>> No.8560427

You’ll only get an AO rating nowadays if there’s explicitly hardcore sex or if you glorify violence. Hatred would’ve probably past with an M if they presented it as a critique of violence instead of being an unironic le ebin murder simulator. That’s why the first Postal game managed to scrap by with an M despite being essentially the same thing. You can get away with a lot nowadays with an M rating. Something like the Last of Us 2 can get away with a fairly explicit sex scene whereas in 2005, San Andreas and Fahrenheit got slapped with an AO over extremely tame sex scenes. I doubt even if a major publisher decided ‘fuck it let’s go for the adults only rating’ and made a full, actual genuine game with sex scenes, it would likely come off as embarrassing and try hard (like Hatred and the Last of Us 2!). Most stores would still refuse to stock them too so you’re hardly going to get it out there. In short, no, because you can get away with a lot with an M rating today and even if they did decide to push it further it would only be laughable, trying way too hard or commercial suicide

>> No.8560451

i've always liked that idea honestly

>> No.8560463
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It arguably makes more sense in the newer games thanks to the advent of the Zero Suit. The early games had her strip off her armor and reveal undergarments because the mission was over and she can safely relax. Now she takes off one suit and has another battle suit underneath. She never seems completely off-duty these days. Plus it's no longer a shock anymore. Adding a nude ending would generate the same kind of surprise today that the original bikini ending did on the NES.

>> No.8560468

when i was a teenager i imagined there would be a metroid movie on dvd that you could put in a code and gain access to the few scenes during the runtime where she's naked, an adult mode for a movie

>> No.8560583
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The narrative language of female danger in games is extremely telegraphed. I'm reminded of that one attempted rape in Tomb Raider. Like you know from a mile away how it's going to play out which robs a lot of the tension. It would really add a lot if occasionally the character just straight up got raped in scenes like this from time to time to really give the player a gut punch when they're otherwise safe in their assumptions that everything is going to be ok.

>> No.8560589

What is with you hentai nerds and this scene

>> No.8560635

didn't manhunt got an AO rating?

>> No.8560638

GTA. You can commit almost any crime but rape in those games which kills my immersion.

>> No.8560645

Nude Samus would just me M+. Samus x Ridley ryona?? That's an AO+

>> No.8560647

The CD-i and 3DO had some Ao-rated video games.

>> No.8560653

Those weren't games, they were just porn vids from Vivid

>> No.8560668

>Nude Samus would just me M+
Wrong. Only western "cinematic" """games""" made by blue haired dykes get away with an M for nudity because it's le art.

>> No.8560671

AO rating is barely seen because it is seen as a death sentence to sales, given how historically retail stores refused to carry AO games. If Rockstar Games had the balls they could challenge this status quo by intentionally aiming for AO rating for Grand Theft Auto 6, given that high sales for that game would be 100% guaranteed and no chain would dare to avoid profits from the highest grossing game series of all time.

>> No.8560676

No but the orignal release of San Andreas did.

>> No.8560680

should become a thing with all these launchers and digital only storefronts

>> No.8560701

Most storefronts won’t allow it because nobody wants to be seen as “that porn game company” unless they already are.

>> No.8560707

Steam already allows eroge and a bunch of edgy indy shit. Money talks

>> No.8560716

No one with a brain would reduce GTA6 to "that porn game". This sounds really silly and pretentious, but that would be a real opportunity for video games to grow up as an art form, no longer being held down by fears of angry retail managers denying shipments.

>> No.8560717

I think Dead Or Alive and DOA XBV are the most appropriate answers here. You could very easily transition the games to include nudity/sex without it even seeming like much of a deviation.

>> No.8560738

>sex is the only thing pertaining to Adult rating
brain on coomer

>> No.8560741

IDDDDEEEEEOOOOOTTT(Imagine I'm Ren right now)

>> No.8560748

It kind of is in this context though. AO is an extremely narrow rating.

>> No.8560761

A number of games have been threatened with AO ratings for violence, but they’ve all been toned down to get an M. When a game is actually released as AO it’s for sex, always

>> No.8560771

i mentioned several times in the thread i want hyper violence, dismemberment, wielding limbs in a pinch
but no>>8560748>>8560741
muh boota muh cummies

>> No.8560775

>sex bad violence good

>> No.8560781

This is a thread about an American rating system after all

>> No.8560802

Than it doesn't need one, new mortal kombat is all about how violent the finisher are, but it still rated M.

>> No.8560819

Most devs didn't want an AO game because it would tank sales as most retailers (especially back in the day) didnt want Titfuck Simulator next to Spyro on their shelves

>> No.8560821

no ass
comb over
probably smells like bird shit

>> No.8560826
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It would honestly be pretty funny if Cloud got ass fucked in this scene. In fact the entire Honeybee Inn should have been lewd as hell.

>> No.8560850

y-yeah, it would have been super funny haha
imagine how hilarious it would be if cloud got gangbanged by all those bigger men haha
i wonder how the room would smell haha

>> No.8560870

if i can blow people up and beat other people to death with a leg then i'm all good, feel free to continue your guys' discussion about sex i guess

>> No.8560913

The Remake might make you happy. It's a straight up feminization sequence.

>> No.8560919

I will never understand why anyone wants to make gay porn more appealing to straight people.

>> No.8560939

Do/did adult stores carry AO games like japan does? Where did stuff like Riana Rouge get released back when it came out?

>> No.8561184

>Those were just porn videos with minor touches from Vivid
O RLLY? How do you know Vivid actually made most, if not all of said FMV movie-games?

>> No.8561186

Australian Rating system is still a tad stricter. Similar stuff for New Zealand.

>> No.8561236

They were originally vivid porn movies you dummy

>> No.8561254

>Thinks it's "grown up" to put porn in vidya.


>> No.8561278

Kinda like an oomerposter?

>> No.8561282

GTA6 exists, is retro, and is rated AO?

>> No.8561285

Yes to all of the above.

>> No.8561308

there are some unused rooms and texts in the honeybee inn.

>> No.8561319

All of them, life doesn't have a rating and neither should games, it limits creativity and expression.
People have been trained to self censor.

>> No.8561323

Problem with AO rating is that consoles and retailers refuse to accept games with such rating, which means guaranteed low sales.

>> No.8561363

on the contrary there should be "Kids Only" games where it's illegal to buy if you're over a certain age such as pokemon or animal crossing

>> No.8561365

katawa shoujo my friend

>> No.8561368

Only adult game i ever played was manhunt 2. I got it off some old game website idr what it was called.
Like download to drive or some thing. It was a like a old gog site.

>> No.8561413
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That RPG Ar Tonelico should have just included porn. It's basically a porn story anyway just without any actual nudity or sex. In fact it feels creepier by beating around the bush so much rather than just being up front about what it is.

>> No.8561417
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You blown in from Resetera town?

>> No.8561418

>"Kids Only"
Can only buy, own or play if you're a kid.
Once you're older, you must sell them to other kids or destroy the games because you're not eligible to own them anymore.

>> No.8561423

No, it's just that constant innuendo is a lot harder to listen to than just open fucking.

>> No.8561441

Unless the game straight up glorifies mass shootings or the like, I highly doubt a game with hyper violence, dismemberment, and weilding limbs in a pinch would warrant an AO rating.

>> No.8561442

>such as pokemon or animal crossing

These two series seem to be extremely popular with certain crowds of people; the latter got an animation so controversial Nintendo literally had it DMCA'd because searching up 'Ankha' would take you straight to it.

>> No.8561453

How many AO games are worth playing, or even games for that matter? So we have Manhunt 2 and thats all I can think of. Every other one is either just porn pretending to be a game or complete trash

>> No.8561460

i always figured there was a point in which it was too much, and i reckoned it was solider of fortune with better graphics
if it's not then i dont even care about the rating stuff anymore lol, M got me covered i guess

>> No.8561463

Rance series

>> No.8561556

>>sex is the only thing pertaining to Adult rating

>> No.8561564

This already exists and it's called nintendo but many millennials are unable to let go of their childhoods (much to the company's benefit).

>> No.8561670

ah yeah classic mature adults playing mature children's toys such as yourself on the other hand, truly the heroes of society.

>> No.8561674

Something tells me if a game went so shockingly far with violence it would wind up off the shelves even with an M rating just due to the bad PR it would generate. Frankly it's already kind of pushing it with me in some games. I used to enjoy watching Mortal Kombat fatalities but now they're just plain gross.

>> No.8562030

No amount of violence can get a game to AO outside Japan and the EU and console manufacturers have strict policies against allowing AO games on their systems. Nothing worth an AO rating is worth submitting for classification which is itself a long and expensive process. At the end of the day context and presentation are more meaningful than how intense content itself is anyways. G rated films are often more effective at existential or conceptual horror than any R or NC17 production.

>> No.8562037

It genuinely warms my heart to see this recommended in 2022.

>> No.8562284
File: 34 KB, 443x600, 443px-ESRB_2013_Early_Childhood.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely misses the point
>replies with a single meme word
Here's an ESRB rating appropriate for you.

>> No.8562289

Nowadays the only way to get AO would have to be gratuitous sex. Look at TLOU2, that game has nudity and a ton of very realistic brutality, and it's only M.

>> No.8562306

I'm a grown 26 year old man. I don't play video games

>> No.8562326

don't come back

>> No.8562415

It unironically is, considering America's weird stance on "GORE GOOD, SEX BAD"

>> No.8562482

I never played a VN before but my weeb friend recommended it to me and I was really impressed at how good the writing was and how they tackled the sensitive subject considering it was made by 4chan

>> No.8562728

4chan actually makes some fun shit when they actually try. The /h/ board collaborated on a hentai manga a few years back called /h/con - cosplay is consent, which was a parody of those cosplay is not consent signs that started appearing. Its probably still floating around somewhere.

>> No.8562752

Manhunt 2 got one so they censored the game to pass it with an M

>> No.8563041
File: 154 KB, 704x695, 141761-lula-the-sexy-empire-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False dichotomy. The fact that a finished game wouldn't be improved by shoehorning in a new feature it wasn't designed around doesn't make that feature "meaningless".

>> No.8563079
File: 44 KB, 640x480, my face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting your underage kids, who you made with sex, exposed to media promoting wanton non-procreative sex, means you're "weird", love murder and hate sex
>europedos will never stop believing this

>> No.8563501

Well that scene in particular gives me a boner because of a real life experience I had. That said, and I can't justify this by saying it would improve the game in any way, but I always fantasized about the Don Corneo sequence going sideways and resulting in a gangrape after Aeris and Tifa are sent away as fodder for Corneo's men.

>> No.8564853

It was a bitch but I found it. It's on e-hentai but you have to search for hcon not /h/con. Surprisingly fun read.

>> No.8564882

Then why do Americans think it’s more important to protect their kids from even the idea of sex than to protect them from images of violence?

>> No.8564886

autists have a hard time with ambiguity

>> No.8564908

It's easy to explain why violence is bad vs. why sex is bad.
>>Timmy so all those people dying in pain? that's bad.
>>Timmy even though this feeling for girls you have is one of the most amazing things in life. it's bad for you.

>> No.8564936

What could GTA6 have that needs an AO rating? Even horrendous violence gets you an M so I figure that only sexual content would bump it up from that.

>> No.8564947

Why is violence permitted or glorified in American entertainment so much more readily than sex or nudity?

>> No.8564975

Literally doesn't matter anymore. Americans have given up on decency.
Violence isn't "glorified" any more than smut, shut up. Porn is a bigger deal because it's a known and destructive social control tool.

>> No.8564976
File: 263 KB, 600x304, burgers guns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thirdies care about our media this much even though they claim to hate us
Not even once. USA!

>> No.8565492

Pretty sure a fully erect dick would get an AO. So which games could use a good ol' boner on screen?

>> No.8565548

>Violence isn't "glorified"
kek you’re delusional.

>> No.8565782

Because much of the United States was colonized by the No Fun Allowed sore losers of the English Civil War who were on of the worst things to happen to Christianity and by extension politics.

>> No.8566140

Manhunt 2 did, which is why the console versions are censored to shit

>> No.8566149

GTA4 had male full frontal nudity and GTA5 had a visible clothed sex scene in a mission where you spy on someone. They could easily go a step further to intentionally get an AO.

>> No.8566172

Only three games as far to my knowledge got AO ratings over violence- and it was always because of the "context" of said violence rather than the gore itself.

>Thrill Kill
Gore isn't really any worse than Mortal Kombat, but the cast are all depraved sex pests (often reflected in their design/appearance rather than just something the manual says) and serial killers literally fighting to escape Hell.
>Manhunt 2
Gore is pretty fucking brutal here to be fair, but not a whole lot worse than Manhunt 1. What really chafed the ESRB was the fact you were playing as an escaped mental hospital patient (whereas in the first game you took the role of a thug blackmailed into helping produce snuff films) and you would do QTE's to simulate the motion of murdering your enemies- particularly in the Wii version which used motion controls for said QTE's.
Gore is less-realistic and less-detailed than games like The Last of Us and Max Payne 3, but you're in the role of a misanthropic edgelord who literally just wants to slaughter innocent people to take out his anger.

>> No.8566441

Manhunt 2 PC and Hatred are both AO for non-sex stuff, shut the fuck up if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

>> No.8566457

Hatred is AO, but Manhunt 2 is M after cuts.

>> No.8566639
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There must be people here who remember why.

>> No.8566960

The Rance series, as goofy as it is, tends to take dark and mature turns with its story quite frequently.

>> No.8566967

Sadistic gratuitous violence, explicit sex, and real gambling are the big three for AO ratings. I remind you that Thrill Kill, Hatred, Manhunt 2, and Punisher got or risked an AO rating.

The standards for rating are pretty messy. Persona 4 got an M rating despite the most objectionable thing in it being a few uses of "shit" and unrealistic violence.

>> No.8566975

With the games that are actually released as AO, most of the time it’s for sex.
The games that have extreme violence actually seem to be aimed a wider audience, probably because big publishers will take a risk on showing violence before they’ll take risk being seen as porn. I wonder why that is.
The nudie/porn games have their specific audience and are happy with it.

>> No.8567046

Basedny would still restrict adult content even on digital releases.

>> No.8567107
File: 236 KB, 700x950, 1601866849658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Basedny, newfag?

>> No.8567124

what cunt are you from? because there are a lot of cunts especially in the Third World where tabloid papers run graphic photos of dead bodies on the front page but you never see that in America.

>> No.8567131

>porn is a bigger deal because its a known and destructive social tool
I do not believe that that's inherently the case for porn. Fuck off with your stuck up idiocy and deluded bullshit concerning on-screen sex and nudity. Also, what counts as being "porn" is not exactly the same in every single culture in the world throughout history. Also, such stuff already existed for decades before Playboy even started. There were movies from the silent era that had featured at least partial nudity from multiple countries.

>> No.8567379

Absolutely not. All that shit does is take away from games.

>> No.8567387

what games actually met this mark and were told to tone it down? When you think of the disturbing shit that has shown up in games, it's hard to imagine the stuff that was given the boot. I'd guess visceral dismemberment or disemboweling, or the kind of shit that shows up on liveleaks or other nightmare fuel that occasionally gets posted around here.

>> No.8567873

>The standards for rating are pretty messy. Persona 4 got an M rating despite the most objectionable thing in it being a few uses of "shit" and unrealistic violence.
The ESRB has the same problem as the MPAA in that they have double standards depending on what "type" of game/movie it is. Like the MPAA will give shockingly violent mainstream movies like The Dark Knight a PG-13 but won't offer that same luxury to an indie film. Meanwhile the ESRB will toss M-ratings at every western AAA title no matter what but the Japanese weeb game that shows panty shots has to self-censor to even get publishing approval.

>> No.8567886

I have a feeling that the M rating has loosened over the years based on necessity. Like if you took Mortal Kombat 11 back in time and presented it to the ESRB in 1997 they'd probably instantly give it an AO and then call the police. The more realism that video games are capable of, the more brutal the same type of content is going to appear even if the specifics of what's happening isn't really different on paper.

>> No.8567887

The ESRB doesn't force anyone to censor games. The censorship is chiefly from SOIny since late 2017-early2018 via fucking boneheaded corporate decsions to appeal to SJWs and Femicunts.

>> No.8567893

Sony is just the new Nintendo and Nintendo is the new Sega. That's the natural order of things when someone becomes the market leader and another is trying to find it's own corner. The big guy always tries to play to the largest crowd and the little guy naturally becomes the scamp.

>> No.8567895

>The ESRB doesn't force anyone to censor games.
Weasel weasel weasel.
They certainly can threaten publishers with a given rating until the publishers come back with content changes.

>> No.8567898

Also this isn't new for Sony. Variable Geo, a semi-famous nudie fighting game, was always censored on Sony platforms.

>> No.8567905

People were straight up filming porn in the early 1900s lmao

>> No.8567909

Most really shitty games you could improve with sex and nudity, at least then it would have something to offer.

>> No.8567921

How so? Yes, they can give publishers warnings, but they can't call the FBI on said publisher for an AO rating.

>> No.8567938

I could see having a super heroine do some basic things like take a shower, change clothes, get some sexy time with a lover, etc. If a game worked its way from casual but believable nudity and only showed the sex scene if you did the right sequence, that could be worth an AO without being nothing but soul less sex.

>> No.8567961
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I unironically think the Parasite Eve games would have been improved by being more Skinemax style thrillers. The graphics were good enough where CGI nudity would have looked good and it would fit the story nicely if Aya Brea had to, for example, accomplish a task or navigate a scene topless or nude.

Come to think of it, was there any CGI nudity at the time? You can find all kinds of 2D anime nudie games from the era but how about Saturn/PS1 style 3D? Is there any SGI Workstation nudity out there?

>> No.8567984

San Andreas should have gone all in on it. Increased the gore, add nudity, keep James Woods growling a hard R nigger that would make DMX blush.

>> No.8568006

I don't know much about the era. I question why the Parasite Eve creators didn't do a plot where Aya had children who became troublesome. Their whole story seemed to be leading up to something like that happening.

>> No.8568017

>was there any CGI nudity at the time?
Before Illusion started doing realtime 3D games they were selling pre-rendered ones in the 90s

>> No.8568023

Any titles you know of?

>> No.8568059

just what Wikipedia says
It mentions these two in particular has being only prerendered:
But I've also played Bikou (尾行) and while it has realtime polygon gameplay it also has pre-rendered parts too so they probably did that sort of hybrid thing for a while

>> No.8568195

Instead of spirit within, i feel like square would have had more success releasing a cgi PE movie in the 90s.

>> No.8568338

The purpose of the ratings system is to keep Congress off the gaming industry’s back. The ESRB can elect to exile games to an AO rating - and doom them to limited sales and maybe financial ruin - if the content is something they don’t want in wide circulation. So the ESRB says what’s what and publishers play nice unless they’re fine with going completely outside the system.

>> No.8568350

There are a lot of things Squaresoft would have had more success doing than Spirits Within.

>> No.8568545

This. Congress was on a tear and the hearings were Nintendo and Sega basically throwing their hands up and saying "we'll handle it! we'll handle it!" in order to keep the government from doing actual legislation. Australia and to a lesser extent Japan are what happens when you let that happen.

>> No.8568621

Back in the day there was a school yard rumor of "nudalities" in Mortal Kombat II or 3, I forget which. I think one of the many shitty MK clones actually ran with this and had actual nudalities. Orchid's boob flash finishing move in the first Killer Instinct may also have been a reference. I don't know if it would have been good for Mortal Kombat but maybe Orchid really should have shown her tits.

>> No.8568648
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Honestly, AO-rated games are likely just trying to hard if they hit that rating. Like many other anons have said, it would just kill sales. Besides, modern games can include all sorts of crazy things but I think they're taken into context.

>> No.8568701

Nah, fuck that. Literally most rpg maker hgames are just you playing as a girl who goes around getting raped by monsters and shit. It's degenerate and off putting to anyone who isn't mentally broken.

>> No.8568729

I don't think the suggestion is to make it a rape game. I think this is a universal problem in video games in general. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing tradeoff. A movie can have a rape scene but not automatically be a porno but in the video game space it seems like 99% of the time if there's nudity/sex then it's just straight up hentai. Like you can make the attempted rape in Tomb Raider successful (and maybe avenged afterward) without changing anything else about the game.

>> No.8569536

>lesser extent Japan
why do they allow pedophilia in games then, they really need to do something about it
japan is pure cringe

>> No.8569781

I am 100% sure that if congress tried to dictate what can and cannot be in a videogame through legislation, every single lawyer in the country would be salivating at the idea of a slam-dunk first amendment lawsuit. Digital media has been ruled as free speech.

>> No.8569817
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Not VR but Hatred got an AO rating just by being as edgy as humanly possible. It was all tongue and cheek too but they didn't really make it obvious until the very end.

>> No.8569823

Yeah old enough but no one gives a shit about gaylo.

>> No.8569870

It would still be a giant pain in the ass. You have to work your way through the courts, deal with possibly years worth of litigation, etc. Plus its not quite a slam dunk. Obscenity laws exist, the theory being that if something is obscene then it isn't protected speech. And its pretty vague what counts as "obscene."

>> No.8570169
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In your dream world. In real life, games you don't like can become wildly popular, the proportion of people younger than you inexorably grows, and men can appreciate a fine male ass.

>> No.8570182

And obscenity laws have been used to censor all kinds of material and performances. They’re still on the books.

>> No.8570292

I can't imagine any of the GTA protags raping someone, other than maybe Trevor. It's too out of character for them.

>> No.8570337

>grow up as an art form
Please no. The less artistic videogames are in the public's mind, the better. I don't want Gone Home to be the future of gaming. Art games are for gamers, not arthoes.

>> No.8570392

No one cares about gaylo

>> No.8572018


Trevor was already a victim of sexual trauma, if I remember correctly

>> No.8572509

Maybe Claude from GTA3, or Tommy Vercetti from Vice City.

>> No.8573007


were better rating codes

>> No.8573105

How come an 18 rating wasn't seen a death sentence in Europe?

>> No.8573128

In Europe videogames were for kids until MGS and FF VIII murder. Even in early 2000s videogames were for teenagers and kids in Europe. GTA saga sold very well here in Europe.

Well, Germany was more strict due to some WW2 stuff laws.

>> No.8573494

Europe has a different scale. Their 18 is our M. In fact that's why Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe had to be censored in America. Because in Europe it could get a 15+ rating. But the ESRB doesn't have a rating between T and M so the Joker's fatality would have gotten a targeted T game bumped up to an M. This wasn't a problem in Europe because of the difference in scales.

>> No.8573517

AO should not even exist, it's a 1 year difference from the "Mature" label and not a meaningful difference of audience.

>> No.8573619
File: 74 KB, 640x640, rated 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very few games actually got 18 ratings early on.
In the PS1-era there's only a handful of 18 rated games. Most games that were rated M in North America got a 15+ at most in Europe.
Metal Gear got its first 18 rating with MGS4, Splinter Cell wasn't rated 18 until Double Agent.
Games didn't start getting regular 18 ratings until the PS3-era. COD4 and WaW were rated 15/16+ but every COD after that has been 18.
A lot more games started getting 18 rated but sometimes it just didn't really make sense.
Rise of the Tomb Raider? 18. Titanfall 2? 16. Rainbow Six Siege? 18. MotorStorm Pacific Rift? 16. Resident Evil Revelations? 16. DoA Beach Volleyball? 15. Limbo? 18.
As you can see the age rating is a rather meaningless indicator of anything.

>> No.8573630

Seems like a bunch of games got it since PEGI started in 2003.

>> No.8573741

It’s not about age so much as where the game is able to be sold. Retailers and many online storefronts won’t sell AO games.

>> No.8573779

Parents commonly tolerate kids under 17 owning and playing M games.

>> No.8573814

Fun fact, you couldn't trade that version in at gamestop. I tried. Their system is able to detect the version number.

>> No.8573883
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The book, which Parasite Eve is actually a sequel to, contains an absolutely insane rape scene

>> No.8573886

Why? Alcohol requires people to be 21 and yet it's sold everywhere.
Firearms are also 18+ without problems.
Is the ESRB even legally binding?

>> No.8573887

If its not real photographs and videos of actual human children being sexually abused, it's not pedophilia.

By your logic, anyone who looks at Persona 4 hentai is a pedophile, and that's a fucking ridiculous precident.

>> No.8573893

Apparently you can't buy alcohol at a supermarket or gas station in places like Canada. You have to go to state sanctioned alcohol distributors.

>> No.8573902

Stop confusing pedophilia with child abuse material.
Pedophilia is just a type of sexual attraction. Not everybody producing or consuming child sexual abuse material is a pedophile.

>> No.8574071

They argue that to prevent "copycat killers" that it just means not giving news coverage to the "mass shootings". Imagine if none of the news outlets reported on any murder of anyone for any reason...
lul, what's it really matter? The censorious push for anti-loli pr0n & anti-"normalizing pedophilia" is only the icing on the shit cake that's going to be your own undoing. This is titled, "Report of the American Psychological Association Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls."
Give that a good look over, cause you lose one way or the other.

>> No.8574086

Porn in prose form will always be hilarious to me. I find it impossible to take the descriptiveness of the language seriously.

>> No.8574096

Same with alcohol and guns in various US stafes, last I heard.

>> No.8574097

No its not a legal thing. When San Andreas got hit with an AO over hot coffee some retailers pulled it but I remember FYE just stuck an AO sticker over the M and sold it as is. I actually regret not buying it. Retailers say they won't sell AO games because its a freebie. They know there's no real loss since nothing gets an AO, Nintendo/Sony/MS won't allow AO on their platforms, and the rare game that does get AO is probably digital only.

>> No.8574102

>>8573893 >>8574096
*states; sorry.

>> No.8574105

>you can't buy alcohol at a supermarket or gas station
It’s that way in most of the US, that I’ve been to at least. Texas does beer and wine only, liquor stores are separate. In New England you can occasionally find beer and wine at grocery stores but for the most part anything alcoholic is at a specific separate store. North Carolina I don’t remember if they did beer and wine at grocery stores but they have state run liquor stores. Ohio has this weird setup where you can get liquor at a gas station but it’s only half proof, real liquor is sold inside a separate store inside grocery stores.
t. Professional alcoholic

>> No.8574193

Can confirm this supermarket sells beer in Dickson City.
There are still state stores within 5 miles of this place.

>> No.8574338

That used to be the case at least in Ontario and the provincial store (LCBO) is still the main way to get the widest variety but that's been changed for several years. You can get alcohol at grocery and convenience stores now. Can confirm that it was not the case before though.

>> No.8574382

There is no such thing as "normalizing pedophilia." That's a /pol/ psyop to truck social media boomers into thinking the left is pro-pedos, which it isn't. The left is very vocally pro-firing squad against pedos.

Apparently you're as fucking stupid as a computer illiterate boomer, since you fell for the psyop.

>> No.8574389

Thats weird. I didn't know that. I live in NY and can just buy alcohol at 7/11 or any deli.

>> No.8574395

It’s not about laws, it about avoiding controversy and bad press and parent/religious organizations and regulatory scrutiny.

>> No.8574398

>pro-firing squad against pedos
No, believing there's such a thing as "pedophiles" as a medical condition is a psycho-lol-ogist psyop in which you're both part of a team of retards. Try harder to argue it's a "genetic condition" with your James Cantor-types and other faggots.

>> No.8574406

Thats not a thing that happens lol. You fell for the trolls pretending to be leftists.

>> No.8574435

I've seen enough rightist & leftist "anti-pedos" to know they have the same, weak mental capacity as every "MAP" on Twitter and worship the DSM like it's an infallible, modern gospel. A fake leftist is like a wind in the breeze compared to whatever you think it is I'm saying.

>> No.8574443

"MAP" should just call themselves furries anime fans and they would blend right in there. Dumb niggers.

>> No.8574452

All ratings are meaningless at this point.

>> No.8574453

“MAP” is a meme made up by people participating in psyop.

>> No.8574458

MAP is just an animefan that forgot to be ironic.

>> No.8574464
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>> No.8574475

Maybe, but is it any different than taking someone's face & name & LARPing as them as being a "MAP" on social media, thus ruining their image & career cause the usual population will always jump the gun on this subject and won't believe potential victims of identity theft?
That's where this topic makes blackmail a very easy thing to exploit.

>> No.8574476

The hell is MAP?

>> No.8574479

"Minor Attracted Persons"

>> No.8574489

That has got to be a joke acronym. It doesn't even make any sense since "minor" is a legal term that varies place to place, not something intrinsic to human physical development. It sounds like something a person would call themselves as a joke when they call a 17 year old hot.

>> No.8574514

Not to mention they accomplish nothing. They want to legalize child attraction while standing against child rape, but attraction is already legal? You can't get arrested for thoughts alone so what the fuck even is the goal here?

>> No.8574518

That's true. It's another reason why people that say they "hate pedos" are basically saying they "hate kids/soil", since that's the definition of "pedo" on its own. In Spanish, "pedo" means "fart", so yeah, you hate farts, too.

>> No.8574574

Ok, umm, no, sweaty.
You can't get arrested for thought crime, having said that admitting to "liking kids" in public is self blackmail like the other anon said, it's a form of self-own and unnecessary exposure of an obvious weakness that your adversaries WILL use to destroy you. Don't ever admit to a crime should be common fucking sense.

>> No.8574609

One argument is that you can reduce the amount of actual criminal behaviors among pedophiles by treating it with more open understanding so they'd be more ready to actually seek help with the condition. Alcoholics famously have to admit they have a problem before any progress can be made. But you really can't expect a pedophile to make such an admission given the public sentiment regarding such things. So in turn they never get help, have to deal with it on their own, and obviously this means a decent percentage of them will fail to manage the condition responsibly because of that.

>> No.8574621
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I repeat, all they had to do was call themselves anime fans and when asked just say UOOOOOOOH ToT

>> No.8574632
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, Ren_crazy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8574646

>get together with shy girl
>she turns out to be a shapeshifting monstergirl with a supercharged sex drive
>this is a bad thing
Japanese protagnoists, man.

>> No.8574769

damn it

>> No.8574798

does this scene happen in the live action adaptation?

>> No.8576158

This is the first I've heard of a live action adaptation. Now I have to track it down.