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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8565327 No.8565327 [Reply] [Original]

What differentiates a game with good, unique gameplay from a game that's just too gimmicky and nothing more, in your opinion?

>> No.8565364

Do I enjoy it?
That's it. That's the only thing that matters. I don't care what other people think about the game, I don't waste my time defending my opinion on a game since I don't bother sharing it in the first place. You want to find good games you enjoy? Go find them yourself. I don't care about your opinion either. I'm not gonna force myself through a shitty interface or something else that pisses me off just because some critic/"journalist"/random fuck on the internet said it was a classic or 10/10 or whatever. I could care less how many magazines named it the best X of all time. If I don't enjoy it, it sucks. Period.
I've developed a large list of games I enjoy playing, and an even larger list of games I tried and liked and plan on getting back to eventually. I haven't played a single game I didn't enjoy for longer than 10 minutes since I got into emulation/piracy. Life is too short to waste time on games I don't enjoy.

>> No.8565390
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i fucking kneel

>> No.8565449

>game with good, unique gameplay
Reactive inputs which adequately convey the player's desired choices. Does the game "feel" good to play?
The degree of uniqueness/gimmicks tends to be secondary to overall gameplay.

Let's look at some shitty gameplay for examples of what I mean.
>that fucking boss
Looking at you, Mortal Kombat. Once the player adapts to how they influence the controls the gameplay is pretty straightforward: make less mistakes than your opponent until you win. Until you get to the boss and the game decides to eat your quarters before you even registered that you pressed a button. This is "this fuckin game is CHEATING!" territory.
>that fucking platformer
There are lots of "that" platformer. Poorly developed hitboxes, nonsensical weights, visual clarity issues, poor use of i-frames, etc. I don't care what the platformer has to offer if it feels like the game is gaslighting me into a shit player. "wtf? i swear i pressed the button in the right place to make that jump correctly" For some reason, ninja-themed games love to shit it up in this category.
>the advertisement
So many games with ads disguised (or not) as gameplay. Think of just about any racing game. Think those car make and models were drawn out of a hat? Most people ultimately don't give a shit as long as gameplay is solid, but it's the easiest to shit on if it's not. Pepsiman, iconically so bad it's "good." Then there's Cool Spot, essentially the same thing but with middle-of-the-pack gameplay, most people don't even remember this game.

The exceptions are when it's the FIRST to do the gimmick (or at least first to do correctly/widely accessible). Shit gameplay gets a TEMPORARY pass in exchange for unique/new gimmicks. A lot of notable PS1 games sit here, like Resident Evil.

>> No.8567528

Post your list! Assuming you keep it as a .txt or spreadsheet or whatever.

>> No.8567549

The most basic difference between "shoot it until it dies" and "shoot the glowing red weak point".

>> No.8567557

The truth? I've never encountered the latter. Not even once.

>> No.8567623

Who cares?

>> No.8567631

good = I like it
gimmicky = I don't like it

>> No.8567638

>I could care less
So you do care?

>> No.8567686

A lot of games I like I would describe as gimmicky. I don't like how gimmick is used as a synonym for bad. Honestly seems like an attitude perpetuated by people who just want a game to do one thing, and have a stick up their ass about variety. Every time Platinum makes a game these people come out of the woodwork.
>it's bad because there's a level where they break up the regular gameplay by letting you ride in a space ship
Ok, you boring fucking faggot. Jesus.

>> No.8567710

A good gameplay for me follows the introduction, build up, challenges and twist idea. A gimmicky is just a thrown away idea that requires an out of the box solution. Not that it is bad by default, it just leads to "very good clever solution" or "bullshit, how should I have it?" moments.

>> No.8567783

almost nothing, when you people understand a lot of whats said about games is totally subjective this fucking board threads will be reduced in half.
What is gimmiccky for someone could be unique gameplay to another.

>> No.8567787

For now. But the caring is lessening.

>> No.8567794

just imagine to have this stupid conversation but about wines, do you know whats the best wine? the one you like, whos the best girl? the one you like, no matter how many faggots come and try to find the "objective" truth. What differentiates a game with blah blah blah from a game with blah blah blah? your personal taste. Maybe you cand find some better analysis posibilities if you compare ET for atari and super mario 3, but in general is totally subjective and this conversation doesnt hold up.

>> No.8567814

What they DO with the gameplay/gimmick.