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8553192 No.8553192 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the Nintendo GameCube sell poorly?

>> No.8553218

The mini-disc format.
Seriously, that's basically the only reason.

>> No.8553224

>mini disc
>during the up and coming dvd era
>meanwhile ps2 shipped with dvd support out of the box
fucking retards at nintendo, gotta love em

>> No.8553230

shit audio
weak colors
no games

>> No.8553246

Because it's a gimmicless Nintendo console with bad first party games and no third party ones.

>> No.8553251

It wasn't a PS2, and it couldn't flex as hard as the xbox.

>> No.8553257

games just weren't good

>> No.8553268

>shit audio
Could you elaborate on this?
Was the GC's sound chip worse or was it just that the music was compressed to fit on the disc?
Would a normie listening on TV speakers even notice the drop in quality?

>weak colors
Do you mean the GC had faded colour output or reduced colour gamut? Or do you mean how people chose not to buy it over a PS2 because muh purple lunchbox?

>> No.8553274

Kiddy image
Minidiscs meant no DVD player and less memory making some multiplats 2 disc or have sections cut out. And this also kept many mainline games short; lunges mansion, pikmin, zelda Wind waker were infamously very short games. This didn't help the kiddy image.
Same usual Nintendo 3rd party developer issues
Launched after PS (and DC) had established a foothold with other customers
Didn't do anything really groundbreaking like previous Nintendo consoles had, just did more of the same but with better graphics. And that's great for Nintendo fans but not for neutrals.

It really was mainly down to the kiddy image , it was a very big deal at the time. Yes kids were into games but this whole army of grown men wearing pyjamas with cartoons on them just wasn't really a thing 20 years ago so the kiddy image was kryptonite for the main game audience that was now established of 16+ males

>> No.8553283

It fell into a death spiral. Nobody bought it, so no games were on it, so people didn't buy it etc. Same thing happened to the Wii U but that was also just awful marketing.

The switch on the other hand will be their biggest console. People keep buying it, so it gets more third party support. It's a snowball effect.

>> No.8553289

>>shit audio
>Could you elaborate on this?
There's less space on the disc. They downsampled audio to save space and it ends up sounding terrible.

>> No.8553295

the mini-discs

Dreamcast had the same problem with its GD-ROMs

everybody wanted DVD

>> No.8553307
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n64 was a hot turd, the PS2 was already going to be the winner by default that gen, the only question was by how much.
mini dvd was a classic anti consumer retarded move, they got their asses burned with n64 and double down on the GC. it also looked retarded, like a kid's lunchbox, coupled with nintendo's toddler friendly image, it was a unappealing sell. Mario Sunshine was incredibly broken and unfinished for a fucking flagship mario game. no DVDs for you, expensive peripherals and pointless gimmicks for your lunchbox with unfinished toddler games, limited disc space resulting in shit audio a lot of the time.

And oh yeah, besides the obvious advantage out of the gate, the PS2 turned out to be the greatest console of all time, the chef's kiss for nintendo retarded, repeated decisions.

>> No.8553315

>the PS2 turned out to be the greatest console of all time
In sales, you mean, right?

>> No.8553327

Nope. It has the best library of games, and it also had full access to the PS1's library. it's a no brainer.

>> No.8553354

Why do we need this fucking thread every goddamned week? Why do you fucking brainlets only give a shit about sales? Of fucking course the better option sells poorly, NPCs only consoom sports shit and movies. There you go, end of thread.

>> No.8553361

I traded in My Wii Twilight Princess copy to buy the gamecube version. I regret it. To this day I don't know which orientation of the world map feels correct, or where the hell anything is.

>> No.8553369
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Yes, those extra 120 million sales are all from dumb dumb NPCs as opposed to the enlightened, intelligent nintendo loyalists.

>> No.8553371

Any reason?

>> No.8553372

GC version doesn't have waggle and is worth more.

>> No.8553374

Why do you ask?

>> No.8553389

>nobody bought the Gamecube!
>shitty games!
The current state of GC collecting says otherwise. The PS2 has a terrific library but the machine itself is a piece of dogshit and one of the reasons it sold so well were people buying replacements after Sony's faggot warranty no longer covered the broken optical drive you were 90% likely to encounter.
Nintendo were faggots though with the mini drive. If they had gone full-DVD they could have really fucked shit up.
All three systems in that generation were ASS and SHIT. The beginning of the end.

>> No.8553410

Disc Read Error

I went through three PS2s over 7 years because of that shit, and the fourth one I have now is starting to go as well. The PS2 is a piece of fucking junk. I hate it when companies can't build shit to last. My fucking gaming PC(4770K and GTX770) I'm using right now, I built in 2014, and it still has the original Windows 7 installation on it. Still works. I only had to replace the water cooler once and add RAM. Game consoles are so shitty in build.

>> No.8553424 [DELETED] 

My fat PS3 from 2003 still works, pretty sure it's the 39000. Maybe if you didn't treat your shit like a nigger they'd last.

>> No.8553427

>All three systems in that generation were ASS and SHIT
nah, ur off by one generation mate. SNES/MD was peak awsome, the PS1/N64 came it games looked as you would say "ASS and SHIT", but then PS2/GCN came and people were all "WTF 3D games actually look good now!?" and then promptly chose the PS2 because it had DVD playback.

Simple as.

>> No.8553430

didn't have the hype of the ps2 and couldn't live up to the big boy imagine the ps2 and xbox had

>> No.8553435

Poor take. X360 is worst of lasted.

>> No.8553441

Disgusting post

>> No.8553442

you mean free with nintendont ?

>> No.8553447

I'm gonna have to ask you to cope and seethe.

>> No.8553448

Sony consoles are infamous pieces of shit though. The PS1 and PS2 have terrible disc drives and the PS3 burns itself up. I used to be a PS fanfaggot but the PS3 was the last straw. No excuse for shit like that.
The Xbox 3Shitty is on that pile too. Playstations sold well because Sony knew the perfect warranty game. The kings of planned obsolescence. My PC's disc drives are a 10yo BD burner and a 13yo DVD burner from previous builds and BOTH of these drives still work. In fact I've never lost a PC optical drive. Why the fuck is the PS/PS2 drives so ass and shit?

>> No.8553451

what about PS2 collecting,many games going for more than a hundred bucks.

>> No.8553452

So the Wii's better than the PS3, anon?

>> No.8553458

do you use your PC disc reader as much as a console ?
no of course you dont.

>> No.8553462

that's a loaded question since both you and me know 75% of the Wii's sales were by people who never played videogames before.

>> No.8553468

>already making ad hoc caveats
Embarrassing, anon. Either sales matter or they don't

>> No.8553471

Yes. For several years I played DVDs and Blurays when I still had a disc-plan at netflix, and I also played lots of music CDs.

>> No.8553483

They sure do matter, anon. However if you want to ignore that the Wii was bought by elderly people to play bowling once and then rot on the entertainment center, go ahead. Out of the very few good games the Wii had, almost all of them sold like shit compared to hardware sales. Wii Punch Out barely cracked a million, and that's the best game on the system.

>> No.8553484

>mini disk, can’t buy DVD
>silly design
>questionable lineup of titles. A lot of people wanted another Mario 64 and OOT but they got Sunshine and Wind Waker, which weren’t what they wanted
>atrocious launch line up. Out of the 12 games available, only 4 were exclusives (admittedly all good games). The rest were sports games, ports, available on other consoles or all of the above (or just shit like Tarzan Untamed)
>changing tastes amongst the buying public. This was the beginning of the REALISM era and what the GameCube was offering didn’t fit the bill, while the competition did
>no Must Play game on launch. PS2 had Timesplitters, Tekken Tag, Dynasty Warriors 2, Unreal, Ridge Racer V. Xbox had FUCKING HALO and that’s honestly all it needed.
>Nintendo continued to market towards younger audiences, which was out of touch with the majority of the market at the time.

Let’s be honest, it was fucked from day dot when they announced it would use mini discs. I have no idea why they thought that was a good idea, especially after the PS2 made enough money to buy the moon. Apparently it was too combat piracy, but I do think it was just to make it harder on devs and horde all the tech know-how to themselves like they did with the N64 and its carts

>> No.8553494

Not him, but absolutely. Not only are there lots of great games on the thing BUT, it's tough as nails, and can be easily modded and turned into an emulation box that can play everything in Nintendo's back catalog except for DS and N64, and there's many N64 games on it in VC as well. AND there's even a whole bunch of Neo Geo games on it that output at 240p.

Goddamn bet your ass the Wii is better than the PS3.

>> No.8553496

you didnt do those things as much as you played games and you know it or else you wouldnt have gone through 3 ps2 in 7 years.
i still got my childhood ps2 working perfectly so fuck off with your console war bullshit.

>> No.8553498

>I mean, it has NINTENDO written on it, how could it NOT be better?!

>> No.8553509

are these games really that great when you play them with shitty gimmick control.

>> No.8553513

Why do you feel to decide which sales matter and which don't?
Calm down and take your meds

>> No.8553515

>gamecube hardware AGAIN
>but it has a dildo for a controller this time

>> No.8553516


>> No.8553519

Dude the PS2 has a fucking drive controller kill-switch built into it. The whole console is a piece of shit. You anecdotes and my anecdotes notwithstanding, the facts are known now about how shitty the things are. And I know it's not Foxconn's fault since I have several boards from them that function perfectly and have a few dozen years of service between them.

>> No.8553520

Seethe and cope
Also not retro

>> No.8553523

One console was bought and used for DVD playback and a lot of gaming. The other was bought and barely used. It's basic economics anon, if you're gonna use a console, you're gonna buy a lot of controllers, games and other peripherals for it.

>> No.8553529

>The other was bought and barely used
Says who

>> No.8553531

They did it for anti-piracy, same thing that they did for the N64. Took 'em 2 whole console failures to realize what they were doing was retarded.

>> No.8553538
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>> No.8553546

>sales don't matter when it's nintendo because... uh... they just don't, okay!

>> No.8553558

im sorry you grew up the wii.

>> No.8553587

Not an argument

>> No.8553604

I’ve had a PS2 since launch and a Wii since launch. The PS2 is somehow still working with zero issues while the Wii shit itself and stopped reading games about two years after I got it. I have no idea why, it just stopped. I understand the PS2 is a clunky nightmare of a system that was notorious for shitting itself, especially at launch, but I just think it’s weirdly ironic that the system most people tend to tout as being indestructible shitted out pretty fast

>> No.8553615

No games? Cmon bro

>> No.8553616

Couldn't compete with PS2. PS2 had first one out the gate advantage, backward compatibility, fuckhuge library of games. The Gamecube's big launch title was Luigi's Mansion, a spinoff game based on a sidekick character with unusual for the franchise survival horror gameplay.

>> No.8553625

Yeah, same for the PS2, I bought one at launch, it had an issue with the disc drive where it would scratch up the discs so I had it exchanged, then I've had that same replacement one for over 20 years now and it still works great, even after several moves, being in some less salubrious places. I'm playing BoF3 on it now.

>> No.8553635
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>Shitty marketing, in some regions barely any
>Shitty controller that's terrible for your hands long term
>Expensive vidya
>Gimped ports
>Not very many good exclusives

>> No.8553640

>Shitty controller that's terrible for your hands long term
take a shower.

>> No.8553641

>75% of the Wii's sales were by people who never played videogames before.
So, same as the PS2 then?

>> No.8553649

I wonder what % of PS2 buyers bought it to use just as a DVD player and to play Madden/sports games on.
The Xbox is probably the most heavily-gamer oriented console of that generation despite what people believe. Namely because the damn thing was literally a repackaged gaming PC.

>> No.8553658

Anon, rhe gamecube controller is loved by smash players who are infamous for stinking like a fucking rotten sewer pipe. This is common knowledge. The GameCube controller is the pinnacle of bad hygiene

>> No.8553660
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Thanks for looking out for me anon

>> No.8553673
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>So, same as the PS2 then?

>> No.8553675

The GC controller is awesome and Metroid Prime makes perfect use of it. The only flaw is the tiny D-pad pulled from a GBA.
The DualShock 2 is still king though. Greatest game controller ever made. You could put those things through a wash and dry cycle in the laundry and they'd survive. Nice long cord and great ergonomics, and the analog buttons are great for Gran Turismo.

>> No.8553692
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For the record, I bought the Wii on release and was one of the few people that loved it for the many weird 3rd party games. I've never owned a ps2 either.
I just hate you faggot fanboys.
>great ergonomics
lol no, the grips are twisted and sit at an awkward angle. It destroys your hands. If it didn't have the shit grips, bad dpad and had another Z button it would be 10/10.

>> No.8553696

And I knew lots of girls who only bought a PS2 for Singstar. Same shit, different system.

>> No.8553697

baby small hands

>> No.8553704

>The GC controller is awesome and Metroid Prime makes perfect use of it
Nah fuck that, I tried playing the gc version once and my index finger hurt for days afterwards.

>> No.8553708

>150 million consoles sold
>best selling game only sold 17 million copies
Jesus it really was just a DVD player to most people wasn't it?

>> No.8553715

Yes. Announcing s`age so I get banned from this shit board, sag`e.

>> No.8553719

Sounds like a personal problem to me.

>> No.8553756


>> No.8553765

Sound like nintendo drone cope to me.

>> No.8553780

I'm amused by the zoomer fetishization of the Gamecube. It was a fine console and I enjoyed a chunk of games for it, but holy shit, with the way some jerk off over it, you'd think it was the second coming.

>> No.8553863

I said this in another thread, GC was like N64 pt.2, but with all its advantage over competitors rendered obsolete. it didn't have edge by having 007, or an analog stick, or having truly revolutionary games (except for Metroid Prime). it still had same exact problems—lack of big 3rd party exclusives (beside RE that hardly sold at the end), gimped mini-disc format, and a limited library of games that mostly interested just Nintendo fans. but now it also had a weird controller and a bunch of downright weird games, and Nintendo doubled down on its bing bang wahoo toddler image. And it also went vs PS2 that didn't need an introduction like PS did, and PS2 simply went and delivered. Didn't help that the biggest seller of that era was GTA, it simply was a sign that gaming was going from "something for kids" to "something for teens and young adults", and Nintendo was looking out of place in this new era.
still, GC sold 22 mln units, while N64 sold 33 mln. I think it lasted solely on the success of Smash Bros and its momentum from N64. later years GC sales were miserable.

>> No.8553865

It sold decently enough. Less than the others but not "poorly"

>> No.8553986

If sales matter than McDonald's food beats every restaurant.

>> No.8553996

Graphically it is inferior. And on a side not my Wii copy was new from Christmas as our present from my parents. And the GC one was used with a bad gamestop yellow sticker and no manual.

>> No.8554025

i find this cope ironic. am I supposed to think that GC has better, more refined library than PS2? GC has some great games like Metroid Prime and Smash, and a few underrated ones. but the rest is what? Luigi's Mansion? Star Fox Adventures? Kirby Air Ride? it's one flawed meme game after another.
even Mario Sunshine got its share of shit, and for a good reason. it only got more games than N64 because of multiplats, if not for this it'd be the same no gaems platform.

>> No.8554058

you are drifting into psychosis levels of bullshit

>> No.8554062

What do you have against Luigi's Mansion?
Let's put this right out right now, the first party games were the best among the three systems. PS2 had the best third party support but most people just played Madden and wrestling games and DVDs.
If you weigh all three systems solely on their hardcore gaming usage, they probably all come out close to one another with the PS2 just edging out the other two.

Filthy casuals were playing as much PS2 as they were GC. Rappers nig'd about the PS2 and Xbox in their "music" in the 2000s, that's how normie that shit really was. On TRL and shit.

>> No.8554068

Sony was never good.

>> No.8554074

I accept your concession, tendie.

>> No.8554076

Dude shovelware movie games lmao

>> No.8554087 [SPOILER] 
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Neither... was your mom.

>> No.8554147
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>What do you have against Luigi's Mansion?
that it's short. although I'll admit it's a bad example. GC has many better examples like Donkey Konga, Doshin, Billy Hatcher, etc.
>Let's put this right out right now, the first party games were the best among the three systems.
very arguable. like with N64, "the great first party games" means the same 4 games everyone owned. the rest wasnt all that great and worse than N64 in fact, because Rare left. GC 1st party output has way too many Mario sports games, and one too many Mario Party games.
>PS2 had the best third party support but most people just played Madden and wrestling games and DVDs.
Ah yes, I truly remember how no one actually played anything on PS2 and watched DVDs. except for GTA trilogy, MGS2 and 3, Tekken 5, FFX, God of War, DMC, Jak, Ratchet & Clank, and so on. but these of course don't count, because this would mean PS2 was more popular for its games. no, let's just stick with the narrative that GC was a huge underrated gem that actually was more popular, and it was just normies and meatheads who bought PS2.

>> No.8554369

>Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda
yes please
>Super Mario World, Link to the Past
yeah, right on
>Mario 64, Ocarina of time
>Sunshine, Wind Waker

>> No.8554404

it was mostly shit, like killer 7 and big mutha trucka

>> No.8554416

Do you think Gran Turismo's sales were boosted by clueless parents confusing it with Grand Theft Auto?

>> No.8554460


Metroid prime, Eternal darkness, RE4, Smash and F-Zero GX shit on the entire ps2 librairy

>> No.8554748

Complete failure trying to adopt to the emerging 'mature' market. Third party stuff was severely hampered due to disc limitation and even if third parties got their stuff on the GC it was usually downgraded texture wise and content wise. The mini-disc shit is the single most retarded thing done literally perfect hindsight with the N64 how do you pursue something so dumb.

>> No.8554752

too pure for this world

>> No.8554776

>weak colors
If I had to guess he's talking about the heavy compression everything has. It's very easy to see the JPEG like blocky and discolored artifacts in texture work.

>> No.8555008

>Eternal Darkness
Not better than the Silent Hill or Fatal Frame games available on PS2
Also available on PS2
lol, the PS2 had proper fighting games

>> No.8555032

no they didnt, they refused to pay the DVD royalty, had nothing to do with piracy

>> No.8555060

>Silent Hill
>Fatal Frame
multiplat(apart from 3)

Tekken sucks, bro.

>> No.8555070

It's not like Gamecubes are rare or something. Still sold a shitton. Everybody I knew owned one. Now TG16 that sold like shit. GC sold fine.

>> No.8555094

>wii is better because you can emulate actual good systems on it
Guess my iPhone 11 is better than every console then.


>> No.8555394

Very niche opinion, most people disagree hence why it sold so poorly. RE4 is also multiplat and has been since the year it came out.

>> No.8555442

I had an xbox growing up and have one now with tons of xbox games. Have a gamecube now and find myself playing the cube way more.

>> No.8555462

This. I remember getting it for Christmas 2001. It was really fun and had some truly excellent launch titles that blew you away with their looks (rogue leader, wave race water effects).

However, it was never as big a deal as the N64 had been and certainly never had its depth of great games. Most of the top games on GC tended to first-party whereas N64 had a lot more diverse third-party games; not all of them classics, but many that were memorable and unique. I really can’t remember many like that on GC. GC was great but Xbox definitely had the momentum back in the early 2000s, with Halo. GC had big dick energy, though

>> No.8555889

less game, lost all support in n64 era, anti-monopoly european laws

>> No.8555901

>read side on surface
*facial twitch*

>> No.8555905

look european sales per country and you will learn the TRUTH

>> No.8555909

in late 90s/early 2000s gran turismo and gran turimso 2 were the BIGGEST games in psx, at least in Europe.

>> No.8555914

true, but psx and ps2 were good.

>> No.8555915
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Had "cube" in the name
Kids love games, but hate cubes
Been that way all of history

>> No.8555918

>Also available on PS2
thanks to ps2 fans tears during a whole year, capcom released it on ps2

>> No.8555921

More like thanks to Gaycube horrible fucking sales. Being a smash hit on the GC meant fucking nothing since nobody bought one. By the time RE4 was released, Capcom already found out a loophole in the contract so they could release it on PS2 and actually make money.

>> No.8555958
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As a kid who loves games, I can confirm that I fucking hate cubes.

>> No.8555968

Cut your nails, weak faggot

>> No.8555989

That’s not my hand lol.

>> No.8556016
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Miyamoto’s autism is what killed the GameCube. In an era where people are getting excited about the next generation with games like Halo and GTA III, how does Nintendo follow up on the games that carried the N64? With fucking Baby Link in Cartoon Town and Mario on Holiday.

Twilight Princess should have been a launch title, not the final game released for the thing, and if only he’d gotten the idea for Mario Galaxy sooner since epic adventures are what would have captured the mainstream audience, not twee little games like Pikmin. You have to give the consumers what they want, not what you personally want to make.

>> No.8556035

Shiggsy doesn’t give a fuck, that’s the issue. His mad obsession with being innovative and unique has tanked plenty of games before; Star Fox Zero in particular. I appreciate that he wanted to make a game that he wanted instead of another Mario title, but Nintendo was in the doldrums after the back to back failure of the N64 and GC in Japan. Swallow your pride and help the team instead of ignoring it and making your twee “experimental” title

>> No.8556690
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GT was during the height of the tuner/boy racer era...

>> No.8556709

That was an excuse, Third parties where sick of Yamauchi's yakuza tactics

>> No.8556720
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>Just arrived today

About to break my GameCube cherry on the only Zelda game I haven't played yet.

>> No.8556762

it's a good game, great art, animation and presentation. It's really short and empty though.

>> No.8556793

1) No DVD.
2) It was fucking purple. I once went to school wearing purple socks because I had no other socks available - anyone who saw my socks immediately assumed I was a faggot. No teenage boy, which the system was marketed to, wants a purple fucking consoe.
3) The games weren't normal. It was always a twist or a different take on the Nintendo formula. You couldn't get a straight up Mario platformer - there had to be some stupid gimmick attached.

>> No.8556814

A lot of it was reputation of the N64. I don't want gamecube because it won't have as many games just like N64.
The issue with the N64 is that textures were different sizes to pc and ps1 so if you wanted to port something you had to resize all the textures and rearrange the polygons if you wanted a good result. Even Sega saturn it was easier to port from ps1.
With Gamecube ports could often be better than ps2 unless they were really bad developers such as EA.

>> No.8556825

Purple is, funnily enough, heavily associated with homosexuals, so you’re not wrong

>> No.8556861

its also not better than Siren.

>> No.8556895

number 3 is a pretty noteworthy point. Zelda got the sailing, Mario got a water pack. At the time these things simply alienated a portion of players.

>> No.8556904

yeah, you can more or less tell the people adoring it weren't there at the time

>> No.8556910

because it was just a smash machine and nothing more than that. Nintendo franchises were going through a hard time in terms of quality and they had lost Rare. So, if you're not a hardcore nintendo fan, there wouldn't be much on the gamecube for you that the ps2 or xbox couldn't offer alongside the possibility to watch dvds.

>> No.8556928

Metroid Prime is good

>> No.8556956

good, yeah, but i wouldn't call it a system seller. Too niche, just like f-zero gx. What could be called a system seller is RE4, but it came too late on the gamecube lifespam and it was soon ported to the ps2.

>> No.8556961

nintendo should have played it safe with its IPs first, and release the more "experimental" games later on. GC should have launched with a traditional Mario (no fludd), and the first zelda should have been realistic, to show that the gamecube was powerful and aimed to mature audiences too, leaving for later to release games like luigi's mansion and WW. Also, no one cared about pikmin, i wouldn't seel systems, and the name was terrible to begin with. I remember at the time thinking that it had something to do with pokemon.

>> No.8557016


Rare had nothing to do with it. Rare's last two games on the N64 were flops - Conker and Perfect Dark. By the time Rare was bought out by Mircosoft, many Nintendo fans didn't really care because they had first party titles they could latch onto.

The widespread appreciation of Rare didn't really begin until N64 was considered retro.

>> No.8557029

>perfect dark
>The widespread appreciation of Rare didn't really begin until N64 was considered retro.
My god, you have no idea what you're talking about.
>many Nintendo fans didn't really care because they had first party titles they could latch onto.
yeah, that's why the gc sold so well right?

>> No.8557061

Don't respond to zoomers

>> No.8557069

>Zelda got the sailing
More like we got a cartoony cell shaded art style which threw off players who were expecting something in the mold of Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess

>> No.8557078

twilight princess sold more than OoT. It became the best selling zelda until botw came around. Just imagine if the gamecube had a zelda like that at the begging of its life spam.

>> No.8557128

All the popular games are cheap. Only a handful are costly and PS2 has a lot of niche bullshit that sold poorly. I can get KH1 for 12 bucks, but something like Rule of Rose will be something clownish like 400 dollars.

GameCube games across the board are expesnive because the entire system and its library flopped to 3rd place that gen, how many people actually bought stuff like Chibi Robo? Not a whole lot. If it weren't for the DS taking off early on they would have been smarting.

>> No.8557143

Launched with a Luigi game
Poor third party support
Faggy design for babies
Dumb mini discs
Shit mario and Zelda games
Only good game was f zero

>> No.8557261

>immediately assumed I was a faggot
to be fair i still assume that about you

>> No.8557372 [SPOILER] 
File: 992 KB, 250x250, 1643082529454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but that would technically then mean you registered on a gay man's gaydar, that's not really a good or witty retort on your part is it lol.

>> No.8557432

Had a terrible launch. People wanted the next Mario 64. Not Luigi shit. Also had a kiddy image, used mini disks and had lackluster third party support.

Nintendo also put out their worst 1st party games that gen. Mario and Zelda were both unfinished and mediocre.

>> No.8557562

Nintendo could sell a handheld to Stephen Hawking.

>> No.8557571

Bought my PS2 in 2002 and still have it and use it and have never seen a disc read error.

>> No.8557580

Remember all those sweet online multiplayer games on the Wii like....... Mariokart?

>> No.8557581

come on, man. if you were in middle school back then you remember the "Nintendumb Gaycube" and "Barney's Purple Purse" jokes.

>> No.8557585

If you're a dumb American, then sure

>> No.8557590

>really short and empty
I haven't played through it all the way since when it came out, but I thought it felt fairly long. I guess if you just play through to clear it and don't do shit like complete the map and get heart pieces, maybe it would be short.

>> No.8557605

never had any issues with our PS2 either. Do you guys set cans of Sprite on yours while playing and it leaks into the thing or something?

>> No.8557732

I'm a chronic 'unfinisher' of vidya and even I still managed to complete it. The side content does pad it out much more but it's very weak side content and much of it is not enticing to do unless you are a completionist.

>> No.8557753

>how do you pursue something so dumb.
One in a very long list of bafflingly stupid decisions by Nintendo.

>> No.8557758

>You have to give the consumers what they want, not what you personally want to make.
That’s obviously true to an extent, but if all modern game devs applied that philosophy they would produce nothing but shit mobile games and disguised slot machine simulators

>> No.8557773

No games were on it because the retarded mini disk format meant you couldn't port your 4GB single disk ps2 game to it unless you had 4 fucking mini disks, and the mini disk format also hurt its sales because it couldnt play DVDs. Xbox and PS2 being DVD capable were huge selling points at the time because DVD players were really expensive back then, so not having to have a console and a DVD player was a big deal for families. It meant it wasnt financially worth it for devs to port games to it.

>> No.8557802

Microtransactions arent profitable because they're popular - they actually alienate a large portion of the audience, but they'll always make huge amounts of money because for every 100 people you alienate, one whale will spend money equal to 100 game sales on virtual gambling for titty jpgs. It's the sad state of things and its why loot boxes are straight up illegal in some countries, they're extremely anti consumer because their consumer base is gambling addicts.

>> No.8557897

Mini disc had very limiting disc space compared to PS2 and XBOX. Usually the main reason for multiplatform games having their gamecube versions cut or compress content, if not outright skipping the gamecube entirely.
I also would factor in Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine being fairly divisive titles, compared to Ocarina and Mario 64.

>> No.8557952

>I wonder what % of PS2 buyers bought it to use just as a DVD player and to play Madden/sports games on.
Based sports chads strike again
>Girlfriend got him a PS2 and Madden for Christmas of 2001
>Occasionally plays new installments of Madden and NHL games with his friends
>Console is spotless and clean
>Very light use aside from playing DVDs
>Trades system in for Xbox 360 in 2006 at an affordable price, almost tripling the supply of clean, cheap systems for cooooolectors to eventually prey upon
vs the gamer console
>gets PS2 w/ some weeb game in 2K3
>controllers covered in cheeto grease and shame
>the screws are rusty
>laser burned out in 2007
>covered in lol im such a nerd stickers and filthy

>> No.8558001

How come no one ever talks about the fact that the OG Xbox outsold it? When Microsoft announced they were making a console they get laughed at by the entire world yet they outsold Nintendo with that very console

>> No.8558003

it sold about what you'd expect. Sony was on its peak, they weren't just newcomers anymore and they immediately started very strong with PS2. the momentum of PS1 was huge and it carried to PS2. the momentum of N64 was only so big.
next, there was Xbox, a new competitor in N64's biggest market—America. in 5th gen America was divided between 2 companies with 3rd one trailing behind, now MS was coming in. Nintendo lost one of the biggest selling points of 5th gen—Goldeneye, while Xbox immediately took the crown of the "FPS machine" with Halo and then Halo 2.
but most of all, it really felt like the times simply changed, and not to Nintendo's favor. much like on N64, Nintendo was doing most of the work supporting the GC with games. and they just gave everyone more of the same that was on N64, but the market was rapidly shifting from pandering to kids to marketing to teens and young adults. it wasn't the era of mascot platformers anymore, it was the era of Halo and GTA, and X360 / PS3 proved that more than any other console.
meanwhile, Nintendo was making good games, at least good enough ones. but they were basically alone on GC, and they were making same kid friendly games that felt more and more niche, like something only for Nintendo fans. they didnt try to reinvent themselves or change that, they just doubled down on that. result was that while GC had good games, fewer people cared about them than PS2; while GC felt like a niche, PS2 felt like a dominant console with far wider appeal and more cool image.

>> No.8558007

the mistake of Nintendo was that they went to _directly_ compete with PS / Xbox, instead of trying to find "their own way" like with Wii / Switch. they never could get popular games like GTA, Halo, Gran Turismo, and so on, that would widen their appeal beyond children and a group of loyal Nintendo fans; they still were alienated by 3rd parties and they realized they'd never get them back with their kid-friendly image. they needed special contracts with Capcom for RE and Square for FF, and remakes of RE and MGS only showed they were trailing behind trying to directly compete with Sony. and multiplats on GC sold like shit compared to PS2 and Xbox except for select few ones like Soulcalibur II.
Nintendo learned from that, and it's only logical that they stopped competing with Sony/MS directly. More importantly, they learned how to turn their "niche" status from a weakness to an advantage, and market better to that niche. Nintendo just gave up on trying to outdo Sony in its own game and instead focused on doing what they do best, and growing their own base.

>> No.8558028

>imagine being this afraid of the words "reddit spacing"
Not gonna read that wall of text sir.

>> No.8558042

funnily enough that may have been helped by the motion controls. Using the Wii remote for Link's sword was exciting.

>> No.8558084

Good breakdown

>> No.8558326

I played the shit out of goldeneye remake.

>> No.8558335

It came out one year and a half after the PS2 release, Sony was already enjoying a market dominance with the PS1 and the PS2 was by far the most hyped thing in the gaming market. Like with the N64 they arrived too late to the party, at least Sega tried to anticipate it with the Dreamcast.

>> No.8558336

Too painful for nintendofags

>> No.8558340

From a gamer perspective the only killer apps that the Gamecube had were Nintendo games and the Capcom Five (four), from a normalfag perspective the Xbox came out just half a year after the Gamecube and has a much powerful hardware than the competition, also Gaylo.

>> No.8558483

That still doesn't explain why they didn't just go with full format DVD. The mini-DVD format barely made pirating more difficult, and there are full DVD size mods.

There's no explaining it, using mini DVDs was a massively retarded decision.

>> No.8558542

In all honesty, it was likely another example of them hoarding programming secrets to themselves like they did with the N64. They intentionally made the N64 tough to program for and kneecapped its storage so their games would look superior to other devs. It wouldn’t surprise me with they intentionally made the GameCube have mini discs to get a drop on other devs. I wouldn’t put it past them

>> No.8559106

Speaking for USA, everyone likes to point to the lack of DVD support, but by 2002, DVD players could be had for about $50.

What I think what the biggest blow was the "family" image that was interpreted as "kiddy" by the US at the time.

You had Zelda wind waker trailers floating around that were HORRIBLY received by the public at the time,

no AAA "mature" killer apps like a GTA, or Halo

Virtually no online support

The console's most common variant was purple, considered a very girly color in the US

very few RPGs

RE4 was CONSTANTLY delayed

Rare games were CONSTANTLY delayed till they were bought up by MS. (Kameo & PD0 were slated for NGC at one point)

Pokemon was still just for small kids.

Tons of gimped ports, or no ports. (example, NGC got a kiddy port of dynasty warriors. Never got MGS2, max payne, and about half the generations sports tittles.)

I played a lot of SC2 back in the day, NOBODY liked to use the NGC pad during tournaments.

If the console came out today it would have fared better because early 2000s gaming was prime "edge lord" time, and Nintendo wasn't about that.

>> No.8559271

n64 has way better games. The larger quantity of GC is due to third party shovelware. A lot of movie games, kid games, and other trash. I can't think of 30 good games for the system, while for the n64 i can easily thinh of 50.

>> No.8559293

by this point I think Nintendo just makes retarded decisions for the heck of being retarded. theres no other way to explain how someone greenlit Wii U

>> No.8559340

>dude WTF? They fucking RUINED Zelda! What is this gay ass kiddie shit?
>duuuuude, it's a fucking PURPLE LUNCHBOX you've gotta be some kind of faggot to think that shit looks cool lmfao look at that fuckin' fisher price controller and those little baby discs dude that's fuckin' retarded Nintendo needs to get with the times
>where's GTA and Halo? I'm a fuckin' grownup I don't wanna play anymore Super Mario baby shit! This piece of crap won't even play my Korn CD's or porno DVD's!
>you can't even play games online on the Gamecube lol that's so fuckin' gay bro
>Metroid Prime? Looks like Halo but what the FUCK's up with the controls!? You only get one gun and you can't even play with your bros? That's fuckin' gay dude I'd rather just play Halo
>Resident Evil 4? Looks cool but who gives a shit it's coming out on PS2 too lmao

And before you tell me to take my meds this is the actual mindset of most 15-30 year olds that played vidya in the early/mid-2000's. I know this for a fact.

>> No.8559374

Good education for the 6th gen babbies who only remember GC as their childhood.
The worst mistake is the tiny discs that limited the potential of the system for no good reason. The biggest self-fuck-over in gaming until Xbone launched with mandatory Kinect.

>> No.8559402

I admired the Gamecube back then but most of my friends were brewskie-slamming, Mountain Dew drinking, NuMetal listening college dudebros who wouldn't tolerate anything that wasn't remotely masculine. I miss those lads though and I'd take em over the faggoty, effeminate narcissistic leftist basedjaks that colleges are infested with currently any day.

>> No.8559415

Damn kids are dumb because Halo has always been shit and is only decent when multiplayer just like Goldeneye. Aka they're both over rated.

>> No.8559418

No, I'll tell you what they did.

They would play DVD's while laying in bed at night and fall asleep while the movie was playing, after which it would loop the main menu indefinitely for hours, even worse if they forgot to turn the PS2 off (the right way, by holding the reset button instead of just switching the power switch on the back to off which I know a lot of people did) in the morning before going to school or work.

That's the kind of shit no one thought about back then that fucks PS2 lasers and motors and I know tons of people who did that with theirs back then.

>> No.8559423

>I can't think of 30 good games for the system,
then you're either retarded or weren't born yet
i can think of 30 good games for gamecube easily

>> No.8559469

true, but even more, few if any of them felt like cutting edge of games. SM64, OoT and Goldeneye felt cutting edge for their time, when games like RE still had tank controls, or just controlled like a 2D game, like MGS or Crash.
by GC era, these ideas were copied by the competition, and even taken further, while GC just did more of the same. they just did SM64-2, Zelda 3D #3, more Mario Kart, and so on. none of that felt as groundbreaking, with sole exception being Metroid Prime—but even then it was overshadowed by Halo in the end, and buying a console just for this game was too much. and when it came to actually "new" games, they did things that hardly would win them new people, like Star Fox Adventures, Luigi's Mansion, etc.

>> No.8559624

Marketing was kind of "meh". The system couldn't play DVDs (which was fucking huge at the time). it also looked rather childish. A cube shape to appeal to young children at a time when the N64 market was growing up. Atop of that, it was a purpleish shade by default which turned boys away (compare to the cooler black colors for ps2 and xbox)

The Nintendo exclusive games were good, and the system ran pretty well. It just had to compete for parents' money with a game console that could ALSO play DVDs for watching disney or whatever family movies.

>> No.8559640

>biggest self-fuck-over in gaming until Xbone launched with mandatory Kinect.
XONE launch team took all their ideas from the PS3 launch
>focus entirely on media
>no games
>high price point

>> No.8559993

>muh sales

This shit is so tiresome. It would be different if it mattered even slightly but it doesn't. The DC fell flat on its face right out of the gate and killed the hardware division of Sega in the process yet is still regarded on the /v/ collective of boards as one of the greatest console lineups of all time. I grew up with the other 3, my dad plays games so we had a PS2, and I got a GC for Christmas and an Xbox later for my birthday. Sales didn't keep me from having more time in Melee than any other game of that era or using my Xbox as a JSR/Sega GT machine or CD player for the entirety of it's lifespan until the 360 came out.

>> No.8560094


No gta

>> No.8560156

The key thing is that the PlayStation 3 bounced back after its atrocious launch and somehow became the best seller for that generation that wasn’t the Wii. Honestly it’s kind of fascinating. I was the sole guy with a PlayStation 3 at the time while everyone I knew had a 360, yet it somehow triumphed in the end. Weird. Guess the GameCube could’ve bounced back too, but was the launch really that bad? The launch games weren’t terrible, hell, Monkey Ball and Wave Race are top tier, but it just never got out of that rut.

>> No.8560238

The GTA games cemented the failure of the Gamecube. No one wanted to miss out on those games during that generation, and Xbox owners eventually got ports. Gamecube really was the console for missing out. No MGS, no DMC, no Ninja Gaiden, no KOTOR. Not to mention that the controller struggled to adapt to FPS games.

>> No.8560342

>PS3 is seen as an overly expensive glorified George Foreman grill with a Spider-Man font, no games, no rumble, and features that were superfluous to the majority of people that didn't have an HDTV yet, also no Halo and a sparse online community.
>Xbox 360 is seen as the hot console to get thanks to its reasonable, accessible price, compelling exclusives, and a good online community.

2012, five years later:
>PS3 is seen as the better console since they now cost the same as the Xbox 360, all models have built-in wifi, more compelling exclusives were still coming out, a solid online community was cultivated because of free online service despite the PSN hack that had happened a year earlier, the hardware was generally more reliable, and the Blu-Ray and streaming features were seen as much more valuable thanks to widespread HDTV adoption.
>Xbox 360 was fizzling-out hard due to Microsoft doubling-down on the gimmicky Kinect shit, exclusive releases slowed wayyyyy down, most people's consoles were dying because of RRoD, Halo 4 was a disappointing regression from earlier games, and it wasn't a viable normalfag streaming box since you were forced to pay for Xbox Live on top of your Netflix subscription and most consoles until 2010 didn't have built-in wifi.

>> No.8560349

You know what, I totally forgot the Kinect even exist. Suppose I just subconsciously suppressed it, I doubt Microsoft shifting its focus to muh family games did them any favours. The Xbone reveal also shot them in the foot

>> No.8560414

It's not that PS3 bounced back, it's more that both the 360 and Wii fizzled out for various reasons.

Nah, 2004 and 2005 was a pretty bad time for the GCN. Because of sales in 2001-03. All you got as far as good games on GCN was RE4, Fire Emblem, and some niche games like Killer7 (and in Killer7's specific case, the only reason it came out in this era was because the game was so horribly delayed).

>> No.8560439

Maybe I’m getting my timelines mixed up here but do you think it had anything to do with Blueray eventually winning out over Microsoft’s HDDVD?

>> No.8560538

The PS3 bounce back was due to a variety of factors
For a start, the price cut and slim model really helped. The original PS3 was loaded with tons of features nobody would use. 2 extra USB ports, various slots in the front, and the thing was fucking huge and whirred like no tomorrow. This is in addition to it launching with basically a bunch of tech demos showing how good it could be (and most of them like inFamous and Resistance ran and looked like ass).
Come the slim model and the Kevin Butler marketing campaign, it really picked up speed. The slim model was very consumer friendly, it's a nice small box, it's not this intimidating black monolith that costs more than the TV you'll be using to play it with, it was a game console. Around the same time the PS3 got a bunch of exclusives under its belt as well, one that it could actually be proud of. Uncharted 2 really showed off the graphical prowess of the PS3 (even though by today's standards it looks horrid and makes those "It's like playing a movie" commercials even funnier in retrospect), Insomniac was pumping out a variety of titles, Ratchet & Clank for the kids audience and Resistance 2 was a nice dedicated multiplayer game to have alongside Killzone 2, and this is in addition to free online support and having blu ray, which was fast becoming the popular thing (seriously, even my grandmother at the time had been going to Zellers or Walmart and just buying up cheap BDs), and this is all in addition to the really fleshed out PS Store, and while the hack stifled it a bit, the promotions they did after it no doubt caused more people to play those early games like inFamous and LittleBigPlanet in greater numbers and get the sequels (inFamous 2 is actually good btw, unlike the first one).
Compare that stellar recovery to Microsoft's stagnation and eventual gimmick and dudebro chasing that kneecapped them going into the Xbox One. Though, I'd say the roles are nearly reversed at this point.

>> No.8560586

Good write up. Last I checked the PS5 is outselling the Series X. I would’ve stuck to my guns but this time I decided fuck it and shilled out for a series S. The Games Pass was just too tempting to pass up. Funnily enough I kind of bit myself in the ass because I started getting really into RPGs a few months after I got it, and guess what the PlayStation is the champion of? At least It’s got some Final Fantasy games and the latest Dragon Quest on it. Hell, I’m even playing an RPG right this minute! (Phantasy Star 2)

Keeping it on topic, do you think if Microsoft decided for whatever insane reason to start pumping out ridiculous amounts of RPGs on the original Xbox, would it have sold well in Japan. I know they tried something similar with Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Star Ocean on the 360 but that hardly helped matters in the country. So say Microsoft decided to go full RPG for the Japanese market on the original Box, would they have kept afloat over there

>> No.8560596

I wouldn't say the PS5 is all that great for JRPGs if that's what you're looking for. Most of the ones it gets are multiplatform anyways.

>> No.8560608
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Yet, at least. I’ve started blasting through the SMT games and I’m aware there’s a version of SMTV in the works for the PS4 which is likely going to get brought over to the PS5 like they did with Persona 5 (which i also haven’t played). Obviously the super big stuff gets ported over to Xbone but since the PlayStation Quattro and by extension, the 5 are the main choices for Jap devs; it’s probably the best choice to go with if you’re into that sort of genre. We’ll see, who the fuck knows, maybe atlas will pull a fast one and port it over to Xbox. Doubt it though.

>> No.8560615
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You could get a PC

>> No.8560721
File: 51 KB, 640x431, 42913A07-B1E3-4E1D-B69D-EAD8C930DBCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one but it’s basically just a weak laptop for work. Could see if I could upgrade the graphics card though and hope for the best. Who knows, I’m already emulating a shit ton of games on it anyway

>> No.8560780
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>when Talladega Nights was the PS3's biggest exclusive
>the Spider-Man 3 (the movie) bundle

>> No.8560791

Well, you know what they say. If you ain’t first, you’re last

>> No.8560869

Guess I'll add the Wii

>Wii in 2007

>Wii in 2012
Waggle controls are so fucking retarded dude, can't believe how much fucking shovelware was on this thing too. What a piece of shit lol that thing belongs in a retirement home.

>> No.8560872

I understand why they removed most of the superfluous features from later models, but it's a God damn travesty they removed the partial-emulation PS2 backwards-compatibility and I'll probably never get over that.

>> No.8560876

If this is how Americans actually think then it must be more of a hellscape than I thought

>> No.8560881

You're right about GTA, but
>No MGS, no DMC, no Ninja Gaiden, no KOTOR
Who the fuck cares?

>> No.8560893

Also Resistance was a really underrated franchise, so many cool ideas even if they didn't always come together especially gracefully. Insomniac needs to make another FPS.

Also I'd argue InFamous 1 was also good it just hasn't aged very well because of its poor framerate and lighting sponge enemies.

Sage for going into not-retro territory.

>> No.8560898

Don't worry, these days Americans are all onions drinking liberal fags just like you.

>> No.8560903
File: 227 KB, 1125x1742, DA87D682-78A4-428A-A4FC-62CFACBE284A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was exactly how they thought. Forums back then when Wind Waker was revealed were a minefield

>> No.8560905

>got by the filter

>> No.8560906

thankfully all of those people just stay indoors and you don't have to see them much outside of the house. like this fucker >>8560898

>> No.8562165
File: 58 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-ETBsoyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thankfully all of those people just stay indoors and you don't have to see them much outside of the house. like this fucker

>> No.8562170

This thread taught me Gaypube fans are the biggest faggots on /vr/. No wonder zoomers are so retarded if this is the console they grew up with.

>> No.8562185

Go back to /v/ you fucking tourist

>> No.8562187

>bumped the faggy Gamecube thread on page 10

Kill yourself you fucking nigger.

>> No.8562194

Sony had already cemented itself as a “mature” console and Nintendo was seen as a “kiddy” console and Xbox had the whole online thing going for it

>> No.8562198

>No games were on it because the retarded mini disk format
No, it had nothing to do with the discs, which yet again made loading quick

>> No.8562203

>muh quick loading

Always the same excuses for inadequate storage.

>> No.8562205

When you had to wait 30 seconds to a minute loading in some games, yes, it was an issue

>> No.8562223

You’re the one posting wojaks and bringing it back to page 1 you mouth breather.

>> No.8562225

I've played a few hundred ps1 and ps2 games, loading times are rarely over 10 seconds

>> No.8562230

>doesn't know what saging is

>> No.8562237


>> No.8562251

Now are you talking about disc or OPL
Either way, that shit adds up over time and storage wasn’t really an issue

>> No.8562391

>that shit adds up over time
yeah 25 years of playing playstation and I still don't care, posting about it is an even bigger waste of time. Just own the fact you posted bullshit and got called out on it.

>> No.8562426

They were right though. Gamecube was shite.

>> No.8562450

Own up to what?
The fact that you have some made up shit about game size being an issue?

>> No.8562457

I said nothing of the sort. You said some bullshit about load times, that's when I replied to you. You're dealing with two different people and are clearly unable to handle it with all the lying you do.

>> No.8562496

This is true. A lot of the issues Nintendo had with the Gamecube stemmed from the N64

>> No.8562508

Uh huh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KIn1E9afiY
And I’m sure you think the ps1 had no issue there either

>> No.8562576
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just shut the fuck up console warrior.

>> No.8562623

>console warrior
Uh huh, sure

>> No.8562638
File: 2.41 MB, 2016x1512, Small_but_fierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame wages not keeping up. Productivity has exponentially increased, but employers continually kept wages low despite their increased profits. I really wanted to support the GameCube more, but I kind of quit videogames once the Dreamcast died, and was not earning enough to get as much from the clearance racks anymore. I still wanted to enjoy the games I want to enjoy on the system, but with a severely limited budget, hard choices had to be made.

>> No.8562770

>whole army of grown men wearing pyjamas with cartoons on them

I wonder what happened in the 2010s that suddenly made a large bulk of men infantile faggots.
not even in terms of appearance, but more like in terms of mentality.

>> No.8562783

Nintendie is mad! Watch out everyone!

>> No.8562919

Culture in general has become really infatlized. You have a sorry excuse of a man recording himself crying over a fucking Star Wars trailer and social media encouraging it, when 20 years ago a fatass recording himself playing with a toy lightsaber would be laughed off the internet.

>> No.8563143

>I wonder what happened in the 2010s that suddenly made a large bulk of men infantile faggots.

Reddit and Tumblr happened. Not even joking.

>> No.8563904

>I really wanted to support the GameCube more
Bro you seem to have done a good job, other than Rouge Squadron 3 and a couple Dreamcast ports you got the whole fucking library. Not sure why you have 2 copies of Twilight Princess tho.

>> No.8564048

They did it with snes by making their own games with the FX chip much cheaper than 3rd party games with the same setup. They could undercut 3rd parties by having much bigger cartridges with battery backup even on gb and gba.
Then even do it now by allowing their own games to use the bigger switch cartridges.
Sega even did it a bit because their own games make more money for them.

>> No.8564161

I only had a PS2 and Xbox, but Pikmin is in my top three from that entire generation. What great game.

>> No.8564209

>no PES
>no GTA

>> No.8564272

>n64 sold meh
>has shittier versions of all n64 games but smash and fzero
>no Halo, no gta, 3rd party support is shit
>dragging feet on online
>came off as kiddish

Really Nintendo was behind the times. They were rightfully being btfo.

>> No.8564823

The retarded controller as well.

>> No.8564935
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I forgot, but it was really cheap mistake at the time.

>> No.8565631

based and accurate, shitters who get filtered by motion controls need not apply.

>> No.8565851

>would be
>he doesn't remember
underageb& detected

>> No.8566115

Nintendo is sort of well known for doing stupid fucking things that only they can understand every 2 days.

They thought they were the smartest people alive for finding a new format for their games but all they ended up doing was castrating their system from day 1

>> No.8566119

N64 using cartridges was just as big of a fuckup if not even worse

>> No.8566128

TP might have been the only time I've seen where the Japanese cover for a game was worse than everywhere else

>> No.8566308

I'm starting to like the GameCube more than the PS2 as an adult. I like their more niche, kiddie shit approach in general.

>> No.8566312

I'd like it if it weren't so fucking expensive

>> No.8566316

fuck you, that controller was great

>> No.8566318
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I would not say worse, since the boxes for Japanese versions are so much smaller, they had to make use of the little space as best as possible. It works for the limited canvas to be eye catching.

>> No.8566324

I grew up on the Gamecube and virtually only used my PS2 for Guitar Hero and Kingdom Hearts 2 as a kid.

>> No.8566332

I had a PS2 but only played licensed games and platformers. Never really cared about JRPGs.

>> No.8566337

Then again, most of what I played on Gamecube was just Pokemon Colosseum/XD, Mario Kart Double Dash, and Animal Crossing, but, still.

>> No.8566340

Although I played quite a bit of Pokemon Channel too, come to think of it.

>> No.8566346

Oh, and I can't forget Melee. But, yeah, in general I played my Gamecube a lot more than my PS2.

>> No.8566398

My family waited for them to release the non-BC PS3s so we could buy the BC PS3s on eBay for a lower price lol.

>> No.8566470
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>released after the Wii version
>only GCN is considered retro
I still don't get it.

>> No.8566478

It's about the console, not the game.

>> No.8566484

Discounting the remote features, the Wii itself is only a marginal improvement to the GameCube hardware and is basically single-handedly the reason why Nintendo is always at least a console generation behind specwise.

>> No.8566486

It's about the console, not the game.

>> No.8566567

>instead of just switching the power switch on the back to off which I know a lot of people did
I never left mine on, but I've had my PS2 since launch and I always turned it off with the toggle switch. I didn't even know there was another way. How fucked is it?

>> No.8567154

Does it still read CD's and DVD's okay? I suppose it's fine if so. The DVD playback will absolutely fuck your drive though, I avoid playing DVD's on mine altogether.

>> No.8567204

all of its games were pale imitations of their predecessors (whether direct or spiritual) that had worse art direction, worse control, and were generally far shorter. it also didn't seem to ever have a mid-to-late life cycle killer app, just a fuckload of collections like sonic/megaman. it was like developers, even nintendo themselves, had no interest in supporting it because they knew it bred clunkers

>> No.8567295

>only two shoulder buttons on one side

>> No.8567406
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The GameCube rocks, its one of my favorite consoles and I was happy to retain my original collection and add to it.

I think the unique things about this console hurt its sales at the time, but looking back on them now they are endearing and well designed. From the build quality of the console and controllers all the way to the Discs and the Memory cards, the GameCube feels fully realized. Compare a Cube memory card to a PS2 card for example, you can tell there was a lot of love put into the design and it preforms quite faster and is more reliable.

Bottom line there's good reason the prices of GameCube library have gotten expensive and it has little to do with scarcity often times. The console is desirable, it has soul. Especially from a retro standpoint. Its all about having a good time.

>> No.8567450
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>making some multiplats 2 disc or have sections cut out.
That was such a weird thing for me as a kid.

>late 90s, PSX kids lording multidisc games over N64 owners like it was amazing and the best thing ever, YEAH ITS SO GREAT TO BE PLAYING A GAME AND HAVING TO GET UP AND CHANGE THE DISC
>early 00s, PS2 guys making fun of the Gamecube because some games were on multiple discs

>> No.8567536

3rd parties got burned previous gen by N64 being difficult to develop for and Nintendo agreements being too restrictive. These weren't problems in 6th gen but affected it anyway because reputations matter (the GCN might have been the easiest 6th gen console to actually program for, and the PS2 by far the hardest). The 1st party software cannibalizing 3rd party sales problem had a lot of attention drawn to it in this time, which is why in Gamecube era they tried to take measures like allow any 3rd party to use Mario to combat this, and it didn't all the way work.

Nintendo going with the smaller storage format again also pretty much gave people PTSD flashbacks. It wasn't actually as severe a problem as it was the previous gen, but just how poorly that went with developers struggling to fit things on cartridge definitely made people afraid of trusting the same decision again.

The competitor PS2 also had so much more going for it that it was kind of obvious as a choice if you could only pick one - it was the cheap DVD player, had come out much sooner, and the PSX completely ran away with 5th gen previously, so faith in Sony was at its all-time high and faith in Nintendo was low.

>> No.8567547

PS1 games were multi disc because they had so much content. Going from disc 1 to 2 in FF7 and realizing they're both 30 hours long isn't the same as having the same game take up two discs on the gamecube vs the PS2 just being one.

>> No.8567560

Because you shouldn’t have to swapping discs on Tiger Woods pro golf. It’s not a 90 hour RPG which boatloads of content and cutscenes and things to do. It’s a golf game

>> No.8567605
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Hay I'm >>8553230 so here I go with your elabortation:

>shit audio
I had a hi-fi system, and an digital equalizer going, the game cube did not use up as much band at good frequency to be good. The fucking TG16 was even better, it's laughable. That and I played Skies of Arcadia on both and love the track I'm linking. It is fucking butcherized in the GC version.

>weak colors
None of the colors, on any game, came right out and poped at you. Console games and DC (not comparing to PS2 because that came later so it's not fair) had games that wowed you with the stark colors. Again we can look at TG16, Super Nintendo, Sega (CD), Neo Geo. For Skies of Arcadia, Vyse's Jacket looks a lot darker, and when you get to the Jungle the ships would come out from under trees and hit the sunlight and it looked cool on DC, it looks bland and like ass on GC.

EDIT: I can't find a track that specifically says "Fleet Battle for Sega Dream Cast" so I didn't link the song.

>> No.8567613

early 2000s was edgecore and Miyamoto thought it was smart to make the gamecube a poor little purple cuck of a system.

>> No.8567620

PS2 and Wii are the most sold consoles ever due to the easyness to install a mod on them to play pirated games.

>> No.8567628

>shit on every console
>shit on tge overrated shitcast
>mods spill their soi lattes and freak the fuck out, delete thread immediately
dreamcast is the official console of choice for paychopathic sjw soiboy moderator schizos

>> No.8567719

I think I played a dvd on it once, other than that just games. Still works fine, never had a read error.

>> No.8567728

Had you see Wii-like prototype add on for GC?

>> No.8567897

Fucking BASED. Honestly, while not as good as Windwaker or Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess is still a half decent game.

>> No.8568035

I love gamecube games but everything here is fucking true. ESPECIALLY the Metroid one. God this all brings me back.

>> No.8568153

>And before you tell me to take my meds this is the actual mindset of most 15-30 year olds that played vidya in the early/mid-2000's. I know this for a fact.
you only have to read console war shitposts on this board to know that hasn’t changed

>> No.8568186

Good, keep DVD's away from that shit lol

>> No.8568413

>why Nintendo is always at least a console generation behind specwise.
Except for, of course, the Gamecube itself

>> No.8568820

2008 financial crash
When you have no future(or the belief of one) there’s only the past
Further enabled by social medias validation of nostalgic circle jerks

>> No.8568964

Yep. This is why I started moving more and more into retro stuff around this time.

>> No.8569017

Shit games. Seriously, like 80% of gamecube games are sport shit and shovelware. About 15% consists of bad multiplats, mixed-reception first party games, ports and mediocre games. And finally small number of actually good games (that did not appeal to everyone) represent at best 5% of the entire library.

>> No.8569029

That describes every Nintendo System's lineup for the last 2 decades, so I doubt that's the main reason.

>> No.8569039

Id really prefer the jap gamecube cases, if they just used a normal slip cover. I really do not like those cardboard sleeves over the cases that always are in horrible shape or missing if you try and get anything 2nd hand, but at the same time that usually has them marked much cheaper if they lack it.

>> No.8569051

No, it was not.
The layout was acceptable but the thing looked fucking retarded, and it didn't have analog control for acceleration in racing/driving games.

It was an inferior controller compared to the competition and honestly should never have made it to market. The controller should have been made smoother at the very least.

>> No.8569145

Part of that might be true but the N64 and Wii had better system sellers. The Wii also had better online support and a decent VC (which was a novelty at the time for many people) When the N64 came out, 3D was revolutionary and when the Wii came out motion controllers were seen as revolutionary too. Oh and the Wii also was backwards compatible. Gamecube on the other hand had nothing else to save itself.

>> No.8569167

I'll kick your ass

>> No.8569173
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>didnt have analog control

Yes it did? I'm assuming you mean on the shoulder buttons? Did you never play Mario Sunshine? Or Melee?

There's a reason smashies still insist on playing with this thing, it has the best face button layout of any controller of all time, and the stick is great.

I dont think its perfect - the c stick shouldnt be a nub, the dpad isnt good, and the shoulder buttons are raised too high for comfort, but god damn I wish this button layout caught on.

>> No.8569287

The triggers were analog, maybe you’re thinking about the PS2 controller

>> No.8569354

>best face button layout of any controller of all time
What about it do you prefer over the PS/Xbox style?

>> No.8569363

>sold 21.7 million systems
>poor sales
mind you that was only 5 and a half years
there is literally millions of Gamecubes floating around

>> No.8569467

The black Gamecube should have been the default colour, which IMO is the best looking console of that generation

>> No.8569481

I distinctly remember my friends who mostly had Ps2 and Xboxes *all* used to say the Gamecube had the best/comfiest controller. There was a guy who used to come play my gamecube just for the controller. Seriously. This was before the Xbox S controller came out and the PS pad has always been a piece of pi$$.

I never remember anyone saying they loved a controller as much as I do with the Gamecube. I rmemeber people saying the n64 controller was weird and didn't know how to hold it at first,"you need 3 hands" etc. But I don't remember anyone slagging the GC controller. At the time at least. This is a totally retconned opinion, and how exactly is it "not good for FPS"? It's basically the exact same as the Xbox (S) pad, except comfier. I genuinely don't understand this criticism.
The only issue with the GC pad is that the shoulder buttons tend to die after a few years of excess use. Two of my R buttons take a second or two to return to "neutral" so they're basically unusable if you're playing something seriously. That's a pain in the ass. Apart from that I do not understand this viewpoint at all and it's the exact opposite to even what the most dudebro GTA normie was saying at the time. They criticized how it looked; fisher price toy etc; but not how it felt.

>> No.8569486

>sold 21.7 million systems
PS2 sold 157.68 million units. SNES sold 49.10 million at a time when the market was smaller. N64 sold 32.93 million. even Xbox that was a Halo machine sold 24.65 million. Gamecube may not have been a complete flop like 32X or 3DO, and sold more than Saturn and Dreamcast combined (not like that's much of an achievement though), but it still sold pretty damn poorly for a "big 3" company that remains a household name to this day. Out of Ninty's home consoles, it only sold better than Wii U and Virtual Boy. Makes you think, doesn't it.
>only 5 and a half years
this is a standard time for a single gen of consoles. N64 had about the same lifespan.

>> No.8569503

mini-discs werent being pirated and they didnt have popular games. 'the zeitgeist' wasnt in nintendos favor at the time due to their kiddie image. a lot of people were drawn to systems that had games which could be pirated and had popular games

>> No.8569694

>>no PES
>>no FIFAS
>Not seeing as a selling point

>> No.8571032

I'm am angry