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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 218 KB, 1280x720, OSSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8547927 No.8547927 [Reply] [Original]

You get the visual quality of emulation and the authenticity of a real console?

Is there some catch I'm missing?

>> No.8547938
File: 164 KB, 750x593, my life in soy retrostink 5x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its shit at handling resolution switching, causing dropouts, and its a sorta expensive investment for rgb cables + good component cables and it lacks s video.
OSSC pro will be much better in every way, id wait for that.

>> No.8547965

IDK, you do you. Personally I don't really see the point if you're going through all that effort with real hardware trying to make it look like an emulator, rather than just using an emulator. For me part of using old hardware is also using a CRT.

>> No.8547976

What's the point?
Either CRT + best cables you can use or emulate.

>> No.8547980

>OSSC pro
redpill me on this. Will it include 4k support?

>> No.8547982

>its shit at handling resolution switching, causing dropouts

>> No.8547990

Play diehard arcade on the sega Saturn. The resolution switching with drop outs will drive you nuts.

>> No.8548004

I've got an OSSC coming so I can use my Naomi at my buddies house. Well once I'm done rigging it up anyways.
Also did I get memed into buying an "official" one from VGP? I didn't expect that shit to ship from Ireland. You would think he would have an american drop shipper or something consider he has so many US sales.

>> No.8548010

apparently its still 1080p due to specific restrictions, but upgradeable so 4k is possible in the future.
look into it for yourself dummy, i've had one for almost 2 years now and playing some ps1 games is kind of abysmal honestly, saturn is less bad but its still an issue.

>> No.8548034

not a meme, you get support + its a much more reliable unit vs sketchy chink ones sold everywhere else. Dunno why they dont have US distros, bought mine late 2020 i think, still shipped from outside the us.

>> No.8548051

More likely your TV or capture card that's shit.

>> No.8548060

>And its a sorta expensive investment for rgb cables + good component cables
Still going to have to buy proper cables regardless of what upscaler you get if you want the emulation look.
I used to play all my retro stuff through a XRGB Mini, until I fell for the PVMeme. Now I spend more time fiddling with geometry than I do playing games.
I fucking love my monitors, and I do feel CRTs are the best way to go when it comes to playing analog video only consoles, but I can't recommend it.
Even if you just get a good CRT with component inputs, or an upscaler, you're still going to have to pay shitloads for cables and postage.
Just emulate and get good controllers.

>> No.8548184

I used crts all my life and would nit go back. I like the clean look I get with the ossc. I feel it's mostly zoomed and millennial that fall for the cat meme.

>> No.8548224

What settings do you guys use with ossc + n64... I cant get it to look right FUCK

>> No.8548231

Does it only happen when you double the lines? I am thinking of taking a OSSC but I just want the resolution of the system that is connected to it to be displayed.

>> No.8548278

Doesn't support composite or s-video so it's largely useless.
It's an open source project, the "clones" are as legit as the "real" ones, because there's literally no difference.

>> No.8548280

Do you have it rgb modded, with deblur

>> No.8548283

>You get the visual quality of emulation
This isn't a benefit. Emulation looks like garbage unless it's 240p into a CRT

>> No.8548294

>an acrylic sandwich
Don’t they have a proper case for that?

>> No.8548330

Yes to both

>> No.8548334
File: 287 KB, 1802x1352, OSSC17-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most ppl who tried both agree that RGB/pure digital signal with artificial scanlines or CRT shader on a good LCD looks better than PVM quality

This is what the new one looks like

>> No.8548513

>I cant get it to look right
blur is right

>> No.8549363

>It's an open source project, the "clones" are as legit as the "real" ones, because there's literally no difference.
The "Clones" are literally made from cheaper sourced parts. The backlight on my buttfunx one literally broke not long after I got it because it must have been improperly soldered from whatever chink factory it got shat out from. That and the toggle switch and dc input jack are of lower quality. Some of the soldering joins are a bit sketch in a few places as well but still works.

If I could, I would have bought straight from VGP but the currency conversion, postage, taxes, etc. was just way to much to justify on a niche specialty device.

>> No.8549367

I prefer this one if you have access to a 3d printer

>> No.8549409

>visual quality of emulation
>authenticity of a real console
Pick one.

>is there some catch I'm missing
Intentionally yes, no native composite encoder and proper shadowmasks just to start giving you a hint of "authenticity". It still beats the RetroTink 5x Pro that has both those things covered but is a laggy mess making a lot of games unplayable.

Wait for the OSSC Pro and PixelFX and see who gets it most right.

>> No.8549434

Why would you want an OSSC Pro over something like a Retrotink 5x?

>> No.8549435

I use one for my led/lcd tv whatever you call it. And i cant complain. It looks good. Everything runs smooth too.

>> No.8549436

retrotink 5x has lag in all modes they refuse to fix because they claim it's beyond human perception

>> No.8549437

No it doesn't. I literally have a lag tester dude.

>> No.8549448

RT 5x Pro has 4ms of added lag in frame-lock mode, which can be applied to any resolution.

The fastest digital displays will add 2-4 times that already. No human is going to be able to notice or react to that, so its a non issue. Are we really going to go there? The OSSC and the GBS-C basically get you the same lag.

>> No.8549525

PC gaming monitors have INPUT lag down to 1ms, OLEDs from LG have around 7ms INPUT lag. Problem is that those, at MINIMUM (that feels like a lot more IRL), 4ms lag the 5x adds to everything is compounded ON TOP of everything else that adds lag! So that 7ms OLED will now have 11ms lag and is definitively starting to get noticeable and close to a full frame and then there also is the fact that a lot of 8bit and 16bit games have inerrant lag in their game engines (some up to 5 frames!) and uneven frame rates, this can and will create a mess that will result in being buffered for modern digital-to-digital sample and hold displays to figure out what the fuck is going adding additional lag upon this whole cluster fuck.

This is why you ALWAYS GO FOR LESS LATENCY no matter how minuscule because it compounds to have a lot bigger repercussions in final perceived round-trip latency. The travesty with the 5x Pro is that's it's a line-doubler and it's completely avoidable but lag ADDED IN because fuck you apparently.

>> No.8549657

When is pro comin?

>> No.8549662

It's design is complete, apparently. It's just being held back because of industry parts shortages.

>> No.8551163

I dont know anything about scaling but vga CRTs are getting harder and harder to find it good condition. do any of these scalers work with 2000ish computers resolution

>> No.8551182

The ossc accepts pretty much any input resolution over vga. You can also run the audio into it to have both over hdmi.

>> No.8551185

>its shit at handling resolution switching,
nah, you might need to change the hdmi tx settings (I forgot the exact setting, there's like 3 of them), but once fixed it'll switch resolutions as fast as your TV does.

>causing dropouts
the only issue it has here is that it does an oddball output resolution that isn't universally supported. Monitors handle it better than TVs. OSSC Pro is supposed to fix this by having a fix resolution and just pasting the screen onto that.

>sorta expensive investment for rgb cables + good component cables and it lacks s video.
oh no I have to spend $10 more on a cable. Big fucking deal. Actually I don't, since the consoles came with rgb scart out of the box over here, so whatever.

>> No.8551187

it happens when a game changes resolutions. And this causes dropouts even on a CRT TV.

>look into it for yourself dummy, i've had one for almost 2 years now and playing some ps1 games is kind of abysmal honestly,
mess around with the HDMI modes, either the one that says TX modes or the one where you can change hdmi mode from HDMI or DVI. Either one or the other fixed the issue for me, it now changes resolutions as fast as if I had my Saturn connected directly to the TV.

>> No.8551223

I got a Retrotink 5x and I've been enjoying it a lot.

>> No.8551292

It's not as simple as that. Everything else being equal- 1ms and 6ms of lag is not noticeable at 60fps

Personally, the biggest game changer I have personally felt has been vrr

>> No.8551315

But very doesn't change variable input lag. Just the frame refresh on the display.

>> No.8552445

>6ms of lag is not noticeable
Why are you people like this?

>> No.8552452

Isn't it more for streamers to give the best quality to their viewers?

>> No.8554925
File: 1.52 MB, 480x360, PC_Engine_CD_commercial.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it really depends on the type of gameplay
even ralphnet adapters add 1-3 frames of delay, 6ms you can technically get away with on most non-ridiculous titles.

however, even my MiSTer setup through a chinese converter only adds 2-3 frames of delay depending on the core (genesis is 2frames)

ANY amount of delay is not ideal.
this issue is especially compounded when people insist on using shit-tier bluetooth controllers from across the room +the shittiest concoomer flat panels that arent geared towards gaming whatsoever.

personally id rather use RF directly over adding a signal chain

>tldr id like to get an hdmi scanline generator but i don't want latency added , any recs???

>> No.8554928

How does the retrotink 5x handle 480p content? Does it have mask settings for 480p games? I've seen it has really great scanline options for 240p but I have seen anyone talk about 480p

>> No.8554930

doesn't the mister have scanline/mask settings built in? There was a recent update that even added slot mask stuff. Why would you need to run it through a converter?

>> No.8555126

play a couple of weeks and you will forget the authenticity of a real console, it is sad but it´s true

>> No.8555162

I don't understand how someone can care about original hardware/copies but then not just avoid all this hassle and just use a CRT. I don't see how it can be a space issue if you have no problem having a bunch of oldschool game consoles hooked up. If space were the issue you'd just emulate, no?

>> No.8555201


>> No.8555395

No there is no catch. Fuck CRTs they're obsolete, literally OSSC + any good LCD display + scanline setting is better than any CRT.

>> No.8555402

forgive me if im retarded but how do i get audio from this thing

theres only inputs for the 3 video component inputs, not the 2 audio inputs?

>> No.8555410

>You get the visual quality of emulation
I get that for free in every single emulator.
>and the authenticity of a real console?
Real consoles are ancient junk. Why would I want that shitty image back?

>> No.8555498

>PC Gaming Monitors have delay down to 1ms
No they don't. The best monitors on the market right have between a 1ms and 2ms black to black response time in some sections of the screen on their fastest overdrive modes which give horrendous ghosting. They are not usable in those modes and simply exist to advertise them as such. Between 4-8ms is what you can expect for a good PC monitor and it's also silicon lottery what your specific panel can do.

>> No.8555906

Are you on crack?

>> No.8555932

I said mask settings, not scanlines. Yes, 480p on a crt still has a distinct visual feel due to the mask and it looks great with shaders on a 4k TV

>> No.8555941

>480p on a crt still has a distinct visual feel due to the mask and it looks great with shaders on a 4k TV

Any examples?

>> No.8555961

I'll try and snap a pic next time I get a chance. But essentially you take any normal CRT shader, take away the scanlines and just display the entire image with the mask still on. It essentially adds the same sort of mild blur/color dithering that a crt would add to a 240p image. It's particularly great at making low res 2d elements (like HUDs/UI's) stand out less, blends them in more with the overall output like what youd be used to on an actual CRT. I'm used to it with shaders on emulators so I was hoping one of these upscalers had the same capability

>> No.8556095

Do you guys on 1080p screens play on line4x or line5x?

>> No.8556197

5x line multiplier for 8bit/16bit home consoles and 4x multiplier for Neo Geo and Arcade cores due to game critical cutoff in 5x.

>> No.8556349

For 240p sources, 5x is pretty much the unanimously agreed best way to play unless you're some autist that freaks out on a 20p overscan split between top and bottom or have some outlier cases of games with weird, out of spec aspect ratios.

>> No.8557864

Why do firebrandx's optimal profiles use 4x then

>> No.8557887

No its not Bob.
I'll use 5x on a per game Basis and it also depends on the display im currently using.

>> No.8557915

>20p overscan

>> No.8557923

>but my favorite youtuber told me so.

>> No.8557936

The math speaks for itself

>> No.8558145

playing on LCDs is not retro

>> No.8558190

>Fuck CRTs they're obsolete, literally OSSC + any good LCD display + scanline setting is better than any CRT.

What's the point in playing original hardware if it looks like it's running in an emulator? Why not just run it in an emulator and use shaders with scanlines to make it look more authentic? Why not just play on a CRT at that point?

You upscaler people are weird. Isn't the point of original hardware to get the accuracy? What's accurate to the 80's or 90's about upscaler boxes that makes original hardware look like emulators but worse?

>> No.8558198
File: 3.06 MB, 500x207, 3DD7A00E9333460EB9A64DBC0828CB4E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8558206

>can't watch an old move in 4k because I have seen it on vs when I was a child.

Technology advances, trying to get the best out of an old system can be fun in itself. Why is that so hard to understand.

>> No.8558207

>You upscaler people are weird. Isn't the point of original hardware to get the accuracy?

Load up dolphin to play gamecube games and watch as you get shader compilation stutter, aspect ratio issues (lol still can't go F-Zero right), sound delay etc. Compared to running a gamecube through an upscaler on your modern TV and having the seamless console experience

>> No.8558230

You shouldnt be using dolphin as an example of bad emulation, it sounds like you havn't tried it since 1998. All those problems have been solved. I

>> No.8558245

I just loaded up Super Monkey Ball in the latest beta build, Vulkan backend, native res, ubershaders on and I'm getting compilation stutter right out the gate. Also still getting the dumb F-Zero aspect ratio bug

>> No.8558249

I have a decade old i5 PC and I have no issues running F-Zero GX upscaled. So this is entirely a (You) issue.

>> No.8558253

I have an RTX 3070 and a 5900x. I think you're either being disingenuous or have low standards

>> No.8558256

Yeah, hes probably using a shitty laptop.

>> No.8558263

Then you should be going to dolphins forums, not complain here. Because you're the only one with problems.

>> No.8558272

>if your standards are to high, it's your problem.
What kind of thinking is that?

>> No.8558278

Because it seems like you dont want actual help, you just want to complain. its okay go ahead and go back to your lovely gamecube, I dont care anymore.

>> No.8558285

Their support forums exist for stupid people like you.

>> No.8558292

>Load up dolphin to play gamecube games and watch as you get shader compilation stutter, aspect ratio issues (lol still can't go F-Zero right), sound delay etc

Yeah I'd rather just stick to my Wii via component for modern TVs and my Gamecube on my CRT. Have fun with your 150$ HDMI adapter that runs the risk if bricking your console.

>> No.8558298

>trying to get the best out of laserdisc instead of buying a DVD player can be fun in itself

Fixed it for you anon

>> No.8558368

I have the retrotink 5x and I'm satisfied with it but if you don't have one now I would just wait for something better to come out as $300 is a lot of money and the shipping time is atrocious
they look just about the same as a CRT with scanline filters except higher resolution. Its pretty good. Not a big difference for ps1 games but it looks great on ps2 and 3 games. for ps3 disable triple buffer.

>> No.8558441

>good lcd

>> No.8558485

Gamecube via digital out is better than wii via component

>> No.8558489

>that runs the risk if bricking your console
One fat retard pulled his gamecube off a ledge and blamed his retrobit, and now other retards regurgitate his blatant lies
For fucks sake

>> No.8558572

The NES is the only 240 console that outputs at 240. 226x5 is 1120 which gives you EXACTLY 20p on headroom on each side. I wish people that didn't know what the fuck they were talking about would not chime in.
Because pixel purists fear the overscan.

>> No.8558681


>> No.8558690

Hasn't been for half a decade. Google it.

>> No.8559369

Take your own advice. GC Video is the best output for GC games right now. Only copium would cause you to believe otherwise.

>> No.8560689

Embarrassingly ignorant post

>> No.8561165
File: 1.36 MB, 2428x787, GameCubePage03 - large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GC Video is the best output for GC games right now
Wow the image is marginally sharper! Epic! It is so worth the 500$ cable guys I swear!

>> No.8561192
File: 551 KB, 2428x787, GameCubePage04 - large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8561492

Retarded and ignorant posts

>> No.8561495

imagine having absolutely no idea of what you're talking about and yet still having such outrageously misplaced confidence in what you say
that's /vr/ in a nutshell I guess

>> No.8561585

>unironically posting an retrorgb as proof
anon you're old time and that page is outdated.

>> No.8561590

Different anon here, but just look at any digital av out device for the gamecube and compare it to the Wii

>> No.8561592

wasn't this for 480p content only?

>> No.8561687

As opposed to...

>> No.8561691


>> No.8561707


>> No.8561710

Why would you output 480i when you could do 480p

>> No.8561713


>> No.8561715

What's wrong with component into a CRT?

>> No.8561719

My OSSC will be here from Ireland Friday boys. Too bad the Naomi isn't ready and my GC already has an eon gchd. Could try the PS2 on the flat screen I guess.

>> No.8561727

nothing, that doesn't mean it displays in 480p which the vast majority of CRT's can not do

>> No.8561776

my life in gaming... fuckin' cringe.

>> No.8561813

Please use Gms to force 480p if possible

>> No.8561871

Does that work with OPL?

>> No.8561957

>eon gchd
Are these new GC video output solutions on par with the overpriced original component cables? I haven't looked into it yet

Forcing 480p with PS2 games is unplayable in almost all cases

>> No.8561969

They're way cheaper than the og cables. As far as I know at their core they're fpga recreations of the chip in those cables.
Eon is probably the most expensive. Does HDMI and component with numerous modes all accessed through using a universial remote. I use mine to output component to a trinitron.
The prism is cheaper but you have to choose whether you want hdmi or component as they are separate products. It's also still preorder.
There's also the carby which is hdmi.

>> No.8561972


There are lists available online,
And there is no harm I trying.
480i looks like ass for the most part with the ossc

>> No.8562082

I can't get the N64 emulator to look as good as my RGB+deblur modded original console + OSSC. Is there a way to set up Firebrandx-tier video quality with Mupen64plus core in retroarch?

>> No.8562117

>The NES is the only 240 console that outputs at 240
Saturn can display 224 or 240 lines (and 256 in PAL), Megadrive can display 240 lines in PAL mode (only like four games used it though, Streets of Rage 1-3 and Strider).

>> No.8562121

>Do you guys on 1080p screens play on line4x or line5x?
My TV can only handle standard input modes so I'm limited to line2x.

With a HDMI to VGA converter I can get line5x but then the framerate will hiccup because it's 59.82 instead of the 60Hz for VGA.

>> No.8562139

>Are these new GC video output solutions on par with the overpriced original component cables? I haven't looked into it yet
Some are, some aren't

>> No.8562141

You people disgust me

>> No.8562142

I usually play on my n64 but im away from home atm. I was surprised to find that i cant get the emulator to look as good as my actual console

>> No.8562179

Source: trust me bro I really do have the means to test

>> No.8562181

Or just plug your console directly into your crt

>> No.8562192

>Forcing 480p with PS2 games is unplayable in almost all cases
Nah, these are the words of an inexperienced, uneducated man.

>> No.8562218

i want a reverse framemeister

>> No.8562220

A meistframer?

>> No.8562224
File: 162 KB, 1024x576, 1632926988989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downscales pigdisgusting 4k digital signals to beautiful 240p analog

>> No.8562307

Is there actually a good option for this?

>> No.8562317


>> No.8562328

doesn't the retrotink 5x downscale to 240p?

>> No.8562335

I don't see any mention of digital to analog capability. Only analog to digital.


>> No.8562337

480i upscale does not look good (but at least it's lag-free)

>> No.8562342

So the downside of the ossc is it's weak handling of 480i. Is there a way of getting good 480i without spending $300 or whatever the ridiculous retrotink 5x price was

>> No.8562343

My bad, it was the GBS-C https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcqskbCWPCs

>> No.8562389

Whatever schizo nemesis story you've concocted for RetroRGB is none of my concern. The page is entirely accurate.
Neat. Wii Dual solved that issue a year earlier using GCVideo.

>> No.8562393

No. Motion-adaptive deinterlacing is required for that and the only two upscalers that do that, to my knowledge, are the 5X and the Framemeister.

>> No.8562412

I should have specified 8/16bit consoles. You're correct here. Technically 224p isn't the universal output for most of those listed consoles, it's just the spec that was given to developers. Games were made out of spec not infrequently, most instances being 8bit consoles rather than 16bit, so it's always a game by game basis. There were also overscan guidelines developers started to utilize where they would refrain from putting pertinent information in the common overscan areas (around what is cut off in 5X mode for 224p consoles) for best user experience with CRTs at the time.

TL;DR: setting and forgetting to 5X for 8bit/16bit consoles is the ezpz solution and shift image alignment in outlier instances.

>> No.8562904

GBS-C has motion adaptive deinterlacing.

>> No.8562927

where can you even buy one of those?

>> No.8562983

>Open Source Lag Inducer
>Retrostink 5Slow
The perfect way to make all your games turn-based.

>> No.8563549

So why does OSSC use 3.5mm jacks for audio? Space savings?

>> No.8564759

I looked into this and apparently it requires soldering. Why can't people just sell them pre built

>> No.8564957

Bump. Can someone help me with this how the fuck do i get audio AGHHHHHH

My monitor has no red white input

>> No.8565238

>resolution switching

>> No.8565653

The WiiDual is no longer in production. Guess why?

>> No.8565663

What are you trying to do?
What sources with what cable?
Does your monitor have speakers, and hdmi?

>> No.8565676

>What are you trying to do?
get audio from my n64 which i hooked up via retrovision component cables to ossc to my monitor hdmi
>Does your monitor have speakers, and hdmi?

>> No.8565691

There's two 3.5mm jacks on the OSSC one for AV1 Out and AV2 in and another for AV3 in. If using component get a rca to 3.5mm adaptor. Plug this into av2in and plug your white and red cable into it. Bam audio over hdmi. Why he didn't make the OSSC big enough for real audio jacks I don't know. The pro will.

>> No.8565712

Do you need a Y cable?

>> No.8565731
File: 1.50 MB, 4000x3000, PXL_20220127_084011171_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OSSC is here, forgot how loud the fan is on the Naomi. Had to take pictures in the dark so you couldn't see my reflection in the black parts. Now I'm just waiting on my netdimm.

>> No.8565746
File: 382 KB, 1079x1678, Screenshot_20220127-094729_Amazon Shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this one

>> No.8565754

Pretty sure you need female rca to 3.5mm Since your component cable is going to be male and the console end is usually proprietary.

>> No.8565764

I don’t have an OSSC but usually if it has a singular audio plug you use these, however it’s not really necessary to plug audio into it but instead have it plug directly into an amp/switcher or speakers or the tv

>> No.8565845

You are right, sorry about the mistake. It was just the first picture in my Google search.

>> No.8566718

What other lie are we gonna try to peddle here?

>> No.8566747
File: 5 KB, 224x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't fucking matter if you use male or female rca, you can just use these if both are male. It's not like USB where direction matters.

>> No.8567350

I mean the guy we were helping couldn't figure out how to get audio into the OSSC. Should probably keep it simple for him.

>> No.8567419

>This is the last pre-order of the WiiDual
good reading comprehension

>> No.8567521

obsessing over lag is a sure sign of autism

>> No.8567725

I want something that can handle
correctly and accepts scart, component and s-video (maybe composite too but it doesn't matter as much)

I don't care about lag, I don't care about line doubling.

What are my options?

>> No.8567992

>OSSC pro will be much better in every way, id wait for that.
just get a retrotink 5x, the OSSC pro will probably be behind the 5x when it comes to features for ages once it actually does come out

>> No.8568042
File: 603 KB, 1832x1031, ccd73c894c257ff67d2fb67c091a85c960baa6b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little late, but here.

>> No.8569209

Retrotink 5X Pro

>> No.8569330

>and it lacks s video.
just like ossc pro will.

>> No.8569630

Why did you put scanlines on a Gamecube game?

>> No.8569685

Because he orders them in batches and sends them off to his board vendor twice a year. It is the last preorder chance FOR THIS BATCH, you bellend.

>> No.8569718

youtube OSSC driver 1, Silent Hill, Dino Crisis etc.

>> No.8569780
File: 7 KB, 640x480, Safe_areas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even for NES, 5x is a good idea. Lots of useless stuff drawn in those outer areas, and a good number of games have awful pop-in

>> No.8570068

Chrono Cross is the most commonly known example, game is 480 and menu is not. But
>>8569718 mentions some others as well. The 5X is the only one that handles it well with Triple Buffer Mode

>> No.8570081

>game is 480 and menu is not
Other way round

>> No.8570101

Shut the fuck up, nerd. Also you're right.

>> No.8570659
File: 60 KB, 1389x1120, loewe scart adapter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do the OSSC and Retrotink look worse when it comes to image compared to a HDTV that has a scart and/or component input?

>> No.8570687

Both are specificly build for retro gaming.
The upscaler in your HDTV is mostly trash at least regarding 240p, as most TV handle the signal the wrong way.
And the second thing is lag as they try to enhance the picture. Even a cheap tink2x will look better. But if you dont mind just try it on your TV and if it's OK for you, you could always upgrade later

>> No.8571150

Is there a way to know wherever your tv handles 240p badly?

>> No.8571221

This is why we don't like Elgato products in our household

>> No.8571647

The lag built in TV encoders adds is usually no more than 5-8 frames and no one is capable of noticing that, so if you have analog inputs on your TV and they work you might as well save a shit ton with just using those and not spending $300+ on a RetroTwink 5x that also adds lag and maybe will look marginally better.

>> No.8571685
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, 62A0AF4D-97CB-4626-8EC3-28A2E7A11244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all might be able to help me here. Am I a blind piece of shit, or does my TV actually handle 480p to 4K somewhat decently in pic related? I’m wanting to get an upscaler of some sort, but I’ve been relatively happy with the image so far. Obviously I can see the jaggies, but it’s THAT bad, is it?

>> No.8571707

>no one will notice 5-8 frames of lag
Don't make your shitposting so obvious next time.

>> No.8571721

Anon, we can't tell you if you like the look of your setup. The MAIN reason people don't recommend using a TV's built in upscaler for component or composite is because of the lag. Most TVs only allow Game Mode (the mode that disables all post-processing crap) on HDMI inputs. If you're fine with the input latency and you like the look, then why fret over it?

>> No.8571863

We've been over this many times now and retro-tech reviewers and the makers of these upscalers all say the same thing, LAG DOES NOT MATTER. You're not gonna sit there and count all the 60 frames a second going "yep dropped 3 frames there and 5 and 8 there!", you're just not gonna notice, no one will.

And most of the people here on /vr/ are born in the 90s and thusly have grown up with CRTs that by that point already had digital image processing like DNR etc adding lag and buffering with no "game modes" being a thing yet, They're not gonna notice any lag, in fact if they play on no-lag setups they might get that "soap-opera" effect and things are just going to fast and feel hard and complete shit.

>> No.8571918

seeing jaggies is not the issue
on a CRT the PS2 is literally razer sharp, you see all the soft lines, that is what is caused by upscaling without a dedicated device

>> No.8572001

>makers of upscalers and their shills say lag doesn't matter
No shit sherlock

>> No.8572759

not him but I people complaining about lag are like the people worried about caps, an overstated issue that really doesn't do much on average, I have played enough games on HDTV without having any problem with input time (with the internal tv upscaler). I completed for instance the Parappa and Lammy games

>> No.8572792

You still have to pay for the consoles/flashcarts/cables/mods/games and it won't make PS2 look as good as on CRT/HDCRT.

>> No.8573230

what works best for simply displaying 240p the best (lag or not) that isnt a CRT?

>> No.8573584

Too obvious
There's a difference between 5-8 ms of lag (unnoticeable) and 5-8 frames of lag (83ms to 133ms). You're being just as fucking stupid as the baiter you're replying to.

>> No.8575409

White people confuse me.

>> No.8575546

>White people confuse me.
Yes having disposable income to buy upscalers and other things with must be quite unknown to those of higher melanin levels. I suppose they could relate to it in the context of buying special edition sneaks to impress their homies with but I'm sure they used their rent money for that.

>> No.8575596

I admit defeat, kek.

>> No.8575704

If it looks good to you then don't worry. It depends on your intent as well I think. I invested in the equipment in order to use any display hassle-free.

>> No.8575731

>Yes having disposable income to buy upscalers
Not nigger anon but I just don't personally understand the point. If the goal is to make games look crisp like it's running in an emulator, at that point build an emulation PC for like 200$-300$ for the money these cost instead. If the goal is SOVL, then original hardware on a CRT. These upscaler boxes fit in a really weird place for me personally.

>> No.8575741

Missing about $2,500 of vintage hardware, mods for said hardware, scart and YUV cables, splitters, amplifiers, and capture cards. Oh, and 480i looks like bouncy dogshit, but it's lagless at least. OSSC is a fantastic device, I'm not shitting on it — but if you wanted a catch, then there's your catch.

>> No.8575782

Component cables for Gamecube default to 480i, you have to activate progressive scan to get 480p. In case I didn't make myself clear: You can do 480i with the component cables, same as S-video and composite.

>> No.8575852

I'm not the usual case but I bought mine so I could get arcade vga signal on a TV. It was the easiest solution since vga is plug and play with the OSSC. Otherwise I would be limited to monitors which would be annoying for a consolized arcade setup. Also the OSSC can do scanlines.

>> No.8575863

I guess that is understandable. Or using it for Dreamcast if you're one of the lucky few to have a VGA cable for it. Now that I think about it, is there any other upscaler that does VGA or is it only the OSSC?

>> No.8575914

I know, where did I say it didn't
I said most CRT's don't do 480p, not component
the two aren't mutually exclusie

>> No.8575952

Nigger anon here back after my crushing defeat initially but >>8575731 more or less sums up what I'm getting at. It's weird and too much effort just to play some 30 year old consoles that you can easily do with a few clicks. You could even just get a clone console if you really need to use your original carts. It is also the same type of balding, 40 something year old white person who are making these and buying all of these upscalers and triple shielded gold plated wires. Too much effort.

I'm honestly pretty satisfied just having my Toshiba 14AF42 that can do component and compsite pretty well. It just werks.

>> No.8575982

Well your English is fucking garbage, so not my fault.