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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8546618 No.8546618 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start.

>> No.8546632

Agree with Crash, 1 is easily the best.
Also Sly Cooper 1 is the only good one.

>> No.8546637

ratchet and clank

>> No.8546638


>> No.8546652

Yep, both games avoided having too much bloat.

>> No.8546654

panzer dragoon

>> No.8546667

My only gripe with the first game is that the music is all in Mono rather than Stereo. I hope David Bergeaud releases the full soundtrack with full stereo.

>> No.8546694

Crash 2 beats Crash 1, cope

>> No.8546713


>> No.8546732

>play Crash 1
>mostly enjoy it, simple but pure platformer
>play Crash 2
>levels force you to do braindead combat sequences
I sleep.

>> No.8546734

I think Crash 2 is superior, but I do enjoy Crash 1 more, it feels more like a classic 2D platformer adapted to 3D, with simpler mechanics and gameplay that I personally enjoy more, also, while I do like the warp room, I feel that the map in Crash 1 gives it a more adventure feel.

With Sonic 2, I feel the same, it improved on just about everything established in the original, and I find it to be the better title by quite a bit, but I like Sonic 1 more, still I do admit that in this case is mostly because I grew up with the original, and not the 2nd one, so it's nostalgia.

>> No.8546736

get good faggot

>> No.8546751

Crash 1's level design is fun but for it to be better, 2's would need to be worse.
t. 100%'d Crash 1.

>> No.8546785

Silent Hill
Resident Evil

>> No.8546787

I commend Crash 1 for its interesting level design, Crash 2 heavily improved his controls in every way possible, along with some Quality of Life updates that makes the game superior to it's predecessor. Crash 1 is still a great game, though.

>> No.8546843

I just get bored of Crash 2. It's too easy and there's too much fat.

>> No.8546852

>and there's too much fat
Yes, in Coco's ass.

>> No.8546857
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I know nobody here played it, but it was funny how fast the series went down hill.

>> No.8547217

>levels force you to do braindead combat sequences
Literally never happens outside of boss fights, and Crash 1 had those too.

>> No.8547229

Played it. Preordered it only for Urushihara designs which was really the only bright spot wrt the series anyway. Next?

>> No.8547243

I played the first 4 crash games a couple years ago and they were pretty much identical and I couldn't tell you a single thing different about them. They all blur together as one game to me

>> No.8547302

Why was Crash so lanky in the first game? I actually liked that model better than the one he had in 2 and 3. Looked a little more like an irl bandicoot.

>> No.8547316
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Thief. Although some of the extra levels in Gold are fucking abysmal.

>> No.8547467
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>> No.8548142

yeah first game is great, but i rarely hear people mention the second game
warped is always the "good" sequel

>> No.8548210


Crash 1 is unplayable.

>> No.8548223

Parasite Eve

>> No.8548229

way more people prefer 1 to 2 instead of the other way around. I prefer 2 but in Thief's case it's really a matter of personal taste. Both extremely good games

>> No.8548271
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Most people prefer 2, zoomers prefer 3, but the first one is a masterpiece.

yes but the pendulum is shifting back to HL1 being the best again in recent years.

>> No.8548285

Its honestly so hard to pick the better one. Theyre both great for different reasons. I love HL1 for its memorable chapters and the feeling of isolation, and I love HL2 for its pacing and grandness.

HL1 has unbeatable bhopping tho.

>> No.8548286

Mega Man. The first game is shorter, but the stages feel more tight than the second one.
Never enjoyed MM2, out of all the MM games I think it is one of the weakest.
People only like MM2 because of Wily Stage 1 theme, literally.

>> No.8548306

>Also Sly Cooper 1 is the only good one.
isn't that common consensus though? The 2nd and 3rd are horrible and gimmicky, which is what happens to literally every scotformer

>> No.8548310

This thread is the only time I've seen /vr/ be collectively correct

>> No.8548348

Doom 1 had better level layouts but the monsters and ssg doom 2 brought to the table definitely put 2 over 1.
Agree completely on level design.
t. Beat both recently on Pistol start uv (not a huge accomplishment but I got a good feel for both through it)

>> No.8548415

>isn't that common consensus though? The 2nd and 3rd are horrible and gimmicky, which is what happens to literally every scotformer
sounds far more like "i don't like the direction the game took" than "the other games are legit bad"

nothing against your preferences, crash 1 aged surprisingly well (besides the awful save system), but by the way you describe the sequel it sounds like you are confusing 2 with 3

where the hell does that happen? pretty much every time the original trilogy is mentioned warped is at the bottom thanks to the excessive gimmick levels and 2 ends up being praised as the best out of the bunch

>> No.8548432

2 and 3 are not challenging at all. So yes I guess I don't like the direction the games took

>> No.8548450

Yeah, i do see your point. I still enjoyed 2 and 3 (haven't touched 4 and honestly i don't really plan to) but its certainly a different kind of entertainment they were going for.
I wonder how the series would have turned out if they kept going with the first game's style though.

>> No.8548462

>excessive gimmick levels
wouldn't that be more in line for Wrath Of Cortex?
sure 3 had gimmick levels, but i wouldn't call it an excessive amount

>> No.8548479
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A tight game with a well thought out idea (recruiting soldiers from all walks of life to overcome a single goal), multiple battle styles that are all unique and fun to do, with a basic well written story about overcoming a evil empire. Doesn't setup 50 million plots that never go anywhere. No Two River, No Tinto, No Greenhill.

Suikoden II just gets all the praise because mememan Luca.

>> No.8548483

Both were like that, WoC just ends up being worse since the gimmicks end up being crappier (if not a downgrade of already existing ones like the water levels and that godawful submarine). I remember the gyrosphere levels being somehow tolerable though, or maybe i'm confusing them with the n.tranced version of those (which curiously is the only time crunch is playable in a regular crash game).

>> No.8548495
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>> No.8548510

4's pretty good actually. I haven't played it since it came out but I remember liking it. It's focused more on the platforming of the original and they added in a bunch of new abilities for Sly, kinda like how Mario gets powerups. \
It doesn't really have the soul of the originals since it wasn't developed by Suckerpunch though

>> No.8548517

>Also Sly Cooper 1 is the only good one.
2 gives a huge amount of detail and soul to the games. The interactions between the gang members were very good and fleshed their character out. The moment where you are with bentley alone, the presentation everytime before the last big story mission of a chapter, many distinct levels.
1 was just a typical linear 3d plattformer, while the others had small hubworlds you could explore.

>> No.8548529

well i might give it a go sometime then, i really miss that franchise.

>It doesn't really have the soul of the originals since it wasn't developed by Suckerpunch though
Yeah, the story really showcases that side of things (as much as the idea of visiting multiple members of the cooper clan is absolutely amazing). Like it never was super deep, but they really managed to make an enjoyable setup with 1 and expand that even further in 2 and 3 in that regard.

>> No.8548534

>the others had small hubworlds you could explore.
Are you forgetting the small hubworlds in Sly 1?

>> No.8548724

actually yes, because they were that much forgettable. I mean weren't they mostly just
>walk to level entrance
while in 2,3 you had the whole level to explore, steal stuff to get powerups, explore and find the bottles.
Dunno anon I really just like the others more

>> No.8549093

I never understood what was the big deal about Silent Hill 2 myself either. It was just a shinier and prettier version of the first game and the whole "he actually killed his wife" twist wasn't that interesting, yet all the western-made sequels tend to draw more from SH2 than from the other games in the series.

>> No.8549220


We Love Katamari.

>> No.8549303

Based. I love the fact that in crash 1 you gottta complete the whole stage without using checkpoints in order for the destroyed boxes to count. on of the few games that are actually fun to 100%.

>> No.8549864
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I'd probably put TDP above 2 since the only Gold level that's good is Song of the Caverns, but really both games are on-par with each other. TDP is definitely more consistent though since 2 starts going downhill after Life of the Party, even if everything up to then is great like Blackmail and First City Bank and Trust.
I like 2 a bit more since I love the gravity gun a ton, but if given the option to replay one of them, I'd definitely go 1 since it's just more fun to play most of the time. The best Half-Life game is Episode 2.

>> No.8549879

>yes but the pendulum is shifting back to HL1 being the best again in recen
There is no "pendulum" shifting to and from things others would make you like. There is only your own impression. Own it.

>> No.8549890

HL2 is a mystical experience. The only other game that comes close to that type of experience is Chrono Trigger. It's the Michaelangelo's Pieta of video games.

>> No.8549926

> There is only your own impression
If that was true, I would miss out on some great games because on my first impression I have failed to understand was is so good about it, like Demon's souls, Morrowind and Alien Soldier. People kept pushing me over the years and I'm pleased to say their opinion was right and mine was wrong on the matter. I think it's important to question yourself from time to time on your feelings towards something, if for no other reason, then to understand more deeply what you like about the thing that you like.
Mate, what the FUCK are you talking about?

>> No.8550078

Luckily I don't have the same problem

>some zoomer talk
Read more and you'll understand, kid.

>> No.8550270
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>> No.8551525

lmao. no

>> No.8551536

Even if you somehow like it better than 2, no way did Mega Man peak with the original.

I'd say Vandal Hearts 1 is a lot better than 2 and definitely better than 3.

I also think Battle Arena Toshinden got progressively worse.

>> No.8551541

Tawna > Coco

I rarely see anyone praise the second Shenmue as much as the first one.

>> No.8551545
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>> No.8551551

Controversial as it may be but I prefer Donkey Kong Country 1 over the sequels. DKC2 is theoretically the better game but it doesn't replicate the zen atmosphere of the first. Playing 1 is like meditation while playing 2 makes my palms sweat.

>> No.8551658

Because no one played the second one, it didn't come out on Dreamcast in the US and Xbox players were more into Halo and Madden.

>> No.8552197

Based Crash 1 chads

>> No.8553583

Kingdom Hearts
Devil May Cry
Jak & Daxter

>> No.8553595
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>sonic 1
Umm actually, sonic 1 is fucking garbage.

>> No.8553598

Filtered by marble zone yet again

>> No.8553621

Not just marble zone, but labyrinth zone as well!

>> No.8553651

I appreciate your honesty

>> No.8553676

Thank you I’m no lying bastard.

>> No.8553831

This might be the worst opinion I’ve ever seen /vr/