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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8538456 No.8538456 [Reply] [Original]

what happened, bros?

>> No.8538468


>> No.8538484 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 474x213, onishima3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit sequel to the actually good Jet Grind Radio could've contributed to it.

>> No.8538486

They just didn't seem to understand

>> No.8538528

Extreme sports without a tie to a real-world sport or athlete.
Joe Halo didn’t care about tagging.
3D action game with stylized art and no guns or cute character.
Failure to market it to people into American street culture or hiphop.
Electronic music was still niche in America at the time.
I love the series but it was always destined for niche appeal.

>> No.8538579

I loved playing this game on my Xbox Portable back then.

>> No.8538597

weird sequel/remake hybrid of a game that came out barely a year earlier
worse than grind in basically every way
no advertising

>> No.8538752
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>No marketing
>Sega was dead
>Nobody had an Xbox in Japan
>Xbox patrons in the US didn't care about weeb shit, and only wanted regular white kid nerd stuff

Totally mishandled.

>> No.8539019
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Sega and failure are a natural match.

>> No.8539082

I didn't know it failed. This was the first game I played on Xbox.

>> No.8539096

This. But you missed up the name. Its Jet Set Radio.

>> No.8539118

It was a pack in game.
The original is mediocre. Go play parappa.

>> No.8539124

No one who played jsr back in the day would ever post this.

>> No.8539134


>> No.8539135

They just did.

>> No.8539153
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Failed in Japan because no one there cared about Xbox. Failed everywhere else because Xbox players didn't care about JSR. It would've been a decent success on GameCube, I'm absolutely sure.

>> No.8539172

it's just the kind of quirky trippy and exuberant game that generally can only succeed in Japan. I think it was kinda like Parappa in a way—very quirky and tied to music / style. Parappa sold great in Japan, but barely sold in the West.

>> No.8539292

should've been on ps2 and it would've been a sure hit, sega made another dumb decision.

>> No.8539507

The game had a great soundtrack

>> No.8539520

Why didn't japan care about xbox?

>> No.8539550

Because Japan only cares about homegrown developers, when it comes to both consoles and videogames. For them, Xbox was a weird humongous coffin of a console with weird gaijin games and a hazy future.

>> No.8539589

Bas game

>> No.8539604

But the Xbox was the easiest console to develop for, and that's good for the local indie devs. Plus it's got some great Japanese games.

>> No.8539642

it's just a worse tony hawk with a lame spray paint gimmick. it's a wonder how anyone cared about it in the first place.

>> No.8539646
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>Leaving the pricetag stickers on to humble brag

>> No.8539649

Post yourself with a dreamcast from 2000 or be known for the zoomer you are.

>> No.8539668

Would it have succeeded (in Japan) on PS2?

>> No.8539682

It has great Japanese games because Microsoft was trying hard to market to the Japanese market

>> No.8539694 [DELETED] 

>regular white kid nerd stuff
since when were spics white kid nerds?

>> No.8539695

Are you the anon who shared a copy of Magic Knight Rayearth?

>> No.8540370

It was a console bundle
One Christmas they had the double sided JSRF and sega driving game.

>> No.8540376

It was borring

>> No.8540389

Most people played JSRF through that combined JSRF/Sega GT pack-in disc, not separately.
So it itself didn't make any large amounts of money for Sega.

>> No.8540404

thats americans problems

>> No.8540434 [DELETED] 

It was borring and gay.
Its like gta but you cant do anything cool.
>Huurrpp deeerrrrpp. I spray painted on a wall. Im on roller blades dude.

>> No.8540447 [DELETED] 

You need to be 18 to post on 4chan. Go back.

>> No.8540779

This. At least with the Dreamcast game, there was some semblance of challenge due to the time limit and overall arcade-y design of the game. Not so with Future, though.

>> No.8540929

Jet Set Radio and JSRF are legitimate art piece games. Stuff like that is hard to advertise. Just see the failure of Ico. Just like plenty of other stuff it seems like it was always designed to be a cult classic
Yeah Future's open world and its level design really aren't as good as JSR. The original game's design is just plain better and more fun to master.

>> No.8540976
File: 705 KB, 483x609, reseal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had De La
Got the EU manual around somewhere but can't be assed to find it. Don't have JSRF solo either but I don't really care, JSR is my favorite game and JSRF is a 7/10 at best

>> No.8542602

>Japan typically only cares about homegrwon developers
What about Home Computer stuff?

>> No.8542614

>gets his comment deleted for not liking a game that isn't perfect
literally 1948

>> No.8542620
File: 2.62 MB, 2016x1512, Wrapped_in_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one is still new and unopened, so I got that double pack used for the same price to play JSRF.

I kept a lot of games from the bargain bins then. I did lend it to a friend at one time.

De La just pretty much is my method to play the US stages. I like both of the games for their style and music. Despite the dislike for Sega games around, I'm actually a fan.

>> No.8545015

It would have been great for the GameCube. Still, there are issues.

>> No.8545030

i will forever maintain that jsrf is heavily overrated as a cool hidden gem game and nobody feels comfortable talking about the negatives. it's like people talk about the idea of the game more than they actually address minute to minute gameplay and how lacking it can be

>> No.8545056

>it's like people talk about the idea of the game more than they actually address minute to minute gameplay and how lacking it can be

You hit the nail on the head for this entire fucking site. People don't even play games on 4chan, or they play them for little tiny bits then base that small amount of time on their entire way they feel about something.

>> No.8545080

I've finished JSR a few times but never JSRF. It's too big and easy to get lost in, they didn't retard-proof it enough for me.

>> No.8545105

it's almost like all Sega exclusives on Xbox.
(Otogi, Crazy Taxi, ToeJam&Earl, Gun Valkyrie, Shenmue, Panzer Dragoon, Sega GT).

They were unsuccessful on Xbox.
Sega's conclusion:
> "people don't want his licenses anymore"
when the truth is:
>"Sega's audience went to PS2"

>> No.8545109

or maybe "none of these games were that big of a deal in general to the average consumer, maybe they should have been making games that would sell better"

>> No.8545142

Because of the shear around of shit games that came flooding out of north america and europe back in the 80s/90s and problems that plagued the japanese version of windows95. Yoge stigma, microsoft hate and xenophobia doomed the whole xboxbrand. Japs threatened to not develop for it, if microsoft released a keyboard/mouse for it. Remember all those early pc fps titles you wanted to use a keyboard/mouse and couldn't? Blame japan.

>> No.8545154
File: 84 KB, 884x653, 2189A5D9-2EA2-410B-9A24-E697C41012CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They really wanted Xbox to become the next Dreamcast due to the Windows connection.

>> No.8545169

Yeah, more Sonic, forever, until the collapse of civilization.

>> No.8545181

>>"Sega's audience went to PS2"
not true, most life-long sega fans went to xbox as a big middle finger to sony for killing sega and because xbox got the best sega games of 6th gen like outrun 2 and smilebit games. hell i bet more sega fans moved over to gamecube especially the sanic team fans as well. what did ps2 have to offer? a shitty 3d shinobi game? a new virtua fighter that wasnt as good as 3? the ps2 was shit if you wanted to play sega games.

>> No.8545184

>the ps2 was shit if you wanted to play sega games.
yes, which is why sega should have swallowed their pride and went all in on ps2. their audience moved even if it meant abandoning sega. sorry to break it to you

>> No.8545185

sad but true

>> No.8545524


>> No.8545543

jsr: time attack arcade game where you have to strategize what tags to hit when to evade the fuzz while styling on the world
jsrf: 3d platformer on skates in awkward open world

>> No.8545546

Lacus from Gundam Sneed

>> No.8545572

going to the worst hardware of the era wasn't sega's style. xbox made the most sense as it btfo'd the others in terms of specs and was a good basis for a sega arcade system.

>> No.8545578

yeah but it's still retarded because sega should have known sony had all the momentum in the world behind them, were completely accepted in both japan and the west, and weren't a newcomer

>> No.8547641

A lot of the fans were likely in Japan, where the Xbox never really took off.

>> No.8547884
File: 27 KB, 750x728, 1587581536214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that JSR with gum replacing beat on the cover? i need to pick up a copy asap damn
>you can see her ass on the manual

>> No.8547891

Gamecube would have been an even bigger failure plus it was weaker hardware.

>> No.8547893
File: 53 KB, 320x318, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>success on the console that was by nintendos standards a massive failure

>> No.8547894

that's de la jet set radio, it's the european version that has all the music and the extra stages from the US version re-released for japan because the initial release was fairly buggy and lacked the US stages, was only sold on sega's online store in japan iirc

>> No.8547895

that's de la. as said before it's basically a japanese disc which has everything notable from the international versions of the game
the original japanese version was odd in many ways as it had plenty of unique elements (character recruitment order and minigames, character designs, no USA levels, the best song in the entire game dunny boy williamson show the best song in the game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDCjzq4mBzI ) that were not included in later releases of the game

>> No.8547901

i havent looked into jsr in a really long time, knew de la existed but forgot all these differences and that kino tier gum boxart, thats amazing. Will prioritize picking that one up asap, i still havent obtained jsr for my dreamcast yet either.

>> No.8547903

>the best song in the entire game dunny boy williamson show
my nigga, i could swear it's included in de la jsr though

>> No.8547908

It was a shit game with shit gameplay, even JSR on the Dreamcast. A style over substance clusterfuck that appealed to edgy little kids who fell in love with the idea of defacing public property but couldn't do it in real life because mommy would get mad so they had to use some pain in the ass game as a substitute.

>> No.8547909

i haven't actually played de la but from everything i've heard, it doesn't include dunny boy williamson show. i think in jsr it only appears right at the beginning of the second shibuya level and nowhere else again outside of your standard loop during challenge stage

>> No.8547913

git gud

>> No.8547914

gave the song a listen, it FITS jsr fucking perfectly, how this wasnt included beyond that release is a mystery to me, hell this even fits with JSRF.

>> No.8547919

logically it must have been some sample that ended up having rights issues and sega just told them to cut it to save the headache. all the other excellent deavid soul songs remained

>> No.8547926

At what, being an edgy little dumbfuck kid who likes bad games?
No thanks.
/vr/ should be 8/16bit games only. At least people knew that most bad games of that generation were actually bad.

>> No.8547928

if it was a shit game i don't think it would be possible for me to love it as much as i do. theory annihilated

>> No.8547930

kys you try too hard

>> No.8547937

i would assume it's an issue with samples they couldn't get the clearance for or something, they're more relaxed about that in japanese copyright law so they cut it for the international releases
ah yes, the colorful games about rollerskating and art, so edgy
oh lmao i read your original post and you really do think graffiti is 'edgy' lmao

>> No.8547942

You've been brainwashed by companies that viral marketed these games to you and paid off reviewers that were told to say they were good.
Graffiti is edgy. A bunch of self-important pricks defacing public property with their ugly fucking spraypaint trash all in pretty much exactly the same "style".
Holy fuck, kids get mad when you tell them how obviously fucked up their shit generation is.

>> No.8547948

i hate to sound like a lefty, but unironically you need to get outside with that attitude. To be this irrationally buttmad over videogame preferences, and on the more chill board at that, shows you really spend too much time on the internet.
Also jet set radio doesnt even endorse graffiti or this culture for that matter, 2nd game even starts with a disclaimer of the difference between graffiti as an art form and niggers vandalizing.
As the others said, git gud.

>> No.8547951

JSRF is both great and lacking at the same time, they could have done a lot better in the content department with the structure they had, but no, off you go on a stupid race holding a ball then crash against robots like wtf whas that.

>> No.8547953

The story in JSRF is weirdly disjointed and nonsensical, it makes the original game feel like a complete and well-formed narrative by comparison

>> No.8547957

deeply flawed, yet solid sequel.
>play the game for the first time in probably a decade over cxbx 2 years ago when it finally became playable
>race against the niggasharks in the sewer
>one of them gets stuck in a wall
>another gets stuck in the area were you have to grind in the loops and cant climb the stairs
>last one was the only enemy that i defeated legitimately
game was buggy as hell.

>> No.8547961

You're the one mad that your nostalgia is a bunch of trash games. Maybe you should go outside. Or at the very least, try playing good games from a generation of games that cared about gameplay and controls and fun more than stupid fucking gimmicks (8/early 16bit).
Doesn't matter that it's not "endorsed", you really think kids care when they see their dream of vandalizing public property play out in a videogame regardless of how shit it is?
Holy fuck, kid. Seriously, stop playing games released after about 1993 or so for a few years and play some of the actual best games in the history of gaming. Maybe you'll realize how fucking goddamn awful more modern shit is and we might actually get this shitty modern gaming bullshit to collapse and bring back actual, fun games.

>> No.8547967

it controls like you have roller skates and momentum is important so when you figure out how to manipulate those and get into the flow it becomes easier to gain skill

>> No.8547968
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>from a generation of games that cared about gameplay and controls and fun more than stupid fucking gimmicks
>the generation that named their consoles after their fucking bit capabilities
>the generation that could only exclusively rely on specific gimmicks like brutal difficulty to justify the price
No, i don't think i will. In fact, just to spite your dumbass, i'm going to make sure to help zoomers obtain modded sixth gen consoles, just so they can relive their childhood nostalgias, AND play 8/16bit era emulation on their xbo originals. Die faggot.

>> No.8547971

also about the last retarded thing you said
>more modern shit is and we might actually get this shitty modern gaming bullshit to collapse and bring back actual, fun games
>implying playing out of print 20 year old games has an effect on the modern industry
how can one man be this unironically retarded?